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COMPANIONSHIP Music by ROBERT COLBY Lyric by ROBERT COLBY and NITA JONAS “HalF-Pasl WéDNesDaY™” Based On The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale RuMPELSTIiLTSKiN Music by ROBERT COLBY Lyrics by ROBERT COLBY and NITA JONAS Additional Songs by ROBERT COLBY Book by ANNA MARIE BARLOW Songs From The Score COMPANIONSHIP GRANDFATH! (Evy Baby's Best Friend) YOU'RE THE SWEET BEGINNING HOW LOVELY, HOW LOVELY THE SPINNING SONG 90c acl et nem he taxed By The New York Production On Columbia Records ‘No, CS 8717 STEREO and CL 1817 MONAURAL. SHaRKey MusiC, inc. Sole Agents: SAM FOX PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. + 1841 Broadway, New York 23, N. ¥. "Half-Past Wednesday" Companionship ROBERT COLBY Music by and NITA JONAS ROBERT COLBY Wich a slo Verse bi jas adi pf 1 An owl needs an ow for com = pa = ny ot ~ fy Tone-someatl sonia Cacia ie te wont "ev'- ev have to cat hs Jone ina — He neods some-one to gaze in-to his big brown eyes And dinner a ~ Tone He loves to chat-ter on a-bout his pus - y day Whoa Dr tell him Tov ~ ing = ly that so wise. He needs an-oth-er owl to. got some - one cares what he has to say. He needs an-oth- er squil to 8 ~ © MCMLXM by Sharkey Music, Tne., New York, N.Y. Sole Agents: Sam Fox Publishing Company, fnc., New York, N.Y. AML Rights Reserved Tnternational Copyright Secured Printed in U.S, A. ms am amt bot ait ae Spr cute with, Yes! An owl needs an owl to hoot chorus sg Ep aim Se eerres % —_ ah v =e Ot lt SS a t De == E - 2 * Eb Ebt = Pape Ppp ee sre tm Ay poe | ae re eee eae 5 By-‘ry-bod - y needs COM-PAN-ION-SHIP an aw = ful lot, And what ev-'ry-bod = y needs Toterlude ec No-ah built the ark and ag-sem-bled the crew, His guests came a-board ps on that trip, 7 ped. Fine GRANDFATHER (Ev'ry Baby’s Best Friend) Words and Music by ROBERT COLBY “HaLF-Pasl WeDNesDayY™ Based On The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale RuMPELSTIiLTSKiN Music by ROBERT COLBY Lyrics by ROBERT COLBY and NITA JONAS Additional Songs by ROBERT COLBY Book by ANNA MARIE BARLOW Songs From The Score COMPANIONSHIP GRANDFATHER (ev'ry Baby's Best Friend) YOU'RE THE SWEET BEGINNING HOW LOVELY, HOW LOVELY THE SPINNING SONG Price .60 cach Original Cast Album As Recorded By The New York Production On Columbia Records No, CS 8717 STEREO and CL 1817 MONAURAL SHaRKey Music, inc. Sole Agents: SAM FOX PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. + 1841 Broadway, New York 23, N. ¥. Grandfather (Ev'ry Baby's Best Friend) "Half-Past Wednesday" Words and Music by jords and Music by Moderately ROBERT COLBY Verse ad lib. Gmajt ca Finajt Fe Ebmaj? ES. dim Bb Lis-ten, mydaugh-ter! Listen, my gon! You may be par-ents of ba = by num-ber one,.aBut the Fe oneraim pm prPhiin Lie Rdaeot co facts of life, youshould un-der-stand There's on - ly ONE father the bu - by ealls GRAND! dolce om \ Moderate Foxtrot tempo Dro? Gal, ‘ang ot Dial. 3 aS = f i : 1, GRAND - FPA -THERI(Yes sir!) GRAND - FA -THER! (Yessir!) 