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TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


You cannot log into your bank account.

You are calling the bank’s customer service.

 describe situation and demand explanation

 technical problems – how long?
 can’t wait/need to transfer money – explain why
 agree to suggestion – arrange details

The examiner begins by saying:

“Hello, how can I help you?”


You work in the bank’s customer service department.

The candidate cannot log into their bank account.

 apologize – bank has technical problems

 problems should be over in next 12 hours
 suggest coming to nearest bank branch in person
 give details (when?/where?/what time?)

You begin by saying:

“Hello, how can I help you?”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. Do you prefer saving money or spending it right away? Why?

2. Have you ever given money to a person in need? Why? Why not?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving children expensive gifts?

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


The examiner is your British friend.

You are meeting them for coffee while in London.

 say what you like about London

 answer friend’s question
 accept friend’s offer/arrange details
 invite friend to your country in future

The examiner begins by saying:

“Hi, how have you liked London so far?”


The candidate is a friend who is visiting London.

You are meeting them for coffee.

 ask friend about their plans for the rest of their stay
 offer to show friend round
 suggest meeting tomorrow
 welcome friend’s invitation/ask what to see in Poland

You begin by saying:

“Hi, how have you liked London so far?”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. Do you prefer active or relaxing holidays? Why?

2. Have you ever been in a difficult situation while travelling? Tell us about it.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling with low-cost airlines?

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


You have recently moved to a new area.

The examiner is your neighbour.

 answer neighbour’s questions

 ask neighbour to recommend good gym
 can’t go to gym today – say why – another time?
 invite neighbour to barbecue party (arrange details)

You begin by saying:

“Hi, I’m your new neighbour. Nice to meet you.”


The candidate is a new neighbour.

You are meeting them for the first time.

 express enthusiasm about meeting

 move – when?/from where?/why?/like new place?
 recommend gym/suggest going there together today
 accept invitation to party – when?/bring anything?

The candidate begins by saying:

“Hi, I’m your new neighbour. Nice to meet you.”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. Do you like the area where you live? Why? Why not?
2. Have you ever had problems with your neighbours? Tell us about it.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the suburbs?
TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]
1. What’s your name?
2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


The examiner is a school headmaster.

They want to talk to you about your child.

 react to news
 competition – great – when?/where?/cost?
 extra lessons – good idea!/how much?/when?
 Monday – no – say why/arrange other day

You begin by saying:

“Hello, you wanted to see me.”


You are a school headmaster.

You want to talk about the candidate’s child.

 good news! – child talented at mathematics

 chance to go abroad for maths competition
 school pays for student only/want to go with child?
 recommend extra lessons before competition (for free)
 Monday (another day also possible)

The candidate begins by saying:

“Hello, you wanted to see me.”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. What is your most effective way of learning a foreign language?

2. What subjects were you good at as a student? Do you still use this knowledge?
3. What are the pros and cons of international student exchange programmes?

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


You’re a soldier.
The examiner is your friend, who needs some advice.

 exercise more – ask why

 suggest the best exercises
 suggest other form of exercise and say why
 agree to suggestion – arrange details – where?/when?/how long?/etc.

The examiner begins by saying:

“I need your help as I’d like to start exercising more.”


You’re talking to your friend who is a soldier.

 gained weight/ask about the most effective exercises for you

 reject the first suggestion
 ask if they could exercise together for a while
 arrange details (where?/when?/how long?/etc.)

You begin by saying:

“I need your help as I’d like to start exercising more.”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. Do you think that you have a healthy diet? Why? Why not?
2. Did you like P.E. lessons at school. Why? Why not?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a personal trainer?

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


You are talking to a doctor about your problem.

 tired recently/concentration problems

 describe how these problems influence your life
 reject first idea and say why
 any medicine?/ how to take?

The examiner begins by saying:

“Hello. What seems to be the problem?”


You are a doctor. The candidate wants to talk about their problem.

 ask since when?

 ask how these problems affect their life
 suggest going on sick leave
 if not, relax more/suggest blood tests
 prescribe medicine, take one pill a day for 2 weeks

You begin by saying:

“Hello. What seems to be the problem?”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. How do you deal with stress/tiredness?

2. Tell us about your most challenging training event.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online doctor consultations?

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


You are talking about the wedding party you went to.

 yes – wedding great/friend not there – ask why

 express sympathy – better now?
 answer examiner’s questions
 describe one problem at wedding

The examiner begins by saying:

“Hello. I’ve heard you went to Adam’s wedding party?”


You are talking to your friend about the wedding party they went to.

 give reason: you were ill

 ask about wedding (place?/food?/how many guests?/band?/etc.)
 were there any problems?
 arrange meeting to see the wedding photos/video

You begin by saying:

“Hello. I’ve heard you went to Adam’s wedding party?”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. Do you like your country’s wedding traditions? Why? Why not?

2. Tell us about the last present you bought.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting married?

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


You’re a member of Territorial Defence Forces.

You’re talking to the examiner about your training.

 you had training – say when/where/how long

 training with firemen – rescue operation in winter time
 describe incident that happened
 respond to examiner’s questions

The examiner begins by saying:

“Hi. I haven’t seen you for a long time.”


The candidate is a member of Territorial Defence Forces.

You’re talking about their training.

 ask about purpose of training and services involved

 ask them to give details of training (what tasks/skills/exercises, etc.)
 any unexpected situations?
 was training useful? Why (not)?
 fancy a drink tonight?

You begin by saying:

“Hi. I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. What sort of professional training is most useful for you? Why?

2. Tell us about a challenging task you have had at work. How did you deal with it?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of going on training courses abroad?

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


You have been a witness of a car accident.

You are calling emergency services.

 inform about accident – how it happened/time/location/victims

 injuries – describe
 say how you helped the victims

The examiner begins by saying:

“Hello, emergency services. How can I help you?”


You are answering an emergency call.

The candidate has been a witness of a car accident.

 medical help needed?

 what you did to help?
 ask to wait for ambulance and police to arrive

You begin by saying:

“Hello, emergency services. How can I help you?”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. Do you use public transport to get to work? Why?/Why not?

2. Tell us about the last time you/anybody you know had a car problem.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of driverless cars?

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


You have a problem with your computer at work.

You are calling the IT department.

 problem with computer – describe

 tomorrow too late – say why you need it now
 another laptop – great/arrange when and where to pick it up

The examiner begins by saying:

“Hello, IT department. How can I help you?”


You are an IT specialist.

The candidate is calling you to report a problem.

 need to have a look at the computer/but not today – tomorrow

 can’t fix it today – offer replacement laptop to finish the work
 arrange when and how the candidate can pick it up
 ask to give back the computer next week

You begin by saying:

“Hello, IT department. How can I help you?”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. What is the most useful application/software you use at home/at work?

2. Have you/anyone you know ever used the Internet to solve a problem? Tell us
about it.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working online?

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