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የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር

አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ


First Year No. 3

አንደኛ ዓመት ቁጥር ፫ በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ Addis Ababa 17th July 2008
አዲስ አበባ ሀምሌ ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ምክር ቤት ጠባቂነት የወጣ
የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር የዳግማዊ ምኒሊክ ADDIS ABABA CITY GOVERNMENT MENELIK
ደንብ……….ገጽ ፳፪ REGULATION……….page 22


ደንብ ቁጥር ፫/፪ሺ
የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር የዳግማዊ ምኒሊክ ESTABLISHEMENT OF THE ADDIS ABABA
የጤና ሳይንስ ኮሌጅ ማቋቋሚያ ደንብ

¾›Ç=e ›uv Ÿ}T ›e}ÇÅ` uÖ?“ u=a WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish academic and
KT>ÁŸ“¨’¨< ›ÑMÓKAƒ vKS<Á­‹” uTõ^ƒ training institution to train professionals who assist the
ÉÒõ ¾T>ÁÅ`Ó ¾ƒUI`ƒ“ YMÖ“ }sU service of the health sector in Addis Ababa City
TssU uTeðKÑ<፤ Government;
¾›Ç=e ›uv Ÿ}T ›e}ÇÅ` S”Óeታ© ¾Ÿõ}— WHEREAS the Addis Ababa City government has
ƒUI`ƒ }sU TssU •እ”ÅT>‹M uôÅ^K< power to establish higher education institution as
S”Óeƒ ¾Ÿõ}— ƒUI`ƒ }sTƒ ›ªÏ lØ` provided under Federal Government Higher Education
፫፻፶፩/፲፱፻፺፭ ›”kê ፰/፪/ እ“ ›”kê ፪/፱/ Institution Establishment Proclamation No 351/2003

¾}Å’ÑÑ uSJ’<፤ Article 8(2) and Article 2(9);

¾›Ç=e ›uv Ÿ}T ›e}ÅÅ` "u=’@ u}hhK¨< NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 23(1)

‰`}` ›ªÏ lØ` ፫፻፷፩/፲፱፻፺፭ አንቀጽ ፳፫/፩ (f) of the Addis Ababa City Government Revised

(ረ) እ“ u}hhK¨< ¾›Ç=e ›uv Ÿ}T ›eðíT> እ“ Charter Proclamation N0 361/2003, as well as Article 78

¾T²ÒÍ u?ƒ ›ÑMÓKAƒ TssT>Á ›ªÏ lØ` of the Addis Ababa City Government Executive and

፬/፪ሺ ›”kê ፸፰ SW[ƒ ÃI”” Å”w ›¨<Ø…M:: Municipal Service Organs Establishment Proclamation
No 4/2008, the Addis Ababa City Cabinet issued this
Regulation as follows.
ያንዱ ዋጋ… አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ፖ.ሣ.ቁ ፳፬፻፵፭
Unit price… Addis Negari Gazeta P.O.Box 2445
አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ቁጥር ፫ ሀምሌ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም. Addis Negari Gazeta –No.3 17th July 2008 Page



? . ›ß` `°e
1. Short Title
ÃI Å”w “¾›Ç=e ›uv Ÿ}T ›e}ÇÅ` ¾ÇÓT©
U’>K=¡ Ö?“ dÔe ¢K?Ï TssT>Á Å”w lØ` This Regulation may be cited as the “Addis Ababa City

፫/፪ሺ ¯.U” }wKA K=Öke ËLM:: Government Menelik II Health Science College
Establishment Regulation No. 3/2008”.
?. ƒ`ÕT@
u²=I Å”w ¨<eØ:- 2. Definitions

፩. “›e}ÇÅ`” TKƒ ¾›Ç=e ›uv Ÿ}T In this Regulation:

›e}ÇÅ` ’¨<፤ 1. “Government” mean the Addis Ababa City
፪. “"u=’@” TKƒ ¾›Ç=e ›uv Ÿ}T ›e}ÇÅ` Government;
2. “Cabinet” shall means the cabinet of Addis
"u=’@ ’¨፤
Ababa City Government;
፫. “u=a” TKƒ ¾›Ç=e ›uv Ÿ}T ›e}ÇÅ` Ö?“
3. “Bureau” means the Addis Ababa City
u=a ’¨<፤
Government Health Bureau;
፬. “¢K?Ï” TKƒ u²=I Å”w ¾}ssS¨<
4. “College” means the Addis Ababa City
¾ÇÓT© U’>K=¡ Ö?“ XÔe ¢K?Ï ’¨<፤ Government Menelik II Health Science College
፭. “x`É” TKƒ u›e}ÇÅ\ ¾T>ssU ¢K?Ì” established by this Regulation;

uuLÃ’ƒ ¾T>S^ ›"M ’¨<፤ 5. “Board” means an organ established by the City
government to direct the College;
፮. “¾›"ÇT>¡“ YMÖ“ W^}—” TKƒ
6. “Academic and Training Staff” means an
uTe}T`“ uTcMÖ” ¨ÃU uU`U`
employee of the college engaged in the teaching,
}Óv` LÃ ¾}cT^ ¾¢K?Ì W^}— ’¨<፤
and training or research activity;
፯. “¾›e}ÇÅ` W^}—” TKƒ ¾›"ÇT>¡“
7. “Administrative Staff” means an employee of
YMÖ“ W^}— ÁMJ’ ¾¢K?Ì W^}— ’¨<፤ the college who is not an academic and training
፰. “Y`¯}-ƒUI`ƒ” TKƒ uM¿ M¿ ¾Ö?“ staff;
S<Á Se¢‹ uSÅu— ¾ƒUI`ƒ ›W×Ø 8. “Curriculum” means a design of education
eMƒ u}WÖ¨< ¾Ñ>²? `´T’@­‹ ¾pÉS- given in formal and systematic education in
Y^ YMÖ“ J•' uS`G-Ów` ¾T>cØ“ different fields of health profession with a
Ç=ýKAT ¾T>Áeј ƒUI`ƒ ¨ÃU YMÖ“ certain time limit offered in programme; so as to
’¨<፤ obtain a diploma in free service;
፱. “YMÖ“” TKƒ ›Ýß` S"ŸK—“ [ÏU 9. “Training” means short, medium, and long-
¾S<Á ThhÁ YMÖ“­‹” ’¨<፤ term professional capacity building training;
፳፬ 24
ገጽ አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ቁጥር ፫ ሀምሌ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም. Addis Negari Gazeta –No.3 17th July 2008 Page

፲. “›"ÇT>¡ ¢T>i”” TKƒ ¾¢K?Ì ª““ U¡ 10. “Academic Commission” means an organ
established by the college consisting of the dean
ƒM Ç=•‹' ¾Ç=þ`ƒS”„‹“ ¾ê/u?ƒ GLò
and deputy deans, heads of department and
­‹'¾SUI^” }¨"Ä‹” Ákð u¢K?Ì offices, representatives of the academic staff ,
¾T>ssU' }Ö]’~ KÇ=’< ¾J’ ŸƒUI`ƒ“ which is accountable to the dean, and carries
eMÖ“ Ò` u}ÁÁ² u›"ÇT>’¡“ M¿ M¿ out counseling and facilitation activities on
academic and different matters in connection
Ñ<ÇÄ‹ ¾TTŸ`“ ¾TS‰†ƒ }Óv^ƒ”
with education and training.
¾T>ÁŸ“¨<” ›"M ’¨<::
¡õM G<Kƒ
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? OBJECTIVE, POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF
3. Establishment
? . SssU
1. The Addis Ababa City Government Menelik II
፩.¾›Ç=e ›uv Ÿ}T ›e}ÇÅ` ¾ÇÓT© U’>K=¡
Health Science College /hereinafter referred to as the
¾Ö?“ dÔe ¢K?Ï Ÿ²=I u%EL “¢K?Ï” }wKA
“College” is hereby established by this regulation as
¾T>Ö^ ^c<” ¾‰K QÒ© c¨<’ƒ ÁK¨<
the health sector higher education institution of the
¾›e}ÇÅ\ ¾Ö?“ c?¡}` Ÿõ}— ¾ƒUI`ƒ
City Government with a distinct legal personality.
}sU uSJ” u²=I Å”w }slTEM::
፪. ¾¢K?Ì }Ö]’ƒ Ku=a¨< ÃJ“M:: 2. The College shall be accountable to the Bureau.