2. GRAND - PA - PA! (Yes sir!) GRAND = - PA - PA! (Yes sir!) 3. GRAND FA titeiufip” sir!) GRAND ~~ BA tute sted) 4 ome Pree es = = SSS SS (© MOMIXM by Sharkey Music, Inc., New York, N.Y, Sole Agents: Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc., New York, N.Y. Al Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured ‘Printed in U.S.A, c et F eee a ez = ee No fa-thor's grand-er than a GRAND = FA-THER! And ba = dies Love comes in ack = a- ges called GRAND. _ “PAPAL And ba = ies Grand-moth-er's grand but sho ain't, GRAND FA-THER! And ba = ies | yo} 4 4 ga = ==: a 2S le 2 = — t e -—— ee —— Din Diam. Bm DAT pe = —— -- aa aa eG tf i ‘mow it, (Yos sir!) Ba = bios now It, and they mow on know it; (Yoo sir!) Bh = los Know It) ‘onuse their smile keeps inow it} (fos sir) Bh = lee know it) and it's Grampe they — ae : : 5 —! == ——— SS = q e ¥ ao : ae. ley = ge = t 3— =a —— i oe ‘To Coda Br Didim. Et BT8 ar or Dmt or FA-THERI (Yes sir!) GRAND -—-FA-THERI(Yes_ air!) Ey = try ba ~ by's best PA-PAI (Yes sir!) GRAND - PA ~ PA! (Yes sir!) Ask — your ba - by to- "A-THER! (Yes sir! - - es. sil FATHER! (Yes sir!) GRAND PA ~THERIGY ” pocasa r Be Ws aor ar abt (ves sit) Ver - fone thing wrong with Grand - moth - er just ain't) Slower friend! HOW LOVELY, HOW LOVELY Words and Music by ROBERT COLBY “HaLF-Pasl WeDNesDay™ Based On The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale RuMPELSTiLTSKiN Music by ROBERT COLBY lyrics by ROBERT COLBY and NITA JONAS Additional Songs by ROBERT COLBY Book by ANNA MARIE BARLOW Songs From The Score COMPANIONSHIP GRANDFATHER (Evry Baby's Best Friend) YOU'RE THE SWEET BEGINNING HOW LOVELY, HOW LOVELY TO WHIT-TO WHOO ('m Split in Two} ‘THE SPINNING SONG Price .60 each origi By The New ¥ No, CS 8717 im As Recorded ction On Columbia Records (0 and CL 1817 MONAURAL, SHaRKey MusicC, inC. Sole Agents: SAM FOX PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. . 1841 Broadway, New York 23, N. Y. How Lovely, How Lovely "Half-Past Wednesday" Words and Music by ROBERT COLBY Freely Verse ad lib, PS Ey pea A RS yt yy g¢—— —— a Fmajt_F9 Bbhm rma Gtowst Gt _Ctsust_C7 Conds C7--9 = == Se Ts = SSS = SS SS io sce ee) mec ee eer nee on ary ae for 8 fe: = + Pe Se os , y PF RIT | le Broadly horas, 1 © MCMIXM by Sharkey Musio, Iue., New York, N-Y. Sole Agents: Sam Fox Publishing Compaay, Ine., Now York, N.Y. All Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured Printed in U.S.A. HOW LOVE-LY, HOW LOVE-LY the Get Gmn(mmast) Craust C7 07-9 Fray! Femaj? Dm? G7 cisusa co LOVE-LY, HOW LOVE-LY the sound Am? Ch Am? Dip DOG Dt. or © Fo Tet the King-doms fall! SS ee You and T have flown away to~ in my hearts Hes wo 2 2 Sat ——— ye = + aS aS oo Fs _ms am Pim ct_amt_P amt Fos = — 2 . == = roves so tlhe call = Ing Mow = bl allargando e crese. é mie a £ ae aa = — rte rie ee ae Wz, Fmaj7 Dm? GT CYsusk C7C9 CoaddsC7+-8 F6 a tempo FHT Fo THE SPINNING SONG Music by ROBERT COLBY Lyric by ROBERT COLBY and NITA JONAS “HaLF-Pasl WeDNesDayY” Based On The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale RuMPELSTiLTSKiN Music by ROBERT COLBY Lyrics by ROBERT COLBY and NITA JONAS Additional Songs by ROBERT COLBY Book by ANNA MARIE BARLOW Songs From The Score COMPANIONSHIP GRANDFATHER (Ev1y Baby's Best Friend) YOU'RE THE SWEET BEGINNING HOW LOVELY, HOW LOVELY TO WHIT-TO WHOO ('m Split In Two) THE SPINNING SONG Price .60 cach Original Cast Album As Recorded By The New York Production On Columbia Records No, CS 8717 STEREO and CL 1917 MONAURAL. SHaRKeyY MusiC, inc. Sole Agents: SAM FOX PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. . 