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Shivaji University, Kolhapur

Part -


Paper-25 : Client Server Environment
(Using VB and SQL Server)

1. ntroduction to Client Server Environment
Definition ( Server Client), Role of Server , Function, Single Tier, Two Tier
& Multi Tier Architecture.

Building Multi-Tier Applications

Building and Deploying Project Tracking System, Building Data

3.Building User nterface
Defining nterface, Building nterface Code
4. Structured Query Language
Table Creation and Manipulation, Data Types, Arrays Handling, Other
SchemaObject, Transactions Pattern and Ranges, Table Joins, Sorting and

5. Connection to SQL
Connectivity using ADO, DAO, RDO

6. Overview of SQL Server
Programs installed with SQL Server, Parts of Database, SQL Server
7. Transact SQL
Transact SQL Syntax and Conventions, Data types, Operators, Wild
Cards,Variables, , Functions, Executing TSQL, Advance Features of
Transaction.,Row set Functions, cursers
8. SQL Queries10
Basic SELECT Queries, Using Joins, Report Generation, Full
text Searching,Linked Server, Queries, Action Queries (Delete , Update,
and nsert)
9. View, Procedures and Triggers
Use of Views, Understanding Stored Procedure, Understanding Triggers
1. VB6 Complete Reference Novel Terke (TMGH)2. SQL Unleashed
SAMS Techmedia

3. Mastering SQL Server 2000 Mike Gunderloy (BPB)

4. Mastering SQL Grubbon (BPB)

Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Part - (SEMESTER - V)

Paper26 : nternet and Web Designing

The nternet : Technology Background
Evolution of the nternet 1961-2000, The nternet Key Technology
Concept-Packet Switching, TCP/P, Client-Server Computing. Other
nternet Protocolsand Utility ProgramHTTP- Hypertext document, Sending
E-Mail- SMTP, POP and MAP.File Transferting- FTP, Telnet, Finger, Ping,
Tracers. SP.
2. Designing Web Site :
The World Wide Web : Architecture of World Wide. Stepsin Web
development, Hypertext Markup Languages- SGML, HTML, XML. HTML
Concept and version, Naming scheme for HTML documents. Tips for
designingweb page.

HTML Elements
Head, Body, Script

Text Formatting Tag The World Wide Web : Development of the
Web.Hypertext , Markup Languages- SGML, HTML, XML. Web Servers
and Clients,Web

Order and Unordered List:- Tags such as (<DL>,<OL>,<UL>)

Tables:-<TD><TH><TR><CAPTON>, Adding Links,mages

Frames:-<Frameset>,<FRAME> cross Browser Testing
4. HTML Form Building
Form Element:<NPUT>,<SELECT>,<TEXTAREA><LABEL>,TabNavigatio
n,Access Keys,ntroduction to CSS
5. ntroduction to Client Side
Limitations of HTML, VB Script, JavaScript, Control Statements - F-
ELSE,Loop Structures (For, Do-While), Function Defining, Events,
Event Handlers,Built-in functions and Validations.(10)
6. ntroduction to Server-Side
Asp Advantages, Server Set-up for ASP (PWS/S), Code-delimiters, 6
builtin Asp objects,

Loop Structure ( For-Next), Control Structure (f-Else-Then), Methods to
getdata from Clients (GET and POST), Difference between GET and
POST,ntroduction to Session objects and Cookies(10)
1. HTML 4 unleashed- (SAMS Techmedia)2. nternet Complete-(BPB
Publications)3. HTML , DHTML,JAVASCRPT,CG,PERL- By van Bayross
(BPB Publishing)

4. HTML 4.0 Platinum Edition5. Practical HTML4 Philips Lee Anne
Prentice Hall, New Delhi.6. The nternet Book Douglas E. Corner
Pretice Hall, New Delhi7. Bridge to the Online storefront Agarwala
Kamlesh & Agarwal Deeksha(Macmillan ndia)
Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Part -


Paper-27 : E-Commerce
Concept, E-Commerce practice v/s traditional practices,Benefits of E-

to organisation, consumers and society. Limitations of E-Commerce. 2.
Types of E-Commerce : B2C, B2B, C2C, P2P.
Major Business to Consumer (B2C) Business Models : Portal, E-
tailer,Content Provider, Transaction Broker, Market Creator, Service
Provider,Community Provicer.Applications in B2C E-Banking, E-Trading,
E-Aution ( ntroduction andoverview of these concepts) 3.

