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Roses have thorns!

The Haqq too

has thorns!
“We strike SUBSCRIPTION RATES (2014)
baatil with the South Africa................…......................R30
Haqq. Then it Neighbouring States…..........................$15
crushes the All Other Countries..............................$20
brains of
baatil.” (Qur’aan)
“The saalihoon will depart one after the other (in
quick succession). Then will remain the rubbish
such as the rubbish of barley or dates. Allah will
have no care for them whatsoever.” (Hadith)

NNUMERABLE Mus- envious relatives. In the pro- the fraudster. This further which he beheld. The cam- has been discovered, the
lims, due to gullibility cess, families have been torn embeds the confidence the era had caught the brother is absolutely livid
or ignorance, are vic- apart becoming mutual ene- gullible ‘patient’ has in the ‘maulana’ snooping around threatening all sorts of ac-
tims of the predatory money mies. sangoma-aamil. the premises and planting tions to expose and nail the
-fleecing activities of notori- Sihr is undoubtedly a The fraud, crookery, de- items such as ‘ta’weez’ in snooping sangoma. Several
ous sangoma type ‘aamils’ reality. The Qur’aan and ception and satansim em- different places. The brother Ulama were shown the vid-
who are nothing but fraud- Ahaadith confirm its exist- ployed by the sangoma- recalled that after some days eo footage of the snooping
sters and quacks. These ence. Taking advantage of aamils are a veritable sci- when the snooping sangoma sangoma. It threatens to ex-
fraudsters make people par- this confirmation the fraud- ence. Ordinary people are came to ‘check’ him up, he plode into a major scandal
anoid, inducing in them the ster sangoma-aamils are easy prey for these crooks. (the snooping sangoma) di- in the community in view of
belief that even when their causing havoc to many Recently, a brother who was agnosed sihr/jinn, and he the prominence of the
toe pains it is the effect of Muslims whom they have being treated for several said that some evil was snooping sangoma.
some magic, jinn or mysteri- ensnared into their vicious years by a ‘maulana- planted in the premises. There are no genuine
ous evil force employed by traps for fleecing. Some dis- sangoma-aamil’ for a varie- Then he initiated his fraudu- aamils around. People
envious persons play tricks like a conjurer to ty of issues – financial and lent process of ‘amaliyaat’ should content themselves
To achieve their despica- impress the victims of their love affairs – was rudely to ‘discover’, ‘neutralize’ with Dua, Istighfaar and
ble ends, these sangoma- ‘authenticity’ and their pow- shocked and sobered up and ‘exorcise’ the magic, abstention from haraam.
aamils resort to a variety of er of exorcising jinn and when he finally discovered jinn, etc. Walking around Most problems and misfor-
tricks and stunts which they neutralizing the effects of the deception of the snoop- the premises with his pre- tunes are the consequences
deceptively introduce to sihr. One very salient fact ing sangoma-aamil. The tenses of deception, he sud- of sin and transgression,
convince ‘patients’ that evil which most ‘patients’ fail to ‘aamil’ had become a close denly ‘discovered’ the hence the Hadith advises
occult has been practised on discern due to paranoia, is friend of the brother who is ‘dangerous’ artefacts which Istighfaar in abundance. But
them. The fraudsters then that while the sangoma- a businessman who doles he himself had surreptitious- Istighfaar without abandon-
engage in their aabra ca- aamil always produces a out lucrative hadyas (gifts) ly planted on his snooping ing the acts of sin and trans-
d a a br a ac t i vi ti es t o diagnosis of sihr or jinn, his for the sangoma’s services. mission. One such artefact gression is not a cure.
‘exorcize’ the jinn or to prescriptions and remedies The snooping sangoma- was lodged in such an awk-
ward place that the brother Rasulullah (sallallahu
‘neutralize’ the sihr/magic/ almost always fail to cure aamil frequently visited the alayhi wasallam) said that
witchcraft which have been the ‘patient’. Like western brother at his place of busi- was constrained to break the
cabinet to retrieve the arti- Surah Faatihah is a cure for
allegedly perpetrated. medicine leading from one ness and home. Sometimes, every sickness. Develop ya-
drug medicine to another the snooper was left alone in fact of ‘magic’ which alleg-
People are so gullible edly some envious family qeen and practice this reme-
and so weak of Imaan to drug, so too the remedies of the office. dy. Recite Surah Faatihah
the sangoma-aamils are only member had managed to
believe that every mishap, One day recently the plant in his offices by sup- several times, blow on the
every sickness, every mari- incremental, but never cur- brother was viewing the affected/painful part of the
ing the ‘patient’. If the per- posedly having employed
tal and financial problem is footage of his CCTV camer- either a jinn or sihr with the body and make dua for cure.
the consequence of some son is cured or the problem as which had been installed But remember that as long
is alleviated during the natu- aid of another blooming
sihr perpetrated on them by in his premises. He was ‘aamil’/sorcerer/sangoma. as you do not abandon your
envious persons, especially ral course of events, it is shocked at some scenes
attributed to the treatment of Now that the evil game (Continued on page 6)

ON HIS way to Makkah to per- mule to the market place and A Musalli of Musjidus less noise from people shuhada (martyrs).”
form Hajj, Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn purchased food and some clothes Saaliheen in Lenasia entering the Musjid Reviving any tenet of
Mubaarak (radhiyallah anhu) and delivered it to the home of writes: late. Alhamdulillah, Islam is of imperative
passed through Kufa. Passing by the woman. He knocked at the your article on the use importance, and the tha-
“I wish to inform
a dump he saw a woman defeath- door. The woman opened. Then of microphone and waab is immense.
you that a decision was
ering a dead duck. It occurred to he said: “This is food and speakers has struck a
taken in our Masjid re- It is hoped that other
him that perhaps it was a dead clothes. Take it as well as the note with the Musaajid will follow the
garding the micro-
duck. So he asked the woman: mule. It is for you.” Imaam.” (End of letter) laudable and commend-
phone. The use of
“Is this duck carrion or is it The Hajj caravan had left him. Al-hamdulillaah! able lead of the Imaam
speakers and the micro-
slaughtered?” She said: “It is car- He remained in Kufa and missed phone has been stopped The best benefit is the of Musjidus Saaliheen.