1841 Broadway, New York 23, N. Y. ‘mires eons” — Spinning Song Lyric by Music by ROBERT COLBY ROBERT COLBY and NITA JONAS. very bright ett =F | mf Vamp (till ready) PRT SSS SSS Firat you ait up~on the seat and there you set - tle, ‘Then you feed the spin-nor Ca SSS aS Gorey abst straw and pump the ped ~ al, 3 = = = Spe aM - in py O23] 4 in it, You've done it and you've in less than a min-ute, =e | Pop A © Copyright MCMLXI by Sharkey Music, Ine., New York, N.Y. Sole Agents: Sam Fox Publishing Co,, fae., New York, N.Y. All Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured Printed in U.S.A. 7 pt SSS : oo PPI mon G2 bg 5 5 LCL —— + ai — ca _SIERELDA] Gpoken:) Spoken) (Oh, show me how to do it! Woll....just follow closely! First you Show me how! Vamp (tit ready) SSS S555 : ‘seat and there you set - tle, ‘Then you feed the spin - ner BS SSS SSS ‘Then you upon the seat and thore you set ~ tle, sit = or = + — = > JS] SS SEE ye === 2 straw and pump the ped - al, Soon the wheel be - gine to 2=S5 555 SS Se fed the spin - ner straw and pump the ped - al, Soon the fatto = Dm? a or 1255555555 ee 4S SS SSS You've done it and you've ‘hap-pens if you do what you are told! — Ei cg(EREEDA) (Spoken:) Oh, Tean do it now! Tean do it alone! Just watch! First you mf Vamp (till, ready) 2 SSS SS 7 SS eS sit up-on the seat and there you set - tle, sso i: oo eS food the spin- ner straw and pump the t = id 2 — = pp RS oa = + Sa om Jump - tnt Jo-hos-e-phat! What hap-pened? bs Eb? Abmait Abs [RUMP] A a6 Well, ab-vi-ous-ly, ly, Ty, ly, Iv, Digg BEBE] (Spokeon:) gee Now, come on.. pi iime'to do ie la Youtve got to help wet fre Stet Fp mA ready) PPP ey Rae da a ap DSL sit up— on the seat and there you set - tle, Thea you fe Ba = a = apa! = 0) SS SS ee rn. G * F or Em? AT Dm? ar Qa aa Jess than __a_mla-ute, If your heart is in it, You've done it and you've spun it in - to TO WHIT-TO WHOO (I'm Split in Two) Music by ROBERT COLBY Lyric by ROBERT COLBY and NITA JONAS “HaLF-Pasl WéDNesDay~ Based On The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale RuMPELSTiLTSKiN Music by ROBERT COLBY Lyrics by ROBERT COLBY and NITA JONAS ‘Additional Songs by ROBERT COLBY Book by ANNA MARIE BARLOW Songs From The Score COMPANIONSHIP GRANDFATHER (Evty Baby's Best Friend) YOU'RE THE SWEET BEGINNING HOW LOVELY, HOW LOVELY TO WHIT-TO WHOO (um Split In Two) THE SPINNING SONG Peart Original Gast Album As Recorded By The New York Production On Columbia Records No, CS 8717 STEREO and CL 1817 MONAURAL. SHaRKey MusicC, inc. Sole Agents: SAM FOX PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. . 1841 Broadway, New York 23, N. Y. ‘nay-Past Weanesaay” TO Whit-To Whoo Lyric by (I'm Split in Two) Music by ROBERT COLBY ROBERT COLBY aint NITA JONAS Stony Votee | ad lib. c mp adh _ bet : = a = = oi mp (with voice) Pg ———= = t 2 Bb —_ a Gm = SS 5 ——=s| t bod ia ie oe aes think I'm just as heart -less as a ma - chine! Bat heartless Tam not, for ot Gm? et Finajt * e——2 = —————— iP bee =} f = half a heart Tve got And let me tell you, having half a heartis not on-ly out © Copyright MCMLXI by Sharkey Music, Ine., New York, N.Y. Sole Agents: Sam Fox Publishing Co., Inc., Now York, N.Y. AN Rights Reserved International Copyright Seoured