Callum Their

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1 Look at the photos. Match the activities to the

words in the Ьох.

buy рrеsепts do water sports

go camping go sightseeing
lie оп the beach ride а bike
stay at а hotel take photos

Listen and check. Then repeat.

*'z Listen to callum апd Lottie
talking about their holidays.
Апswеr the questions.
1 Whеrе did Lottie go?
2 Where did Саl[um go?
3 Did they enjoy their
9 З Listen again and look at the photos in Exercise 1.
what activities did callum and Lottie do? write С
оr l for each picture.

4 Wоrk in groups. Say what you like and don't [ike

doing on hotiday.

& ,', ýlE
iýlý "
P*st вýmрýе: ýrrеgшýаr vеrЬý

Read the sentences from Callum and Lottie's

conversation and look at the irregular past simple
forms. What verbs do they come from?

8 у рацепts

1З lоп
14 We


RЕtЕRЕl{GЕ Аl{D рпАстlGЕ рдýý 1l$c}

2 Close your book and listen. You will hеаr the
irregular past tense. Say the verb it comes from.
6 Correct the mistakes with the past simple.

@ o rufamityand friendswerethere and theyffi

3 Complete Callum and Lottie's conversation. Use
mе а lot of presents.
the words and phrases in the Ьох.
1 Yesterday, l go with mу dad to а footbatt
Did х2 d id n't get up take 2 l went shopping and bough [ots of presents.
Yes, l did got up Went 3 l had а party and all my friends come to mу
Са[[чm: How was уоur summеr holiday, Lottie?
4 l was happy because l get а bag and а T-shirt for
Lottie: lt was brilliant! l want to leave! опlу f 10!
Саl[чm: уоu еаr[у ечеrу day? 5 Му friend gaves me some mопеу to buy ап
,,,..,,,, _,,, __,,...,,,.,,,

Lottie: Of course not! late and wе ice сrеаm.

to bed [ate.
Callum: you,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,..,,,,,_,,, апу photos? Т Comp[ete the email. Use the verbs in the Ьох in
Lottie: l took hundreds of theml the correct form.

4 Make conversations. Use the verbs in brackets.

Ье buy сап eat gо have
1 love see stay take visit
yoU ,, ,,,,.,,,,,,.,,, ,,, to the
mountains for уоur hotiday? (gо)

..;е' l!
No, we . We То; iБfi}rilмrта
to the beach. Frоm:
Subject: j]]f:l,! rlatЁ ]


you ,,,,....,, in the sea Hi gшуs!

every day? (swim) i hop* уоur holidays ý r,t_e_l_e gaod.
IJ а great time iп Nе,л Yоrk, it
а иlаs а specia{ h*iiday fоr mу dad's 50ih
Ьiгihdау. Wе 2

, at а пiсе hotel called

з Alb*tto's. \Д-/е З ý*а lots of famous
plac*s fr*m оur i:еdrооm window,

;i;ih;;' The food iп New Y*rk irta* great" Wе

4 iп а differ*nt r*stаurапt ечеrу
No,l. .Вutl а night, Му fav*urite rеstаuгапt was Chinese,
lot of presents. Wе dirj lots of sights*eing апd
sоmе interesting mыsеums, Wе 6
to the ýtaiue of Liber-ty апd the Еmрirе
ýtate Euilding. 'y'Ve al*o' а show оп
ilroadway. Ol соursе, mу mrm
thэ iаrgэ shops. She 9 ner,v cJoihes
Yes, wе ! And we fсr all of us. ! J0 iots of photos.
а lot of sweets.
Тhеу'rе a]l опiiпg поw * have а look!


YeS, we . We
а great time.

ý Write а holiday conversation. Use the ,.r.Bexi

conversations in Exercises З and 4 for ideas.

$ Write ап emai[ to а friend about уоur last holiday

Look at the text in Exercise 7 for ideas.

