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5 Prophetic Decrees

Over Your Life
Jamie Rohrbaugh

© 2015-2020 Jamie Rohrbaugh. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced in whole or in part without the express, written consent of the author.
Scriptures are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson,
Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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Table of Contents
Prophetic Decree #1: Fullness of God .........................................................................................4
Prophetic Decree #2: Fullness of Health .....................................................................................8
Prophetic Decree #3: Fullness of Financial Prosperity ...........................................................12
Prophetic Decree #4: Fullness of Relationships .......................................................................17
Prophetic Decree #5: Fullness of Your Eternal Destiny ..........................................................21

Prophetic Decree #1: Fullness of God
Do you want to be closer to God? Do you want to be filled with the fullness of God?
I know I do. I want more, more, more of God. I want to know Him better, love Him more deeply,
and experience ALL of Him. Not just in the next life, but in this life.
Being filled with the fullness of God should be the cry of all of our hearts, no matter how young
or old we are in the faith.
A few years ago, I attended a Voice of the Apostles conference at which Pastor Bill Johnson,
senior leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, was speaking. During a Q&A session,
someone asked him a question about what he wants.
I was stunned to see his response: he began to weep, and then talked about how he wants more of
I was so impressed with that.
Why? Because Pastor Bill Johnson is one of the leaders in the Body of Christ who is more filled
with God than most folks I've ever heard of. His church is amazing, and they see signs, wonders,
and miracles every week.
Nevertheless, even though he is already at that level of knowing God and experiencing His
power, Pastor Bill could only say he wanted more of God. That was amazing to me, and I want
to be more like that too.
Don't you?
You and I should also desire more of the fullness of God, and desire it—desire Him—
If we do—if we want more of God, more of His Spirit, more of Jesus, more of His fullness, and
more of His manifestation—then our Father will give us our desire.
Check out these promises that our loving Father God gives us in His Word:
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled"
(Matthew 5:6).
"that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with
might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through
that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the
saints what is the width and length and depth and height—to know the love of Christ
which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God" (Ephesians

“For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God does not give the Spirit by
measure" (John 3:34).
Yes, your inheritance—and God's will—is for you to be filled with all His fullness.
He bought and paid for the fullness of His Spirit to be in us when Jesus shed His blood on the
cross. And yet, even though we have the Holy Spirit, we can somehow sense that there is more
of Him that we haven't experienced yet:
• That there are higher heights and greater depths of God.
• That there is more of His heart to get acquainted with.
• That there are more attributes of His nature that we haven't really gotten to know very
well yet.
We ought to desire to know God more; to be closer to Him; and to see more of His power in our
lives. We should desire to seek Him all of our days, never ever being satisfied with the current
level at which we know Him.
(Thankful and worshipful, yes ... but not satisfied. We should never rest upon our laurels and say
we know Him enough, for Heaven and earth will pass away before we ever know all of God.)
It's a holy paradox. When we seek Him, we find Him; and having found Him, we continue to
seek Him. We can always be closer.
But yet all of the fullness of God is available to us without measure.
The Holy Spirit is God Himself, very God of very God. He is One and the same Kind as the
Father and the Son, and God's Word says that He has given us the Holy Spirit ... and that He
does not give the Holy Spirit by measure.
That means WE can have ALL the fullness of God. YOU can have all the fullness of God.
So today I am going to speak a prophetic decree over you. I also ask you to speak this decree
over yourselves. Make it personal as you do. Claim it for yourself, because it's God's Word.
As Reinhard Bonnke taught us, God's Word in YOUR mouth is just as powerful as it is in God's
mouth. God's Word shall NEVER return to Him void (Isaiah 55:10-11)!
So here is the prophetic decree for you to be filled with all the fullness of God in
"In the name of Jesus, I decree that you are filled with the fullness of God. You are
strengthened with might and power through His Spirit in your inner man right now.
Christ dwells in your heart; you are one with Him and He is one with you. You are filled
with His glory.
Christ is your hope of glory, and He dwells in you right now by your faith in Him for the
saving of your soul. Likewise, you also dwell in Christ and remain in Him always. You

are rooted and grounded in Christ's love, and you know the surpassing height and depth
and breadth of His love deeply and intimately.
You are filled with God's Holy Spirit without measure or limitation.
You obey Him without question. I decree that you are filled with faith in Christ and His
Word. You walk every moment in everything He is and everything He has. You obey
Him in everything and His Words abide in you. You will ask what you will, and it shall
be done for you.
I decree in the name of Jesus that you are filled with the fullness of God. His Spirit is
manifest in your life at every moment of every day, in ALL His fullness. His power
works in you richly right now, and He is keeping you for Himself until the day of His
Now speak this same prophetic decree over yourself:
"In the name of Jesus, I decree that I am filled with the fullness of God. I am
strengthened with might and power through His Spirit in my inner man right now. Christ
dwells in my heart; I am one with Him and He is one with me. I am filled with His glory.
Christ is my hope of glory, and He dwells in me right now by my faith in Him for the
saving of my soul. I dwell in Christ and remain in Him always. I am rooted and grounded
in Christ's love and I know the surpassing height and depth and breadth of His love
deeply and intimately.
I am filled God's Holy Spirit without measure or limitation.
I obey Him without question. I decree that I am filled with faith in Christ and His Word. I
walk every moment in everything He is and everything He has. I obey Him in everything
and His Words abide in me. I ask what I will, and it shall be done for me.
I decree in the Name of Jesus that I am filled with the fullness of God. His Spirit is
manifest in my life at every moment of every day, in ALL His fullness. His power works
in me richly right now, and He is keeping me for Himself until the day of His return."
My beloved, life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its
fruit (Proverbs 18:21).
If you will confess LIFE out of your mouth—including spiritual life and the vibrancy of being
filled with the fullness of God Himself—then you will see your life change. You will see what
you speak begin to manifest in your life.
Therefore, my friend, print out these declarations or write them down in your journal. Speak
them often over yourself and even over other people as intercession. You will see them work, for
they are God's Word and His will for your life!

