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NOT ON YOUR NELLIE UTLEDGE 19felte Not On Your Nellie Lyrics by Music by Y. HARBURG JULE STYNE Moderato Piano 7 Verse 5785-5 Copyright © 1967 by EY. Harburg and Jue Styne (Chappell-Styne, In., owner of publication and allied right throughout the world ‘Chappell & Co, Inc, sole selling agent International Copyright Secured Made in U.S. Av ALL RIGHTS RESERVED including public performance for profit Any copying, arranging or adapting of this werk without the consent of the owner is an infringement of copyright 4 Refrain-Not too fast F AS T chuck ae ~ quaint ~ ance, shun fa - "mil jar, (2nd time onty) Not for all the beer Should 1 dump the cup of, Or for ~ sake the sweet and the Me - der ~ trans. Not for all your 5785-5 or your pink pledged mar 5185-5 dear - ing, wi light, eyes dwell F Fr Bb Bb7(b9) your Nel bloom - in', blink - your Nel bloom - in’, — blink 85-5 Your bloom ~ in', snrencas | s7as-s IT'S ENOUGH TO MAKE A LADY FALL IN LOVE VINCENT. =” PATRICIA PRICE aauTteDce DARLING OF THE pay ¥ BRENDA ™ PETER NW FORBES . WOODTHORPE TEDDY GREEN : From the Music Library of 2 Eugene Dizon It’s Enough To Make A Lady Fall In Love yrics by Music by £, «HARBURG JULE STYNE Lightly, not rushed pal? fee ry E Plano Refrain-In Schottische tempo F Fr Bb cr F Dm sin- gle life usa lone-ly game,— No one to pet and Mikes It un ~ at-tachei But the hen con - tend he's an er(suss) = Fr Bhp Gm Bm noone wo tame, Noone to quar-rel withand no one to blame, It's e- ‘ogg that must be hatched. ‘They bad-ger and they butch him till the bach'-loris un-batched, It's ¢~ —s Copysigt © 2967 by EY Haburg and Joe Styne ‘chappell-Styne, Ine, owner of publiation and alfed rights trouphout the work ‘Chappell & Co, ine, le veling agent Imernationa Copytght Secured Mage in U.S.A. ‘ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ineludig public perfoomanceter profit anging ot adapting of thi work withowt the consent ofthe owner isa iniagement of coptight ‘any copying, r Bhdim == Dm G7(6) G+ Co cr = = = gS ES rT Bb or F Dm _crsuss) cr ey tae ay ty, te EY more iy cram ‘The neighbors raise the shades, they may not throw a brick, But And, oh, that aw - ful mir - ror, mir - ror on soon your name is rhymed up ina maugh - ty lim nouh to make a la— dy fall in love ough to mako a ly - éy fall in love cress) cr Bhm od | oe ut-ter- ly ghastly, beast-ly, When your life's all famine with-out thefeast=ly, And you in-no-cent Lit~ de spin-ster Know that life's a gin= deter plot a-gainst her Till some >3 = =_3 > Ue 80 mn-il-ly and so priest-ly; It's a crime, a bloom-in' prinee has. sin- o-cent-ly con -vinced her There's a cure for be ~ ing > ee hime, sin - gle life pure? spin —ster's life I Dm__Ctisus4) cr toss all — night, you let your fan - oy play, With the stork of Da~mo-cles poised’ - bove her ‘head Gm? Bbm Bho opr ae Bb = SSS =F out fi-an-cée Or bove? she is still un-wed, And the dove, - fH5 ough rough, to make to make rough to make a la— dy fall F * Eugene Dizon Dante Decl. ey hn I’ve Got A Rainbow Working For Me Lyrics by Masic by e, ¥HARBURG JULE STYNE