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Dr. RK & Dr. Jyothi Inputs

 Preparing Blue Book for PTV/WhatsApp Group

 Complete knowledge of SSR for all the stake holders
 Display of Vision & Mission in all prominent places
 Vision and Mission of ACU – to be well-versed with all stake holders
 Names for each block/ Building in the ACU premises named after some eminent
 Naming each sport complex (Basket Ball, Tennis, etc)
 Functional ACU souvenir shop (Near BGSIT Library)
 Interaction with Teaching and Non-Teaching at least 3 times – MOCK/Quiz
(Awareness on all policies, frequency of syllabus revision, Pay Scale, Welfare
measures, FDPs etc.)
 Financial support to faculties
 Seed money with policy
 Maintenance policy
 List of programmes having internship
 Checklist for infrastructure with respective in charges – Physical appearance
 Student Scholarship, Career development, Sports medals details
 DHI Updated data– one Student and faculty details – Case Study
 IQAC Minutes and constituent details
 Display of POs in all class room for respective programme
 Bar diagram/ Pi chart of activities
 Details of value added courses
 Maintenance of Log Book for ETP, STP, Biogas and all such central facilities and
creating Video (1-2 minutes) with commentary and captions of particular
 Videos of beneficiaries of adopted villages/School Authorities/Underwent
Surgery/Patients/Medical Camps/NSS Camps…etc (1-2 minutes)
 Regarding University Scholarships with process
 Hostel in charges – Hygiene, Quality food, Proper documentation, etc
 Log book for complaint/suggestion box and labelling – frequency of opening and
 Discuss CCM meeting regarding
 Placement process
 Proper Signage’s and Display
 Syllabus/ QLM Booklets
 Save energy/Save water/Save electricity – Boards at appropriate places and
 Directions Board in appropriate places (outdoor & Indoor)
 QR Codes for plants kept in corridor
 NAAC Vision and Mission board to be removed

Important things to follow

 One point of contact and command – Dr. B. Ramesh
 Identify spots and SPOC who ca brief about that particular facilities (Script and
vetted) – Dr. Bharathi DR, Dr. BN. Shobha
 WhatsApp group for PTV -
 Students and Alumni interaction
 Don’t signed any documents without higher authority permission during PTV
 Examination section and evaluation process
 VC, Registrar, IQAC, Principal, Criterion PPT with template

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