Lewis, 2003, Report On Structural Stratigraphic Map Transects Through The Alto Chicama Project Area

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Report on Structural/Stratigraphic Map Transects

Through the Alto Chicama Project Area

La Libertad, Northern Peru

Prepared For:
Minera Barrick Misquichilca
Pasaje Los Delfines No. 159, 3er Piso
Urb. Las Gardenias, Surco
Lima 33, Peru

May 20, 2003

15715 Mountainview Drive Surrey, B.C., Canada V3S 0C6 (604) 531-4604
Lewis Geoscience / Alto Chicama regional structural study 1. Introduction

Executive Summary

1:5,000 scale mapping was conducted along three WSW-ENE transects through the Alto
Chicama project area, to define a structural and stratigraphic framework to integrate with
other regional exploration data. The three lines crossed prospective zones of alteration
and gold mineralization at Los Goitos, Genusa, Las Lagunas Norte, Lagunas Sur, and La

Approximately 70% of the areas mapped along the transects is underlain by Upper
Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous sedimentary strata, and in the remaining areas, these strata
are overlain by Tertiary volcanic and volcaniclastic strata. The Mesozoic rocks belong to,
in lowest to highest stratigraphic order, the Chicama, Chimú, Santa, Carhuaz, Farrat,
Inca, and Chulec Formations. These rocks are similar in lithologic character to published
regional descriptions, although unit thickness deviate from those described elsewhere, in
large part due to structural repetition or omission. Ten informal map units are defined
within the Tertiary volcanic-volcaniclastic succession, based on compositional and
textural characteristics. Although these units can be quite varied in appearance, their
compositional range is likely restricted to andesite and dacite. The Tertiary units are also
more limited in their distribution than the older sedimentary units, reflecting both
proximity to volcanic source and paleotopography.

The Mesozoic rocks have been strongly to intensely deformed by northwesterly folds and
contractional faults, some of which can be correlated between the transects. The largest
folds have wavelengths and amplitudes measuring kilometres, and upright to moderately
overturned forms. Fold style is interpreted to be strongly controlled by the competency
contrast between the relative strong Chimú Formation quartz sandstones, and the
rheologically weaker enclosing mudstone and siltstone sequence, resulting in large box-
type folds with interlimb angles that have closed beyond isoclinal, with both limbs
overturned. Most of the contractional faults likely formed late within the contractional
deformation sequence, when it was no longer mechanically feasible to accommodate
further shortening by fold tightening. Although these faults locally thicken the
stratigraphic succession, especially within the Santa – Carhuaz formations, there is no
evidence for large-scale overthrusts (tens of kilometres displacement) within the areas
mapped. Subordinate structures within the Mesozoic sequence consists of NE-striking
transverse faults with minor, mainly dextral displacement; these structures may have
formed as extensional or tear faults during the contractional deformation.

Strata within the Tertiary sequence are subhorizontal to gently-dipping, and no

significant faults or folds were identified within them on the transects. However,
previous mapping indicates that the volcanic section does contain steeply-dipping faults
of several orientations in areas adjacent to the transects, but is not generally strongly

The main economic showing crossed by the transects exhibit varied styles of alteration
and mineralization. At Goitos, anomalous gold values occur mainly in areas underlain by
fractured and brecciated siltstones and sandstones of the Farrat and Santa – Carhuaz
formations. The larger breccia bodies here have sulfide or Fe-oxide matrix, and occur
either along contacts of a porphyritic intermediate composition intrusion, or as tabular,
structurally-controlled zones. At Lagunas Sur, broad zones of pyrite, kaolinite, and silica
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alteration occur within porphyritic andesite to dacite flows, spatially associated with
irregularly-oriented sulfide and quartz veinlets and silicified minor fractures. Only the
northeastern part of the Capilla area (Dominique Zone) was visited in this study. Here,
silicified fractures form resistant ribs projecting above broad areas of sulfide + kaolinite
alteration, and stratigraphically-controlled pods of silicification and minor vuggy, residual
silica occur locally.

There are no obvious regional controlling structures mapped at any of the main
prospects, but such structures, if they exist, may have subtle surface expressions that will
not be recognizable over narrow mapping transects. Future mapping programs building
on these transects should be vigilant for indirect indicators of deep crustal faults and
fracture zones, including facies changes within the Mesozoic and Tertiary sequences,
evidence of structural inversion along faults, or continuous structures transverse to the
northwesterly structural grain of the region.

Recommendations focus on extending the structural and stratigraphic framework

established on the mapping transects to surrounding parts of the project area:
• Existing detailed geological data for the project area should be compiled with the
new mapping completed in this study, to better establish the continuity of
structures and stratigraphic units away from the transect lines.
• The high-quality orthophotograph base for the project areas should be used to
produce an interpretive map and additional cross sections for parts of the project
area that lack geological information.
• Additional fieldwork should be directed towards tracing contacts of units and
structures between the existing three transect lines and field-checking contacts
and structural features interpreted from the orthophoto base.
• The project area should be evaluated for evidence of major (deep-rooted)
structural features that are not immediately evident on surface, using both
structural criteria and geophysical or remote sensing data sets.
• Structural cross sections for the Las Lagunas Norte deposit area should be re-
interpreted using the structural/stratigraphic model defined on the Genusa –
Lagunas Norte transect, which is significantly simpler than the faulted syncline
model previously employed.

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Lewis Geoscience / Alto Chicama regional structural study 1. Introduction

Table of Contents

1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................7
1.1 Project Objectives and Work Completed...............................................................................7

2. Geological Setting............................................................................................................................9
2.1 Project Area Stratigraphy..........................................................................................................9
2.1.1 Jurassic and Cretaceous Sedimentary Sequence ...........................................................10
Chicama Formation..............................................................................................................10
Gollyarizquizga Group: Chimú Formation ......................................................................10
Gollyarizquizga Group: Santa and Carhuaz formations.................................................11
Gollyarizquizga Group: Farrat Formation........................................................................11
Inca Formation .....................................................................................................................12
Chulec Formation.................................................................................................................12
2.1.2 Tertiary Volcanic Sequence (Calipuy Group) ...............................................................14
Paleosurface breccia .............................................................................................................14
Polylithic tuffaceous conglomerate....................................................................................14
Porphyritic dacite flows .......................................................................................................15
Porphyritic dacite breccia ....................................................................................................15
Dacite crystal lithic tuff........................................................................................................15
Hornblende andesite ............................................................................................................15
Andesite to dacite flows ......................................................................................................16
Andesitic volcanic conglomerate........................................................................................16
Flow-banded andesite ..........................................................................................................16
Andesite breccia....................................................................................................................16
2.1.3 Intrusive Rocks..................................................................................................................17

3. Transect Descriptions ...................................................................................................................19

3.1 Los Goitos Transect ................................................................................................................19
3.1.1 Stratigraphic/Structural Relationships ...........................................................................19
3.1.2 Los Goitos Prospect Overview.......................................................................................21
3.2 Genusa - Lagunas Norte Transect ........................................................................................22
3.2.1 Stratigraphic/Structural Relationships ...........................................................................22
3.3 Lagunas Sur - Capilla Transect...............................................................................................26
3.3.1 Stratigraphic/Structural Relationships ...........................................................................26
3.3.2 Lagunas Sur and Capilla Zones Overview ....................................................................29

4. Discussion.......................................................................................................................................33
4.1 Regional Structural Styles........................................................................................................33
4.3 Controls on Mineralization and Exploration Guides .........................................................34

5. Recommendations .........................................................................................................................37

6. References.......................................................................................................................................39

Certificate of Author .........................................................................................................................40

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List of Figures

Figure 1: Air photograph mosaic of the Alto Chicama project area, showing locations of
Barrick sub-project areas, and transect lines mapped in this study. The
Lagunas Noroeste prospect is referred to in this report as the Genusa area. ..........8
Figure 2: Stereonets showing orientations of selected structural features in Alto
Chicama project area.......................................................................................................32
Figure 3: Schematic diagram showing influence of layer thickness and competency
contrast on fold style.......................................................................................................36
Figure 4: Schematic cross sections of types of structures associated with contractional
inversion of extensional faults.......................................................................................36

List of Photographs

Photo 1: Typical outcrop of Chimú Formation, with cliff-forming resistant sandstone

