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Quarterly Record

The Magazine of the Trinitarian Bible Society • Issue Number 647

April–June 2024


Founded in 1831 for the circulation of
Protestant or uncorrupted versions of the Word of God

Officers and Executive Staff of the Society

President: General Secretary:
Mr D. P. Rowland Mr J. D. Arnold, LLB. (Hons.), M.A.*

Vice-Presidents: Resources Director:

Dr D. Allen Mr D. J. Broome, C.P.F.A.
Mr G. R. Burrows
Editorial Director:
Mr G. D. Buss
Mr M. A. Vogan, B.A. (Hons.), M.A., M.Litt.
The Rev. R. G. Ferguson
The Rev. Dr T. Gilmer Operations Director:
Pastor M. J. Harley Mr P. A. Blows, B.A. (Hons.)
The Rev. M. Stuart
Senior Editorial Consultants:
The Rev. M. H. Watts
Mr L. Brigden, B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc.,
Chairman: B.A. (Hons.) – Linguistics
M. Keogh-Brown, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.* Mr P. J. D. Hopkins, M.A. Oxf. – Projects
Vice-Chairman: Editorial Consultants:
The Rev. J. P. Thackway* Mr A. Hembd, M.A.C.S.
Treasurer: J. Cammenga, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
The Rev. W. M. Patterson Jnr., B.A., D.D.
Pastor R. A. Clarke, B.Sc., F.C.A.*
Mr A. C. Thomson, M.A. Cantab.
Members: D. E. Anderson, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
The Rev. W. Irwin*
Mr A. K. Jones, LLB. (Hons.) Solicitor* * These are the serving members of the
The Rev. E. T. Kirkland, B.A. (Hons.), Dipl.Th.* General Committee.

The Rev. A. J. Lewis, Dipl.Th.*

Unless otherwise stated, Scripture quotations are from the
Mr J. P. Sayers*
Authorised (King James) Version. Rights in the Authorised
Version in the United Kingdom are vested in the Crown.

Cover Picture: © Grispb –

Issue Number: 647 © Trinitarian Bible Society 2024
All rights reserved. The Trinitarian Bible Society permits
April to reprinting of articles found in our printed and online
Quarterly Record provided that prior permission is
June 2024 obtained and proper acknowledgement is made.

AGM Advance Notice 2

General Secretary’s Introduction 3
Devotional: Only the Word of God 6
Inspiration and Text Conferences 8
Stealing God’s Words? 9
Swahili: A Language Across Borders 16
Deputation Visit to Australia 22
Obituary: George Anderson 25
Persian Scriptures 26
Does the NKJV Live Up To Its Claims? 28
The Treasury 35
The Word of God Among All Nations 37

Quarterly Record Production Team Editorial Director: Mr M. A. Vogan

Lead Editor: Mrs N. A. Hanks
Editor: Miss E. Tichelaar
Senior Editorial Consultant (Projects): Mr P. J. D. Hopkins
Editorial Consultant: Dr. D. E. Anderson
Graphic Designers: Mr P. Hughes, Mr S. Talas
Circulation: Mr J. M. Wilson


Saturday 21 September 2024
God Willing
at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London SE1 6SD
The Business Meeting at 11.00 a.m. will include
reports and updates on the Society’s work.
After the Business Meeting,
at 2.00 p.m.
the Rev. W. Irwin
Member of the General Committee
is expected to preach.
All are invited to attend. Please see our website
for most up-to-date details.

The General
Jonathan D. Arnold

t is my privilege once again to present when there is a great need in our home
to you a Quarterly Record packed full nations for God’s Word. In some countries
of information about the work of the where our branches are located we are
Society. As such, a short introduction is confronted with an apathy and even
needed on this occasion. We prayerfully radical opposition to God’s Word. May the
seek to distribute God’s Word to the world Lord grant each true believer and Gospel
and trust that the Lord will bless the congregation a burden to make God’s
seed that is being sown. For those that Word known, and to stand on the firm
know the Lord, the view of God’s Word as foundation of Christ and His Word, the
precious should cause us to be interested Bible (Matthew 7.24–27).
in its distribution, but also we must not
At the time of writing we have just had a
neglect its use in our day-to-day walk
most encouraging Open Day at William
with God. Psalm 119.114 states ‘Thou art
Tyndale House, London. We reached
my hiding place and my shield: I hope in
our approximate capacity for the day of
thy word’. May the Lord grant each of us
around 200 people; and whilst we should
to know that God is our hiding place, and
never go by numbers alone, it warmed
our hope is fixed on the sure and certain
the heart to see fellow believers interested
Word of God.
in the work, particularly many families
I recently had the privilege of attending and children. Visitors attended one of
an annual TBS auxiliary meeting in the two identical sessions, the first in the
UK. The take-up of Bibles from state morning and the second in the afternoon.
schools (known as public schools in Each session was again divided into two
North America) has been remarkable. parts. At the start visitors were able to
We hope to continue with this task, look at various displays and have time for
and I am grateful for all those involved refreshments and fellowship. There were
in auxiliaries who are engaged in this also several activities for children. Visitors
local work of distributing the Scriptures. were then split into groups to have a tour
We would be remiss if our aim is only to of the building and view presentations
distribute Bibles in more exotic locations, from staff on the work of the Editorial

Trinitarian Bible Society – Quarterly Record

The Open Day at William Tyndale House drew a good number of visitors both young and old

Department, the Spanish Bible project until his retirement in 2005 before joining
and distribution, and the work of the the General Committee for a time. This
Operations Department. We are grateful QR also contains an obituary for the
to all the supporters who attended, and late Mr George Anderson who worked
we hope the event gave a helpful in the Editorial Department for over
insight into our work. There is a lot of twenty-five years, and who will especially
work that goes on behind the scenes, and be remembered for his knowledge of New
we are thankful for staff, both past and Testament Greek. We would thank the
present, who labour with such dedication Lord for both Graham’s and George’s many
to the work. years of fruitful labour with us, and pray
that the Lord would be with their families
We were recently saddened to hear of
at this time.
the loss of one of our Vice-Presidents,
Mr Graham Bidston. Graham was Please continue to remember the staff in
associated with the Society for many years, your prayers. As the number of projects
initially as a Regional Representative, increases and the completed translations
before working in the warehouse and are ready for distribution, the workload
becoming a deputation speaker in 1991 inevitably increases. We are most thankful
Issue Number: 647 – April to June 2024
to the Lord for recent provision in the shipping. We see on a daily basis that, even
legacy left to the Society mentioned in with these plans, there is yet more need for
the Treasury Report. This provision is the Scriptures than we are able to meet,
timely for us as we are identifying the whether due to difficulty in obtaining
printing needs following the completion more Bibles or the staff to administrate
of the Spanish Bible, Chinese New the work. We also have many translation
Testament, French New Testament, and projects for people groups without any
others. A substantial amount of printing Scriptures in their language which cannot
is planned in order to meet the need for move forward without support for the
Scriptures in poorer parts of the world over translators. We, of course, recognise these
the next few years. things are in the Lord’s hands, and we
continue to look to the Lord for guidance
The Vaiphei, Zou, Zokam, and Chichewa
and provision in these matters.
Bibles are nearing completion, along with
the Dan/Gio, Kalenjin, Kom, and Hebrew I commend to you this edition of the
New Testaments, and a large number of Quarterly Record, which contains articles on
Gospels. The pipeline of translations that copyrighting the Bible, the Swahili project,
are due to be completed shortly, Lord and whether the NKJV Bible meets its
willing, is the most significant in recent claims, along with other interesting articles
years, and they each need printing and and distribution news.

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By Mr G. D. Buss
A Vice-President of the Society

