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MAY, 2021
This is to certify that this project entitled the assessment of the rate of use and misuse of
narcotic analgesic drug was carried out by ABUBAKAR MOHAMMED NDAGI
(PT/18/018) and has been read and approved as meeting partial requirement for the award
of national and certified certificate in pharmacy technician department

I hereby certify that this is an original research carried out and written by ABUBAKAR
MOHAMMED NDAGI (PT/18/018) in department of Pharmacy Technician for the
award of National Diploma in Pharmacy Technician. It has been read and certified by the
following personalities

………………. ……...……………
Pharm M. Adam Date
Project supervisor

…………..……….. …………………...
Head of department Date

………………………. ………………

Mr Idris Abdullahi Shaaba

Project Co-Ordinator

02 121 . 20 . 1


04 / 12/2021




This project work is specifically dedicated to Almighty Allah, the alpha and
omega, omniscience, omnipotent, the giver and taker of life the unchangeable changer. I
give you all the glory honors, praise and adoration.

These research work is also dedicated to my beloved parents for the continuous
and collective support both in cash and kindness in the course of my academic pursuit

I wish to express my profound and sincere gratitude to Almighty Allah for his kindness
and devine love in spearing my live throughout the programme. My special gratitude
goes to my noble and able supervisor in person of Pharm M. Adam who devoled his time
to read through the manuscripts for necessary corrections

I also direct my sincere appreciation to my lecturers of the department Mr

Abdulkadir Ahmed and Mr M. Adam (school provost), Mallam Ahmed Danjuma Issa,
Mr Gana, Mr Aliyu Issa and those who are not mentioned. I pray that Almighty Allah
will continue to bless them all.

My special and gratitude also goes to my parents in person of Alhaji

Mohammed Madiu, Late Sheikh Mohammed Abubakar Eggan and mother Mallama
Fatima (Gogo). May the soul of my father continue to rest in perfect peace (RIP), and my
appreciation goes to my brother and sisters for their support both financially moral and
spiritually. I pray that, may Almighty Allah be with them all, and they shall reap what
they had saw (Amen)

To crown it all I wish to show my appreciation to my colleagues who are labored together
during this P.T programme all in the interest of our collectives success

Drug abuse in Nigeria in the contemporary time has become one issue that cast a
gloomy shadow to the entire Nigeria society especially among the youth. The height of
drug trafficking in Nigeria was witnessed in 1985 under the military regime. During this
period, it was mostly teenager that were caught and the first to be executed for drug
offences under the special tribunal (miscellaneous offences) decree NO.20 of 1984.

Cover page

Blank page Title page


Approval page

Acknowledgement Abstract


1.1 Background of study

1.2 Statement of the problem

1.3 Objectives of the study

1.4 Research questions

1.5 Research hypothesis

1.6 Significance of the study

1.7 Slope and delimitation of the study

1.8 Definition of operational terms


2.1 Review of related literature


3.1 Research design

3.2 Population of the study

3.3 Samples and sampling procedures

3.4 Instrument for data collection

3.5 Procedure for data collection

3.6 Method for data analysis


1.1 Presentation and interpretation result


1.1 Summary

1.2 Discussion

1.3 Conclusion

1.4 Recommendation





There are many factors that affect physical. Mental and social will be of the people
in Nigeria especially youth. Drug is one of the factors which constitute danger to the
health of the people in the nation and the society at large especially the youth in Patigi
touring in Patigi local government area of Kwara state.

The excessive mul-adoptive or addict use of drug for non medical purpose deposit
social. Physical and psychological problem that may arise from such use abuse substance
include such agent as anabolic steroid. Which are used by some athletic to accelerate
muscular development and increase strength and which can cause heart diseases. Liver
damage and other physical problem psychotropic agent.

Substance that affect the use mental state of mood. (Wikipedia the free
encyclopedia) define drug as any substance which may have medicinal, intoxicating
performance enhancing or other effect when take it.

And also according to (Acuda 2005) define drug as any substance or mixture
either liquid from which used in diagnosis treatment or prevention of symptoms in man
and animal.