layers alternating with recessive interstratified mudstone, silstone, and coal
Photo 2: Outcrop of upper, sandstone-rich member of the Santa and Carhuaz formation
showing well-exposed but volumetrically subordinate sandstone beds,
interlayered with recessive siltstone. .............................................................................13
Photo 3: Dark grey mudstone of lower, mudstone-poor member of the Santa – Carhuaz
formations, with minor, calcareous silty bands...........................................................13
Photo 4: Coarse-grained pure quartz sandstone in Farrat Formation......................................13
Photo 5: Outcrop of resistant, thickly-bedded fossiliferous limestone forming distinctive
marker unit within lower Chulec Formation...............................................................13
Photo 6: Bivalve coquina typical of fossiliferous limestone shown in photo 5. .....................13
Photo 7: Stratification within paleosurface breccia at the Genusa Prospect, defined by
meter-scale alternation between tuffaceous silststone/sandstone and quartz
sandstone clast breccias. .................................................................................................18
Photo 8: Paleosurface “breccia” at Genusa Prospect, with atypical subrounded
sandstone clasts in sandy to silty matrix.......................................................................18
Photo 9: Monolithologic porphyritic dacite breccia unit showing typical irregular, non-
stratified outcrop appearance. .......................................................................................18
Photo 10: Unaltered hornblende andesite unit, showing characteristic acicular
hornblende phenocrysts .................................................................................................18
Photo 11: Andesitic volcaniclastic unit showing typical decimeter – metre scale
stratification of volcanic wacke and conglomerate layers..........................................18
Photo 12: Flow-banded andesite flow unit, with anomalously steep banding suggesting
dome or vent-proximal volcanic setting. .....................................................................18
Photo 13: View looking south along east-dipping thrust fault at Goitos Prospect. ................23
Photo 14: Rounded, upright anticline within Chulec Formation calcareous siltstones and
limestones, eastern part of Goitos Transect................................................................23
Photo 15: Example of bedding / cleavage relationships used in part to define folds on
Goitos Transect. ..............................................................................................................23
Photo 16: View looking to north along Farrat Formation ridge at east end of Goitos
Photo 17: Example of Fe-oxide / sulfide matrix, quartz sandstone breccia at Goitos
Prospect ............................................................................................................................24
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Photo 18: View looking south along tabular, metre-thick Fe-oxide matrix breccia at Los
Goitos prospect. ..............................................................................................................24
Photo 19: Sulfide matrix breccia exposed along contact between argillically altered,
porphyritic intrusion and quartz sandstone.................................................................24
Photo 20: Fe-oxide matrix breccia along intrusive contact showing subrounded
porphyritic and quartz sandstone clasts. ......................................................................24
Photo 21: Outcrop showing strong silicification over 1 – 2 meter wide zone adjacent to
moderately east-dipping fault in dacite crystal lithic tuff...........................................27
Photo 22: Example of asymmetric cross-stratifiaction within Santa – Carhuaz formation..27
Photo 23: Disrupted sandstone layers within recessive, mudstone and siltstone-rich
interval of the Chimú Formation. .................................................................................27
Photo 24: Examples of downward-fining graded beds (lowermost row) within drillcore
from eastern part of Las Lagunas Norte deposit........................................................27
Photo 25: View of faulted and brecciated outcrops of Chima Formation on Lagunas Sur
– Capilla transect .............................................................................................................30
Photo 26: Fine-grained quartz veinlets within silicified porphyritic volcanic rock, typical
of more intensely altered portions of the Lagunas Sur area......................................30
Photo 27: Example of resistant silicified + Fe-oxide altered fracture zone. ...........................30
Photo 28: Fe-oxide cemented breccia dyke cutting kaolinite-altered + weakly silicified
porphyritic volcanic rocks..............................................................................................31
Photo 29: Breccia dyke showing sub-angular quartz-sandstone fragments derived from
deeper stratigraphic levels, implying hydrothermal clast transport..........................31

List of Map Sheets

(under separate cover)

Sheet 1: Los Goitos Transect, west half

Sheet 2: Los Goitos Transect, east half
Sheet 3: Genusa – Las Lagunas Norte Transect, west half
Sheet 4: Genusa – Las Lagunas Norte Transect, east half
Sheet 5: Las Lagunas Sur - Capilla Transect, west half
Sheet 6: Las Lagunas Sur - Capilla Transect, east half

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Lewis Geoscience / Alto Chicama regional structural study 1. Introduction


Barrick Gold Corp.’s Alto Chicama project in Northern Peru contains numerous areas of
alteration and anomalous gold mineralization, including the world-class Las Lagunas
Norte high-sulfidation gold deposit. Barrick’s exploration success at Las Lagunas Norte
has stimulated an extensive exploration program on their large surrounding land package.
This program is utilizing airborne geophysics, geochemical sampling programs, and
geological mapping at several scales to delineate the more prospective portions of the
project area and prioritize future exploration. The present mapping study, contracted by
Francois Gaboury and Craig McEwan of Barrick, focuses on defining the regional
structural and stratigraphic framework of the Alto Chicama area.

1.1 Project Objectives and Work Completed

Given the large size of the Alto Chicama project area (roughly 15 km x 25 km), this study
employed structural mapping of three structural transects, rather than comprehensive
geological mapping of the entire area of interest (Fig. 1). The transects are all oriented
approximately ENE-WSW, at a high angle to the dominant regional structural grain. The
northernmost Los Goitos transect is located approximately 25 kilometres north of the Las
Lagunas Norte deposit, and crosses the Los Goitos prospect, which Barrick will be
drilling later this year. The central Genusa - Lagunas Norte transect crosses the project
area at the north end of the Las Lagunas Norte deposit, and crosses the Genusa prospect
at its western end. The southernmost Lagunas Sur – Capilla transect crosses the project
area 5 kilometres south of the Las Lagunas Norte deposit, and includes the La Capilla

A majority of the rocks exposed along the transects are Jurassic and Cretaceous
sedimentary strata that have been highly deformed within a regional fold and thrust belt.
Overlying Tertiary volcanic rocks, exposed mainly on the Lagunas Sur transect and at
both ends of the Lagunas Norte transect, are by comparison only weakly deformed.

Specific objectives of this study include:

• documentation of the distribution of regional map units within each of the
• determination of the style and geometry of folds and contractional faults within
the Jurassic-Cretaceous sequence in each of the transects, and correlation of the
major structures between transects;
• determination of the extent and nature of deformation within the Tertiary
volcanic sequence;
• interpretation of locations of possible basement structures that might control
deformation styles at higher levels;
• evaluation of possible regional and local structural controls on the alteration
zones and areas of gold mineralization crossed by the transects; and
• definition of criteria that can be used in evaluating the exploration potential of
different areas within the Alto Chicama project area.

Fieldwork was completed during the period April 16 – May 7. A total length of 35
kilometres was mapped at 1:5,000 scale along the three transects. The map corridor
width varies from a few hundred metres to over a kilometre, depending on degree of
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structural complexity and levels of exposure. The transect maps and corresponding
sections are produced in this report at 1:10,000 scale (map sheets 1-6).

Fieldwork was coordinated on site by project geologist Craig McEwan. This study
benefited greatly from discussions and collaboration with the many Barrick geologists
based at the Callacuyan camp working on both the Las Lagunas Norte project and in
exploration of the surrounding areas.

Figure 1: Air photograph mosaic of the Alto Chicama project area, showing locations
of Barrick sub-project areas, and the transect lines mapped in this study (outlined in red).
The Lagunas Noroeste prospect is referred to in this report as the Genusa prospect, and
Las Lagunas area as Lagunas Sur.

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The Alto Chicama project area is located in the western Cordillera of the Peruvian
Andes, lying east of the Coastal Batholith within the western part of the Marañon Thrust
and Fold Belt (MTFB). Precambrian to Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks and Upper
Triassic to Lower Jurassic limestone, bituminous shale, and andesitic volcanic rocks of
the Pucara and Zana groups form the basement to the region (Cobbing et al., 1981;
Wilson and Reyes, 1964), but these are only exposed well east of the project area, in the
eastern Cordillera. These are unconformably succeeded by Upper Jurassic and Lower
Cretaceous marine and deltaic clastic sedimentary rocks and overlying calcareous, shallow
marine sedimentary rocks, which are the most widely exposed rocks in the Alto Chicama
project area. Tertiary volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the Calipuy Group
unconformably overlie the clastic strata in the southern part of the project area, and are
host to several large epithermal gold deposits in the region (Yanacocha, Pierina).
Plutonic rocks of the coastal batholith and isolated stocks and dykes throughout the
region are broadly contemporaneous, and probably cogenetic with, the Calipuy Group
(Noble et al., 1990). Miocene and younger volcanic rocks in turn unconformably overlie
the Calipuy Group, and were deposited during the Quechua series of Neogene tectonic
pulses (Megard et al., 1984; Noble et al., 1990). However, many regional studies do not
separate these younger rocks from the Calipuy Group.

The entire Mesozoic sequence is affected by at least one, and probably two pulses of
Early Tertiary contractional deformation during the Andean Orogeny. Regionally, this
deformation is typified by east-verging folds and southwest-dipping thrust faults of the
MTFB and its western extensions (Megard, 1984), although structural vergence varies
locally. The first compressional phase, Incaic I, is inferred from a regional post-folding
angular unconformity that occurs at the base of Eocene volcanic rocks of the Calipuy
Group (Noble et al., 1985; Cobbing at al., 1981). An unconformity within the Calipuy
Group at 44-40 Ma is interpreted to be related to a second episode of contractional
deformation, termed Incaic II by Noble et al. (1990).

The region surrounding the Alto Chicama area is metallogenically well endowed, and
includes polymetallic and precious metal deposits in both the Mesozoic sedimentary
sequence and overlying volcanic rocks. Most commonly cited examples include
Yanacocha to the north (high-sulfidation Au), Pierina to the south(high sulfidation Au),
and Quiruvilca directly adjacent to the project area (Ag-Pb-Zn veins).

2.1 Project Area Stratigraphy

Rocks exposed within the Alto Chicama area are mainly Mesozoic siliciclastic and
carbonate strata, and overlying Tertiary volcanic strata. Intrusive rocks exposed along
the transects are limited to dykes and several small stocks, likely emplaced
contemporaneous with the Tertiary volcanic succession.

The maps accompanying this report display lithologic and stratigraphic information at
two levels of detail. Firstly, the rock types present within individual outcrops are
identified using lithologic codes describing their compositional and textural
characteristics. Secondly, the contacts between mappable stratigraphic units, based
mainly on formally-defined regional map units and several additional subunits devised in

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this study, and illustrated with different linetypes illustrating levels of confidence and

Lithologic codes used at individual outcrops include an abbreviation of the primary rock
type, followed by one or more textural and/or compositional modifiers. Together, these
codes describe the most probable protolith lithology, prior to alteration. Compositional
designations for igneous rocks (e.g., andesite, dacite, rhyodacite) are field identifications
based primarily on phenocryst assemblage. Phenocrysts assemblages present within the
study area are dominated by varying abundances of plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, and
quartz. Although a number of distinct map intrusive and extrusive units can be mapped,
the compositional range present in most areas is probably limited to andesitic to dacitic.
Outcrops containing common quartz phenocrysts are designated as dacitic in
composition, those with rare quartz phenocrysts are designated andesitic-dacitic, and
those lacking quartz phenocrysts as andesitic.

The following section describes the lithological characteristics of the principal mappable
units in the project area, based on published literature, observations made in the present
study, and discussions with Barrick project geologists.

2.1.1 Jurassic and Cretaceous Sedimentary Sequence

Chicama Formation (JKC)

The stratigraphically lowest rocks mapped along the three transects in the study area
belong to the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Chicama Formation. These rocks are
exposed only in the core of an anticline in the center of the Las Lagunas Norte Transect.