he perfect Hand and operation his disciples, which are not written in
of the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of this book: but these are written, that ye
Truth, is discernible throughout might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the
the pages of Holy Scripture. This is Son of God; and that believing ye might
especially seen in what He has seen fit have life through his name’; we again
to be recorded and what He has not seen come face to face with several important
fit to be recorded. Where He remains truths concerning the inspiration of Holy
silent it is our wisdom to be silent. When Scripture.
men have sought unwisely, however well-
meaning, to fill up the ‘gaps’ their efforts The four evangelists, Matthew, Mark,
noticeably lack the authority and unction Luke, and John, were not left to rely on
of the accepted canon of Scripture, and their memory nor on that of others, but,
many erroneous men have sought to according to the Saviour’s promise, the
lead others astray, the Roman Catholic Spirit brought to ‘their remembrance’ no
Church being a chief culprit! Was not doubt in various ways, those things which
this Martin Luther’s dictum, ‘Only the He had told them as well as what He had
Word of God’. For example, very little is done. They were the Divinely appointed
recorded between the birth of our Lord and inspired recorders of the Lord’s
and the beginning of His public ministry. ministry, meaning that we have a faithful
That those years were vital in the robe of and infallible account of His sacred life,
righteousness He was perfectly weaving death, and resurrection. They were as
is indisputable, but again the Holy Spirit much moved by the Holy Spirit as the
has for wise reasons remained largely holy men of old to whom Peter refers in
silent. And in the context of the words 2 Peter 1.21, ‘For the prophecy came not
of John 20.30–31, ‘And many other in old time by the will of man; but holy
signs truly did Jesus in the presence of men of God spake as they were moved by
Issue Number: 647 – April to June 2024
the Holy Ghost’. But as John says in the believed our report? and to whom is the
close of his Gospel, so much more could arm of the LORD revealed?’ (Isaiah 53.1).
have been written (cf. John 21.24–25)! The Arm of the Lord is God’s eternally
begotten Son in our nature, and the
What are we to learn Revealer is the Holy Spirit, who takes of
the things of Jesus and reveals them to
from this? sinners, that they might believe. Sadly,
Firstly, the sovereignty of inspiration. man’s fallen nature is such that it is neither
Although it seems from Luke’s words in able nor willing to believe in this way.
the opening of the Gospel that bears his Even though the children of Israel heard
name that many had ‘taken in hand’ to the very voice of God giving the Ten
make a record of the life and ministry of Commandments, while they remained
the Lord Jesus Christ, these ‘many’ were only written on the tables of stone it did
not authorised and appointed so to do, as not make them believers; such is the sinful
the four evangelists were. Were they rather and culpable state of fallen man. But when
like Ahimaaz whose tidings were not clear, the Holy Spirit writes in our hearts the
and had to stand aside in the telling of truth, then there is a believing wrought
the death of Absalom, whereas Cushi the by Him which is saving. This is the
appointed messenger had the authority to incorruptible seed Peter speaks of in his
declare faithfully what he had witnessed epistle ‘which liveth and abideth for ever’
(see 2 Samuel 18.19–32)? (1 Peter 1.23).
But then the question still arises, ‘why Thirdly, the success of inspiration.
does it appear that only a fraction of what When Paul said ‘I have planted, Apollos
could have been written was recorded?’ watered’ (1 Corinthians 3.6), of what
The answer lies in Divine sovereignty: not seed was he speaking? None other than
just in the messengers being appointed, the Word of God that God has promised
but also in the message they were given to will not return unto Him void (see
deliver. The Holy Ghost left on record that Isaiah 55.10–11). What a responsibility
which He would use as His sword in the then lies on both the ministers and
ingathering of souls to be saved. translators as well as the hearers that we
Secondly, the purpose of inspiration. cleave to ‘what is written’ and nothing
John tells us this in the words we have else! How many times did the Lord Jesus
already referred to: ‘But these are written, Christ Himself refer to those very words:
that ye might believe that Jesus is the ‘It is written’? How often in His holy life
Christ, the Son of God …’ (John 20.31). was it recorded ‘that what was written
The whole purpose of God in giving might be fulfilled’? Could it not be said
the Scriptures is that sinners might be that He is the One of whom David speaks:
awakened to their need of a Saviour, and ‘He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing
to see that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is precious seed, shall doubtless come again
indeed the Son of God, through Whom with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with
alone salvation can come. ‘Faith cometh him’ (Psalm 126.6)? He Who was the
by hearing, and hearing by the word of Man of Sorrows here below now sends
God’ (Romans 10.17). The written Word His ministers forth with the precious seed
is given us to reveal to us the Incarnate of His Word, which He has promised to
Word, even Jesus. But what a complaint bless: ‘Cast thy bread upon the waters:
Isaiah has in this regard! ‘Who hath for thou shalt find it after many days’
Trinitarian Bible Society – Quarterly Record
(Ecclesiastes 11.1). What a clear example becomes alive such as the words spoken
of this principle is that of the Ethiopian in by the Saviour in John 6.63, ‘It is the
Acts 8.37. When Philip had expounded spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth
the truth concerning Jesus in Isaiah 53 nothing: the words that I speak unto you,
the eunuch confessed: ‘I believe that Jesus they are spirit, and they are life’. It is then
Christ is the Son of God’ (Acts 8.37), so that the dead are quickened and the living
we see fulfilment of the words, ‘These enlivened, and it becomes the food of faith
are written, that ye might believe …’ in accordance with the Saviour’s words: ‘If
(John 20.31). any man eat of this bread, he shall live for
ever’ (John 6.51).
Finally, the power of inspiration. The
inspired Word as used by the Holy Spirit How indebted we are to the three Persons
gives life through the Name of the Lord in the undivided Trinity for these Words
Jesus Christ. What a precious difference of Life! May it be our aim that many more
to the believer there is in comparison to may be brought to savingly experience the
the letter of the truth (which nonetheless reason ‘why these things are written’.
is not to be despised) when the Word







Editorial Director’s
by Matthew A. Vogan

Stealing God’s Words?

‘Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer
that breaketh the rock in pieces? Therefore, behold, I am against
the prophets, saith the LORD, that steal my words every one
from his neighbour.’ Jeremiah 23.29–30

his passage deals with the nature and in verses 30–32; on three successive
effects of God’s Word together with occasions the Lord utters, ‘Behold, I am
how its use may be distinguished against’ them.
from that of those who do not handle it
faithfully. No doubt these words have a Currently, some Christians have begun
number of possible applications, but we to discuss the role of Bible publishing
wish to focus on the matter of stealing organisations and question the use of
God’s words. It is solemn to observe copyright by Bible publishers as well as
that it was not pagan false prophets its wider use in Christian ministry.2 Some
who were guilty of this, but those who have even accused Bible publishers of
claimed to be in the service of the Lord. stealing the Word of God from the church.
Andrew R. Fausset observes that it was, It is true that some publishers do indeed
‘a twofold plagiarism; one steals from the (as we will mention later) control the text
other, and all steal words from Jehovah’s of Scripture in ways that do not maximise
true prophets, but misapply them’.1 There distribution but rather serve their own
was therefore a false claim to using God’s interests. Yet this abuse of God’s Word
words as well as a false application of them. does not mean that there are no Biblical
There is an unmistakably solemn warning reasons for using copyright to carefully
pronounced against those who did this preserve Scripture.
Trinitarian Bible Society – Quarterly Record
The motives of those who draw attention completely free and open use without
to the issue and criticise copyright are regard to the consequences.
undoubtedly sincere. Yet, on reflection, the
However, this passage from Jeremiah 23
question is not so simplistic as to copyright
shows not only that it is possible to steal
or not to copyright. We need to bring
words and thoughts from others, but also
these challenging issues back to the test of
that it is possible to steal God’s words.
Scripture. What does the Word of God say
on this matter? Then the conclusions to that The false prophets were doing more than
question need to be applied in determining merely claiming that their own words
the Society’s approach in this area. were God’s; they were also taking God’s
true words without a right to do so. They
The following are some implications and were mixing their own message with
applications of the verses quoted earlier in God’s words to give their own words more
relation to Bible translation and circulation authority. If we are entrusted with God’s
as well as this issue of placing a legal words, we have a duty to steward them
protection on versions of the Scriptures. faithfully or we will be detracting from His
glory. This means that they are to be used
1. It is Possible to Steal and preserved with reverence to God. We
God’s Words strive to be able to use the words of the
Saviour in all good conscience: ’I have given
God’s words are His property. They are unto them the words which thou gavest
from Him and for His glory alone. They me’ (John 17.8). When we place a copyright
are consecrated to a holy and sacred use, on a translation we are not claiming
and to take for ourselves anything that
ownership of God’s Word, rather we are
is devoted to Him is called robbing God
acknowledging the need to be faithful
(cf. Malachi 3.8). Some people deny that
stewards of it.
the Bible has anything to say about what
is often termed ‘intellectual property’. They We owe a great debt to the temple scribes
say that there are no Biblical principles and the later Masoretes who carefully
that would imply we should protect God’s preserved the Word of God in Hebrew.
Word from those who may be unfaithful They operated under strict rules and
with it, believing that we should allow a exercised careful control of the copying

