N9B Form 2

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Defence and Counterclaim Name of court

Watford County Court and Family Court
(specified amount)
• Fill in this form if you wish to dispute all or part of the claim
and/or make a claim against the claimant (counterclaim). Claim No. 388MC738
• You have a limited number of days to complete and Claimant Fischer Heat UK LTD
return this form to the court. (including ref.)
• Before completing this form, please read the notes for
guidance attached to the claim form.
• Please ensure that all boxes at the top right of this form Defendant Mr John Bowden
are completed. You can obtain the correct names and
number from the claim form. The court cannot trace your
case without this information.
How to fill in this form • If you dispute only some of the allegations you must
• Complete sections 1 and 2. Tick the correct boxes and - specify which you admit and which you deny; and
give the other details asked for. - give your own version of events if different from the
• Set out your defence in section 3. If necessary continue claimant’s.
on a separate piece of paper making sure that the claim • If you wish to make a claim against the claimant
number is clearly shown on it. In your defence you must (a counterclaim) complete section 4.
state which allegations in the particulars of claim you • Complete and sign section 5 before sending this form to
deny and your reasons for doing so. If you fail to deny the court. Keep a copy of the claim form and this form.
an allegation it may be taken that you admit it.

1. How much of the claim do you dispute? 2. Do you dispute this claim because you have
✔ I dispute the full amount claimed as shown on already paid it? Tick whichever applies
the claim form. ✔ No (go to section 3)
Yes I paid to the claimant
I admit the amount of £
on /
If you dispute only part of the claim you must either:
(before the claim form was issued)
• pay the amount admitted to the person named
at the address for payment on the claim form Give details of where and how you paid it in the
(see How to Pay in the notes on the back of, box below (then go to section 5)
or attached to, the claim form). Then send this
defence to the court
• complete the admission form and this defence
form and send them to the court.
I paid the amount admitted on
or / /
I enclose the completed form of admission
(go to section 2)

3. Defence (If you need to continue on a separate sheet put the claim number in the top right hand corner.)
I agreed for Fischer Heat to come and fit my new boiler and heat source pump. Upon installment of the boiler, the plumber
had to power flush my old central heating pipes. There was a pump and a bucket used in my utility room, and this
machine cleans all the black sludgy water from the pipes and into a bucket. The plumbers left my house at around 3
o'clock that day and left the machine on and told my teenaged daughter to turn off the machine in about an hour's time.
She walked past the machine 20 minutes in and noticed the machine was overflowing with the black sludgy water and so
turned it off to prevent further damage. My wife had then arrived home at this time in horror, got a bucket and a mop to
clean up the mess on the floor, but the damage was already done -- the water had overflowed onto the utility floor and into
the hallway. My wife called the plumber immediately using the number provided by himself to my daughter but the
plumber was very apologetic but said he could not come back. I sent the company photographs of the damage at the time
and they asked me to gather estimates for the damage caused, which I did, and they all were priced around £1,500 to
£2,000 to repair the damage. They firstly offered me £500, then increasing it to £700, both of which I refused for being
insufficient. I requested the full £1,500, but they refused to pay me this.

(continue over the page)

N9B Defence and Counterclaim (specified amount) (08.18) © Crown copyright 2018
Claim No. 388MC738

Defence (continued)

4. If you wish to make a claim against the claimant (a counterclaim)

• To start your counterclaim, you will have to pay a fee. Court staff can tell you how much you have to pay.
• You may not be able to make a counterclaim where the claimant is the Crown (e.g. a Government
Department). Ask at your local county court office for further information.
If your claim is for a specific sum of money, how much are you claiming? £1,450.00

I enclose the counterclaim fee of £80.00

My claim is for (please specify nature of claim)
Reimbursement of damage

What are your reasons for making the counterclaim?

If you need to continue on a separate sheet put the claim number in the top right hand corner.
As stated above in Defence section.

5. Signed - To be signed by you or by your solicitor or litigation friend.

*(I believe) (The defendant believes) that the facts stated in this form are true. Position or office held
(If signing on behalf of
*I am duly authorised by the defendant to sign this statement. firm or company)
I believe that the facts stated in this form are true
*delete as appropriate

Date 0 1 /0 4 /2 0 2 3

Defendant's date of birth, if an individual 0 2 / 0 8 /1 9 6 5

Give an address to which notices about this case can be sent to you
24 Rutherford Way If applicable
Bushey Heath
Bushey Telephone no. 07720398257
Hertfordshire Fax no.
Postcode W D 2 3 1 N J DX no.

E-mail abbey.mac@hotmail.co.uk

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