Could you feel God's power sit upon you as you decreed His Word over yourself? If so, stop and
thank the Lord for His goodness and His touch!

Decree #2: Fullness of Health
Are you sick—physically, emotionally, or spiritually? Do you want to be healed? If so, I want to
speak a prophetic decree of God's Word about HEALING over you today!
No matter what troubles you, you CAN be healed. God Himself will heal you. He is the Healer,
and ALL of His healing is available to you—for your spirit, soul, AND body.
That's right—you can be healed spirit, soul, and body. Healing is not just for spiritual things.
Jesus paid the price for your spiritual healing by taking your sin upon Himself, so that we could
receive forgiveness of sins and return to the arms of Father God, completely blameless and holy
in Christ. He rose again so we could walk in newness of life—completely resurrected, new
creatures with hope, power, victory, abundant life, filled with the Holy Spirit with an eternal
destiny in God.
That's spiritual healing. That's spiritual restoration. But God didn't stop there.
Jesus paid the price for your COMPLETE emotional and physical healing too.
Jesus Christ paid the price for your physical healing by enduring a terrible scourging at the end
of a Roman lash. That scourging destroyed His body; and because His body was destroyed,
yours can be healed. He took all the physical sickness you could ever endure upon Himself.
Isaiah 53:4-5 tells us:
"Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken,
smitten by God, and afflicted.
But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the
chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed."
He also paid the price for your mind and emotions to be healed.
When the Romans pushed the crown of thorns down into Jesus' head, He bled. He bled from His
head so that your head could be completely restored. And the passage above from Isaiah 53 also
tells us that He bore our griefs and sorrows.
Here's the truth of the matter:
It is absolutely, positively, beyond-a-shadow-of-a-doubt God's will for you to walk in complete,
total health in every way.
The Bible tells us:
"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul
prospers" (3 John 1:2).
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind"
(2 Timothy 1:7).

"...For I am the Lord who heals you" (Exodus 15:26b).
"how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went
about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with
Him" (Acts 10:38).
"For ‘who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?’ But we have the
mind of Christ" (1 Corinthians 2:16).
Jesus Christ paid the price for you to walk in COMPLETE physical, spiritual, and
emotional healing at all times.
He paid this price through His perfect life, death, and resurrection. His sacrifice was so perfect
that NOTHING can stand against it. You are healed of EVERYTHING bad in His name! There
are zero exceptions.
That means:
• There's no disease that has God biting His nails in Heaven and saying, "Boy, I'm not sure
I can handle that one."
• There's no trauma you've been through or past history you've endured that God won't heal
you from.
• There's no mental or emotional condition that His blood doesn't completely set right. He
has given you power, love, and a sound mind, not mental illness, discouragement, or
The blood of Jesus is COMPLETELY sufficient for your total healing in EVERY way.
So are you ready to walk in fullness of health? I spoke this prophetic decree over you out loud as
I wrote it, and then I want you to speak it over yourself (the first-person version is provided
below) after you read it, okay?
Here's the prophetic decree of fullness of health:
"In the name of Jesus, I decree fullness of health over you. The Word of God says that
you are covered with the blood of Jesus, so I decree that all the benefits of the blood of
Jesus are manifest in your spirit, soul, and body right now.
I decree that your spirit is filled with the Holy Spirit. I decree that your soul is perfectly
lined up with and submitted to your spirit, which is filled with the Holy Spirit. I decree
that your body is filled with the healing power and resurrection of Jesus Christ right now.
I decree that your brain thinks the thoughts of Christ today, for you have the mind of
I decree that you have power, love, and a sound mind. I decree that you dwell in the
secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty, and that you
remain stable and fixed under His wings.

