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Relationship between personality traits and academic performance

Ngô Bảo Anh Student ID: 20234391

Nguyễn Thị Huyền Diệu Student ID: 20234421
Đỗ Thục Uyên Student ID: 20234571
Đinh Thái Sơn Student ID: 20234541
Lê Duy Bảo Linh Student ID: 20234487
Table of Contents
1. Purpose.........................................................................................................................3

2. Goals.............................................................................................................................4

3. Summary......................................................................................................................5

3.1 Project background overview................................................................................................5

3.2 Project highlights and best practices....................................................................................5

4. Project metrics performance.........................................................................................7

4.1 Goals and objectives performance........................................................................................7

4.2 Success criteria performance................................................................................................7

4.3 Milestone and deliverables performance...............................................................................8

4.4 Schedule performance...........................................................................................................8

5. Tasks.............................................................................................................................9

5.1 Risk management...................................................................................................................9

5.2 Communication management................................................................................................9

5.3 Lessons learned...................................................................................................................10

5.4 Recommendations................................................................................................................11
1. Purpose
The TED Talk project on the "Relationship Between MBTI and Academic
Performance" has successfully achieved its intended milestones and objectives.

Academic achievement is a major concern for students, teachers, and school. It has
always been a crucial factor in an individual’s study because strong academic
performance can somewhat predict one’s future. Researchers have always looked to
understand the complexities of learning outcomes, especially the role of personality
types. Because of the hard to change characteristics of personality, as confirmed by two
researchers Cobb-Clark and Schur (2012), they found out that personality types can
remain unchanged for over four years across all age groups. There is an interest in how
personality traits influence a student’s success, thus making it one of the prominent topics
in educational settings.

We chose to do this topic to focus on how MBTI affects student performance.

Improving a student’s academic performance is a goal of teachers, learners, parents,
school administrators, and the entire community. We all know that academic
performance is influenced by a lot of factors such as age, gender, family background and
personality traits... they also exhibit different attitudes and emotional responses to the
environment. Taking these differences into account can help educators recognize their
students’ individual differences. Researching into this helps us understand more about the
relationship between MBTI and academic performance. This can also help us to create
study plans that fit their personality better; teachers can also use this research to better
support each student’s needs and finally enhance their academic outcomes.
2. Goals
For the TED Talk project on the "Relationship Between MBTI and Academic
Performance," the primary objective was to create an engaging and informative
presentation that effectively communicated how different Myers-Briggs personality types
impact academic performance. The project team aimed to achieve both educational goals
and teamwork goals.

For the educational goals, we aim to introduce the concept of MBTI and explain
how they shape personality types. We hope our audience can explore academic studies,
case examples, and real-world scenarios, and have new knowledge about this
relationship. Moreover, our talk show-style presentation allows us to engage the audience
by creating dialogues between some influential individuals representing different MBTI
types like Bill Gates, Emma Watson, Elon Musk that we have researched before. These
interactions illustrate how personality traits impact learning approaches, study habits and

For the teamwork goals, we gather as a team and brainstorm presentation ideas.
Everyone will have chances to contribute and ensure diverse perspectives. To give the
suitable task to the team members, the leader has to base on individual strengths and then
assign roles. Detail-oriented team members edit scripts, slide creation to those with
design skills. We also schedule progress meetings to track our work. These sessions help
us stay aligned and address any challenges. As a cohesive unit, we rehearse our parts.
Each team member practices presenting their content, refining delivery and timing. Our
team also arranges for a peer review to receive feedback and catch any errors or
inconsistencies because this feedback highlighted the clear and engaging narrative, along
with the effective integration of humor and real-life examples, which made the complex
subject matter accessible and interesting to a broad audience.
3. Summary

3.1 Project background overview

The primary goal was to deliver an engaging and informative presentation that
explores how different personality types, as defined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
(MBTI), impact academic performance. The project team meticulously prepared the
script, incorporating expert insights and personal anecdotes from high-profile individuals
such as Bill Gates and Emma Watson to make the topic relatable and compelling.

Key milestones in the project included comprehensive research and content

development, scriptwriting, slide preparation, and rehearsals. The research phase
involved a thorough investigation into MBTI and its correlation with academic success,
ensuring the content was both accurate and insightful. Scriptwriting was focused on
crafting a narrative that was educational yet entertaining, featuring fictional interviews
with renowned personalities to maintain audience interest. Slide preparation was another
crucial step, where visually appealing slides were created to complement the spoken
content, enhancing the overall presentation. Multiple rehearsals were conducted to ensure
smooth delivery and timing, which proved essential in refining the presentation's flow.
Several highlights and best practices emerged from this project that can be applied to
future endeavors. Addressing the identified issues and incorporating the highlighted best
practices will further enhance the quality and impact of future projects.