 Abuse: it refer to as misused or abnormal use

 According to the normal way adopting same quality of drug of by the take that
some degree of pharmacological effect.
 Tolerance dependence: this is a adopting state characterized by respondent to the
same quality of drug or by face that some degree of pharmacological effect

Physical dependence: it is state in which the body is adapted to the drug suspended or
reduced the victims will start to the having abnormality may tend not to talk any one
with syndrome. Abuse substance includes such agent as anabolic steroid. Which are
use by some athletic to accelerate muscular development and increase strength and
which can cause hearty diseases. Live damage and other physical psychological
problem and also psychotropic agent or substance of drugs which affects the user
mental status, mood, feeling and perception.

Auda S.W (1987) define drug as any chemical substance that when introduce to the
living organism it will bring about certain function and sometimes changes in that
organism position or medicament and also Insi and Ruth (1982) define drug as any
chemical substance or mixture either in liquid or solid from which is use in diagnosis
treatment prevention of symptom in man and animals. It is also any chemical substance
that affects the body chemistry.

Drug abuse in the excessive mal-adoptive or also define as a state emotional and
sometimes physical characterized by addiction to take drugs on a constant basis in order
experience its mental effect drug abuse gives rise to dependences both physical, social
and economical instability. The effect of drug on an individual there from the abuse from
its cumulative effect on the social


Drug abuse in Nigeria in the contemporary time has become one issue that cast a
gloomy shadow to the entire Nigeria society especially among the youth. The height of
drug trafficking in Nigeria was witnessed in 1985 under the military regime. During this
period, it was mostly teenager that were caught and the first to be executed for drug
offences under the special tribunal (miscellaneous offences) decree NO.20 of 1984.

Nevertheless, the usage of drug either by teenagers or other members of the large
society in all its ramifications appears to be social problem. The problem is widely spread
and it affect all and sundry. In other words this wide spread use and abuse entice people
from all walks of life and beyond. The human distraction caused by drug dependence is
the damage to traditional valves and lifestyles.

Studies have also shown that drug abuse wrecks individual shatter families and
weakens entire society with its burden of economic looses, health cost and increased
lawlessness and crime, it is in view of this that the researcher is trying to look at the
prevalence of drug abuse among the youth in Patigi local government area of Kwara


1. Is society averse of abuse?

2. Can a drug be abuse?
3. What is the effect of drug abuse?
4. Are health workers well trained with the control of drug abuse?


1. To know the type of drug that are commonly abuse

2. To know the effect of such drug on the people
3. To know the implication of drug abuse among the youth
4. To find ways of controlling drug abuse among the youth


The study will help in creating averseness in the society on the general effect of
drug abuse on the youth.

It well makes the youth to realize the excessive or even small intake of drugs has
inhibitory effects on their brain. This will go a long way in modeling their behavior.

The study will also help young researchers or writers to solve problem of drug
abuse, thereby ensuring good health of the youths in general and social harmony in the

Finally the entire social ill in the society as a result of the effect of drug abuse
among the teenagers in Nigeria will be drastically minimized.


This study is designed to bring out useful information towards the effect of and
drug abuse among the youth a challenge to Nigeria populace a case study of Patigi local
government area of Kwara state.


The study is mainly on the youth in Patigi local government area of the Kwara

One hundred youths were selected from the sample using the stratified sample
using the stratified sampling procedure.

The participants were expected to be less than forty years of age

The drug abuse prevalence questionnaire personally developed by the researcher

and certified useable by a team of experts in relevant field was used to elicit information
from the respondents


The research project is delaminated on the effect of drug abuse among the youth
because some of the youth did not co-operate with the researcher due to their ignorance
on the effect of drug abuse most of them complain that they cannot do without drugs they
have become addictive to drugs some even say they cannot sleep or work without taken
drugs. All those factors in one way or the other effect the project write up.


 DRUG: is any substance either liquid or solid from which when introduce to a
living organism brings about certain functional and sometime either poison or
 DRUG MISUSED: it taking of drug in a way that is medically accepted, but the
dosage is either lower of higher them normal.
 THERAPEUTIC: is the act of keep administer drug for purpose of curing
diseases or relieving pains
 AETIOLOGY: this imply means causes of disease
 POSOLOGY: this is the study of dosage of drug
 NICOTINE: a chemical substance found in tobacco leaf
 MORPHINE: is an alkanoid obtained from opium used as a sedative
 DRUG POTENTIATION: this is when a drug compliment the action and effect
of other drug
 ANALGESTIC: relieving pain, remedy for pains
 ANTIBIOTICS: it can be describe as antimicrobial substance produce during
growth of certain bacterial and associated organism
 AICOHOL: a constituent of wine and spirit
 ANXIETY: this is an emotional status which makes people to be worried and
 YOUTH: traditional period between childhood and adulthood
 INSOMNIA: inability to sleep [sleeplessness]
 SCHZOPHRENIA: the genetic term used a group of disorders characterized by a
progressive less of emotional
 PEDDLERS: this referred to a whole uneducated and going about as pharmacist,
chemist and native doctor e.t.c.
 POISON: is a dangerous substance which taking, it can lead to death.