I decree that your emotions are full of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. You are filled with
love, joy, peace, perseverance, endurance, faithfulness, kindness, gentleness, meekness,
and self-control today.
I decree that every bit of sickness and malfunction must flee your body right now in
Jesus' name and by His stripes.
I bind sickness and malfunction off of you, and I decree that they cannot return in Jesus'
name. In the name of Jesus, I loose healing and perfect function into you.
I decree that all of your body systems work together in perfect unity and order today in
the name of Jesus.
I decree that the healing power of Jesus is filling you up and coursing through your veins
right now. I decree that you are increasing in strength and vigor right now. I decree that
your heart beats correctly; your blood flows perfectly; all your organs work perfectly; and
your brain commands the functions of your body perfectly today.
I decree that you are perfectly healthy in every way—spirit, mind, will, emotions, and
body—in the name of Jesus. I decree that you will live a good, long life, and your eye
will not dim nor your strength abate. I decree that THIS very day your body lines up with
the Word of God, and you will notice the difference. You will increase in health and
strength every day from this day forward every day for the rest of your life. In Jesus'
Now speak this same prophetic decree over yourself:
“In the name of Jesus, I decree fullness of health over myself today. The Word of God
says that I am covered with the blood of Jesus, so I decree that all the benefits of the
blood of Jesus are manifest in my spirit, soul, and body right now.
I decree that my spirit is filled with the Holy Spirit. I decree that my soul is perfectly
lined up with and submitted to my spirit, which is filled with the Holy Spirit. I decree that
my body is filled with the healing power and resurrection of Jesus Christ right now.
I decree that my brain thinks the thoughts of Christ today, for I have the mind of Christ.
I decree that I have power, love, and a sound mind. I decree that I dwell in the secret
place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty, and that I remain
stable and fixed under His wings.
I decree that my emotions are full of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. I am filled with love, joy,
peace, perseverance, endurance, faithfulness, kindness, gentleness, meekness, and self-
control today.
I decree that every bit of sickness and malfunction must flee my body right now in Jesus'
name and by His stripes. I bind sickness and malfunction off myself, and I decree that
they cannot return in Jesus' name. In the name of Jesus, I loose healing and perfect
function into myself.

I decree that all of my body systems work together in perfect unity and order today in the
name of Jesus.
I decree that the healing power of Jesus is filling me up and coursing through my veins
right now. I decree that I am increasing in strength and vigor right now. I decree that my
heart beats correctly; my blood flows perfectly; all my organs work perfectly; and my
brain commands the functions of my body perfectly today.
I decree that I am perfectly healthy in every way—spirit, mind, will, emotions, and
body—in the name of Jesus. I decree that I will live a good, long life, and my eye will not
dim nor my strength abate. I decree that THIS very day my body lines up with the Word
of God, and I will notice the difference. I will increase in health and strength every day
from this day forward for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name!"
Did your faith rise up as you read this declaration? If so, stop and praise Him for His amazing
healing power at work in YOUR life right now!

Prophetic Decree #3: Fullness of Financial Prosperity
Are you tired of being in financial want? Are you ready to move from the lean, meager table of
debt and lack and begin to sit at the King's table of covenant blessing?
I hope you are, because God wants you to experience fullness of financial prosperity.
We've already talked about how Jesus didn't die ONLY to forgive your sins. He actually came to
earth, lived, died, and rose again to pay the price for EVERY effect of sin on your life and to
redeem you back to God's glory.
Part of that glory is wealth.
Because of Jesus' sacrifice and the price He paid during His life on earth, you have the covenant
right by the blood of Jesus to walk in complete wealth and financial freedom.
Jesus became poor so that you could be rich (see 2 Corinthians 8:9 below). And yes, that verse
does actually talk about money!
God has always blessed His people:
• He blessed Abraham and made him extremely wealthy.
• He blessed Joseph and made him the prime minister of Egypt, with all the wealth and
trappings that go with that position.
• He blessed the Israelites financially when they left Egypt.
• He blessed them again when He brought them into the Promised Land. He gave them
houses they didn't build, vineyards they didn't plant, and wells they didn't dig. He gave
them gold and silver and spoils of war.
• And He kept prospering His people financially for centuries, all throughout the Bible.
God has never stopped blessing His people financially. It's just that some people have stopped
Some people have embraced a poverty spirit instead of the Holy Spirit. How do you know
the difference?
• A poverty spirit gets mad when other people have money, but the Holy Spirit says He
wants to bless you too.
• A poverty spirit criticizes others when have on something nice, but the Holy Spirit
rejoices over that person's blessing, knowing that there's plenty to go around.
• A poverty spirit says God will come through for everybody else, but He will not come
through for you. The Holy Spirit says all the promises of God are yes and amen, and you
have the right to receive absolutely EVERYTHING God has ever promised you—and He
will bring it to you!
A poverty spirit is a demon that lies to you.
The poverty spirit isn't something that makes you poor. A poverty spirit is something that lies to
you and tempts you to disobey God in the area of your thinking, your stewardship, your giving,

and your money management techniques (or lack thereof). You only become poor IF YOU
LISTEN and disobey God … which you obviously shouldn't do, ever. :)
In his book God Wants to Bless You!, Dr. Che Ahn writes that a spirit of poverty came into the
church in the third century as a result of Gnostic heresy, which stated that everything tangible
was bad and only spirit was good. Shortly after that, the monastic movement was born, and
people fled into monasteries and convents, taking vows of poverty. At that point, they began to
claim and teach that poverty was holy.
But poverty is not holy. Poverty is so UNholy. It is not God's plan for your life.
God's plan for your life is abundance. He is an abundant Father who gives good and perfect gifts.
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. All the real estate in the world, from the mountaintops of
the Swiss Alps to the deepest ocean depths of the Marianas Trench, belongs to Him.
Our Daddy God is so wealthy that He paves the streets of Heaven with gold. There is nothing
lacking in my God's bank account. The universe belongs to Him.
So how could we think that He somehow likes it when His kids are poor? No. The Word of God
says otherwise.
Check out these Scriptures, which all show how God wants you to be RICH, not poor:
“And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get
wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this
day" (Deuteronomy 8:18).
"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your
sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich" (2 Corinthians
"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me
now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it"
(Malachi 3:10).
"The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it" (Proverbs
"And the Lord will grant you plenty of goods, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of
your livestock, and in the produce of your ground, in the land of which the Lord swore to
your fathers to give you.
The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in
its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you
shall not borrow.

