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Unable to hold on to the dream, Takashi opened his eyes, surprised to see the curtains from the window pulled and the sun bashing the room in light. He took a glance at the watch on the bedside table only to confirm that he had overslept. This was unusual. How come I didnt hear the alarm go off? He usually rose at the first ring of the alarm clock and prepared for the day ahead. But since today was his birthday, he decided it wouldnt be so bad if things were done different just for once. He let a smile touch the side of his lips as he got out of bed and stretched. He was now 17. Why not pull out all the stops and really enjoy himself? It wasnt like anybody was going to scold him if he skipped classes, ate ice cream all day and just stayed in bed. But then his face grew serious as he remembered that he had a part-time job to go to in the afternoon, which helped him pay all the bills. Sure, the money his dad sent covered most of the expenses, but he didnt want to live like a leech, sucking money from a man he hardly knew and didnt think of as his father. Not if there was anything he could do about it. Resolved to having only half a day for himself, he went to the bathroom, switching on the lights as he was accustomed to doing when waking up at 5 oclock in the morning and it was pitch black outside. He chuckled when he realized that there was no need to do that now in broad daylight. He turned the water on to fill the tub another thing he would do different, instead of taking a quick shower he was going to enjoy a long bath, all the while checking himself in the mirror for any noticeable change as testimony to the year that had passed. But his hair was as dark as always, though it now reached his shoulders and looked like it needed a cut; his hazel eyes seemed darker, but he assumed it was just because he had just woken up. His face was just as smooth, making him feel slightly embarrassed, wondering how long it will take before his bear started growing. The room began to fog up, making the mirror steamy, reminding him just in time to turn the water off. He got out of his pants and slid into the tub, wincing when he felt the water, cursing himself for not checking the temperature. After a few moments, when his skin adjusted to the heat, he sighed and closed his eyes Its a good way to start the day! he thought, concentrating on the feeling of the water surrounding his body. He could feel the sleep tempting him to go back to whatever he was dreaming before, but he wasnt going to waste the day.

Feeling refreshed after spoiling himself with 30 minutes of laying in the tub, just waiting for the water to grow cold, he went to the closet, dropped the towel around his waist and stood naked, pondering what he should wear on this special day. The soft cold breeze brought him back to reality and he quickly took a pair of jeans and a clean shirt, forgetting about the careful planning he had in mind which had initially included the way he dressed. He made sure he had some money in his wallet, took the keys and left

the two room apartment with no exact idea about what he was going to do till it was time to go to work. Hi Takashi! Arent you going to school today? He turned around, just centimeters away from the front door of the building, to face his landlord lady. She wore her usual long red, worn-out robe and that ridiculous hair style that reminded him of the sixties. He shook his head and smiled Not today, Mrs. Ephram. Today we have no classes! Really? That must be nice. So are you going out with your friends? Yeah, just hang out in the mall, I guess. He waved a hand at her, turned around and left, before she started an entire series of questions as to why, who, where and what he was going to do that day. She was nice enough with him, renting him the apartment, without too many questions when it came to his background and going as far as making sure he had a meal on the table now and then. But he soon realized she was in part so kind because she was lonely and needed someone to talk to and she loved butting in, in his affairs, wanting to know too many things about him, things he could never tell anyone He wondered why he hadnt told her it was his birthday and that he was actually skipping class. He was sure she wouldnt have minded, maybe she would have even made him a cake and insisted on buying him a present. But he didnt like to share too much about him with strangers because in the end, no matter how nice Mrs. Ephram was, he considered her an outsider. He headed for the mall, at least this part was true, he was going to spend some time wandering in the mall, window shopping, maybe catch a movie if he felt like spending half of his money. He couldnt help himself not think about the picture that rested on his desk in his room. The fair-haired woman with dazzling blue eyes and enchanting smile; a smile that seemed for him and him alone, breaking the confinement of the frame and reaching the inside of his heart, awakening both happiness and pain. He shook his head. His mother wouldnt have wanted him sad, not today. He somehow knew she would have wanted him happy and making the best of this day. And he became at last aware of the shops he went by and the people around him. He looked at his watch 10:30 already? It seemed impossible that he had been walking through the mall for half an hour oblivious to everything. He went in some shops, looked at clothes and various things but nothing appealed to him. That is until he saw the ice cream shop. That had been one of his first thoughts that morning and decided to act on it. He rushed to go inside, bumping into someone in his rush, making both of them fall. Sorry about that! he mumbled as he tried to get up. He looked at the other person and found himself staring at a pair of black eyes, the most black eyes he had ever seen. Then he noticed the rest of the face, the locks of dark hair curling behind the ears and around his face, the cute dumplings he had as he smiled. He offered a hand to help him on his feet. Are you ok? Im he stopped in mid sentence a little surprised to notice he was almost 10 centimeters taller than him. sorry for the little accident. I hope I didnt hurt you or anything. The boy laughed and let go of his hand Dont worry, I dont think you broke anything vital! He looked at him for a

