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a) Introduction
i. Early life
ii. Education
b) Professional Life
i. Passion for Photography
ii. Cole’s Photography and African American Struggles.
c) Conclusion
Allen Cole was born in Virginia in 1883. He was the son of a blacksmith. Cole was a

hardworking man, he started working with his father from the day he could barely lift a hammer

till the day he entered Storer College in Harpers Ferry in West Virginia. Allen Cole was a

religious man too. He remained affiliated with church throughout his life. His childhood, rural

life, his faith and college helped him grow as a photographer.

Cole was attracted to the universe of expert photography when the new century rolled over, when

the relentless pace of Black rights civil movement to urban areas crosswise over America made

chance and topic for photographers of color. They started to give services as photographers to an

emanant customer base that included families, places of worship, organizations, brotherly

gatherings, ladies' clubs, political associations, neighborhood gatherings, and social

administration focuses. Solely in Cleveland, Cole's potential client base contacted 34,000

individuals by 1925.

When Cole started working as photographer his aim was not to promote the violent or poor black

stereotypes that already dominate the American popular culture. Cole's photos communicated the

qualities and convictions of the African American white collar class, in which the belief system

of racial elevate was an industrious visual subject. Cole prevailing with regards to creating such

symbolism since he was profoundly settled in the political, social, and business issues of the

Cleveland people group, sharing their qualities and convictions in thrift, enterprising nature, and

the persuasion of educational goals.

What made Cole’s photography so famous and wonderful was the idea that the he used his work

as a medium of Social documentation. He created a vibe of positivity around the African

American population in a time when they needed it. He covered the black history from daily life

to sacred culture and made it accessible to the public. Cole motivated many others to enter the
field and produced thousand of photograph negatives during his life time. One of his very

famous line during the great depression of American said ; SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE, WANTS


1- Black, Samuel W., and Regennia N. Williams. Through the Lens of Allen E. Cole: A

History of African Americans in Cleveland, Ohio. Kent State University Press, 2012.

2- “Through the Lens of Allen E. Cole - The Kent State University Press.” The Kent State

University Press RSS,


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