The Chicama Formation is a mudstone-dominated sequence that regionally attains a

thickness of at least 1500 metres (Cobbing et al., 1981). It is recessive, and outcrops in
the project area are found mainly in stream gulleys and roadcuts. The unit consists
dominantly of thinly-bedded to laminated black carbonaceous mudstone and siltstone.
Minor medium-bedded dirty quartz sandstone layers, as well as rare coal layers, occur
locally. Fossiliferous beds are reported to occur near the top of the unit. Most of the
mudstone exposures contain a strong slaty cleavage, which has a slightly anastamosing
form and is usually oriented subparallel to compositional layering.

The contact with the overlying Chimú Formation is gradational over several metres to
tens of metres, and is marked by the presence of common quartz sandstone layers
intercalated with the shales.

Gollyarizquizga Group: Chimú Formation (KC1, KC2)

Rocks conformably overlying the Chicama Formation are assigned to the Lower
Cretaceous Gollyarizquizga Group, a tripartite sandstone-siltstone-sandstone succession.
The basal part of this succession is the Chimú Formation, consisting of white to grey
quartz sandstone, with subordinate mudstone, siltstone, and coal intervals (photo 1). It is
approximately 600 m thick regionally (Cobbing et al., 1981).

Quartz sandstones in the Chimú Formation are composed of clean, well-rounded, fine-
to medium-grained quartz grains, and pebble conglomerates occur locally. Bedding
thickness varies from medium to thick, and planar cross stratification is common.
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Recessive intervals within the Chimú Formation consisting of varied proportions of

interstratified mudstone, siltstone, and coal intervals are common in lower parts of the
formation. These intervals vary in thickness from a meter or two to several tens of
meters, and drillhole intersections of interbedded mudstone/siltstone within the Las
Lagunas Norte deposit area can exceed 50 meters true thickness. Lateral facies changes
are common, and can result in along-strike changes from mudstone + coal intervals
several tens of metres thick, to mudstones only a meter or two thick in a few hundred
metres or less.

Mapping in this study distinguishes two lithofacies units within the Chimú Formation.
Unit KC1 consists of quartz sandstone with less than approximately 10% interbedded
mudstone and siltstone, and is by far the most abundant rock type in the deposit area.
Unit KC2 contains the finer-grained recessive layers of the formation, consisting of
variable proportions of siltstone, sandstone, mudstone, and carbonaceous mudstone and

Gollyarizquizga Group: Santa and Carhuaz formations (KSC1, KSC2)

The Chimú Formation is conformably overlain by mudstone, siltstone, greywacke, and
quartz sandstone comprising the Lower Cretaceous Santa and Carhuaz formations. Due
to their lithologic similarities poor documentation of their component lithologies, these
two formations at not divided in this study. They are present in all three of the
transects, and are generally recessive, with the exception of the resistant quartz sandstone
layers which can crop out as continuous, narrow ridges. The combined thickness of the
Santa and Carhuaz formations is typically 600 – 700 metres regionally (Reyes, 1980). The
thicknesses of the units where mapped in the present study vary from this up to several
kilometers, with the thicker sections attributed to structural thickening.

The basal contact of the Santa – Carhuaz succession is abrupt, with thinly-bedded,
commonly carbonaceous mudstone to siltstone directly overlying Chimú Formation
quartz sandstones. Several hundred metres above the basal contact, there is a gradual
transition to a interstratified thinly-bedded siltstone and medium- to thickly-bedded
quartz sandstone. The sandstone layers comprise up to 30% of this part of the unit,
although they form a disproportionate amount of the outcrop due to their resistant
nature (photos 2, 3). Individual sandstone intervals can be less than a meter to around
ten meters in thickness. Sandstone within the thicker intervals is usually composed of
clean, well-rounded quartz grains, similar to that within the underlying Chimú and
overlying Farrat formations.

Where outcrop permits, the Santa-Carhauz unit has been subdivided into a lower
member with only a few percent sandstone layers (KSC1), and an upper member with
roughly 20-30% sandstone layers (KSC2). Because of the inconsistent published regional
descriptions, it is unclear if these lower and upper subunits correlate with the Santa and
Carhuaz formations respectively.

Gollyarizquizga Group: Farrat Formation (KF)

Thickly bedded, white, clean quartz sandstone of the Lower Cretaceous Farrat Formation
conformably overlies the Santa and Carhuaz formations, and forms the uppermost unit
within the Gollyarizquizga Group. All three of the transects contain Farrat Formation
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strata. The formation is easily distinguished from the Chimú Formation, and from the
sandstone rich-portion of the Santa-Carhuaz unit, by a complete lack of finer-grained
siltstone and/or mudstone intervals. The sandstones vary from fine to coarse-grained,
and planar cross stratification is ubiquitous (photo 4).

Although Reyes (1980) suggests that the Farrat Formation is around 500 metres thick
regionally, within the mapped transacts it does not exceed a hundred metres, even where
both upper and lower contacts are stratigraphic. This discrepancy suggests that the
sandstone-rich portion of the Santa-Carhuaz unit may be included within the Farrat
Formation by some other workers.

Inca Formation (KI)

The Lower Cretaceous Inca Formation consists of 80 – 100 metres (Reyes, 1980;
Cobbing et al., 1981) of thinly-bedded, commonly ferruginous siltstones to mudstones
with minor interbedded sandstones that conformably overlie the Farrat Formation. It
occurs on both the Goitos and Lagunas Sur transects, although it is highly recessive in
nature and few outcrops exist where it is mapped. Natural outcrops are dominated by
resistant but volumetrically minor quartz-rich medium-bedded sandstone layers within
the unit. The upper portion of the Inca Formation shows a gradual increase in
calcareous siltstone, grading into the overlying Chulec Formation.

Chulec Formation (KCh; KCh1)

The Lower Cretaceous Chulec Formation is a carbonate-dominated succession that
conformably succeeds the Inca Formation. It is mapped in this study in the eastern
portion of the Los Goitos transect. Chulec Formation consists of fossiliferous silty
limestones, calcareous mudstones, and marls (photos 5, 6), and has a regional thickness
averaging 200 – 250 m (Reyes, 1980). In the Los Goitos area, a conspicuous, resistant,
thickly-bedded fossiliferous limestone layer up to a few tens of meters thick occurs at 50
– 100 metres above the basal contact of the unit, and is designated as a separate map unit

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Photo 1 (left): Typical outcrop of Chimú Formation, with cliff-forming resistant sandstone
layers alternating with recessive interstratified mudstone, siltstone, and coal intervals.
Genusa – Lagunas Norte Transect, north of Callacuyan Camp.
Photo 2 (right): Outcrop of upper, sandstone-rich member of the Santa and Carhuaz
formation showing well-exposed but volumetrically subordinate sandstone beds,
interlayered with recessive siltstone. Western Genusa – Las Lagunas Norte transect.

Photo 3 (left): Dark grey mudstone of lower, mudstone-poor member of the Santa –
Carhuaz formations, with minor, calcareous silty bands. Central Los Goitos transect.
Photo 4 (right): Coarse-grained pure quartz sandstone in Farrat Formation, Lagunas Sur –
Capilla transect.

Photo 5 (left): Outcrop of resistant, thickly-bedded fossiliferous limestone forming

distinctive marker unit within lower Chulec Formation. Eastern Goitos transect.
Photo 6 (right): Bivalve coquina typical of thickly-bedded fossiliferous limestone shown in
photo 5.

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2.1.2 Tertiary Volcanic Sequence (Calipuy Group)

Volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks assigned to the Tertiary Calipuy Group overlie the
Mesozoic sequence on the eastern portion of the Lagunas Sur transect (Capilla area), and
at both the western and eastern ends of the Lagunas Norte transect. Both the mapping
completed in this study and exploration drillholes in the area between the Lagunas Norte
and Lagunas Sur transects indicate that the unconformity surface is highly irregular,
implying that considerable topographic relief was present at the onset of Tertiary
volcanic activity. Ten mappable units were defined within the Tertiary succession on the
three transects, based on textural and compositional characteristics. Phenocryst
assemblages contained in these units indicate a limited compositional range, probably
within the andesite and dacite fields. Most of the units appear to have limited spatial
distribution within the project area, such that not all are present in any one area. Based
on the mapping completed on the transects, it is not possible to determine the relative
stratigraphic ages for all of the units.

Paleosurface breccia (Tpb)

In most areas, lowest strata overlying the Tertiary unconformity consist of a resistant
breccia to conglomerate containing almost exclusively quartz sandstone clasts. This unit,
referred to as the “paleosurface breccia” at the Las Lagunas Norte deposit, is exposed
locally on the Los Goitos transect, and more extensively on both the Las Lagunas Norte
and Las Lagunas Sur transect. It has only been identified where rocks below the
unconformity belong to either the Chimú or Farrat formation, suggesting that the
sandstone clasts it contains are locally derived with minimal transport.

Where exposed, the paleosurface breccia can be anywhere from a few decimeters to
several tens of meters thick. It can be matrix or clast-supported, and maximum clast
diameters are up to several metres. At the Genusa prospect, the unit contains scattered
plagioclase-phyric igneous clasts of probably andesitic composition, as well as minor
siltstone to mudstone clasts. This area is also anomalous in the common occurrence of
rounded clasts, and decimeter- to meter-scale beds of interstratified tuffaceous siltstone,
sandstone, and conglomerate (photos 7, 8). Matrix in all areas consists dominantly of
quartz sand to silt grains, with minor clay. At the Las Lagunas Norte deposit,
conspicuous clear grey quartz grains of possible volcanic origin are present within the

Polylithic tuffaceous conglomerate (Tpc)

In the western part of the Genusa prospect, polylithic tuffaceous conglomerates are
exposed in several small outcrops within a recessive area that otherwise lacks bedrock
exposure. This unit appears to be highly localized in its distribution, and has not been
identified elsewhere on the transects. Levels of exposure are inadequate to determine
whether it overlies the paleosurface breccia, or forms minor localized deposits directly
overlying the Tertiary unconformity.