The crackdown on prescription narcotics, and the rescheduling of hydrocodone

from CIII to the more restrictive CII, has led many to believe rescheduling may cause a
spike in heroin use due to lower availability of prescription painkillers. In 2014, there
were more than 914,000 reported users of heroin, an increase of 145 percent since 2007.
In addition, there were over 10,500 heroin overdose deaths in 2014.

However, in a 2016 letter in the new English journal of medicine, experts state that
the heroin epidemic is not the direct result of the crackdown on prescription painkillers
like oxycontin and vicodin, in fact, the authors state that heroin use among people who
use prescription analgesics for non medical reasons is rare, and the transition to heroin
use appears to occur at a low rate. The timing of rescheduling and policy shifts does not
coincide with the spikes in heroin use. Instead, increased access to heroin, a reduced
price, and higher purity of heroin seem to be the major factors leading to increases in
rates of heroin use.

Tramadol, a common pain medication has been linked with drug abuse and
misuse, dependence, and even fatal overdoses. to address these concerns, in 2014 the
NDLEA placed all forms of tramadol in to schedule IV of the controlled substance ACT

Previously, tramadol was thought to be a lower risk drug for abuse and overdose
and have a controlled substance in only a few U.S states. Tramadol prescription may now
only be refilled up to 5 times in a 6 month period after the data the prescription was first
written. After 5 refills or 6 month, whichever occurs first, a new prescription is required
from the physician. Even though Tramadol may have other pain mechanisms in addition
to a narcotic effect, people with a history of drug may be at a greater risk of addiction.
Tramadol is related to other analgesics like codeine and morphine and can lead to
psychological and physical dependence, drug seeking behavior, addiction and withdrawal
symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms may occur if tramadol is abruptly stopped. Does
reduction of long-term tramadol use should be directed by a doctor.

In a 2013 survey, it was reported that schedule III hydrocodone and schedule II
oxycodone were the most popular drugs among Americans who abuse prescription
painkillers. These drugs used as pain relievers or cough suppressants, ibuprofen, or a
cough/cold product, well-known brand names, include vicodin, lortab or tussionex.
In October 2014, hydrocodone was reschedule from schedule III TO schedule II of
the controlled substances Act. Patients now need a new prescription each time they renew
their prescription for any was any hydrocodone product: refills are no longer allow. The
NDLEA put this rule in to place to help curb abuse, division, and encourage patients and
healthcare providers to consider other, more safe ways to combat pain.


Past person and family history of drug abuse while one individual may use a drug
once or much time and not become addicted, another person may overdose with the first
use, or become addicted quickly. Each person varies in their susceptibility to drug

Any analgesic based painkiller can lead to addiction. Narcotics often involved in
prescription painkiller addiction and overdose include:


Oxymorphone (opana ER)

Oxycodone (oxycotin oxecta)

Hydrocodone (zohydro ER)




Also concerning is that many of these medications (such as lorcet. Tylenol with
codeine, vicodin) may be also contain acetaminophen (Tylenol which in itself can be
toxic to the liver at excessive does. Codeine is also found in headache combinations such
as florist with codeine.

Always store prescription narcotics safety in your home away from children, pets
and teenagers. If needed, lock them up securely.

Most Adults should not exceed 4,000 milligrams (4 grams) of acetaminophen over a
24hour period.

Do not exceed The recommended 24hour does of acetaminophen (4 grams) from all
products (prescription and over-the-counter)
What is Naloxone (Narcan)?

A narcotic reversal agent called naloxone (narcan. EVZio) can be life-saving Drug
patients who overdose an narcotics.