rion.” He said: “Allah Ta’ala has Hajj. He waited for the return of revival of the Sunnah. It is not permissible to
with immediate effect.
made carrion haraam and you in the Hujjaaj. He returned to his May Allah Ta’ala re- use a microphone sys-
Some of the beneficial
this city consume carrion.” She hometown with the caravan. effects of this decision ward the Imaam. tem for the Salaat and
said: “Don’t worry about me.” When the Hujjaaj reached their Rasulullah (sallallahu Khutbah. Ibaadat has to
are: tranquility in Sa-
However, Hadhrat Abdullah hometown, a large crowd had laat; the pleasure of alayhi wasallam) said: be incumbently re-
Ibn Mbaarak, persisted to admon- come to welcome them. They listening to the Imaam’s “He who clings to my tained in its original,
ish her. Then she said: “I have asked Hadhrat Ibn Mubaarak natural voice without Sunnah at the time of the pristine form as it exist-
little children. We have not ate a about the Hajj. He said: “I did enhanced or echoing corruption of my Um- ed during the era of the
morsel for the past three days.” not perform Hajj this year.” One sounds; absence of mi- mah, will receive the Sahaabah.
Greatly grieved, he went with his (Continued on page 12)
crophone noise, and reward of a hundred
Vol. 22 no. 10 The Majlis Page 2
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Q. Who are the Madkhalis? Open iftaars, Movie nights, family

A. We do not have detailed infor- fun nights, sports parties, etc. Peo-
mation on the Madkhalis. This is a ple get together here to watch tele-
splinter group of Salafis. All Salafi vised broadcasting of soccer world Allah Ta’ala has created us for His ever fresh with the Thikr of Allah.”
groups are the followers of Ibn cup finals, boys and girls basket- Thikr. While one should devote While walking, working, sitting and
Taimiyyah and Al-Baani. Their core ball tournaments, etc. It also spon- some time daily to sit in seclusion to lying down always keep the tongue
beliefs are the same. The salient fea- sors interfaith events. Is it permis- engage in some Thikr and Tilaawat, engaged in the Thikr. Every form of
ture of Madhkhalis is their support sible to go into such an Islamic it is necessary to remain the entire Thikr is extremely beneficial. The
for the Saudi regime. They are the Center to perform Jumuah Salaat day in Thikr. Rasulullah (sallallahu best form of Thikr is Tilaawat of the
'moderates' among the Salafis. only if there are no Musjids in alayhi wasallam) said: Qur’aan and La ilaha ill al laah.
Q. What is the Shariah's view on one's area? “Your tongue should remain
the issue of reciting Yaaseen kha- A. It is not permissible to participate
tam for the deceased? in the activities or to waste time in aayat in Surah Hajj which is Saj- very short sojourn. We are being
A. Reciting any portion of the the type of haraam so-called 'Islamic' dah Shukr for Shaafis. What is the tried and tested here. There will al-
Qur'aan Majeed as an act of thawaab center you have described. It is an state of the Salaat? ways be trials in this temporary
for the amwaat (the deceased) is very evil set up promoting sin and vice in A. The Hanafi Imaam was supposed worldly life. The Muslim is expected
beneficial. Reciting Surah Ikhlaas the name of 'Islam'.. However, if to have made Sajdah Sahw for hav- to cast aside whatever is in conflict
thrice and asking Allah Ta'ala to be- there is no other place where Jumuah ing erroneously made the extra Saj- with Allah's Law.
stow the thawaab to the mayyit, is a Salaat is being performed, then you dah which is not Sajdah Tilaawat for Q. How is it to perform qiyam-ul-
wonderful gift for the deceased. have no option but to perform Ju- Hanafis. The damage has already lail in congregation? Here by us at
However, the custom of reciting spe- muah Salaat at the evil center. been done. He should make Taubah. about 10 p.m., the moulana with
cifically Yaaseen in congregational Q. If one is taking a shower and Q. Is caajil also make-up? What is the mu'takifeen converge for khat-
form is bid'ah. someone offers Salaam, should one the ruling? me-khwajgaan, salaat and salaam,
Q. Is shaking hands and hugging respond? A. Caajil (the black substance which then perform their qiyamul lail.
after Eid Namaaz Sunnat? A. One should not respond to Sa- women apply around their eyes for When it is pointed out to them that
A. The custom of shaking hands laam whilst one is taking a shower. adornment) is make-up. It is not per- it is Makrooh to congregate for
after Eid Namaaz is bid'ah. There is Q. When making Sajdah Tilaawat missible for a woman to apply it and Nafl ibaadah, They contend that it
no basis in Islam for this practice. should one first stand up or make appear in public. is not advertised. Is not their con-
Q. My friend says that it is per- the Sajdah while sitting? How Q. What should a person do if he gregating an informal, if not for-
missible to wear the Manchester should it be made? has missed Eid Salaat? mal- invitation? (Most certainly,
United shirt which has a logo of A. Sajdah Tilaawat is made in exact- A. The one who missed Eid Salaat their nightly performance of Nafl
the devil on it because we don't ly the same way as Sajdah is made in should repent. He should seek for- Salaat in jamaat attended by a drove
really know what shaytaan looks Salaat. One may go into qiyaam giveness. There is no other compen- of persons is conspicuous advertis-
like, and in any case the logo refers (standing position), then make the sation. ing. – The Majlis)
to the Tasmanian devil, not to Sajdah Tilaawat, or one may do the Q. A Shaikh gave the following Thereafter, as is in vogue nowa-
shaitaan himself. What is the Sha- Sajdah from the sitting position. fatwa regarding Bacardi Breezer days they gather over another
riah's ruling? Q. Our Hazrat Shaikh in England (liquor/rum)? meal apart from the food they first
A. Your friend must be in cahoots is instructing his mureeds to recite "If a person drinks 3 or 4 bottles of congregated over at iftaar time,