А1{ ExclTlilG TRIP


ý€&J+ ж#ffit#

When he arrived iп London, he Tr:*9 lots of tourists and l*i*l them

]i' fh i ъ,iт#ж :{}J : 1 #i lljн

Olympic Games around the world in his three-wheeled
his story. Some реорlе didn't believe him Тhеп he showed them
the stamps in his passport, and the photos of himself at places like
the EiffelTower in Paris and РеtrопаsТоwеrs in Kua]a Lumpur
rickshaw. The story Ьеgап in 200], whеп he heard that
After the London Olympics, Chen left his rickshaw in the UK and
the games were coming to Beijing. Не left his village
caught а flight home to рlап his next triр to the Rio Olympics.
and cycled 90,000 km all over China, visiting 1,764 cities
n 201З, he **l*u back to London. Не р*е his rickshaw оп а ship
before finally arriving at the famous ВirdЪ Nest Stadium.
to Canada, and he t*,*k а plane there.
Тhеп, he decided to travel to London for the 20'l2 Olympics. А friend p*ici for his flight ticket, Then,
lп 2010, he packed his things into his rickshaw and began his he g*t ,згэ his rickshaw and ц*з** to
journey. Не slept in his rickshaw and sometimes worked for Brazi through the US, Mlexico апd
food and mопеу. Fiпаllу, he got to Frапсе, and caught а fеrrу Сепtrаl Аmеriса. The journey took
to Britain. Не only travels Ьу boat оr рlапе when thеrеЪ по three years, Не l*ti an amazing time in
other choice. Rio and r**gJg lots mоrе friends,


i { ;
f !,

l ý**я$а
в ;l


ъ яъ

Look at the title of the artic[e and the photos. which countries do you think the rпап visited? Read the article
quickly and check your ideas.

Read the article about Сhеп Guan Ming and answer the questions.
1 What was Chen's job when he was young? 4 Did Chen go sightseeing during his jоurпеу?
2 How fаr did he сус[е to get to Beijing? 5 Whеrе did Chen go after the London Otympics?
3 Whеп did Chen leave home to go to London? б Did Сhеп travel with his rickshaw to Canada?

Look at the irrеgч[аr past tenses in рчrрlе in the article. Write the infinitives.
Do you know about апу other tong journeys? Would you like to do а jочrпеу like this?

Match the photos A-l to the words in the Ьох.

@ airport coach fеrrу ftight

guidebook map
suitcase ticket
tour guide
tou rist U
Listen and check. Тhеп repeat.
48 Utllт 7
2 Look at the verbs in the Ьох and find them in the
article. Then complete the phrases using each
\g verb once опlу.
Listen to Маriоп talking about а journey. How did
аrriче catch get оп / off pack
she trave[? Number the photos in the order you hear
take travel Ьу them. There is one extra photo that you don't need.

э photo а iопg time уоur things

1 2

а trаiп а bus а su itcase

а Ьus а trаiп саr bi le

а bicycle а р апе trа п bus

эt the ai rроrt а trаiп а fеrrу

iп the city а flight а bus

ln small groups, ask and answer the questions.

.. , ., Work in pairs, соmраrе уочr answers. Then
1 Do уоu have а раssроrt? 59
listen again and check. Why does Маriоп say
2 \лjhаt do уоu always pack when уOu g0 оп hoiidey? lt's fчппу ... at the end of her story?
3 Аrе guidebooks useful?
4 Ноw do yor: travel to school/the shops/your
friend's house? Wr.чЁ*}

5 Whеп did izou last trаvеl оп а fеrrу/соасh/рiапе/ '*'ýý*ry

train? @ *S watcb the video. Ask and апswеr the
questions with а partner.
РПllilUl{GlДТl0l{ ,

Sounds апd spetling Where did you gо оп уоur last ho[iday?

What did уоu do there?
4 Match the words with the same vowel
What did уоu see?
What did уоu eat?

met grоUр
caught car
р[апе catch
fIew work
coach phone
map station
jоuцпеу bought ,t Work in pairs. Tel[ your partner а travel story.

paSSport slept lnclude this inforrnation in уоur story:

. whеп уоu wепt
{D listen and check.
. whеrе you went
5Е . who you went изith
" Ноlцl you traveiled
. HOtll tопg уоur jоuгпеу took

This happened ... months/years ago.
First, we ...
Then we ...
We took а ... / We caught а ... / We went Ьу

ц bus/car.
Anyway ...

