Nokia DCAP Tracer User Guide

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Nokia Data Collection and Analytics
Platform Rel. 22 FP1, Operating
Documentation, Issue 01

Nokia DCAP Tracer User Guide

Release 22 FP1

Issue 01
Approved on 2021-12-15

© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Condential Information

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Nokia DCAP Tracer User Guide

for licence’s use only. No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
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Nokia is committed to diversity and inclusion. We are continuously reviewing our customer
documentation and consulting with standards bodies to ensure that terminology is inclusive
and aligned with the industry. Our future customer documentation will be updated

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Table of Contents

1 About this document .................................................................................................................... 7

1.1 Change history ................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Intended audience ............................................................................................................. 9
1.3 Notational conventions .................................................................................................. 10
1.4 Contact us ........................................................................................................................ 10

2 Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 11

3 Assigning credentials and privileges to Tracer Management Interface user accounts .... 12

4 Logging into the Tracer Management Interface .................................................................... 15

5 Managing Tracer connection ..................................................................................................... 17

5.1 Adding a new Tracer ........................................................................................................ 17
5.2 Removing monitored Tracers ........................................................................................ 19

6 Creating monitoring sessions for Tracers .............................................................................. 22

7 Monitoring statistics of Tracers ............................................................................................... 30

7.1 Viewing statistics ............................................................................................................. 30
7.2 Viewing active alarm reports ......................................................................................... 31
7.3 Viewing alarm history reports ....................................................................................... 32
7.4 Exporting alarm history to CSV file ............................................................................... 34

8 Activating log file encryption .................................................................................................... 36

9 Setting up DCAP OAM Mediator connection .......................................................................... 40

10 Viewing connected network elements .................................................................................. 43

11 Viewing application information ............................................................................................. 45

12 Managing certificates .............................................................................................................. 46

12.1 Creating self-signed certificates ................................................................................ 46
12.2 Importing CA signed certificates ................................................................................ 48

13 Tracer Management Interface UI elements descriptions ................................................... 52

13.1 Collector Controllers .................................................................................................... 52
13.2 Tracer 2G/3G ................................................................................................................. 56
13.3 Tracer 4G//5G ............................................................................................................... 65
13.4 Statistics ......................................................................................................................... 67
13.5 Alarms ............................................................................................................................. 73
13.6 DCAP OAM Mediator settings ...................................................................................... 76
13.7 Retrieve DTS token ....................................................................................................... 78
13.8 Help ................................................................................................................................. 80

14 Appendix A: DCAP Trusted Server URL commands ............................................................. 82

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List of Figures
Figure 1 Accessing Tracer Management Interface through DCAP Suite portal .................. 16
Figure 2 Tracer Management Interface main page ................................................................. 16
Figure 3 Add new Tracer connection details ............................................................................ 18
Figure 4 Added new Tracer connection details ....................................................................... 19
Figure 5 Tracers to be deleted .................................................................................................. 20
Figure 6 Delete Tracers dialog box ............................................................................................ 20
Figure 7 Delete Tracer dialog box with active monitoring session warning ........................ 21
Figure 8 Setting Alarms view to Active ..................................................................................... 32
Figure 9 Setting Alarms view to History ................................................................................... 33
Figure 10 Setting date range ..................................................................................................... 34
Figure 11 Clicking Export button ............................................................................................... 35
Figure 12 Retrieved DTS token .................................................................................................. 37
Figure 13 Enabling encryption for Tracer 3G ........................................................................... 38
Figure 14 Enabling encryption for Tracer 4G/5G .................................................................... 39
Figure 15 DCAP OAM Mediator Settings dialog box ............................................................... 41
Figure 16 Connected eNodeBs in selected nTracer ............................................................... 44
Figure 17 About Tracer Management Interface dialog box ................................................... 45
Figure 18 Collector Controllers view ......................................................................................... 52
Figure 19 Add Tracer dialog box ................................................................................................ 55
Figure 20 Tracer 3G page ........................................................................................................... 57
Figure 21 Tracer 4G/5G page ..................................................................................................... 66
Figure 22 Statistics tab ............................................................................................................... 67
Figure 23 Statistics tree ............................................................................................................. 68
Figure 24 Connection details ..................................................................................................... 68
Figure 25 Connected network elements dialog box ............................................................... 69
Figure 26 Incoming buffer data ................................................................................................. 70
Figure 27 Plug-in statistics ......................................................................................................... 71
Figure 28 Alarms tab ................................................................................................................... 74
Figure 29 DCAP OAM Mediator Settings dialog box ............................................................... 77
Figure 30 Retrieve DTS Token dialog box ................................................................................ 79
Figure 31 Help menu ................................................................................................................... 81

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List of Tables
Table 1 Release 22 FP1 Issue 01 ................................................................................................. 7
Table 2 Release 21 FP2 Issue 01 ................................................................................................. 7
Table 3 Release 21 FP1 Issue 01 ................................................................................................. 8
Table 4 Release 20 FP3 Issue 02 ................................................................................................. 8
Table 5 Release 20 FP3 Issue 01 ................................................................................................. 8
Table 6 Release 20 FP2 Issue 02 ................................................................................................. 9
Table 7 Release 20 FP2 Issue 01 ................................................................................................. 9
Table 8 Release 19 FP3 Issue 01 ................................................................................................. 9
Table 9 Release 19 FP2 Issue 01A ............................................................................................... 9
Table 10 Notational conventions .............................................................................................. 10
Table 11 Tracer Management Interface user role access ...................................................... 12
Table 12 Add Tracer field descriptions ..................................................................................... 18
Table 13 Add Provider Controller field descriptions .............................................................. 23
Table 14 Add Data Collector field descriptions ....................................................................... 24
Table 15 Add Message Filter field descriptions ....................................................................... 25
Table 16 Retrieve DTS token parameters ................................................................................ 37
Table 17 Configuring DCAP OAM Mediator connection settings .......................................... 42
Table 18 CSR file for root CA parameters ................................................................................ 47
Table 19 Elements in the Tracers tab ....................................................................................... 53
Table 20 Columns in the Tracers table ..................................................................................... 54
Table 21 Elements of the Add Tracer dialog box .................................................................... 56
Table 22 Elements in the Monitoring Sessions table ............................................................. 58
Table 23 Columns in the Monitoring Sessions table .............................................................. 59
Table 24 Elements in the Provider Controllers table ............................................................. 60
Table 25 Columns in the Provider Controllers table .............................................................. 61
Table 26 Columns in the Data Collectors table ....................................................................... 62
Table 27 Elements in the Data Collectors table ...................................................................... 63
Table 28 Elements in the Message Filters table ...................................................................... 64
Table 29 Columns in the Message Filters table ....................................................................... 65
Table 30 Elements in the Tracer 4G/5G table ......................................................................... 66
Table 31 Columns in the Tracer 4G/5G table .......................................................................... 67
Table 32 Elements in the Connections area ........................................................................... 69
Table 33 Elements in the Connected network elements dialog box .................................... 70
Table 34 Elements in the Incoming buffer data area ............................................................. 71
Table 35 Elements of the Plugin Details table ......................................................................... 72
Table 36 Elements of the Plugin Statistics grid ...................................................................... 72
Table 37 Elements of the Plugin Interface Statistics pane .................................................... 73
Table 38 Elements in the Alarms tab ........................................................................................ 74
Table 39 Columns in the Alarms table ...................................................................................... 76
Table 40 Elements in the DCAP O&M Mediator Settings dialog box .................................... 78

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Table 41 Elements in the Retrieve DTS Token dialog box ..................................................... 80
Table 42 Menu items in the Help menu .................................................................................... 81
Table 43 DTS URL commands .................................................................................................... 82

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1. About this document
This document serves as the user guide of all Tracers and Tracer Management Interface.

1.1 Change history

The purpose of this section is to describe changes made to the document since the
previous version. Changes between document versions are cumulative; the latest
document version contains all changes made to previous versions.