Issue Number: 647 – April to June 2024
of God’s Word. Similarly, we owe a debt very serious matter, however well-meaning
of thankfulness to the professionalism of the motives, when words are omitted
Byzantine scribes who took such great from translations on the grounds that the
care to bequeath to us the Greek text canons of modern textual criticism have
received from the Apostolic times, under determined this, and omitting one word of
the singular care and providence of God, God means that we are stealing His words
so that it was kept pure in all ages in the from Him.
church. Sadly, fearful damage has been
caused by the corrupted texts discovered 2. It is Possible to Steal God’s
or promoted in the nineteenth century Words in Translation
that were not carefully copied and
compared, but have gone on to become No doubt there was something of God’s
the pillars of the reconstructed modern words in the messages given by the
prophets competing with Jeremiah,
Critical Text. This text has plagued the
but they were stolen and presented in a
church during the past one hundred and
distorted way. To translate in a way that
fifty years, and spawned multiple modern
does not give full access to God’s Word
versions that present different options.
is also very serious. There is a danger of
The Trinitarian Bible Society’s purpose
stealing God’s words, inadvertently or
is ‘to circulate uncorrupted versions of otherwise, through a translation that does
the Word of God’ and so we wish to use not fully give God’s true words but instead
all lawful means to protect the Word denies the reader access to them. This
from corruption. As was observed in an withholds from God’s people and others
older issue of this magazine, ‘The Lord’s that to which they have a right. A popular
sowers desire to obey Him, and not to approach to translation, called dynamic
sow ‘mingled seed’. They desire to see or functional equivalence, focuses not on
incorruptible fruit, and hence they sow translating the words on a page so much
only ‘incorruptible seed’ (cf. 1 Peter 1.23)’.3 as attempting to reproduce the thoughts
A few chapters on from our passage in of the author as he himself would have
chapter 23 Jeremiah is commanded, ‘Thus expressed them had he been writing in
saith the LORD; Stand in the court of the the language and culture into which the
LORD’s house, and speak unto all the cities translator is translating. Yet God’s Word is ‘a
of Judah, which come to worship in the hammer and a fire’, it has its own force and
LORD’s house, all the words that I command we do not need to reinterpret or rewrite
thee to speak unto them; diminish not it—we simply need to translate it faithfully.
a word’ (Jeremiah 26.2). Modern textual There is also a danger of mixing a wrong
critics tell us that we should not get hung interpretation of the Scriptures in with
up on whether we actually have every God’s true words in the translation
single one of God’s words but that we process, and so stealing God’s words. It is
just have to live with the uncertainty of particularly egregious when it undermines
not knowing. This is the confusion and the true message of God’s Word and
undermining of the authority of Scripture promotes unbiblical doctrines. The result
that continues to result from a less than may be to ‘corrupt the word of God’
careful handling of God’s Word. But the (2 Corinthians 2.17) or to use man’s wisdom
Lord says ‘diminish not a word’ because He in place of God’s words (1 Corinthians 2.13).
requires us to convey ‘all the words’ that It is especially solemn to read later in
He has inspired, every single word. It is a Jeremiah, ‘And the burden of the LORD shall
Trinitarian Bible Society – Quarterly Record
ye mention no more: for every man’s word With this in mind, we are working to
shall be his burden; for ye have perverted ensure that all of our translations are
the words of the living God, of the LORD also freely available on our online Bible
of hosts our God’ (Jeremiah 23.36). How (, which can be used
dangerous for anyone to be offering their on mobile devices online or offline. It is also
own message in place of God’s! good to be able to work with other digital
platforms that make them freely available.
3. It is Possible to Steal We also do not charge for our published
God’s Words by Denying the articles, magazine, and website content
Publication of the Scriptures which explain our principles, uphold the
doctrine of Scripture, and help to promote
Those who are concerned about the faithful translations. Currently we are
impact of copyright have a genuine exploring a more open type of license
and valid motivation, and we should for this type of content. This is because
seek to have the Scriptures circulated up until around fifteen years ago the
as much as possible. This is a Biblical traditional approach to copyright was
principle. Very sadly there are examples the only option; but there are now more
of publishers and other organisations open alternatives. However, while these
who make considerable money from the are appropriate for this sort of content, we
royalties derived from the copyright of a need to preserve the Scriptures uniquely
translation. Bible circulation should not be from corruption as far as possible. If we
approached with any kind of commercial desire accurate translations (and we must)
motivation. we must also recognise that this demands
We can also think of examples of curated translations (Latin accuratus
organisations holding copyright to a meaning ‘having been take care of’).
translation with no intention of allowing
it to be printed lest it hurt the sales 4. It is Possible to Steal
of a newer version. This strategy of God’s Words by Stealing a
monopolising translations, where it Translation
exists, clearly withholds God’s words.
This is entirely contrary to the goal of the Someone may take the translation work
Trinitarian Bible Society, as we aim for the of others without having any moral or
widest possible circulation of the Holy civil right to it and publish it as though it
Scriptures. We seek to make Scripture were their own. It is a serious matter when
translations as freely available as possible Bible translation work is stolen and then
to churches and individuals (particularly amended in a way that is inconsistent with
in the developing world) through an Scripture in terms of its message and the
extensive grants programme. We also way that it requires us to translate.
seek to serve the church as a handmaid In some countries the first person to bring
and therefore give particular discounts to a printed copy to the ‘copyright office’ of
help them distribute the Scriptures freely. the country, fill out the paperwork, and
This is in line with the Biblical principle pay the fee is considered the copyright
that we ought not to be chargeable owner. There are sad examples shared with
to others or to insist upon our rights us by others such as one Bible translator
where it would impede the work of God working alone in an Asian country who
(1 Corinthians 9.12–18). spent more than twenty years working on
Issue Number: 647 – April to June 2024
a Bible translation. He was not fully aware mistakes and errors, which were all too
of the copyright law, and a group from common throughout the seventeenth
another religion took it in its first printing century in typesetting a large volume with
and copyrighted it. They then demanded movable type.4 It did not fully prevent
that the translator never print the work copies that were printed abroad being
again and his work could never be used imported of course. Nor did it mean that
again for any derivative use. official printers were preserved from error;
but when they did print serious errors
Similarly, making a translation available
they were punished and stripped of the
without restriction could help to promote
right to print the Bible.5 In a similar way,
cults who take it up and change it to
copyright helps to establish a faithful
suit their teachings. Through using
translation in a language, whereas if there
the greater resources that they have
were no restrictions it could be changed
available to them they are able to
and amended so that translations multiply
use it to promote their false teaching.
and confusion results. It does matter
Confusion results when the distinction
when there are a multitude of competing
between the corrupted and uncorrupted
translations, and it is important not to feed
words of God is removed in this way. It
becomes hard for people to distinguish
this when the integrity of the text is thus
compromised. If we are not to defraud 5. It is Possible to Steal God’s
others by removing our neighbour’s Words by Failing to Give the
landmark (Deuteronomy 19.14 and 27.17; Translators Their Due
Job 24.2; Proverbs 22.28 and 23.10), it is
also a duty to maintain the boundary of Many years of effort and cost are
God’s pure Word. It is our duty to prevent associated with a translation project.
If there is no restriction on the use
such stealing which involves adding to
of a translation in a way that gives
and taking away from the Word of God
due honour and recompense to the
(Deuteronomy 4.2; Revelation 22.18–19).
translators, translation then becomes
Part of our duty in keeping the eighth
restricted only to those who can afford
commandment is also to prevent others
to translate. It is a great blessing when
from stealing if it is within our power to
translators can engage in their work freely
do so. How much greater a duty is this
as a service devoted to the Lord. Yet in
when we are speaking about God’s Word!
some impoverished contexts it may not
Copyright can of course be violated; it
be possible for individuals to lay aside
is not a failsafe way to protect Scripture.
employment and engage in the task at
But it does assert the moral rights of
their own expense. Neither is it always
those involved in producing the text. It
possible for it to be done in their spare
is a legally recognised way of seeking to
time when long hours must be worked
warn and prevent others from stealing a
just to earn low wages. Scripture says
that we are to render to everyone their
In God’s providence, the printing of the due, giving honour to whom honour is
Authorised (King James) Version within the due (cf. Romans 13.7). This means we
British Isles has been controlled over the should give due respect to those who
centuries through the Royal Letters Patent. have been involved and ‘not muzzle the
The purpose of this was to prohibit the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn’
circulation of printed Bibles with serious (1 Corinthians 9.9) because the labourer
Trinitarian Bible Society – Quarterly Record
is worthy of his hire (cf. Luke 10.7). We
glorify God when we give that honour
and credit where it is due, i.e., to the
people who have faithfully laboured.
It is easy to dismiss financial
considerations as somehow unspiritual
or materialistic, but there are spiritual
principles to take into consideration in
this connection. The money that has
been freely given to the Society for the
task of translating and circulating the
Scriptures is also God’s money and we noting that making a translation widely
have a moral as well as a legal duty to available can help to establish its popular
safeguard it. If anyone could take up one of use. Likewise, we look for opportunities to
our translations unauthorised and change license the text of faithful translations that
it at will, it would mean that the resources meet our principles from others in a way
faithfully donated for accurate translation that respects their rights to the text.
would have been given without fully
achieving the purpose. There are often We recognise that the Word of God
also significant printing and shipping belongs to His church, and that the
costs to which the same principles would Society works as a handmaid, or helper,
apply. In many languages the Society’s to the churches. This tends towards the
principle of making Scripture translations
Scriptures are donated because the people
as freely available as possible to churches
who speak the language cannot afford to
and individuals for the purposes of
purchase Scriptures for themselves.
distribution. However, on a practical
level it is right and proper for the Society
Why Does the Society to retain the intellectual property of a
Maintain Copyright? particular translation, revision, or setting
We can therefore summarise these points that it has developed. Retaining the
in the following way that explains the copyright helps us to safeguard the text
Society’s reasons for holding copyright. against corruption, ensure the publications
are produced correctly, and recoup some
Our desire is for the widest possible of the development costs, a principle
circulation of the Holy Scriptures. Currently consistent with the labourer being worthy
a very significant part of our Scripture of his hire (Luke 10.7).
circulation comes through licensing
arrangements with publishers. We are Firstly, we hold copyright to protect
thankful to be able to work with those the integrity of the text, e.g., from
who wish to use the text for publications unauthorised, unwarranted, specious and/
which they will give away free of charge in or malicious changes, and to ensure that
Christian ministry. We are also glad to see it is copied correctly in each successive
print run and when published in electronic
the Scriptures circulate on digital platforms
and in audio format. We look positively on
such opportunities whilst still exercising Secondly, we hold copyright to protect
discretion. We have no desire to withhold the investment of our staff, members, and
that which ought to be widely accessible, supporters, and of our partners, who will
Issue Number: 647 – April to June 2024
have donated time, money, and/or labour the Lord grant much needed wisdom in
to ensure that the published Scripture item these complex matters.
can be produced and has been produced
to meet the Society’s high standards.
Thirdly, we hold copyright to oversee 1. R. Jamieson, A.R. Fausset, and D. Brown, A
the use of the text. We make every commentary on the Old and New Testaments
effort not to restrict the text and to give (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1997),
permission wherever we can for it to be 3 vols. Vol. 2.
used and quoted. However, there are 2. Copyright can be generally defined as a
instances when we will not give the text legal right created by the law of a country that
either partially or in its entirety for others grants the creator of an original work exclusive
to publish. For example, in recent years rights (with certain exceptions) for its use and
a request from the Watchtower Society distribution during a limited period. Laws
was refused to publish/amend one of our may vary from country to country. Copyright
restrictions are automatically applied even
Bibles. Additionally, sometimes we won’t without applying for a registered copyright.
allow others to print our Scriptures in a Owners of the copyrights, however, can of
low-quality form but would rather give course choose to release the content under a
them a good-quality printing done by us more open licence.
at the lowest possible price or even free of 3. ‘Our Sub-title’ Quarterly Record 447 April to
charge. June 1974 No. 447, p. 7.
Fourthly, we hold copyright to give 4. ‘The letters patent have been a great
credibility to the text. We have a good advantage to the people of God in English-
reputation for publishing reliable and speaking countries. The letters patent have
faithful translations of the Holy Scriptures, provided for a uniformity of the text of the
Authorised Version throughout the centuries.
and our copyright gives the text a level of Individual printers, churches, denominations
credibility and assurance that helps aid and publishers have not been allowed to
acceptance and circulation. amend, change or revise the Authorised
Version, or in any way tamper with its text’
Conclusion from ‘The Authorised (King James) Version and
Copyright’ available on our website tbsbibles.
We can sympathise with the good org/TheAVAndCopyright. This contrasts with
intentions behind the idea that removing Reformation translations such as German,
copyright restrictions increases access Italian, Spanish, and Dutch where the absence
to Scripture. Nevertheless, the reality is of a copyright led to multiple revisions and
that doing so might in fact indirectly help editions rather than one definitive text.
some people to steal the words of God 5. For instance, the so-called ‘Wicked Bible’ in
by corrupting Scripture in relation to text 1631 where the word ‘not’ was omitted from the
and translation. It can also steal the Word commandment ‘thou shalt not commit adultery’.
from people by undermining its authority For this the royal printers Robert Barker and
where people seek to amend translations Martin Lucas were summoned before the Star
Chamber, fined £300 and deprived of their
according to their preference and circulate printing license.
them widely. Taking into account all the
Biblical principles that relate to our duty of 6. Some may argue that copyright makes
translations in English multiply because
care to Scripture, it is clear that we should publishers invent their own to avoid
make judicious use of copyright, yet not in significant royalty costs, but this is more to do
a way that would restrict the circulation of with a commercial approach to Bible versions
the Word of God among all nations. May in both cases.

