GP4 GlobalWarming

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Back into the Industrial Revolution, the global annual temperature has been significantly

increasing. In terms of numbers, over the last 40 years, the global annual temperature has been

recorded to rise by 0.18 degrees Celsius, or 0.32 degrees Fahrenheit, per decade. As a result, the

planet has never been hotter than it's now. Even with all the scientific evidence, there remains

climate change deniers who argue there has been a “pause” or a “slowdown” in rising global

temperatures. Climate scientists concluded that humankind must limit global warming to 1.5

degrees Celsius by 2040, in order to prevent a future where life around the world will be marked

by its devastating effects; such as, wildfires, floods, tropical storms, and many other disasters as

result of climate change.

On top of all that, the global warming controversy is an ongoing dispute about the effects

of humans on global climate and what authorities should be doing to avoid the undesirable

effects of climate change. Currently, the scientific consensus on climate change states that recent

warming indicates a fairly stable long-term trend, largely human-caused.

Nonetheless, not everything is lost. Obviously, it's not possible to stop global warming

overnight, or even over the next decades, but it's in human hands the power to slow the rate and

limit the amount of global warming by reducing human emissions of heat-trapping gasses.

Hypothetically, if all human emissions of heat-trapping gasses were to stop today, Earth’s

temperature would continue to rise for a few decades; considering excess heat stored in the deep

ocean would come back to the surface. Once this excess heat radiated out to space, the planet

temperature would stabilize. Science suppose the additional warming from this “hidden” heat is

unlikely to exceed 0.9° Fahrenheit (0.5°Celsius). With no further human influence, natural

processes would begin to slowly remove the excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and

global temperatures would gradually begin to decline.

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