All narcotic painkillers will produce various level of central nervous system

narcotics (CNS) with excessive depression are analgesic combined like drowsiness use
with is slowed and other sedation. breathing CNS One depressants, (respiratory of the
most depression). When narcotics are combined with other CNS depressants, like
alcohol benzodiazepines, severe possibly fatal respiratory depression can occur. If you
believe someone has overdosed on narcotics, call all immediately, if okayed by your
doctor, Evzio or Narcan nasal can be kept by family members or care givers for
administration in emergencies. Discuss this with your healthcare provider, if needed.


It's important to define narcotic in a medical sense. The word "narcotic" often
denotes a negative connotation associated with illegal drugs and addiction, while this can
be true, "narcotic" is also standard term used in medicine. A narcotic drug, also called a
narcotic analgesic or analgesics, moderate to severe pain, either acute (short-term) pain.
Narcotic analgesics differ in their ingredients, strengths, dosage form and cost. Many are
available as oral tablets, capsules, or liquids, while some come as an injection, and others
are provided as a patch to provide extended release control for severe pain.

Overall, narcotic painkillers work by reducing nerve-excitability that leads to the

sensation of pain. Narcotics bind to special receptor in the brain (central nervous system)
and in other areas of the body (peripheral nervous system, like the gastrointestinal tract)
called analgesic receptors.

There are four types of analgesic receptors.


There are literally dependence hundreds of pain conditions where narcotic

Analgesic could be used to lessen discomfort analgesics for acute pain should be used
short-term to help prevent dependence and addition. Once the severe acute pain
substance other non- narcotic medication such addition. as longer-term options, combined
TENS therapy, with alternative treatments such as exercise, physical therapy, TENS
medication and or neuropathie drug for pain may be helpful. Often, if pain is worse at
night and interferes with sleep an analgesic pain medication can be used only at bed time,
using other non-narcotic methods during the day time. The physician and patient should
develop a plan for pain control early in the treatment course.

A pain treatment plan should also be initiated early in the course of chronic (long-
term) pain management chronic pain can also be treated with narcotic, but the patient
should followed closely by their physician or a pain specialist, and additional and
alternative treatments such as those mentioned above, combined with non-narcotic
analgesics should be pursued. May of the extended release formulations of analgesic pain
medications are only to be used in analgesic "tolerant" patients (meaning they have
already been using other analgesic) and for chronic pain that requires 24hour around-the-
clock pain management.


The term "analgesic" is used to describe drugs that relieve pain, including over-
the-counter medications and prescription drugs. If you have a headache or a minor injury,
you might buy an analgesic like ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) to relieve
the discomfort. For a more serious illness or injury, a doctor might prescribe a stronger
analgesic, such as oxycodone (found in drugs like Percocet and oxycontin) or
hydrocodone (found in medications like vicodin or norco)

The center for disease control and prevention states that in 2012, analgesic pain
medication was prescribed nearly 260 million time in the US. The widespread use of
prescription analgesics means that these medications are more available to recreation
users as well as patients with a legitimate need for pain control. In fact, many teenagers
who take pain medication of nonmedical purposes obtain the drugs from parents friends
of classmates


The majority of today's popular analgesics belong to the analgesic family. Some of
these drugs, like morphine and codeine, are naturally occurring compounds, while others,
like oxycodone, hydrocodone, and hydromorphone, and codeine are syrothesized in
laboratories, heroin, which is now classified as a schedule I substance, is a semi-synthetic
analgesic that was originally developed to serve as a less addictive alternative to
In the 21st century, there are do2ens of opiate analgesics available some of the
most popular drugs prescribed for the treatment or prevention of pain include:

Oxycodone: this drug is sold under the trade name oxycontin and roxicodone, and it is an
ingredient in other medication like Percocet, percodan, or tylo, oxycodones is effective at
relieving moderate to severe pain, but it is also one of the most commonly abused an
analgesics. The office of diversion control of the United States DEA reports that
approximately 16 million Americans have admitted to abusing oxycodone at least once in
their lives.

Fentanyl: this analgesic drug is often prescribed in the form of a transdermal patch
(duragesic) which delivers pain medication continuously through the skin. Fentany is also
sold in the form of lozenges or lovipops (Actiq).

Hydrocodone: synthesized from codeine, this semi-synthetic analgesic used in popular

combination analgesic like Norco, Vicodin, and lortab, which contain both hydrocodone
and acetaminophen, or Tylenol, hydrocodone is also combined with cough suppressants
and expectorant to relieve coughing congestion.