Clasts within the polylithic tuffaceous conglomerate are subrounded to well-rounded,

and consist of roughly equal proportions of quartz sandstone and quartz-eye porphyry.
The later unit is texturally and compositionally identical to the quartz-phyric rhyolites
that occur along the Tertiary unconformity at the Daphne and Alexa areas of the Las
Lagunas Norte deposit. Clasts are cobble to small boulder sized, and are strongly matrix-
supported. Matrix is light grey to white, strongly clay-altered fine-grained material that
likely contains a large tuffaceous component. No stratification is present in the unit, and
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given its limited distribution, it is unlikely that the unit exceeds a few meters to tens of
meters in thickness.

Porphyritic dacite flows (Tdf)

Massive, strongly porphyritic rocks of probable dacite composition occur within the
lower part of the Tertiary succession at the western and eastern ends of the Lagunas
Norte – Genusa transect. At Genusa, the dacite likely overlies either the polylithic
conglomerate or the paleosurface breccia, while at the eastern end of the Lagunas Norte
transect it appears to directly overlie both the Cretaceous sedimentary succession, and
localized areas of paleosurface breccia. The flow unit is at least a few tens of metres

The dacite flows contain abundant plagioclase, hornblende, conspicuous biotite, and
subordinate quartz as phenocryst phases. Phenocryst content can be up to 40% of the
rock volume, in an aphanitic, light grey groundmass. The unit can be strongly weathered
but is otherwise unaltered. It locally contains patches with irregular, folded flow banding.

Porphyritic dacite breccia (Tdb)

Monolithologic porphyritic dacite breccias overlie the porphyritic dacite flows (unit Tdf)
exposed on the Lagunas Norte – Genusa transect. These breccias are compositionally
and texturally similar to, and presumably cogenetic with the underlying flow rocks. They
crop out over large areas, forming a unit that probably locally exceeds a hundred meters
in thickness. Similar to the underlying flows, there is little or no alteration in the dacite

The dacite breccias consist of clasts that are typically no more than a few decimeters in
diameter, and are closely packed (photo 9). The minor matrix material contains the same
(plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, quartz) phenocryst assemblage as the clasts. There is no
evidence of stratification in the breccias, and they are unaltered to weakly altered where
exposed along the transects.

Dacite crystal lithic tuff (Tdct)

Westernmost strata exposed on the Genusa – Lagunas Norte transect consist of massive
lithic to crystal lithic tuffs of probable dacitic composition. These rocks are in fault
contact with the dacite breccias of unit Tdb, and are not exposed elsewhere on the
transects, so their stratigraphic position relative to other units is uncertain. Most
outcrops are weakly to moderately silicified with minor clay alteration. They are light
grey to white on fresh surfaces, and contain sparse angular lithic fragments and feldspar
+/- quartz phenocrysts in an aphanitic matrix. Lithic fragments are aphanitic and
aphyric, of probable intermediate to felsic volcanic composition, and no greater than 2 -
3 cm in longest dimension.

Hornblende andesite (Tah)

Massive, porphyritic rocks containing conspicuous hornblende phenocrysts crop out
within the central part of the Lagunas Norte transect, to the northwest of the Las
Lagunas Norte deposit area. These rocks form large areas of outcrop and appear to
directly overlie siltstones and mudstones of the Chicama Formation, although a
hypabyssal intrusive origin cannot be ruled out.

The hornblende andesites contain distinctive prismatic to acicular hornblende

phenocrysts within an aphanitic, pale green to grey groundmass (photo 10). Plagioclase
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occurs as a subordinate phenocryst phase, but is absent from some areas. Outcrops
commonly contain strongly-developed joint/fracture sets, and are not significantly

Andesite to dacite flows (Tad)

A massive porphyritic unit of andesitic to dacitic composition overlies the paleosurface
breccia on the Lagunas Sur transect. This unit is exposed over a large area, suggesting
that it attains a thickness of at least several tens, to over a hundred metres. It contains
irregular zones of strong to intense alteration, but shows little variation in igneous
textures. Phenocrysts are dominated by plagioclase with subordinate hornblende, and
rare quartz eyes are present locally. The andesite-dacite flow unit is distinguished from
dacite flows of unit Tdf by the absence of the biotite and quartz phenocrysts in the latter

Andesitic volcanic conglomerate (Tac)

Volcaniclastic rocks of intermediate composition overlie the andesite to dacite flows in
the central and western parts of the Lagunas Sur transect. Most of the unit consists of
cobble to boulder, clast-supported conglomerate with porphyritic (plagioclase +/-
hornblende) intermediate composition volcanic clasts. Weak decimetre to metre scale
stratification is defined by clast size variation, and is especially evident where it is
accentuated by weathering. Thinly- to medium-bedded volcanic siltstone to sandstone
beds are commonly interstratified with the coarser beds (photo 11). The unit is
unaltered to weakly chloritic in the outcrops along the Lagunas Sur transect.

Flow-banded andesite (Taf)

Porphyritic flows with conspicuous strong flow banding overlie the andesitic volcanic
conglomerate at the western end of the Lagunas Sur transect, and form large outcrop
areas on the central and eastern part of the transect. In one part of the Lagunas Sur
transect, these rocks directly overlie porphyritic dacite flows of unit Tdf. Outcrops of
the flow-banded andesite range from fresh (central Lagunas Sur) to strongly altered
(Capilla prospect). Fresh outcrops contain abundant plagioclase and hornblende
phenocrysts in a light to dark grey aphanitic groundmass. Flow banding commonly gives
the unit a strong parting on the centimeter scale, and can be highly irregular in
orientation. In most areas flow banding dips less than 20º – 30º; areas with steeper flow
banding may indicate domal features or proximity to vent areas (photo 12).

Andesite breccia (Tab)

Much of the easternmost part of the Lagunas Sur transect, in the Capilla prospect area, is
underlain by moderately to strongly altered volcanic breccias. Clasts in these breccias
contain strong flow banding and plagioclase +/- hornblende phenocrysts, suggesting that
they are compositionally equivalent to the adjacent flow-banded andesite unit. Clasts are
tightly packed with little matrix material, and there is no visible stratification in the unit.

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2.1.3 Intrusive Rocks

Rocks of unequivocal intrusive origin are rare on the three transects covered in this
study, although portions of the massive porphyritic units described above may be
hypabyssal intrusions intercalated with their extrusive counterparts. The best examples
of clearly intrusive rocks are intermediate composition porphyritic units (unit Ti) exposed
in the Goitos prospect area on the northern transect. These rocks contain abundant
millimetre-sized plagioclase and hornblende within a fine-grained to aphanitic matrix.
They vary from unaltered to strongly clay + alunite altered, suggesting that several pulses
of compositionally similar intrusions may be present. Evidence for an intrusive origin
for these units includes:
1) the highly irregular contacts between the igneous bodies and the surrounding
Cretaceous country rocks;
2) the absence of paleosurface breccias along the contacts between the Cretaceous
section and the igneous units; and
3) the presence of narrow zones of sulfide/Fe oxide matrix breccias containing both
sandstone and porphyry clasts, best interpreted as intrusive breccias, along
contacts with the Cretaceous units.

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Photo 7 (left): Stratification in paleosurface breccia at the Genusa Prospect, defined by

meter-scale alternation between tuffaceous siltstone/sandstone and quartz sandstone clast
breccias. Paleosurface contact is locally subvertical, and follows channel sample visible on
Photo 8 (right): Paleosurface “breccia” at Genusa Prospect, with atypical subrounded
sandstone clasts in sandy to silty matrix.

Photo 9 (left): Monolithologic porphyritic dacite breccia unit, western part of Genusa –
Lagunas Norte transect, showing typical irregular, non-stratified outcrop appearance.
Photo 10 (right): Unaltered hornblende andesite unit, central Genusa – Lagunas Norte
transect, showing characteristic acicular hornblende phenocrysts; FOV = 5 cm.

Photo 11 (left): Andesitic volcaniclastic unit on Lagunas Sur transect, showing typical
decimeter – metre scale stratification of volcanic wacke and conglomerate layers.
Photo 12 (right): Flow-banded andesite flow unit on Lagunas Sur transect, with
anomalously steep banding suggesting dome or vent-proximal volcanic setting.

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The following sections describe the geological features exposed along each of the three
transects, in a west to east progression. These descriptions are best used in conjunction
with the maps and sections of the transects (sheets 1 – 6). For clarity, locations where
specific geological features are present are numbered in the descriptions and shown on
the maps and sections.

3.1 Los Goitos Transect

3.1.1 Stratigraphic/Structural Relationships

The Los Goitos is the northernmost of the three transects, and extends from near the
town of Capichique at its western end to east of the town of Las Ventanas at its eastern
end, a distance of approximately 11.5 kilometres.

Nearly the entire transect is underlain by rocks of the Jurassic-Cretaceous sedimentary

section. The Los Goitos transect is the most structurally complex of the three mapped
transects, and combined with the low levels of exposure along much of it, many of the
interpreted structural and stratigraphic relationships shown on the maps and sections
have a lower level of confidence relative to the other transects.

The western end of the transect contains isolated outcrops of thinly-bedded,

interstratified mudstone and siltstone. These strata have moderate to shallow easterly
dips. Based on regional maps that show an east-dipping succession of Chimú Formation
sandstones just west of the transect limits, these strata are tentatively assigned to the
Santa and Carhuaz formations. However, if the western contact with Chimú Formation
rocks is faulted, these outcrops could also belong to the Chicama Formation.

The mudstone-siltstone sequence passes eastward into a ridge-forming belt of thickly-

bedded to massive quartz sandstone. These sandstones are the along-strike northern
continuation of sandstone mapped as Chimú Formation at the Las Lagunas Norte
deposit. The presence of coal mines within the sandstone section just north of the
transect lends further support to this stratigraphic assignment.