by Natalie Hanks, Lead Editor

Sunset on the savannah plains in Kenya

wahili is one of the most widely as a first language, with others speaking it
spoken languages in the world, with fluently as a second, third, or even fourth
over 200 million speakers. It is the language. Recently, the African Union
most spoken African language south of adopted Swahili as an official language—
the Sahara, and is the continent’s most amazing when the population of its member
internationally recognised language, with states speak approximately 2,000 languages!
BBC and Voice of America radio broadcasts.
Considering the wide use of Swahili, it is
Swahili, also known as Kiswahili, is not a
sad that there is still no current Swahili
language of a particular country but of an
Bible translated from the Greek Received
area, and is used across borders.
and Hebrew Masoretic texts on a formal
Around fifteen million people speak Swahili equivalence basis.
Issue Number: 647 – April to June 2024

A language for East Africa and until today remains the predominant
The word ’Swahili’ literally means ‘coast’ and religion along the eastern coast. Indian
is given to the people group with the same traders also travelled to the area, and in the
language and culture. People who speak twelfth century Persian settlers also arrived.
Swahili as their mother tongue are usually Around this time the coast was ruled
called Waswahili, but the name refers to by individual city states—independent
their language only, rather than their tribe sultanates—who traded across the Indian
or ethnicity. Ocean for goods such as silk, pottery, and
glassware. Each city state was independent,
Swahili is widely spoken within East Africa but shared the same language of Swahili
in countries such as Kenya, Uganda, and and religion of Islam. An example is the
Tanzania, but also in Burundi, Rwanda, and Kilwa Sultanate, ruled by Persian princes,
South Sudan. It is the official language in which at its height stretched over the
Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, along with whole of the Swahili coast.
During the fifteenth century the
People who speak Swahili as a first Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama led an
language are predominantly found along expedition past the Cape of Good Hope at
the coast of East Africa stretching from the southern tip of Africa and up the east
southern Somalia to the border between coast into the Indian Ocean. Once there,
Tanzania and Mozambique. There are within five years the Portuguese attempted
also native Swahili speakers on the Indian
to control by force all trade in the area,
Ocean islands of Zanzibar, Madagascar, and
establishing bases at sites along the Swahili
the Comoros Islands, though different areas
Coast. This control was later eclipsed by
use different dialects.
the Islamic dominion of the Imam of Oman
Origins of Swahili during the seventeenth century.
Swahili as a language originally came from The spread of Swahili
the inhabitants of the ‘Swahili coast’, the
eastern coast of Africa. Among the earliest Initially, Swahili was the language of the
inhabitants of the area were the Bantu- east coast. However, the language started
speaking Africans who migrated to the to spread across the continent. Traders took
coast from the interior of the continent. the language of Swahili into the interior of
These people began trading with each Africa, particularly Tanzania, but also Arab
other, and this eventually extended to slave and ivory caravans travelled as far as
people from all over the world as the area Uganda and Congo.
became an international crossroad of During the eighteen and nineteenth
humans and trade. People from different centuries, the east of Africa was split up by
cultures, languages, and religions mixed, various colonial powers in the ‘scramble for
and Swahili developed as a trading Africa’. These played a role in the spread of
language between all these people groups. the language as in many places they used
The word ‘Swahili’ was first used by it for communicating with the inhabitants.
early Arabic traders who arrived in the For example the Germans used Swahili
eighth century. Arabic settlements and as the language of administration in
marketplaces began to appear, and slaves Tanganyika (now part of Tanzania), and
and ivory were traded. It was during this formalised it to be used as the official
time that Islam was introduced to the area, language in schools.
Trinitarian Bible Society – Quarterly Record

The arrival of missionaries in in oppressive living conditions. However,

East Africa during this time he translated the New
Testament and other Bible portions into
The arrival of Europeans in East Africa Swahili. He was an incredible linguist.
brought Christianity to the area. The first He had arrived at Mombasa in January
missionary posts were on the east coast, 1844 and by June he began translating
where the missionaries picked up Swahili the book of Genesis, writing later that
and used it to spread Christianity into the
he always considered that day the most
important day of his life. It is thought that
One of the first missionaries to the area was his translation of Genesis was the first
German missionary Johann Ludwig Krapf. printed Swahili text, and he also published
In 1834 he finished his studies to become a Swahili dictionary.
a Lutheran pastor. He eventually arrived in
Africa in 1830s with the Church Missionary Swahili had originally been written in
Society of the Anglican Church. He initially Arabic script, introduced by the Arabs.
started work in the Tigre region of Ethiopia, However, when Krapf had learnt Swahili
but after Protestant missionaries were and began to think about Bible translation,
expelled from the area he ended up in he decided to use Latin characters.
Zanzibar seeking permission to settle in This is why Swahili today is written in
Mombasa. The Sultan was favourable, Latin characters, as it was introduced
giving him a letter to pass to the governors and used by missionaries and colonial
on the coast, saying, ‘be kind to Dr Krapf, administrators.2
who wishes to covert the world to God’.1 Krapf challenged the Church Missionary
Life in Mombasa was hard. Society to make the grave of his wife and
Krapf’s wife, Rosine, and child in Mombasa the starting point for the
newborn child died, conversion of East Africa. He had a vision
himself too ill with that the east and west coasts of Africa could
fever to even name be linked with a chain of Christian mission
the child. Krapf stations—this later became one of the
suffered depression goals for the Africa Inland Mission (AIM), set
as he was betrayed up in 1895 by Peter Cameron Scott.
by his associates, Krapf travelled widely across the area (he
beset by tropical illness and a friend were the first Europeans to
and the climate, see Mt Kenya and Mt Kilimanjaro), and
and living his travels, along with the appeal of David
Livingstone to stop the slave trade, inspired
many missionary societies to send workers
to Africa. Within twenty-five years, seven
societies arrived in East Africa. Many of
these initially settled on the east coast and
Zanzibar, caring for redeemed slaves and
refugees. Conversions on the east coast
were few as it was an Islamic area, and
missionaries were not permitted to seek
to convert Muslims but only ex-slaves and
non-Swahili immigrants. God granted
Johann Ludwig Krapf 18
The cloud covered summit of Mount Kenya

the missionaries more success when they languages. In Tanzania Swahili is the
moved into the interior of East Africa, and main primary language and is used in
gradually additional mission stations were education and administration; for many
established further into the continent, people, particularly those born in cities,
many of them using the language of it is their first language. In Kenya and
Swahili. Uganda English is more widely used than in
Tanzania, although Swahili is a compulsory
Swahili today subject in schools. In some areas of Kenya,
Swahili was used as an international particularly away from the big cities,
means of collaboration in the decades Swahili is spoken far more widely than
leading up to the independence of English.
Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. It meant
that people fighting together for their Today, Swahili is the lingua franca of East
freedom could communicate even if Africa, with speakers of many different
their native languages differed. For many African languages across numerous
Africans the rise of Swahili was a mark of countries using it as a universal means of
cultural independence from the colonising communication.
Europeans. The presidents of Kenya and
Tanzania, after independence, promoted The language and vocabulary
Swahili as important for the countries’ of Swahili
political and economic interests, along with
As we have seen, Swahili has been used
their security and liberty.
by many people in Africa to communicate
Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda all have over the centuries. The Bantu, traders
Swahili and English as their official from Asia, Arabs, European countries,
Trinitarian Bible Society – Quarterly Record
settlers, colonial rulers, missionaries, and The kiUnguja New Testament, worked
others have all used Swahili and adapted on by Bishop Steere, was published in
it. This has left a lasting legacy on the 1879. This was revised in 1883, using
language. the new English Revised Version Bible
and its Westcott and Hort Critical Greek
Arabic and Persian cultures had the Text with its omissions and deletions.3
greatest influence on Swahili—as much Steere continued working on the Old
as thirty percent of Swahili has Arabic Testament, but died while working on
connections. The Swahili words chai Isaiah. F. R. Hodson completed the work,
(tea), diwani (councillor), sheha (village and it was published in 1895.
councillor) all come from the Persian.
Other Bible versions were published in the
The Portuguese who controlled the coastal following years, but the most significant
towns (AD 1500–1700) also had some was the Swahili Union Bible in 1952 (and
influence. For example, the Swahili words then the Revised Swahili Union Version in
leso (handkerchief), meza (table), and 2005). This aimed to bring together the
pesa (money) are all borrowed from the kiMivta and kiUnguja dialects, but again
Portuguese. Words also originated from is based on the Critical Text. It also uses
the colonial powers, e.g. from English Islamic/Arabic words such as the word
baiskeli (bicycle), basi (bus), and mashine msikiti for temple, and Isa for Jesus.
(machine). German words include shule Another version, the Habari Njema ‘Good
(school) and hela (coin). News’ Bible in 1996, is the product of an
There are around fifteen Swahili dialects, inter-denominational and international
but these can be mutually understood. The effort, involving both Roman Catholics
three main dialects are kiUnguja (found and Protestants. Various other Critical
in Zanzibar and the mainland areas of Text Bibles have been produced, such
Tanzania), kiMvita (found in Mombasa and as the Neno Biblia Takatifu in 1989,
other areas of Kenya), and kiAmu (spoken and the Neno Maandiko Matakatifu in
on the island of Lamu and parts of the east 2018, both using informal language
style and employing meaning-based
coast). Standard Swahili is based on the
translation philosophy. While the Neno
kiUnguja dialect.
Biblia Takatifu reads better and matches
standard Swahili as taught in schools,
The Swahili Bible is not as accurate word for word as the
The earliest Swahili Bible translation work Neno Maandiko Matakatifu.
was carried out by Krapf in the 1840s, in There is a great need for a Swahili
the kiMvita dialect. In 1846 the kiMvita Bible based on the Greek Received and
New Testament was completed, but never Hebrew Masoretic Texts, with formal
published. When Krapf retired to Europe, equivalence translation principles. There
he continued to revise the New Testament are a huge number of people identifying
translation, which was then purchased by as Christians in East Africa (for instance,
the British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) 85.5% of the population in Kenya, 63%
in 1878 and sent to Bishop Steere in Africa of the population in Tanzania, and 82%
for his work on the kiUnguja version. In of the population in Uganda), so the
1909 the complete kiMvita New Testament need for an accurate Bible translation in
was published by BFBS, followed by the this popular lingua franca is huge. While
whole Bible in 1914. a large number of these people are
Issue Number: 647 – April to June 2024
Protestant, many are Roman Catholic We hope that the Gospel according to
or Pentecostal: all of them in need of a John will be published online and in
faithful copy of God’s Word. print after this detailed review has been
TBS Swahili project
For years the TBS longed to start a Swahili Please pray for this project, that it might be
project, and it was with rejoicing that in blessed to many souls across Africa.
early 2021 we were able to commence this.
The translation work is being undertaken Endnotes:
directly from the Greek Received Text
by a suitably qualified Swahili speaker, 1. L. Krapf, A Dictionary of the Swahili Language
supported by other Swahili speakers based (London, England: Trübner and Co., 1882), p. vii.
in Kenya and Tanzania. 2. V. Pawlikova-Vilhanova, Biblical translations
The TBS Swahili translation aims to be of early missionaries in East and Central Africa:
widely understood by readers of many Translations into Swahili (Asian and African
dialects, in the hope that it will be widely Studies, 15, 2006, 1, 80-89),
accepted across East Africa. Feedback on uploads/021015317_Vilhanov%C3%A1.pdf.
the draft Gospel according to John has 3. T. Darlow and H. Moule, Historical Catalogue of
been very helpful, and a deeper work of the printed editions of Holy Scripture, 3 volumes
grammatical review is currently underway. (London, England: The Bible House, 1911).