Table 1: Release 22 FP1 Issue 01

Changes between Release 21 FP2 Issue 01 and Release 22 FP1 Issue 01

• Updated Tracer 3G page image in Tracer 2G/3G

• Element in the Provider Controllers table in Tracer 2G/3G has been updated

Table 2: Release 21 FP2 Issue 01

Changes between Release 21 FP1 Issue 01 and Release 21 FP2 Issue 01

• Added 2G references throughout the document.

• Updated Provider Controllers table.
• Figure Retrieved DTS token is updated in Activating log le encryption
• Figure DCAP OAM Mediator Settings dialog box is updated in the Setting up
DCAP OAM Mediator connection
• Updated directories in following sections:
- Activating log le encryption
- Setting up DCAP OAM Mediator connection
- Creating self-signed certicates
• Updated DTS URL commands table in Appendix A: DCAP Trusted Server URL commands

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Table 3: Release 21 FP1 Issue 01

Changes between Release 20 FP3 Issue 02 and Release 21 FP1 Issue 01

• Removed all references to 5G throughout the document.

• Updated screenshot Accessing Tracer Management Interface through DCAP
Suite portal in section Logging into the Tracer Management Interface.
• Updated screenshot About Tracer Management Interface dialog box in section
Viewing application information.
• Updated screenshot Statistics tab and table Elements in the Connections
area in section Statistics.

Table 4: Release 20 FP3 Issue 02

Changes between Release 20 FP3 Issue 02 and Release 20 FP3 Issue 01

Table updated in section Activating log le encryption.

• File path of the directories for key-cert and CAcert is updated.

Table 5: Release 20 FP3 Issue 01

Changes between Release 20 FP3 Issue 01 and Release 20 FP2 Issue 02

DCAP OAM Mediator Settings dialog box gure is updated in the following sections:
• Setting up DCAP OAM Mediator connection
• DCAP OAM Mediator settings
Set Tracer Data Collector details step is updated in the following section:
• Creating monitoring sessions for Tracers
Port description is updated in table in the following sections:
• DCAP OAM Mediator settings
• Setting up DCAP OAM Mediator connection
Before you start section is updated in chapter Setting up DCAP OAM Mediator connection.
Table updated in section Help.
URL updated in Step 1 of section Logging into the Tracer Management Interface.
Before you start section is updated in chapter Adding a new Tracer.
Table 8 is updated in section Adding a new Tracer.
Step 2 is updated in Section Creating self-signed certicates.
Section Managing certicates is updated with CA signed certicate instructions.

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Table 6: Release 20 FP2 Issue 02

Changes between Release 20 FP2 Issue 02 and Release 20 FP2 Issue 01

Updated the tracer directories and their path in the following sections:
• Creating self-signed certicates
• Importing CA signed certicates

Table 7: Release 20 FP2 Issue 01

Changes between Release 20 FP2 Issue 01 and Release 19 FP3 Issue 01

Updated section:
• Creating monitoring sessions for Tracers
• Activating log le encryption

Table 8: Release 19 FP3 Issue 01

Changes between Release 19 FP3 Issue 01 and Release 19 FP2 Issue 01B

Added sections:
• Creating monitoring sessions for Tracers
• Activating log le encryption
• Viewing connected network elements
• Managing certicates
• Appendix A: DCAP Trusted Server URL commands

Table 9: Release 19 FP2 Issue 01A

Changes between Release 19 FP2 Issue 01B and Release 19 FP1 Issue 01

Added Managing certicates chapter from Tracer documents.

Removed DCAP Suite Security and User Management document references in Adding a new
Tracer and Collector Controllers chapters.
Updated description of Key-cert File: and CAcert File: parameters in Collector
Controllers chapter.
Changed NetAct-specic terminologies to network management system term as DCAP supports
Updated document structure and added Tracer Management views discussion.

1.2 Intended audience

The Nokia DCAP Tracer User Guide addresses the administrators and operators

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responsible for operating and maintaining the Nokia DCAP Tracer data collector and
Tracer Management Interface applications.

It is assumed that the users of this document have basic knowledge of all network

1.3 Notational conventions

Describes the textual conventions and the symbols used throughout the document.

Table 10: Notational conventions

Convention Indicates

Bold Any eld, text or command buttons in the GUI.

Example: Click Login.

italic • Emphasized text

• Reference to another topic
• File, folder, or directory names and le extensions (.pdf)
• Values to be inserted in an empty eld or box

Menu > Path Menu paths

Underlined Hyperlink to another topic.

Additional information or helpful suggestions that apply to the

Note: subject text.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,

WARNING! could result in serious consequences.

Asterisk * Mandatory entry elds.

1.4 Contact us
For assistance regarding the use and maintenance of Nokia products, contact Nokia
customer support.

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2. Overview
The user manual describes the features of Tracer Management Interface for managing
Tracer data collectors and how to use the application.

Tracer Management Interface is a centralized Web GUI that manages remote L3 trace data
collectors, that is, Tracers. Tracer Management Interface is also used to configure and
monitor data collection from network elements.

Tracer Management Interface is also used for troubleshooting Tracer applications using
alarms and counters information.

Tracer Management Interface features described in the user manual are:
Logging in to Tracer Management Interface Portal
Managing Tracer connection and adding monitoring sessions
Adding and removing monitored Tracers
Setting up DCAP OAM Mediator for alarm forwarding
Activating log file encryption
Viewing connected network elements
Viewing connection statistics
Viewing plug-in details
Viewing active and historical fault management (FM) alarms
Exporting alarm history to CSV file

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3. Assigning credentials and privileges to Tracer
Management Interface user accounts
Users of the Tracer Management Interface Web GUI are assigned with credentials and
privileges to perform operations accordingly.

The aim of this procedure is to assign the respective credentials and privilege to a user
account of Tracer Management Interface Web GUI.

Before you start

Ensure that there are existing user accounts for the DCAP Suite solution.

▪ Create user accounts, and assign credentials for users of Tracer Management

For more information, see Creating users chapter in the Nokia DCAP Suite Security and
User Management document.

If done correctly, the password for the respective user account will have been changed, and
that user account will have been assigned privileges according to the Group to which it

The following table describes the different scope and capabilities of each user groups on
using the Tracer Management Interface Web GUI.

Table 11: Tracer Management Interface user role access

Supported = Yes UI eld System Application Read-only user

Not Supported = No administrator administrator

Collector Controllers Tracers table Yes Yes Yes

Add Tracer button Yes Yes No

Delete Tracers Yes Yes No


Add Tracer dialog Yes Yes No


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Supported = Yes UI eld System Application Read-only user
Not Supported = No administrator administrator

Tracer 3G Monitoring Sessions Yes Yes No


Add Monitoring Yes Yes No


Add Monitoring Yes No No

Session with IMSI
buffer time and
holding time

Monitoring Session Yes No No

Details dialog box
with IMSI buffer time
and holding time

Delete Monitoring Yes Yes No


Provider Controllers Yes Yes No


Add Provider Yes Yes No


Delete Provider Yes Yes No


Add Provider Yes Yes No

Controller dialog box

Data Collectors table Yes Yes No

Add Data Collector… Yes Yes No

Delete Data Yes Yes No


Add Data Collector Yes Yes No

dialog box

Message Filters table Yes Yes No

Add Custom Yes Yes No

Message Filter…

Delete Custom Yes Yes No

Message Filters

Add Message Filter Yes Yes No

dialog box

Tracer 4G/5G Tracer 4G/5G table Yes Yes Yes

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Supported = Yes UI eld System Application Read-only user
Not Supported = No administrator administrator

Statistics Statistics page Yes Yes Yes

Connected network Yes Yes Yes


Alarms Active alarms table Yes Yes Yes

History alarms Yes Yes Yes

Export history alarms Yes Yes No

Settings DCAP O&M Mediator Yes No No


Retrieve DTS token Yes No No

Help About Yes Yes Yes

Help page Yes Yes Yes

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4. Logging into the Tracer Management Interface
Logging in to Tracer Management Interface allows you to start performing operations
important for DCAP troubleshooting.

Before you start

DCAP Suite is successfully installed.

Standard user accounts are requested from the admin user for Tracer Management
Interface access.