Discordant bedding attitudes indicate that the Chimú Formation succession is faulted
against the Santa-Carhuaz(?) strata to the west (location G-1), and may also contain an
intraformational fault (G-2). These faults are inferred, and their orientation and offset
history is uncertain. The most probable fault interpretation, based on stratal orientations,
regional tectonic setting, and outcrop distribution, is that the western fault is a steep
west-side-down dip-slip fault, and that the eastern fault may be a west-dipping fault with
a contractional displacement history. Outcrops of highly-fractured to brecciated
sandstone with an Fe-oxide matrix are common adjacent to the trace of the eastern fault.

Between the ridge-forming belt of Chimú Formation sandstone and the Goitos prospect
is an approximately four kilometre wide zone with moderate to poor levels of exposure.
Most outcrops within this zone consist of laminated to medium-bedded siltstone and
mudstone, with subordinate layers of thickly-bedded quartzose sandstone and rare
limestone. This entire outcrop belt is assigned to the Santa and Carhuaz formations,

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although the apparent thickness implies that structural repetition of these units is likely

The western part of the Santa-Carhuaz belt dips moderately to the west, subparallel to
dips within the adjacent belt of Chimú Formation sandstone to the west. There is no
evidence for faulting along the contact between the two units (G-3), implying that if
stratigraphic assignments are correct, the entire section is inverted. No corroborative
sedimentary facing direction indicators were identified in the section. Minor
intraformational faults are exposed in the river valley cutting through the middle of the
Santa-Carhuaz belt, and similar faults likely occur, but cannot be mapped in the areas
lacking outcrop.

An interval containing approximately 30-40%, resistant thickly-bedded quartz sandstone

layers occurs near the center of the Santa-Carhuaz belt (G-4 to G-5). Strata within this
area show a dip reversal defining a broad, antiformal fold. The upright fold geometry
strongly suggests that these strata are upright, in contrast to the overturned section to the
west. On this basis, a fault is interpreted along the contacts between this sandstone-rich
interval and the finer-grained strata to the west (G-4). In the absence of field evidence to
the contrary, this fault is interpreted as an east-vergent contractional feature, the
geometry most consistent with regional structural styles.

The sandstone-rich belt passes eastward into a second mudstone-siltstone dominated

section. Dips within the latter unit are mainly to the northeast, but local changes in layer
orientation define two southwest-vergent, upright fold pairs. Because sandstone-rich
sequences occur most commonly within higher parts of the Santa-Carhuaz sequence, the
contact between the sandstone-dominant and mudstone-dominant belts is interpreted as
a fault (G-5).

Several unaltered intermediate composition porphyritic stocks with irregular contacts cut
the mudstone-siltstone sequence just west of the Goitos prospect (G-6). Although these
intrusive rocks are poorly exposed, their contacts can be easily defined through float
mapping. Irregular breccia zones containing sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone
fragments cemented in an iron-oxide matrix are common within the sedimentary
sequence along the intrusive contacts; some of these are extensive enough to form map
units at 1:5,000 scale (unit Bxu on sheet 1; location G-7).

Just east of the porphyritic stocks, the transect crosses the southern part of the Goitos
prospect. Near the western edge of the prospect, a contact between interbedded
siltstones and dirty sandstones on the west, and clean quartz sandstone on the east,
coincides with a reversal from easterly to westerly bedding dips (G-8). The clean, thickly-
bedded quartz sandstones that are well exposed along the ridge to the east of this contact
are assigned to the Farrat Formation. Features suggesting that this contact is faulted
include 1) disrupted layering and breccia zones adjacent to the contact; 2) vertical
bedding dips at the contact, rather than the subhorizontal dips that would characterize
the alternative structural interpretation, a synformal fold; and 3) steeply east-dipping fault
surfaces within road cuts where the dip reversal occurs south of the transect line.

The Farrat Formation quartz sandstones at the Goitos prospect contain several
intraformational faults, breccia zones, and small intrusions. The most prominent faults
are a pair of gently northeast-dipping surfaces that coincide with tabular zones of iron-
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oxide cemented breccias (photo 13). The shallow dips on these surfaces, together with
well-developed down-dip striations, are consistent with formation as low-angle
contractional faults. Because they occur completely within the Farrat Formation and
cannot be traced for more than a few tens to hundreds of metres along strike, the total
displacement on these faults probably does not exceed a few tens of meters. An open
antiform/synform pair occurs in the hangingwall of the faults (G-9).

A small outcrop of paleosurface breccia overlaps the Farrat Formation just north of the
transect (G-10), and is in turn overlain by andesitic volcanic rocks north of the map
limits. The paleosurface breccia differs from the other types of breccias at Goitos in the
lack of significant Fe oxide in its matrix, its more matrix-rich composition, and the lack
of a clear spatial association with faults or intrusive contacts.

The Farrat Formation sandstones pass eastward into thinly-bedded, tan to brown
mudstone and siltstone, which in turn grade into calcareous siltstones, and finally, into a
distinctive interval of thickly-bedded, fossiliferous limestones (G-11). The transition is
nearly continuously exposed in road cuts, and shows no evidence of faulting. Strata
within both the Farrat Formation and the succession to the east consistently dip
moderately to the west. The simplest interpretation for this succession is that the Farrat
Formation is conformably succeeded to the east by a section of Inca and Chulec
formation strata that is inverted at the contact.

Interstratified calcareous mudstone to siltstone, limestone, and fossiliferous limestone are

exposed over a 3-4 kilometre wide belt in the eastern part of the Los Goitos transect.
Variable bedding dips and changes in bedding / cleavage angles in this belt define several
open upright folds (photos 14, 15), and several faults can be mapped based on bedding
truncations. The easternmost portion of the transect contains a stratigraphic sequence
passing from fossiliferous limestone, through calcareous mudstone, into thickly-bedded
quartz sandstone (G-12). This succession mirrors the Chulec-Inca-Farrat formation
transition to the west, indicating that the entire eastern portion of the transect forms a
large synclinal fold. The Farrat Formation strata on the eastern end of the transect are
subvertical to locally overturned (east-dipping), giving the syncline an inverted
mushroom form (photo 16).

3.1.2 Los Goitos Prospect Overview

The Los Goitos prospect consists of an area of anomalous precious metal values,
alteration, and brecciation exposed within the central part of the Los Goitos transect.
Host rocks include thinly- to thickly-bedded strata of the Santa – Carhuaz and Farrat
formations, and lesser porphyritic intrusive rocks. Areas with anomalous metal values
contain moderate silicification, with kaolinite, dickite, illite, and smectite alteration
mineral assemblages.

At least three distinct types of breccias occur at the Los Goitos prospect:
• Strongly clast-supported Fe-oxide or sulfide-cemented sandstone breccias and
fracture zones form irregular tabular bodies that often occur along faults, and are
the most volumetrically significant breccias in the prospect area (photo 17).
These breccias typically strike northwesterly, parallel to the regional structural
grain. Although limited exposure makes it difficult to determine the dip direction
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for most of these breccias, at least some of the breccia body contacts appear to
dip moderately to the northeast (photo 18).

• Irregular clast to matrix-supported Fe-oxide or sulfide cemented breccias with

sandstone clasts and rare porphyritic igneous clasts occur along contacts of both
the strongly altered and unaltered intrusions (photos 19, 20).

• Paleosurface breccias, distinguished by a sandy to silty quartzose matrix with only

minor Fe-oxide locally overlie the Farrat Formation.

The probable origins and relationships of these different breccia types to gold
mineralization at the prospect was not analyzed in detail in the present study, and would
require more systematic, larger-scale mapping to fully evaluate. The field relationships
noted above suggest that several stages of brecciation are likely present, with early
tectonic fragmentation likely overprinted by a hydrothermal/intrusive event.

3.2 Genusa - Lagunas Norte Transect

3.2.1 Stratigraphic/Structural Relationships

The Genusa-Lagunas Norte is the central of the three transects, extending from west of
the Genusa prospect eastward to near the town of Sauco, a distance of approximately 14
kilometres. Tertiary volcanic rocks are exposed at both ends of the transect, and the
central three-quarters provides a well-exposed structural transect through the Jurassic –
Cretaceous sedimentary succession.

The western end of the transect is underlain by Tertiary dacite crystal lithic tuff,
containing weak to moderate clay alteration and minor intraformational silicified faults
(photo 21). The tuff has a faulted eastern contact with porphyritic dacite flows and
breccias. The fault separating these two volcanic units is a well-exposed steeply east-
dipping silicified zone up to two metres wide (N-1), with prominent subhorizontal
striations and fault grooves indicating at least a late stage of strike-slip movement.

In the Genusa prospect area (N-2), the volcanic succession overlies mudstones,
siltstones, and quartz sandstones along an irregular depositional surface. The quartz
sandstone exposed at Genusa is medium to thickly bedded, contains siltstone layers, and
is most likely part of the Chimú Formation. Dip orientations suggest that, unless
overturned, the poorly-exposed mudstones and siltstones just west of the sandstone are
part of the Chicama Formation.

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Photo 13 (left): View looking south along shallowly east-dipping thrust fault (planar surface
dipping to left at break in slope) at Goitos Prospect.
Photo 14 (right): Rounded, upright anticline within Chulec Formation calcareous siltstones
and limestones, in eastern part of Goitos Transect.

Photo 15 (left): Example of bedding / cleavage relationships used in part to define folds on
Goitos Transect; bedding is subvertical in photograph; axial-planar cleavage is parallel to
Photo 16 (right): View looking to north along Farrat Formation ridge at east end of
Goitos transect; recessive area on left side of photograph is underlain by stratigraphically-
higher mudstones of the Inca and Chulec formations, indicating that section is overturned
and youngs to the west.

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Photo 17 (left): Example of Fe-oxide / sulfide matrix, quartz sandstone breccia at Goitos
Prospect, which typical occur as tabular, structurally-controlled bodies.
Photo 18 (right): View looking south along tabular, metre-thick Fe-oxide matrix breccia at
Los Goitos prospect, showing lower contact (at head of hammer) dipping moderately
eastward into hill.