?. ¯LT-‹
4. Objectives
¢K?Ì ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ ¯LT­‹ Õ\ታM:- The College shall have the following objectives:
፩. uÖ?“¨< Se¡ ƒUI`ƒ“ YMÖ“ ¾SeÖ 1. Providing education and training, conducting
ƒ'U`U` ¾T"H@É' ›ß` S"ŸK—“ [Ï research, coordinating and assisting short,
U YMÖ“­‹” TÑ´“ ¾Te}vu`፤ medium and long term trainings of the heath
፪. uÖ?“ ›ÑMÓK~ ¨<eØ LK< vKS<Á-‹ ¾S< profession;
Á ThhÁ ƒUI`ƒ SeÖƒ፤ 2. Providing training for health professionals to
፫. uu=a¨< pÉ LÃ }S`Ÿ<µ ¾}KÁ¿ ¾Ö?“

improve their professional skill;
S<Á ²`ö‹ LÃ ¾T>cT\ S"ŸK— ¾Ö?“ 3. Training and graduating medium level health
vKS<Á-‹” TcMÖ”“ TeS[p፤ professionals for different branches of the health

፬. K›c}ÇÅ\ ƒUI`ƒ“ YMÖ“ }sTƒ' sector depending on the plan of the Bureau;

KƒUI`ƒ u?„‹“ K?KA‹ ›"Lƒ ¾Iw[ 4. Provide counseling service concerning the
}cw Ö?“” u}SKŸ} ¾U¡` ›ÑMÓKAƒ health of the community for educational and
SeÖƒ፤ training sectors, schools and other institutions of

፭. u›ÖnLà ¾Ö?“ c?¡}\” ›pU KSÑ”vƒ the City Government;

¾T>Å[Ñ< Ø[„‹” TÑ´“ Te}vu`:: 5. Support and coordinate activities in building the
capacity of the health sector generally.
፳፭ 25
ገጽ አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ቁጥር ፫ ሀምሌ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም. Addis Negari Gazeta –No.3 17th July 2008 Page

? . ›Å[Í˃ 5. Organization

፩. ¾¢K?Ì ›S^` ¾T>Ÿ}K¨< ›Å[Í˃ 1. The College’s management shall have the following
Õ[ªM:- organizational structure:
G. ›S^` x`É’' a. Management board‚
K. Ç=”' b. Dean‚
N. G<Kƒ U¡ƒM Ç=•‹' c. Two deputy Deans‚
S. ›"ÇT>¡ ¢T>i”' d. An academic commission‚
W. ¢K?Ì u¾›"ÇT>¡ ²`õ ¾ƒUI`ƒ“ e. The college shall have different departments which
eMÖ“ Y^ ¾T>Áe}vw\ Ç=þ`ƒ S” „‹ co-ordinate educational and training works in each
Õ\ታM:: academic sector.

፪. KY^¨< ¾T>ÁeðMÑ< ¾‚¡’>¡' ¾ÉÒõ cÜ“ 2. The College shall have technical, supportive and
¾›e}ÇÅ` ¡õKA‹ Õ\ታM:: administrative section necessary for its function.

?. ¾¢K?Ì YM×”“ }Óv` 6. Power and Function of the College

¢K?Ì uŸõ}— ƒUI`ƒ }sTƒ TssT>Á ›ªÏ
The College shall have the following powers and
lØ` ፫፻፶፩/፲፱፻፺፭ Ÿ}SKŸ}¨< YM×”“ }Óv`
functions in addition to power and function stated under
u}ÚT] ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ YM×”“ }Óv^ƒ
the higher Education Proclamation No. 351/2003:
1. Devising and implementing, in the area of health,
? . uŸ}T¨< uÖ?“ Se¡ ¾ƒUI`ƒ“ YMÖ“
¾U`U`“ ¾U¡` ›ÑMÓKAƒ S`H Ówa‹”
education and training, research and consultancy

ÃkÃdM' Y^ Là Á¨<LM፤ services in the City;

?. uƒUI`ƒ T>’>e‚` uT>¨×¨< ¾Ÿõ}— ¾ƒ 2. Admit students who are residents of Addis Ababa in
UI`ƒ SÓu=Á ’Øw SW[ƒ ¾›e}ÇÅ\ ’ª] accordance with the higher education entrance
¾J’< }T]­‹” ÃkuLM:: እ”Ç=G<U uu=a¨< criteria set by the Ministry of Education. It may
uT>cÖ¨< ›S^` SW[ƒ uK?KA‹ ¾GÑ]~ admit applicants who are residents of other parts of
¡õKA‹ ’ª] ¾J’< ›SM"Œ‹” K=kuM ËLM፤ the country in line with the guideline given to it by
the Bureau;
? . KƒUI`ƒ“ YMÖ“¨< }S×ט ¾J’ ¾Ue¡` 3. Award qualification certificate equivalent to the
¨[kƒ እ”Ç=G<U KŸõ}— ¨<Ö?ƒ“ ›e}ªê* education and training offered as well as medals,
¾T>Ñv ›"ÇT>¡ T@ÇK=Á ¾iMTƒ T°[Ó Ãc
prizes and title for higher achievements and
meritorious contributions;
?. ¾ƒUI`ƒ'¾Ø“ƒ“ ¾U`U` ¡õKA‹” Ás
4. Organize academic, and research departments,
? . uGÑ` ¨<eØ“ u¨<ß GÑa‹ "K< }SXXà 5. Establish relations with counterpart domestic and
¯LT "L†¨< }sTƒ Ò` Ó”–<’ƒ ÃSW foreign institutions having similar objectives;
`ታM፤ 6. Publish and distribute academic and training
፮. ¾Q¡U““ ¾Ö?“ ƒUI`ƒ“ YMÖ“ SêN? research findings of medical and health issues using
„‹”“ Ò²?Ù‹” ÁXƒTM' Ác^ÝM፤ academic journal and gazettes;
አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ቁጥር ፫ ሀምሌ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም. Addis Negari Gazeta –No.3 17th July 2008 Page 26

፯. KT>cÖ¨< S<Á© ›ÑMÓKAƒ }Ñu=¨<” ªÒ 7. Collect appropriate charges in return for the
ÁeŸõLM፤ professional services it render;

፰. M¿ M¿ eM„‹” uSk¾e ¾^c<” ¾¨<eØ Ñu= 8. Devise various mechanisms to develop its own internal
ÁÇw^M' እ”Ų=G<U እ’²=I” Ñu=­‹ uŸ} income, and utilize such income in accordance with the

T¨< ›e}ÇÅ` óÓ”e IÓ SW[ƒ KƒUI finance law of the City Government by notifying to the

`ƒ“ YMÖ“ Ø^ƒ uT>ÖpU SMŸ< ¾Ÿ} City Finance and Economic Development Bureau and on

T¨<” óÓ”e“ ›=¢•T> MTƒ u=a uTd¨p ratification of the board thereto;

እ”Ç=G<U ux`Æ uTeìÅp SÖkU ËLM፤

፱. ¾”w[ƒ vKu?ƒ ÃJ“M'Áe}ÇÉ^M'¨<MÃ 9. Own and administer property, conclude contract, sue

ªªLM' ueS< ßdM ¨ÃU ßcdM፤ and be sued in its own name;
10. Submit to the board quarterly and yearly reports on the
? . ¾}Óv` ›ðíìS<”“ ¾u˃ ›ÖnkS<” ¾¾\
performance of its activities and budget utilization;
w“ ¯Sታ© ]þ`ƒ Kx`Æ Ák`vM፤
፲፩. ¾}Óv` Y^ MUUÉ ýaÓ^V‹” ÃS^M'Á 11. Lead and co-ordinate apparent ship programs
፲፪. ¾›e}ÇÅ\” õLÑAƒ SW[ƒ ÁÅ[Ñ<“ uÖ?“¨< 12. Prepare and conduct seminars, short term trainings,
Se¡ Là Á}¢\ c?T>“a‹”' ›Ýß` YMÖ researches and symposium focusing on the health
“­‹”' ›¨Å Ø“„‹”“ c=Uþ²=¾V‹” Á²Ò sector in accordance with the need of the City
ÍM'Á"H@ÇM፤ Government ;
፲፫. ¯LT¨<” ¾T>ÁÇw\“ ¾T>Á^UÆ K?KA‹ 13. Carry out other related activities that enhance and
}³TÏ }Óva‹” ÁŸ“¨<“M:: promote its objectives.



