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THe secrets have been revealed


During colonial times, life in the American colonies was

characterized by a diverse and challenging existence. Many
workers had hard times and countless hours working for
their master on the field. Life on the farms during colonial
times was marked by the need for self-sufficiency, religious
influences, and the hardships imposed by a rugged and often
unpredictable environment. Life in the cities was nasty and

Life in the colonial cities of America was marked by vibrant trade. Cities like Boston
had a humongous trading business and economic growth helped then develop their colony.
Phildelidpa had many ideas and helped shape the nation's identity. In the text it states “
Most colonial cities are built along major waterways and have a variety of jobs and trade”.
This shows that life in the cities had many jobs and different varieties of trades. Most cities
were built along major waterways. Even though there were a variety of jobs many people
had to work, life was just stuff and it was hard to survive. Many people had different
diseases and laws during this time were corrupted in my opinion. Life in the cities had good
and bad parts depending on what class you were in and if you had a sustainable job.

Life on a Farm was ruff. Many people that worked on a farm had to listen to all of the
rules from their master. Usually the people that worked on the farms were slaves and african
americans. Many slaves were traded during this time. The text says “ Farmers during this
time worked very little and had a lot of free time”. This is completely false because farmers
never had free time and always had to work for long hours each day. The typical farming
family lived in a one or two room house with dirt floors. Horses were an important means of
transportation. They were expensive, however, costing up to half a year's wages. The only
day of the week that the colonial farmer did not work was Sunday. Life on a farm during
colonial times was depressing and firm. Many people during this time had no money and
little food.

All in all life In the cities, had thriving trade and vibrant intellectual exchanges not
only boosted economic growth but also gave rise to revolutionary ideas that would later fuel
the American Revolution. In contrast, life on the farms was characterized by the
THe secrets have been revealed

determination and self-reliance of colonial settlers, who had to adapt to regional variations
in agricultural practices driven by both their religious beliefs and economic needs. These
distinct aspects of city life and rural life played a crucial role in shaping the distinctive
character of early America.

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