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Prayer and sadhana are related concepts within spiritual and religious practices, but they have

distinct meanings and purposes:

1. **Prayer**:

- **Definition**: Prayer is a form of communication with a deity, a higher power, or the divine. It
involves supplication, praise, thanksgiving, or requesting guidance, blessings, or assistance.

- **Purpose**: The primary purpose of prayer is to establish a personal connection with the divine,
seek spiritual guidance, express devotion, and receive spiritual blessings or support.

- **Forms**: Prayers can be structured (following specific rituals or prayers from religious texts) or
spontaneous (personal expressions of faith or need). They can be performed individually or in a
communal setting.

2. **Sadhana**:

- **Definition**: Sadhana refers to the disciplined practice undertaken with the goal of spiritual
growth, self-realization, or attaining a higher state of consciousness. It involves systematic effort and
dedication towards a spiritual goal.

- **Purpose**: The purpose of sadhana is to purify the mind, cultivate inner qualities such as
patience and compassion, and deepen spiritual awareness. It often involves meditation, chanting,
study of scriptures, self-reflection, and ethical living.

- **Types**: Sadhana can vary widely depending on religious or spiritual traditions. For example, in
Hinduism, sadhana might include practices like Japa (repetition of a mantra), Hatha Yoga (physical
postures), or Bhakti Yoga (devotional practices). In Buddhism, sadhana may involve meditation
techniques, mindfulness practices, and study of Buddhist teachings.

**Key Differences**:

- **Focus**: Prayer focuses on communication with the divine and seeking blessings or guidance,
while sadhana focuses on personal transformation, spiritual discipline, and inner growth.

- **Nature**: Prayer can be spontaneous or structured, whereas sadhana is typically a systematic

and disciplined practice.

- **Goal**: The goal of prayer is often immediate spiritual connection and response from the divine,
whereas sadhana aims for long-term spiritual evolution and realization.

In summary, prayer and sadhana are complementary aspects of spiritual life. Prayer facilitates a
direct relationship with the divine, while sadhana supports spiritual growth through disciplined
practice and inner transformation.

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