with the devil, be it the Tasmanian throughout the night the it and it intoxicates him, in this case delaying the Maghrib salaat by 7
devil. All devils are the progeny of wazeefah: "Ya Muhammad! Ya even drinking one drop is prohibit- minutes, and apart from the meals
Iblees. If the Manchester United shirt Mansoor! Ummatak! Ummatak!" I ed. But if the drink doesn’t intoxi- they have after taraweeh -- all in
has even the logo: "There is only am uneasy about this ta'leem. cate an individual even if he drinks the Masjid. Spearheaded by
One God", then too it will be haraam Please explain in the light of the 3 or 4 bottles, in this case, it is per- an Aalim. It seems as if ibaadat
to wear it because Tashabbuh bil Shariah? What should we, the missible for him to drink it." has become a prelude and excuse -
Kuffaar is haraam. mureeds of this Shaikh do? Barcardi Breezer is a rum an opportunity to have some more
Q. Which of the four reliable Sufi A. The 'hazrats' of this era are ex- which can be made into a cocktail. food and another meal. So togeth-
Tariqahs do Hanafis follow? perts in the art of bid'ah. They are It has 4.4% alcohol content. Also, er with sehri we find people having
A. Members of all four Math-habs hard on the heels of the Barelwi it is served in pubs and nightclubs. 4 meals instead of their mandatory
join any one of the Four authentic bid'atis in the pursuit of the science So how can a shaikh give a fatwa 3 meals out of the Mubarak month
Tasawwuf Silsilahs. However, gen- of bid'ah They labour under the im- saying OK to drink it when is is of Ramadhaan. It somehow seems
erally, the majority of the Chishtiy- pression that they have the well-known to intoxicate. Even we are bent on following the path
yah follows the Hanafi Math-hab. knowledge and spirituality to set kuffaar acknowledge that it is al- of the Bid'atees. In the same said
However, in the present era, most of aside the Shariah which the Fuqaha cohol? Please comment. Masjid, a haafiz with a western
the Sufi Orders have become deviant have formulated since the era of A. The 'shaikh' who halaalizes liquor beard has been appointed to per-
cults. It is not easy to find a genune Khairul Quroon. The 'thikr' which (Bacardi Breezer) is an agent of form taraweeh despite the pres-
Sufi Silsilah in the present age. The the hazrat advises is bid'ah and not Iblees. His argument is satanic rub- ence of qualified Ulama and
best course is to study the life sto- permissible. It is shirk. Shaitaan is an bish. He is a sign of Qiyaamah, for Huffaaz with Shar'i beards who
ries, advices and teachings of the extremely cunning ustaadh. He ap- Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi are not given the opportunity.
Auliya of the former times. Any sufi proaches under 'deeni' hues to de- wasallam) said that in times in prox- Is this not tantamount to encour-
order which does not strictly follow stroy the ulama, sheikhs and the haz- imity with Qiyaamah, Muslims will aging neglect of the Sunnah? The
the Shariah is a cult of Satanism. rats. halaalizes liquor calling it by differ- imams meanwhile are silent over
Q. Are soft drinks made in Saudi Q. What is the Shariah's ruling ent names. all this. It is very sad and lamenta-
Arabia also haraam? regarding digital pictures of ani- Q. I am a Vodacom franchisee. We ble that our Masaajid are being
A. All soft drinks, Coke, Pepsi, Fan- mate objects produced by emojis have to take out insurance for the reduced to somewhat of a circus ,
ta, etc., etc. contain small quantities in SMS, whatsapp, telegram, etc.? devices we sell. If we don't, we picnic and place of entertainment!
of alcohol, hence all these drinks are A. All types of pictures of animate could lose our franchise. What is Allah have mercy on us, Aameen.
not permissible. It does not matter objects regardless of the method of the ruling? What has happened to peace and
whether the drinks are made in Saudi production are haraam. Pictures pro- A. While you may lose the franchise, quiet in the Masjid, ikhlaas, hu-
Arabia or any where else, all such duced by the methods of production you will not lose your Rizq. Insur- mility and simplicity taught by
drinks are not permissible. Trans- mentioned by you are haraam. ance is haraam. Loss of the franchise Islam?
forming haraam into ‘halaal’ is a Q. Is it permissible to break ties will not terminate nor diminish your A. These gluttonous elements vreet
Saudi speciality. with a relative who is gay? Rizq. Rizq is pre-ordained. We re- (devour) food like the kuffaar or like
Q. In many cities in the U.S.A., A. It is incumbent to sever ties with ceive our Rizq from Allah Ta'ala. animals. About the gluttony of the
there are Islamic Centers which a gay even if the person is a family Whatever amount of Rizq Allah food-devouring habit of the kuffaar,
cater for Salaat, Taleem, enter- member. Stay away from him. Ta'ala has decreed for us, will reach the Qur'aan Majeed says: "And the
tainment, and social events such as Q. The Hanafi Imaam in Salaat us regardless of what we do or do kuffaar enjoy (themselves) and de-
Eid dinners, Ice-cream socials, made Sajdah when he recited the not do. We are in this world for a vour (food) just as animals eat, and
Vol. 22 no. 10 The Majlis Page 3
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(ultimately) the Fire is their abode." prescriptions.

Describing the gluttony of the Q. Some time ago there was a fam-
kuffaar, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi ily reunion in the family which is
wasallam) said that while the kaafir in vogue too and no surprise that it
eats with "seven intestines", the was spearheaded by a group of Q. What is Talaaq Baa-in and If the husband states: "I give you
Mu'min eats with "one intestine". ulama (sic! ulama-e-soo', impost- what are its effects? one (or two) Talaaq Baa-in, then
It is this excessive gluttony – eat- ers, shayaateen in human form – A. Talaaq Baa-in is an irrevocable
the Talaaq/s come into immediate
ing like animals – which deranges The Majlis) under the auspices of a Divorce. Its effect is the termination effect.