Photo 19 (left): Sulfide matrix breccia exposed along contact between argillically altered,
porphyritic intrusion (white part of outcrop on right) and quartz sandstone (off photo to
Photo 20 (right): Fe-oxide matrix breccia along intrusive contact similar to that in photo
19, showing combination of subrounded porphyritic and quartz sandstone clasts.

The paleosurface “breccia” unit at Genusa differs from typical exposures elsewhere in
the region in the abundance of rounded sandstone clasts, the presence of interstratified
tuffaceous siltstone to pebble conglomerate layers, and a slightly more polylithic clast

Within the Chimú Formation at the Genusa prospect, moderate bedding dips to both the
west and east define an open, upright antiform/synform fold pair. Zones of brecciation
and strong fracturing occur locally, some of which show are spatially associated with
probable intraformational faults.

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The Chimú Formation succession passes eastward into a belt of interbedded sandstones,
siltstones, and mudstone roughly a kilometre wide, mapped as the Santa – Carhuaz
formations. Near the Chimú – Santa – Carhuaz contact, stratification dips shallowly to
the west (N-3). However, less than a hundred metres east of this contact, bedding dips
pass through vertical, and the remainder of the Santa – Carhuaz succession has
consistent, moderate easterly dips. This geometry suggests that the contact between the
Chimú and Santa – Carhuaz formations is a shallowly to moderately west-dipping fault,
with the reversal in dip direction related to drag folding generated by contractional fault

To the east, the Santa – Carhuaz succession is bounded by thickly-bedded quartz

sandstones of the Farrat Formation. Bedding within the Farrat Formation dips shallowly
westward, opposite to that in the adjacent Santa – Carhuaz formations. The trace of the
contact between the units indicates a westward dip, subparallel to stratification in the
Farrat Formation (N-4). This contact orientation, together with the presence of strong
fracturing within the top of the Farrat Formation, implies that the contact is probably a
thrust fault that displaced the Santa – Carhuaz formations eastward over the Farrat

East of the Farrat Formation, the transect crosses a structurally intact, west-facing
succession passing downward through the Santa, Carhuaz, Chimú, and upper portion of
the Chicama formations. The Chicama Formation occupies the hinge of a regional
anticline that passes just west of the Las Lagunas Norte deposit (N-5), but overlapping
Tertiary volcanic rocks and glacial sediments limit exposures of the unit to small road
cuts, stream gulleys, and rare resistant sandstone layers.

East of the anticline hinge, stratigraphic units exposed along the transect pass through
the Chimú, Santa, Carhuaz, and Farrat formations. With only a few minor exceptions,
stratification within this succession dips moderately or steeply to the west. Good
examples of asymmetric cross stratification within dirty sandstone layers of the Santa –
Carhuaz formations (photo 22) indicate that the section is overturned such that younging
direction is to the east.

The Chimú Formation on the eastern anticline limb is the northern continuation of the
belt that contains a majority of the gold mineralization at Las Lagunas Norte. The 600
metre thickness of the sandstone here is similar to published regional stratigraphic
thicknesses, suggesting that any structurally-induced thickness changes are relatively
minor. However, zones of brecciation and disharmonic folding occur along many of the
mudstone/siltstone intervals within the formation (photo 23), implying that faulting
subparallel to stratification occurs locally. In addition, steeply-dipping eastnortheast
faults and breccia zones are common (N-6). A combination of slickenside striae and
offset marker units indicate that faults of this orientation typically accommodated several
metres of dextral strike-slip offset.

The mudstone-siltstone-sandstone succession exposed to the east of the Chimú

Formation has an apparent thickness of approximately 4000 metres. The succession
consists of three poorly-exposed sandstone-poor intervals, alternating with well-exposed
intervals containing up to 30-40% resistant sandstone layers. The simplest interpretation
of this succession is that it represents three nearly complete successions Santa - Carhuaz
formations, with a lower sandstone-poor member and an upper sandstone-rich member
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in each. There are no significant changes in dip direction or facing direction in these
sections, implying that the repetition is associated with low-angle faults, most likely
formed during regional contractional deformation. These faults cannot be mapped in the
field due to limited exposure and their bedding-parallel geometry. Based on the
mechanical characteristics of the host sequence, they are inferred to occur along the
structural base (stratigraphic top) of the more competent sandstone-rich layers (N-7).

Contrary to previous regional maps, there is no evidence for a synclinal belt of Inca and
Chulec formation strata within the eastern part of the Genusa – Lagunas Norte transect.
The sandstone layers interpreted on the earlier maps as Farrat Formation on the west
limb of the syncline are assigned in this study to the Santa – Carhuaz formations, because
the pure white sandstones layers here, although lithologically similar to those in the
Farrat Formation, do not exceed 20 metres in thickness.

In addition, there is no evidence for a zone of Chicama Formation between the Chimú
Formation and Santa – Carhuaz formations, as was inferred in the Las Lagunas Norte
deposit area on the basis of drillhole data. This omission from the present maps
alleviates the need for two major structures on the transect, neither of which can be
identified in the field: 1) a syncline within the Chimú Formation, and 2) a fault dividing
Chicama Formation from Santa - Carhuaz formation just east of the Chimú Formation
belt. This suggests that the formational assignments for the eastern part of the Las
Lagunas Norte deposit should also be re-examined, to determine if this simpler structural
geometry applies there. A cursory examination of drillholes in this area identified several
areas where graded bedding and asymmetric ripples imply inverted stratigraphy (photo
24), supporting re-assignment of strata below the Chimú Formation to the Santa –
Carhuaz Formations.

The eastern end of the Genusa – Lagunas Norte transect is overlapped by porphyritic
dacite flows and monolithologic breccias. Just north of the eastern end of the transect,
Farrat Formation strata area exposed below the Tertiary unconformity (N-8). Sandstone
clast paleosurface breccias are exposed along the unconformity surface here, but not
where the unconformity lies on the mudstone-siltstone dominant rocks of the Santa –
Carhuaz formations just to the west.

3.3 Lagunas Sur - Capilla Transect

3.3.1 Stratigraphic/Structural Relationships

The southernmost transect extends from just east of the town of Quiruvilca to the
eastern part of the Capilla area, a distance of approximately 13 km. The Jurassic –
Cretaceous succession is exposed for only about three kilometres of the transect, to the
north and west of Laguna de Los Angeles. Elsewhere on the transect the Tertiary
volcanic sequence overlaps the sedimentary sequence.

ba03ac01 a4.doc 26
Lewis Geoscience / Alto Chicama regional structural study 3. Transect Descriptions

Photo 21 (left): Outcrop showing strong silicification over 1 – 2 meter wide zone adjacent
to moderately east-dipping fault in dacite crystal lithic tuff. West end of Genusa – Las
Lagunas Norte transect.
Photo 22 (right): Example of asymmetric cross-stratification within Santa – Carhuaz
formation in the Cerro Vizcachas area of the Genusa – Las Lagunas Norte transect.
Downward concave foresets imply inverted layering, in this area younging to the east.

Photo 23 (left): Disrupted (brecciated, folded) sandstone layers within recessive, mudstone
and siltstone-rich interval of the Chimú Formation, north of Las Lagunas Norte deposit.
Disrupted interval is enclosed within planar, thickly-bedded sandstones lacking brecciation
and folding, implying layer-parallel faulting and associated disharmonic drag folding.
Photo 24 (right): Examples of three downward-fining graded beds (lowermost row) within
drillcore from eastern part of Las Lagunas Norte deposit, implying that Chimú Formation
and structurally underlying strata are inverted. Drillhole DDH-50 at 214 – 218 m.

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Lewis Geoscience / Alto Chicama regional structural study 3. Transect Descriptions

At the western end of the transect, a sequence of massive andesite flows, volcaniclastic
rocks, and banded flows overlies strata of the Chimú and Chicama formations. East of
these volcanic rocks, a recessive area lacking any outcrop is assumed to be underlain by
the Santa – Carhuaz formation.

Two subparallel resistant ridges of well-exposed pure, white quartz sandstone to the east
of this recessive area (S-1, S-2) are mapped as Farrat Formation. Bedding in the two
belts has opposing inward dips, interpreted as a synclinal fold on existing regional maps.
However, bedding within minor sandstone and siltstone outcrops exposed between the
two main quartz sandstone intervals changes dip through vertical, rather than through
subhorizontal as would define a syncline. This suggests that the two Farrat Formation
belts are repeated across a fault rather than an unbroken fold. Strata-parallel breccia
zones of probable tectonic origin within the eastern belt of Farrat Formation may
provide further evidence of this inferred fault. Regional structural styles, outcrop
distribution, and bedding orientations are most consistent with the a moderately west-
dipping, contractional fault geometry. This fault is likely the southern continuation of
the fault mapped on the Genusa – Lagunas Norte transect, dividing the Santa – Carhuaz
and Farrat Formations (N-4).

A kilometre-wide zone of thinly- to medium-bedded siltstone, mudstone, and dirty

sandstone occurs between the eastern belt of Farrat Formation and a cliff-forming
interval of Chimú Formation quartz sandstones exposed farther east. Bedding within
this zone has steep easterly dips. In several outcrops, asymmetric crossbeds and climbing
ripple cross stratification indicate westerly younging directions (S-3).

A prominent ridge underlain by Chimú Formation quartz sandstones extends

northwesterly from the Laguna de Los Angeles area. Strata in the western part of this
belt are overturned and dip moderately to the east, while to the east strata dip moderately
to the west and are interpreted to be upright. The dip reversal occurs within a
northwest-trending zone containing complex faulting, minor folding, and extensive areas
of quartz sandstone breccia (S-4; Photo 25). The main faults identified in this zone are
moderately east-dipping, west-vergent contractional faults. Most folds are localized on
the immediate hangingwalls of these faults, and likely formed as fault-drag features. The
main area of breccia forms a prismatic body bounded on the west by the principal east-
dipping fault, and on the east by a probable steeply west-dipping fault. These breccias
are dominantly tightly-packed, clast-supported units with an Fe-oxide rich, milled
sandstone matrix. Clasts within them are up to several metres in diameter. They are
locally overlain by small patches of matrix-supported paleosurface breccia (not
distinguished on sheet 5).