፯. ¾u=a¨< eM×”“ }Óv` 7. Power and Function of the Bureau

The Bureau shall have the following powers and

u=a¨< ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ eM×”“ }Óv^ƒ Õ\ታM፡-
፩. ›ÖnLÃ ¾¢K?Ì” እ”penc?­‹ uuLÃ’ƒ Ã
1. Direct and follow up the general activities of the
S^M ßታ}LM፤
፪. ¢K?Ì Lkdž¨< YM„‹ ›eðLÑ>¨<” u˃“
2. Submit to the Finance and Economic
K?KA‹ እѳ­‹ እ”Ç=Å[Ñ<Kƒ KóÓ”e“ ›=¢ Development Bureau and other organizations the
•T> MTƒ u=a“ KK?KA‹ ›"Lƒ Ák`vM' necessary budget and other assistance request
ßታ}LM፤ of plans of the College;
አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ቁጥር ፫ ሀምሌ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም. Addis Negari Gazeta –No.3 17th July 2008 Page

፫. ux`Æ“ u¢K?Ì ›S^` S"ŸM ¾Öuk ¾Y^ 3. Facilitate and support condition for strong work
Ó”–<’ƒ እ”Ç=ðÖ` ÁS‰‰M' ÁÓ³M፤ relationship between the Board and the College;

፬. u²=I Å”w SW[ƒ Ÿ¢K?Ï ¾T>k`u<Kƒ” ¯S 4. Evaluate the yearly and quarterly reports and

ታ©“ ¾\w ¯Sƒ ]þ`„‹“ ¾Y^ ¡”¨<•‹ performances of the College submitted to it in

Ÿ°pÉ ›”í` ÃÑSÓTM:: ›eðLÑ>¨<” ¾‚¡ accordance with this regulation based on plan of

’>¡ ¨<X’@­‹ Ãc×M፤ the College. It shall decide on technical matters;

፭. S”Óeƒ Á¨×†¨<” IÑA‹'Å”x‹“ SS]Á 5. Follow up the implementation of laws, regulations

­‹ SŸu^†¨<” ßታ}LM::እ”Ç=G<U K?KA‹ and directives, examine other matters and pass

Ñ<ÇÄ‹” S`Ua ¾¢K?Ì” ›"ÇT>¡ ’í’ƒ decisions without affecting autonomy of the

uTÃÒó G<’@ታ ¨<X’@ Áe}LMóM:: College.

፰. ¾x`É ›SW^[ƒ 8. Formation of the Board

፩. ¢K?Ì uŸ}T¨< ›e}ÇÅ` ¾T>ssU cvƒ ›v 1. The College shall have a management board
Lƒ ÁK<ƒ Ÿ}KÁ¿ ›"Lƒ ¾}¨<×× ›”É ¾› Established by the City Government consisting of
S^` x`É Ã•[ªM፤ seven member, representing different organs;
፪. x`Æ }Ö]’~ Ku=a¨< ÃJ“M፤ 2. The board shall be accountable to the Bureau;
፫. x`Æ ´`´^†¨< Ÿ²=I uታ‹ ¾}SKŸ}¨< 3. The Board shall have the following members:

›vLƒ Õ\ታM:-
a. A person named by the Bureau …....Chair person,
G. uu=a¨< ¾T>c¾U........................ cwdu='
b. Head/representative of the human resource development
K. ¾u=a ¾c¨< ÃM MTƒ SU]Á ኃLò/
department ofthe Bureau………………….……… Member,
c. Head/ representative of the Finance Bureau of the
N. ¾›e}ÇÅ\ ¾óÓ”c“ ›=¢•T> MTƒ u=a
city Government………………..………. Member,
Lò/}¨"Ã ............................›vM'
S. u›Ç=e ›uv ¨<eØ ŸT>Ñ–<ƒ Ÿõ}— ¾ƒUI d. One member named by the Bureau among deans

`ƒ }sTƒ Ç=•‹ እ“ U¡ƒM Ç=•‹ S" and deputy deans of Higher Institutions in Addis
Abab…………………………………... Member,
ŸM uu=a¨< ¾T>c¾U ›”É c¨<..........›vM'
W. ¾›e}ÇÅ\ ¾›pU Ó”vታ• u=a ኃLò/}¨"Ã e. Head/Representative of the Capacity Building
................................................................›vM' Bureau of the City Government……..… Member,
[. ¾¢K?Ì Y^ ›eŸ=ÁÏ.....................›vM' f. The manager of the College……..…….. Member,
c. ¾¢K?Ì Ç=”...........................›vM“ ìNò፤
g. Dean of the College……...Member and Secretary;

፬. ¾x`Æ ¾Y^ ²S” ›Ueƒ ¯Sƒ J• T”— 4. The term of the Board shall be five years. However;
¨<U ›vM Ÿ¢K?Ì Ç=” ue}k` KG<K}— Ñ>²? except the College Dean, any member of the Board
K=c¾U ËLM፤ J•U ŸG<Kƒ ²<` ¾Y^ ²S” may be redesignate for the second term;
አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ቁጥር ፫ ሀምሌ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም. Addis Negari Gazeta –No.3 17th July 2008 Page

፭. uÑAÅK< ¾x`É ›vLƒ Uƒ¡ ¢K?Ì“ u=a¨< 5. The College and the Bureau may request by the
uT>SKŸ}¨< ›"M uŸ<M እ”Ç=TEL ÃÖ concerned body to representing on the absentees of

ÃnK፤ the Board members.

፮. uÑAÅK< ¾x`É ›vLƒ Uƒ¡ ¢K?Ì“ u=a¨< 6. The College and the Bureau may, designate a board
member instead of an absentee board member.
}}Ÿ= ›Vm እ”Ç=S[Ø ÁÅ`ÒK<::
9. Power and Function of the Board
? . ¾x`Æ YM×”“ }Óv`
The Board shall have the following power and
x`Æ ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ YM×”“ }Óv^ƒ Õ\ታM:-

፩. ¢K?Ì” uuLÃ’ƒ ÃS^M' Áe}vw^M፤ 1. Direct and co-ordinate the College;

፪. ¾¢K?Ì” Ç=”“ U¡ƒM Ç=” S`Ù uŸ”+v¨< 2. Recommend the college’s Dean and deputy deans
ÁjTM፤ for appointment by the Mayor;
፫. S”Óeƒ Á¨×†¨<” þK=e­‹' QÑA‹“ Å”x‹” 3. follow up the proper utilization of the College’s
›Óvw’ƒ ÁL†¨< K?KA‹ QÑ<‹ }ðíT>’ƒ እ”Å properties and assets ,subject to the implementation
}Öuk J•' ¾¢K?Ì Gwƒ“ ”w[ƒ Y^ Là of policies,lawand regulation and other relevant laws
SªK<” ßታ}LM::eM× ’<” ›K›Óvw ¾}ÖkS issued by the government take simple disciplinary
¾¢K?Ì ¾Y^ ኃLò Á`TM Øó~ Ÿõ}—“ ¾}Å measure or dismiss the College’s official abusing his
ÒÑS SJ’< Ÿ}[ÒÑÖ Áe“wታM፤
power as the case maybe;

