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‘P.0017008° 08538 AUG-16-2018 A seniotenpral naif ident based on a pol of memory ‘yi rveat inthe at of ienionton ae an img, which we “hae in nd” ‘The appearance and fam eons ate pool ents, bt when hey ar wed lyin, fo oscil nerf, Sey ae ved wr cll value ‘caaon and hey at oak seme The same happens whee we ew ‘evden itis contin of iqunese with socal exied "maa The persona sujet memory i the memory pr-mieay, th stayof ut i taste and never nerwcnle athe same ots] wat tafe eso ‘bj, posible nin inepetatve mode. Asked hoa 1” is mery ever ets th same se bce evry ved momen bd every new sition Finer personal meray she aba airy, adhe elton wh no er fecomes the malay af iSneton inthe Section of siderite {perl nvm “Thi, of cours, i init cars, as well at cases of samy Heine and “colive sens” oa the tcl of he same apprcanes Te Nexble ‘tty, adequate 0 te contemporary scl eter coe all he wes) has djpane elon wit mame. The memory nal apc aliertve tod [pasoal) ke plete where identity doves contre forte odoin of “Hemifeaon in he growing nur af ocaiocem whch we ned o aap od References Baro, HO Mater and Memory NM, Pal dS, New co, U. (1979) The Roe ofthe Readers Exploration i the Somos of es Bleomingoa: ndana Univers Press Galume, HG. (981) Truk and Metod ans. om sooed revised eon of 1965 ty Wilia Glew Doepel, Lodo: Sheed wd Ward Kal, Ke, (201) Jab ton Ueda 4 Paradigm for Biology ond Semiotics Somfonea Speci ition] 1381, The body of free speech: risk and the rhetorical practice of parrhesia ‘Stuart J. Murray University of Toronto Introductis 1 sal begin mer sup, unconventional, by recounting & ery shor soy. In (ding so tue ably ave andi sre sma way bono te ie of young ‘fom woe le and work wee cat shot woud ak my rede tobe mind of ‘his woman's spec, of te possiblity for her speech ee oor precisely, ofthe Impostor snc in mach ides hal we sug ha thr say ‘Genarative coins ob sajectviy and of ber eedom. (on 29 Sptmber 204, a Fret, the capital af he Wes fic country Stra Lemme woman by the ame of FeatyAan Ed Was Tou dead i the fice ofthe ‘Stara Use Lesan and Gay Assocation, The few brie oto maser: mows repel concred hat his Young ws ee peat) rapa by as many ase ‘2m, snbbed inthe head with tharpobect, and hal er neck Broken A fend, love, mote, a stor, druer, Ma Ey was also an edctr« plicl ntvis, Ads champion of wore’, lesan, gr, abd teaser rights io Ser Leone snd ‘Eroughout Abin She teste founder sa Lead of te Siena Looe Leston and Gay Ascii, which prover prt aod comity to LOOT person i ony whee hemor i jut erie at alo profoundly sigan Sbe Swed tiisly for he rights of peo with HIVPAIDS, ough etaraton snd ‘rou improving soverment Health rogamaes In Spins 2008 she meld 1 Geneva to adie the Unie? Natonr man Right Comminien, where she ‘oct wiportn the Reson on Sex Orcetstin aod Hunan Right (oo {8 he Brain Resolutio, ee hip:/wrew rzianrskton. com) 1 an only with got ict bein opine te cone i which Ms Edy ved tad worked and apa ot She woul mon ceil have ken he ak ivoved lending scha publ i noun not tesian (however define hs ore), Ba ‘Sit igh profile woman nscale at dos aot ake prt of terogaiing o ‘expecing the ight end gates of ther perms. Despite the nomial "igs ‘P.002/008° 08538 AUG-16-2018 The body of speech rik andthe hetrica practice of parse secre o women dr Sie Let's Contin rates n pte ea Iie colecve it nd ever over eae acs he ofl, ooo Iason wbogint Cg: pie open, Conceal, srg Hans Rigs ‘Watch, in Siees Leone " aa oly fe] pe of vein een serios cine, Rape of maiod worn ‘ra noting on ct comnidred ne tals there often th ei ‘tat tbe woman nust have coaseted othe at o di oes as «seduces (Wert