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z języka

poziom 2

język: angielski
sprawność: słuchanie
czas trwania: 40 min.
KOD Imię:




0 S S S A B C S S S S S S
0 S S S S S A B C S S S S
Zadanie 1 punktów

1 S S S A B C S S S S S S

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Zadanie 2







Zadanie 3

1 S S S S S T F S S S S S

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Podpisy egzaminatorów:

Imię i nazwisko egzaminatora: (podpis)

Imię i nazwisko egzaminatora: (podpis)

1 CKEJO MON © 2021

Listen and choose the best answer a), b) or c).
You now have one minute to look through the questions for Task One.

1. Ruby Bridges’ family moved to Louisiana because of ...

a) a court’s decision to end racial segregation there

b) much better chances of finding employment there
c) a wider selection of prestigious schools there

2. In 1960, Ruby ...

a) passed entrance exams to an all-white elementary school

b) took an entrance school exam together with white children
c) was accepted into an elementary school without exams

3. The decision to send Ruby to W. Frantz Elementary School was made by ...

a) her mother
b) her grandparents
c) her father

4. Ruby spent her first day of school ...

a) in an empty classroom
b) in the school canteen
c) in the principal’s office

5. The thing that scared Ruby most on her way to school was ...

a) the words shouted by the crowds

b) an object carried by the protesters
c) the presence of government officials

6. As a consequence of the Bridges’ brave decision ...

a) Ruby’s mother had trouble finding a babysitter

b) Ruby’s parents were thrown out of their farm
c) Ruby’s father was fired from his position

7. In 2010, Ruby Bridges had an opportunity to ...

a) get together with her schoolmate

b) reunite with her former teacher
c) meet the president of the USA

CKEJO MON © 2021 2

Listen and complete the notes by putting short phrases into the gaps.
There will now be a pause of 40 seconds for you to look through the notes.

(1) During weapons training at the local range, soldiers could use …

(2) The Polish and American soldiers executed a shooting scenario during …

(3) The main aim of the training is to keep the Battle Group’s readiness on both …

(4) During the exercise in Lithuania, the soldiers used defence tactics (where?) …

(5) The distance to Lithuania was …

(6) The Blue Brigade’s detachment to Germany will consist mostly of …

3 CKEJO MON © 2021

Listen and circle T for true or F for false.
You now have one minute to look through the questions for Task Three.

1. Elizabeth II travelled to Greece with her husband many times. T F

2. The Queen’s identity must be verified when she travels abroad. T F

3. Prince Abdullah refused to be driven by the Queen. T F

4. When travelling, the Queen has two identical outfits for every occasion. T F

5. The Queen was too distressed to leave the plane after her father’s death. T F

6. The Queen travels with bags of blood to every country she visits. T F

7. The Queen eats sweets to deal with the effects of crossing time zones. T F

CKEJO MON © 2021 4

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