፬. u²=I Å”w ¾}Å’ÑѨ< እ”Å}Öuk J• ¾¢K?Ì” 4. Without prejudice to the provisions in this
›Å[Í˃' ¾›e}ÇÅ` ¾¨<eØ Å”x‹” እ“ S`N regulation, ratify and follow up the implementation
Ówa‹” ÁìÉnM }Óv^© SJ“†¨<” ßታ of the organ structure, internal administrative rules
}LM፤ and programs of the College;
፭. u¢K?Ì Ç=” ¾T>k`wKƒ” °pÉ'u˃ •እ“ ¾Y^ 5. Approve the annual plan budget and activity report
እ”penc? ]þ`ƒ u´`´` ›Ã„ ÁìÉnM፤ presented by the College dean in detail, notify its
Ku=a¨<“ KK?KA‹ KT>SKŸታ†¨< ›"Lƒ ¨<X decisions to the bureau, and other relevant bodies
’@­‹” እ”ÉÁ¨<lƒ ÁÅ`ÒM' ¾¨<d’@­‹” and follow up the implementation of its decisions;
}Óv^©’ƒ uuLÃ’ƒ ßታ}LM፤
፮. ¾S”ÓYƒ W^}™‹ QÓ SW[ታ© S`J 6. Approve directives regarding employment,
­‹” uS”}^e ¾¢K?Ì ›"ÇT>¡' ¾U`U`“ promotion, discipline, allowances, wage and other
eMÖ“ W^}™‹ pØ`' °Éу' Ç=e úK=”' benefits of the College employees on the basis of
›uM'U”Ç“ K?KA‹ ØpTØpV‹” ¾T>SK basic principles of the civil service law;
Ÿƒ SS]Á ÁìÉnM፤
7. Orders the head of the college to submit financial
፯. ›eðLÑ> uJ’ Ñ>²? ¾¢K?Ì ¾óÓ”e õታ H>X
statements of the College, whenever it is necessary;
w SÓKÝ­‹ Áek`vM፤
ገጽ ፳፱ አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ቁጥር ፫ ሀምሌ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም. Addis Negari Gazeta –No.3 17th July 2008 Page

8. Approves the strategic development plan of the

፰. ¾¢K?Ì” eƒ^‚Í=Á© ¾MTƒ እpÉ ÁìÉ
፱. ¾¢K?Ì ¯LT­‹ uY^ Là SªL†¨<” Á[ 9. Insures the implementation of the objectives of the
College and control that the College has carried out
ÒÓ×M'¢K?Ì u›Xታò’ƒ' uÓMê’ƒ“ }Ö
its activities on the basis of principles of
Ám’ƒ S`I LÃ }Se`„ }Óv\” TŸ“
participation, transparency and accountability;
¨’<” Ãq×Ö^M፤
፲ ÃI ¾¢K?Ì TssT>Á Å”w እ”Å ›eðLÑ>’~

10. Submit proposal as may be necessary to the cabinet

ŸŸ}T }Úvß G<’@ታ እ”Ç=hhM K"w’@¨<“ or other responsible organ for the amendment of this

KT>SKŸ}¨< ›"M ¾¨<X’@ Hdw Ák`vM፤ Regulation;

፲፩. ´`´\ u¢K?Ì ¾¨<eØ Å”w ¾T>¨c” J• 11. Evaluate and pass final administrative decision on
u¢K?Ì ¨ÃU u›”Æ ¡õK< u}cÖ ¨<X’@ grievances against the decision of the college or its
LÃ ¾T>k`w p_ታ” S`Ua ¾SÚ[h department. Particulars shall be determined by
›e}ÇÅ^© ¨<X’@ Ãc×M፤ internal Regulations of the College;

፲፪ ¢K?Ì Ÿ›Ñ` ¨<eØ እ“ Ÿ¨<ß GÑ` Ÿõ}— ¾ƒU 12. Ratify as may be necessary, agreements that the
I`ƒ }sTƒ Ò` ¾T>ÁÅ`Ò†¨<” ƒUI`ƒ ’¡ College concludes with local and foreign Higher
eUU’„‹ እ”Å›eðLÑ>’~ Áì ÉnM፤ Education institutes relating to education;

፲፫. ¾¢K?Ì” SKÁ UM¡ƒ ¨ÃU ›`T èe“M፤ 13. Determine the logo or emblem of the College;

፲፬. ¾^c<” ¾¨<eØ Å”w Á¨×M፤ 14. Issue its own internal Regulation ;

፲፭. ¾K?¡†[` •እ“ ŸK?¡†[` uLà ÁK T°[Ó 15. Approve a title of lecturer and above lecturer;
፲፮. ¢K?Ì ŸƒUI`ƒ Ò` u}ÁÁ² ¾T>ÁeŸõL† 16. Fix different payments relating to education charged by
the College;
¨<” M¿ M¿ ¡õÁ­‹ èe“M፤
፲፯. ¾¢K?Ì ¾ƒUI`ƒ'¾YMÖ““ ¾U`U` ýa 17. Ensures that education on training and research
programmes of the College are formulated and
Ó^U Ÿ›Ç=e ›uv Q´w ØpV‹ ›”í` S²Ò implemented in terms of the interests of the people
Ë~”“ u¯LT­‡ SW[ƒ Y^ LÃ SªK<” of Addis Ababa and the objectives of the College;
፲፰. ¾¢K?Ì” ¾*Ç=}` ]þ`ƒ ÁÇU×M' K}ðí 18. Hears audit report of the College and refers the same
to the Bureau for implementation.
T>’~U Ku=a¨< Áe}LMóM::
? . ¾x`Æ ›vLƒ }ÖÁm’ƒ“ ›uM 10. Liabilities and Allowance of Board Members
፩. x`Æ ¾T>cÖ¨< ¨<X’@ QÓ” uT>Øeuƒ Ñ>²?
1. Where the decision of the board violates the law,
KT>ÁeŸƒK¨< ኃLò’ƒ u¨<X’@¨< ¾}d}ð እÁ”
each member shall be liable for their decision
Ç”Æ ¾x`É ›vM }ÖÁm ÃJ“M:: J•U
entails. However, a member who has dissented from
uGXw ¾}K¾ ¾x`É ›vM uኃLò’ƒ ›ÃÖ¾pU፤
such decision shall not be liable;
፴ 30
ገጽ አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ቁጥር ፫ ሀምሌ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም. Addis Negari Gazeta –No.3 17th July 2008 Page

፪. እÁ”Ç”Æ ¾x`Æ ›vM Ÿ¢K?Ì ¾¨<eØ Ñu= 2. Each member of the board shall receive allowance from

›uM ßðKªM ¾›uK< SÖ” uu=a¨< the internal income of the college, and the bureau shall

èc“M:: determine the amount of such allowance.

? ? . ¾x`Æ ¾ewcv Y’ Y`¯ƒ 11. Procedure of meeting of the Board

x`Æ:- The Board shall:

፩. u¾\w ¯Sƒ SÅu— ewcv Õ[ªM:: 1. Meet quarterly; however, it shall meet at any time
J•U uT”—¨<U Ñ>²? ›e†"DÃ G<’@ታ c=Á when emergency so requires and the chairperson
ÒØU cwdu=¨< ewcv K=Ö^ ËLM:: calls for a meeting;
፪. Ÿ›vL~ S"ŸM ŸÓTi uLà Ÿ}Ñ–< ewcv 2. Have a quorum when more than half of its members
¨< UM¯} Ñ<v¯@ ÃJ“M፤ are present;

፫. ¨<X’@¨<” u›wLÝ ÉUê Áe}LMóM፤ J•U 3. Pass decision by a majority vote. When votes are

¾}cÖ¨< ÉUê እŸ<M ŸJ’ ¾x`Æ cwdu=

equal, the decision the chairperson votes shall be the
decision of the board;
ÁKuƒ ¨Ñ” ¾x`Æ ¨<X’@ ÃJ“M፤
፬. u²=I ›”kê ¾}kSÖ<ƒ É”ÒÑ@­‹ እ”Å} 4. Without prejudice to the provisions of this Article,
Öul J’¨< x`Æ ¾^c<” ¾ewcv Y’- the Board may issue its own meeting procedure.
Y`¯ƒ K=Á¨× ËLM::