The eastern flank of the Chimú Formation-cored ridge forms a dip slope with a thin (<2
m) east-dipping layer of paleosurface breccia overlying the bedded sandstones, and
isolated erosional remnants of stratigraphically higher porphyritic andesitic to dacitic
flows. Irregular windows through the paleosurface breccias reveal moderate westerly
dips in the subjacent quartz sandstones. The erosional remnants of porphyritic flows
typically contain moderate to strong kaolinite, silica, and alunite alteration.

Rocks exposed along the transect to the east of Laguna de Los Angeles include several
map units of the Tertiary volcanic succession. The mapping completed in this study,
because it is limited to a narrow transect, is insufficient to fully evaluate the contact
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Lewis Geoscience / Alto Chicama regional structural study 3. Transect Descriptions

relationships of these units. From west to east, four principal units are present: massive
porphyritic andesite to dacite (unit Tad), andesitic volcaniclastic strata (unit Tac), flow-
banded andesites (unit Taf), and monolithologic andesitic breccias (unit Tab). There is
little evidence of tectonic deformation within the Tertiary succession, and the units
within it are accordingly assumed to have relatively tabular forms, with locally irregular
but overall subhorizontal contacts between units.

3.3.2 Lagunas Sur and Capilla Zones Overview

The southern transect contains broad areas of alteration in the Tertiary volcanic strata at
the Lagunas Sur and Capilla areas. At Lagunas Sur, massive porphyritic andesite to
dacite host rocks contain irregular gossanous patches with abundant finely-disseminated
pyrite, moderate to strong silicification, and variable clay alteration. This style of
alteration extends over a width of approximately 1½ km along the transect line. The
most strongly altered areas contain abundant silicified fractures, fine-grained quartz
veinlets, and veinlets infilled by either Fe oxide or fine- to medium-grained pyrite (photos
26, 27). Fe-oxide cemented breccia veins containing quartz sandstone clasts occur locally
(photos 28, 29), but are much more abundant within the quartz sandstones exposed
below the western part of the altered Tertiary rocks.

The veinlets and silicified fractures in volcanic rocks at the Lagunas Sur area have
moderate to steep dips, but no preferred strike orientation is evident in the limited data
set collected in this study (Fig. 2). However, the Fe-oxide cemented breccia veins within
the underlying sandstones show consistent northeasterly strikes, parallel to the preferred
orientations of these types of structures in the Las Lagunas Norte deposit area (Lewis,

The Capilla Area encompasses several distinct mineralized zones within a broad
alteration anomaly. Of the three named zones at Capilla, the transect crosses only part of
the easternmost, the Dominique Zone. Two general styles of alteration are present in
this area: 1) a peripheral zone with alteration similar to that at Lagunas Sur, characterized
by weak to moderate silicification, disseminated pyrite, and variable levels of clay
alteration; and 2) a central zone containing moderate to strong quartz + alunite
alteration, with local patches of vuggy residual silica. The more intense alteration
characterizing the central zone occurs within the lower part of the andesite
monolithologic breccia unit, just above the contact with underlying flow-banded

The Dominique Zone contains numerous narrow (< 1 m) resistant ribs, which occur
along silicified fracture zones. The silicified fractures forming these features have
subvertical dips and moderately to strongly preferred northnortheast strike orientations.

ba03ac01 a4.doc 29
Lewis Geoscience / Alto Chicama regional structural study 3. Transect Descriptions

Photo 25: View of faulted and brecciated outcrops of Chimu Formation on Lagunas Sur –
Capilla transect, looking north from just south of Laguna de Los Angeles. Two inward-
dipping faults (outlined in yellow lines) bound an elongate prism of strongly brecciated
sandstones with irregularly oriented layering in less-brecciated blocks.

Photo 26 (left): Fine-grained quartz veinlets within silicified porphyritic volcanic rock,
typical of more intensely altered portions of the Lagunas Sur area.
Photo 27 (right): Example of resistant silicified + Fe-oxide altered fracture zone, Lagunas
Sur area.

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Lewis Geoscience / Alto Chicama regional structural study 3. Transect Descriptions

Photo 28 (left): Fe-oxide cemented breccia dyke cutting kaolinite-altered + weakly silicified
porphyritic volcanic rocks, Lagunas Sur area.
Photo 29 (right): Closer view of breccia dyke in photo 28, showing sub-angular quartz-
sandstone fragments derived from deeper stratigraphic levels, implying hydrothermal clast

ba03ac01 a4.doc 31
Lewis Geoscience / Alto Chicama regional structural study 3. Transect Descriptions

Equal Area N Equal Area N

(Schmidt) (Schmidt)

Axial N = 398 Axial N = 25

A. B.

Equal Area N

Axial N = 97


Figure 2: Stereonets showing orientations of structural features in altered zones along

Las Lagunas Sur transect. A) Poles to bedding, all areas, showing dispersion along great
circle associated with folding around subhorizontal, northwest-trending axes. B) Poles to
planar, Fe-oxide matrix breccias, all areas, showing preferred subvertical, northeast-
striking orientation similar to that of gold mineralized breccias at the Las Lagunas Norte
deposit. C) Poles to Fe-oxide breccia zones, silicified fractures, quartz veinlets, and
sulfide or Fe-oxide veinlets for all area; dominantly in Tertiary volcanic rock sequence;
altered structures have strong preference for subvertical dips, but little or no preferred
strike orientation.

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Lewis Geoscience / Alto Chicama regional structural study 4. Discussion


4.1 Regional Structural Styles

Dominant structures within the Jurassic – Cretaceous sedimentary rock sequence in the
project area are folds and contractional faults formed during regional northeast-
southwest shortening. Considerable regional strain was accommodated during this event,
resulting in tight fold forms, overturned fold limbs, and thrust repetitions of map units.
Although the geometry and style of contractional features varies throughout the project
area, several common themes are evident:

• The largest anticlines and synclines often have box forms, with both western and
eastern limbs overturned. For example, the major syncline that occupies the
eastern half of the Los Goitos Transect contains overturned Farrat Formation
strata on both western and eastern limbs, approximating an inverted mushroom
form (sheet 2). As well, the regional anticline cored by Chicama Formation on
the Lagunas Norte and Lagunas Sur transect contains westerly-vergent folds and
faults on its western limb, and easterly-vergent features on its eastern limb.

This structural style is a manifestation of the high competency contrast of the

major stratigraphic units within the folded sequence. In layered sequences
containing thick highly competent intervals (i.e., Chimú and Farrat formations)
within significantly less competent and thicker enclosing rock sequences (i.e.,
Chicama, Santa, Carhuaz, Inca, and Chulec Formations) fold wavelength and
amplitude are controlled primarily by the mechanical characteristics of the more
competent layers (Ramsay and Huber, 1987). Because the less competent layers
will flow and conform to the more competent layers, it is possible to generate
folds with interlimb angles that have tightened beyond isoclinal (Fig. 3).

• Second order synclines on the transects typically have faulted hinges displaying
evidence of drag folding, and as a result, bedding dips reverse by passing through
vertical rather than horizontal.

• Due to structural thickening, thicknesses of stratigraphic units are commonly

significantly greater than their regional values. The 3-4 kilometres of Santa –
Carhuaz formations exposed along the eastern part of the Genusa – Lagunas
Norte transect is an example of this thickening. A lack of evidence of folds
within these anomalous sections suggests that the thickening is accommodated by
contractional faults.

• Most of the contractional faults mapped on the transects show a few hundred
metres to at most a kilometre of stratigraphic separation, and large-scale
overthrusts repeating thick (> 1 km) stratigraphic packages are not present. The
most significant faults, measured in terms of amount of stratigraphic repetition,
are those found within the Santa – Carhuaz formations on the Goitos and
Genusa – Lagunas Norte transect. Thus, the amount of shortening
accommodated by faulting is minor relative to that accommodated by the
regional folds.

Most of the contractional faults probably formed late in the deformation

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Lewis Geoscience / Alto Chicama regional structural study 4. Discussion

sequence, after folds had tightened to the point where further shortening by
folding was untenable. None of the major folds mapped on the transects have a
geometry suggesting formation as fault-bend folds or fault-propagation folds,
that may have formed as a consequence of regional thrusting. However, some of
the smaller folds are best interpreted as drag features formed during movement
on the late contractional faults.

• Although stratigraphic units and some structural features can be correlated

between the three transects, changes in structural style are evident when
comparing the sections. In general, the southern two transects display more
consistent bedding orientations over broader areas, and less faulting than the
Goitos transect. This may reflect the higher average stratigraphic levels exposed
on the northernmost transect. Amounts of shortening, fold intensity, and fault
density can change abruptly along strike, as exemplified by the changes in
structural style within the Las Lagunas Norte deposit area (Lewis, 2002).

• Northeast-striking, subvertical minor faults, fracture zones, and breccia zones are
common, especially within thickly-bedded quartz sandstones of the Chimú and
Farrat Formations. These brittle features are perpendicular to fold axes and
roughly parallel to regional shortening direction. They likely formed synchronous
with regional shortening, as either extensional features or as tear faults that
facilitated changes in structural style along strike.