you yan 2003)" is bepasw ora rough backdrop 0 diye in Siena Leone, wt, we mst ‘arte conton fo sesh, and moran fr being head och station? | ‘ght eso Ms E6y's vn words hr, the pening fbr testinony in Api 2004 iB Geweva, dived fete UN, Commion on Haman Rights: "Sion te so “ects vuleabiiy” (Testimoay by FaneyAon E2004) Slence cess ‘erably: And et we mst pane ere in sonishne for, aly a Ms Ey ase, ia fing sence By king ot hat made her bprenely valle, and placed ber vey ie stk ‘This the, isthe arly ible comddon fr Ma Bay's spec, jut tthe ceca or i cy Tend Fermoy he, frees, od tm 0 te rection her sry posed i me, when T ft beard Watt ofr Scion on subject and feedom, prpted ty the flowing orl Serio How Go we dean he si dh sk nd sags tf be rope tome wis wich ta lf on ie and be fe? And wt rt dome logge nay in he ogoivg stakes of eu slavenon and startin? These Grins a soa efecten on th fel lao beens he sla the ways Stich ha sire or pen lio being, fe wap wh es ol ‘scl and gies oi © or Specie as cy rvs says fe ‘tpeaing cy sad aly he eo age and pers a ey Sch example of ti I sal enone how pares vey pei om of Spas fom tht docs ot yoo or oar Conceptions of wu sad aowee, Bt Kn of comorsa spesch thar ren onm psi socal ae oa trnsfomatn, The paper as toe part Psy bela with «darsion of Sch eect wi neta ee a ‘apimrwergaprs Snr 1 e470, aca 27 Ob 390 @ ‘The boy offre peek: ik andthe rhetoric practic of pars sec nthe pie pers send 1 no he kin of priate speech o dialog we [ve wih ewer cic bons; nd i, fers Merary example fn Ten NMorisca's aovel Beloved, before cooling wit «tet reeron on ty own ‘wren spect ins pb bd pate dimensions. “Te pub perros ae i prs? | ean ith te try of Ms By boas I believe that he pronioad nite Grok ale paren, ch mens se pce fee ech [ir'spoks hes na coral station in whi abe was na altogether “eo d to in ich her speaking ou plsce ers ak ad lately cost ie er. is 1985 Brviiey lente on fee apecrh, Misbel Fossa explains povhea in folowing ters \When you acep te pares ame in wich your own ie sexs you tre aking up aspect aon fo oul: yu ik eth Yel the [sca of epost tne sscuty of Kio where the eth gos unspoken (ovens 20019) So, when he thee pics her if ari by ling he uth his ise reat, {ial dcion abot how abe wl Hive he ie. For er, lace repeats a Kin Sf ving eaten speaking the tah tacomes the oly way To ve, he ony Ii Sort ving dept the ravers “The nner of sch spear psd the Grsts tremendously Siglo the Geek contes th one who spoke wih parhele wes Soe undersoed b the th Dat, the Gres asked, na pou parherite, and how a ‘Pet As Pouca omar, the anc is to asso someone's specch att Uoctofporhera snd eer se rth: cern conto must bo mt They the flowing wo bogin with the inlivsl must Speak ow sacl smation ta ‘acs hn ts danger eat ak Beate here san smbalance of power brwcen th [peaker aud hie audience. Specifically, ho oo who spaks enjoys take ke [ower or ean tun tose who eee tt speck aod moreover, he ance do ‘ot wast o hear wat be ue t vay because he speech conn dep esis o ‘he of he cat oer of things for which thse sn power ae somchoe ‘Sepa forces those in power o secur for thew therefore takes ‘ruage ose oe ard yt despite rik he pk el eta nevertele {Suk To bet to hirwalf and t thou Moss Ies be wll ep o improve, b a ‘P.003/008° 08538 AUG-16-2018 The body offee peck ck and the rhetorical rte of parhesia ‘ano: do eerie: e experienc his cal 9 ak solemn dy as an etiest injunction This ta he kaows and exerenn th cersiny bese athe kos, sit he elves, and whet be els coincie pero, at Gaugh tome pee of rental evidence, bit edna it were, i Bodh Ie eee aot isin {find bly meso in seer doe a fe spc but permaps cpr ithe wrong wed he, beats te spec