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Name Type Function Component Nuclei Structure Supplied Foramen

1 Olfactory (Oh) Sensory (Some) Smell Pure sensory (no None (ends in smell areas) olfaction Cribriform plate
functional part)

2 Optic (Oh) Sensory (Say) Vision Pure sensory (no No nuclei (ends in visual areas) Vision Optic canal
functional component)

3 Oculomotor (Oh) Motor (Marry) 1. Eye movement 1. GSE 1. Oculomotor nucleus 1. Extra-ocular mm. Superior orbital fissure
2. Autonomic pupil & ciliary mm. 2. GVE 2. Edinger Westphal nucleus 2. Ciliary & pupillary mm.
(autonomic part)

4 Trochlear (To) Motor (Money) Eye movement GSE Trochlear nucleus Superior oblique m. (in orbit) Superior orbital fissure

**the only n. that exits the brain **fibres cross over (decussate) in the tectum
stem posteriorly through the of the midbrain – left trochlear n. originates
ambient cistern from the right trochlear nucleus

5 Trigeminal (Touch) Both (But) 1. General sensations in the head 1. GSA 1. Sensory: 1. General sensation from the face & 3. Superior orbital fissure
2. Mm. of jaw 2. SVE - Main sensory nucleus (touch nasopharynx + proprioception from mm. = V1 – ophthalmic
& pressure) of mastication 4. Foramen rotundum =
- Spinal nucleus (pain & 2. Mm. of mastication, tensor veli palatini V2 – maxillary
temp) (soft palate) & tensor tympani (middle ear) 5. Foramen ovale = V3 –
- Mesencephalic nucleus mandibular
2. Trigeminal motor nucleus

6 Abducens (And) Motor (My) Eye movement GSE Abducens nucleus Lateral rectus m. (in orbit) Superior orbital fissure

7 Facial (Feel) Both (Brother) 1. Facial expression Motor: Motor: Motor: Internal acoustic meatus
2. Taste (ant 2/3 of tongue) (where is exits cranial cavity)
3. Salivary / tear glands 1. SVE 1. Facial motor nucleus 1. Facial expression mm., post. belly of
2. GVE 2. Superior salivatory “ digastric, stylohyoid & stapedius mm. Stylomastoid foramen
2. Lacrimal, submandibular & sublingual (where it exits the skull)
Sensory: Sensory: glands
1. GSA 1. Main sensory nuc. & spinal nuc. Sensory:
2. Solitary tract nuc. 1. General sensation from puter ear &
tympanic mem
2. Taste from ant 2/3 of tongue

8 Vestibulocochlear (Very) Sensory (Says) Hearing & equilibrium SSA 1. Cochlear nuclei 1. Cochlea (hearing) Internal acoustic meatus
2. Vestibular nuclei 2. Vestibule & semi-circular canals (balance (doesn’t leave the skull tho)
& equi)

9 Glossopharyngeal (Good) Both (Big) 1. Throat mm. & mm. of the pharynx Motor: 1. Nucleus ambiguus Motor: Jugular foramen
2. Taste (post 1/3 of tongue) 2. Inferior salivatory nuc
1. SVE 3. Spinal nuc of CNV 1. Stylopharyngeus m.
2. GVE 4. Solitary tract nuc 2. Parotid gland
5. “
Sensory: Sensory:

1. GSA 1. Gen. sensation of post 1/3 of tongue &

2. SVA oropharynx
3. GVA 2. Taste post 1/3 tongue
3. Visceral sensation from carotid body &
sinus, gag reflex

10 Vagus (Velvets) Both (Brains) 1. Throat mm. (soft palate / pharynx / Motor: Motor: Motor: Jugular foramen
intrinsic laryngeal mm.)
2. Visceral reflexes (sensory part) 1. SVE 1. Nucleus ambiguus 1. Soft palate, palatoglossal m., pharynx,
2. GVE 2. Dorsal motor nuc larynx, oesophagus
2. Respiratory, digestive & cardiac system
Sensory: Sensory:
1. GSA 1. Spinal nuc of CNV
2. SVA 2. Solitary tract nuc (same w 3) 1. Gen sensation from laryngopharynx,
3. GVA larynx, trachea & oesophagus
2. Taste post tongue + oropharynx
3. Visceral sensations from thoracic & abd.

11 Accessory (Are) Motor (Matter) Neck & shoulder mm. SVE 1. Nucleus ambiguus 1. Trapezius m. Jugular foramen
2. Accessory nucleus (C1-6) 2. Sternocleidomastoid m.

12 Hypoglossal (Heavenly) Motor (Most) Tongue mm. GSE Hypoglossal nuc All tongue m. except palatoglossus m. Hypoglossal canal
Component Function Cranial Nerves Nuclei
General Visceral Afferent (GVA) General sensations from organs of head & neck + intestines Visceral sensory nn.: Solitary tract nucleus
(pain, touch, temp, pressure, vibration, proprioception) 1. Glossopharyngeal (for CN VII, IX, X)
2. Vagus
General Somatic Afferent (GSA) General sensations from the face, scalp, external auditory meatus, meninges, pharynx & General sensory nn.: 1. Spinal nucleus (CNV)
mucosa 2. Main sensory nucleus (CNV)
1. Trigeminal 3. Mesencephalic nucleus (CNV)
(also incl proprioception) 2. Facial
3. Glossopharyngeal
4. Vagus
Special Somatic Afferent (SSA) Balance & auditory impulses Special sensory nerve 1. Cochlear nuclei (CNVIII)
2. Vestibular nuclei (CNVIII)
1. Vestibulocochlear
Special Visceral Afferent (SVA) Taste sensations Special sensory nn.: Solitary tract nucleus (CN VII, IX, X)
1. Facial
2. Glossopharyngeal
3. Vagus
General Somatic Efferent (GSE) Supplies skeletal m. that develops from paraxial mesoderm (somites) Somatic nn.: (purely motor) 1. Oculomotor nucleus
2. Trochlear “
1. Oculomotor 3. Abducens “
2. Trochlear 4. Hypoglossal “
3. Abducens
4. Hypoglossal
Special Visceral Efferent (SVE) Supplies mm. that develop from the pharyngeal arches Brachial nn.: 1. Motor nucleus (CNV3)
2. Motor nucleus (CNVII)

1. Trigeminal 3. Nucleus ambiguus (CN IX, X)
Mm. of mastication
2. Facial 4. Spinal accessory nucleus (CNXI)
→ Mm. of facial expression 3. Glossopharyngeal
4. Vagus
→ Stylopharyngeus m. 5. Accessory

→ Mm. of the pharynx & larynx, back & neck

General Visceral Efferent (GVE) Supplies smooth m. & is responsible for gland secretion (autonomic fibres – all the CN Visceral motor nn.: 1. Edinger-Westphal nucleus (CNIII)
involved are parasympathetic / autonomic) 2. Superior salivatory nucleus (CNVII)
1. Oculomotor 3. Inferior salivatory nucleus (CNIX)
2. Facial 4. Dorsal motor nucleus (CNX)
3. Glossopharyngeal
4. Vagus

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