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Traditionally, medical coding is labor-intensive and time-consuming.

Fatigue and cognitive load on coders increase the likelihood of errors,

especially for complex cases.

Medical coders spend significant time converting medical documents

to codes, ranging from 15-30 minutes to hours for complex cases.
A simple AI-powered platform that accurately converts medical
documents into universal medical codes like ICD-10-CM and CPT.

Helps medical coders cut down the translation time

from 30 minutes to less than a minute.

The Product
AI Won’t Replace Humans — But
A Human Using AI Will Replace
Other Humans.
• We built our own set of proprietary AI systems for medical coding,
leveraging advanced NLP (Natural Language Processing) models like BERT
(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), along with
domain-specific datasets and fine-tuning techniques.

• The LLM (Large Language Model) is trained on data from official accredited
sources including ICD-10-CM and CPT databases.
By automating routine coding processes,
organizations can free up human resources
for more valuable tasks.

AI can help alleviate coding backlogs by

quickly and accurately processing large
volumes of medical records.
our credibility:

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