el soy, andthe body waged the srg The dstacion bsween the Body snd the sont of one's spre ued ere i ot ilaatve snd rio umpc deve fom Detseys Fie Spe ‘Movement inthe rule: 190s Doser 196, he mai aro Sai ad hes pekig to mdr upon hance of fellow pesca sae! potest whe ‘ery bods te fit becoming lastest of soci, ora, ad lea! change esas ober ‘There comes tine when the openton ofthe machine bones 30 odious, makes you sk at er, tat you can ake pare, you cat ove pasy take ‘stand you've goto pet your bees upen he gna up ie wel poo Ate apa, ad you ve goo mae top (used Sapp 200431), Svo's specs is aden! 1 2 yon" =o 8 scl ubetvsy who canot bt be Implied ~ a socal body anda subjevily im which thre i Hil oo for a stonomoss agency ona profnd ese tea, her ont who ks tapas or ashe thee i 0 hac ely be apr fy ody aad ty lnguge whee ir my apes and my actos = tle th, roipoely. thir owm way, alo bear my by and my langue, or Bet me. Remartbly, is langage ad ise bodes, his sicko at ent, th imponbilty of remang Ds, abd he whole tential soe, come logue at's ange ad propos "ement “what yeores eall a omeat of Eaor. Swept op this mont, om ‘diary woidvew s suspended nod thereto sat tf a the codons ‘erreasea and juste nd tt In et wor te sos andthe stato cei sich ‘wn ao erste new em fron untabing Thi the kn of kan hal ‘tad apron of paves, Parva spec svt ta ee 2 sply spel {om cuside or indent ath fret Fuca amid tht or the Grek, sly, the bude of "poo? rte ‘rsene Yor somthing be et i ot ely on any of our recognizably made aad emp erent, So, Sut enmonpice ides of «siete or independent ad Tepesale st or ith, i, Foacoltstys «uniquely moder invention fa began oughly wth Desc “Tra Is is own hry. Te Gees had osu agement, di ot aon ft ‘The boy offre pee: kan the rhetoric prac of peso Foust rena, somewhat plea, that pares nh Grek sen, 420 lenge oceur nour moder psemologalfamewouk (1) his uve? aks se ‘Nerds itstead a a ort of Pouca allege fo sae pari nome [Fspeceh nd slr of ie that break ot ffm under the han hand of nda ‘pistemolgy. This wil equa crn opemess 0 lngupe, «fetoreal opens Indeed, to ee parhesa for wht is Wil Toque & momesarysupeason of inestable wil knowles So, when 1 spsk about mys and sout what nen oe stot nthe wr ‘inne ale at | go aot be ord ts an aogier nds nd wh fran contol of bis body and acl ef he Engage Ten mat ¢woly ‘aaa, auaemous, oc Sov agent” cannet deploy my body or my ngage Saghforwardly a6 in he sevice af sone Inowledge or oer nes, 8 ‘Merea-Ponty’s works sacred," amar nach eng up nan hy ta thy oe ‘my lie tey open me nto ich wordt uta sry che wy. sense, 1am to Speak about ysl, Tmt yt ly bare tone oes ible ways tar the wor my tnguge, and’ my ouy ally bold me What xe my ‘mecaminedthorical commen, Yor exempc, or what sent dcones and ‘ctx cea 1 he production of knee sin ct? Merstve, wht {scours and pacts oelone te posit of ean Knowle ad ies? Tus manner of erdgue amines the efor of languages wt 1 weld el ie ‘hetreal dimensions at sas undying snd ein Sonos in Inga {at deerine how something wil appear or ow til pear, hw i wil be ed te file, good or ply, ands on. By petosing sah s ei, be hope 1 ‘era diferent ew aos opening that wil eter new form of eal al pie ctv In shor, I hape posts ac Crean sake! wo works een ew sles for eben. eho sealer to formate now tm y wal se wil {dersod henelf snd eri | would the oof 2 reed example 1 bud my cae fra kind of pore ageney tha dows til tack on aon plop! nda ofthe sles ‘zona! epistoloical spel. Some might readin teat of pahesla a Kind of Speech fats netig more than cnfension Homer {a ang Ot presi ‘moral an tht confession Femais toed aden jet and ‘dina estennogcal Bamevavk. Foul font renart in The