3.2 Project highlights and best practices

Project Highlights:
- Widespread Adoption:
The MBTI terminology is said to be "vague and general", which allows any behavior
to fit any personality type, which can lead to the Forer effect, where people select
positive descriptions that are assumed to apply to them.
When people start taking the test, with questions encompassing all areas of their past
emotional life. And producing highly logical results, MBTI has gradually risen and been
embraced and evaluated by millions of people around the world.

- Practical Applications:
The full MBTI personality analysis covers various aspects of how different
personality types of manifests in a wide range of work environments, including career
development, team building, conflict resolution, and personal growth. This is one of the
key functions of MBTI, which allows recruiters to assess a candidate's personality and
understand their strengths and weaknesses. In addition to professional competence, a
candidate's personality is highly important. Recruiters can evaluate whether a candidate is
a good fit for the organization's environment and people through the MBTI personality
test. MBTI is not only useful in the workplace, but also in academic settings, where
personality is a metaphor for behavior and is used to predict academic performance.

- Continuous Development:
Based on the results and evaluations of those who have taken the MBTI assessment,
the Myers & Briggs Foundation has been increasingly focused on further developing and
improving the test to provide users with more relevant and accurate results.

Best Practices:
After going through many steps including collectively searching, discussing, and
sharing ideas, completing the group presentation and reaching this final step - preparing
the report. Our group has extracted the following best practices:

As mentioned earlier, MBTI is considered vague and general. So, the common
experience of people's personality types overlapping quite a bit is since there are only 4
basic personality types and 16 specific types in total. The key when applying the MBTI
framework is to truly understand your own unique traits, preferences, and strengths -
rather than just fitting yourself into the results. You shouldn't just blindly accept the
MBTI type you're assigned.

The important lesson from exploring MBTI is that you should focus on your interests,
not just your capabilities. MBTI can identify preferences, but it cannot measure your
abilities or intelligence. So, when using MBTI, be very careful and think deeply before
making important decisions.

The most effective way to use MBTI is to critically examine the questions and
conclusions, rather than passively accepting them. How should you proceed? Certainly,
you should create opportunities for self-discovery and personal growth, rather than just
self-categorizing based on MBTI results. Don't work mindlessly - work intelligently and
leverage everything you have to the fullest.
4. Project metrics performance

4.1 Goals and objectives performance

- Week 7 (15/4 - 21/4): Choose Topic and Performance Style

Objective: Select a topic and decide on the performance style for the final
Result: The team chose the topic “relationship between personality traits and
academic performance” and opted for a stage performance in the style of a TED

- Week 8 (22/4 - 28/4): Gather General Information and Enhance Ideas

Objective: Research relevant information related to the chosen topic and
brainstorm ideas to make the performance special.
Result: Completed on schedule. To enhance the presentation, the team decided to
involve celebrities as guests, with team members starring these guests.

- Week 9 (29/4 - 5/5): Prepare Presentation Slides

Objective: Create slides that define the content of the presentation.
Result: Completed on schedule.

- Week 10 (6/5 - 12/5): Presentation

Objective: Present the prepared content.
Result: Skipped due to no class during this week.

- Week 11 (13/5 - 19/5): Information Completion and Script Writing

Objective: Finalize the information and write the presentation script.
Result: The presentation idea was good, and no specific recommendations were
- Week 12 + Week 13 (20/5 - 2/6): Script and Basic Slides Completion
Objective: Complete the presentation script and create simple slides with essential
Result: Progress was slow due to difficulties encountered during script

- Week 14 (3/6 - 9/6): Rehearsal

Objective: Practice and rehearse the presentation.
Result: There were minor technical difficulties with slide transitions during
rehearsals. Time management was another concern.

4.2 Success criteria performance

Criteria Achievement:
Weeks 7-9: All criteria were achieved successfully
Week 11: The presentation idea was well received with no recommendations for
changes, indicating a high level of success.
- The success level was high with creative decisions like involving celebrities as
guests, contributing to the uniqueness of the presentation.
Week 12: The script completion faced delays, which suggests that the criteria for
this phase were not fully achieved.
- The success level was low because of the difficulty in completing scripts.
It was challenging to weave the selected information into a conversation that was
both informative and entertaining, which is a common difficulty in performance-based
Anticipated Achievement:
The team anticipates completing the delayed tasks a few days later, with multiple
communications planned to address the pending work.
Responsibility for Measuring Progress: Team leader - Updating progress, motivating
team members, conducting online meetings, and collaborating on content development
ensures effective teamwork and project success.

4.3 Milestone and deliverables performance

Most deliverables were completed on schedule. Feedback from teacher and leader
were good. The completion of the presentation script and basic slides is anticipated,
although progress has been slow.