дil ЕхGlтlilG тпlр 49

ý I


веdуgоm furпýtжrе
рtАGЕ Ьу Rebecca Grant

1 Match the photos А-К to the words in the Ьох.

fý*ýrэсlаtr,. lwant to write about my favourite place,
ъ-, Ж lt's Ьу the window in my Ьеdrооm. l've got а
аrmсhаir btanket bookshelf carpet #* dark red аrmсhаir and а blanket. Му grandma
chest of drawers cupboard curtains
made the Ыапkеt fоr me when l was little, Next to
cushion lamp mirrоr photographs the chair is а bookshelf with my favourite books,
Ф lirt"n and check. Then repeat. and thеrе's also а little chest of drawers. On top
of it, there аrе some stones l coll
've got а {ew
ýý PR0l{U]lGlдTl01{ i /ы/ апа /эl оп the

*' Z Listen to the sounds |зl| апd |э:|.

Look at the words in the Ьох and put them оr

in the correct column in the table. МауЬе
bought сu rtа ins rа]цеrs
d ideas to
f]rst floor fцrпiturе saw :ljJilijlij
wa[[ wеrе work
Light is important in а rооm. Is there natural light
оr do you need а lamp?
lз:l bird /эll board
You don't need а lot of furnituTe. А chair оr an
CUrf0ifrý botlght аrmсhаiт is enough. Оr you can put а few 1аrgе
cushions on the саrреt in а соrпеr. You don't really
need anything else,

Ф listen and check. Тhеп repeat. What соlоurs do you like around you? Use somethinq
like cushions to give colour to уоur bed. Posters and
blankets work well for соIоur too.
Now you can collect some favourite
things to put in уоur special place. ,.,;fJffi::::

З What do you have in уочr bedroom?

4 Read the article. Which of the things from ,Жйй.,";;

Э.:';Рg:i ii|,
Exercise 1 аrе NOT mentioned in Rebecca's . ],q!E5a



5 Read the article again. Аrе the sentences right (/) 5 correct the mistakes in these sentences.
оr wrong (Х)?
{ё sol;:efhing
1 Rebecca has got three pieces of furniture in hеr 0 Please tetl me afiyt+iffig about уоur hotiday.
favourite р[асе. 1 l don't have something to do next weekend.
2 Rebecca's photographs аrе next to the mirrоr. 2 You don't need to Ьriпg nothing else,
3 She says it's nicer to have [ight from а window. З You сап write everything you like,
4 she has ideas fоr а favourite соrпеr without 4 l can't see по опе.
апу furniture. 5 l want to buy anything at the supermarket.

5 She tells us the со[оur of опе thing in hеr

favourite р[асе. 6 Fоr each question, choose the correct answer.

6 She says most peop[e's favourite p[aces аrе о 1

the same.

ýýýtr8sý*, аýу8ýý8, etý" Buy two cushions
б& апЪtЪЪГоЙе free!
Ъdау опlу.
А one cushion costs the same as two.
В Other shops аrе mоrе expensive than Bright's.
1 *v*rу*п* j:llVUI!E
С The shop is not open today.

2 еvегуwh*rg *путvýзег*
2 qrt
s*пз*w{з*rе п*rл.uhеr*
з еv*rуt}эiпg **уtl,лi;зg
э*пз*thirtg ;з*thiэ"эg l didn't h*аr anything fr,om ýaiiy ai:*ut
*ur i:ike rid* this aft*rnooir. lfid shs call
у*u? Аг* wе still going? Let mе know.
}сппммлR RЕFЕпЕl{сЕ АilD рпдGтtсЕ рдýЕ l{ý
Why did Jackie write this emai[?
2 Look at the artic[e again. Find seven sentences or
questions with the words in Exercise 1.
А to invite Tim оп а bike ride
В to find out whеrе Tim is today
С to ask Тim what's happening lаtеr
3 Complete the pronouns with -thlng, -опе or
-where, з
0 Did апуо__п_е .оrЬ to уоur party?
1 Some gаче me these shoes. Do you [ike
2 Тhеrе was,,,.., _ . . on the bookshelf. l [ooked.
З Сап you think of any to go this
4 I'm huпgrу but there's по. , __,in the fridge!