the brains of human beings. Then senior Aalim and Ustaad (ustaadh of the Nikah. In other words the Ni- If the husband utters ambiguous
they behave like animals, subservi- of the devils – The Majlis) of the kah is nullified. The couple has to words such as: "Get out from my
ent to the command and demand of Jamiat (i.e. the NNB Jamiat of adopt total Purdah for one another. house!", or "Go back to your par-
their bestial instincts. Describing this Fordsburg). About 8 to 10 thou- They are no longer husband and ents.", or "Pack-up your clothes and
mental derangement and fossiliza- sand. rand was needed to rent the wife. The woman is in the state of get out.", or any such ambiguous
tion of the intelligence rendering hall for which they raised part of Iddat. terms which could mean Talaaq or
people more astray than even ani- the funds and for the food by merely a threat, then his niyyat
However, if one or two Talaaq (intention) will be the determinant.
mals, the Qur'aan Majeed states: charging each family member a Baa-in have been issued, then they
"Verily, We have created for Ja- nominal fee. Seriously, what is the If he says that his intention for
may reconcile at any time, whether making the statement was to end the
hannam numerous from among the need for this farce when they during the Iddat or after expiry of
jinn and human beings. They have wouldn't even meet and visit them marriage/divorce, then the effect
the Iddat. But a fresh Nikah has to will be Talaaq Baa-in. If he says that
such hearts (minds) with which they at other times but would look for be performed before they can live
cannot understand; such eyes with the slightest pretext to run to their he did not have the intention of di-
together. vorce, then it will not be Talaaq.
which they cannot see, and such ears rich friends? It seems as if we con-
with which they cannot hear. They tinuously look for opportunities to
are like animals, in fact, they are feast and eat. Also most disturbing A. The sinister dimension is that Salaat by physical observation of the
more astray (than even animals). is that present there are some pi- ISIS is part of America's conspiracy. phenomenon called Shufaq Abyadh
They are the ones who are ous people who attend but for The chap, Al-Baghdaadi is in fact or the whitish glow in the western
ghaafiloon (oblivious of reality). some reason or the other are too the deputy 'caliph'. The actual horizon. When this disappears, then
Qiyaamul Lail (Tahajjud Salaat) scared to speak out and object. 'caliph' is in Washington, namely, it is Isha time. This disappearance in
in jamaat is bid'ah. It is not permissi- Is this policy of appeasement not Murtad Obama who in turn is the our region takes place long before 90
ble for Hanafis to perform any Nafl nifaaq? (Yes, it is – The Majlis) puppet of the Yahood gang in charge minutes. In fact, even after an hour
Salaat in jamaat. The practice of Keeping everyone happy but Al- of the U.S.A. Insha-Allah, a detailed it will be Isha' time at our place. In
khatm-e-khwajgaan in the Musjid in lah? exposition of this sinister plot shall terms of all four Math-habs, 90
the manner in which it is being up- A. Allah Ta'ala says in the Qur'aan be forthcoming. minutes is way beyond the com-
held, is also bid'ah, hence not per- Majeed: "The life of this world is Q. I have seen a video of a shaikh mencement of Isha' time. To ascer-
missible. The four meals are despica- but play and amusement. And, the who explains that the reason for tain the Isha' time, you should ob-
ble. These people devour like kuffaar abode of the Aakhirah is best for Allaamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri's serve the phenomenon physically,
and animals, hence their Aql has be- those who fear (Allah). What! Do strong memory was his great adab and confound the stupid degree the-
come inoperative. They eat like ani- you have no sense?" While Ulama (respect) for the Books of Hadith, ory. The Sahaabah, Taabieeen and
mals, but their thinking level is sub- are supposed to be the guides and Tafsir, Fiqh, etc. My question is, Tab-e-Taabieen did not teach the
animal. They have converted the beacons of Light for the Ummah, is it permissible to kiss the Books Ummah some confounded degree
Musaajid into venues for merrymak- they have become deceits and high- of Islam to show respect? theory by means of which to deter-
ing. They are all charlatans and way robbers, ruining the Akhlaaq of A. Firstly videos are haraam. The mine Salaat times. The Shariah has
clowns, hence their circus perfor- Muslims and robbing them of their modernist shaikh who appears on presented its own methods which
mances in the name of 'deen'. Imaan. The israaf (waste), riya video is guilty of publicly indulging Muslims have discarded, hence they
Q. How is it to gather for khatme (show/ostentation), takabbur (pride), in haraam, hence his fisq is con- are trapped in confusion especially
khwajgaan in the Musjid? Is this a female adornment, promiscuity and firmed. One should not attach cre- in Britain and the U.S.A. – the con-
Sunnah practice? sin in general accompanying these dence to the word of a faasiq. Be- fusion of vacillating between 15 and
A. It has no resemblance with the merrymaking shaitaani gatherings sides Hadhrat Allaamah Anwar Shah 18 degree resulting in a difference of
Sunnah. It is not permissible to stage are glaringly conspicuous to even (rahmatullah alayh), there were innu- hours for Subh Saadiq.
this practice in the Musjid thereby ignoramuses whose Imaan has not merable Ulama, Auliya and Fuqaha Q. I am told that if a Muslim com-
conveying the impression to the ig- yet become deranged. Knowledge is who had the utmost respect and love mits shirk, then he can never again
norant and unwary that it is a Sunnah not a prerequisite to understand the for the Books of Islam, yet they did be a Muslim even if he repents. His
practice of ibaadat. Some Mashaaikh evil and shaitaaniyat of these mal- not have photogaphric and prodigal shirk permanently debars him
have originated it as a spiritual exer- oon family gatherings. Every act in memories such as Allaamah Kash- from re-entering Islam. For-
cise. It is permissible in privacy un- these devilish gatherings, from A to miri. The simple explanation is that giveness is only for non-Muslim
der the supervision of the shaikh. Z is satanic and haraam. The NNB Allah Ta'ala had bestowed to him mushriks who embrace Islam. Is
But this practice has now become a Jamiat of Fordsburg is a gang of such a wonderful memory. It is a this correct?
hardcore bid'ah which must be conmen fleecing the community of pure gift of Allah Ta'ala for which A. If a murtad repents and renews
shunned. their money, plundering their Zakaat there was no cause emanating from his Shahaadat, his sin of kufr and
Q. What about sitting together for and Lillah funds, ruining their Hadhrat Anwar Shah (rahmatullah shirk is forgiven. Those who deny
salaat and salaam? Akhlaaq and destroying their Imaan. alayh). this are ignorant. Allah Ta'ala for-
A. This too is a bid'ah. Durood, etc. The Hadith which speaks of 'ulama' It is permissible to kiss the Books gives all sins, even shirk, if one re-
should be recited individually. It is who will be circumambulating their of Hadith and Fiqh. Among the eti- pents sincerely and renews one's
an ibaadat for every person to per- intestines in Jahannam applies to quettes of respect is also to be with Imaan.
