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escorted there by four federal marshals, while

crowds screamed racist insults at them. Ruby spent
Hello, amid the Black Lives Matter protests, we her first day in the principal’s office due to the
think it’s appropriate to commemorate an chaos created by angry parents who decided to pull
important anniversary. 60 years ago, Ruby Bridges their children from school. The only teacher ready
became the first African American child to attend to accept Ruby was Barbara Henry and, for the next
an all-white school. All schools had previously been year, the girl was a class of one. While white
racially segregated, meaning no children of colour students had lunch in the canteen, Ruby ate her
got the same kind of education as white students. sandwiches in the classroom. At recess, she never
Ruby Bridges was born in 1954, as the oldest child went into the corridor for fear of being bullied. And
for Lucille and Abon Bridges, farmers in Tylertown, yet, she didn’t miss a day of school that year.
Mississippi. That same year, the US Court in Texas When asked today what her most vivid memory
decided to end segregation in public schools and from that historic day is, Ruby says she clearly
things started to change for students of colour. remembers riding to school in a limousine in the
When Ruby was two, the Bridges moved to New presence of federal marshals. Out of the car, she
Orleans, Louisiana, in search of better work saw a crowd in the street and she thought it was
opportunities. Indeed, work was easy to find in some joyous festival, like Mardi Gras. After that, she
Louisiana, but the path to student equality there heard the crowd chanting: “Two, four, six, eight. We
was not as easy as one might have expected. will never integrate!”. That didn’t upset Ruby as she
The Kansas Court decision was widely protested in didn’t know what “integrate” meant. But then she
Louisiana. Very often the court ruling wasn’t saw a white mother who held a black baby doll in a
respected and Ruby still attended a segregated wooden coffin. That image haunted Ruby for years.
kindergarten in New Orleans. A federal court order She never showed her fear, however. “She just
was necessary to put an end to racial segregation in marched along like a little soldier,” one of the
Louisiana’s schools. However, state officials marshals said.
weren’t sure if African American children would be Unfortunately, the Bridges’ courageous decision
good enough to attend all-white elementary came at a price. Soon after Ruby went to school, her
schools. Therefore, in 1960, the authorities grandparents were evicted from their farm, where
introduced a novelty. They created entrance exams they had lived for 25 years. Ruby’s father lost his
for children of colour. Ruby and five other students job, and grocery stores refused to sell to Ruby’s
passed the exams. mother. Luckily, there were also people willing to
Sending their daughter to William Frantz help. A neighbour employed Ruby’s father in his
Elementary school was a bold step for the girl’s company. Also, a white lady babysat the Bridges’
parents. Ruby’s father opposed the idea. He feared children. Others volunteered to protect the family’s
racist reactions from the white locals would make home. Gradually, white parents began to send their
Ruby’s life difficult. The girl’s mother was equally kids back to William Frantz School. All these signs
aware of the risk. However, she wanted Ruby to of good will helped the family survive in the face of
have an education that her parents and discrimination.
grandparents couldn’t dream of. Eventually, Ruby’s Today, Ruby Bridges is a well known civil rights
mother took the decision to send the girl to Frantz activist. She always repeats that racism is a grown-
Elementary. Her daughter deserved the best up disease and we must stop using our children to
education possible. spread it. In 2011, Ruby was invited to the White
Meanwhile, the district authorities created House to celebrate the 51st anniversary of her
bureaucratic difficulties for African American historic first school day. President Obama then
candidates. As a result, Ruby went to school as late said”: “I think it’s fair to say that if it wasn’t for you,
as November 14th. She and her mother were I wouldn’t be here today.” Bridges never forgot