፲፪. eK ¢K?Ì Ç=”“ U¡ƒM Ç=•‹ g<Sƒ“ 12. Appointment and Accountability of the Dean
}Ö]’ƒ and Deputy-Deans
፩. ¾¢K?Ì Ç=” •እ“ U¡ƒM Ç=•‹ ux`Æ ›p 1. The Bureau shall appoint the Dean and deputy Deans of

^u=’ƒ uu=a¨< uwnታ†¨< ¾T>c¾S< c=J” the College up on the recommendation of the Board based
on their competence, and they shall be accountable to the
}Ö]’ታ†¨<U Kx`Æ“ Ku=a¨< ÃJ“M፤
Board and the Bureau;
፪. uY^ ›ðíìU wnƒ T’e ¨ÃU uS<Á Y’-
2. The Board may dismiss the dean or deputy deans on
UÓv` Ñ<ÉKƒ U¡”Áƒ Ç=’<” ¨ÃU U¡ƒM
account of incompetence or breach of their
Ç=•‡” x`Æ ŸኃLò’ƒ Tc“uƒ ËLM::
professional ethics.
? ? . ¾Ç=’< YM×”“ }Óv` 13. Powers and Functions of the Dean
Ç=’< ¾¢K?Ì ª“ Y^ ›eðíT> J• ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ
Being the chief executive of the College, the dean shall
eM×”“ }Óv^ƒ Õ\ታM:-
have the following power and function:
፩. u²=I Å”w“ x`Æ uT>cÖ¨< ›ÖnLÃ
1. Direct, administer and control the activities of the
SS]Á SW[ƒ ¾¢K?Ì” Y^ uuLÃ’ƒ
College pursuant to this regulation and the general
ÃS^M' Áe}ÇÉ^M' Ãq×Ö^M፤
guideline given to him by the board;
፪. ¾x`Æ” ¨<X’@­‹'¾S”Óeƒ QÓ'Å”w“
2. Ensures that the decisions of the board, the state law,
SS]Á u›Óvu< Y^ Là እ”Ç=¨<K< ÁÅ
Regulation and directive are properly implemented;
ገጽ አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ቁጥር ፫ ሀምሌ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም. Addis Negari Gazeta –No.3 17th July 2008 Page 31

፫. ¾›"ÇT>¡“ YMÖ“ W^}™‹” x`Æ uT> 3. Employs or ensures the employment of administers
Á¨×¨< ¨<eÖ Å”w SW[ƒ ÃkØ^M' and dismisses academic and training staff in
¨ÃU SkÖ^†¨<” Á[ÒÓ×M' Áe}ÇÉ accordance with the internal regulations to be issued
^M' Áe“wታM፤ by the Board;
፬. uŸ}T¨< ›e}ÇÅ` ¾S”Óeƒ W^}™‹ 4. Employ, administer and dismiss administrative staff
QÓ SW[ƒ W^}™‹” ÃkØ^M' Áe} in accordance with the civil servants law of the City
ÇÉ^M' ŸY^ Ác“wታM፤ Government ;
፭. ¾¢K?Ì” ¾¨<eØ Ñu=“ uS”Óeƒ ¾}SÅ 5. Utilize the college’s internal revenue and the budget
uKƒ” u˃ ¾¢K?Ì” ¯LT KTeðìU e^ allocated by the government to implement the College’s

Là እ”Ç=¨<M ÁÅ`ÒM፤ objective;

፮. x`Æ uT>Á¨×¨< ¨<eÖ Å”w እ“ uK?KA‹ 6. Examine and decide on disciplinary cases of employees
IÔ‹ SW[ƒ እ”ž ›Óvu< u¢K?Ì W^} and students of the College in accordance with the
™‹ ¨ÃU }T]­‹ Là ¾T>k`w ¾Ç=eú internal regulation to be issued by the Board and other

K=” Ñ<ÇÔ ›Ã„ èe“M፤ laws as the case may be;

7. Prepare and submit to the Board the strategic and
፯. ¾›ŸÇT>¡ ŸT>i’<” Hdw ÓUƒ ¨<eØ uT
development plan of the College by discussing with the
eÑvƒ ¾¢K?Ì” eƒ^‚Í=Á©“ ¾MTƒ °pÉ
academic commission and the college management taking
uŸK?Ì T’@ÏS”ƒ“ ›"ÇT>¡ ŸT>i” ›eS
into consideration the recommendation of the academic
¡a Kx`Æ Ák`Vm፤
፰. ¾²=I Å”w ›”kî ፱ ”®<e ›”kî ፲፪ እ”Å 8. Sign contracts on behalf of the College, with out
}Öuk J•'uŸK?Ì eU ¨<KA‹” Ãð` prejudice to Art 9(12) of this Regulation;
፱. u›e}ÇÅ\ ¾óÓe IÔ‹ SW[ƒ u¢K?Ì 9. Open bank accounts in the name of the College and
eU ¾v”¡ H>Xw •እ”Ç=Ÿðƒ ÁÅ`ÒM' operate with other concerned officials in accordance
ŸT>SKŸታ†¨< ¾Y^ ኃLò­‹ Ò` Á”
wit the finance laws of the City Government ;
፲. ¾¢K?Ì” Y^ kM×ó“ eŸ?ታT እ”Ç=J”
10. Delegate part of his powers and duties to deputy deans
እ”Å ›eðKÑ>’~ KU¡ƒM Ç=•‹“ KK?KA‹ and other heads of different sections for the sake of
Y^ ¡õM ኃLò­‹ ¨<¡M“ Ãc×M፤ effective performance of activities of the College;
፲፩. ¾¢K?Ì” ¾Y^ ›ðíìU H>Ń“ ¾u˃ ›Ön 11. Submit to the Bureau and the Board, quarterly and
kU uTeSMŸƒ Ku=a¨< እ“ Kx`Æ u¾\w annual evaluation report concerning the performance

¯S~ እ“ u¾›S~ ¾ÓUÑT ]þ`ƒ Ák` and budget utilization of the College;

12. Devise strategies by which the teaching learning
፲፪. ¾¢K?Ì” ¾ST` Te}T` H>Ń እ”Ç=G<U
process as well as the study and research activities of
¾Ø“ƒ“ U`U` Y^­‹ ¾T>Ö“Ÿ\uƒ” eMƒ
ÃkÃdM፤ Kx`Æ ›p`x c=ðpÉU Y^ LÃ the College may be strengthened and implement the

Á¨<LM፤ same up on approval by the Board;

ገጽ ፴፪ አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ቁጥር ፫ ሀምሌ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም. Addis Negari Gazeta –No.3 17th July 2008 Page 32

፲፫. ux`Æ ¾T>cÖ<ƒ” K?KA‹ }³TÏ }Óva‹” 13. Carry out other related tasks assigned to him by the

ÁŸ“¨<“M:: Board.

? ?. ¾¢K?Ì ¾›"ÇT>¡'¾YMÖ““ U`U` U¡ƒM 14. Power and Functions of the Academic, Training
and Research Deputy -Dean of the College
Ç=” YM×”“ }Óv`
¾›"ÇT>¡ ¾YMÖ““ U`U` U¡ƒM Ç=” }Ö]’ƒ The Academic, Training and research deputy-dean,
KÇ=’< J•:- being accountable to the dean, shall:

፩. ¾¢K?Ì” ›"ÇT>¡ YM×”“ }Óv^ƒ uT>SK 1. Advises and assist the dean in respect to the
Ÿƒ Ç=’<” ÁT¡^M' Ã[ÇM፤ academic and training activities of the College;

፪. ¾x`Æ” እ”Ç=G<U ¾›"ÇT>¡“ YMÖ“ ¢T>i” 2. Ensures the implementation of the decisions of the
¨<X’@­‹ እ”Ç=G<U ¾›"ÇT>¡“ YMÖ“ SS Board, the academic and training commission as
]Á­‹“ Å”x‹ uY^ Là SªL†¨<” Á[Ò well as academic and training rules and regulations;
፫. ¾ƒUI`ƒ'YMÖ““ ¾U`U` }Óva‹” እpÉ 3. Co-ordinates the preparation of the plan of academic,

´Óσ Áe}vw^M' c=ìÉlU uY^ Là Sª training and research activities and shall insure its

