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DEADLINE :27TH May 2024




FUNDIKIRA HARUNA 03.1478.02.01.2021
GEORGE MARTIN JIMISHA 03.8985.02.01.2021
MSINGO M. KIMUNE 03.1398.02.01.2021
JAMES S. MANYAKU 03.2979.02.01.2021
WITNESS BIGAMBO 03.7837.02.01.2021
BATULI K. MSUYA 03.7369.01.01.2021
DIANA F. MLAY 03.7111.02.01.2021
LEVIS D. GWIMILE 03.8158.01.01.2021
LIGHTNESS MATHIAS 03.4096.02.01.2021
AISHA A. MAHMOUD 03.7026.01.01.2021
ALLY S. MWAMBA 03.6021.01.01.2021
1. Consultant’s proposal to the client.
The Nyakabindi fish market has been experiencing a concerning drop in sales. This
decline presents a significant challenge to the market's viability and the livelihoods of
those who depend on it. To effectively address this issue, a comprehensive
understanding of the underlying causes is required.

Possible Contributing Factors:

 Market Dynamics: A shift in consumer preferences, increased competition from

other markets or vendors, or changes in supplier or fishery yields could be
impacting sales.
 Economic Conditions: A decline in local economic activity or a broader
economic downturn may be leading consumers to cut back on discretionary
spending, including fish.
 Operational Issues: Inefficiencies within the market's operations, such as
pricing strategies, stall layout, or marketing efforts, could be hindering sales.

This proposal outlines a plan to investigate these factors and any others that may be
relevant. Through a combination of data analysis, interviews with stakeholders, and
market research, we will identify the root cause(s) of the sales decline.

1. Three objectives we intend to achieve the chosen assignment;

I. Diagnose the Root Causes of the Sales Decline:

Our primary objective is to definitively identify the reason(s) behind the drop in sales at
the Nyakabindi fish market. This will involve a comprehensive investigation that goes
beyond surface-level observations. We will analyze sales data over time to identify
trends and patterns. We will conduct in-depth interviews with market stakeholders,
including fishmongers to understand any challenges they face, customers to uncover
their purchasing habits and preferences, and suppliers to assess potential disruptions in
the supply chain. Additionally, we will examine external factors like local economic
trends and the emergence of competing markets to create a holistic picture of the
II. Develop Actionable Recommendations:

Once we have a clear understanding of the root cause(s) of the sales decline, we will
develop specific and practical recommendations tailored to address the identified
issues. These recommendations may encompass strategies for improving the market's
marketing and outreach efforts, such as utilizing targeted advertising or hosting
promotional events. We may explore ways to optimize market operations by analyzing
stall layout, pricing structures, and overall efficiency. Additionally, we will focus on
attracting new customers by recommending strategies that enhance the market's
appeal, such as exploring the introduction of new product offerings or implementing
customer loyalty programs.

III. Enhance the Long-Term Sustainability of the Market:

Our goal extends beyond just addressing the immediate sales decline. We aim to
ensure the long-term viability of the Nyakabindi fish market and its role within the
community. This may involve fostering collaboration among stakeholders, such as
fishmongers and the market management, to create a more unified vision for the
market's future. We will explore ways to build customer loyalty by recommending
initiatives that improve the customer experience, such as ensuring cleanliness and
hygiene within the market or implementing convenient payment options. Finally, we will
identify potential improvements to the market's infrastructure, considering factors like
accessibility, storage facilities, and waste management, to ensure the market remains
competitive and attractive for future generations.

2. Three outputs of the chosen assignment? three positive (desired) situations

clients should expect upon the completion of the chosen consultancy

Deliverables and Expected Outcomes of the Consultancy Assignment

This consultancy assignment will provide the Nyakabindi fish market with three key
outputs designed to address the sales decline and ensure long-term sustainability:
In-depth Analysis Report:

A comprehensive report detailing the findings from the investigation into the sales

The report will include:

 Analyzed sales data with insights into trends and patterns.

 Summarized findings from stakeholder interviews, including fishmongers,
customers, and suppliers.
 An evaluation of external factors impacting the market, such as economic trends
and competition.
 A clear identification of the root cause(s) of the sales decline.

Actionable Recommendations Plan:

A practical plan outlining specific and implementable strategies to address the identified

The plan will encompass recommendations for:

 Improved marketing and outreach efforts, including targeted advertising and

promotional events.
 Optimized market operations, considering stall layout, pricing structures, and
overall efficiency.
 Strategies to attract new customers, potentially involving new product offerings or
customer loyalty programs.

Long-Term Sustainability Roadmap:

A strategic roadmap outlining steps to ensure the Nyakabindi fish market's continued
success in the future.

The roadmap may include recommendations for:

 Fostering collaboration among stakeholders for a unified vision of the market's

 Building customer loyalty through improved customer experience initiatives.
 Potential improvements to market infrastructure, such as accessibility, storage
facilities, and waste management.