DOES IT It does matter …

Because every Word of God matters
(Proverbs 30.5). But also because there
is overwhelming documentary evidence
since the earliest times for the retention
The Woman
man of these words. They have been read and
used by millions all over the world for
Caught In Adultery nearly two thousand years and preserved
through the ages.
John 7.53–8.11
The words fit with the context of the Gospel
AV/KJV and are quoted by early Christian writers. To
All the verses from John 7.53–8.11 reject it is to rob Holy Scripture of a precious
about the woman caught in adultery are account of the good news of the unfathomable
included. forgiveness of sin found in Christ. To find out
ESV more read the article Why John 7.53–8.11 is
[John 7.53–8.11 is marked off in double in the Bible
brackets with a note that the verses are
missing in some manuscripts.]

Deputation Visit
to Australia
By the Rev. Craig Dennison
Deputation Speaker

he Trinitarian Bible Society has a the Monday. This was followed by a long
long history in Australia. In 1887 the drive down the east coast to Grafton for
first Australian auxiliary meetings of the next meeting. The next day saw an
the Society were held in Sydney; and after early flight to Sydney for two meetings
the formation of many more auxiliaries, before travelling to Melbourne. Following
eventually in 1992 a branch of the Society services in Castlemaine and Melbourne,
was formally established. In the summer I travelled westward along the beautiful
of 2023 I was invited by TBS (Australia) gold coast to Nullaware. After this came
to conduct deputation meetings there. a very brief trip to Tasmania for two
In twenty-two days I took thirteen meetings at opposite ends of the island.
flights, spoke at twenty meetings, visited My next destination was the Eyre Peninsula
fourteen cities and towns, and met for four more meetings before heading
hundreds of people who support the to Adelaide. A house meeting in Adelaide
work of the Society. was followed that evening by a meeting
My journey to Australia was broken up in Maitland. The final part of my trip took
with a weekend stopover in Singapore. me to Perth on the west coast for the final
I preached at a Lord’s Day service in series of meetings, including a meeting in
Singapore before travelling to Brisbane on an Aboriginal church.

The Rev. Dennison with Dr Jeffrey Khoo and members of the congregation in Singapore
Issue Number: 647 – April to June 2024
It was a pleasure to meet people who had flight was on time, luggage arrived at every
travelled many hours to attend a meeting destination, and every meeting proceeded
and hear updates of the work of the as planned.
Society. I was particularly encouraged to My trip coincided with the launch of a
meet many supporters who passionately commemorative Bible to mark the first
share our Biblical convictions for the Christian worship service held on Australian
Hebrew Masoretic Text and Greek Textus soil in 1788. Excitement for this Bible was
Receptus. Much literature was taken, and seen in all the meetings where it was
we trust the Lord will use it to bring others mentioned, and many expressed their
to share our convictions concerning the gratitude for such an endeavour to reach
purity of Scripture. the lost with the good news of the Gospel.
Many people helped contribute to this Please continue to pray for the blessing of
trip—too many to name—but can I extend God upon the work of the TBS in Australia.
my appreciation for all who assisted in The increased demand for Scriptures in the
travel, hospitality, and organising facilities nation is most encouraging, and we pray
for the meetings. The trip would have that as many read the good news of the
been most difficult without their gracious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, they will
assistance. Furthermore, I am thankful to come to saving faith in the only Redeemer
the Lord for His mercies in travelling; every of sinners.

The Aboriginal Church

By the Rev. Philip Gardiner
Member of the Board of TBS (Australia)

with the Junjuwa People’s Church in the

Fitzroy Crossing area. Many people come
a long distance from different Aboriginal
groupings to attend those yearly meetings.

uring the Rev. Dennison’s time
spent in Perth, Western Australia, Numerous have professed the Lord’s Name
he visited the Aboriginal Christian in salvation.
Church in Harrisdale. The pastor there has a New converts among Aboriginal people
congregation in the south-eastern suburbs can face great challenges in their stand
of Perth, but he also has an extensive for the Lord. Over recent years there has
ministry throughout Western Australia. been a resurgence of interest in the ancient
traditions of Aboriginal people. Throughout
Recently a new congregation has been Australia there has been great promotion
established in Narrogin, a rural town in of ‘culture’ in both the education system
what is referred to as Western Australia’s and the corporate world. Schools have time
‘wheat belt’. Each year the pastor travels set aside to learn about various aspects of
to the north of the state to minister culture including smoking ceremonies, the
Trinitarian Bible Society – Quarterly Record

The Rev. Dennison with members of TBS (Australia) and

members of Central Area Aboriginal Christian Church

didgeridoo, and other ancestral issues. The a result, the English Bible that is used is
Biblical account of creation is replaced with the Authorised Version of the Scripture.
the ‘dream time’ story. The congregations in the ACC have long
been supporters of the TBS and have been
This means that there is great pressure pleased to receive various donations of
upon Aboriginal young people to embrace Bibles and literature from TBS to enable
‘culture’. Among some churches in Australia them in their witness for Christ. We
there is a willingness to seek to mix culture encourage our readers to pray much for
and Christianity. By God’s grace the pastor, the furtherance of the Gospel among the
and those who labour with him, take a Aboriginal peoples of Australia.
strong stand, seeking to show Christians
that there is no freedom in culture, but our
freedom is in Christ and His Gospel. Just
as Elijah challenged the people on Mount
Carmel to follow either Baal or God, his
challenge is to God’s people today to either
follow culture or Christ.
Tragically Aboriginal families throughout
Australia have suffered greatly on
account of alcohol and drug abuse. Many
children are being raised in very difficult
circumstances. The answer for these
children is not culture, but the Gospel of
Jesus Christ. It is encouraging that the
Aboriginal Christian Church has retained
a strong stand on the text of Scripture A remote Indigenous community in Western Australia
and the preservation of God’s Word. As
George W. Anderson
12 October 1951 to 26 December 2023
By Philip J.D. Hopkins
Senior Editorial Consultant (Projects)

s 2023 drew to a close we learned of the passing of George Anderson, who
worked in the Editorial Department for over 25 years until his retirement in
October 2016.
George Anderson, together with his wife Debra, commenced working for TBS in
1990. At the invitation of the Society the Andersons moved to England in 1991 and
made it their home, living near the Society’s London Headquarters. Together, during
the 1990s and 2000s, George and Debra wrote many articles for the Society, oversaw
the production of the Quarterly Record magazine, and managed many of the Society’s
Bible translation and revision projects. For the last ten years of his time in the Editorial
Department, George was primarily engaged in preparing the New Testament section
of a Translator’s Manual, an important tool which, with further added input, will help
guide our Bible translators and revisers in their labours.
George’s particular specialism was New Testament Greek, and it is for this that he
will be especially remembered. One of the much valued booklets prepared by George
and Debra is the Society’s A Textual Key to the New Testament: a list of omissions and
changes. The Textual Key, as it is more typically known, is used when the Editorial
Department is checking the textual fidelity of Scriptures that are submitted to us for
review and for publication. The ongoing usefulness of this booklet is one example of the
way in which George’s legacy will continue to benefit the Society’s work. How true it is:
‘Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that
they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them’ (Revelation 14.13).
George’s ability in New Testament Greek will also live on through those whom he
taught Greek. This includes a number of our current Bible translators and revisers
who learnt some or much of their Koiné Greek from George, who gave generously
of his time to teach them. One of our Bible revisers, who was helped with his Greek
knowledge by George during the pandemic (after George had retired), wrote, ‘I am so
sorry to see this news of George’s home-call. He was such an encouragement to me over
the years’. The reviser subsequently explained that George had spent time with him each
week during the various lockdowns, explaining the nuances of the Greek and helping
him in his work.
We give thanks to God for the labours of George, recognising the ongoing benefit from
his work. We also express our sincere condolences to his wife, Debra, and to their son,
Daniel, and pray that they would experience the Lord’s comfort in their great loss.
‘Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the
God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation’ (2 Corinthians 1.3–4a).

enia Azerbaijan
Arm nistan



Persian Isfahan

Scriptures Kerman


he Persian language (also known as
Farsi) belongs to the Iranian branch
of the Indo-Iranian subdivision of and is the mother tongue of half of the
the Indo-European languages. Old Persian population. A large proportion of the rest
dates back to the sixth century BC. Today the of the population have Persian as a second
modern version of the language is spoken language.
in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan in three
mutually intelligible standard varieties: Christianity in Iran
Persian, Dari, and Tajik. In its several different
forms, Persian is spoken by over 100 million The early period of the Khomeini regime
(1979–1989) in Iran left the church alone.
speakers worldwide.
Meetings were unrestricted, and evangelism
Persian is predominantly spoken and used and Bible distribution seemed to thrive.
officially within Iran (a country corresponding However, this has changed, and although
to the Biblical Elam). Persian is the language there is no official hostility to Christianity the
of government and education in Iran, churches have suffered—anger towards

Tehran with the backdrop of the Alborz Mountains

266 226
Issue Number: 647 – April to June 2024
converted Muslims and the association of
Christianity with Western imperialism have Persian New Testament
sparked attacks on church property and
people. Burgundy vinyl covered paperback
In recent years persecution has led to Page size: 180 x 120mm (7.1" x 4.7")
significant numbers of Persian Christians Thickness: 10mm (0.4")
fleeing Iran. Türkiye is often their first port of
call; from there many of them then move on
Print size: 12 pts
to other countries such as the USA, UK, and Product Code: FASNT/SBG
Germany where there are now large Iranian 978 1 86228 495 1
UK £5.85 AUS $9.20
Persian Scriptures CAN $7.25 NZ $12.10
USA $7.00
Together with Mīrzā Sayyed Alī Khan, Henry
Martyn translated the New Testament which
was published in 1815. This translation was
later revised by Robert Bruce to reflect the
form of Persian that was then more current
and published in 1895.

