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1 Grand Ave. San Luis Obispo, CA 93410 (805) 555-5555

Krinkle Inc. 1 Grand Ave. San Luis Obispo, CA 93410 (805) 555-5555

MEMORANDUM Date: 4 November 2009 To: Sherrie Amido Fr: Aaron Fortier Jennifer Suiter Antonio Cornelio David Kuratomi Re: Lower Sports Complex Renovation

Purpose of Proposal
As requested, Krinkle Inc. investigated the condition of the Lower Sports Complex, and developed a possible plan to improve it. Originally an airfield, the Lower Sports Complex is currently used by ASI to host intramural soccer games as well as by various sports teams, including Cal Polys lacrosse, Figure 1 soccer and rugby teams. Unfortunately however, inadequate drainage and poor planning have created numerous safety hazards, and increased the rate of deterioration. ASI should renovate the lower sports complex to improve safety and overall field quality.

The Problem
Field Condition Drainage o The ground was mushy in parts as a result of the rainstorm, which had occurred 5 days earlier. (figure 1) o There were no drains located anywhere near the fields to help transport water away from the complex. o The landscape is mostly flat but has some depressions, which seem to collect water when it rains, creating the soggy spots. Safety

Photo Courtesy of Jennifer Suiter This Picture was taken approximately one week after the last rain storm. It is clear that the current drainage system is inadequate.

Lower Sports Complex: 1

o Currently the soccer fields overlap with the outfields of the softball fields, Krinkle Inc. creating a safety hazard for all athletes. 1 Grand Ave. San Luis Obispo, CA 93410 o The placement of the sprinkler control valves causes a tripping hazard (805) 555-5555

Lower Sports Complex: 2

Effects of Current Condition When the fields are played on while wet, the rate of degradation increases drastically. Players cleats tear holes in the grass, and those holes must then be repaired by the Cal Poly grounds crew, which costs money. Figure 2

Krinkle Inc. 1 Grand Ave. San Luis Obispo, CA 93410 (805) 555-5555

The current placement of the sprinkler control

Photo Courtesy of: Jennifer Suiter (left) The control valves are over grown making it difficult to see them from any distance away. (right) The soggy patches of grass are covered in sand by the grounds crew to help dry it out.

valves is a hazard because they are easily missed and can easily cause athletes to injure themselves by tripping them. (Figure 2) The current field layout is hazardous because there are large amounts of field that overlap. Currently it is easy to unknowingly wander into the outfield of a softball game and get hit by a ball or worse yet a player. If nothing is done the cost of maintaining the field will steadily increase along with the amount of injuries, as more and more grass must be replaced because of the simple problem of drainage.

The Solution
In order to solve these problems a complete redesign of the complex is necessary. This renovation will include steps like relocation of the softball fields, implementation of a synthetic turf field along side traditional grass fields (Figure 3), clear boundaries which divide fields, and paved pathways connecting fields. The benefit of this plan is that it does not have to all be completed at once. It can be completed in phases. Phase 1 During this step the north half of the sports complex will be closed off, allowing the south half still available for use. The renovations in this section will include the Lower Sports Complex: 3

renovation of the two softball fields, the installation of two natural turf fields, and the Krinkle Inc. paving of a new concrete pathway which will bisect the field into its northern and 1 Grand Ave. San Luis Obispo, CA 93410 southern halves including drains lining the path. Drains will also be implemented at (805) 555-5555 the intersection of the fields and the slopes that line the east side of the field. Phase 2 The southern half of the sports complex will be completely redesigned. The southern most softball field will be removed, two synthetic turf fields will be installed, and sidewalks will be paved between the new turf fields, providing easy access. Phase 3 In order to keep the fields in acceptable condition, ongoing maintenance will be required throughout their 10-15 year lifespan.

Cost and Benefit Analysis

Fields To implement one standard synthetic turf field the average cost is around $800,000. And the cost of Figure 3 installing a standard natural turf field is about $200,000. However the benefit of the synthetic field is that the maintenance cost is about 1/7th that of natural grass fields so over the course of a typical 15 year lifespan they come out to be about the same price. Sidewalks In addition to the cost of laying the field the cost of pouring the concrete for the sidewalks and installing the fences. The cost of the walkway is about $5 per square meter so for 200 meters of walkway the cost would be about $1000. For the roughly 500 meters ofPhoto Courtesy of Jennifer Suiter fencing needed the cost would be about $6500.
The southern half of the complex While the costs of the project are rather high it is will be turf fields while the important to realizebe a combination The new fields will northern half wil the benefits. help with drainage, improving field quality and overall of grass soccer fields and softball fields. safety. Also it will improve the aesthetics.

Project Evaluation
The lower sports complex is in poor condition and its rate of deterioration is increasing because of its lack of drainage and inefficient layout. In order to solve this problem a Lower Sports Complex: 4

complete redesign of the fields is necessary. In order to get this project on track the next step is to submit the proposal to ASI and get approval to start the design process.

Krinkle Inc. 1 Grand Ave. San Luis Obispo, CA 93410 (805) 555-5555

Sources Natural and Synthetic Turf: Comparative Analysis - Lemar Morrison

Lower Sports Complex: 5

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