those who showed her kindness in times of the Now let me tell you about another exercise our Blue
greatest discrimination. In the 1990s, Ruby was Brigade participated in. It took place in June in the
reunited with her teacher, Barbara Henry, and for training ranges in Lithuania. Apart from Polish and
some time they gave lectures together. In 2010, she Lithuanian troops, five NATO member states took
met Pam Foreman Testroet, the first student to part in the exercise called Iron Man 20. The main
break the boycott and return to Ruby’s school. Isn’t goal of the operation was to integrate multinational
it amazing to think that Ruby Bridges’ first day at attack and defence tactics. What I would like to turn
school happened only 60 years ago? your attention to is the fact that defence tactics
were practised in a built-up area.
The Polish detachment deployed to Lithuania
Good morning. My name is captain Robert consisted of 150 soldiers. They were equipped with
Kowalski. I am a spokesperson for the 12th several vehicles, including Rosomak APCs. The Iron
Mechanized Brigade, often referred to as the Blue Man 20 exercise involved five thousand soldiers
Brigade, which is part of the Visegrad Battle Group. from 5 NATO member states. Before the soldiers of
My task is to brief you on the exercises we have had our Blue Brigade reached the training range in
this year and also tell you what will happen in the Lithuania, they had to cover a distance of 830
near future. kilometres. After their arrival, the Polish soldiers
Let me start by informing you about our first were accommodated at a campsite. After 2 weeks
training session that took place between 14th and and completing training tasks, our brigade set off
16th February. For three days, the staff took part in on a journey back home.
operational training classes. The officers gained a Now let me tell you about our future. Soon over
great deal of knowledge related to the potential 1,000 soldiers from our Mechanised Brigade will go
areas of operations. They also learnt a lot about the to Germany for international Allied Spirit exercises.
current international situation. Moreover, a Apart from Polish forces, American, British, Italian
weapons training session was held at the local and Danish soldiers will take part in the exercises.
firing range. Interestingly, during this part of the The troops will focus on NATO interoperability as
exercise, soldiers had a chance to use a modern well as on command and control. The Blue Brigade
shooting simulator. That was a unique opportunity will send to Germany mostly logistics experts and
to learn from each other. sappers. They will take with them a few hundred
The mobile battalion and the other elements of the specialist vehicles.
Visegrad Battle Group improved their skills at the As you can see, all the exercises benefit our soldiers
Drawsko range. The soldiers of the 1st Mechanized immensely. Thank you for your attention. Are there
Infantry Battalion together with an American any questions?
platoon were tasked to execute a shooting scenario.
They had to perform this task during a simulated ZADANIE 3
attack on a base. There was also a joint exercise of If you are planning a trip, why don’t you take advice
the Blue Brigade Mechanized Infantry Battalion and from a woman who has visited over 115 countries
the US Cavalry. The remaining elements of the and is still going strong, despite her advancing age.
battalion and the reconnaissance units were Who is the mysterious traveller we are going to talk
engaged in dynamic shooting exercises. about on today’s programme? Well, that’s Queen
I also want to add that from January 1st, the Elizabeth II. Her Majesty is the most travelled
Visegrad Battle Group, led by the Blue Brigade, is monarch in the world. The Queen has visited places
going to stay on alert for half a year. Staff, command from Ethiopia to Chile, Thailand to the US and
and the elements of the Battle Group are all almost anywhere in-between so it’s perhaps
involved in the joint training. Its aim is to improve surprising that she hasn’t visited her husband’s
the combat capabilities of the elements of the birth place – Greece. Why is it so? Philip’s father
Group in different settings. However, what is was almost executed there, so it’s hard to blame
particularly important is to keep the Battle Group’s him for not being enthusiastic about the country.
operational readiness on both national and He rarely visited Greece, and when he did, he went
international levels. there alone.

Another surprising thing, for a person who has is on most people’s packing checklist. The Queen,
travelled the world, is the fact that the Queen however, needs to be prepared for every
doesn’t even own a passport. How’s that possible? complication. That’s why she takes bags of blood to
Well, passports in Britain are officially issued in the countries where the blood supply is problematic.
Queen’s name so technically she doesn’t need one. What are Her Majesty’s other secrets? Well, as a
But despite her special treatment, Elizabeth still has lifelong traveller, the Queen has come up with her
to go through an identity check when travelling in own way of dealing with tiredness experienced
and out of the UK – even though her name and face when crossing time zones. To fight jet lag, the
is plastered all over the country. Queen relies on a bit of barley sugar in the form of
What about a driving licence? Well, the Queen candy. This helps her to get through the time
doesn’t need the licence either. Elizabeth is an differences with ease.
excellent driver though. Let’s not forget that she Want to hear more about the Queen’s travelling
trained as a truck driver and mechanic when she habits? Stay tuned. We are going to continue after a
joined the Women’s Territorial Service in 1945. Her short break.
Majesty feels pretty comfortable behind the wheel.
Once she hopped into a Land Rover and drove
Saudi Arabia’s Prince Abdullah around one of her
country estates. Just imagine the prince’s surprise.
At that time women were not allowed to drive in
Saudi Arabia and the prince was not used to being
driven by a woman. But I guess he couldn’t say no
to the Queen of England.
What about longer journeys?
For her trips abroad the Queen usually chooses
commercial planes. However, Elizabeth is unlike
most fliers – even her luggage is extraordinary.
What’s so special about it? Well, the Queen takes
duplicates of her every outfit wherever she goes.
She needs two sets of exactly the same clothes to be
prepared for a possible fashion emergency. Can you
imagine the Queen greeting, let’s say the Prime
Minister of Canada, with a huge spaghetti stain on
her blazer? Perhaps this explains why Her Majesty’s
luggage can be very heavy. Reportedly, on her
longest trip across the Commonwealth in 1953, the
Queen took 12 tonnes of luggage.
So what else is there in Elisabeth‘s suitcase? Well,
there is always a black outfit. It’s a measure that
was introduced after the trip to Kenya in 1952. The
Queen was touring Africa when she found out that
her father King George VI had died. The royal
protocol requires family members to be
appropriately dressed. Unfortunately, the Queen
hadn’t packed a black dress. Obviously, Elizabeth
was deeply saddened by the news but she had to
carry on. So she patiently waited several hours on
the plane until her staff delivered a proper outfit.
But that’s not the most surprising fact about her
Majesty’s luggage. You might be interested to know
that Elizabeth takes personal bags of blood
onboard. Well, I have to say, that’s not an item that


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