4.4 Schedule performance

Project Schedule Overview: Completing 90% - Overall, the team has progressed
through the initial stages of topic selection, research, writing scripts... We faced
challenges during script writing but managed to complete essential tasks. Rehearsal is
scheduled for the upcoming week to ensure a polished final presentation.
- Project Schedule Control Process: collaboration in learning
- Project Schedule Corrective Actions:
Week 12: Script Completion but the progress was slow due to difficulties
encountered during script completion
Week 13: 28/05/2023: Have a meeting to fix the problems of each script
Week 13: 01/06/2023: Complete the scripts.
5. Tasks

5.1 Risk management

Despite the overall success, a few outstanding issues and potential risks were
identified. There were minor technical difficulties with slide transitions during
rehearsals. Time management was another concern, as it was crucial to ensure the
presentation stayed within the allotted time without rushing through key points. Script
writing and lack of confidence in public speaking is a common risk.

5.2 Communication management

Process’s effectiveness
- Objectives and Scope:
Identify Goals: Clear initial goals for viewers about basic knowledge about
personality traits, in addition to goals about teamwork.
Scope: Analyzing and comparing the MBTI personality traits of three prominent
individuals: Emma Watson, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk. This study will focus on
identifying their MBTI types and exploring how these traits manifest in their professional
and personal lives, which will involve a detailed review of publicly available information,
such as interviews, speeches, autobiographies, and other credible sources. By identifying
this range, the study aims to provide a focused and in-depth comparison of the MBTI
personality traits of Emma Watson, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk.

- Quality of communication:
Analyze spoken and written statements, conduct direct interviews, review interviews,
and online posts on social media to present ideas and messages during the interview
program Ensure the accuracy of information presented to the public based on reliable
- Consistency:
The process is quite efficient. At first, people did not express their opinions much and
were often silent. However, after a period of working, everyone became more open and
shared a lot through classroom sessions and meetings at home. Classroom sessions
provide opportunities for everyone to acquire new knowledge, practice communication
skills, and discuss topics. Meetings at home help create a friendly, comfortable
environment where people feel more natural expressing their opinions and personal
feelings. This interaction not only improves teamwork efficiency but also promotes
solidarity and mutual understanding. As a result, the team has built a solid foundation for
long-term and fruitful collaboration.

What changes were made during the project?

- Identification of issues:
The issues or challenges driving change have been highlighted in a variety of ways.
First, feedback from team members showed disagreement in understanding and
application of concepts related to MBTI, leading to difficulties in accurately analyzing
and evaluating personality traits. Second, the data collection and analysis process still
have many limitations, causing inefficiencies and slowing down project progress. The
detailed origins of these problems include feedback from team meetings, and
inadequacies in the teamwork process. Since then, the team has become more clearly
aware of the challenges that need to be overcome to improve the efficiency and quality of
the project.

- Implementation of Changes
In the team working on the MBTI and personality traits project, specific changes were
made to develop members' public speaking skills and confidence. First, the team
organized weekly public speaking practice sessions, where each member would present
on a topic related to MBTI for 10 minutes. Second, the team applied feedback sessions
after each presentation so that members could receive specific feedback and improve
their skills. Implementation steps include:
 Schedule practice sessions: Organize weekly or 2 week a public speaking practice
 Feedback and improvement: After each presentation, hold a short feedback session
(15 minutes) for other members to give comments and suggestions for

- Impact of Changes:
These changes have had a clear positive impact on the development of team members.
Members' public speaking skills have improved significantly, helping them be more
confident when presenting ideas and communicating more effectively in group meetings
and with external partners. This enhancement not only helps improve the quality of team
discussions and decisions, but also creates a positive work environment where members
feel listened to and make valuable contributions. Thanks to constructive feedback
sessions, everyone learned to receive and apply feedback positively, thereby continuously
improving their skills. As a result, the team became more cohesive and worked more
effectively, contributing to the overall success of the MBTI and personality traits project.

5.3 Lessons learned

Although the team working on the MBTI and personality traits project has
achieved many positive results, there are still some areas that need improvement. First,
members' time management abilities need to be improved to ensure tasks are completed
on time without affecting the quality of work. To improve this, teams can organize
training sessions on time management skills and use support tools such as online
calendars and reminder applications. Second, internal communication needs to be
improved to ensure information is conveyed clearly and completely. Team can apply
standard communication processes, such as taking meeting notes and using online
communication platforms like Teams to keep everyone in the loop. Finally, the team
needs to improve their ability to provide constructive feedback and comments. To do this,
workshops can be organized on how to effectively give and receive feedback, helping
everyone feel comfortable and ready to improve based on suggestions from colleagues.
Thanks to these activities and processes, the team has achieved significant results,
improved work quality and created a positive and effective working environment.

5.4 Recommendations

- Time Management Training: Conduct regular training sessions on time

management skills. Encourage team members to utilize online calendars and
reminder apps to stay organized and meet deadlines effectively.
- Enhance Internal Communication:
Implement standard communication processes, such as taking meeting notes.
Utilize online platforms like Teams to ensure everyone is informed and aligned.
- Feedback Workshops:
Organize workshops on giving and receiving constructive feedback.
Foster an environment where colleagues feel comfortable sharing insights and

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