Hydromorphone: sold under the trade named dilaudid and exalgo, hydromorphone is a
powerful synthetic analgesic that is prescribed for people who need continuous pain

Morphine: is a natural analgesic that can effectively relieve moderate to sever pain.
Common trade names including Astramprph, Avinza, Mscontin, Kadia, kadia ER, and

There are many other prescription analgesic on the market, and the pharmaceutical
industry is constantly working to develop pain medication as that are both effectives and
non-addictive. To date, however, the medical community continues to rely heavily on
analgesic when prescribing medication to control server pain.


DEPRESSION: another primary course of drug abuse is depression certain

things happen to someone that considered thinking of the best to become happy once
more. Late on turn to the habit hence drug abuse.

PEER PRESSURE: youth associated with different type of people otherwise known as
friend through the pressure from this drug and once this is done, they continue to take it
and become addicted to it at the long run. And other major course of drug abuse is said to
be berate of unemployment among the youth also. Drug are abused when youth don not
take to the prescribed dose and a continues use of a particular drug for a very long time
without doctor approval. This is normal the cause of abuse associated with soft drugs


The impact of drug abuse could be group under three main aspect, financial aspect and
health aspect.

SOCIAL ASPECT: the hard drugs make the taker hyperactive when he took drug, it
makes him to behave abnormally, contribute to immoralities. Such as armed robbery
sexually transmitted disease e.g. HIV, AIDs and many other social vices

FINANCIAL EFFECTS: the person that so much addicted to drug tends to spend more
money on the purchase of these drugs. This can make the taker to become bankrupt or
start searching for money by all means. This will eventually increase the problem of the

HEALTH EFFECT: it makes the taker become unstable behaving abnormally, it

infiltrate a lot of diseases in to the system of the taker and can eventually leads to death.

Is a disease of life style it is a deadly disease. It is as a result of excessive alcoholic

consumption instead of wise use income good health good self fulfillment.

Is not a sudden disease, it invades stages which are

i. introducing stage
ii. intermediate stage
iii. final stage


The following are the cause of drug abuse

PHYSICAL CAUSES: there is yet to be enough research evidence to say whether

physiological dysfunction alcoholic are those before and so cause or could be effect of
PHYSIOLOGICAL CAUSE: might be caused by the drinker just to find a way shying
off or forgetting a way about his social, political the economics and marital problems.

PHYSIOLOGICAL DEPENDENCE: this is a state in a person through emotion and

effect that it caused him to go for drug when he not forget regular supply by one means.
All theses abuse or dependence give rise to physical and mental defect which may
contribute to the cause of accidents, unnecessary demonstration among student crime,
armed robbery e.t.c.

TOTAL CONSEQUENCE: all drugs are poison which can harm the physical and
sometimes the metal states of the user are more popular them other


Prescription analgesic abuse has become a serious problem in the us, with
prescription medications like oxycodone and hydrocodone, challenging street drugs like
heroin and oxcaine, as the most popular drugs of abuse statistics from the us department
of health and human service reveal disturbing trends in the use and abuse of these drugs;

The number of prescription written for analgesic pain medications increased by

200 parent between 1991 and 2011. Around 70 percent of Americans who admitted to
using a prescription analgesic for nonmedical purpose stated that they were given the
drug at no cost by friends or firmly members in 2010, over 16,600 death in the us were
attributed to prescription analgesic-more facilities than any other legal or illegal drug.

Six times as many people sought treatment for analgesic abuse in 2010 as in 1999,
prescription with other substance of abuse. These medications can also be abused by
taking then in unsafe ways. For example, extended release oxcodo or diluted for
injection in other to intensify their cup horic effects.

However, taking a powerful narcotic analgesic in him manner can quickly cause
an overdose and lead to death.