Ht of ‘cml tht "Wesem man har become a config tena” (197859), Tee Foucault argues dat in the West sce the Mile Ages confession bee bees 8 priegel techclogy for prodicng what we take se tuth= a cicive tath Frouced dough « conftusoal medi “Confeion hat become seized ‘P.006/008° 08538 AUG-16-2018 The body offre spschrik and he rhetorical practice of purhesia Sometimes mor, someties es - ands prasve. Thi enologyof confession and {rela ota nd power x praia fr ha nace il vee no lngr sce confession a teins nr doe nee oarves a sects Froduced by i lnea, brste it har some “nlzn’ confession sally Slows st opete under be isin ht we conf ely, 8 aslonomens, nal {aces in sb, 1 bors gp te ton that tbe speaker or" dena ‘hicropticalsbject who in contol of hs tod and his ngage. To out hi, Foucaul wots show tat confesion is xtc By a soc plcl nancton pak cotton proc by existing noma, sad sven belt fn power fam ‘ej se wb ean“ Ut mg nu sues be ‘ing mn pees asa speech civ In be, hse Deceae conesion ener utiontaly 1 sore up exlngimadee oft podacton whee poesia Fak creating ne eae ania the proces, ew Wut a bw Sl ee social eben. Cone South Ais’ Tah and Recocistion Commision (TRC) a2 ecology ‘of confsin.Athogh may take get courge 0 speak ato the ous ee Comite oder Apri would lala that ths scones ster than Doors sve stil. The stan fe compelled by a0 atonty who ‘nwt with the power to forgive, to pry, nd Yo redeem he speaker, te Speaker speaks pricy oa be forgiven, a spats commisy Ts share ot is ines and hs confi biden. The TRC oper as kind of sec CCrsianiy. Wits parka, co te cir band tre i sch promise of fovgivenss. Parkans is sc socaly-emesoned, but que the contary = the ‘pare peaks, bor seach nt gave i ad he ible ob eed, "fed, detese sometnes expelled fom the fran come, rimialiad and Futtlogiad abe rks eing soi of ec dig et aa sed alata ihced 10 bue Ie whose bul rape snd turer can be a mater of sci {ercce Who seis ard wt she ha toy her ue nr ale’ tly Speaking, bu fils ouside he sunciond eens tht ele soil light nd ‘rut. Tae parbesuaes speaks in oer o mate somthing te an el 0 have some msi effet in the wrk. One ight ik er of Neon Mandela's work it ‘ey yer of Apa efoe te TRC was xb, More conor ti, jetaposed with te confession spose scvity of South ‘Affin's TRC sands a teiying since, an absoce af ey speech, sounding at ‘uunty’s AIDS epidems. The same cafes ecology doe ot ply he ‘se. Whites cies under Apartheid ae eat at pube at comma AIDS hat come private dese deeply stigmatized, Staiotes abt he pres fie dese The boy offre poh: ik and the retrcl proce of pares re bighly conjectural and uf, More cat to esalh, ae the acl and ‘Shs browns of tone infected at we ean be ata hal ch higher ates of {atc re oe foun i poorer, and lst ick, emameniss (Post 2003; co tho Pose! 1997) fr 201, the mumber of HIV-petive peopl i Sout Aen was ‘Si a betwee aod Sl ot of popeltion of sproxnatly 4 lion ‘Soe 17 pono are feted Th number expeed to aay doable by 2010. ‘Dept ths da, AIDS ls mated by a temenour sence: dah ceric ois ‘ead “death by nual cases safer Have bon ose os was mde by ‘Srinzrysnod. Wi te noble excopon of Neos Mandl wh i ansary 2008 ‘Sted tat ts son, Magu Nn hu ed wf AIDS, no ANC fl ‘hve adie olving wth he re orth AIDS. At Dor sel remus "To ‘mt being HIV postive let lean ADS wre =, esomes an st of pie ‘eon (203). Th, he Eh of Hvng wth HIV/AIDS in South Asc cannot be ‘poten, share, or nero though confessional ecology T speak oat in is ‘Stet would at be a onfesion, I would re abate parc; Tone el ‘Simple o speak out pully, wl be with an aging ance sarong ‘ov subject poston and he proor fec of one's pcs “The ‘privates nner speech ‘Hee 1 weald ike to fous