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In this day and age, there seems to be a serious problem with reality and talent TV shows,

indeed, according to sociologists, 75% of the society have an unhealthy and harmful relation
with these programmes. Nonetheless, is the solution to ban them on, or is it fairer not to
touch these ubiquitous and nerve racking shows?

It is widely believed that The last survivor of the world or big brother are riveting and realistic
experiences, which enrich the viewers acknowledge. As a matter of fact, people frequently
compare watching those series with being in a funfair, bringing on nail bitting moments.
However, all the evidence suggest that in our swamped culture, we only ache for those
unreal stories, putting other educational hobbies off, and causing a dumber and unconscious
civilzens population.

Aside from that, a growing number of youngsters are having an increasing mental diseases.
Consequently, two main problems are being found out. On the one hand, many researches
point out that the use of books and intellectual activities are highly cut back on. On the other
hand, day in day out, family talks are getting more esoteric in dribs and drabs.

On the whole, regarding this huge problem, I think the government should lead the situation
earlier, because now we are eager of those realities, so now we are pushed for time.
Besides, if action were taken now, a lot of money could be saved in the future. It is not
say that we must remove all TV shows, it is to say that some drastic measures should be
taken in order to control the foolish media.

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