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Benefits of Ayurveda treatments for cracked heels

Cracked heels are an extremely common problem faced by men and women alike. There are
many reasons for this condition. In Ayurveda, cracked feet are called padadari. It is
categorized under shudra khushtha, or minor skin disease. Though it may seem harmless, it
can seriously impact your life. Individuals who suffer from diseases like diabetes need to take
extra precautions. Let us look at the disease in detail to find out its causes, symptoms, and
Ayurvedic management.

Result of vata aggravation or vata vitiation due to frequent exposure to causative factors. This
makes the skin rough and later leads to the skin on the hands and feet cracking. In Ayurveda,
this is called padadari. Pada is the Sanskrit version of feet, and Dari means cracks.

Causes; -

 Vitamin deficiencies
 Standing for long hours
 Obesity or overweight
 Improper footwear
 Poor hygiene
 Ageing
 Exposure to irritants like detergents
 Overexposure to extreme weather conditions
 Improper diet
 Dehydration


 extreme dryness of the foot

 Cracks
 Fissures
 Reddish and flaky patches
 Itching
 Pain on the palm and sole
 Bleeding
 Burning sensation

Ayurvedic management

Pada abhyanga

medicated oil massage. According to Ayurveda, the foot is the place where important nerve
endings meet. Massaging the foot with medicated oils helps revitalize these neural pathways.
This is beneficial not just for cracked heels but also for maintaining overall health and well-
being. Oil massage moisturizes and softens the skin in the affected area. Along with repairing
cracked heels, it provides nourishment to the foot by easing inflammation.


This is the process of herb-induced sweating using the steaming technique.

Snehana, also called oleation, is the process of oiling the affected body area with medicated

Lepana, or application of medicated paste

Pastes made from medicinal herbs are applied to the feet. These pastes help ease the

Diet restrictions

Limit or restrict foods that aggravate Vata dosha.

Include the following foods in your daily diet:

 Fruits
 Cucumber
 Ash gourd
 Tender coconut water
 Ghee
 Butter

Reduce or restrict the consumption of the following food items:

 Deep-fried food
 Spicy food
 Pepper
 Bitter gourd
 Chilly
 Mustard

So we have had a thorough conversation about cracked heels. Looked into the symptoms,
causes, and complications of this condition. We have also seen how Ayurveda can help
manage cracked heels. Ayurveda is very effective for such conditions, provided the patient
strictly abides by the prescribed Ayurvedic treatment regimen. Although cracked heels may
seem harmless, they can cause serious complications if you don’t seek medical help. It may
seem simple, but it can seriously impact daily life and routine. The condition worsens during
the winter and rainy seasons. So it's imperative to maintain proper hygiene. A good and
healthy diet should be adopted. Thus, modifying your lifestyle is of primary importance. It is
important not to put extra pressure on your feet. Always keep your feet moisturized, as
dryness can lead to cracked feet. So are you someone who is struggling with cracked heels?
Are you looking for Ayurvedic methods to manage your condition? Well, you are in the right
place! Ayurclinic Melbourne is one of the best Ayurvedic therapy providers in the country.
Our Ayurvedic practitioners have years of experience in the field and deep-rooted knowledge
of the principles of Ayurveda. Consult our practitioners to find out more about your health
condition. We can devise a customized Ayurvedic management plan to address your
condition. So don’t wait any longer. Visit Ayurclinic, Melbourne, for more details.

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