form alone, not in congregation. these types of disgusting molvies wudhu when touching these books. Q. If in one town there are Hanafis
Q. Should I not rather recite who not only participate in the Q. I am confused about your claim as well as Shaafis, does it mean
Quraan instead of the 13 tasbeehs haraam functions of the juhala, but that 90 minutes after sunset is the that they will have Eid on different
prescribed by my sheikh? they actually initiate these shaitaani time for Isha'. How can this be days since Shaafis are not allowed
A. If you want to prepare your own practices. May Allah Ta'ala protect when 15 degrees come in 120 to accept moon-sighting news
spiritual prescriptions, then why the community from the satanic dep- minutes after Maghrib. I have not from a distance of more than 48
have you adopted a shaikh to guide redations and moral depravity of the found any fatwa supporting your miles?
you? First, respectfully inform your ulama-e-soo'. view? A. It is not necessary to have two
shaikh that you are terminating your Q. Have you any knowledge of the A. Every kitaab of Fiqh from the age Eids in one town if people use their
relationship with him. Then resort to latest group ISIS? Are they on of the Taabieen to this day supports intelligence. Even for Hanafis it is
your own prescriptions. If the shaikh Haq or is there something more our view. We do not go by any de- not incumbent to accept news of
is a genuine Shaikh of Tasawwuf, sinister to it? gree theory, neither 15 nor 18 de- moon-sightings from another town.
then it is incumbent to submit to his grees. We ascertain the time for Isha' If in a town there are Hanafis and
Vol. 22 no. 10 The Majlis Page 4
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Shaafi's, then the Hanafis should fast valid? Do we have to make

have Eid on the same day that it is qadha?
Eid for the Shaafis. They (the A. In the circumstances you find
Hanafis) should not accept news yourself, eat the food and spend the
from outside if such news is in con- day as if you are fasting. Whenever Some of the deviants who are black- • The Qabar Pujaari sect. These
flict with the Shaafi' Math-hab. you find the opportunity, you should listed in terms of the principles of the people are grave-worshippers.
Q. A non-Muslim girl refuses to make qadha of the invalid fasts. Ob- Shariah are: They cling to the grave-sites if
embrace Islam. Is it permissible viously you will find this opportuni- • Tariq Jamil masquerading as a Auliya, and indulge in a variety of
for a Muslim to marry her? ty only after your release. The fast Tablighi act of bid’ah and shirk.
A. The marriage to a non-Muslim will not be valid when eating at Fajr • Ismail Menk, alias mufti Menk, a This list is not exhaustive. More
girl who refuses to embrace Islam is time. But since you have no option Salafi masquerading as a Hanafi names shall be added as the cover of
not permissible. in prison, you will not be sinful. • Molvi Moaaz Ebrahim, Imaam of the deviates is blown.
Q. In our country the government Nevertheless, recite Istighfaar, seek the Lakefield Musjid - a Salafi or The plot of Salafis donning Hanafi
has made it mandatory to follow forgiveness and make dua for re- neo-Salafi masquerading as a garb is subtle indoctrination of
Saudi Arabia's Ramadhaan and lease. But after release you must ful- Hanafi Salafi’ism. The unwary and the igno-
Eid announcements. The issue is fil these fasts. • Molvi Mas’ood Ebrahim of rant are deceptively hoodwinked
sensitive. One is liable to be arrest- Q. Can a body be hosed down in- Madrashah Miftahul Khair - a with the subterfuge of the ‘Qur’aan
ed if one differs. What should we stead of the normal ghusl? In Salafi or neo-Salafi masquerading and Sunnah’ slogan. Salafi’ism and
do if according to our local sight- Makkah and Madinah the body is as a Hanafi all cults of deviation have one com-
ing it is the last day (30th) of Ram- hosed down, then buried. • Al-Kauthar Centre – Salafis mon denominator – denial of the im-
adhaan, but Saudi Arabia declares A. It is not permissible to treat the • Bin Yahya Ninowy of Syria and perative importance of the Math-
it to be Eid? mayyit like chattel or an animal. It is his troupe of performers – All habs. In fact, they denounce and de-
A. If according to local sighting the most certainly not permissible to members of the Ahl-e-Bid’ah ny the validity of the Four Math-habs
moon for Ramadhaan has been con- abandon the Sunnah method of ghusl bamboozling ignorant Muslims of Islam – the Math-habs of the
with ‘mawlid’ carnivals. Qur’aan and Sunnah.
firmed, then Muslims should com- and to subject the mayyit to such
mence fasting silently. The stupid, gross indignity as the spiritually A. The greetings of 'Jumuah Mu- ruin Muslims. This federation is a
evil government will not know if one bankrupt and morally barren Saudis baarak' and "Eid Mubaarak" are ploy of Iblees. It is a great deception.
is fasting. If according to local Ula- perpetrate. It is in fact, haraam to bid'ah. The greeting of Islam is only: The Unity of Muslims is attainable
ma it is not Eid, then to save oneself abandon the Sunnah method of the ASSALAMU ALAIKUM. only by obedience to the Shariah, not
from government persecution, attend Shariah. Q. Is it permissible for a senior by silly kuffaar methods. There is no
the mock eid salaat, but fast on the Q. Is there difference in reward manager or any staff member to such thing as a ‘federation’ of Mus-
day which is the last day of Rama- for reciting the Qur'aan Shareef spend time on a website to gain jids in Islam. A Musjid is a place for
dhaan. Obviously, one will in this from the Mushaf and from a knowledge during his work hours performing Salaat. One comes to the
case be deprived of Eid Salaat. If smartphone? despite them having incomplete Musjid for ibaadat. After the ibaadat,
there are no Ulama to guide the pub- A. Most certainly it is preferable tasks or a backlog of work? Is a one leaves. The brains of Muslims
lic on this issue, then the masses may and more rewarding to recite the worker permitted to go on a web- have become colonized by the west-
follow the Saudi announcements or- Qur'aan Majeed from the Mushaf. site for personal interests? ern kuffaar, hence Muslims follow
dered by the government. Reciting from smartphones, etc. A. Stealing the employer's time is every stupid and every haraam meth-
Q. On the night during Rama- should be the last resort. In fact it is just like stealing the employer's od and custom of the kuffaar.