1 Access the https://<DOMAIN_NAME>/ URL.

Step example

2 Log in to the DCAP Suite Portal using your credentials.

3 From the menu pane of the DCAP Suite portal, select Tracer ► Tracer
Management Interface.

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Figure 1: Accessing Tracer Management Interface through DCAP Suite portal

This directs to the main page of Tracer Management Interface.

Figure 2: Tracer Management Interface main page

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5. Managing Tracer connection
Tracer Management Interface is capable on adding Tracer instances and monitor its
connection status, and performance. The following chapters describe on how to manage
Tracer instances in Tracer Management Interface.

The following chapters describe on how to manage Tracer instances in Tracer Management

5.1 Adding a new Tracer

Tracer instances and its details can be added in Tracer Management Interface to start
further troubleshooting.

Before you start

For secured connection, obtain the root CA certificate Tracer application to be connected.
You can also use an officially signed root CA certificate and key-cert PEM file for securing the
connection but ensure that the Tracer is using the same root CA certificate that is used to
sign the key-cert PEM file. For instructions on setting tracer certificates, refer to section 12
Managing certificates. The key-cert PEM can be found from DCAP central server directory

1 Log in to the DCAP Suite Portal using your credentials.

2 From the menu pane of the DCAP Suite portal, select Tracer ► Tracer
Management Interface.

3 From the Tracer Management Interface home page, click Tracer Management
tab and select Collector Controllers.

Step result
The Tracers table is displayed.

4 Click Add Tracer… and specify the following connection details of the Tracer
software to be added:

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Table 12: Add Tracer field descriptions

Field name Recommended actions

Tracer name: Set to the name of the Tracer software.

IP Address: Set to the IP address of the Tracer software.

Port: Set to the port number of the Tracer software.

Key-cert File: Set to the key-cert PEM le of the Tracer

management interface, which needs to be
downloaded from DCAP Central

CAcert File: Set to the CA certicate PEM le used to sign the
key-cert PEM le of the Tracer software.


Setting certificate files is required to establish a secure connection using HTTPS.

Figure 3: Add new Tracer connection details

5 Click Save.

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The newly added Tracer connection is displayed in the Tracers table. When the connected
Tracer is running, connection is established.

Figure 4: Added new Tracer connection details

5.2 Removing monitored Tracers

Learn how to remove Tracer instances in the Tracers table if you will no longer need these
instances for troubleshooting DCAP.

Before you start

Ensure that there are existing Tracer connection created in the Tracers table.
If there are active monitoring sessions, these must be turned off before removing.

1 Log in to the DCAP Suite Portal using your credentials.

2 From the menu pane of the DCAP Suite portal, select Tracer ► Tracer
Management Interface.

3 From the Tracer Management Interface home page, click Tracer Management

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tab and select Collector Controllers.

Step result
The Tracers table is displayed.

4 Mark the Tracers to be deleted and click Delete Tracers.

Figure 5: Tracers to be deleted

5 In the Delete Tracers dialog box, click Confirm.

Figure 6: Delete Tracers dialog box

When Tracer has an active monitoring session, the following dialog box is displayed.

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Figure 7: Delete Tracer dialog box with active monitoring session warning

The marked Tracers are removed from the Tracers table.

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6. Creating monitoring sessions for Tracers
Tracer management for 2G/3G is an enabler to support Tracer data collection and this
can be managed via Tracer Management Interface. Creating monitoring sessions and
connections between network elements and Tracers are needed for this procedure.

Before you start

System or application administrator access rights are needed to access this feature.
Only Tracer 2G and Tracer 3G is supported with this feature.

1 Log in to the DCAP Suite Portal using your credentials.

2 From the menu pane of the DCAP Suite portal, select Tracer ► Tracer
Management Interface.

3 Add Tracer connection in Tracer Management Interface.

For more information on how to add connection, see Adding a new Tracer chapter.

Step result
Tracer Collector Controller is added and connected to Tracer Management Interface.

4 From the Tracer Management Interface home page, click Tracer Management
tab and select Tracer 2G/3G.

Step result
The Monitoring Sessions table is displayed.

5 Add Provider Controller instance of the NE to be monitored.

5.1 From the Provider Controllers tab, click Add Provider


Step result
The Add Provider Controller dialog box is displayed.

5.2 Supply the necessary information for each field described in the following

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Table 13: Add Provider Controller field descriptions

Field name Recommended actions

Collector controller: From the drop-down list, select the

Tracer Collector Controller that you want
to add.

Name: Set the name of the Provider Controller.

Active:IP Address: Set the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the

Provider Controller.

Active:Port: Set the port of the Provider Controller.

Spare:IP Address: Set the IPv4 or IPv6 address of a spare

Provider Controller.

Spare:Port: Set the port of a spare Provider


5.3 Click Add.

Step result
The Provider Controller is added to the Provider Controllers table.

6 Add the Tracer Data Collector instance connected to the configured Provider
Controller via Tracer Collector Controller.

6.1 From the Data Controllers tab, click Add Data Collector….

6.2 Supply the necessary information for each field described in the following

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Table 14: Add Data Collector field descriptions

Field name Recommended actions

Collector controller: From the drop-down list, select the

Tracer Collector Controller that you want
to add.

Name: Set the name of the Tracer Data


IP Address: Set the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the

Tracer Data Collector.

Port: Set the port of the Tracer Data Collector.

6.3 Click Add.

Step result
The Tracer Data Collector is added to the Data Collectors table.

7 Create message filters to refine message log collection.


There are already pre-defined or default message filters which you can use to
refine the messages you want.

7.1 From the Message Filters tab, click Add Custom Message Filter….

7.2 Supply the necessary information for each field described in the following

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Table 15: Add Message Filter field descriptions

Field name Recommended actions

Name: Set the name of the message lter you will create.

NE type: Type of network element to be monitored.

If you set NE type to 3G, the values in the
Monitoring type will change to 3G message

Monitoring type: Type of message monitoring for the message lter.

If the NE type is set to 3G, the following can be

Filter: Dene the message lter in the Filter: text

For Autoshing support,

7.3 Click Add.

Step result
The Tracer Data Collector is added to the Data Collectors table.

8 Create a monitoring session.

8.1 From the Monitoring Sessions tab, click Add Monitoring Session…

Step result
The Add Monitoring Session pop-up window appears.

8.2 From the Collector controller drop-down list, select the Tracer Collector
Controller for the monitoring session.

8.3 In the Monitoring session name text box, enter a name for the monitoring

8.4 Click Next.

8.5 From the Provider controller drop-down list, select an existing Provider

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Step result
The Monitoring type drop-down list appears, after selecting the Provider

8.6 From the Monitoring type drop-down list, select one of the following

Normal monitoring
Cell trace monitoring
IMSI monitoring


Depending on the Monitoring type selected by the user, the

corresponding monitoring type can be configured.

8.7 Set Cell trace monitoring conditions.

1. Select Cell trace monitoring and click Next.


Enable neighboring cells buffering is selected by default.

2. Enter the Cell ID to be monitored in the text box and click Add.


In the Cell ID list, the maximum allowable Cell ID count is 1. To add

additional Cell IDs, deselect Enable neighboring cells
buffering and then enter the Cell ID in the text box and click Add.

The Cell ID is displayed in the Cell ID list.

3. Click Next.

8.8 Set IMSI monitoring conditions.

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IMSI monitoring is not supported in Tracer 2G. The settings are disabled if
IMSI monitoring is not supported by NE. Skip this step if IMSI monitoring
will not be used.

1. Select Enable IMSI monitoring.

2. From the IMSI text field, enter the IMSIs to be monitored then click Add.
3. To use BTS monitoring, select Enable BTS monitoring and set the
Buffer size (in Mb) and Holding time (in seconds).
4. Click Next.

9 Set encryption and compression settings for the streaming between NE data provider
units and Tracer Data Collector.


LZ4 compression and encryption settings are disabled if not supported by NE.
Skip this step a and b if those features will not be used.

9.1 Mark Enable LZ4 compression to compress data using LZ4 compression.

9.2 Mark Enable encryption to encrypt data using AES256 encryption.

Select from the available options


9.3 Set filters for control plane, transport plane, and user plane data providers.

1. Select the Control Plane, Transport Plane, or User Plane tab.

2. From the table on the left, mark the check box of the data providers that will
be assigned with filters.


Data provider units shown depend on available units from RNC and if
IMSI monitoring is enabled in the previous step. Units with default filter
are preselected when IMSI monitoring is supported and enabled.