L†¨<” Á[ÒÓ×M፤ implementation upon approval;

፬. ¢K?Ì ¾T>c׆¨< ¾YMÖ“ VÌKA‹ ›"Ç 4. Ensures that the training modules of the College offered
T>¡“ YMÖ“ ¢T>i’< vìÅk¨< ¾ƒUI`ƒ and conducted in conformity with the academic and
"L”Å`“ ýaÓ^V‹ SW[ƒ S"H@dž¨<” training calendar and programmes approved by the

Á[ÒÓ×M' u¾Ñ>²?¨< ]þ`ƒ Ák`Vm፤ academic commission; submits timely report;

፭. ¾ƒUI`ƒ“ YMÖ“¨<” H>Ń KTÇu` ›eð 5. Fulfills the necessary supports and services

LÑ> ÉÒö‹“ ›ÑMÓKA„‹ ›”Ç=TEK< ÁÅ` necessary to enhance the Educational and training
ÒM eK ›ðíìS< u¾Ñ>²?¨< ]þ`ƒ Ák` process and he shall submit performance reports;
6. Co-ordinate consultancy activities of the College,
፮. ¾¢K?Ì” ¾TTŸ` ›ÑMÓKAƒ Y^­‹ Áe}v
ensures their proper implementation and submits
w^M'u›Óvu< SŸ“¨’<” Á[ÒÓ×M'eK›ðí
report periodically about the performance thereof;
ìS< u¾Ñ>²?¨< ]þ`ƒ Ák`vM፤
፯. uÇ=’<“ u¢T>i’< ¾T>cÖ<ƒ” K?KA‹ }Óva‹ 7. Performs other activities assigned to him by the dean

ÁŸ“¨<“M:: and the commission.

፲፭. ¾¢K?Ì ¾›e}ÇÅ`“ M Tƒ U¡ƒM Ç=” 15.Power and Functions of the Administration and
YM×”“ }Óv` Development Deputy-Dean of the College.
¾›e}ÇÅ`“ MTƒ U¡ƒM Ç=” }Ö]’~ KÇ=’< The administration and development deputy-dean, being
J•:- accountable to the dean of the College shall:

1. Direct and co-ordinate the human resource, asset and

፩. ¾¢K?Ì” ¾c¨< GÃM' ”w[ƒ“ óÓ”e Ñ<ÇÄ‹
financial matters of the College;
ÃS^M Áe}vw^M
ገጽ አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ቁጥር ፫ ሀምሌ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም. Addis Negari Gazeta –No.3 17th July 2008 Page 33
፪. ¢K?Ì” KTdÅÓ ¾ታKS< ¾MTƒ Y^­‹ °pÉ 2. Direct and Co-ordinate the Preparation of
´Óσ” ÃS^M' Áe}vw^M፤ developmental activity plan of the College;
3. Organize and direct the services provided to the
፫. ¢K?Ì K}T]­‹ ¾T>c׆¨<” ›ÑMÓKA„‹ ÁÅ^
students by the College; devise ways to
ÍM' ÃS^M ¾T>hhK<uƒ” S”ÑÉ ÃkÃdM፤ improve them;
፬. ¾ƒUI`ƒ“ YMÖ“¨<” H>Ń KTÇu` ›eðLÑ> 4. Cause the fulfillment of supports and services
¾J’< ÉÒö‹“ ›ÑMÓKA„‹ እ”Ç=TEK< ÁÅ`ÒM፤ necessary to develop the education and training

፭. ›ÖnLÃ ¾›e}ÇÅ` Y^“ MTƒ ¾T>ÑAKwƒ process;

5. Prepare plans aimed at enhancing the overall
uƒ” °pÉ Á²ÒÍM'c=ìÉpU }Óv^© SJ’<”
administrative and development activities of the
Á[ÒÓ×M፤ college; and ensure their implementation upon
፮. ux`Æ'uÇ=’< ¨ÃU u¢T>i’< }KÃ}¨< ¾T>c approval;
Ö<ƒ” K?KA‹ }Óva‹” ÁŸ“¨<“M:: 6. Perform other activities particularly assigned to him
by the Board, the Dean or the Commission.

? ?. ¾¢K?Ì ›"ÇT>¡ ¢T>i” ›Å[Í˃ 16 Organization of the Academic Commission of the

፩. ¢T>i’< ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ ›vLƒ w‰ SÁ´ Õ`uታM:-
1. The commission shall have the following members:
G. Ç=’<……………………………..….cwdu='
a. The dean………………....…….….Chairperson,
K. ¾›"ÅT>¡'YMÖ““ U`U` U¡ƒM
b. The Academic, Training and research deputy-
Ç=”………………..……............U/cwdu=' Dean…………………….....…vice-chairperson,
N. ¾›e}ÇÅ`“ MTƒ U¡ƒ MÇ=” …›vM' c. The Administration and development deputy,

S. ¾U`U`“ QƒSƒ ê/u?ƒ ኃLò…›vM' d. The Head of the research and publication
W. ¾}Ÿታታà ƒUI`ƒ“ YMÖ“ ¡õM ኃLò……›vM' e. The head of the continuing education and
training section………………….……..Member,
[. ¾›"ÅT>¡ YMÖ“ Ç=û`ƒS”„‹ •ኃLò f. The heads of the Academic training
­‹………………………………….›vLƒ' departments………………………..…Members,
c. ¾_Ïeƒ^` ê/u?ƒ ኃLò………….. ›vM' g. Head of the registrar office……………Member,
g. u¢K?Ì ¾›"ÇT>¡ W^™‹ ¾T>S[Ö< feƒ h. Three teacher of the college selected by the
academic staff of the college………....Members,
¾¢K?Ì SUI^” …………..›vLƒ'
k. ¾¢K?Ì SÅu— }T]­‹ ST¡`ƒ cwd i. The Chairperson of the council of regular
u=…………………………....……... ›vM' students of the college………………...Member,
j. The Representative of female students of the
u. ¾¢K?Ì ¾c?ƒ }T]­‹ }¨"Ã….. ›vM'
College..............,,,................................ Member,
k. Head of student's guidance and counseling
}. ¾}T]­‹ ›T"] ኃLò……..…..›vM፤ ………………………....…..Member;
፴፬ 34
ገጽ አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ቁጥር ፫ ሀምሌ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም. Addis Negari Gazeta –No.3 17th July 2008 Page

፪. ¢T>i’< u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê ፩/g/ 2. The commission shall have a secretary to be elected

Ÿ}Ökc<ƒ ›vLƒ S"ŸM ¾T>S[Ø ›”É from the members mentioned under sub-article 1(h)

ìNò Õ[ªM:: of this Article.

? ? . ¾›"ÇT>¡ ¢T>i’< YM×”“ }Óv` 17.Powers and Functions of the Academic

¢T>i’< }Ö]’~ KÇ=’< J• uŸõ}— ¾ƒU
The Commission, being accountable to the dean,
I`ƒ }sTEƒ TEssT>Á ›ªÏ lØ` ፫፻፶፩/
shall have the following power and function in
፲፱፻፺፭ ›”kê ፴፮ ¾}SKŸ}¨< ¾c?’@>ƒ YM
addition to those of the senate as provided under
×”“ }Óv` ÁK¨< c=J” u}ÚT] ¾T>Ÿ}
Article 36 of Proclamation No 351/2003, the Higher
K<ƒ YM×”“ }Óv^ƒ Õ\ታM:-
Education Institutions Establishment Proclamation:

፩. ¾¢K?Ï” ¾ƒUI`ƒ "L”Å` S`Ua 1. Examines and approves the academic calendar

ÁìÉnM፤ of the College;

፪. u¢K?Ï °pÉ Là èÁÁM ÁÇw^M:: 2. Discuss and develop the plans of the college;

