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University of Mumbai

M.Sc. Computer Science Semester II & IV

Subject: Applied Machine and Deep Learning

UNIT 1 1. What is Machine Learning? Why it is used?

2. Explain different types of Machine Learning Systems.

3. Explain the concept of Supervised Learning. List out some important Supervised
Learning Algorithms.

4. What is overfitting? What are the possible solutions to reduce it?

5. What is underfitting? What are the options available to fix it?

6. What is the purpose of a validation set?

7. Consider the classifier’s prediction on a test set given below.

True Positive (TP) = 60
True Negative (TN) = 15
False Positive (FP) = 15
False Negative (FN) = 10
Calculate Precision and Recall.

8. Explain the concept of the ROC Curve.

9. What are the main challenges in Machine Learning?

10. Explain the concept of Unsupervised Learning. List out some important
Unsupervised Learning Algorithms.

11. Write a note on the types of predictive models for Classification in Machine
12. List some popular algorithms which are used for binary classification
13. Explain how a confusion matrix can be used to describe the performance
of a classification model.
14. What is Multiclass Classification? Five Example.
15. Write a note on Naïve Bayes Classifier

UNIT 2 16. Write a note on Gradient Descent.

17. What is Batch Gradient Descent? What are its benefits and shortfalls.
18. Explain the concept of Polynomial Regression.

19. What is Ridge Regression?

20. What is Lasso Regression?

21. Explain the concept of Linear Regression

22. Explain Logistic Regression.

23. Explain Multinomial Logistic Regression. Also explain Softmax function.

24. Write a note on Batch Gradient Descent.

25. Write a note on Stochastic Gradient Descent.
26. Write a note on Mini-Batch Gradient Descent.
27. What do you mean by Early Stopping?
28. Compare Linear, polynomial and logistic regression.
29. Compare and contrast different types of Gradient Descent algorithms.
30. Write a note on Bias-Variance Trade-Off in Multiple Regression
31. What does Regularization achieve?
What is Logistic Regression? To what kind of problem the logistic

regression is useful? Explain.

UNIT 3 33. What is similarity function? Suppose you trained an SVM classifier with an
RBF kernel. If it seems to overfit the training set then should you increase or
decrease γ (gamma)?

34. What is soft margin classification?

35. What is the fundamental idea behind Support Vector Machines?

36. Explain the CART Training Algorithm.

37. What is a kernel trick? What are different kernel functions available for SVM

38. What is regularization? How do you reduce the risk of overfitting of Decision

39. What is Gini Impurity? Consider that you have 10 training instances. Out of
which 6 are with Positive Trend and 4 are with Negative Trend. Compute Gini
Impurity for the same.

40. Explain how decision trees can be used for multiclass classification?
41. Write a note on the advantages and disadvantages of using decision trees.
What is Gini(Outlook) for the above data?
42. What is SVM? Briefly explain the terms support vectors, hyperplane, and
margin with respect to SVM.
43. Write a note on the Types of SVMs. Why SVMs are used in Machine
44. Briefly explain the working of SVM.
45. State and explain the pros and cons of SVM.
46. Briefly explain the different types of kernels used by SVM.
47. Briefly outline the use of Gini Impurity vs Entropy in decision trees.

UNIT 4 48. Explain different types of data representations for Neural networks.

49. Explain real-world examples of Timeseries data tensor.

50. What is Deep Learning?

51. Write a short note on Stochastic Gradient Descent.

52. Explain the relationship between the network, layers, loss function, and

53. What are activation functions? Why are they necessary?

54. What do you mean by Keras? What are its key features?

55. Explain the stack of software and hardware used in Deep Learning.

56. What is TensorFlow? Why it is necessary?

57. Explain Multi-Layer Perceptron.

58. Describe in brief the artificial neural network architecture. Explain the terms
input layer, hidden layer, bias, activation function, and output layer

Compare the biological neural network and artificial neural network.
Briefly outline the architecture of ANN.
List and explain applications deep learning.
What is the Activation Function? Why does ANN need them?
What are the different types of Neural Networks Activation Functions?

What are the benefits of using non-linear activation functions in deep learning?
Compare between Sigmoid and ReLU activation functions.
What are tensors? Briefly outline the working of Tensorflow and its
significance in Depp Learning.

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