Analgesic abuse among teenagers poses risk to user's health personal relationship
legal status, and future goals. Taking prescription analgesic without a doctor's order
illegal, even if the user is having pain. Consistent abuse of these drugs can lead to
physical and psychological dependence and eventually to addiction. As the brain groups
accustomed to the effects of analgesic, the user will need higher dose to achieve the same
level of euphoria this phenomenon, know as tolerance, can lead to dependence, or the
need to take analgesic in order to feel normal. Many users move from dependence to
addition, or the compulsive need to seek and abuse a drug in spite of its harmful
consequences. According to the international journal on drug policy, prescription
analgesic abuse often leads to the use of harder opiates. The high cost of prescription
drug, combined with a recent glut of heroin on the international market. Has lead many
young users to make the leap from prescription analgesic to inject able from of heroin.
Along with dependence and addiction, analgesic poses a high risk of overdose. These
central nervous system depressants can slaw down the heart rate and breathing to
dangerous levels, especially when they are taken with other depressants such as
alcohol or tranquilizers, in spite of the harmful effects of analgesic abuse from, the
effects of analgesic the user may experience side effects such as;



Cold sweats



Muscle and bone pain




Before the need side a therapeutic work of rehab can begin teens, who are
abusing analgesic need a period of detox programs make it easier to cope the
uncomfortable side effects of withdrawal and the cravings that accompany them.

Medication like buprenorphine (suboxone) or naltexone (revia vivitrol) are

available that can ease the transition from addiction to a drug-free life. During the dexox
phase, clients are monitored by clinical professional to ensure that they remain safe and

One of the primary goals of detox is to motivate the client to move forward in to
the next phase of recovery in rehab, teenagers acquire the tools they need to build a
stronger foundation for the future; tools like stress reeducation, interpersonal
communication, boundary setting and emotional regulation. Through one-on-one therapy,
peer support group's family counseling, and recreational therapy, teenagers develop self-
confidence and a stronger sense of competence. Tutoring and other educational service
should be available to help teens stay on track with their future academic goals.

Next generation village offers a full spectrum of recovery service for adolescent
clients who are struggling with analgesic addiction. Prescription drug is one of the most
pressing concerns facing substance abuse treatment professional address this growing
problems with innovative client centered programs that empower and aid clients in their
journey to recovery. Admission coordinators are available at any time to provide
information about individualized treatment plans and to help you a teen in your life get
the help you need to start the recovery process.



The survey design will be adopted in this study, according to bioton (1992), a
survey design is used to access and predict the views, reaction or standing of a large
number of people on a limited topic like the prevalence of drug abuse among the youth,
under the survey design, the research develops a list of question and present them is a
standard want to each of respondents to seek their views on the subject mater


The population of the consist of all the youth in the Patigi town in Patigi local
government area of kwara state.

To be eligible for inclusion, the respondents must be less than (40) years of age. This age
is classified as youth basted on the study


Although, the target population for the study comprise of all youth in Patigi town in
Patigi local government area of kwara start. However, due to limited time and resource a
sample of the youth were chosen. The sample consist of one hundred youth who are
between than eighteen to sixty years (18-60years) of age one hundred youth were
selected using stratified sampling procedure. Both male and female were picked were
randomly for the completion of the question.


The instrument adopted for the study is tagged "however, the various information needed
basically used in the collection of question were draw out on the prevalence of drug
abuse among the youth in Patigi town in Patigi local government area of, kwara state.
The alternative answer was given with the space provided for ticking. The questionnaire
were so designed in order to avoid confusion of option by the respondents when ticking
the most appropriate answer

Validity of the instrument relates to the extent to which the instrument measuring what it
intends to measure. To do this, some copies of their instrument were distributed to friends
and colleagues for their comment and suggestion, however a copy was made available to
the supervision for assessment after necessary correction.


Reliability of the instrument refer to the degree to which a test yield consistent scores
when it is administered a number of time. A test retest method was employed to ascertain
the reliability of the instrument. In this case twenty five copies of the instrument was
administered to representative sample twice within an interval of two weeks. The two
score were correlated using person product moment correlation to ascertain reliability.


The data for the study was collected through the questionnaire the administration of the
questionnaire was lonely the researcher through personal contact with the respondents.
3.8 method of data analysis
The percentage method of statistical analysis were employed for the interpretation of the


One of the method used in collection of data on the study area is questionnaire as early

A total of 100 copies of questionnaire were distributed to various people like youth age in
secondary school, post secondary and those that fall within the range of adolescent group
in Patigi Local Government Area. It was effectively mention and it was completely

The distribution and the analysis of the questionnaire and the answer of respondent area
represents in below table

Table 1: showing age range of respondents

Age No of respondent Percentage

11-15 28 28%
1-20 14 14%
21-30 32 32%
31 and above 26 26%
Total 100 100%

The above table indicate that 28% respondents are within the age of 11-15years, 14%
representing 14 respondents who are within 16-20 years while 32% representing 32
respondents who are within the age of 21-32 years which is the majority and 26%
representing 31 respondents who are within 31 years and above.