dhaan when khatam of the more rewarding for even a Haafiz of money. It is not permissible for an Q. The federation recently orga-
Qur'aan is made, sweetmeats are the Qur'aan to recite from the employee to even engage in Tilaawat nized blood donation. Is this per-
served. Is this Sunnat? This was Mushaf. of the Qur'aan Shareef during his missible?
done in our Musjid which is not a Q. It is said that wherever possible work hours without the employer's A. Blood donation is not permissi-
Barelwi Musjid. It is a Tablighi- one should follow the other Math- express consent. It is not permissible ble. It is most unbefitting and
Deobandi Musjid. habs as well, e.g. a Hanafi should for the employees to spend any time haraam for a so-called Musjid feder-
A. Serving sweets, etc., after khatam endeavour that his wudhu is valid learning even Deeni masaa-il at the ation to become involved in activi-
is bid'ah. It is not permissible. Bid'ah also according to the Shaafi' Math computer. To do so is khiyaanat ties of this nature.
has crept into the Tablighi Jamaat as -hab. Can we adopt the same prin- (abuse of trust). Just as a thief of Q. The federation has organized a
well as into the Deobandis. ciple regarding Hadith? If a Had- money will have to pay on the Day kuffaar sport tournament. Our
Q. An imam advised a woman who ith mentions an action which the of Qiyaamah, similarly will a thief of Moulana has publicized the sports
wants to opt out of her Nikah, to Math-hab does not teach, may we time have to pay. A worker is not tournament posters inside the
deny her husband conjugal rela- adopt that action? allowed to utilize any of the employ- Musjid. He invited musallis to par-
tions for three months, then she A. There is a difference between act- er's time for personal interest. ticipate. The Imaam removed
will be automatically divorced. ing in terms of the rulings of the oth- Most workers and even Deeni from the notice board the article
How valid it is? er Math-habs and the Hadith. All the personnel such as Madrasah teach- about Qiraa’t Competitions while
A. The person who claims that if a masaa-il of the Math-habs are based ers, etc., are grossly careless in this copies of the kuffaar sport posters
wife withholds conjugal relations for on the Qur'aan and Sunnah. Howev- regard. They differentiate between have been placed on the Musjid’s
three months, will be divorced is an er, the permissibility of following a time and money. So while the man notice board. Please comment.
ignorant shaitaan. How can such an ruling of another Math-hab is regu- who has some regard for the Deen A. Your ‘moulana’ appears to be an
ignoramus be an 'imam'? Even if she lated by a principle, and that is that may not steal money, he thinks noth- agent of Iblees, hence he misuses the
withholds conjugal relations for the when acting in terms of the other ing of stealing time. Yet the im- Musjid and pollutes its sanctity with
rest of her life, she will still remain Math-hab, you are not in violation of portance of time is illustrated by Al- his haraam advertising. We are liv-
in her husband's Nikah. your own Math-hab. If an act in a lah Ta'ala taking an oath by Time. ing in an age in which there is a glut
Q. What is khula', and is this a Hadith is in conflict with the ruling Q. Recently our Musjid (Curepipe of ulama-e-soo’ such as your
right of the wife? of one's Math-hab, it is not permissi- Jumuah Musjid) which is a ‘moulana’. His haraam misdeed is
A. Khula' is an agreement between ble for a Muqallid to reject the Math- Tablighi Musjid has joined into a not surprising although it is most
husband and wife by which the wife hab or to act in conflict with the federation with all the other Mus- lamentable.
pays her husband a sum of money in Math-hab on the basis of what he has jids of the area. Some of the Mus- Q. The federation has organized a
exchange for Talaaq. It is not a right read and understood from the Had- jids practice Maulood and others qiraa’t competition for Madrasah
of the wife. Khula' is a mutual agree- ith. While that Hadith may constitute are Tabligh. I have heard of feder- children. My friend put the article
ment. It cannot be imposed on any of a daleel for another Math-hab, our ation of sports bodies, but not of of The Majlis on the notice board.
the parties. Math-hab will have its valid argu- Musjids. They say that the pur- The Imaam was angry. He ripped
Q. The prison here in the U.S.A. ment for not acting in terms of it. It pose of the federation is to unite all the article from the board. Please
serves our suhoor meal precisely is not permissible to become a self- Muslims. Is this a valid federation comment.
at the time when Fajr time has appointed, cardboard 'mujtahid'. according to the Shariah? A. Such haraam action is to be ex-
commenced. What should we do Q. Are the greetings, Jumuah Mu- A. Shaitaan approaches via ostensi- pected from a jaahil. To avoid prob-
under such circumstances? Is our baarak and Eid Mubaarak valid? ble ‘deeni’ channels to mislead and lems, it is best not to affix Majlis
Vol. 22 no. 10 The Majlis Page 5
P.O. BOX 3393

articles on the Musjid board. The object. It is clear that this ‘moulana’ sit on the chairs for Salaat. What home. Please explain.