And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be
beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you
today, and are careful to observe them" (Deuteronomy 28:11-13).
The Word of God is clear. God wants to bless you: He wants YOU to be fabulously, monetarily
God wants you to prosper. Financial prosperity is His plan for you. You NEED money, not only
to eat regularly, live indoors, and pay the bills—but also because God wants you to fund the
Kingdom. That's the only way His Gospel is going to get out, because it takes money to preach
the Gospel.
The Gospel is free, but the preaching thereof costs money—lots of it. And the devil doesn't want
you to have any money because he doesn't want the Gospel to go out. BUT GOD wants you to
have ALL the money you need at ALL times for EVERY good work (2 Corinthians 9).
So here's the prophetic decree of abundance of financial prosperity that I am speaking over
your life:
"In the name of Jesus, I command the spirit of poverty to come off of you right now and I
ask the Father to fill you with the Holy Spirit where that was. I decree that you obey
God's Word in every area of your finances, so He can prosper you.
I decree that you bring all the tithes into the storehouse, and you prove God in this, and
that He opens the windows of Heaven for you and pours you out such a blessing that
there is not even room enough to receive it all.
I decree that you are a good steward of God's blessings. I decree that you will have a
hunger and thirst for learning how to manage your finances God's way. I decree a holy
inspiration, motivation, and perseverance into you as you dig into God's truth about
I decree that you will have wisdom to hear the Lord instructing you and teaching you in
the way you should go.
You are a doer of the Word, and not a hearer only. From this day forward, you will
handle money God's way, and you will see with your own eyes the blessings you are
receiving and the progress you are making in your finances.
I decree that you will have a mentality of abundance starting today. I decree that your
spirit, soul, and body are all open to receive the fullness of financial prosperity from the
Father. I decree and release blessings into you right now in Jesus' name. I decree that,
from this day forward, you are blessed financially.
I decree from this day forward that you shall prosper. I decree surprise financial blessings
to you in Jesus' name—surprise gifts, surprise donations, surprise discounts, surprise
checks in the mail, and good surprises in every part of your finances.

I decree that your business prospers, that you have at least eight various streams of
income, that you have favor everywhere you go, and that you are a radically generous
giver. I decree that you have plenty of finances to do everything you need to do, plus
I decree increase into your savings accounts in Jesus' name. I decree increase into your
wages. I decree that you shall obey the voice of the Lord your God in every way, and
everything you put your hand to shall be blessed. I call your debts paid off in Jesus' name.
I decree that you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.
I decree that you have a heart of abundance and an attitude of abundance and expectation
to receive your Father's blessings. I decree that even as you work to learn God's financial
principles, it will be easy and fun. You will be diligent, but you will not strive. You will
rest and receive from your Father.
I decree that your finances must multiply and increase supernaturally in Jesus' name."
Now speak this prophetic decree of financial prosperity over YOURSELF like this (out
"In the name of Jesus, I renounce agreement with the spirit of poverty. I repent for
embracing it and I command it to leave me in Jesus' name right now. Heavenly Father,
please fill me with the Holy Spirit where that was.
I decree that I obey God's Word in every area of my finances, and He prospers me. I
decree that I bring all the tithes into the storehouse, and I prove God in this, and He opens
the windows of Heaven for me and pours me out such a blessing that there is not even
room enough to receive it all.
I decree that I am a good steward of God's blessings. I decree that I have a hunger and
thirst for learning how to manage my finances God's way. I decree a holy inspiration,
motivation, and perseverance into myself as I dig into God's truth about finances.
I decree that I will have wisdom to hear the Lord instructing me and teaching me in the
way I should go, and that I am a doer of the Word, and not a hearer only. From this day
forward, I will handle money God's way, and I will see with my own eyes the blessings I
am receiving and the progress I am making in my finances.
I decree that I have a mentality of abundance starting today. I decree that my spirit, soul,
and body are all open to receive the fullness of financial prosperity from the Father. I
decree and release blessings into myself and my life right now in Jesus' name. I decree
that, from this day forward, I am blessed financially.
I decree from this day forward that I shall prosper. I decree surprise financial blessings to
myself in Jesus' name—surprise gifts, surprise donations, surprise discounts, surprise
checks in the mail, and good surprises in every part of my finances.

