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Types of Patterns ( Cont..

1. Single piece pattern (Solid Pattern)

• No joints, partings, Not attached to plate or frame
• Cheaper
• Used for large castings of simple shape
• Eg: Soil temper, Stuffing box and gland of steam engine

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Types of Patterns ( Cont..)

2. Split pattern
• Two halves one in upper and other in lower of the mould
• May or may not have same size and shape
• Surface is formed at the line of separation of the two parts- parting surface or parting line- parting
surface of the mould.
• Eg: Spindles, Cylinders, Wheels
3. Match plate pattern
• Split patters are mounted with one half on one side plate
and the other half directly opposite on the other side of the plate.
• A single pattern or number of patterns may be mounted on a match plate
• Used for producing small castings in large quantities.
• Expensive to construct but justified with quantity of production

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Types of Patterns ( Cont..)

4. Cope and drag pattern

• In large castings the complete mould it too heavy to handle by single operator
• The patterns are made in halves, split on a convenient joint line and separate cope and drag patters are
build and mounted on individual plates or boards
• This arrangement permits one operator or group of operators to prepare the cope half of the mould
while other on the drag half.
5. Gated pattern
• Gated patterns are used in the mass production of small castings.
• For such castings, multi-cavity moulds are prepared
• i.e. a single sand mould carries a number of cavities as shown in the diagram.
• The patterns for these castings are interconnected by gate formers.
• A single runner can be done to feed all cavities.
• This saves moulding time also there is uniform feeding of molten metal.

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Types of Patterns ( Cont..)

6. Loose piece pattern

• In these types of pattern, some single piece patterns are made to have loose pieces in order to enable
their easy withdrawal from the mould.
• These pieces make an integral part of the pattern while moulding.
• After the mould is finished, the pattern is withdrawn, leaving the pieces in the sand.
• These pieces are later withdrawn separately through the cavity formed by the pattern as shown in the

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Types of Patterns ( Cont..)

7. Sweep pattern
• Sweep patterns are used for preparing moulds of large symmetrical castings, particularly of circular cross-section.
• Hence there is a large saving in time, labor, and material.
• The sweep pattern consists of a board that conforms to the shape of the desired casting.
• This board is arranged to rotate about a central axis as shown in the diagram.
• The sand is rammed in place and the sweep board is moved around its axis rotation to give the moulding sand the
desired shape.
• The principle advantage of this pattern is that it expensive pattern construction.

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Types of Patterns ( Cont..)

8. Skeleton pattern

• When the size of the casting is very large and only a few numbers are to be made, it is uneconomical to make a solid
pattern of that size.
• In such cases, a pattern consisting of a wooden frame and strips is made, called a skeleton pattern.
• It is filled with loam sand and rammed.
• The excess sand is removed by means of a strickle.
• A half-skeleton pattern for a hollow pipe is shown in the diagram.
• Since the pipe is symmetrical about the parting line, the same pattern will serve the purpose of moulding both the
halves in two different flasks.
• These two flasks are joined later to form the complete cavity.

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Types of Patterns ( Cont..)

9. Segmental pattern
• These types of pattern is used to prepare moulds of large spherical castings.
• Hence the use of a solid pattern of the exact size is avoided.
• In principle, they work like a sweep pattern.
• But the difference is that a segmented pattern is a portion of the solid pattern itself and the mould is prepared in
parts by it.
• It is mounted on a central axis and after preparing the mould in one part, the section is moved to the next
• The operation is repeated until the complete mould is ready. A typical example is shown in the diagram.

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Types of Patterns (Cont..)

10. Shell pattern

• These types of pattern are largely used for drainage fittings and pipework.
• A typical example is shown in the diagram.
• The shell pattern is usually made of metal.
• It is mounted on a plate and parted along the centerline.
• The shell pattern is a hollow structure like a shell.
• The outside shape is used as a pattern to make the
mould while the inside is used as a core-box for making core.

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Types of Patterns (Cont..)