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List of available message filters are in

/home/tracergui/filters/filter.txt. Users can edit the file to
modify the filters. Empty and duplicate entries are not valid.

3. From the message filter list on the right, select the message filter that you
want to use for refining the message collection.
4. Click < Apply Filter.


Filters can also be selected for each monitoring type using the drop-
down menus under the Filter column.

9.4 Click Next.

10 Set Tracer Data Collector details.

Select from the available options

Select an existing Tracer Data Collector.
1. Select the Select from existing data collectors option.
2. Select an existing Tracer Data Collector from the Data Collector: drop-down
3. Fill the Collector address field with IPv4/IPv4 address of collector instance.
4. If both IPv4 and IPv6 gNb’s are monitored, this field should contain another IP
address of collector. This is optional.
5. Click Next.
Add a new Tracer Data Collector.
1. Select the Add new data collector option.
2. Set the name of the new Tracer Data Collector in theName: field.
3. Set the collector IP address and control port of the active Tracer Data Collector in
the Active: fields.
4. Click Next.

11 Add Tracer plug-in settings.

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11.1 Select the tab of the Tracer plug-in to be configured.

11.2 Configure the Tracer plug-in parameter settings.

For more information on the plug-in parameter settings, see the Nokia DCAP
Installation and Configuration Instructions document.

11.3 Click Add.


When IMSI monitoring is enabled, the IMSI Disclaimer dialog box is

displayed then click OK.

Tracer monitoring session is added and started.

You can now further manage message collection and edit monitoring sessions via Tracer
Management Interface in the Monitoring Sessions table.

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7. Monitoring statistics of Tracers
Tracer Management Interface aims to help the user to monitor Tracer data collection
platforms statistics and its performance. It also allows the user to view active and history
alarms raised from the Tracer applications.

7.1 Viewing statistics

Viewing connection or plug-in statistics of a Tracer helps you perform DCAP
troubleshooting operations.

Before you start

Tracer connection must be added.

Connection between Tracer and Tracer Management Interface must be established.

1 Log in to the DCAP Suite Portal using your credentials.

2 From the menu pane of the DCAP Suite portal, select Tracer ► Tracer
Management Interface.

3 From the Tracer Management Interface home page, click the Statistics tab.

Step result
The Statistics page is displayed.

4 From the Statistics tree, select any Tracer server that you want to monitor.

Upon selecting the desired Tracer server, this expands and displays the Connections,
Incoming buffer data, and plug-ins child nodes.

5 View the connection statistics of the selected Tracer server.

Select from the available options

Click Connections.
Click Incoming buffer data.
Click any available plug-in.

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Connection details and incoming buffer data of a selected Tracer are continuously running.

7.2 Viewing active alarm reports

Viewing active FM alarms triggered by the Tracer data collection software helps you
perform further DCAP troubleshooting.

Before you start

Tracer connection must be added.

Connection between Tracer and Tracer Management Interface must be established.

1 Log in to the DCAP Suite Portal using your credentials.

2 From the menu pane of the DCAP Suite portal, select Tracer ► Tracer
Management Interface.

3 From the Tracer Management Interface home page, click the Alarms tab.

Step result
The Alarms page is displayed.

4 Set Alarms view: to Active.

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Figure 8: Setting Alarms view to Active

When Tracer triggers an alarm, active FM alarms are displayed.

7.3 Viewing alarm history reports

View FM alarm history triggered by the Tracer data collection software helps you track
old alarm information and perform further DCAP troubleshooting.

Before you start

Tracer connection must be added.

Connection between Tracer and Tracer Management Interface must be established.
Alarms must have been triggered previously.

1 Log in to the DCAP Suite Portal using your credentials.

2 From the menu pane of the DCAP Suite portal, select Tracer ► Tracer
Management Interface.

3 From the Tracer Management Interface home page, click the Alarms tab.

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Step result
The Alarms page is displayed.

4 Set Alarms view: to History.

Figure 9: Setting Alarms view to History

5 Set the From: and To: fields to the date range of the alarms you want to view.


Depending on the date range, older alarms might no longer be visible. Older
alarms are deleted when the total size of the alarm history reaches 100 MB.

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Figure 10: Setting date range

Historical FM alarm history is displayed.

7.4 Exporting alarm history to CSV file

Export FM alarm history to CSV file if you want to have an offline copy that can be also
used for DCAP troubleshooting.

Before you start

Tracer connection must be added.

Connection between Tracer and Tracer Management Interface must be established.
Alarms must have been triggered previously.

1 Log in to the DCAP Suite Portal using your credentials.

2 From the menu pane of the DCAP Suite portal, select Tracer ► Tracer
Management Interface.

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3 From the Tracer Management Interface home page, click the Alarms tab.

Step result
The Alarms page is displayed.

4 Set Alarms view: to History.

5 Set the From: and To: fields to the date range of the alarms to be exported.

6 Click Export.

Figure 11: Clicking Export button

7 Set the directory where the CSV file will be saved.


If the Web browser uses a default download directory, the CSV file will be
automatically saved in that directory.

8 Click Save.

CSV file containing the selected alarm history is saved in the set directory.

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8. Activating log file encryption
Enables you to encrypt logs collected from network elements through Tracer, Tracer
Management Interface, and DCAP Trusted Server. Once all components are set up, Tracer
disk writer plug-in will write the encrypted logs to disk.

This enables the user to secure information of the logs collected from the network
elements. To achieve this, connection to DCAP Trusted Server is required.

Before you start

Ensure that network elements targeted for collection are successfully integrated to the
Tracer data collection software.
Ensure that useEncryption parameter in the disk writer plug-in is set to true.
Ensure that Tracer data collection software is successfully installed with disk writer plug-
in and deployed to DCAP Distributed servers.
Ensure that DTS is running on the DCAP server where it is installed.
For more information, see the Appendix A: DCAP Trusted Server URL commands chapter.

1 Log in to the DCAP Suite Portal using your credentials.

2 From the menu pane of the DCAP Suite Portal, select Tracer ► Tracer
Management Interface.

3 From the Tracer Management Interface home page, select Settings ► Retrieve
DTS token.

Step result
The Retrieve DTS token dialog box is displayed.

4 Configure DTS token settings.

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Table 16: Retrieve DTS token parameters

Fields Recommended actions

IP/Hostname Set the IP address or domain name of the DCAP Central

server where the DTS token will be retrieved from.

Port Set the port number of DTS where DTS token will be
retrieved, only when IP address is set to IP/Hostname.
Values is 58001 if secured.

Key-cert file Set the key-cert le of DCAP Suite. Key-cert le is stored
in the /home/dcapuser/config/certs/key-
cert.pem directory of the DCAP Central server.

CAcert file Set the CA certicate le used to sign the key-cert le for
DCAP Suite. CA certicate le is stored in the
directory of the DCAP Central server.

Reconnect Count Set the number of times Tracer Management Interface

will reconnect to retrieve DTS token if connection failed.

5 Click Retrieve Token.

Step result
The DTS token status is displayed. When successful, status is Available. Retrieved
from: along with the IP address or domain name, and port of the DTS server.
Figure 12: Retrieved DTS token

Upon retrieving the DTS token, it is now possible to enable log file encryption when
creating or editing a monitoring session.

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6 Add Tracer connection.

When already existing, skip this step. Otherwise, see Managing Tracer connection

7 Enable log file encryption via Tracer Management Interface.

Select from the available options

For Tracer 3G, do the following:
1. Go to Tracer Management ► Tracer 3G.
2. Create or edit a monitoring session.


For creating a monitoring session, click Add Monitoring Session and see
Creating monitoring sessions for Tracers chapter for instructions.


For editing a monitoring session, click the Edit icon under Actions column.