TBS Persian project

The Society have had a project underway Persian Gospel according
for many years to revise the classic Persian to John
Bible of 1895, led by a native speaker. The
publication of the New Testament in 2019
represented an important milestone and Pictorial paperback
the fruition of years of hard work by our Page size: 185 x 120mm (7.3" x 4.7")
main reviser and others who have helped
him in the project. A second printing of Print size: 10 pts
5,000 copies was completed in 2022; the Product Code: FASJN2
entire New Testament in Persian is available 978 1 86228 426 5
to download at We UK £0.65 AUS $1.00
are delighted that the online edition of the CAN $0.85 NZ $1.40
TBS Persian New Testament is being accessed
USA $0.80
from Afghanistan as well as Iran and other
countries such as Türkiye where Persian
speakers reside.
It is hoped that the Old Testament revision
work will be completed before too long, with
the aim of publishing the whole Bible, God
‘And I will set my throne in Elam, and will
destroy from thence the king and the
princes, saith the LORD. But it shall come
to pass in the latter days, that I will bring
again the captivity of Elam, saith the LORD’
(Jeremiah 49.38–39).

By the Rev. Craig Dennison
Deputation Speaker

he preface to the 1982 edition of Authorised (King James) Version, just
the New King James Version (NKJV) ‘newer’. This article will test these claims
calls it the most recent revision of so that the reader can assess them for
the Authorised (King James) Version (AV), themselves and make a decision whether
and says it ‘is a continuation of the labours the NKJV really is a successor to the AV, or
of the earlier translators’. The NKJV also whether this is misleading and it is actually
claims to use a translation principle another translation.
known as ‘complete equivalence’. In other
words, the translators say they have Does the NKJV adhere fully
used a literal translation approach like to the Greek Received Text?
that used in the Authorised (King James)
Version, translating ‘word for word’. The The NKJV claims to follow the Received
NKJV preface also says that the Greek Text (Textus Receptus) and not the Critical
text used for the New Testament is the Greek Text. If we test this claim with a few
one that was followed by the examples, it becomes clear that are many
King James translators.1 All differences from the Received Text
of this seems to encourage by alteration, addition, or omission.
the general assumption Here are some examples where
that the New King the Critical Text has influenced the
James Version NKJV; sometimes it is claimed that
(NKJV) is as these are more translational than
faithful and textual choices, but this is not the
accurate case in the following examples.
as the