Haqq will always surface and be tri- is either a jaahil or a Deen-seller. is the Shariah’s ruling? A. According to Hadhrat Ataa
umphant no matter what the people Q. Is it permissible to allow a A. Assuming that all the chair-sitters (rahmatullah alayh), the permission
of baatil do. Allah Ta’ala supports beardless person to recite the are invalids and are genuinely unable in the aayat for old hags and aunts
the Haqq and ensures that the Haqq Athaan and Iqaamah? to perform Ruku and Sajdah, then beyond the age of attraction to cast
remains dominant. All the forces of A. It is not permissible to allow such too it is not permissible to give the off their outer-cloaks (jilbaabs) ap-
baatil will not be able to silence and a faasiq to proclaim the Athaan and Musjid the appearance of a church or plies within their homes. Thus, ac-
efface the Haqq. to recite the Iqaamah. haraam marriage hall. The chairs cording to this opinion the old aunt
Q. Inside the Musjid, affixed to the Q. This year, our Imaam absented should be scattered and generally may remove her jilbaab within the
notice board is a warning not to himself more than what the previ- placed at the extremities of the rows. home, but not when she leaves the
take pictures/photos in the Musjid. ous Imaam had absented himself The manner in which this musalli home precincts. Although this is not
The notice states that it is not per- in five years. He abandoned his arranges the chairs in the saff is not the majority view, it nevertheless, is
missible. But to my surprise video Musjid duties to go for 40 days permissible. He should be prevented an authoritative opinion of a great
cameras have been installed in the Tabligh, yet he is being paid for from this obnoxious act. authority. When even an old aunt
Musjid. Is this not hypocrisy. Is it his presence at the Musjid. In his If a person is able to perform emerges from her home, then ac-
permissible to take pictures with a absence, there is sometimes no one Ruku’ and Sajdah normally, then it cording to Hadhrat Ataa, she must be
video camera inside the House of to do the imaamate. It is becoming is haraam to sit on a chair for Salaat. clad fully in the same way as young
Allah? a mess. Please comment. The Salaat will not be valid. If he is women.
A. It is haraam to take photos/ A. It is not permissible for an Imaam able to sit on the floor, then too it Q. Who were the Bani Israaeel?
pictures with a video camera or to to abandon his post to participate in will not be permissible to perform A. Bani Israaeel means the Children
make pictures of animate objects in tabligh. His first tabligh is his obli- Salaat on a chair. His Salaat will not of Nabi Yaqoob (the Jews). His des-
any way whatsoever even outside the gation at the Musjid. It is not permis- be valid. ignation was Israaeel which is the
Musjid. Within the Musjid the crime sible to pay him for the days which Q. I have given some people your equivalent of Abdullah (the Slave of
is of an aggravated nature. It is a ma- he absconded. The pay for the 40 book on Soft drinks. They do not Allah). It does not refer to the coun-
jor sin, and it testifies for the crimi- days is haraam. The trustees of the accept that the drinks contain al- try, Israel. There never was such a
nality and hypocrisy of the Musjid’s Musjid have no right of misappropri- cohol. Please provide more infor- country. The land today known as
imam and trustees.. ating the Waqf funds to make mation. Israel is part of Palestine.
Q. During the Fajr Namaaz, our haraam payments. A. The information provided in our Q. A sweet contains Bourbon va-
Moulana recites Qunoot Nazilah, Q. Recently in a Jumuah bayaan two booklets on the topic of soft nilla essence which is 35% alcohol.
making dua for Palestine, Iraq, our moulana said that it is the drinks is more than adequate for a Are such sweets permissible?
etc. This is happening since Eid right of the wife to refrain from sincere seeker of the truth. Those A. Bourbon vanilla essence contains
day. For how long should this con- breast-feeding her infant, from who do not want to accept the Haqq 35% alcohol, hence is not permissi-
tinue? refraining to cook her husband’s are like shaitaan. Despite Allah ble. These sweets and chocolates
Q. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi food and doing the necessary Ta’ala having directly spoken to contain many ingredients camou-
wasallam) had recited Qunoot-e- household duties. What kind of him, shaitaan refused to be con- flaged with chemical names and e-
Naazilah for one month. After a ta’leem is this? On the Night of vinced, hence he was transformed numbers. We therefore advise ab-
month, he abstained. Mi’raaj, Rasulullah (sallallahu into Iblees. Your obligation is only stention from all sweets and choco-
Q.`After Fardh Salaat of Zuhr, alayhi wasallam) saw a serpent to proclaim the truth. You cannot lates.
etc. the Imaam gives a bayaan us- encircling a new woman. It was convince the miscreants. Leave Q. May a woman visit the grave-
ing the microphone while numer- biting her breasts. Jibraeel them. Do not knock your head in a yard to make dua for her rela-
ous musallis are engaging in Sun- (alayhis salaam) explained that she wall. It is futile and negative to dis- tives?
nat Salaat. This causes considera- had abstained from breast-feeding cuss with morons. A. It is not permissible for females
ble disturbance and distraction for her infant. But now this moulana Q. A woman has been missing for to go to the graveyard. It is futile for
the musallis. He, himself had said says that it is her right not to months. Some months ago she her to visit the grave. Dua could be
in his talks that Salaat should be breast-feed her baby. Rasulullah went out of the house at night and made from any where.
performed with concentration, but (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) also was never again seen. It is feared Q. If menses ends at 2 in the night,
he disturbs the musallis with his said that Jannat will be denied to a that a jinn may have captured her. must she perform Isha’ Salaat?
bayaan. When I informed him that woman who displeases her hus- What can be done in this case?
A. Yes, she has to compulsorily per-
The Majlis says that this is a new band even if she performs Namaaz A. Brother, if indeed a jinn has cap-
form Isha’ Salaat. 2 a.m. is valid
bid’ah, he refuted this. Our Mou- and fasts. Will a husband love his tured her, then it is an issue which is
lana dislikes The Majlis. When he wife if she refrains from doing the not in our domain. We are not aam-
Q. Here in Australia, when the
hears about The Majlis, he gets necessary work of the home? ils. We are not qualified in this field.
deceased is placed in the grave,
fever. What does one do with this kind of We hope that her disappearance was
only the head is turned towards
A. Firstly, Ittisaal (joining immedi- moulana? reported to the police. Perhaps she
the Qiblah. Is this correct?
ately without delay) between the A. This jaahil so-called moulana had absconded of her own accord,
Fardh and Sunnatul Muakkadah is should be given the boot for all the and no jinn is involved. May Allah A. No, it is not correct. It is incum-
Waajib. Secondly, it is haraam to bunkum he disgorges. It is Waajib Ta’ala protect her and return her bent to turn the whole body towards
disturb the Musallis in their Salaat for a mother to breast-feed her baby. safely home. the Qiblah. In the Lahd (the incision
with even Tlaawat of the Qur’aan It is Waajib for a wife to attend to Q. Is eel halaal? in the Qiblah wall of the grave), the
Majeed. Thirdly, your Moulana’s act the duties of the home. The Fiqhi A. Eel is not fish, hence according body has to be turned onto its right
is a new bid’ah stunt. Fourthly, his technicalities do not detract from her to the Hanafi Math-hab it is haraam. side to face the Qibah.