3. Mark Enable encryption under the Giva Disk Writer tab.

Figure 13: Enabling encryption for Tracer 3G

For Tracer 4G/5G, do the following:

1. Go to Tracer Management ► Tracer 4G/5G.
2. Click the toggle button for Encryption to enable it.

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Figure 14: Enabling encryption for Tracer 4G/5G

Log file encryption is enabled and logs are being encrypted. Encrypted logs are stored to the
Tracer Disk Writer’s output directory.

Format of the encrypted logs are:

.mgj for Tracer 3G logs

.lcbinx for Tracer 4G/5G logs


File is generated if the network element sends monitoring data. Data file is not
produced if only the network element version information is received.

Use Emil to decrypt and view the encrypted logs. Authentication via Keycloak is required.

Follow the Setting up Emil with DCAP Trusted Server chapter in the Nokia Message Analysis
Platform (Emil) Installation Instructions document for instructions.

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9. Setting up DCAP OAM Mediator connection
Set up the connection between Tracer Management Interface and DCAP OAM Mediator
for alarm and counter data forwarding to network management system.

Before you start

For secured connection, obtain the root CA certificate and key-cert PEM files from DCAP
Central Server. The dcap.pem and key-cert.pem files are in -
/home/dcapuser/config/certs/ directory.

You can also use a custom root CA certificate and key-cert PEM file for securing the
connection but ensure DCAP OAM Mediator will also use the same root CA certificate used
to sign the key-cert PEM file.

1 Log in to the DCAP Suite Portal using your credentials.

2 From the menu pane of the DCAP Suite portal, select Tracer ► Tracer
Management Interface.

3 From the Tracer Management Interface home page, select Settings ► DCAP
O&M Mediator Settings.

Step result
TheDCAP O&M Mediator Settings dialog box is displayed.

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Figure 15: DCAP OAM Mediator Settings dialog box

4 Mark Connect to DCAP O&M Mediator and configure DCAP OAM Mediator
connection settings.

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Table 17: Configuring DCAP OAM Mediator connection settings

Fields Recommended actions

Source ID Set a unique ID for the DCAP OAM Mediator

to be connected.

IP address Set the IP address of DCAP OAM Mediator to

be connected.

Port Port 8446 is used when https is congured.

Forward fault alarms Mark Forward fault alarms to

forward alarm data to DCAP OAM Mediator.

Forward performance counters Mark Forward performance

counters to forward counter data to
DCAP OAM Mediator.

For secured connection

Key-cert file Set the DCAP OAM Mediator key-cert PEM


CAcert file Set the CA certicate PEM le used to sign

the DCAP OAM Mediator key-cert PEM le.

5 Click Save.


To change Source ID when DCAP OAM Mediator is already connected, unmark

Connect to DCAP O&M Mediator, click Save, and fill-up Source ID with
new value.

Connection between Tracer Management Interface and DCAP O&M Mediator is established.

Integrate network management system with DCAP.

When network management system is successfully configured and Tracer triggers an alarm
or counter, alarms and counters are displayed in network management system.

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10. Viewing connected network elements
You also can check the list of network elements connected to Tracers using Tracer
Management Interface. Through this feature, it shows basic information of the connected
network element such as IP address and port.

Before you start

Ensure that connection between Tracer and Tracer Management Interface is established.
Ensure that Tracer connection is successfully added in Tracer Management Interface.

1 Log in to the DCAP Suite Portal using your credentials.

2 From the menu pane of the DCAP Suite portal, select Tracer ► Tracer
Management Interface.

3 From the Tracer Management Interface home page, click the Statistics tab.

Step result
The Statistics page is displayed.

4 From the Statistics tree, select any Tracer connection and expand it.

Step result
The Connections, Incoming buffer data, and plug-ins child nodes are displayed.

5 Select Connections.

Step result
The Connections area shows the gauge, table, and graph used to view the selected
Tracer connection statistical records. Also, the Connected network elements field
shows the number of network elements connected to Tracer.

6 Click Connected network elements.

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Click Export to download an offline copy of the connected network elements list
of the selected Tracer.

A dialog box is displayed and shows the details of all connected network elements such as IP
address and their port number.

For nTracer, the NE ID column is displayed that shows the unique ID of the eNodeB
network elements.

Figure 16: Connected eNodeBs in selected nTracer

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11. Viewing application information
View application information of Tracer Management Interface where all relevant details
related to the software are mentioned.

1 Log in to the DCAP Suite Portal using your credentials.

2 From the menu pane of the DCAP Suite portal, select Tracer ► Tracer
Management Interface.

3 From the Tracer Management Interface home page, select Help ► About
Tracer Management Interface.

The About Tracer Management Interface dialog box is displayed where the Tracer
Management Interface version and other relevant system information are shown.

Figure 17: About Tracer Management Interface dialog box

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12. Managing certificates
This chapter enables you to create or import X.509 certificates on the system for secure
communication. Certificates to be created or imported need to be set on both Tracer and
Tracer Management Interface.

12.1 Creating self-signed certificates

Enables you to create a self-signed CA certificate which will be used for signing Tracer

Before you start

For more information on downloading and installing OpenSSL, see this OpenSSL page.

1 Log in to DCAP Central server as dcapuser and open the Linux terminal.

2 Go to the
ES> where certificates will be created.

cd /home/dcapuser/dcapinstaller_DCAP<DCAP Release>_<Installer

Available certificate directories

tracergui - CA directory between Tracer and Tracer Management Interface.

dcap3g - CA directory between Tracer and 3G network elements.
dcap2g- CA directory between Tracer and 2G network elements

Step example

cd /home/dcapuser/dcapinstaller_DCAP<DCAP Release>_<Installer


cd /home/dcapuser/dcapinstaller_DCAP<DCAP Release>_<Installer


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3 Generate the private key:

openssl genrsa -out CA.key 2048

4 Generate the certificate signing request (CSR) file for the CA certificate:

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout <private_key>.key -new -out

<CSR_name>.csr -days <CSR_expiry>

<private_key> - Filename for the private key used to sign the CSR file.
<CSR_name> - Filename for the CSR file to create root CA.
<CSR_expiry> - Number of days before CSR file expiration.

Step example

openssl req -key CA.key -new -out CA.csr -days 1825

This will ask you to provide information for the CA certificate.

Table 18: CSR file for root CA parameters

Parameter Recommended action Sample value

Country Name Set the country code of the organization (mandatory). FI

State or Province Name Set the state or province of the organization (mandatory). Finland

Locality Name Set the city or locality of the organization (mandatory). Espoo

Organization Name Set the name of the organization for which certicate is to Nokia
be generated.

Organizational Unit Name Set the organizational section unit name or your own IT

Common Name Set the fully qualied domain name (FQDN) of your server. euca-10-159-24-254.eucalyptus.esclo

Email Address Leave the value empty. -

Challenge Password Leave the value empty. -

Optional Company Name Leave the value empty. -

5 Check the CSR file by copying its contents and paste it to any CSR check tool:

cat CA.csr
Step result
The content of the CSR file is displayed like in the following example:

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... some Base64 encoded values ...


6 Generate the CA certificate PEM file:

openssl x509 -signkey <private_key>.key -req -days <PEM_expiry> -

in <CSR_name>.csr -out <PEM_name>.pem -extensions v3_ca

<PEM_expiry> - Number of days before CA certificate PEM file expiration.

<PEM_name> - Filename for the CA certificate PEM file.

Step example

openssl x509 -signkey CA.key -req -days 1095 -in CA.csr -out CA.pem -extensions


Successful creation of the private key and certificate PEM file for root CA.

The Ansible installation script will read these self-signed CA certificate files when they are
placed in the/certificate_authority/<CA_DIRECTORIES>. When you run the
installation script, script will automatically create the certificates in the
/local/<TRACER>/certificates directory of the DCAP Distributed server.

12.2 Importing CA signed certificates

Enables you to import certificates signed by your trusted CA.