Moderato . With a lit- tle bit of paint and a little know how, you ean own Ccopyeiht © 1967 by EY. Harburg snd Jule Styne CChappett-styne, In, owner of publication an allied eights tvoughout the world ‘Chappel & Co, nc, sole selling agent, Imernational Copyright Secured Made tou. 5.4 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED including pbtic performance fr profit ‘Any copying, arangig ot sdaptng ofthis work without the consent of the owner Is a inbgemnent of copyight cr F . er(euss) C7 Light and shade, F Fr r Gm cr er(susa) 7 c7(eus4) cn F cr right then you've got PRET cme co ce or oF pr Bho D9 Gm Bh Bbm Beg me to take Amt Gtaim Gmt or F Abdim cr Fkaim_c7 = hal and cas ~ tle tPF with just om pbms F Lit = Ue box cms Dr G95) oo cm? cr iF a To Patter [EF Gat Ot F Fie] touch, toueh Patter F risus) cr De dab, dab there, It you just stand ——an == its Tra-fal - gar Square. = a and a Lit- tle brown smidge, Tho! it may look 716) + a7 cr Fine & it's the Brook-lyn Bridge on avain- y day. And that is i 180-8 06 Let’s See What Happens ‘As eung by PATRICIA ROUTLEDGE in DARLING OF THE DAY Lyrics by E. Y. HARBURG Lilting Waltz tempo ing Fm? by Bb Bbmaj? the waltz From the Music Library of Eugene Dizon Music by JULE STYNE abe what hap Copyright © 1967 by E. ¥. Marburg and Jule Styne Chappell-Styne, Inc., omer of publication ‘and allied rights throughout the vorid Chappell & Co., Inc., sole selling agent 5876 Bb Ebmajt Bb6. eb Fm? pens. Let us pre = tend, my rRrT T friend, it's only a Ab AbmajT or cmt And of a great ad = ven ture _hap- pens to hap = ' — a == = Eb Bhm? ET Ab Bomaj? 6 FD BbT ee Ebdim Fv Bere) 5876 28 Under The Sunset Tree she oung by, VINORUT PRICE in DARLING OF THE DAY Musto by Lyrics by E, Y, HARBURG JULE STYNE Cantabile Piano wf Refrain-Not fast, bT Abs Abo the Db Dbdim Ab Baim years are and the hills 5816 Copyright @ 1967 by E. Y. Harburg and Jule Styne Chappell-Styne, Inc., owner of publication ‘and allied rights throughout the world Chappell & Co., Inc., sole selling agent ao esa Aba? Bb? on = ty _our_henrty——— reir Ee . Fc ev - ny sweet brave new — light ——— world grown bright RN 5876 3876 bb have it's ap ~ ple fon the bough Bom? ey blog ~ som, = bove, ———___— as the fruit we share. bm ebr 2 is a young man's cantabile fr fr Ebr Ab Abmaj7 —_Ab6 ebT ab ma world to know the grace 5876 When the heart Ab Eomt AMT Db Dbmé Ab _Ebr(eusty EDT _AbmajT abs Bom? 3. Ebr(eust) Un-der the _sun_-_ set . . ant saler “Mice Chalize ai BUTLER IN THE ABBEY Brier (lew OF jm, a ELT, HAROURG L FA j . ME THE LS . Fro . fa eee Library of — = =" SS Bur- LER WW THE «AB ey, SS = a TE POND Wil «Deep AND SS £ iL % | a a: — omer" -2- ~ SSS S= a= =I * PAR= LiA~ MENT WILL SWAP ra KING - dom re aa HORSE. our [= SS53 == Se tS 7 HET ; =~ (Ia 7 4 o SS = Ae SS =s C — ON IES nS THE SEV-EN SEAS, WILL LAUGH WT A GREAT GUF- = =f SS aa = =P = ZF 3S = _ ; = { ” FAW. nevis ” av cHeeR, TAT “Doma if my HERE AND SS = J =I Ic fo wk BR - WARD — SHAW. ct 3. : fete. . 