second or two then winked and continued on his way to join a group or boys and girls which seemed to be about his age, that were waiting for him just feet away. Whats wrong with me, today? he asked himself as he opened the door to the ice cream shop. It wasnt like him to space out like that, bump into people, even be that nice and ask if the other was ok. He didnt care about that kind of thing. He went to the counter and stood there, unsure of what to get. The growling in his stomach, reminded him he hadnt had breakfast and that ice cream wasnt exactly the best choice for the first meal of the day. But he wasnt about to give up on the ice cream on account of that. Just as he was about to ask the pretty girl behind the counter for the biggest ice cream they had, chocolate of course, he heard laughing behind him Are you ever going to buy or do you just like to watch? He turned around to find himself caught in the same black eyes he had seen earlier. He felt a slight annoyance, noticing the amusement in them, regretting the kindness he had shown him, but calmed himself down and turned around to the girl, who was now, apparently, aware of his presence. Do you have chocolate ice cream? The smile on her face faded a bit as she shook her head Not today, sorry. But we do have other flavors: vanilla, kiwi, strawberry, ch... Never mind. Thank you! He turned around, glaring at the black-eyed guy, as if he had been to blame. He moved to pass by him, but so did he and they ended up bumping again. Watch where youre going! the guy smugged. The other girls that were behind him giggled, looking at Takashi. He calmly looked at them, took on step back and managed this time to walk by him and his fan club, for the four girls and three guys behind him were the group that was with him earlier. He ignored the comments and laughter he heard behind him and kept going. Outside the shop, he looked somewhat puzzled; he hadnt paid attention to where he was going and how he had ended up there. Oh well, I still have time he said to himself as he saw the big clock on the wall opposite him, showing close to 11 so he turned right, walking by the windows of the shops. But as much as he hated admitting, those stupid brats along with that arrogant jerk had cut his fun. He settled for a sandwich and a soda for breakfast, actually lunch by now and changed his mind about the movie. He didnt feel like sitting in a gloomy room, forcing himself to watch a movie. He hadnt seen one in so long he had lost the taste for it. He found the way out of the mall and headed for the park, next to his work place. Every time he passed it, he thought about stopping by and sitting on a bench as he did now, but he never had the time. When he came to work, he had to hurry from school and it was way too late to stop in the park at 11 oclock in the evening, when he got off work. It doesnt feel too bad, admiring nature, smelling the flowers, losing time. He tried to block the negative thoughts, the reality he lived in, alone and unwanted. But it was by now an inseparable part of him, that came with every breath he took, with everything he touched, smelled and tasted. He sighed, got up from the bench and left the park. This wasnt what I had in mind he mumbled but he was actually getting bored so what was there left to do? He entered the grocery shop from the back door and went to the store room in search of the owner. Hey, Mr. Kinemi, are you in here? Of course, he isnt. Hes in the front

serving customers, as always. He took an apron with the words Kinemi` Shop written in red and some vegetables drawn under it, tied it around his waist and made his way to the counter, in front. Ah, Takashi. What are you doing here this early? Your shift doesnt start till 5 and its not even 1 p.m. Shouldnt you be at school? I didnt have classes today, so I came earlier he decided to stick to the lie he had told his landlord I could use the extra money. I like to see young man, working so hard to ensure himself a future, but dont overdo it. You have your whole life ahead said the white-haired man. Looking at him, you would have said he wasnt a day older than 60, but Takashi knew he was almost 80 and still going strong. He had a flashback from the past, the day he had found how old he was and how, Mr. Kinemi had laughed at his shocked expression. He was a good man. Yeah, I know and for the first time that day, his smile came from the heart. Dont worry! Now lets take care of the customers! he said as he approached a young woman that was looking at the variety of tomatoes cans arranged on the top shelf Can I help you? Mr. Kinemi, could only shake his head in amazement and resumed placing the prices on the new products he had received that morning.

Takashi caught himself from yawning as two customers walked in. The clock on the wall told him it was 30 minutes past 10 Oh, great! What on earth can they want at this hour? And here I was hoping to convince Mr. Kinemi to lock up early he put an affable smile on his face and straightened behind the counter. As the two men approached him, Mr. Kinemi, came by his side and placing a hand on his shoulder a gesture he had come to learn and get accustomed to Takashi, would you mind getting some beer from the back? We need to refill the fridge. Sure thing, Mr. Kinemi and he disappeared in the back, hearing him ask, behind him, the two men if they wanted anything. He took two packs of beer in each hand and came back in the front. As he stepped from behind the curtain, hiding the hallway to the back, he was hit in the face. He felt numb for a moment, then staggered back, dropping the beers and holding one hand to his face, while the other searched desperately for something to cling to. He stopped falling and realized he was leaning against the wall. Before his mind had come to understand that, that was blood on his hand and face, he received a hard punch to the stomach, pushing his air out of his lungs and making him bend from the waist. Then a knee to the face that made him kneel to the floor gasping for air. Just as the man was about to punch his face again, Takashi reached and grabbed his fist, surprising the man, giving him enough time to launch his other hand to the mans face, feeling his knuckles make contact with the cheekbone and the nose and actually hearing the nose break seconds before the scream came. He fought to get up, breathing heavily, holding on to his stomach as if it was about to fall off. He blinked to clear his sight and kicked the man in his crotch with all the force he could gather in his legs. No sooner had

the man fallen on his knees, holding his crotch and howling in pain that Takashi received another punch to the face, followed immediately by two others to his stomach. Oh, shit! I forgot there were two men was the last thought that went through his head, before he was thrown against the wall, head first and then slid to the floor unconscious.

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