Before you start

You should have the CA certificate and key-cert PEM file (named as
rest_management_keycert.pem and rest_management_ca.pem) signed by your trusted
If these files are not available, follow the steps below that instruct how to generate CSR

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and create needed files. These steps should be repeated in each distributed server.
1. Log in to DCAP Distributed server as dcapuser and open the Linux terminal.
2. Go to certificates directory by executing /home/dcapuser/config/certs.
3. Create openssl.conf file with template defined in the next step.

vi openssl.conf

4. Paste this template to vi and fill in values by replacing parameters marked with < >.

[ req ]

distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name

req_extensions = v3_req

prompt = no

[ req_distinguished_name ]

countryName = < Country: ie. FI>

stateOrProvinceName = < ie. Pirkanmaa >

localityName = < City: ie. Tampere >

organizationName = < Organization ie. Nokia>

organizationalUnitName = < Unit: ie. DCAP>

commonName = < CN: ie. dcapcentral.localdomain>

[ v3_req ]

basicConstraints = CA:TRUE

subjectAltName = @alt_names


DNS.1 = <DNS of distributed server ie. dcacentral123.localdomain>

5. Save the file and close vi editor.

6. Generate private key by executing:

openssl genrsa -out distributeServerPrivateKey.key 2048

7. Generate certificate signing request by executing:

openssl req -new -key distributeServerPrivateKey.key -out distributeServer.csr -

config openssl.conf

8. Verify that certificate signing request is correct, by executing:

openssl req -text -noout -verify -in distributeServer.csr

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9. Request certificates from Your CA authority by sending distributedServer.csr to them.
10. After receiving certificate from CA authority, generate key certificate pem file:

cat distributeServerPrivateKey.key dcapedgecert.pem > rest_management_keycert.pem

where dcapedgecert.pem is file name of distributed server certificate received from CA

authority in pem format.
11. Copy DCAP central public certificates into directory /home/dcapuser/config/certs
in DCAP distributed server.
12. Concatenate all the public certificates defined for DCAP central server in certificate
chain, into a single file, as below:

cat TrustedRootCertificate.pem IntermediateCertificate.pem


1 Log in to DCAP Distributed server as dcapuser and open the Linux terminal.

2 Change to Tracer certificates directory by executing


3 Copy key certificate pem and public certificate file to tracer certificate directory with
the following commands:

cp rest_management_keycert.pem /home/dcapuser/config/certs/ntracer/certificates/

cp rest_management_ca.pem /home/dcapuser/config/certs/ntracer/certificates/


Repeat this for each tracer where https need to be enabled.


Steps 1-3 must be repeated in each distributed server.

4 Log in to DCAP Central server as dcapuser and open the Linux terminal.

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5 Change to installer directory by executing:

cd /home/dcapuser/dcapinstaller_DCAP<DCAP Release>_<Installer Version>/

6 Edit installation configuration file by executing:

vi dcap_config.yml

7 From the configuration file of the tracer for which you want to enable HTTPS,
uncomment the following lines:

# restServerKeyAndCertFile: "ext/certificates/rest_management_keycert.pem"

# restClientCertVerifyFile: "ext/certificates/rest_management_ca.pem"

8 Run ansible for the tracer in which you want to enable https.

ansible-playbook <tracer>_playbook.yml

The Ansible installation script will modify tracer configuration to enable https in tracer
management interface.

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13. Tracer Management Interface UI elements
This chapter describes further information on how the fields, buttons, text boxes, and so
on function in Tracer Management Interface and how they are used.

13.1 Collector Controllers

Viewing the list of all monitored Tracers and their connections status is done in Collector
Controllers page of the Tracer Management tab.

Tracer server name, IP address, port, and its status are displayed in the Tracers table.

Figure 18: Collector Controllers view

Description of elements
The following table describes the different elements in the Tracers tab in Tracer
Management Interface page.

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Table 19: Elements in the Tracers tab

Elements Description


Tracers table Displays the added Tracers and their connection details.

Page Denes the page number of Tracers to be displayed in the

Tracers table.

Items per page Denes the number of connected Tracers to be displayed

in the table. Choices are:
• 10
• 20
• 30


Add Tracer… Adds a new Tracer connection. New addition is displayed in

the Tracers table.

Delete Tracers Removes an existing Tracer connection. Deleted items are

removed from the Tracers table.

Previous Navigates to the previous page of displayed Tracers.

Next Navigates to the next page of displayed Tracers.

First Page Navigates to the rst page of displayed Tracers.

Last Page Navigates to the last page of displayed Tracers.

The following table describes the available columns in the Tracers table.

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Table 20: Columns in the Tracers table

Columns Description Sample value

Source ID Source ID of the connected Tracer. 123

IDs are set in the following parameters of the
Tracer conguration le:
• applicationName - Tracer 3G
• tracerName - nTracer or Tracer RTPM
ID to be set should be numeric and unique,
otherwise -- will be displayed.

Name Name of the Tracer connection. Tracer1

IP address IP address of the connected Tracer.

Port Port of the connected Tracer. 49151

Type Network technology the connected Tracer is LTE

intended for.
Supported types are:
• 2G
• 3G
• 4G/5G
• 4G/5G-RTPM

Status Status of the monitored Tracers. Connected

The available statuses that the Tracer can
experience are the following:
• Connected
• Disconnected


To select an entry, mark the checkbox from a specific row. Marking a specific row is
done to remove a connected Tracer.


Click a column header to sort the entries in ascending, descending, and default order.

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Add Tracer dialog box
The Add Tracer dialog box is displayed when Add Tracer... button is clicked in the
Tracers table. Adding Tracer connections to be monitored is done in this dialog box. Name
for the Tracer connection, IP address, and port must be configured.

Tracer connection name, IP address, and port must be configured.

Figure 19: Add Tracer dialog box

The following table describes the different elements in the Add Tracer dialog box.

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Table 21: Elements of the Add Tracer dialog box

Elements Description


Tracer name: Name of the Tracer connection.

When adding a name for Tracer connection, the
consider the following:
• Space between characters is not allowed
• Text must be 4-16 characters long and can only
contain alphanumeric characters, for example, (A-Za-
z0-9), dash, or underscore

IP Address: IP address of the Tracer to be connected in IPv4 or IPv6


Port: Port number of the Tracer to be connected.

Key-cert File: Key-certicate PEM le of Tracer to be connected.

CAcert File: CA certicate PEM le used to sign the key-certicate

PEM le of Tracer to be connected.


Browse... Opens le explorer to select a certicate le.

Save Conrms the addition of the new Tracer connection.

New addition is displayed on the Tracers table.
If an error appears, the following considerations are:
• Invalid Tracer name, IP address, or Port
• No entry for required elds

Cancel Discards all the modications made and closes the Add
Tracer dialog box.

13.2 Tracer 2G/3G

Tracer 2G/3G page is used to manage all Tracer 2G/3G data software applications
connecting them to Provider Controllers and create monitoring sessions between
network elements.

Trace Management feature for Tracer 2G/3G is done in Tracer Management ► Tracer
2G/3G which allows users to manage monitoring sessions between network elements and
Tracer Data Collectors.

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Figure 20: Tracer 3G page

Monitoring Sessions
The following table describes the different elements in the Monitoring Sessions table.

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Table 22: Elements in the Monitoring Sessions table

Elements Description


Page Denes the page number of monitoring

sessions to be displayed in the Monitoring
Sessions table.

Items per page Denes the number of monitoring sessions

that are displayed in the Monitoring
Sessions table.

Monitoring Sessions table Displays the monitoring sessions created

between network elements and Data


Add Monitoring Session… Opens the setup wizard dialog to add a

monitoring session.

Delete Monitoring Sessions Removes selected monitoring sessions.

Previous Navigates to the previous page of displayed

monitoring sessions.

Next Navigates to the next page of displayed

monitoring sessions.

First Page Navigates to the rst page of displayed

monitoring sessions.

Last Page Navigates to the last page of displayed

monitoring sessions.

The following table describes the different columns in the Monitoring Sessions table.

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Table 23: Columns in the Monitoring Sessions table

Columns Description

Monitoring Session Shows the name of the monitoring session.

Click the monitoring session name when the session is On
for more information on the monitoring session.

Collector Controller Shows the name of the Collector Controller.

Click the Collector Controller name when the session is On
for more information on the Collector Controller.

Provider Controller Shows the name of the Provider Controller.

Click the Provider Controller name when the session is On
for more information on the Provider Controller.

Data Collector Shows the name of the Data Collector.