11. Build up pattern

• Build up or Parted patterns are composed of two pieces.
• Patterns for special pulleys are built up segments of wooden strips.
• These stripes of wood to the curvature required and the thickness desired is built up
by gluing them in layers.
12. Boxed up pattern
• In a boxed up pattern the planks or strips of wood are so joined together either by glue,
nails or screw that a pattern is made like a box.
• The box construction is employed in making many patterns specially for a casting
having a regular outline and rectangular form.

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Types of Patterns (Cont..)

13. Lagged up pattern

• Cylindrical works such as cylinders pipes or columns are built up with lag or stave
construction which ensures permanence of form.
• Lags or staves are longitudinal stripes of wood which are bevelled on each side to
make the joint tight outside and glued and nailed or screwed to the end pieces of wood
called heads.

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Types of Patterns (Cont..)

14. Left and right handed pattern

• Many patterns are required to be made in pairs and when their form is such that they
cannot be reversed and they have the centres of hubs, bosses, etc.,

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Pattern Allowances

• Patterns are not made the exact same size as the desired casting for several reasons.
• Such patterns would produce castings which are undersize.
Types of pattern Allowances
• Shrinkage allowance
• Draft allowance
• Finish or Machining allowance
• Distortion allowance
• Rapping allowance

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Pattern Allowances (Cont..)

1. Shrinkage Allowance
• All the metals used for castings contract and shrink in size after solidification and
• To compensate for this, a pattern is made larger than the finished casting by means of a
shrinkage on contraction allowance.
• In laying measurements for the pattern, the pattern-maker allow as for this by using
shrink or contraction rule.
• This rule is slightly longer than the ordinary rule of the same length. Different metals
have different shrinkages.
• Therefore there is a shrink rule for each type of metal used in casting.

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Pattern Allowances (Cont..)

2. Draft allowance
• When the pattern is drawn from a mould, there is a possibility of damaging the edges
of the mould.
• This possibility is decreased if the vertical surfaces of a pattern are tapered slightly
• This slight taper inside on the vertical surfaces of a pattern is known as the draft.
• Draft is expressed in mm/meter on a side in degrees.
Amount of draft needed depends upon
• The shape of the casting.
• Depth of casting.
• Moulding method
• Mould material

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Pattern Allowances (Cont..)

3. Finish or Machining allowance

• Rough surfaces of castings, that have to be machined, are made to dimensions
somewhat over those indicated on the finished working drawings.
• The extra amount of metal to be machined is called finish or machine allowance.
• This allowance varies from 1.5 to 16 mm but 3 mm allowance is common for small and
medium-size castings.
• The edges of these surfaces are shown by a finish mark V or f.
The amount of finish allowance depends upon:
• The kind o metal to be used
• The size and shape of casting
• Method of moulding

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Pattern Allowances (Cont..)

4. Distortion allowance
• Distortion is seen only in such castings which have an irregular shape and contraction is not uniform
• Such casting will distort or wrap during cooling due to setting upon of thermal stresses in them.
• Such an effect is easily seen in some dome shaped or “U” shaped castings.
• To eliminate this defect an opposite direction is provided in the pattern, so that the effect is neutralized
and correct casting is obtained.

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Pattern Allowances (Cont..)

5.Rapping allowance
• When a pattern is to be withdrawn from the mould, it is first rapped or shaken.
• As a result of this, the size of the mould cavity increases a little and a negative
allowance is to be provided in the pattern to compensate for the same.
• This allowance may be considered negligible for small and medium-sized castings.

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Moulding Sand

Moulding sand
• The Moulding sand is also known as foundries sand, this sand is commonly used for
making moulds.
• Natural sand located on the bed and banks of rivers gives a larger source, although
high-quality silica sand is also mined.
• The sand is chemically (SiO2 )silicon dioxide in a granular manner.
• Ordinary river sand contains a percentage of clay, moisture, non-metallic impurities
and traces of magnesium and calcium salts besides silica grains.
• After appropriate treatment, this sand is used to make a mould.