Application in B2B
: Major Business to Business B2B Business Models E-distributor, B2B
Service Provider, Matchmaker. Benefits of B2B on procurement,Just in
Time Delivery.Consumer to Consumer (C2C) Business Models, Peer to
Peer (P2 P) BusinessModels.(10)

Building an E-Commerce Website
Planning- The systems developments life cycle, System Analysis-
dentifyBusiness Objectives,System functionality and nformation
requirements.System Design- Hardware and Software Platforms. Building
the System-nhouse v/s Outsourcing. Hosting, Testing the system,
implementation andMaintenance.(8) 5.
Security and Encryption
The E-Commerce Security Environment Dimentions of E-
CommerceSecurity. Security Threats in the E-Commerce Environment-
Malicious Code,Hacking, Credit Card Fraud, Spoofing, Denial of
Service(DoS) Attacks,Sniffing.Technology Solutions Protecting nternet
Communication, Encryption,Securing Channels of Communication,
Secure Sockets layer (SSL), ProtectingNetworks Firewalls and
Proxy Server, Protecting Servers and Clients.(10)

E-Commerce Payment Systems
Digital Wallets, Digital Cash, On line Stored Value Systems,
DigitalAccumulating Balance Payment Systems, Digital Credit Card
PaymentSystems, Digital Cheque Payment Systems.(7)

E-Commerce and ndia Overview of E-Commerce in ndia.


E Commerce by Kenneth C.Laudon and Carol Goercio

E-Commerce: The Cutting Edge of Business by Kamlesh Bajaj & Debjant
Tata McGraw Hill
3 E-Commerce Strategy, Technology and Application

- By David Whiteley (TMGH Publishing)4. E-Commerce Concepts Models
and Strategies-

By C.S.V Murthy (Himalaya Publishing)5. E-Commerce- By Mathew
Rergnolds (Wrox Publishing)

Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Part - (

Paper-28 : Software Engineering
1. ntroduction to Software Engineering
The software problem, Software Engineering, The Software
2. Software Processes
S/W Process Models , Software Specification, Design and mplementation


3 .Software Requirement
Functional and nonfunctional requirements, User requirements ,
Systemrequirements,Software requirement document(5)
4. Software Prototyping
Prototyping in Software process, Rapid prototyping techniques, User
5. Real Time Software Design
System Design , Real Time Executives, Monitoring and Control
System,Data Acquisition Systems(8)
6. Design with reuse
Component based Development, Application Families , Design Pattern(8)
7. Verification and Validation
Planning , S/W nspection, Automated Static Analysis, Clean room
8. Software Testing
Defect Testing , ntegration Testing, Object Oriented Testing, Testing

1. Software Engineering


A Practitioner's Approach by Roger Pressman (MGH)

2. Software Engineering

- By an Sommerville (Pearson Education)

Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Part -


Paper No. 29 : Strategic T Management


Strategic Management Definition, Levels of Strategy,
StrategicManagement Process Mission Objectives Strategic Business
Unit Organisational Appraisal, External Environment Appraisal
StrategyAlternative Strategy Choice Strategy mplementation
Projectmplementation Procedural implementation - Resource Allocation
Structural implementation Functional mplementation
Behavioralimplementation Strategy evaluation..

Strategy Planning Mission, Purpose, Business Definition and
objectives.Environmental Appraisal Components of Environment,
OrganisationalAppraisal Organisational capability factor. Methods and
Techniques fororganisational appraisal..

Strategic alternative Grand strategy Modernisation,
Diversification,ntegration, Merger, Takeover , Joint venture, Turn around,
Divestment andliquidation and combination strategy.V.

Strategy Choice Process of Strategic Choice Corporate Portfolio
analysis ndustry competitor and SWOT analysisV.

Strategy mplementation Project mplementation
Proceduralmplementation Resource AllocationV.

Structural mplementation Structural consideration
Structures forstrategies Organisational Design and Change
Organisational SystemV.

Functional mplementation Functional Plans and Policies Financial
Plansand Policies Marketing Plans and Policies Operating Plans and
Policies Personal Plans and Policies ntegration of functional plansV.

Behavioral mplementation Leadership mplementation Corporate
Culture Corporate Politics and use of power Personal Values and
Business Ethics,Social responsibility and Strategic Management.X.

Strategic Evaluation and Control Nature, mportance, Barriers
inevaluation. Strategic Control, Premise Control, mplementation
Control,Strategic Surveillance Special Alert ControlX.

Operational Control Process, Techniques Organisational systems
inevaluation. Books : 1.

Business Policy Azar Kazmi2.

Corporate Planning L.M.Prasad3.

Strategic Management : Formulations, mplementation and Control, Pearce
J.A. and Robinson R.B.rwin4.

Strategic Management and Business Policy : Entering 21
Century GlobalSociety, Whellen T.L. and Hunger J.D. Addison Wesley.

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