There is no evidence that significant deformation has occurred within the Tertiary
volcanic sequence along the three transects, although previous mapping outside of the
transects in the Las Lagunas Norte deposit area documents several orientations of syn- to
post-volcanic, steeply-dipping faults. Mapping of the volcanic sequence away from the
transect lines is required to more fully document the structural history of the Tertiary

4.3 Controls on Mineralization and Exploration Guides

Mapping completed along the three transects in this study provides a basic structural and
stratigraphic framework for the Alto Chicama project area, and more comprehensive
property-scale mapping of intervening areas is required to fully evaluate controls on

First-order structural features that control the distribution of alteration and

mineralization on a regional scale are most commonly crustal-scale faults and fracture
zones. The most favourable structures will likely have a long-lived history, and may have
been active at several stages in the geological history of the project area. The mapping
completed in the present study is insufficient in scope to positively identify these types of
features in the project area at this stage. As this work is integrated with other data sets
and extended into unmapped areas, such hypothetical structures may be manifested in
several ways:

Facies changes within the Mesozoic sedimentary succession:

Changes in either the thickness or lithologic characteristics of the Mesozoic sedimentary
succession may reflect the influence of depositional basin geometry, which may in turn
ba03ac01 a4.doc 34
Lewis Geoscience / Alto Chicama regional structural study 4. Discussion

be linked to basin-bounding major structures. For example: 1) the Santa – Carhuaz

succession appears to contain a higher proportion of sandstone layers in the Lagunas
Norte transect than it does in either the Lagunas Sur or Los Goitos transects; and 2) the
distribution of coal and carbonaceous mudstone layers within the Chimú Formation is
strongly localized, with thickest accumulations present at the Callacuyan camp area and
just north of the Las Lagunas Norte deposit. The lithologic data collected in the present
study are too spatially limited to relate these changes to specific structural features, but in
the future in may be possible to incorporate stratigraphic distribution trends into regional
structural models.

Structural inversion:
Syn-depositional structures are often reactivated during later contractional deformation, a
process referred to as structural inversion (Cooper and Williams, 1989). Evidence for
structural inversion might include contractional faults with steeper dips than are typical
of fold belts; abrupt changes in stratigraphic unit thickness across contractional faults, or
subparallel faults with apparently opposite offsets (Fig. 5). Some of the complex
structural/stratigraphic relationships encountered in drillholes in the Las Lagunas Norte
deposit area (for example, the anomalously thick mudstone intervals in the “duplex
zone”) may be indicators of structural inversion of early, crustal-scale extensional

Transverse structures:
Northeast-striking faults and fracture zones oriented at high angles to the structural grain
of the project area are common, and often accommodate minor displacement of
stratigraphic contacts. Some of these faults may represent long-lived structures that were
reactivated as tear faults during contractional deformation, by virtue of their favourable
orientation. Although not always mappable, they may be recognizable by abrupt along-
strike changes in amounts of shortening or structural style. For example, the unusually
high gold grades along section 4200N at Las Lagunas Norte coincides with a north-south
change in the stratigraphic level at which bedding-parallel contractional faults occur
(Lewis, 2002). A possible more regional northeast-striking structure may result in the
alignment of the Las Lagunas Norte deposit area with domal and diatreme volcanic
centers at Quiruvilca and just south of Genusa.

Distribution of Tertiary volcanic rocks:

Tertiary extrusive centers may be localized above long-lived, deeply-penetrating
structures, which may be identifiable through mapping the distribution of proximal
volcanic facies.

ba03ac01 a4.doc 35
Figure 3: Schematic diagram
showing influence of layer
thickness and competency contrast
on fold style. Top to bottom
shows decreasing competency Figure 4: Schematic cross sections
contrast between rigid layer and less of types of structures associated
competent matrix; folds in with contractional inversion of
uppermost diagram have interlimb extensional faults, from McClay,
angles tightened beyond isoclinal, 1994: A) half-graben showing
similar to the largest folds in the thickening in hangingwall due to
Alto Chicama project area. From syn-sedimentary faulting; B-E)
Ramsay and Huber, 1987. inverted fault geometries with
different types of accommodation
faults, resulting in complex fault
patterns with apparently opposite
Lewis Geoscience / Alto Chicama regional structural study


Work completed in this study has defined a preliminary structural and stratigraphic
framework for the Alto Chicama project area that will help support more comprehensive
property-scale geological mapping studies. Rather than defining exploration targets by
itself, the greatest value of this work will be in providing a geological context for
interpretation and integration of geophysical, geochemical, and remote sensing data sets.
The recommendations below focus on the types of geological follow-up work that will
be most applicable to the ongoing exploration programs at Alto Chicama.

• The existing detailed geological data for the project area should be compiled with
the new mapping completed in this study, to better establish the continuity of
structures and stratigraphic units away from the transect lines. A compilation
map scale of 1:10,000 would provide a sufficient level of detail to integrate with
other exploration data sets, using a manageable number of map sheets. In
addition to the outcrop distribution that forms the foundation of the existing
geological database, the compilation maps should focus on defining the positions
of 1) contacts between stratigraphic units, and 2) interpreted structures that are
implied by stratigraphic/structural field relationships, but are not directly

• The high-quality orthophotograph base for the project areas should be used to
produce an interpretive map and additional cross sections for parts of the
compilation map that lack geological information.

• Rather than extending the present mapping program to the two transect lines that
were not completed in this study (Fig. 1), additional fieldwork should be directed
towards tracing contacts of units and structures between the existing three
transect lines and field-checking contacts and structural features interpreted from
the orthophoto base. By selectively combining available geological data,
orthophoto interpretations, and field checks it should be possible to produce a
high-quality geological map for the project area without an extensive outlay of

• The project area should be evaluated for evidence of major (deep-rooted)

structural features that are not immediately evident on surface, using the criteria
outlined in section 4.3, as well as geophysical and/or remote sensing data sets.
Hydrothermal mineral deposits are invariably spatially associated with crustal
breaks or other major lithologic heterogeneities, which commonly manifest
themselves as zones of anomalous structural trends or unusually complex
structural patterns. Therefore, if these types of zones can be identified within the
project area, they will be more prospective than areas with relatively consistent
structural styles.

• Mapping completed on the Las Lagunas Norte transect strongly implies that the
belt of Chimú Formation that hosts much of the Las Lagunas Norte deposit is an
internally-faulted section bounded by stratigraphic contacts with the Chicama
Formation on the west and the Santa – Carhuaz formations on the east.
Structural cross sections for the deposit area should be re-interpreted using this
ba02ac02.doc 37
Lewis Geoscience / Alto Chicama regional structural study 5. Recommendations

structural model, which is significantly simpler than the faulted syncline model
previously employed.

ba02ac02.doc 38
Lewis Geoscience / Alto Chicama regional structural study 6. References


Cobbing, E.J., Pitcher, W.S., Wilson, J.J., Baldock, J.W., Taylor, W.P., McCourt, W., and
Snelling, N.J., 1981. The geology of the Western Cordillera of northern Peru. Institute
of Geological Sciences (London), Overseas Memoir 5, 143 pages.

Cooper, M.A., and Williams, G.D., 1898. Inversion Tectonics. Special publication of the
Geological Society of London, No. 44, pp. 376.

Lewis, P.D., 2002. Structural geology and ore controls of the Las Lagunas Norte Deposit, Alto
Chicama project area. Consultant’s report prepared by Minera Barrick Misquichilca,
Nov. 6, 2002.

McClay, K., 1994. Unpublished notes; Structural Geology Short Course for Irish Association of
Economic Geologists.

Megard, F., 1984. The Andean orogenic period and its major structures in central and northern
Peru. Journal of the Geological Society of London, Volume 141, pages 893-900.

Megard, F., Noble, D.C., McKee, E.H., and Bellon, H., 1984. Multiple pulses of Neogene
compressive deformation in the Ayacucho intermontane basin, Andes of central Peru.
Geological Society of America Bulletin, Volume 95, pp. 1108-1117.

Noble, D.C., McKee, E.H., Mourier, T., and Megard, F., 1990. Cenozoic stratigraphy,
magmatic activity, compressive deformation and uplift in northern Peru. Geological
Society of America Bulletin, Volume 102, pp. 1105-1113.

Noble, D.C., Sebrier, M., Megard, F., and McKee, E.H., 1985. Demonstration of two
pulses of Paleogene deformation in the Andes of Peru. Earth and Planetary Science
Letters, Volume 73, pp. 345-349.

Queen’s University, 2002. 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology – HUA suite. Confidential report to

Barrick Gold Corporation. Queen’s University Argon Laser Geochronology Laboratory,
Kingston, ON., August 21, 2002.

Ramsay, J.G, and Huber, M.I, 1987. The Techniques of Modern Structural Geology; Volume
2: Folds and Fractures. Academic Press.

Reyes, L., 1980. Geologia de los cuadrangulos de Cajamarca, San Marcos y Cajabamba (Hojas
15f, 15g, y 16g). Republica del Peru, Instituto Geologico Minero Y Metalurgico, Boletin
No. 31, 67 pages.

Wilson, J.J., and Reyes, L., 1964. Geologia del cuadrangulo de Pataz. Republica del Peru,
Instituto Geologico Minero Y Metalurgico, Boletin No. 9, 91 pages.

ba02ac02.doc 39
Lewis Geoscience / Alto Chicama regional structural study Certificate of Author


1. I, Peter D. Lewis, am a consulting geologist specializing in ore deposits, with an office

located at 15715 Mountainview Drive, Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 0C6.

2. I am a graduate of Stanford University (B.Sc., 1984, Geological Sciences) and the

University of British Columbia (M.Sc., 1987, Geological Sciences; Ph.D., Geological
Sciences, 1992).

3. I have practiced my profession as a geologist continuously for more than sixteen years
as a researcher, and as a structural geology consultant to the mineral exploration industry.
I have over twelve years experience in mineral exploration covering a wide range of
geological settings and deposit types, including sediment and volcanic rock-hosted
disseminated gold deposits.

4. I am registered as a Professional Geoscientist in the Province of British Columbia, and

am a member of the Society of Economic Geologists and the International Association
of Structural and Tectonic Geologists.

5. This report is based on geological studies conducted by myself, and a review of data
provided by Minera Barrick Misquichilca. I conducted a field visit to the Alto Chicama
Property over the period April 15 – May 8, 2003, during which I collected geological field
data, examined products of previous exploration programs, and reviewed existing
exploration data.

6. I have no direct, indirect, or contingent interest in either Minera Barrick Misquichilca

or the property described in this report, or in other mining properties in the region.

7. I am a qualified person for the purposes of preparing this report, as defined by

National Instrument 43-101.

________________________________ ________________________
Peter D. Lewis, Ph.D., P. Geo. Date

ba02ac02.doc 40

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