Click the Data Collector name when the session is On for
more information on the Data Collector.

NE Type Shows the network element technology of the monitoring

session, for example, 3G.

Actions Contains the monitoring session toggle that turns the

monitoring session On or Off and the Edit button that
modies the monitoring session’s conguration.

Status Shows the status of the monitoring session. Possible

statuses are:
• Bell - Monitoring session is inactive.
• Loading - Loading status from Tracer.
• Check - Monitoring session is running.
• Error- Error encountered.
If an error is encountered, click the error icon for more
information on the error.

Provider Controllers
The following table describes the different elements in the Provider Controllers

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Table 24: Elements in the Provider Controllers table

Elements Description


Page Denes the page number of monitoring

sessions to be displayed in the Provider
Controllers table.

Items per page Denes the number of monitoring sessions

that are displayed in the Provider
Controllers table.

Provider Controllers table Displays the created Provider Controllers



Add Provider Controller… Opens the setup wizard dialog box to add a
Provider Controller.

Delete Monitoring Sessions Removes selected Provider Controllers.

Previous Navigates to the previous page of displayed

Provider Controllers.

Next Navigates to the next page of displayed

Provider Controllers.

First Page Navigates to the rst page of displayed

Provider Controllers.

Last Page Navigates to the last page of displayed

Provider Controllers.

The following table describes the different columns in the Provider Controllers table.

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Table 25: Columns in the Provider Controllers table

Columns Description

Provider controller Shows the name of the Provider Controller.

Collector Controller Shows the name of the Collector Controller.

IP Shows the IP address of the Provider Controller.

Port Shows the port number of the Collector Controller.

NE Type Network element identify as string.

NE ID Network element identier.

VNF ID VNF identity as string.

Redundancy Role Shows the Redundancy role of Provider Collector. Possible

values are:
• Standalone - No resiliency is activated
• Primary - Active NE
• Secondary - Secondary standby NE

Activity State Shows activity state.

Possible values are:
• Active
• Standby
• Collapsed

Actions Contains the monitoring session toggle that turns the

Provider Controller On or Off and the Edit button that
modies the Provider Controller’s conguration.

Status Shows the status of the Provider Controller. Possible

statuses are:
• Bell - Provider Controller is inactive
• Loading - Loading status from Tracer
• Check - Provider Controller is running
• Error- Error encountered
• Standby- Secondary network element in standby
If an error is encountered, click the error icon for more
information on the error.

Data Collectors

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Table 26: Columns in the Data Collectors table

Columns Description

Data Collector Shows the name of the Data Collector.

Collector Controller Shows the name of the Collector Controller.

IP Shows the IP address of the Data Collector.

Port Shows the port number of the Data Collector.

Actions Contains the monitoring session toggle that turns the Data
Collector On or Off and the Edit button that modies
the Data Collector’s conguration.

Status Shows the status of the monitoring session. Possible

statuses are:
• Bell - Data Collector is inactive
• Loading - Loading status from Tracer
• Check - Data Collector is running
• Error- Error encountered
If an error is encountered, click the error icon for more
information on the error.

The following table describes the different elements in the Data Collectors table.

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Table 27: Elements in the Data Collectors table

Elements Description


Page Denes the page number of Data Collectors to

be displayed in the Data Collectors

Items per page Denes the number of Data Collectors that are
displayed in the Data Collectors table.

Data Collectors table Displays the created Data Collectors instances.


Add Data Collector… Opens the setup wizard dialog box to add a
Data Collector.

Delete Data Collectors Removes selected Data Collectors.

Previous Navigates to the previous page of displayed

Data Collectors.

Next Navigates to the next page of displayed Data


First Page Navigates to the rst page of displayed Data


Last Page Navigates to the last page of displayed Data


The following table describes the different columns in the Data Collectors table.

Message Filters
The following table describes the different elements in the Message Filters table.

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Table 28: Elements in the Message Filters table

Elements Description


Page Denes the page number of monitoring

sessions to be displayed in the Message
Filters table.

Items per page Denes the number of monitoring sessions

that are displayed in the Message Filters

Message Filters table Displays the created message lters instances.


Add Custom Message Filter… Opens the setup wizard dialog box to add a
message lter.

Delete Custom Message Filters Removes selected message lters.

Previous Navigates to the previous page of displayed

message lters.

Next Navigates to the next page of displayed

message lters.

First Page Navigates to the rst page of displayed

message lters.

Last Page Navigates to the last page of displayed

message lters.

The following table describes the different columns in the Message Filters table.

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Table 29: Columns in the Message Filters table

Columns Description

Name Shows the name of the message lter.

Filter Shows the dened message lters either

custom or pre-dened.

Monitoring Type Shows the type of message monitoring for the

message lter.
If the NE type is set to 3G, the following can
be selected:

NE Type Shows the network element technology of the

monitoring session, for example, 3G.

Actions Contains a toggle that turns the message

lters On or Off and the Edit button that
modies the Message Filter’s conguration.

13.3 Tracer 4G//5G

Tracer 4G/5G page is used for managing the encryption of Disk Writers and Collector

Trace encryption management for 4G/5G can be done in Tracer Management

► Tracer 4G/5G which allows users to enable or disable encryption for 4G/5G Tracers.

The following table describes the different elements in the Tracer 4G/5G page in the Tracer
Management Interface.

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Figure 21: Tracer 4G/5G page

Table 30: Elements in the Tracer 4G/5G table

Elements Description


Page Denes the page number of nTracer instances

to be displayed in the Tracer 4G/5G table.

Items per page Denes the number of nTracer instances that

are displayed in the Tracer 4G/5G table.

Tracer 4G/5G table Displays the encryption setting of nTracer Disk

Writers and Collector Controllers.


Previous Navigates to the previous page of displayed

monitoring sessions.

Next Navigates to the next page of displayed

monitoring sessions.

First Page Navigates to the rst page of displayed

monitoring sessions.

Last Page Navigates to the last page of displayed

monitoring sessions.

The following table describes the different columns in the Tracer 4G/5G table.

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Table 31: Columns in the Tracer 4G/5G table

Columns Description

Disk writer Shows the name of the Disk Writer used by the
active nTracer Collector Controller.

Collector controller Shows the name of the Collector Controller of

the active nTracer connection.

Encryption Shows the encryption status for the nTracer

Click the toggle to enable or disable encryption.

13.4 Statistics
Viewing connection and plug-in statistics of monitored Tracers is done in the Statistics

In Tracer Management Interface, statistical information of Tracer can be accessed via the
Statistics tab.
Figure 22: Statistics tab

Statistics tree
Statistics tree is used to select a specific Tracer and view either its connection, incoming
buffer, or plug-in statistics.

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Figure 23: Statistics tree

Statistics area
Statistics area contains the connections, incoming buffer data, and plug-ins
components which can be used to view Tracer’s statistical records.

Connection statistics contain a gauge, grid, and graph that can be used to view a Tracer
connection’s statistical records.

Figure 24: Connection details

The following table describes the different elements in the Connections area.

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Table 32: Elements in the Connections area

Elements Description


Connected network elements Number of NEs connected to Tracer. Field is clickable

that will show the details of all connected network
elements. Details include the IP address, port, and NE


Incoming Mbit/s Gauge chart that displays the Tracer’s current total
amount of incoming data received from connected


Incoming Mbit/s Line chart that displays similar data with Incoming
Mbits/s gauge chart but also holds the value of the
last 20 samples.

Connected network elements dialog box

Connected network elements dialog box displays basic information of a connected
network element.

Figure 25: Connected network elements dialog box

The following table describes the different elements in the Connected network
elements dialog box area.

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Table 33: Elements in the Connected network elements dialog box

Elements Description

IP Address IPv4 or IPv6 address of the connected network


Port Port of the connected network element.


NE ID Network element ID of the connected eNodeB.

Incoming buffer data

Incoming buffer data statistics contain a table and different graphs that can be used to view
the incoming buffer’s statistical records.

Figure 26: Incoming buffer data

The following table describes the different elements in the Incoming buffer data area.