፫. ¾}KÁ¿ ¾ƒUI`ƒ' ¾YMÖ“' ¾Ø“ƒ“ 3. Prepares different educational training, study,

¾U`U`“ ¾TTŸ` –aÓ^V‹” Á²Ò and research and consultancy programs and
ÍM'c=ìÉpU›}Ñvu^†¨<” ßታ} LM፤ followsuptheir implementation upon approval;
፬. ux`Æ ¾T>¨Ö< K?KA‹ ¾›"ÇT>¡ SS] 4. Follows up the implementation of other
Á­‹ uY^ Là SªL†¨<” ßታ}LM academic directives issued by the board;

uY^ Là Á¨<LM፤
፭. KƒUI`ƒ“ YMÖ“¨< H>Ń ShhM“ 5. Designs different methods to improve and
develop the educational and training process
SÇu` ¾}KÁ¿ ²È­‹ Ã}MTM፤ }Óv
and also it shall strive for their
^© ›”Ç=J’< ÃØ^M፤ implementation;
፮. ¾Ÿõ}— ƒUI`ƒ“ YMÖ“ SS]Á” 6. Determines and controls the implementation of
SW[ƒ uTÉ[Ó ¾WM×™‹” ¾ð}“ the promotion criteria of trainees based on the
Seð`ƒ Á¨×M፤ uY^ Là SªK<”U higher education and training directive;
፯. cM×™‹ ¾T>S[luƒ” ’Øw“ ¾Ue¡` 7. Determines the average point for the graduation
of students and conditions for awarding
¨[kƒ ¾T>ÁÑ–<uƒ” G<’@ታ uSS]Á¨<
certificate in line with the directive;
SW[ƒ èc“M፤

8. Examines and approve the graduation of

፰. ¾cM×™‹” U[n S`Ua ÁìÉnM፤
፱. ¢K?Ì Ÿ}KÁ¿ }sV‹ Ò` ¾TÁÅ[Ѩ<” 9. Facilitates conditions for the strengthening of

Ó”–<’ƒ እ”Ç=Ö“Ÿ` G<’@ታ­‹” ÁS‰‰M the relationships the College established with
other institutions;
አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ቁጥር ፫ ሀምሌ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም. Addis Negari Gazeta –No.3 17th July 2008 Page 35

፲. ¾›"ÇT>¡ T°[ÑA‹” u}SKŸ} uSUI^” 10. Submits proposals to the board concerning

¾Å[Í እÉу Å”w }ŸƒKA ¾¨<X’@ GXw academic titles according to the career structure
of teachers;
Kx`Æ Ák`vM፤
11. Examine and approve study proposal
፲፩. ¢K?Ì u›e}ÇÅ\ Y` "K< ¾}KÁ¿ ¾Ö?“
recommended by government bodies of the
²`ö‹ uŸ<M ¾T>k`u<Kƒ” ¾U`U` Ø“„
health sector. It shall also conduct the research
‹” }kwKA& S`Ua ÁçÉnM:: U`U\”
and disseminate the findings thereof to the
›"H>Ê ¬Ö?~” KT>ŸSKŸታ†¬ ¡õKA‹
concerned bodies;
12. Prepares and submits to the board criteria for
፲፪. ¾¢K?Ì cM×™‹ ›kvuM' ›SÇÅw' ¾ƒUI
the admission, assignment, determination of
`ƒ Å[Í ›¨dc”' ŸWM×™‹ ¾T>Öup
academic grade points, disciplinary matters and
¾Ç=eýK=” Ñ<ÇÄ‹”“ U[n” ¾T>SKŸ~
graduation of trainees, and implements the
Seð`„‹” ›²ÒÏ„ Kx`Æ Ák`vM' c=ì
same upon approval;
ÉlU uY^ Là Á¨<LM፤
13. Studies and submits to the board service
፲፫. KeMÖ““ K}KÁ¿ Ñ<ÇÄ‹ ¾T>ŸðK¨<”
charges payable for training and other matters,
¾›ÓMÓKAƒ ¡õÁ uTØ“ƒ Kx`Æ Ák`vM፤
14. Issues regulation of procedures of its own
፲፬. ¾^c<” ¾ewcv Y’-Y`¯ƒ Å”w Á¨×M፤ meeting;
፲፭. ux`Æ“ uÇ=’< ¾T>cÖ<ƒ” K?KA‹ }Óv^ƒ 15. Carries out other activities assigned to it by the
ÁŸ“¨<“M:: board and the Dean.
¾¢K?Ì ¾›"ÇT>¡“ YMÖ“ ¾Ç=þ`ƒS”ƒ 18.Organization of Academic and Training
"¨”eKA‹ ›Å[Í˃ Department Councils of the College.
፩. እÁ”Ç”Æ ›"ÇT>¡“ eMÖ“ Ç=þ`ƒS”ƒ
1. Each academic and Training department shall
¾Ç=þ`ƒS”ƒ "¨<”eM Õ[ªM፤
have a department council;
፪. እÁ”Ç”Æ "¨<”eM ¾›"ÇT>¡“ eMÖ“ Ç=þ`
2. Each department council shall comprise, as
ƒS”ƒ sT> ¾›"ÇT>¡ W^}™‹” uS<K<
members, all permanent academic staff of the
ÃóM፤¾Ç=þ`ƒS”~ ኃLò ¾"¨”eK< ew
Academic and Training Department and shall be
du= ÃJ“M፤ presided by the head of the department;
፫. እÁ”Ç”Æ ¾Ç=þ`ƒS”ƒ "¨<”eM }Ö]’~ 3. Each department council shall be accountable
እ”ž›Óvu< KÇ=’< ¨ÃU K›"ÇT>¡ eMÖ either to the dean or to the academic, training
““ U`U` U¡ƒM Ç=’< ÃJ“M:: and research deputy- dean, as the case may be.
? ? . ¾¢K?Ì ¾›"ÇT>¡“ YMÖ“ ¾Ç=þ`ƒSƒ 19.P
Powers and Functions of the Academic and
"¨<”eM YM×”“ }Óv` Training Department Council of the College.
እÁ”Ç”Æ ¾Ç=þ`ƒS”ƒ "¨<”eM:- Each Department council shall:
፩.u›"ÇT>¡“ YMÖ“ Ç=þ`ƒS”~ ¾T>cÖ
1. Prepare and submit time table for the education
¨<” ¾ƒUI`ƒ“ YMÖ“ ýaÓ^U uÑ>²?
and training Programme to be offered by the
WK?Ç ›²ÒÏ„ Ák`vM፤ respective academic and training department;
፴፮ 36
ገጽ አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ቁጥር ፫ ሀምሌ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም. Addis Negari Gazeta –No.3 17th July 2008 Page

፪.¾ƒUI`ƒ“ YMÖ“ ²È¨< eKT>hhMuƒ 2. Submit proposals to improve the education and
G<’@ታ Gdw Ák`vM፤ training method;

፫.¨Å ›"ÇT>¡“ YMÖ“ Ç=þ`ƒS”~ 3. Submit proposals to the academic, training and
¾T>ÅKÅK<ƒ cM×™‹ uT>SKŸƒ K›"ÇT>¡ research deputy dean regarding the assignment
eMÖ““ U`S` U¡ƒM Ç=” Gdw Ák`vM፤ of trainees to the respective academic and
፬. u›"ÇT>¡“ YMÖ“ Ç=þ`ƒS”~ ¨<eØ training department;
4. Supervise examinations administered in the
¾T>cÖ<ƒ” ð}“­‹ Ãq×Ö^M' ¾ð}“ respective academic and training department and
¨<Ö?„‹”U K_Ïeƒ^` ê/u?ƒ Áe[¡vM፤ shall hand-over the results to the registrar office
of the college;
፭.¾›"ÇT>¡“ eMÖ“ Ç=þ`ƒS”~”
5. Devise and propose strategies by which the
¾T>SKŸ~ ¾›"ÇT>¡ ‹Óa‹ ¾T>ð~uƒ” problems of the respective academic and
eMƒ ÃkÃdM፤ training department can be solved;
6. Give opinions on other academic matters
፮. ¾›"ÇT>¡“ YMÖ“ Ç=þ`ƒS”~”
concerning the respective academic and training
¾T>SKŸ~ ¾›"ÇT>¡ Ñ<ÇÄ‹ Là ›e}Á¾ƒ department;
Ãc×M፤ 7. Issue internal regulation procedures of its own
፯. ¾^c<” ¾ewcv Y’-Y`¯ƒ ¨<eÖ Å”w meeting;

