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1. What is Angular and how does it differ from AngularJS?

• Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework for building

dynamic, single-page web applications. It's a complete rewrite of AngularJS, which was
based on JavaScript. Angular offers a more modular and component-based architecture,
improved performance, and better tools for development.
2. Explain the basic architecture of an Angular application.
• An Angular application consists of modules, components, services, templates, and
dependency injection. Modules organize the application, components define views,
services provide logic, templates define the UI, and dependency injection manages
component dependencies.
3. What are the key components in Angular and how do they interact?
• Key components include modules, components, services, and templates. Modules group
related components, services provide business logic, and templates define views.
Components use services, and modules define the app's structure.
4. What is data binding in Angular? Explain one-way and two-way data binding.
• Data binding connects UI elements with component data. One-way data binding updates
the view when data changes, while two-way data binding updates both the view and data
when either changes.
5. How do you create a component in Angular, and what is its purpose?
• You create a component using the Angular CLI or manually. Components encapsulate UI
and behavior, making it reusable and maintainable.
6. What are Angular directives, and can you give examples of built-in directives?
• Directives are markers on DOM elements that tell Angular to attach specific behavior to
them. Examples of built-in directives include ngIf, ngFor, ngStyle, and ngClass.
7. Describe Angular services and their significance in an application.
• Services are reusable, injectable classes that provide functionality across an app. They
promote code reusability, maintainability, and separation of concerns.
8. What is dependency injection in Angular, and why is it important?
• Dependency injection is a design pattern where a class receives its dependencies rather
than creating them. In Angular, it allows for efficient component management and easier
9. Explain the Angular CLI and its role in Angular development.
• The Angular CLI is a command-line tool for creating, building, and testing Angular
applications. It simplifies the development workflow and project setup.
10. What are Angular modules, and why are they used?
• Angular modules are containers for organizing an app into cohesive blocks. They group
related components, directives, and services and define the app's structure.
11. What is routing in Angular, and how do you set up routing for a multi-page application?
• Routing enables navigation between different parts of an app. To set up routing, you
define routes in a module and use the RouterOutlet to display views based on URLs.
12. How can you handle HTTP requests in Angular using HttpClient?
• You can use Angular's HttpClient module to make HTTP requests. You inject it into
services and use methods like get(), post(), and delete() to interact with APIs.
13. What is lazy loading in Angular and how does it improve application performance?
• Lazy loading loads modules and components on-demand, reducing initial load times. It
improves performance by loading only what's needed when it's needed.
14. What is Angular's ngIf and ngFor directives used for?
• ngIf is used for conditional rendering, showing or hiding elements based on a condition.
ngFor is used for iterating over collections and rendering elements for each item.
15. Explain the Angular ngZone and Change Detection mechanism.
• The ngZone is a core part of Angular that manages change detection. It helps optimize
performance by triggering change detection only when needed.
16. What is the purpose of Angular Pipes, and provide examples of custom pipes.
• Pipes transform data in templates. Examples include DatePipe for formatting dates and a
custom pipe for filtering lists.
17. How can you implement authentication and authorization in an Angular application?
• You can implement authentication with services like Firebase or OAuth providers. For
authorization, use guards to control access to routes and resources.
18. What are Angular Forms, and what are the different types of forms in Angular?
• Angular Forms help manage user input and validation. Types include template-driven
forms and reactive forms (model-driven forms).
19. Explain the concept of Angular Observables and why they are used.
• Observables are a key part of Angular's reactive programming. They represent data
streams over time and are used for handling asynchronous operations like HTTP requests.
20. How can you optimize the performance of an Angular application?
• Performance optimization includes lazy loading, AOT compilation, reducing HTTP
requests, using Angular CLI tools, and optimizing change detection.
21. What is Angular Universal, and how does it improve server-side rendering (SSR)?
• Angular Universal is a technology for rendering Angular apps on the server. It improves
SEO, initial load times, and provides a better user experience.
22. Explain the concept of Angular Interceptors and provide use cases.
• Interceptors allow you to intercept and modify HTTP requests and responses. Use cases
include adding headers, handling errors, and logging.
23. What is NgRx, and how does it enhance state management in Angular applications?
• NgRx is a library for managing application state in a predictable way using the Redux
pattern. It centralizes state management and simplifies complex data flows.
24. Can you explain the concept of Angular Elements and their use cases?
• Angular Elements allow you to package Angular components as reusable web
components. They can be used in non-Angular applications and frameworks.
25. Describe the differences between ngOnChanges, ngOnInit, and ngAfterViewInit lifecycle
• ngOnChanges is called when input properties change, ngOnInit is called after component
initialization, and ngAfterViewInit is called when the view is initialized.
26. How do you handle error handling in Angular applications?
• You can handle errors using try-catch blocks, error handling services, or Angular's
catchError operator when working with observables.
27. What is AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation in Angular, and why is it beneficial?
• AOT compiles Angular templates during build time, resulting in smaller bundle sizes and
improved runtime performance compared to JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation.
28. Explain the concept of ViewEncapsulation in Angular.
• ViewEncapsulation is used to encapsulate component styles, preventing them from
leaking into other components. It supports three modes: Emulated, Native, and None.
29. What are Angular Schematics, and how can you use them in your project?
• Schematics are code generators that automate common development tasks. You can use
built-in or custom schematics to scaffold and modify your project.
30. How do you perform unit testing and end-to-end testing in Angular?
• Unit testing is done using testing frameworks like Jasmine and Karma. End-to-end testing
is performed with tools like Protractor or Cypress.
31. What are the key differences between Angular and React for building web applications?
• Key differences include the use of TypeScript in Angular, Angular's opinionated structure,
and React's component-centric approach. React is more flexible, while Angular offers
more out-of-the-box features.
32. Describe the concept of Angular zones and their use in managing asynchronous
• Zones in Angular manage the context for asynchronous operations. They help track and
optimize performance by knowing when asynchronous tasks are complete.
33. What is the Angular router outlet, and how does it work?
• The router outlet is a directive used in routing. It marks where the router should render
the components associated with specific routes.
34. Explain Angular's ViewChild and ContentChild decorators with examples.
• ViewChild is used to query and access child components and DOM elements in a
component's view. ContentChild is similar but used for querying content projected into a
35. How can you integrate third-party libraries or JavaScript code into an Angular application?
• You can integrate third-party libraries by installing them with npm or yarn and then
importing and using them in your Angular components.
36. What is Angular's ng-content and how is it used in component composition?
• ng-content allows you to project content from a parent component into a child
component's template. It's useful for creating reusable and flexible components.
37. Discuss the concept of Angular's TestBed and its role in unit testing.
• TestBed is a testing utility in Angular that helps configure and create instances of
components and services for unit testing.
38. How can you optimize the size and performance of an Angular application's bundle?
• Optimization techniques include tree-shaking, code splitting, lazy loading, using AOT
compilation, and minimizing external dependencies.
39. Explain the Angular HttpClient Interceptor pattern for handling common HTTP headers
and authentication.
• Interceptors are used to intercept HTTP requests and responses. You can use them to add
headers, handle authentication, or log requests, improving code maintainability.
40. What are Angular decorators, and how do they work?
• Decorators are a TypeScript feature used in Angular to modify or enhance classes,
methods, or properties. They provide metadata and can be applied using @ syntax.
Common decorators include @Component, @Injectable, and @Input.

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