TadiaVictor NARRATIVE REPORT (Taxation)

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Tadia, Victor Jose


When our professor announced an upcoming field trip, my friends and I were thrilled. We eagerly
anticipated a day filled with both fun and educational experiences at various destinations. The trip cost
us two thousand six hundred pesos, excluding tax, as noted by the university.

By 4:00 am, we were already outside the university, ready for our 5:00 am departure. We boarded the
bus, each of us picking different seats, and waited for everyone to arrive. Ou

When our professor announced an upcoming field trip, my friends and I were thrilled. We eagerly
anticipated a day filled with both fun and educational experiences at various destinations. The trip cost
us two thousand six hundred pesos, excluding tax, as noted by the university. r tour guide handed out
breakfast, which included rice, hotdogs, ham, and eggs. This meal was part of the two thousand six
hundred pesos we paid, and, as Atty. Berberabe had informed us that everything was taxable. So, each
component of our breakfast—rice, hotdog, ham, and eggs—had its own tax included, reflecting the
pervasive nature of taxation in everyday purchases.

Our first destination was Yokis Farm, Once we entered I saw a lot of animals in front like birds, rabbits,
peacock and more of course, I took some of picture of an animal that I like, that is the peacock, Then
after we passed by the birds and rabbits, we’ve arrived at the fish pond and I saw a Koi Fish of course I
took a picture of it after that we also saw some monkeys and others animals like horses, and husky,
While walking I got tired so I bought water even water is a bit pricey but it is still consider as tax, after a
minute of walking we’ve arrived at the Statues like Buddha and other artifacts, Then after that we went
back to our bus and then were going to our next Second destination. While traveling to our second
destination, my friend’s and classmate thought of jamming at our mini karaoke. They sing and sing until
we’ve reached our second destination, which is Mega Prime Goods. Of course, we passed by some toll
fees, which are also taxable. The facility was spotless, with staff adhering to strict hygiene protocols. We
got an in-depth look at the sardine production process, from catching the fish to canning them, and then
after the demonstration, each of us got a free can of sardines. After that, we were going to our last
destination. Before that, I got hungry, so I bought snacks and drinks for the road, again paying toll fees,
before arriving at our last destination.

Finally, we reached the Enchanted Kingdom, the highlight of our trip. And before entering and tapping
our tickets, I bought drinks outside because they were cheaper than inside. Inside the Enchanted
Kingdom, we enjoyed various rides such as Viking, Extreme Tower, and my favorite Space Shuttle. I got
hungry again, so I bought a two-hotdog sandwich, although it was pricey. I still bought it because I was
so hungry. Again, the hotdog sandwich I bought is still considered taxable. After that, we roamed the
whole Enchanted Kingdom. After that, we took a break and went outside to rest. After resting, we
continued our rest at Starbucks. I bought a croissant and a coffee, which are still taxable, and we also
took some selfie pictures. After that, we went to our bus and continued to rest there. After an hour of
waiting, our classmates returned to our bus at 6:50 p.m., ready to leave at 7:00 p.m.

Our tour guide thanked us for our participation, and we began our journey back to Batangas City,
passing through several tollways again. Most of us are dozed off, tired, but happy from the day’s
adventure. Upon our return to Batangas City, we expressed our gratitude to our tour guide and parted
ways with our friends and classmates.

The field trip was not only a fun-filled adventure but also a valuable lesson in the pervasive nature of
taxes. From the snacks we bought to the tolls we paid, every step of the journey was intertwined with
the concept of taxation. Atty. Berberabe’s assertion that "everything is taxable" was evident throughout
the day. This experience deepened my appreciation for how taxes support public services and
infrastructure, ultimately benefiting society.

The journey began early with a palpable sense of excitement. As we boarded the bus, it became clear
how integral taxes are to everyday life. Our breakfast of rice, hotdogs, ham, and eggs was a simple but
effective reminder of the value-added tax (VAT) on goods. Yoki’s Farm provided a practical example of
how taxes support business operations, while Mega Sardines offered insights into the tax implications of
industrial processes.

The Enchanted Kingdom, with its thrilling rides and high prices, was a perfect case study in captive
market pricing and the role of taxes. Every purchase, from water to souvenirs, highlighted the impact of
taxes on consumer behavior. The field trip seamlessly blended fun with education, making it one of the
most memorable and instructive experiences of my student life. By the end of the day, I had gained not
only wonderful memories with my friends but also a deeper understanding of the essential role taxes
play in maintaining and improving our society.

Reflecting on the day's events, it became clear that taxes touch every aspect of our lives. From the toll
fees ensuring well-maintained highways to the VAT on snacks and meals, every expense served as a
lesson in how our contributions help sustain public services and infrastructure. This realization turned a
simple field trip into a profound educational experience, showcasing the importance of taxes in
everyday life and the benefits they bring to society.

By the end of our adventure, I had developed a newfound appreciation for the infrastructure and
services funded by our taxes. The day's journey highlighted how these contributions enable us to enjoy
seamless travel, diverse entertainment, and comprehensive educational experiences. This trip not only
strengthened our friendships but also deepened our understanding of the societal mechanisms that
support our daily lives, leaving us with invaluable insights and cherished memories.

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