I decree that my business prospers, that I have at least eight various streams of income,
that I have favor everywhere I go, and that I am a radically generous giver. I decree that I
have plenty of finances to do everything I need to do, plus more.
I decree increase into my savings accounts in Jesus' name. I decree increase into my
wages. I decree that I shall obey the voice of the Lord my God in every way, and
everything I put my hand to shall be blessed. I call all debts in my life paid off in Jesus'
name. I decree that I lend to many nations, but I shall not borrow.
I decree that I have a heart of abundance and an attitude of abundance and expectation to
receive my Father's blessings. I decree that even as I work to learn God's financial
principles, it will be easy and fun. I will be diligent, but I will not strive. I will rest and
receive from my Father God.
I decree that my finances must multiply and increase supernaturally in Jesus' name."
Does this message speak to you today? If so, take a moment and pray. Praise the Lord for who
He is in your life, and for His mighty provision!
If you want to explore this concept more deeply, here are the Bible studies and resources on
Biblical money and stewardship that I have used and recommend:
For sure, if you don't already have it, please get my recorded webinar and class notes about The
Zebulun Anointing for Kingdom Financiers. Also, my two teachings about Kingdom Wealth and
Equipping Entrepreneurs AND my class on The Entrepreneurship Mandate will really help you.
These are THE most powerful words the Lord has ever given me about money, finances, the
great transfer of wealth, entrepreneurship, and prospering in the Kingdom. You can find all these
things on my website, => Store.
Also, if you want a traditional Bible study, I recommend Larry Burkett's wonderful Bible study
How To Manage Your Money: An In-Depth Bible Study on Personal Finances, you will find that
God has a whole lot more to say about how He wants to bless you. This book includes a study of
the Scriptures about God's plan for your money, and how He wants to bless you biblically. It's
so, so important to learn God's financial principles so that you can receive all He has for you,
how to receive it, and how to manage it.
Also, Dave Ramsey's book The Total Money Makeover absolutely changed my life. It's so full of
testimonies and encouragement and PRACTICAL tips. Dave has a baby step plan that you can
actually DO to truly give yourself a total money makeover. ANYBODY can do this, including
you. It's about how to experience God's best for your financial life practically.

Prophetic Decree #4: Fullness of Relationships
Are you lonely? Do you long for close, covenant friendships? Do you long for someone to love
and someone who loves you back? If so, I want to speak a prophetic decree for relationships over
you today!
You are not alone if you're lonely. I think that, other than the need for Jesus Christ and fullness
of His Spirit, this is THE biggest need in the Body of Christ right now. Many people don't have
friends. Even people whom you would think have it all because they're pretty, popular, or
wealthy, are too often going home at night crying because they haven't a friend in the world.
But God's will is for you to have close, covenant relationships with kindred-spirit friends and, if
you're married or want to be, with your spouse.
What does a close, covenant friendship look like?
• It looks like having people you love enough to die for, and who love you enough to die
for you. (Although we hope that no actual dying becomes involved, since we all desire to
live a good, long life.) ;)
• It looks like having someone who can read you like the back of their hand.
• It looks like being so close to someone that you know when they're hurting, even if they
haven't told you.
• It means you're loyal to each other. You stand by one another through thick and thin.
• It means you're friends for life. Even if one of you moves away and you rarely see each
other, you can always call on your covenant friend.
But many folks don't have even casual friends with whom they can go to dinner or to the
theater—let alone a covenant friend they can call when they're really in need.
And what does a covenant marriage look like?
Marriage, by its very definition, is a covenant. It is a blood covenant between one man and one
woman, and it is for life. There is one exception to the "covenant for life" thing, though: Jesus
said that even though marriage is intended to be for life, if one spouse commits adultery, the
other spouse is not bound to stay in the marriage. But other than that, marriage is intended by
God to be a beautiful covenant of love that lasts your whole life long.
God's original design for that beautiful covenant of love looks like this:
• You and your spouse love each other unconditionally.
• You serve your spouse and prefer him or her as better than yourself, and your spouse
does the same.
• It means that, husbands, you love your wife as Christ loves the Church—meaning you
give yourself for her totally, even when such service is unrequited.
• Wives, you love and submit to your husband as to the Lord ... even when he doesn't
deserve it.

• Covenant marriage means you are determined to stay together and love each other no
matter what. (Note that the Bible does allow for divorce in the case of adultery, however.)
Covenant marriage recognizes that the source of all true covenant is God Himself, so you will
seek God first and seek Him together, knowing that He will make everything all right as you do.
And if you want a full cup of blessings in your relationships—both in covenant friendships and
marriages—you can have it.
You can have an amazing marriage. You can have amazing relationships with your bosses, your
mentors, and your church family. How? Ask God for help:
• Ask Him to bring you into the fullness of relationships that you desire.
• Ask Him for close, covenant friends.
• Ask Him to show you what you need to do to meet those friends.
• If you're married, ask God to teach you to love your spouse—and to help you actually
carry out that love in day-to-day life.
• Ask Him to give you His heart for your spouse.
• If you're single, ask Him for the spouse He has ordained for you.
• Also if you're single, ask God to lead and direct your steps so you can meet and build a
relationship with the spouse He has for you.
• Ask Him to help you love and honor all people, and to prefer them as better than
• Ask Him to help you love people the way He does, and see them the way He sees them.
I have prayed these things so many times. I used to be so lonely.
I felt like I didn't have friends. But, I began to pray about it. I asked God for covenant friends,
and He began to answer.
Our loving Father will answer you, too, when you pray for close, loving, covenant, holy
relationships! When you start to ask Him for friends and relationships—even a spouse—He may
work in mysterious ways, but He will answer your prayer!
So below, I will write and speak this prophetic decree and blessing over you for fullness of
relationships; and then you speak it over yourself at the end, okay?
Here we go:
“In the name of Jesus, I decree that you are blessed in your relationships. I decree that
you have close, covenant friendships with people who love you and would be willing to
die for you. I decree that you also love your covenant friends with the selfless, agape love
of Jesus, and that you would also be willing to die for them.
I release the heart of God into you right now. I decree that you are filled with the fullness
of God's love right now, that you are able to love yourself like God loves you, love God
back with all your heart, and love His people. I bless you with the ability to see people