22S S23 SS | Toe ei ou ow wt O~ LO HIDE, na == ee FNS ae oi = SS : = 7" mR — — fo NE Wm nur Ez Po unen 2 SSS prawn = t BI- AN Foun fan iW TRA vale = GAR SPURRE. ae S ' d aaa = # tf =e ee ae] o ie = = —S=5 === == s BEN int 6, Wm A oat dwG— die, iw ie AN+ GLO TAX- OW — re — C x t == =s= SSS Sa = ! wey Hi er wut Tienes A BUT LER ane as TAPP a AG g 5: 7 Z _——-= === SSE i: rts == == SSS = ; p ru. ¥ = —= + pesispiitele SSS 4 = L SS = == === | a j HER-O IN WEST= is see = ] = + ~— =F + Hi | “ageey" -S- [—=S=5=55 “ 1a Out GRAND-LY ow His SA-CRED PAD, . SS L ar) | _* # o hs WII-HG TERE 8 Oome-Tine quE-8Y GO~me ON WTS HERE AB-EEY == e = —— d SH t——+ E Se == 4 bu i ee BLIGH-B, vere Bea HAD. == : —— ==} =a q Browne Wit RE- PoRT iT TO TEW DOWN = INE « = SS= z z 7 a at dt te + bai Wy WH =—— + nner -6- a SSR = ===" 5 DDHW SoM SHOVE, WHY iat poreWen HERE?” iF == pete front! == 1 Oo as Me THER WROTE RING LEAR. ! iF ROLL. eta — mi e ‘Dick-ENS Wile BE DEF-IN> ITE LY STRICK~ EN. mH “she -7- PIM MUL CRI TE E-aRE 16 DI- = 1D. GIA-TTONE AO 2VS-RAE-L1 wht pe 73 —. = = =: hi [eR == = = AWG -ING E+ tty EDT AND DAR-WIN WISH HE NEVER tay B~ He aE ae = =| G “hy ie ee [me = == = = = Fi == é: 2 = [gece] — =-=[= SSS] Cn a a —— = S= =z | == = = ——— ——— ENS OR KINGS. Wit Rott THEIR EYES WHEN — yy a: Es >=] ca 126 Fie! Sen MONEY! MONEY! MONEY x 6. ————$— VS1C=8Y= LIRI €.% HA [AC4) (Wor 0 oH) = a fF: zi SS za WW TROU- BLE WHAT cuRES THE TRoU- BLE PAL “BUT SORT OF ShorT OF Mon =F _t. I All: > z. >. SSS 3 =——| me ea . H A i a =P O= 4 HE: it: SS SS EE jl ee em U —2 =F = SSSF — “Tr? [tt ttre? _ SSS SS SS Se a : Ss = == = =F CHORE. = ROR - THE MAL OR | SWIPE =A JEWEL or ——— = + eS f Sj SS SSS Ee: ss a ALF: a From the Wize chelee PANACHE Fe] eo A7kiee-87— EAH ORE aE: = ; _[pinioeve) r AS RALL vm) RSE] oxroan: (118) * > THERES AN ART. TO SELIG ART IF YOU THKE 0S-CAR MUDES Ad~ a Sa = a be. vice. TD WN-ceense «A PAINT-NG'S YAL~ VE — tov mus FIRST N-CRERSE THE tre | ie PRICE. AID FOR THIS mY GENE LA-3Y, Sueneeas E-Le-cance _ UenwactE* “oR WAT THE WOLD Cau PA- === Ay = > f= = —— ie ll * * — TT. “pp = ” NACHE "on WHAT THE BRI=TISH— CALL “PA - NASH oF ey Gat “ACHE AND PAN OF GREASE oF E- I NACHE AND SOME Fol a A SCRAMBLED EGG WN A Mas” TER- PECE iF wy Thor Ba lit Te _ Fen: A Feinme FA THLE. mp A “PANECHE" . -3- > j=} = Dusit Sa Pp mas a er ms = EA SH BF pos ie rhe Bat OF SPLASH TDA SUCE OF SHASH Bite PE Ne gor Lis, YE a5 = See ff if fi zt Hy d A = SS SS = Gor THE oid pa nieue. tn wycne! = Nacue } its HE fy. Gor THE OLD PA- Migie: PAE Micte | ~PA= WACHE | tobe = 7 = —# = => aS ¥ ree a tara | PELE ‘ a 4: == as 4 + <— is = — =S= z= T = =| mae * mea - Say 3E BEUF” 1? SUS THE olb Goy- LASH. ‘PA , CAL TT FA- BeR- Ger ITS Tu TE §=— OLD HoG- WASH! = PR- ; a= Nac WTS THE Wax THAT CURLS THE HAN-WLE OF HE. a PA- WACHE ITS THE HRAP-PING AND THE Rig~GON “ue he 7 “tpwncue" “oi fale i . J|Netae ATS ke a &S aes tele =2B ants (i An Sais iit Ee i Bs lire mt atral gs Trehte itH| i a REE NEB ae ke. #8 | att 2 =r FE ee. t ag > = i RIE 4. 6 = Aor Tht VIVE PA 5S Sel oa 2.0 A 4 THE RH YOR GA- OF WiLL # — a iE THE a: —= — cae F $ P ; Yone F a = == cup oie r= 1 TP UPS THE. Soo tins 2, — = £ —-— spit ef = f = DER wr!

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