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Properties of Moulding sand

Good, well-prepared moulding sand must have the following properties:

• Refractoriness– It should be able to withstand high temperature.
• Permeability(porosity)– Ability to allow gases, water vapour and air to pass through it.
• Greensand strength– When the mould is formed of moist sand, it must have sufficient strength,
otherwise, the mould will break.
• Good flowability– When it is arranged around a pattern in a moulding box, it must be able to
fill all nooks and corners, otherwise the impression of pattern in mould would not be sharp
and clear.
• Good collapsibility– It should collapse easily after the casting has cooled down and has been
extracted after breaking the mould. It is particularly important in case of care making.
• Cohesiveness– Ability of sand grains to stick together. Without cohesiveness, the mould will
lack strength.
• Adhesiveness– Ability of the sand to stick to other bodies. if the moulding sand does not stick
to the wall of moulding box, the whole mould will slip through the box.

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Types of Moulding sand

1. Green sand
2. Dry sand
3. Loam sand
4. Facing sand
5. Backing sand
6. System sand
7. Parting sand
8. Core sand

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Types of Moulding sand (Cont..)

1. Green Sand
• Green sand is a sand or sandstone which has a greenish colour.
• It is a mixture of silica sand with 18 to 30% clay, having total water of 6 to 8%.
• It is soft, light and porous with clay and water furnishing the bond for green sand.
• In green sand, It is slightly wet when squeezed by hand.
• It has the ability to maintain the shape and impression given to it under the pressure.
• The green sand can be easily available and it has a low cost.
• The mould that is prepared in this sand is called green sand mould.
• It is commonly used for the production of ferrous and non-ferrous castings.

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Types of Moulding sand (Cont..)

2. Dry Sand
• The Green sand that has been dried or backed after the mould is made is called dry
sand. They are suitable for large castings.
• Moulds prepared in dry sand are known as dry sand moulds.
• If we talk about the physical composition of dry sand, it is similar to green sand except
for water.
3. Loam Sand
• The Loam sand with 50% of clay is called loam sand.
• They are also suitable for large castings.
• It is a mixture of sand and clay and water is present in such a quantity that it forms a
thin plastic paste.
• In these types of sand, moulding patterns are not used.

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Types of Moulding sand (Cont..)

4. Facing Sand
• It forms the face of the mould.
• The facing sand is used directly next to the patterned surface and comes into direct
contact with the molten metal when the molten metal is poured into the mould.
• It has high strength and refractivity as it comes in contact with molten metal.
• It is made of clay and silica sand in addition to unused sand.
5. Backing Sand
• The backing sand is also called floor sand used to back up the facing sand.
• It is an old and frequently used moulding sand is used for backing purpose.
• It is sometimes called black sand because of the addition of coal dust and burning due
to in contact with the molten metal.

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Types of Moulding sand (Cont..)

6. System Sand
• In mechanical sand preparation and handling units, facing sand is not encountered.
• The sand that is used is cleaned and reactivated by adding water, binder and special additives.
• And the sand we get it is called system sand.
• The system sand is used to fill the entire flask in the mechanical casting where machine
moulding is employed.
• The mould made of this sand has high strength, permeability and refractivity.
7. Parting Sand
• The parting sand is used to avoids sticking of green sand to the pattern.
• And also it allows in easy removal of cope and drag.
• This parting serves the same purpose as dust.
• It is pure clay free silica sand.

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Types of Moulding sand (Cont..)

8. Core Sand
• The core sand is the sand for making cores.
• It is also called oil sand because it is a mixture of silica sand and core oil.
• Core oil is a mixture of linseed oil, resin, light mineral oil and other binding materials.
• For the sake of economy, pitch or flour and water can be used to make large cores.

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Testing of Moulding sand ( Assignment
Permeability number= vh/pat
• Chemical Testing
v- volume of air
➢ To determine the undesirable elements h- height of the sand specimen
• Mechanical Testing p-air pressure
a- cross sectional area of specimen
➢Fineness ( Grain fineness) – std Sieve t- time for 2000 cc of air in sec
➢Moisture content- 50 g – 105 to 110 deg C
➢Clay content test
➢Permeability test-quantity of air passed through
the specimen under a given pressure
➢Compression strength test
➢Mould and core hardness test

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