with His eyes and hear them with His ears. I decree that you have grace to love and honor
people, no matter what.
I decree that God's love must exude from every pore and fiber of your being onto those
around you. I decree courage and boldness into you to reach out to others when the
Father desires you to do so. I decree that you will be a place of safety, comfort,
encouragement, and refuge to your friends.
I bless you with the ability to make friends, and to show yourself friendly.
I bless you with the ability to ask others about themselves and truly care about the
answers. I bless you with having friends who ask about you as much as you ask about
them. I decree in Jesus' name that you have a heart to serve, honor, and protect. I decree
that you are trusted AND trustworthy.
For married people: I bless you with a heart to love your spouse unconditionally.
Wives, I bless you with being able to love and submit to your husband as to the Lord.
Husbands, I bless you with loving your wife as Christ loves the Church, being willing to
give even your very life for her.
For single people who desire to be married: I decree that you and your spouse will
meet at the right time and in the right way. I call forth the godly, covenant marriage the
Father desires you to have, and I command it to manifest in the Father's time and perfect
will in Jesus' name. I bless you with patience in waiting. I bless you with a spirit of
purity. I decree that you shall be holy, as God is holy; for without holiness, no man can
see the Lord.
I call forth the absolute fullness of godly relationships that Jesus Christ paid the price for
you to have. I speak to every new friendship the Father desires you to develop, and I
command those friendships to be manifest right now in Jesus' name.”
Now speak this blessing and prophetic decree for relationships over yourself as follows:
“In the name of Jesus, I decree that I am blessed in my relationships. I decree that I have
close, covenant friendships with people who love me and would be willing to die for me.
I decree that I also love my covenant friends with the selfless, agape love of Jesus, and
that I would also be willing to die for them.
I receive the heart of God from the Holy Spirit right now. I decree that I am filled with
the fullness of God's love right now, that I am able to love myself like God loves me;
love God back with all my heart; and love His people. I decree that I see people with His
eyes and hear them with His ears. I decree that I have grace to love and honor people, no
matter what.
I decree that God's love exudes from every pore and fiber of my being onto those around
you. I decree that I have courage and boldness to reach out to others when the Father
desires me to do so. I decree that I will be a place of safety, comfort, encouragement, and
refuge to my friends.

I decree that I have the ability to make friends easily. To have friends, one must show
themselves friendly; and I am friendly!
I decree that I am able to ask others about themselves and truly care about the answers. I
decree that I have friends who ask about me as much as I ask about them. I decree in
Jesus' name that I have a heart to serve, honor, and protect. I decree that I am trusted
AND trustworthy.
For married people: I decree that I love my spouse unconditionally. Wives: I decree that
I love and submit to my husband as to the Lord. Husbands: I decree that I love my wife as
Christ loves the Church, being willing to give even my very life for her.
For single people who desire to be married: I decree that I and my spouse will meet at
the right time and in the right way. I call forth the godly, covenant marriage the Father
desires me to have, and I command it to manifest in the Father's time and perfect will in
Jesus' name. I decree that I am patient in waiting. I decree that I am pure and holy, as
God is holy; for without holiness, no man can see the Lord.
I call forth the absolute fullness of godly relationships that Jesus Christ paid the price for
me to have. I speak to every new friendship the Father desires me to develop, and I
command those friendships to be manifest right now in Jesus' name.”
Does this declaration help and encourage you today? It’s the Word of God over your
relationships, so please keep praying it and speaking it over yourself, your friendships, and your
marriage! You will see results as you do!

Prophetic Decree #5: Fullness of Your Eternal Destiny
Did you know that God has an eternal destiny for you? Did you know He actually finished all the
good works He has for your life before time began?
True story. The Bible tells us that our Father actually created all the things He ever wants you to
do—and finished them—before you were even created. Before you were born.
This means that ...
• all the wonderful relationships God has for you;
• the intimacy with Himself that your Daddy God desires for you;
• the career He has for you;
• the ministry to others that He has ordained for your life;
• the great ideas He has for you to receive;
• and all the wonderful things He has for you to carry out in your life ...
... are all finished! Done, finished, completed!
That's right. All the good works God has for you to do in your WHOLE LIFE are already
finished. They are completed in Heaven right now, and your loving Abba Father is ready to pour
them out and help you manifest them in your life!
Ephesians 2:10 tells us so:
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God
prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
Isn't that awesome? It's not just in one place in the Bible, either. Check out Hebrews 4:3:
"For we who have believed do enter that rest, as He has said: “So I swore in My wrath,
‘They shall not enter My rest,’” although the works were finished from the foundation of
the world.
Yup. It's true. All of God's works for YOUR LIFE were finished before the foundation of the
world. Your eternal destiny has been pre-built and prefabricated, if you will; and it is ready to be
built on the earth.
I don't know about you, but that makes me feel OVERJOYED. Why?
Because it means you don't have to strive and labor and wear yourself out to reach your destiny.
You can be free to seek God and enjoy the pleasure of His company. And if you seek first the
Kingdom of God and His righteousness, ALL these things shall be added to you (Matthew 6:33)!
Do you have to be diligent? Yes.
But you can be diligent in a divine, easy flow of anointing, empowerment, and REST—not
through hard, laborious striving.

