Dil B Part 1

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Adverse – menfi cetin (difficult)

2. Artificial-suni (not natural)
3. Consist of- ibaret olmag (to be made up of)
4. Consume-udmag(yemek) eat smth
5. Identical-eyni (same as smthng else)
6. Optimal-(best possible)
7. Controversy-mubahise (public discussion)
8. Significiant-ehemiyetli (important)
9. Substantial-ehemiyetli (very large and important)
10.Superfluous-heddinden artiq (more than)
11.Figure-dusunmek veya texmin elemek (to think)
12.Serve one well-kimese ustunluk vermek (to be adventage smone)
13.Particular-xususi (specific person)
14.Peers-hem yasid (same aged)
15.Log-yazili qeyd saxlamag (to keep written record)
16.Commute-ise gedis (from home to work)
17.Stand out-ferqlenmek (easily noticed or seen)
18.Dare-cesaret etmek (to be brave)
20.Rigorous-ciddi (strict)
21.Certified- sertifikatli (oficcally approved)
22.Contaminate –cirklendirmek (make smth dirty)
23.Dispute-munaqise (disagreement)
25.Contradictory- ziddiyetli (opposite)
26.So called- qondarma yalan (used to show word not true)
27.Reconnect- yeniden baglanmag (discover relationship again)
28.Challenge-devet cagiris (invite smone engage)
29.Eliminate-yox elemek (remove)
30.Encourage –heveslendirmek (give support)
31.Biased-guclu hiss (strong feeling)
32.Alter-deyisdirmek (change in character)
33.Hurdle-maneye (problem)
34.Trait-xusuiyet (belonging to person)
35.Ultimate-son (end of process)
36.Commodity-emtee (raw material)
37.Ethics-etika (persons behavior)
38.Seedless-toxumsuz (fruit has no seeds)
39.Underfeed-yetersz qidalanma (not give enough food)
40.Debate- muzakire (formal discussion)
41.Contribute-tohve vermek (provide smth)
42.Currently-hal hazirda (present time)
43.Milestone- yolun qragi das (stone in the road)
44.Modify-deyisdirmek (changes smth)
45.Link-elaqe (relionship between two things)
46.Sink in-basa dusmek (understood)
47.Source- menbe
48.Stable-stabil (overturn)
49.Primarily-esas (mainly for the most part)
50.Shift-yer deyisme (move from another)

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