Printed In U.S.A. Bbmajt Pre~ pos -ter-ous! ‘And high ly tm-prac-ti-cal! ca » - — =—_ = b “BS SSS + 5 = pos = {tive = ly down-right in - con - ven-t-ent! So nat - u-ral-ly, ly, Wy, ly, pense LH. C with voice Split in gep-trate sec - tions, bdimn IS Cmaj? Em? Dm? Gdim F ar © Ct F6Fdim c or rit, Pulled in two di-rec-tons! This state of two-some won't let me dosome mys-ti-cal, mag-i-cal things, Tdlike to ad tid. a tempo pAb ay Db Bomt eva SE Se = = got ee SS Sa 1, Seap my nimble fin-gers at the rain - bow, And hide it far be-hind ‘a thun-der~ 2! Gast "a spell up-on tho roy - al pal - ace, ‘snd fil the roy —al_eab\ with pol ~ it~ = é =! 3 vb Daten SSS = ee ae = - = ike to drale the wish - 68 cut of the wishing well, And Tike i pate lo-yothor wae oe woe cee RE = es ¥ me Te —— = = a Bor Fat Bb er pos an the chime out of the din - ner bell! Yd Ike to spread an ug ~ 1 the flow ‘out Sf the flow- ing Brook Td like fo put @ catia” me ~ Ab Fo Bom? Eb? Abmaj? 7 Bom y | Eb7 Ab acrowd.,.But that in-eon-ven-ienthalf aheart tellsmeT'mnot al-lowed! tne dog: Uke “tothrow mybalf aheart in=to. a” pen of hogs! Brightly, in 2 cm cb 1. Ohl This half a heart of mine is al-ways keop-ing me in 2, But, this half a heart of mine is al-ways keep-ing me in a SSeS Se 5 Is a nui-sanee and a bur -den in my It's an ey - er watchful trai = tor and a Fm6 Fy oS SSS SS SS fickle beast at best, Who's constantly ob ~ sessed with A million rea-sons why 1 fin-ger in the pie, sof cmt FmG a Fe on 5 = t= EF 2—| a Z | ae eop-ing me de - pi Pho! Phoo! Phoo! To Tose be-fore T Phoo! Phoo! al tl i] cee pe @ fempo Se TO wuoo! Tw SI = = a faster atc Sl he = St split in two... and I honestly hope itmev - er hap- pens to you! == YOU'RE THE SWEET BEGINNING Music by ROBERT COLBY Lyric by ROBERT COLBY and NITA JONAS “HaLF- Pas! WeDNesDaY™ Based On The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale RuMPELSTIiLTSKiN Music by ROBERT COLBY Lyrics by ROBERT COLBY and NITA JONAS Additional Songs by ROBERT COLBY Book by ANNA MARIE BARLOW Songs From The Score COMPANIONSHIP GRANDFATHER (Evry Baby's Best Friend) YOU'RE THE SWEET BEGINNING HOW LOVELY, HOW LOVELY TO WHIT-TO WHOO (Wm Split In Twa) THE SPINNING SONG Price .60 Each Original Cast Album As Recorded By The New York Production On Columbia Records No, CS 6717 STEREO and CL 1917 MONAURAL, SHaRKey MusiC, inc. Sole Agents: SAM FOX PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. « 1841 Broadway, New York 23, N. ¥. ‘ You’re The Sweet Beginning as nest" ane aost tt cOLBY outst cday ONT TONS "Haty- L pee [Gea tae ie _ —_—_ bore rs eee = 4 ——| TR ;e +4 t a wish a Fa SESS rs ‘One wishing star started —_gleam-ing And its beam - ing © MCMLXM by Sharkey Music, Inc., New York, N.Y, Sole Agents: Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc., New York, N.Y. All Rights Reserved International Copyright Socured Printed in U. 8. A, YOU'RE THE SWEET BE - GIN-NING 7 fe Fe iF : P t Fn or Es bbr-9 es atm Fn green - est gar - deg red - dest, Fmt Dmt Db? CT Edim Fm FT BT C19 Fm? Bbt+ grain that's kissed by rain and Eb -Ebmaj? Fm? Eb Pe == grows and grows and Warm and bright and ol Abe Fm_Bb? Eb (maj?) Fm G7 ~ Ep Gmt Eb Ebmé BY Fmt BoTeysd BOT b. = = hap - py et = are at Daas Ei = SS = > RUF

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