Á¨×M፤ 8. Prepare and submit to the academic and training

and research deputy -dean detailed plan of the
፰. ¾›"ÇT>¡“ YMÖ“ Ç=þ`ƒS”~” ´`´` respective academic and training department;
°pÉ ›²ÒÏ„ K›"ÇT>¡ YMÖ““ U`U`
9. Conduct the evaluation of the respective
U¡ƒM Ç=” Ák`vM፤
academic and training staff at the end of every
፱. ¾›"ÇT>¡“ YMÖ“ W^}™‹” ÓUÑT
u¾c?T>e}\ SÚ[h LÃ Á"H>ÇM፤
10. Carry out other activities assigned to it either by
፲. uÇ=’< ¨ÃU u›"ÇT>¡ YMÖ““ U`U` the dean or by the academic, training and
U¡ƒM Ç=” ¾T>cÖ<ƒ” K?KA‹ }Óva‹ research deputy-dean.
ÁŸ“¨<“M:: 20 Other lower Management Organs of the College
? . eKK?KA‹ ¾¢K?Ì ¾u? ‹ ›S^` ›"Lƒ The assignment and functions of heads of the various
¾¢K?Ì M¿ M¿ ¾›"ÇT>' YMÖ““ ¾U`U` Y^ academic, training and research sections of the college
¡õM ኃLò­‹ ›SÇÅw“ ›W^` x`Æ uT>Á¨ shall be determined by guidelines to be issued by the
ר< ¨<eÖ Å”w SW[ƒ èc“M:: Board.
¡õM ›^ƒ
Fiscal Powers Particular to the College
¢K?Ì” u}Kà ¾T>SKŸƒ ¾óÓ”e eM×”
21. Financial powers of the College
? ? . eK¢K?Ì ¾óÓ”e YM×”
Without prejudice to provisions of from Article 48 to 55
uŸõ}— ƒUI`ƒ }sTƒ TssT>Á ›ªÏ lØ`
of the Proclamation No. 351/2003, the Higher Education
፫፻፶፩/፲፱፻፺፭ Ÿ›”kê ፵፰ እስከ ፶፭ ¾}Å’ÑÑ<ƒ
Institutions Establishment proclamation, the College
እ”Å}Öul J’¨<' ¢K?Ì ¨<eש ¾óÓ”e Ñu=
shall have internal revenue and its usage shall be in
Õ[ªM:: ›ÖnkS< uŸ}T¨< ›e}ÇÅ` óÓ”e
accordance with the financial rules of the City
IÓ SW[ƒ ÃJ“M::
አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ቁጥር ፫ ሀምሌ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም. Addis Negari Gazeta –No.3 17th July 2008 Page

? ?. ¾¢K?Ì ¾Ñu= U”ß 22. Source of Finance of the College

1. Annual budget and subsidy to be allocated by
፩. u›e}ÇÅ\ ŸT>SÅw ¯Sታ© u˃“
the City Government;
2. Tuition fee to be collected from the trainees;
፪. ŸWM×™‹ ŸT>cucw ¾YMÖ“ ¡Õá፤ 3. The College’s internal incomes; and
4. Donations and assistance the College may
፫. Ÿ¢K?Ì ¾¨<eØ Ñu=፤
፬. ¢K?Ì ŸT>ÁÑ–¨< eÙታ“ ÉÒõ' ÃJ“M::

? ? . Ñu= ¾TS”Úƒ“ ¾SÖkU YM×” 23. Power to Generate and Utilize Income
1. The college shall have the power to undertake
፩. ¢K?Ì uØ“ƒ Là ¾}SW[} ¾Ñu= TeÑ—
study-based income generating activities and
እ”penc?­‹ T"H@É“ uÑu=¨< ¾SÖkU
utilize the income there of ;
YM×” ›K¨<፤
2. The College shall utilize the income generated in
accordance with sub Article (1) of this Article
፪. ¢K?Ì u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê ፩ SW[ƒ
consistent with the finance Laws; regulations
¾T>ÁÑ–¨<” Ñu= u›e}ÇÅ\ ¾óÓ”e QÓ'
and directives of the City Government.
Å”w“ SS]Á SW[ƒ e^ Là Á¨<LM::

? ?. ¾H>Xw S´Ñw ¾SÁ´ ÓÈ? 24. Duty to Maintain Books of Account

፩. ¾H>Xw S´Ñw ›ÁÁ´” u}SKŸ} uK?L QÓ 1. Without prejudice to the provision of other laws,
¾}Å’ÑѨ< እ”Å}Öuk J• ¢K?Ì ¾H>Xw the College shall keep accurate and complete
S³Ówƒ” ŸÅÒò W’Ê‹ Ò` uƒ¡¡M“ books of accounts and supporting documents;
u}TEL SMŸ< SÁ´ ›Kuƒ፤ 2. Without prejudice to the provision of sub Article

፪. ¾²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê ፩ ÖpLL É”ÒÑ@ (1) of this Article, the College shall register and
•እ”Å}Öuk J• ¢K?Ì:-
a. All incomes of the College and their sources,
G/ T”—¨<”U ¾¢K?Ì” Ñu= U”à‹”'
b. Expenditures of the College,
K/ ¾¢K?Ì ¨Ü­‹'
c. Balance sheet and cash flow statements of the
N/¾H>Xw T>³”“ ¾Ø_ Ñ”²w õcƒ College;
SÓKÝ S´Ñx‹” SÁ´ ›Kuƒ፤
3. For the Purpose of implementation of the obligation
፫. u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê ፪ K}Å’ÑѨ< ÓÈታ provided for under sub- Article (2) of this Article the
›ðíìU c=vM ¾¢K?Ì ¾u˃ ¯Sƒ ¾›e} fiscal year of the College shall conform to the fiscal

ÇÅ\” ¾u˃ ¯Sƒ ¾}Ÿ}K ÃJ“M፤ year of the City Government;

4. The College shall have obligation to submit
፬. ¢K?Ì ¾óÓ”c<” ›ðíìU KóÓ”e“ ›=¢•T>
report of its financial implementation to Finance
MTƒ u=a ]þ`ƒ ¾Tp[w ÓÅታ ›Kuƒ:: and Economic Development Bureau.
አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዜጣ ቁጥር ፫ ሀምሌ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም. Addis Negari Gazeta –No.3 17th July 2008 Page 38


M¿ M¿ É”ÒÑ@-‹ Miscellaneous Provisions

25. Transfer of Rights and Obligations

? ? . ¾Swƒ“ ÓÈ? -‹ S}LKõ
¾ÇÓT© U’>K=¡ ¡K=’>"M ’`f‹ TcMÖ— ƒUI Rights and obligations of the Dagmawi Menelik Clinical

`ƒ u?ƒ Swƒ“ ÓÈታ­‹ u²=I Å”w SW[ƒ Nursing Training School shall be transferred to the

K}ssS¨< K¢K?Ì }LMðªM:: College established by this Rgulation.

? ?. }ðíT>’ƒ eKTÕ^†¨< QÑA‹ Å”x‹“ 26. Inapplicable Laws

SS]Á-‹ Any Regulation, directive or practice, which is
ÃI” Å”w ¾T>n[” T”—¨<U Å”w' SS]Á inconsistent with this Regulation, shall not be applicable
¨ÃU ›W^` u²=I Å”w ¾}"}~ Ñ<ÇÄ‹” on matters contained in this Regulation.
uT>SKŸƒ }ðíT>’ƒ ›Ã•[¨<U::

? ? . Å”u< ¾T>ì“uƒ Ñ>²? 27. Effective Date

ÃI Å”w ŸNUK? ፲ k” ፪g= ¯.U. ËUa ¾ì“ This Regulation shall enter into force as of July 17/2008.

አዲስ አበባ Done at Addis Ababa,

ሀምሌ ፲ ቀን ፪ሺ ዓ.ም On This 17th day of July 2008

ኩማ ደመቅሳ Kuma Demeksa

የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ከንቲባ Mayor of the Addis Ababa City

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