very losly on tbe agony of this non-Catesan ste of eis end in pres, the langage f itself Rec what Fost sys about porters “Wea you acopt the pbs gime in wich your own Ue xroed, you are ing op # pete rlaonship to yousel™ (O01: 17). So is nuns game) of para dos oust vole speaking ot pubic under all fhe condone I mentoncd, bt it ivates tbe speaker's vn soominglypivate ‘lsionsip Yo hers the vention between the self and he sof There, is ‘snes (rg) bt do wih evry terme oe ngage tin wich the olf ‘oles to el In on ese, wen speak my moon away ysl my eiion ‘ myzsif in commanive retort tikes place a a Kind spec acy tht ‘faifs i sre instances parrhasa. This spec sty aie in ty eft to Sve a ie for myself, pecially When I am faud with souing ad eu ‘Eso wen ain the, Topeak mei even tough might be ee at Teo ot ‘nat to hea Wht Ihave to 5-1 would call dus ner spo Inet ‘es ofthis str I i,t hat ine wie’ it me cosnaly {Bl te vice of comets fa arguing tht luc speech i more acl sl ‘woud sre that i aner speech one ey founders at Foucault ans TInt wrk on cy whan he characters the sel-seif relation the tics 6s 0 00 O_o ‘P.006/008 08538 AUG-16-2018 ‘The by offoe speck: Fisk an the rhea rate of parhesia ‘son par excellence (Fowl 205), Hare, eis is of invoked asthe ‘are fhe lf The ering self rlaton i masked y's sain agony preciely caus it ete ctl of my cial I: agua thsi not that ie oie of Contec hat parr recived cstnloge of mor vires Tsui oti =" Soul dota..." a0 bere wear sugeling with cis, rer an wit mo fox = we sessing on th ery terme of or aon sath very em of cer pn sleaertading Wii = tee tems arent aya of ay 1s gn of mao, ls speang 9 mypely is imer ape Ovo te ienimpton ofr modem cpisemelageal framework, gute pei, yer Descrs woald have as believe ht his‘ wntany, tht clei prey wit fect and therefore to” Api hit modern mode of etary ean read af Soren, whose ner ie was ie yor Plt’ and Sec’ Work pays ‘rb ta Kn of tpi self and slings nd more eset work ease Sun we Soe sea of “ner specc” sarang, for Frou t Fooeul, 20 in (her, mow rece ia Adena Cave (OD) and Dee Rly (1985; 2000, 2008, cwo fermstpllesophes who ae each concer wi thet by which the ‘elves ilo uel, and ites iif eee ough various modes o ess ‘And yet reas te ht we we umnecesed etn nese ems o 1 ake Sess tesa that the se dscous wit sf and tha is shold beast ‘fscblaly iavegaton rac than he Gncern os gpd peat. What st of mulation cat ths imer speech be? Ie coaity does ot aes Yo Ucar Saratne mode of communion we sem more comforable wil he care of eed er han wih te highly acoustic sce finer speech. We re mde Sorous © speak of er ane speech ot a plyroclty that artes ata Kad of ‘omen, replete with inner ators pore 0 ignore, end ot clo Jecalaabe, Wed mer spe Leanot sop up my eas, and I cama ew mys ‘he bei ot one, ki ae autance, rot # sable be of Enowiedge sed dei ver tales pice samewhere between Be who speaks and be Wh Is ‘poten, freer segotitng thi apace. Tat Space between fe ws HEMY Seagenive metaphor fr aubjeciviy Jadih Buter’seceot werk is extremely importa in thi regan, Bue negates the lis of he soil norm by vie of mich the self wil be recognisable ot aay aed a eee claw al ant ml ne ay ‘The body affee peck: tk an th rhetorical practic of pares Ineligible. How, heal, can 1 ve a eableaccont of mys when the very ‘Wo speaks rein nprt ner unable mate he ey scour “inno mich tale to appear In hxc, anole mos heist when Teicha wi am compors me oate m,n x eovention ca nom hat ‘oct mke in hich Yemen dace nel ar anata aget of isan” {Barer 2001; 2) 1 ages with Ber a his can be a proce her than 2 flying, moment of self matin. And when speak, | must be wing 0 inowcige the Lis of scoowiadgment self” (28) Fest