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js 14 Unleashed : A Comprehensive
Cheat Sheet for Modern Web Development
Yuvraj kakkar · Follow
3 min read · 6 days ago

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Getting Started

Create a new Next.js app using npx create-next-app or yarn create next-app .

Starting the Development Server

Run npm run dev or yarn dev to start the development server on
http://localhost:3000 .

Pages & Routing

Create pages by adding files to the pages directory.

File name becomes the route name.

Dynamic Routes
Use square brackets to create dynamic routes (e.g., [id].js ).

Link Component
Use <Link> from next/link for client-side navigation.

API Routes
Create API endpoints by adding files to the pages/api directory.

Each file exports a default function handling the request.

Static Files
Place static files like images in the public directory.

Head Component
Import Head from next/head to modify the head of a page.

CSS & Styling

Built-in CSS Support
Import CSS files in components.

Global styles should be imported in _app.js .

CSS Modules
Use [name].module.css files for component-scoped CSS.

Data Fetching

Fetch data at build time for static generation.

Fetch data on each request for server-side rendering.

Deploy your Next.js app to Vercel for the best experience.

Image Optimization
Use the Image component from next/image for optimized image loading.

Incremental Static Regeneration

Use revalidate in getStaticProps to update static content after deployment.

Advanced Routing
Catch-All Routes
Use [...param] for catch-all routes.

Shallow Routing
Update the URL without running data fetching methods again.

API Middleware
Utilize middleware in pages/api routes for common functionalities like CORS.

Environment Variables
Store environment variables in .env.local .

Custom App and Document

Custom _app.js

Override the default App component to control page initialization.

Custom _document.js

Customize the HTML document structure.

Internationalization (i18n)
Built-in internationalized routing support.

TypeScript Support
Next.js provides an integrated TypeScript experience out of the box.

Custom Server
Customize the Next.js server for additional control over routing and server-side

Static HTML Export

Export your application to static HTML with next export .

Advanced Styling
CSS-in-JS Libraries
Next.js supports popular CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components and

PostCSS Configuration
Customize PostCSS config via postcss.config.js for advanced styling solutions.
Implement authentication patterns using NextAuth.js or integrate with third-
party authentication services.

Serverless Functions
Deploy API routes as serverless functions for scalability and performance.
Feature Flags
Utilize environment variables or third-party services for feature flagging to
control feature rollout.

Error Handling
Custom Error Pages
Create a custom _error.js page to handle errors.

Error Reporting
Integrate with error reporting services like Sentry for real-time error tracking.

Advanced Data Fetching

SWR Hook
Use SWR for data fetching, caching, and revalidation.

Client-side Data Fetching

Fetch data on the client-side for dynamic content or user-specific data.

SEO Optimization
Optimize for SEO using Next.js’s built-in capabilities and best practices.
Implement unit and integration tests using Jest, React Testing Library, or similar

Armed with this Next.js 14 cheat sheet, you’re now equipped to navigate the ever-
evolving landscape of modern web development with confidence and creativity.
Happy coding

Nextjs Reactjs Nodejs Frontend UI


Written by Yuvraj kakkar


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