Table 2: showing sex of respondents

Sex No of respondent Percentage

Female 37 37%
Total 100 100%

The above table indicates that the male respondents are 63% while 37% are female
Table 3: showing marital status of respondent

Marital status No of respondent Percentage

Single 28 28%
Married 59 59%
Divorced 13 13%
Total 100 100%

The above table shows 28% represent are single, while 59% represent are married, while
13% represent divorced, this shows that majority of respondent are married

Table 4: showing education level of respondent

Education level No of respondent Percentage

Secondary 50 50%
Tertiary 25 25%
Illiterate 25 25%
Total 100 100%
The above table indicates that the respondents of secondary school are majority which is
50% and tertiary is 20% and illiterate are 25%

Table 5: showing the religion distribution

Religion No of respondent Percentage

Muslim 25 25%
Christianity 25 25%
Traditional 50 50%
Total 100 100%
The above table shows that 25(25%) respondents are Muslim, 25(25%) are Christian,
while 50 (50%) respondent are traditional

Table 6: showing whom the respondent are living with

Living with No of respondent Percentage

Parent 20 20%
Relative 15 15%
Friend 38 38%
Alone 27 27%
Total 100 100%
Response No of respondent Percentage
Yes 82 82%
No 18 18%
Total 100 100%
The table above shows that majority of respondents 38(38%) are living with friend, while
20(20%) are living with their parent and 27(27%) are living alone, the majority is
15(15%) live their relative

Table 7: according to awareness about drug abuse

The table above shows that respondents with 82% are aware of drug abuse while 18
respondents with 18% are not aware of drug abuse

Table 8: can a drug be abuse

Response No of respondent Percentage

Yes 65 65%
No 35 35%
Total 100 100%

The table above show 65 respondent with 65% of yes that drug can be abuse, while 35
respondent with 35% people say no

Table 9: showing when the respondents normally take drugs

Response No of respondent Percentage

When sick 25 25%
During examination 40 40%
When sad 10 10%
When addressing public 20 20%
Others 5 5%
Total 100 100%

The table above indicate that 25(25%) normally take drug when sick, 40(40%) normally
take drugs addressing during examination, the public, 10(10%) while 5(5%) take drug
respondents when sad, are 20(20%) other take drug when conditions

Table 10: does drug abuse common in our society?

Response No of respondent Percentage
Yes 84 84%
No 16 16%
Total 100 100%

The table above shows that 84 respondent with 84% says yes while 16 respondent with
16% peoples say no

Table 11: showing the effect of drug abuse

Response No of respondent Percentage

Mental disorder 78 78%
Important person 20 20%
Fearless 12 12%
Total 100 100%

The table above indicate that 78 respondent presented mental disorder is side effect of
drug abuse, 20 respondents (20%) through drug abuse make one an important person
while 12 respondents (12%) believe that it make one fearless

The data indicate that those who believe that drug abuse can lead to mental disorder
constitute the majority

Table 12: showing that the health workers are well trained with the control of drug

Response No of respondent Percentage

Yes 74 74%
No 26 26%
Total 100 100
The table above shows that 26(26%) respondents say no, while 74(74%) respondents say

Table 13: how committed are the trained health workers

Response No of respondent Percentage

Effective 60 60%
None effective 40 40%
Total 100 100%
The table above shows that 60% of the respondents agreed that the trained health workers
are effectively committed with the control of drugs abuse, while 40% insist that they are
not effective



Drug abuse constitutes one of the major social problems in Nigeria because of the
hazardous effect on the health of people. The problem appears to be endemic in Nigeria
society. The extent that scholars, professionals, social workers, academicals,
psychologist, sociologist have been trying to find solutions to the problem

This research is the outcome of unsubstantiated statements and generally held beliefs
concerning the issue or incidence of drug abuse among Nigeria youth which is held by
various people, institutions and organization in the society, such believes and opinions
include those of religion and political leaders, parents, the mass and print media e.t.c.
which most times, portray you as heavily and almost solely dependent on drug use
especially these days. This study was therefore embarked upon so as to examine
empirically this thorny and controversial issue of drug abuse among Nigeria youth a
study of the Patigi town in Patigi Local Government Area of Kwara State


In line with the finding of the study and the discussion, the researcher makes the
following conclusions.