Issue Number: 647 – April to June 2024

Luke 1.35 ‘entered into the world’. The difference is in
AV: ‘that holy thing which shall be born of the preposition prefixed to the verb ‘ηλθον’
thee shall be called the Son of God’ (‘to go’): ἐξ = out, εἰσ = in. There is no way
that ‘εἰσῆλθόν εἰς τὸν κόσμον’ could be
NKJV: ‘that Holy One who is to be born will translated ‘gone out into the world’.
be called the Son of God’
The NKJV leaves out ‘of thee’ ‘ἐκ σοῦ’; 
Jude 19
this is a phrase found in the Received Text AV: ‘These be they who separate
but omitted from the Critical Text. Leaving themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit’
this untranslated could not reasonably be NKJV: ‘These are sensual persons, who
argued to be a translational choice. cause divisions, not having the Spirit’
Colossians 3.17 The NKJV follows the Critical Text in
omitting ‘ἑαυτούς’ (themselves). There is
AV: ‘giving thanks to God and the Father by
no translational reason that could justify
passing over this Greek word, ‘ἑαυτούς’
NKJV: ‘giving thanks to God the Father (themselves).
through Him’
The NKJV leaves out ‘καὶ’ (and) in keeping 
Revelation 6.11
with the Critical Text, there is no reason this AV: ‘And white robes were given unto every
‘καὶ’ should be omitted in translation if the one of them’
NKJV translators were indeed looking at the NKJV: ‘Then a white robe was given to each
Received Text. The Received Text has to be of them’
translated, ‘to God and the Father’. The NKJV changes from the plural ‘white
robes’ (στολαὶ λευκαὶ) to the singular ‘a
2 John 7
white robe’ (στολὴ λευκὴ) which is the
AV: ‘For many deceivers are entered into reading of the Critical Text. If the NKJV
the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ translators were looking at the Received
is come in the flesh’ Text with the plural, ‘στολαὶ λευκαί’ (white
NKJV: ‘For many deceivers have gone out robes), they would not have translated it as
into the world who do not confess Jesus the singular ‘white robe’.
Christ as coming in the flesh’ The NKJV makes over five hundred
The NKJV changes ‘entered into’ to ‘gone out references in the margins to the Majority
into’, which follows the Critical Text reading Greek Text—a text closer to the Received
Ὅτι πολλοὶ πλάνοι ἐξῆλθον εἰς τὸν Text but still differing in many respects.
κόσμον’. The NKJV implies they have left The NKJV also gives even more references
the church, but this is not the reading of the to the Critical Text. It gives marginal notes
Received Text ‘ὅτι πολλοὶ πλάνοι εἰσῆλθόν suggesting, and even implying, that there
εἰς τὸν κόσμον’. The NKJV’s ‘gone out into is confusion and uncertainty as to what the
the world’ is a correct translation of the Word of God is.2
Critical Text’s ‘ἐξῆλθον εἰς τὸν κόσμον’. The publishers provided the following
However, ‘εἰσῆλθόν εἰς τὸν κόσμον’ of explanation regarding the marginal notes:
the Received Text must be translated as ‘It was the editors’ conviction that the use
Trinitarian Bible Society – Quarterly Record
of footnotes would encourage further Does the NKJV adhere fully
inquiry by readers. They also recognised to the Hebrew Masoretic
that it was easier for the average reader
to delete something he or she felt was Text?
not properly in the text, than to insert a The NKJV claims to follow the AV but in
word of phrase which had been left out relation to the Old Testament it uses a
by the revisers’.3 different text; the Hebrew Text used for the
Unwittingly, the publishers of this Old Testament is the 1967/1977 Stuttgart
comment do three things. Firstly, they edition of the Biblica Hebraica, while that
invite the reader to dismiss God’s Word used for the AV is the Bomberg Hebrew
based on their ‘feelings’. Secondly, they Old Testament, first printed in 1524. How
undermine the authority of the Hebrew can the NKJV be a ‘continuation’ of the AV if
Masoretic and Greek Received Text it used a different Hebrew Old Testament,
(Textus Receptus) as the providentially a text which was not even available when
preserved Word of God. Thirdly, they the AV was first published?5 It is also said
demonstrate they are not as committed that ancient versions and the Dead Sea
to the underlying texts of the AV as Scrolls were consulted. In the margins, the
they claimed in the preface to the NKJV also makes numerous references to
original NKJV. the Septuagint, the Latin Vulgate, the Dead
Sea Scrolls, and ‘Various ancient versions’.
While the NKJV claims to follow the
Received Text, we have seen that the Translations should not correct the original
reality is very different and there are Hebrew and Greek but rather should
instances where the Critical Greek reflect them. Here are two examples of
Text has been used. There are many marginal notes found in the NKJV:
differences from the Received Text by  Genesis 4.8 has the marginal note
alteration, addition, or omission, and ‘Samaritan Pentateuch, Septuagint, Syriac,
there are some clear examples where and Vulgate’.
the Critical Text has influenced the NKJV.  The marginal notes in
While it is sometimes claimed that these Deuteronomy 32.8 give alternative
are translational rather than textual readings for the phrase ‘the children of
choices, we have also seen that this is not Israel’. It reads ‘Septuagint, Dead Sea Scrolls
the case. ‘angels of God’; Symmachus [a revision of
Malcolm H. Watts notes this concerning the Septuagint, approximately AD 180],
the NKJV. ‘This translation, with Old Latin [exhibiting a pre-Vulgate text]
its credence given to the marginal ‘sons of God’.’
reference, has the appearance of a most In some instances, alternate readings have
subtle attempt to discredit both the been brought into the text to replace the
Received Text and the Authorised Version Hebrew Masoretic Text; the following are
… In many ways the NKJV is far more some examples.
dangerous than the modern translations  In Psalm 4.4 the AV reads ‘Stand in
which have openly abandoned the awe, and sin not’ while the NKJV reads ‘Be
Received Text’.4 angry, and do not sin’. The Hebrew verb
Issue Number: 647 – April to June 2024
‫ רָ גַ ז‬means ‘to tremble’, and this is the most 
Jeremiah 1.17
common translation. The NKJV follows
AV: ‘gird up thy loins’
the Septuagint and Latin Vulgate reading
rather than the Hebrew Masoretic when it NKJV: ‘prepare yourself’
translates this verb ‘be angry’. This is more than translation; it is the
 In 1 Chronicles 25.3 Shimei is included translators trying to interpret the text.
as one of the sons of Jeduthun in the NKJV,
2 Corinthians 7.2
but is not included in the AV or the Hebrew
Masoretic. This reading is from the Greek AV: ‘Receive us; we have wronged no man’
Septuagint translation of the Hebrew, and NKJV: ‘Open your hearts to us. We have
not the Hebrew itself. wronged no one’
The simple phrase has been unnecessarily
Does the NKJV fully adhere to altered.
formal equivalence?
Psalm 94.19
The AV is translated via formal equivalence,
AV: ‘In the multitude of my thoughts
meaning that the translation follows
within me’
word for word the original languages of
Scripture as closely as possible. The NKJV NKJV: ‘In the multitude of my anxieties
claims to use a translation principle known within me’
as ‘complete equivalence’, ’which seeks to The Hebrew word is literally ‘thoughts’
preserve all of the information in the text’. and should be translated so, but the
However, in many places they are found NKJV translators are including their
to be using a method known as ‘Dynamic interpretation in the translation.
Equivalence’, even though they claim to
reject it. 
Proverbs 4.18
‘Dynamic Equivalence’ is the principle of AV: ‘But the path of the just is as the
translation that attempts to recreate on the shining light’
reader the effect the Biblical language texts NKJV: ‘But the path of the just is like the
had on the original recipients, without being shining sun’
bound literally to reproduce the words The Hebrew ‘a light of brightness’ is
as nearly as possible. The translator then
rendered in the NKJV as ‘sun’.
assumes the role of interpreter, to determine
the thought intended in the original. This
often results in an interpretative paraphrase Does the NKJV clearly show
that has little or no relationship to the supplied words?
original language text. While all translations
may need to employ dynamic equivalence The AV uses italics to show words which
to a limited extent, we oppose the extensive have been added to give the sense in
and unnecessary use of this method of the English; these are called supplied
translation, as we believe that every Word words. Meanwhile, the NKJV has italics for
of God is inspired. Here is a small sample of supplied words but also uses a strikingly
where this is found in the NKJV. similar oblique type for Old Testament
Trinitarian Bible Society – Quarterly Record
quotations in the New Testament, causing NKJV: ‘for the fine linen is the righteous
confusion for the reader. acts of the saints’
Further difficulties also arise when the The Greek reads ‘righteousnesses’. This
NKJV adds words but does not put them in verse speaks plainly of the imputed
italics. One example is below. righteousness of Christ to His people. The
Mark 9.18 NKJV replace this vital doctrine with the
good works of the saints.
AV: ‘And wheresoever he taketh him, he
teareth him: and he foameth’ If the NKJV was a sincere update of the
AV, it would continue with the orthodoxy
NKJV: ‘And wherever it seizes him, it
of the AV and reject the influence of other
throws him down; he foams at the mouth’
translations. Here are two examples of the
The NKJV adds the words ‘at the mouth’ NKJV following the NIV readings.
but does not put them in italics, causing
the reader to assume they are in the 
Matthew 26.45
original texts. AV: ‘Then cometh he to his disciples, and
saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take
Does the NKJV maintain your rest:’
accuracy of translation? NKJV: ‘Then He came to His disciples and
said to them, “Are you still sleeping and
Is accuracy of translation improved in
the NKJV, compared to the AV? Here are resting? … ’”
several test cases: The NKJV follows the New International
Version (NIV) in making the statement
Psalm 30.4 of Christ a question, rather than an
AV: ‘the remembrance of his holiness’
imperative. The Received Text and
NKJV: ‘the remembrance of His holy name’ the Critical Texts make no distinction,
This is not a translation but an meaning that it is a deliberate translation
interpretation since the Hebrew Masoretic decision.
has the word ‘holiness’.
Luke 12.49
Zechariah 9.17 AV: ‘I am come to send fire on the earth;
AV: ‘For how great is his goodness, and and what will I, if it be already kindled?’
how great is his beauty!’ NKJV: ‘I came to send fire on the earth,
NKJV: ‘For how great is its goodness And and how I wish it were already kindled!’
how great its beauty!’
Again, the NKJV follows the NIV reading
This is a passage that is prophetic of in making a question a definitive
Christ and ‘his goodness’ is changed to ‘its statement.
goodness’. In the margin the NKJV offers
the alternative ‘his’. Does the NKJV adhere to
Revelation 19.8
accurate pronouns?
AV: ‘for the fine linen is the righteousness Many languages of the world make the
of saints’ distinction between the singular and the
Issue Number: 647 – April to June 2024
plural. The Biblical languages also make Does the NKJV maintain
this distinction. Therefore, in order to
theological accuracy?
have a faithful and accurate translation
in English, we must also make this The NKJV claims to maintain the ‘doctrinal
distinction. and theological terms’ used in the AV.6
One of the claims against the AV is that This is not the case in relation to some
it uses ‘Old English’ terminology such as very key terms.
words like ‘thee’. However, this is not true;
particularly with ‘thee’ it uses accurate 
Matthew 11.23
English that is able to address clearly AV: ‘And thou, Capernaum, which art
the singular and the plural. There are exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought
many thousands of instances of personal down to hell’
pronouns in a vast quantity of verses in NKJV: ‘And you, Capernaum, who are
the AV which differentiate between the exalted to heaven, will be brought down
singular and the plural, using words such to Hades’
as thee and you. The Greek word is Hades and it can be
translated in this way. But what is Hades?
Luke 22.31–32 Even scholars like Richard Lenski and William
AV: ‘Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath Hendriksen who favour the Critical Text
desired to have you, that he may sift you agree this word used here means ‘hell’. Like
as wheat: but I have prayed for thee’ the NIV, the NKJV appears reluctant to use
NKJV: ‘Simon Simon! Indeed, Satan has the word hell, and instead employs the word
asked for you, that he may sift you as hades, as if to disguise the full meaning of
wheat. But I have prayed for you’ the word from the reader. The AV uses the
word ‘hell’ fifty-four times and the NKJV uses
In the AV it is clear that Satan has desired it thirty-five times. Nineteen times the word
to have all the disciples (you), but the is downgraded to a weaker term.
Lord Jesus Christ has prayed specifically
for Peter (thee). This important distinction 
Romans 1.28
is lost in the NKJV. AV: ‘God gave them over to a reprobate
John 3.7 NKJV: ‘God gave them over to a debased
AV: ‘Marvel not that I say unto thee, Ye mind’
must be born again’ The AV uses the word ‘reprobate’ seven
NKJV: ‘Do not marvel that I said unto you, times. This is a deeply profound theological
“You must be born again”’ term with repeated usage throughout
church history. There are no occurrences in
The Lord Jesus Christ addresses the NKJV.
Nicodemus with the singular ‘thee’ but
makes the application to all people with 
Matthew 21.32
the plural ‘ye’. This is not conveyed in the AV: ‘ye, when ye had seen it, repented not
NKJV. afterward, that ye might believe him.’
Trinitarian Bible Society – Quarterly Record
NKJV: ‘and when you saw it, you did not completely different translation. It claims
afterward relent and believe him.’ to be a successor to the AV but it is rather
The word ‘repent’ is changed in total attempting to ride on the coattails of the
forty-four times in the NKJV. AV to gain acceptance with those who are
committed to the traditional Received Text.
Furthermore, every reference to the
To that extent, it is actually a misleading
word ‘Sodomite’ is removed from the Old
Testament. It is replaced in the NKJV with
‘perverted one’. As Christians, we should have a zeal and a
passion for the ‘purity of Scripture’. If we do,
Conclusion I have no doubt it will lead us to dismiss
We acknowledge that the problems the NKJV and appreciate with heartfelt
of the NKJV are not as numerous or gratitude the AV as the most faithful and
as serious as those found in English accurate translation available today.9
versions which are translated exclusively
from the Critical Text, such as the Endnotes:
NIV and ESV. We must also be honest 1. Holy Bible: New King James Version (Nashville,
TN, USA: Thomas Nelson, 1982), Preface.
and say there are occasions when
2. The original executive editor of the NKJV,
the NKJV updates words and phrases Arthur Farstad, was a Majority Text proponent.
that are found in the AV so they can At about the same time as the NKJV was
be understood more readily by the created, he collaborated with Z. C. Hodges and
modern reader. Yet there are evident others to produce The Greek New Testament
According to the Majority Text (Nashville, USA:
serious flaws in the NKJV. Jack P. Lewis Thomas Nelson, 1982). The team of translators
in his book The English Bible: From KJV working on the NKJV did not favour the Greek
to NIV made the following conclusion Received Text. Some were for the Majority Text
and some (possibly most) were for the Critical
regarding the readability of the NKJV, Text. None were Received Text proponents. At
‘The NKJV is neither the KJV nor is it in least seven of them also worked on the NIV.
the language of the twentieth-century The preface makes various references that
undermine confidence in the Received Text.
common man’.7
3. Why the NKJV? (n.c.: Thomas Nelson
Dr Henry Morris, who was on the North Publishers,n.d.), p.10.
America Overview Committee of the NKJV 4. M. H. Watts, The New King James Version: A
Critique (London, UK: TBS, 2008), p.13.
makes a powerful argument regarding
5. It is true that the translators say in the
it: ‘I believe it is probably the best of the preface to the NKJV that they referred to the
modern translations. Even so, after trying Bomberg edition, but it was not their base text.
to use it and endorse it, I finally went back Preface, vii.
to the ‘old’ King James, convinced that it 6. NKJV 1982 Preface, p.v.
is still the best, in terms of poetic majesty, 7. J. P. Lewis, The English Bible: From KJV to NIV.
A History and Evaluation (Michigan, USA: Baker
spiritual power, and over-all clarity and Book House, 1981), p.331.
reliability’.8 8. H. M. Morris, A Creationist Defence of the King
In our assessment of this translation we James Bible,
pdf, accessed 11 April 2024.
ask the question: Is the NKJV an update 9. Those who wish to explore the issues
and revision of the AV, or is it another further: The New King James Version: A Critique
translation? The answer is that it is a

From David J. Broome
Resources Director

e wonder how many of our The power of the Word of God is still
readers have ever wished that the same in 2024, though not preached
they could have journeyed with by Jesus physically here on earth but
Cleopas and his fellow disciple on the road instead through the operations of the
to Emmaus (Luke 24) on that memorable Spirit of Truth, the Comforter, whom
‘same day’ (v. 13) on which Jesus had Jesus promised to be His testifier after
sealed His great plan of salvation by rising His ascension to Heaven until the end of
from the dead (v. 6). We read that ‘while time (John 15.26 and 16.13–14), whether
they communed together and reasoned, that be way of renewal as in Luke 24 or in
Jesus himself drew near, and went with conversion. Whilst in these Gospel days the
them’ (v. 15), yet they didn’t recognise Him Spirit’s more usual method of conversion
(v. 16). He lovingly enquired concerning is by ‘the foolishness of preaching’
their sadness and gently chided their (1 Corinthians 1.21), we must not limit His
unbelief (v. 17–26) before commencing operations (1 Corinthians 12.6), because
what must surely be one of the most sometimes the means used is the Word
blessed sermons ever preached on earth, of God under the Holy Spirit’s immediate
‘And beginning at Moses and all the application. We heard of this recently
prophets, he expounded unto them in when visiting a local prison, where we
all the scriptures the things concerning found those who were soundly converted
himself’ (v. 27). What a change it wrought! and well-grounded in the truth simply
Their hearts now burned within them in by studying the Word in their cells; we
love and joy (v. 32), they constrained Him have reason to believe that these are not
to abide with them because they could unique cases. The Lord is still working in
not bear to be parted from Him (v. 29), our prisons, even as He did in the days
and their eyes were opened and they of the early church (Acts 16). We should
knew Him truly for who He was (v. 31), the be encouraged to continue with the
Messiah set forth in the Old Testament distribution of Scriptures into prisons and
(John 1.41). many other places.