fice wid he Ober nim home,‘ are you fam sled ove scott of mseif ina manera ‘ann fourteen sone arc pion one ta ‘Sn aly comple, exposd, vulnerable, and uncertn. In my tems, iad ‘Myself in he pe errcon be who peaks be who aay aed be wh spoke id taken ep adased, by the Ot. Tis, ster camot be collapsed my ‘Ryo, ew, precy arabe” (25-26), vena rena the vey ‘tution ony adds “Tas” canoe tl he tory of is own emergence, ad the ‘hnlitns of te own pouty she contin, "wou in some seme Doing Sree fo se of iret which ne eau ot have bee preset pie ce ive Becoming aod so mig tht wich one carat kxow" 20. My elation tuo, be, att wochow a 4 feimony ioe Uaown, 1 3 own Shc, ad ora he ver rel ak ef are, of alist = aration tho wale and wakfines {find myself AL the sae time dept hs fla, Uicstd that am axonal for ny arstve account) am eponsibl for da Sones Tell and to the ways m whkh they will cic and even re-icu iy. {hep wth th sory of FnayAnn By eons se se # hans feo he lene of arg cut Rey, ning fe fH led i oe [rnc pono's swe oc fr elf nay whoo scl opt ‘Eom ie vl td a's de sorace Fam Ass's uaa ay, oa tet hens el iwc oy har sy bo. Wie we kw hey ‘Erscwer saeco so at prin Genoa of bbe However srl mmae nhs done can neon aay om abs wo {i esol me snd ecient! od @) tcalegy neural angie sn! able og tee We Sil ck we pos cy nt ads mac iis ca on the a | [SE sb mens Neder) ar) nop as Fie i ted mi rc" ny id gor ‘Sample arta span opin cr hare Seely mul en bot ts ly sng oo a ate a of o ‘P.006/008° 08538 AUG-16-2018 ‘The body offre speck: sk andthe retrial ratio parhesia the ethical reaton 1 avay ere arene ring owas wht might count "Toga or "det, when neider of tee wil be sedinntal nto fat compl ‘Therese of couse more literary examples of sch stugls, when we rad and when Iiertare speak’ tek nay even be rt sy tht fc nw, ‘Maths ple, kind fine speech th nave = an aretving strogle to nd are ahion the langage within which the sel wil give tel to ‘ele de crcl ofits thi becoming. Paul Ricoeur characte teary space ws “Sait abortory fr oes exprinei” (1992 148) a he dos ot Beat 9 Space novel an ne pce oso asl oposite more poe ‘onde of Mishel Ondaatje, "A novel ina ior waling down 20a (1993" 91) ‘The pabicplvate' the berary Tum now © Tost Moan’s Reload a terry example of prea, This ove ‘Sconpeig on many reat, bat am interest the wa at Mion sees ‘heel elton fal nd how tht sf srl namasisy to eine he ee in ad by whch wil be spoen- wba we might ell Kind of parasite ovel's {Taos Forthe character Sethe, «fed hv boi ‘cling el Freing oursel wns ove tig, Moon writes, bu "lainng owners of tht eed Self ‘to ante” (988: 95). Freosm more en + wor here Ad for Sethe he ems ‘Tsuch ownership are not edy-hand hse es ube iene a 50 may ‘oS woven i he abe ote trative ell sched ee quit of ay ‘ooue =a pchwork = tnt becomes a rcarent metpoor in Morn’ tx Cor fr tere the sly sce te Clearing, whee Baby Suga cl be ‘onmmnity of fed sloes, gern the ogi, ad Teng tem on 8 Journey ef Seltposeas ‘The boy offre peeh: risk. he rhetorical pace of pares. [Not 2 mh n word then, dos Baby Suns “snot ia words, and ot by any Sehookeacber’s ope, bat tet of slFoscskn ae in the es Song. dance, ‘weeping in prayer nde wl ot sufi, ost er nda words Sime Kind sro ali as if meaning could be wrested fom ten in sch ‘ns oe, Mosinee ber ree th comfort of ht positon, br words eng {och woloee. Intend, he words become fet, and she ofes ws ¢ nominee ‘mrt ands Sid wd hiftng maratve vot te potion ot maton = ‘tte weaucr = canotcomforably be sce, so tat there a ial eres ‘eeweon she who speaks sd ake who insole ‘This vial ference ope fc td intrnounisbe sce of bit ba

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