Lesson 1 and 2 A Christmas Carol Booklet

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Year 11

A Christmas Carol

The Importance of Family

How does Dickens present ideas about family in the novella?

Copy the sentences and fill in the blanks:

• In Stave ………., Jacob Marley says, ‘Mankind was my ….….”.

• In Stave ………., Scrooge says, “it is not my ….….”.
• In Stave ………., The Ghost of Christmas Present says, “They are …….”.

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Copy down the key words, their meanings and an example of how they are used.

Key Word Meaning Example

Antithesis direct opposite Fezziwig is the antithesis of

Altruistic Unselfishly concerned for the Scrooge becomes more

welfare of others. altruistic at the end of the
novella when he promises to
support Cratchit’s family.

Make notes: Family and Friendship

Dickens linked ideas of family and friendship with happiness.
• At the beginning of the 19th century, Christmas wasn’t really
celebrated and many businesses did not consider it to be a
• The Victorians transformed the idea of Christmas so that it
became the most important holiday of the year, centered around
the family.
• Dickens is credited with making popular many Christmas traditions
such as family celebrations, parties, feasting and roast turkey.
• Dickens shows the benefits of close family life by celebrating Christian values of generosity,
kindness, forgiveness and most importantly altruism.
• Scrooge’s self-inflicted isolation is the antithesis of family life.

True or False?
 Family was central to the Victorian Christmas celebration
 Family and friendship is linked with the idea of happiness
Multiple choice questions:

What does being altruistic mean?

A. Being miserly B. The opposite of something
C. Caring for the welfare of others D. Being selfish

Which of these are most important for a Victorian Christmas?

A. Charity and food B. Charity and church
C. Charity and friendship D. Charity and family

Make notes: The First of the Three Spirits:

• The Ghost of Christmas Past visits Scrooge and shows him memories of his past.
• They visit young apprentice Scrooge at a Christmas party thrown by his old employer, Mr
Fezziwig, and his wife for all their friends and employees.
• Fezziwig is the antithesis to Scrooge’s miserly character.
• Dickens uses Fezziwig as an example of how an altruistic employer creates a sense of family
and community in the workplace.
• Dickens uses Fezziwig as a model of compassion, kindness and generosity to show another
side of upper class business men.
• Dickens shows us that not all business owners are consumed by greed.

True or False?
 All business owners are consumed by greed.
 Fezziwig is similar to Scrooge

Make notes: Fezziwig’s ball

 Fezziwig has invited all his employees to a ball.
 There is music, dancing and plenty of food.
 Scrooge is delighted by this memory.

“A positive light appeared to issue from Fezziwig’s calves. They shone in every part of the
dance like moons. You couldn’t have predicted at any given time, what would have become
of them next.”

Symbolic quality of light: Key Quotations:

 Warmth
 Life Scrooge: ‘He carried his own low temperature always about
 Happiness with him.’
 Positive influence Fezziwig: ‘Shone in every part of the dance like moons.’

• Fezziwig is characterized as a caring business man who has a positive influence on those
around him.
• Fezziwig is kind and generous and creates a sense of family and community for those that
work with him.
• The simile, ‘shone in every part of the dance like moons’ symbolizes the extent of his
warmth and his ability to create a positive community.
• Fezziwig contrasts greatly to scrooge who is the antithesis to Fezziwig’s character.
• Scrooge is characterized by his lack of altruism.
Scrooge: ‘He carried his own low temperature always about with him.’
Fezziwig: ‘Shone in every part of the dance like moons.’

How is Fezziwig described?

How does this contrast with the characterization of Scrooge?
Try to use the words: ‘symbolism’ and ‘antithesis’ in your answer.

Make notes: Scrooge reflects on how Fezziwig made him feel when he was his apprentice.

“A small matter,” said the Ghost, “to make these silly folks so full of gratitude.”
“Small!” echoed Scrooge.
The Spirit signed to him to listen to the two apprentices, who were pouring out their hearts in praise
of Fezziwig: and when he had done so, said,
“Why! Is it not? He has spent but a few pounds of your mortal money: three or four perhaps. Is that
so much that he deserves this praise?”

Multiple choice
How does Fezziwig show he cares about his employees? CHOOSE TWO
A. He gives them money B. He treats them with kindness and generosity
C. He gives them all a week’s holiday D. He embraces Christmas and treats them to some

How does Fezziwig make Scrooge feel as his apprentice?

A. He feels valued and treated kindly B. He feels exploited
C. He feels mistreated D. He feels victimized

Make notes: Mr Fezziwig

“It isn’t that,” said Scrooge, heated by the remark, and speaking unconsciously like his former, not his
latter, self. “It isn’t that, Spirit. He has the power to *render us happy or unhappy; to make our
service light or *burdensome; a pleasure or a *toil say that his power lies in words and looks; in
things so slight and insignificant that it is impossible to add and count ‘em up: what then? The
happiness he gives, is quite as great as if it cost a fortune.”
He felt the Spirit’s glance, and stopped.
“What is the matter?” asked the Ghost.
“Nothing particular,” said Scrooge.
“Something, I think?” the Ghost insisted.
“No,” said Scrooge, “No. I should like to be able to say a word or two to my clerk just now. That’s all.”

*Render – make us *Burdensome – causing difficulties *Toil – hard work

Multiple Choice:
How does Scrooge feel after revisiting this memory? CHOOSE TWO
A. Regret B. Misanthropic
C. Kindness D. Remorse
Key Quotations:
Scrooge Fezziwg
‘Dismal little cell’ ‘Yo ho, my boys!’ said Fezziwig. ‘No more work
’But the clerk’s fire was so very much smaller tonight’.
that it looked like one coal.’ ‘In came Mrs Fezziwig, one vast substantial
‘A poor excuse for picking a man’s pocket every smile. In came three Miss Fezziwigs, beaming
twenty-fifth of December!’ and lovable.’
‘… and shaking hands with every person
individually … wished him or her Merry

• How does Fezziwig remind Scrooge about how an employer might treat his employees?
(use the word ‘altruistic’)
• Why do both Scrooge and the ghost emphasise how little Fezziwig spent in order to throw
the party?
• Why does Scrooge want to speak to Bob Cratchit?

Write a response to the following question: How does Dickens present ideas about family and

• Compare Dickens’ description of Scrooge and Fezziwig.

• Compare how Scrooge and Fezziwig treat their employees at Christmas.
• Explain why Scrooge feels regret and why Dickens includes this.


• “He carried his own low temperature’ / ‘positive light’
• Altruistic • ‘A poor excuse of picking a man’s pocket’ / ‘No more work
• Antithesis tonight’
• Regret/remorse • ‘The happiness he gives, is quite as great as it costs a
• Redemption fortune’ / ‘I should like to be able to say a word or two to
my clerk just now’

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