(By the way, if you want to learn more about reaching your destiny easily—including loads of
practical tips and my embarrassing stories about totally failing in this "not through hard,
laborious striving" thing—then Google up my free blog series called Rest in God, Reach Your
Destiny. It will bless you!)
You can completely fulfill your destiny. And you can do it by simply following the Lord
and letting Him work in your life as you obey Him at every turn.
Will there be hard work? Oh yes, from a physical labor perspective. The Bible says, "Whatever
your hand finds to do, do it with all your might ..." (Ecclesiastes 9:10) ... so we know that we
can't just sit back and watch TV and expect God to do the work.
But as soon as we fully align ourselves with God and begin trusting Him, obeying Him in
everything (e.g. when it comes to work, doing business, carrying out the work of our ministry,
walking in the Spirit, etc.), and resting in Him, then He does what only He can do while we do
what only WE can do.
It's a powerful rhythm of obedience, grace, the divine flow and might of the Spirit of the Lord on
your life, and BLESSING.
So are you ready to get started with your eternal destiny?
If so, I'm going to speak this prophetic decree and blessing for fullness of your eternal destiny
over you. I think it's one of the most powerful decrees/blessings that God has ever given me, and
God is going to use it mightily in your life.
Here's the prophetic decree and blessing for fullness of your eternal destiny:
"In the name of Jesus, I decree that your life is eternally, incomparably, unstoppably, and
outrageously blessed by God. I decree a divine knowing into your heart, body, soul, and
spirit that you have a good, good Father who loves you.
I release and decree a divine revelation into your life that your loving Father God has an
eternal purpose for your life. He has good plans for you; plans to prosper you and not to
harm you; plans to give you hope and a future. I decree that you shall fully walk in every
bit of the good plans God has for your life, and you shall not lack in any area.
In the name of Jesus, I decree divine alignment into your life right now.
I command your soul to line up with your spirit, which is filled with God's Holy Spirit, in
Jesus' name. I command your heart to open and receive the love of Abba Father and the
ministry of Holy Spirit in Jesus' name.
I decree that you are filled and baptized in God's Holy Spirit right now, forever changed
by His indwelling presence within you. I decree that Jesus is filling you with His baptism
of God's Spirit, His fire, power, and BOLDNESS right now
I decree that you abide in Jesus and His Word abides in you. You shall ask what you will,
and it shall be done for you.

In the name of Jesus, I command every spirit of fear to leave you right now and never
return. In the name of Jesus, be filled with the Holy Spirit right now where that was. I
decree that the perfect love of Daddy God, your Heavenly Father, fills you right now and
casts out all fear.
I decree that you are made perfect in love right now, today, and that you will continue to
be made perfect in God's perfect love for you every moment of your life from this day
I decree that you shall be anxious for nothing; but in everything, with prayer and
supplication, you shall make your requests known to God. And the peace of God, which
passes all understanding, guards your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
I decree that you are divinely able to believe God's Word for you by the faith of Christ in
your heart.
I decree that you dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow
of the Almighty. From this day forward, you shall trust under the shadow of God's wings.
No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling. The Lord Himself
protects you and He sends His angels to watch over you, and to keep you in ALL your
I call forth the eternal destiny and purpose of God for your life.
I speak to all the finished works the Father prepared for you before the foundation of the
world, and I command them to manifest in your life right now in Jesus' name. I call forth
your eternal destiny and command it to manifest in your spirit, soul, and body right now
in Jesus' name.
I call forth deep wells of hunger and thirst for righteousness in you right now, in Jesus'
name. I decree that your heart and flesh cry out for the living God. Your soul shall
magnify the Lord at all times, and your spirit shall rejoice in God your Savior.
I decree that you shall be continually filled with God's Holy Spirit at all times.
You are the righteousness of God in Christ. You have the mind of Christ, and I bind your
mind to Jesus Christ, your Bridegroom, right now. I call forth the thoughts of Christ from
your mind and command them to manifest right now in Jesus' name.
I speak to every door that Father desires to open for you, and I say: Doors, open! In Jesus'
name. I speak to every door that Father desires to close for you, and I say: Doors, close!
In Jesus' name.
Let hope arise in you right now in Jesus' name. Let courage arise. Let faith arise. I
command strength into your spirit right now, in Jesus' name.
Let God's eternal vision for your life shine brightly into your eyes, heart, soul, and spirit
right now.