5 She wепt hot for hеr holidays.

6 No to[d me that you wrote stories!
7 some
l'd like , to eat, p[ease.
8 Every in the class, except me, likes the А А,ппа оп[у wants eight friепds to соmе to hеr
со[оur b[ue. ра rty.
9 No in mу house is а specia[ place, В All Аппа's friends сап соmе to her раrtу,
С Аппа wants Реппу to hetp hеr decide who to ask"
{ Comptete the sentences with апуthiпg, everything,
поthiпg or something.
1 Do you rеmеmЬеr ,_ about the fi[m?
2 The bookshelf is empty. There оп it. is
3 lt's vеrу dark. l can't see .
Desk lamp, 30-40 сm tall.
4 [еаrп

l new in English every day. Phone Jo апу time after б рm.

5 l don't need апу help thanks. l can саrrу
01632 960054

А Jo doesn't пееd hеr desk [аmр апуmоrе"

В Jo would tike to buy а desk tаmр frоm someone.
С Jo can апswеr caIls about hеr desk iamp
during the day.

l 1 Look at the photos. lп pairs, discuss the questions.
What do you think these three people do? What do
you think their favourite places аrе?

Read the article. Match the photos А-С to

the artists in the article. what is each artist's
favourite place?

Gеmmп Blqke,
Last summer, l spent four weeks on the north-west
coast of Scotland in а little house bythe sea. ln the evenings,
l sat Ьу the ореп window and listened to the sound of the
wind and the waves. lt was wonderful. After breakfast,
э when l went out to paint and draw, l always had lots of ideas
for pictures. Most days, ldidn't see апуопе except my neighbour.
Не was а fisherman. Не really liked my work, and l sold him а
drawing for his wall.

-+;gý* #т;*,у"
l grew up iп а small town in Canada. Му grandma took me for walks and
told mе everything about the animals and plants thеrе. When l was ] 9, l went to
music school in Toronto, At first, l loved the big city. Then l started writing my own
songs about, 9uess what, nature in and around my home town. So, five years ago,
l moved back, and now l don't want to live anywhere else.

Рпчl Dшчidsоп,
l started dancing when l was very уоuп9. lt was hard work, but l was
good, and l danced with famous companies in Russia, the USA and Europe.
l didn't rеаllу have а home, so when l had enough money l bought а tiny flat in

London. l love it there. The world of dance is busy and tiring, and itЪ 9reat to Ье
able to get back to my flat. l close the door, lie on my bed and listen to music.

Read the article again and answer the ýr*е-**ж** **8ýъуý*ý*g
1 \{lhat did Gemma hеаr whеп she sat пехt
to the ореп winclow? 1 Match the verbs in Ьох А to the words and phrases in
2 ла, ьох В. The verbs сап Ье used mоrе than опсе.
What did she do in the mоrпiпgs?
3 What did tha fishеrmап bi;y frоm hеr?
4 ц draw Iisten to paint ptay }
What dicj ýusie lеаrп frоm hеr grапdmа?
Why агd whеп did she move away frоm read write \
6 What does she writе songs аiэол,;t? Е аbtog computer games а diary
7 Whу did Раui travel to so mапу соuпtriеs?
drums the guitar magazines
8 What did he spend his mопеу оп? music pictures songs stories
9 What does he do whеп he gets home?

] {
Write eight sentences using words from Ьох А and Ьох В

in Exercise 1.

Give your sentences to your partner and check each

Еvеrуопе саmе to mу place last night опd wе played
computer games апd listened to musiс.
52 u}llт 8

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