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Table 34: Elements in the Incoming buffer data area

Elements Description


Receive buffer size Size of a single received TCP buffer in bytes

Receive buffer amount Total amount of received TCP buffers


Used buffers (%) Percentage of reserved buffer amount over Receive

buffer amount

Buffer res msec Amount of time it takes to reserve buffer

Buffer fill msec Amount of time it takes for received data to ll buffer

Buffer queue msec Amount of time it takes for lled buffer to wait for

Buffer processing usec Amount of time it takes to process buffer

Plug-in statistics contain different tables and graphs that can be used to view application
plug-in’s statistical records.

Figure 27: Plug-in statistics

The following table describes the different elements in the Plugin Details table.

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Table 35: Elements of the Plugin Details table

Elements Description

Path Path and lename of the plug-in’s shared library

(.so) le

Realtime Usage Load of the plug-in

The following table describes the different elements in the Plugin Statistics table.

Table 36: Elements of the Plugin Statistics grid

Elements Description

Data Sent and Data Written

Total Value Accumulated amount of data that the plug-in


Period Value Amount of data that the plug-in processes for a

specic time interval.

Per Second Value Average amount of data that the plug-in processes per

Data Skipped

Total Value Dropped data that are processed by plug-ins.

Period Value Dropped data that are processed by plug-ins for a

specic time interval.

Per Second Value Dropped data that are processed by plug-ins per

The following table describes the different graphs in the Plugin Interface
Statistics pane that can be viewed and analyzed.

Statistics of plug-in interfaces are shown in two different graphical analyses which are the
Absolute Values and Percent Values. Absolute Values are the total amount of
processing time that the monitored plug-ins spend while the Percent Values are
percentages on how much time was spent in plug-ins.

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Elements available in the Plugin Interface Statistics pane depends on the

Tracer plug-in used.

Table 37: Elements of the Plugin Interface Statistics pane

Elements Description

MonMsg nsec Processing time of non-compressed trace


CmprMsg nsec Processing time of compressed trace messages.

Blob nsec Processing time of a whole message

Start nsec Processing time for start trace messages

Trace nsec Processing time for trace report messages

Stop nsec Processing time for stop trace messages

ASN.1 nsec Processing time for ASN.1 messages

13.5 Alarms
Viewing active and historical alarms of monitored Tracers are done in the Alarms tab.

In Tracer Management Interface, alarms and historical alarms can be accessed via the
Alarms tab.

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Figure 28: Alarms tab

The following table describes the different elements in the Alarms tab in Tracer
Management Interface.

Table 38: Elements in the Alarms tab

Elements Description


Alarms table Displays the FM alarms and their details

Alarms view Sets the Alarms table to display active or historical

alarm data. Choices are the following:
• Active
• History

From Sets the start date of the date range from which
alarms will be displayed. This is visible when Alarms
view is set to History.

To Sets the end date of the date range from which alarms
will be displayed. This is visible when Alarms view is
set to History

Page Denes the page number of alarms to be displayed in

the Alarms table

Items per page Denes the number of alarms to be displayed in the

table. Choices are the following:
• 10
• 20
• 30

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Elements Description


Export Exports the alarm history in the Alarms table to CSV

le. This is visible when Alarms view is set to

Previous Navigates to the previous page of displayed displayed


Next Navigates to the next page of displayed displayed


First Page Navigates to the rst page of displayed displayed


Last Page Navigates to the last page of displayed displayed


The following table describes the available columns in the Alarms table.

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Table 39: Columns in the Alarms table

Columns Description Sample value

Source ID Source ID of Tracer or Tracer Management 123

Interface. Tracer Management Interface
Source ID is also a unique identier for

Tracer name Name of the Tracer connection. Tracer1

Source Source Tracer from which the alarm LteTracer


Alarm number Identication number of an alarm. 500107

Alarm name Name of the alarm. FileSystemAlarm

Severity Severity of the alarm. Major

Possible values are the following:
• Minor
• Major
• Critical

Reason Cause of the alarm. CREATE_FAILED

Description Detailed description of the cause of the Directory create

alarm failed

Event UTC time Date and time that the alarm was triggered. 2018-07-04
Date and time follows the YYYY-MM-DD 19:41:00
hh:mm:ss format.
It also represent alarm set time as in UTC

Local Time UTC Date and time in user local time that the 2018-07-04
+/- Timezone alarm was triggered. Date and time follows 19:41:00
the YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format.

13.6 DCAP OAM Mediator settings

DCAP OAM Mediator is responsible for handling and forwarding alarm and counter data
from Tracer to network management system. Before alarm and counter data reaches to
network management system, it first passes through Tracer Management Interface.

In Tracer Management Interface, DCAP OAM Mediator connection settings can be accessed
via the Settings menu.

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Figure 29: DCAP OAM Mediator Settings dialog box

For more information on DCAP OAM Mediator, see the Nokia DCAP OAM Mediator
Installation and Configuration Instructions document.

The following table describes the different elements in the DCAP O&M Mediator
Settings dialog box in Tracer Management Interface.

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Table 40: Elements in the DCAP O&M Mediator Settings dialog box

Elements Description


Connect to DCAP O&M When marked, DCAP OAM Mediator connection settings
Mediator will be used for connecting Tracer Management Interface
to DCAP OAM Mediator.

Forward fault alarms When marked, alarm data from connected Tracers and
Tracer Management Interface will be forwarded to
network management system via DCAP OAM Mediator.

Forward performance When marked, counter data from connected Tracers and
counters Tracer Management Interface will be forwarded to
network management system via DCAP OAM Mediator.


Source ID: Unique identier of DCAP OAM Mediator to be

connected. This will help network management system
users to distinguish what specic DCAP application
triggers an alarm.

IP address: IP address of DCAP OAM Mediator to be connected.

Port: Port 8383 is used in case http is congured. Port 8446 is

used when https is congured.

Key-cert file: DCAP OAM Mediator key-cert PEM le signed by CA.

CAcert file: Root CA certicate PEM le used to sign the DCAP OAM
Mediator key-cert PEM le.


Save Saves the set conguration for DCAP OAM Mediator


Cancel Discards all the modications made&closes the DCAP

O&M Mediator Settings dialog box.

13.7 Retrieve DTS token

The Retrieve DTS token menu enables you to retrieve DTS token via Tracer Management
Interface for encrypting the log files collected by Tracer data collector applications.

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In Tracer Management Interface, Retrieve DTS Token can be accessed via the Settings

Figure 30: Retrieve DTS Token dialog box

The following table describes the different elements in the Retrieve DTS Token dialog
box in Tracer Management Interface.

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Table 41: Elements in the Retrieve DTS Token dialog box

Fields Field descriptions

DTS Token status: Status when Tracer Management Interface

successfully retrieved the DTS token from the
server where DTS is running.

IP/Hostname: IP address or domain name of DCAP Central

server where DTS token will be retrieved from.

Port: Port number of DTS where DTS token will be

retrieved. When domain name is set to
IP/Hostname, port is automatically fetched. If IP
address is set, values that can be set are:
• 58000 if unsecured
• 58001 if secured

Key-cert file: DCAP Suite key-cert PEM le.

CAcert file: Root CA key-cert PEM le which signs the


Reconnect Count: Number of times Tracer Management Interface

will reconnect to retrieve DTS token if
connection failed.


To activate file encryption on Tracers (useEncryption = true), see the DCAP

Suite Installation and Configuration Instructions document.

13.8 Help
The Help menu provides options to view application information and guides for using
Tracer Management Interface.

In Tracer Management Interface, information related to Tracer Management Interface can

be accessed via the Help menu.

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Figure 31: Help menu

The following are the available menu items in the Help menu.

Table 42: Menu items in the Help menu

Menu items Description

About Tracer Management Displays the About Tracer Management

Interface Interface dialog box showing the versions of the
following system components:
• Application
• Theme
• Web server
• Java

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Nokia DCAP Tracer User Guide

for licence’s use only. No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Copyrighted material licensed to on 06-04-2022
14. Appendix A: DCAP Trusted Server URL commands
Commands can be used to check and verify that DTS rest interface is responding.

Table 43: DTS URL commands

Tasks Commands

Checking the version of DTS curl -k


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Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.


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