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Tneasuny Department COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA HaRnIsBUR@, PA 17120 Stace Sanne June 24, 2024 ‘The Honorable Cris Dush Chairman Senate State Government Committee 9 East Wing Senate Box 203025 Harsisbung, Pennsylvania 17120-3025 Dear Chaieman Dosh: 1'm writing to express my strong support for Senate Bill 1260, the Stand with Israel Act. This legislation, sponsored by Senator Steven J. Santarsiero and Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill, and cosponsored by a biparisan group of Senate members, would express Pennsylvania's support for Israel, our strongest ally in the Middle East. ‘SB 1260 would prohibit the Pennsylvania Treasury Department and the Commonwealth pension funds (SERS, PSERS, and PMRS) ftom boycotting or divesting from Israel and companies doing business with Israel, and it would prohibit Commonwealth funds from going directly to an institution of higher education that engages in a boycott or divestment from Israel. The bills strong, and it was drafted thoughtfully. I applaud Senators Santarsiero and Phillips-Hill for addressing this importat issu. 1’'m proud to support SB 1260, and I urge members of the Senate State Government Committee to support it as wel, Respectfully, State Treasurer ‘ce: The Honorable Amanda M, Cappellett ‘The Honorable Steven J, Santarsiero ‘The Honorable Kristin Phillips-Hill

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