Let the lights dim on everything in your life that is not from the Lord, and let every
unholy thing flee your life right now. Let every holy thing from God rise up in you right
now and shine brightly in your spirit, soul, and body in Jesus' name.
Let Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah, ROAR over your spirit right now. Let the Word of
God rise up in your heart, soul, and spirit in Jesus' name. Let the gifts of God that are in
you be stirred up right now in Jesus' name.
In the name of Jesus, I release joy into you.
I decree that the joy of the Lord rises up in you by the Spirit of the Lord like a mighty
river of living water. I release peace into you right now in Jesus' name. I release the heart
of God into you in Jesus' name. I release a magnificent obsession with Jesus Christ into
you right this moment, in Jesus' name.
I decree that you are a conduit of the Kingdom of God, and that you release
righteousness, peace, joy, and the power of God everywhere you go. Because Jesus lived,
died, and rose again for you and has filled you with His Spirit, I decree that you shall be a
carrier of God's glory from this day forward. His glory shall rest upon you everywhere
you go, and you shall remain in perfect rest in the bosom of your Daddy God all the days
of your life.
In Jesus' name, amen!"
Now speak this prophetic decree and blessing over yourself:
"In the name of Jesus, I decree that my life is eternally, incomparably, unstoppably, and
outrageously blessed by God. I decree a divine knowing into my heart, body, soul, and
spirit that I have a good, good Father who loves me.
I release and decree a divine revelation into my own life that my loving Father God has
an eternal purpose for my life. He has good plans for me; plans to prosper me and not to
harm me; plans to give me hope and a future. I decree that I shall fully walk in every bit
of the good plans God has for my life, and I shall not lack in any area.
In the name of Jesus, I decree divine alignment into my life right now.
I command my soul to line up with my spirit, which is filled with God's Holy Spirit, in
Jesus' name. I command my heart and soul to open and receive the love of Abba Father
and the ministry of Holy Spirit in Jesus' name.
I decree that I am filled and baptized in God's Holy Spirit right now, forever changed by
His indwelling presence within me. I decree that Jesus is filling me and refilling me with
His baptism of His Spirit, His fire, power, and BOLDNESS right now
I decree that I abide in Jesus and His Word abides in me. I ask what I will, and it shall be
done for me.

In the name of Jesus, I command every spirit of fear to leave me right now and never
return. In the name of Jesus, Father God, fill me with Your Holy Spirit right now where
that was. I decree that the perfect love of Daddy God, my Heavenly Father, fills me right
now and casts out all fear.
I am made perfect in love right now, today. I decree that I will continue to be made
perfect in God's perfect love for me every moment of my life from this day forward.
I decree that I am anxious for nothing; but in everything, with prayer and supplication, I
make my requests known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding,
guards my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
I decree that I am divinely able to believe God's Word for me by the faith of Christ in my
I decree that I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of
the Almighty. From this day forward, I shall trust under the shadow of God's wings. No
evil shall befall me or my family, nor shall any plague come near our dwelling. The Lord
Himself protects me and He sends His angels to watch over me, and to keep me in ALL
my ways.
I call forth the eternal destiny and purpose of God for my life.
I speak to all the finished works the Father prepared for me before the foundation of the
world, and I command them to manifest in my life right now in Jesus' name. I call forth
my eternal destiny and command it to manifest in my spirit, soul, and body right now in
Jesus' name.
I call forth deep wells of hunger and thirst for righteousness in myself right now, in Jesus'
name. I decree that my heart and flesh cry out for the living God. My soul shall magnify
the Lord at all times, and my spirit shall rejoice in God my Savior.
I decree that I am continually filled with God's Holy Spirit at all times.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I have the mind of Christ, and I bind my mind to
Jesus Christ, my Bridegroom, right now. I call forth the thoughts of Christ from my mind
and command them to manifest right now in Jesus' name.
I speak to every door that Father desires to open for me, and I say: Doors, open! In Jesus'
name. I speak to every door that Father desires to close for me, and I say: Doors, close! In
Jesus' name.
Let hope arise in me right now in Jesus' name. Let courage arise. Let faith arise. I
command strength into my spirit right now in Jesus' name.
Let God's eternal vision for my life shine brightly into my eyes, heart, soul, and spirit
right now.

Let the lights dim on everything in my life that is not from the Lord, and let every unholy
thing flee my life right now. Let every holy thing from God rise up in me right now and
shine brightly in my spirit, soul, and body in Jesus' name.
Let Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah, ROAR over my spirit right now. Let the Word of
God rise up in my heart, soul, and spirit in Jesus' name. Let the gifts of God that are in me
be stirred up right now in Jesus' name.
In the name of Jesus, I receive the joy of the Lord right now.
I decree that the joy of the Lord rises up in me by the Spirit of God like a mighty river of
living water. I receive His peace right now in Jesus' name. I receive the heart of God in
Jesus' name. I receive a magnificent obsession with Jesus Christ right this moment, in
Jesus' name.
I decree that I am a conduit of the Kingdom of God, and that I release righteousness,
peace, joy, and the power of God everywhere I go. Because Jesus lived, died, and rose
again for me and has filled me with His Spirit, I decree that I shall be a carrier of God's
glory from this day forward. His glory shall rest upon me everywhere I go, and I shall
remain in perfect rest in the bosom of my Daddy God all the days of my life.
In Jesus' name, amen!"
Did you feel God touch you as you spoke through this blessing and decree for the FULLNESS of
your eternal destiny? If so, stop and praise Him right now with the praise He deserves. He loves
you and dwells within you!

The End


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