Trinitarian Bible Society – Quarterly Record
On that journey to Emmaus Jesus began We are very thankful for the provision of
at Moses and all the prophets and Mr Nicholas de Vogel to replace Mr Mark
expounded in all the Scriptures the things Wilson, who hopes to retire as Finance and
concerning Himself; and who knew those Supporter Manager in late spring 2024
Scriptures so well as Christ Himself? Joseph after over 31 years’ faithful service to the
Hart put it so well when he wrote: Society. We would put on record our great
thankfulness to the Lord and to Mark as he
The Scriptures and the Lord
closes his long journey with the Society,
Bear one tremendous Name;
and also to wish Nick the Lord’s richest
The written and the incarnate Word
blessing as he takes up the mantle in this
In all things are the same.1
important role, with which many of our
There is no space here to attempt a supporters have contact.
study of even some of the Old Testament
Since we last wrote in these pages, the
Scriptures that our blessed Lord
Society’s General Committee approved
would have expounded. However, the the 2024 Budget for the Society and the
margin in the Society’s Westminster Financial Plan 2024–2028. We are very
Bible at Luke 24.27 gives an expansive thankful to the Lord for His provision such
list of many such verses (prepared that the Financial Plan is currently balanced
by John Brown of Haddington in the over the 5-year period, based on current
eighteenth century along with most staffing and income levels adjusted for
of the other cross-references in the known variations. The remarkable provision
Westminster Bible), and it makes a very of a single legacy of around £1.6 million
wonderful study.2 We are told that Christ has significantly helped in this respect. We
expounded in ALL the Scriptures, and are certainly far from complacent, and we
if we hold a God-honouring and high continue to seek your prayers that the Lord
view of His Word, we must surely believe would continue to provide for the Society’s
that Christ is set forth on every page financial needs. There is so much more that
of Scripture. No omissions from Bibles we could be doing with further resources,
poorly translated from corrupted texts by not least the expansion of granting in
those who do not believe in the Divine places such Africa and Latin America:
preservation of the Holy Scriptures is ‘there remaineth yet very much land to be
ever going to change that blessed fact! possessed’ (Joshua 13.1).
The Word of God has been providentially
preserved in the original languages We remain deeply thankful to all the
of Hebrew (Masoretic Text) and Greek Society’s members and supporters who
(Received Text), as we were promised uphold us in prayer and give practically to
it would be in the Word of God itself the work (Hebrews 6.10).
(Psalm 119.89 and 119.152, Isaiah 40.8 ‘Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the
and 59.21, Matthew 5.18 and 24.35, word of the Lord may have free course,
1 Peter 1.24–25, etc.). It is the work of and be glorified, even as it is with you’
this Society to translate and publish this (2 Thessalonians 3.1).
precious Bible into many languages, so
that as many people as the Lord sees Endnotes:
fit across the world will be able to read 1. J. Hart, ‘Say, Christian, wouldst thou thrive’,
faithful Scriptures in their own tongue, Gadsby’s Hymns, no. 878.
for God’s glory and their salvation and 2. Also available on our online Bible
subsequent edification.

TheWord of God
Among All Nations
Although certain phrases and expressions used in these letters may not be
doctrinally accurate or in correct English, we reproduce the letters essentially as
received, knowing that the Lord is using His Word to the glory of His Name and the
furtherance of His Kingdom as the Scriptures are distributed among the nations of
the world.

From Northern Ireland
I am so grateful for all 2024
calendars. The Ukrainian will be a
special blessing to our thousands
of Ukrainian refugees all over Ireland in
so many refugee camps from north to
south, and east to west. So far, we have
used 80,000 Ukrainian John’s Gospels and
thousands of children’s literature, plus so
many Ukrainian Bibles all over Ireland,
plus several hundred Russian Bibles. Also,
250 thousand of John’s Gospel went into
Ukraine via Poland. As many as 650 to
700 families of Ukrainians are in the big
camps all over Ireland. Many other camps
are smaller and around 25 camps are within
an hour’s drive of my home. Thank you very
very much in helping spread God’s Word. Calendar distribution

keeping in our minds your dedication

shown over years. We use the calendars in
From Romania our food campaign for pensioners and old
We received the quantity of people, in carol events for visitors, church
541 calendars. We want to thank members, all of this being given completely
you for the kindness to keep us in free. We want to give our appreciation for
your agenda. We want to assure you by our your work serving His Kingdom. May God
love and our best thoughts and prayers, bless you in this time and in future.
Trinitarian Bible Society – Quarterly Record

Bibles in Nigeria

From the DRC
this will be of great help to our
Receive our warm Christian local churches and ministry leaders in
greetings in the name of our the area.
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
I acknowledge to having a grant of We pray that the Lord of all grace will
seventeen parcels (1,000 French New use these opportunities to help us in our
Testaments) shipped on August 14, 2023. preaching ministry and for our own growth
in Him.
Here, we do have multiple activities, among May the God of all grace bless you in His
which is the free reading and distribution of service.
Christian literature. We daily receive young
(secondary school students, university
students) as well as adult Christians (mostly
From Ghana
school directors) and pastors from different 2024 Golden Thoughts calendars
Christian churches who come to our centre have been successfully distributed
to read and learn about Christ and His to youth members of my church.
Church. After exchanging with them about
the Gospel of Christ, we freely distribute
some Christian literature at our disposal.
So we are very grateful to Trinitarian Bible
Society for the grant and will regularly be
sending reports to you with photos for you
to use them as you want.
Our request: could you please provide
us some 500 French Bibles with both
Testaments? This is a great need to our
readers and churches we do locally
partner with. If you have some in Swahili,
Golden Thoughts calendars in Ghana
Issue Number: 647 – April to June 2024

From Nigeria new families who have children. Since

God has so graciously given us more room
200 Children of our Reformed to meet, in a new hall, new families are
Tabernacle Sunday School received
TBS Bibles at their year end
closing ceremony and prize giving. We are
grateful for the donation of the Bible for From Australia
free distribution to our hungry and thirsty Thank you for the Commemorative Bibles,
people for the Word of God. There was joy which are a special token of the first
among all the families for the free Bibles sermon preached in Australia.

Australian Commemorative Bibles

to their children. Thanks for your help and

kindness. Much appreciated. The Americas
Australia From the USA
I think his face says it all! Thanks
From Australia again to Trinitarian Bible Society for
their generous support of children
Thank you for the shipment memorising the Word of God!
of thirteen Boxes of the
Commemorative Bibles. They have
been distributed to the School Scripture
Classes, also in the Western suburbs and
North Sydney where children gather for
Scripture. The children were delighted with
their new Bibles.
We are requesting for 200 more copies as
we are in constant contact (weekly) with Receiving a
Bible with joy!
Trinitarian Bible Society – Quarterly Record

From Honduras
Distribution of the TBS Spanish
Bible is ongoing throughout Latin
America. Some of these photos
show the distribution in Honduras.

From the Dominican Republic

Spanish Words of Life calendars and
Golden Thoughts calendars were
received with joy.
Spanish distribution

International Headquarters International Branches
Trinitarian Bible Society
Australian Branch
William Tyndale House
National Secretary: Mr A. Brown, B.E.
29 Deer Park Road
Trinitarian Bible Society (Australia)
P.O.Box 1381, Grafton NSW 2460, Australia
SW19 3NN
Tel.: +61 2 6642 8880 Fax: +61 2 6642 8881
Telephone: (020) 8543 7857
Brazilian Branch
website: President: The Rev. Dr T. L. Gilmer
Executive Vice-President: Pr H. R. Gilmer, M.A.
Sociedade Bíblica Trinitariana do Brasil
Facebook: Rua Julio de Castilhos, 108/120
Belenzinho, 03059-000 São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Office Hours: Tel.: (11) 2693-5663 Fax: (11) 2695-3635
Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. email:

Registered Charity No.: Canadian Branch

233082 (England) SC038379 (Scotland)
General Secretary: Mr W. Grisnich, B.Ed.
V.A.T. Registration No.: GB 215 9219 67 Trinitarian Bible Society (Canada),
10-320 41st Street S. Lethbridge, AB
T1J 5B3 Canada
Tel.: 403-634-3911
Moore Kingston Smith LLP
9 Appold Street
New Zealand Branch
Chairman: Mr B. de Boer
Solicitors: Trinitarian Bible Society (New Zealand)
Bates, Wells & Braithwaite PO Box 137025
10 Queen Street Place Parnell, Auckland 1151, New Zealand
London EC4R 1BE Tel.: 09 263 5919
Arbuthnot Latham & Co Ltd USA Branch
Arbuthnot House General Secretary: Mr W. Greendyk, B.A.
7 Wilson St Trinitarian Bible Society (USA)
London EC2M 2SN 927 Alpine Commerce Park, Suite 100,
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49544, USA
Tel.: (616) 735-3695 Fax: (616) 785-7237
The aims of the Society
To publish and distribute the Holy The foot of Mount Kililim
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Scriptures throughout the world in many

To promote Bible translations which are

accurate and trustworthy, conforming
to the Hebrew Masoretic Text of the Old
Testament, and the Greek Textus Receptus
of the New Testament, upon which texts
the English Authorised Version is based.

To be instrumental in bringing light and

life, through the Gospel of Christ, to those
who are lost in sin and in the darkness of
false religion and unbelief.

To uphold the doctrines of reformed

Christianity, bearing witness to the equal
and eternal deity of God the Father, God
the Son and God the Holy Spirit, One God
in three Persons.

To uphold the Bible as the inspired,

inerrant Word of God.

For the Glory of God and the Increase of

His Kingdom through the circulation of
Protestant or uncorrupted versions of
the Word of God.

ISSN 0049-4712

William Tyndale House, 29 Deer Park Road

London SW19 3NN, England
9 770049 471000


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