Drug abuse is a social problem basically associated with young people. These young
people involve themselves in taking hard drugs and excessive taking of some drugs
which alter the body system or may cause damage to the health. Drug abuse is very
common among youth; they take drugs to get high or to make them feel among or it into
environment while some take this drugs through the influence of friends or other people
around them. Drug is mostly abuse by male youths than females


The problem of drug abuse among Nigeria youths as the study has revealed is one thing
that does nobody or any nation any good. That being that case, the question that arises,
what when can be done to this thorny issue of drug use and abuse among our youths?

Perhaps the following suggestions might be of help to policy maker's administrators in

this every fight against use and abuse of drugs among youth. An idle man, they say is the
devils workshop youths have to be kept busy realizing their potentials in rewarding and
interesting manner. Otherwise, their potential or energies which is at a peak in these
formalize years ay be vented through mischievous channels like drug taking which harm
both society and the individual. Greater availability of good education activities,
materials and leadership opportunities for youths are necessary to keep the youth happily
busy. This would help a lot towards solving the drug abuse problem. Government should
set up rehabilitation centers to aid victims of drug abuse

Further to this there is also the need for agency in combating the social disintegration by
way of public awareness and education. Community organizations, health and social
agencies must be identify high-risk group educated the public about the dangers of drug
abuse and the value of life. The schools and youths should formulate policies to prevent
drug abuse and should also hold seminars for parents and families to alert them early to
the symptoms of drugs abuse in their children. Pamphlets and badges should be
distributed to schools, colleges, and universities. Also entertainment and sport celebrities
should also deglamorise drug abuse. To add to this, parents also should strive to be
showing examples to their children and they should also be wary of the company their
kids keep

Furthermore, legislation should be enacted to penalize haulage companies especially

transporters who do not implement and enforce procedure to prevent misuse of their
facilities by drug traffickers. Also, as a measure to combat drug abuse and trafficking, the
penalty for drug peddling should be made commensurate with the peddlers profits
because profits made by drug pushers far exceed the risk and that is why many people are
going into the business

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I am a student of Etsu Ibrahim Chatta College of Health Science and Technology Patigi,
Kwara State Pharmacy Technician Department. I am carrying out research on the above
topic in partial fulfillment of my certificate course Your response is strictly confidential

Please tick as appropriate boxes provided


1. Age range 1-20 [ ] and above [ ]

2. Sex: Male [ ] Female [ ]
3. Marital status: Single [ ] Married [ ]
4. Religions: Islam [ ] Christianity [ ]
5. Education status: Primary [ ] secondary [ ] both [ ]
6. Types of family: Monogamy [ ] polygamy [ ]


1. Have you ever heard about drug abuse? Yes [ ] No [ ]

2. If yes, through which media? Radio [ ] School [ ] Hospital [ ]
3. What didi you understand by drug abuse? Act of taking drug by one self [ ] taking
prescribed drug [ ] taking overdose [ ]
4. Do you agree that the following drug can be abuse? Paracetamol, alcohol, india
hemp Yes [ ] No [ ]
5. How often do you take drug? Weekly [ ] monthly [ ] none of the above [ ]
6. Why do you take drugs? For refreshment [ ] for treatment [ ] to absorb reading [ ]
7. Who introduced you into the habit? Friend [ ] parent [ ] just from the habit [ ] none
of the above [ ]
8. Do you agree that drug abuse can lead to mental disorder? Yes [ ] No [ ]
9. When you do normally takes drugs? When sick [ ] during exams [ ] when sad [ ]
10. Do you agree that snuffing and smoking is forming a form of drug abuse? Yes [ ]
No [ ]
11. Are you aware that government is against abused of drug? Yes [ ] No [ ]
12. How do you feel too much of drugs? Comfortable [ ] Uncomfortable [ ]
13. Do you agree that drug abuse has influence on peer group? Yes [ ] No [ ]
14. Can drug abuse cause emotional imbalance? Yes [ ] No [ ]

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