Positive Outcomes for the Nyakabindi Fish Market.

Upon completion of this consultancy assignment, the Nyakabindi fish market can expect
three positive outcomes:

Increased Sales and Revenue:

 By addressing the root cause(s) of the sales decline and implementing the
recommended strategies, the market can expect to see a significant increase in
sales and revenue.
 Improved marketing and outreach will attract new customers, while optimized
operations will ensure profitability.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction:

 The focus on improving customer experience will lead to higher customer

satisfaction and loyalty.
 Initiatives like improved cleanliness, convenient payment options, and potentially
new product offerings will create a more attractive and user-friendly market

Long-Term Viability and Growth:

 The recommendations for long-term sustainability will ensure the market remains
competitive and relevant in the years to come.
 Collaboration among stakeholders, infrastructure improvements, and a focus on
customer loyalty will pave the way for the Nyakabindi fish market to thrive and
serve the community for generations.
3. Key Stakeholders in the Nyakabindi Fish Market and their Interests:

A successful turnaround of the Nyakabindi fish market requires the collaboration of

several key stakeholders, each with vested interests in the market's success. Here's a
breakdown of the key players and their priorities:


These are the sellers at the heart of the market. Their primary concern is maximizing
their sales and income. They have valuable insights into customer preferences,
challenges faced in acquiring fresh catches, and potential improvements to stall layout
or pricing within the market. Their success is directly tied to the market's overall

Market Management:

The market management is responsible for the market's operations and administration.
Their priorities lie in ensuring the market runs smoothly, collecting rent from vendors,
and maintaining a clean and safe environment for customers. They likely possess data
on sales trends, occupancy rates, and any maintenance issues that could be impacting
the market's functionality.


The suppliers are the backbone of the market, providing fish to the vendors. Their
interest lies in selling their catches at a fair price and maintaining a reliable supply
chain. They may have insights into recent fishery yields, potential disruptions in the
supply chain due to weather or regulations, and fluctuations in fish prices that could
affect vendor profitability.


The customers are the lifeblood of the market. Their interest lies in finding fresh, high-
quality fish at reasonable prices in a clean and convenient environment. Understanding
their purchasing habits, preferred fish varieties, and any concerns they have about the
market, such as cleanliness, product availability, or pricing, is crucial for developing
solutions that improve customer satisfaction and encourage repeat business.
Local Government:

Depending on the ownership structure of the market, the local government may also be
a stakeholder. Their interest lies in supporting a vibrant local economy and ensuring the
market provides a valuable service to the community. They may have data on local
economic trends and potential development initiatives in the area that could impact the
market's customer base or overall operations.

4. Consultant Team Competencies for the Nyakabindi Fish Market Project.

To effectively and efficiently address the sales decline at the Nyakabindi fish market, the
consulting team should possess a blend of competencies across several key areas:

Industry Expertise:

The team should have a strong understanding of the fish market industry, including
knowledge of fishery dynamics, supply chain logistics, and retail best practices. This will
allow them to analyze the specific challenges faced by the Nyakabindi market within a
broader context.

Market Research and Data Analysis:

The ability to gather, analyze, and interpret data from various sources is crucial. This
includes analyzing sales data to identify trends, conducting customer and vendor
surveys to understand preferences and challenges, and potentially researching local
economic indicators.

Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking:

The consultants will need strong problem-solving skills to identify the root cause(s) of
the sales decline. This requires critical thinking to analyze data, consider different
perspectives from stakeholders, and develop creative solutions.

Communication and Stakeholder Engagement:

Effective communication is essential for engaging with various stakeholders, including

fishmongers, market management, suppliers, and customers. The team should be able
to clearly explain complex concepts and actively listen to concerns and suggestions
from all parties involved.

Business Acumen and Strategic Planning:

Developing actionable recommendations requires a strong understanding of business

principles. The team should be able to evaluate the financial implications of proposed
solutions and create a strategic roadmap for the market's long-term sustainability.

Intercultural Sensitivity:

Depending on the location of the Nyakabindi market, cultural sensitivity may be

important. The team should be mindful of local customs and communication styles when
interacting with stakeholders.

In conclusion, by assembling a team with the competencies outlined above, the

consulting project is positioned for success. The team's industry expertise, research
skills, and problem-solving abilities will allow them to diagnose the root cause(s) of the
sales decline at the Nyakabindi fish market. Effective communication and stakeholder
engagement will ensure all voices are heard and solutions are developed
collaboratively. Finally, the team's business acumen and strategic planning skills will
translate those solutions into a practical roadmap for the market's long-term
sustainability. This comprehensive approach, coupled with an appreciation for the
cultural context, will pave the way for the Nyakabindi fish market to thrive once again
and serve the community for generations to come.

 Marketing Strategies for Frozen Fish Exporters in India (2011). Indian Journal of
Applied Research, 3(1), 18-19.
 Management Consulting: An Introduction to the Handbook (5th Edition) by David
W. Carr & Nigel Payne (2006).

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