fever is the effect of the Haqq strik- obligations. There is an abhorrent Q. Some Hanafi Ulama say that Q. Is it permissible to make
ing his brains as Allah Ta’ala says in glut of juhala masquerading as there is ijma’ on the permissibility Qur’baani with wild buck and ku-
the Qur’aan Majeed: “In fact, We Aalims. This type of ‘moulana’ with of eating whale. Is this correct? It du?
strike the Haqq against baatil. It (the whom the community at your end is is well-established that whales and A. Wild animals such as buck,
Haqq) then smashes out the brains of entrapped is the ruin of the commu- dophins are not fish. kudoo, etc. are not valid for
baatil.” The cure for his fever is to nity. He is an utter disgrace. It ap- A. When there is difference of opin- Qur’baani even if they are domesti-
submit to the Ahkaam of the Shariah. pears that the mutawallis of the Mus- ion and when the majority of Hanafi cated.
Q. During the Month of Rama- jid are just as ignorant as the Ulama say that whale is haraam, Q. There appears to be difference
dhan, our Moulana allowed a ‘moulana’. It is a case of the buf- how can there be Ijma’(consensus)? of opinion regarding the Meeqaat
beardless haafiz to be the Imaam foons following the buffoons. Those Hanafis who say that whale is for South Africans going for Hajj
for the Isha’ Fardh. What is the Q. During the month of Rama- halaal are in error manifest. and Umrah. Where should we
Shariah’s ruling? dhaan a musalli would come early Q. An Aalim says that according adopt Ihraam?
A. The Moulana is guilty of perpe- to the Musjid and place a row of to one view the Qur’aanic permis- A. Yes, there is difference of opin-
trating a haraam act. It is haraam to chairs in the saff. It gives the ap- sion for old women to cast off their ion. Ihraam may be donned in Jiddah
appoint a faasiq to lead the Salaat. pearance of a marriage hall. Some outer-cloak (jilbaab) applies to the or any where before Jiddah even right
The trustees and the musallis should people who are able to stand also home precincts, not outside the (Turn to page 12)
Vol. 22 no. 10 The Majlis Page 6

is closed. During the School The ulama need to realise

holidays productive work can people look up to them for
A concerned brother writes: Imaam for guidance, etc. He around the country and giving be done with the children and guidance and the path to Al-
“It’s time that the Ulama E says he does not take money bayaans and canvassing for they can be creatively occu- lah. So they must practise
Haqq take control of our Mus- from the Musjid so he is not mureeds then worrying about pied. what they preach. They must
jids, Madrasah’s and other responsible or answerable to their imaamath duties, mad- Another sheikh rightly guides take on their duties and re-
important branches of our anyone. He has a private do- rasah duties and worrying from his bayaans that women sponsibilities with great care
Deen. It’s time now that the nor paying him his salary. about their own community. should not go out unnecessari- and trust.
Ulama E Haqq give guidance Even the makhtab or madras- It seems a new thing has start- ly and we should live simple So I am pleading for the Ula-
to the UMMAH. ah was left in a lurch as the ed. The Imaam gets a private lives. But sadly in practise it ma E Haqq to please take con-
moulana had to go and sit sponsor to pay his salalry and is the opposite. His wife
What is described in the arti- trol. We need your guidance,
with his sheikh. Why couldn’t then says he does not take drives around the town on her
cle MUSJIDS CONVERTED vision and duas.
he go and sit with his sheikh money from the musjid trust own, goes shopping without
INTO VENUES OF PICNIC in his holidays? May Allah Subhanahu Wata
AND MERRYMAKING is so he is not responsible to an- her husband. What example is
We lay people don’t seem to yone. Ala create Ulama E Haqq
becoming an issue almost the sheikh setting?
understand all this. My grand- from our children and guide
everywhere. father says when he was small I feel he should rather resign Another sore point is the huge us all on Sirate Mustaqeem
In our Musjid the young the Imaam never left his du- open his own khanqa or and expensive jalsas. Tens of and grant us death on Imaan.”
Imaam went to go and sit with ties. The entire year only five bayaan place and carry on thousands of rands are spent
with his life. In the Musjid on jalsas. The Imaam will en- (End of letter)
his Sheikh for forty days. The days the madrash used to be
entire month of Ramadan he closed: 3 days for Eidul Adha, and madrasha we need dedi- courage people to give money COMMENT:
was not around. He says his one day for Eidul Fitr and one cated Imaams and teachers. towards the jalsas and yet the
Ulama-e-Haqq in this age are
sheikh called him. day for Muharram. poor Muazin and the appas in
The ulama tell us not to imi- extremely rare commodities.
the madrasah hardly earn
Ramadan is the month when Today some of the Ulama are tate the west. Yet every This is the era in which ulama
the mussllees rely on the more interested in going School holiday the Madrasah -e-soo’ preponderate.

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rah- open handholding and hug- university. These go away, education if the only option is the home, find a job and take
matullahi wa Barakaatuh. ging of Muslim girls and and then appear at the exact to acquire it from the abode of care of yourself. Allah will be
PLEASE ADVISE: Kaafir boys. These girls walk spot a few weeks later. As shaitaan, i.e. the 'educational' with you. How can you toler-
around campus with their though they are placed there. brothels of the West, viz., the ate being in a place which is
1. As opposed to the West, is
massive camel-hump hijabs, All this is just the tip of the university. w o r s e t h a n a n
it permissible to study at a
thick red lipstick, other iceberg. It is infinitely superior and actual brothel?
University in a "Muslim"
makeup, high heels, 'skinny honourable to earn your living (2) If you are unable to pur-
country, i.e.: in the Middle The university environment is
jeans' (Jeans that literally cutting grass, washing cars or sue homeopathy by corre-
East or Malaysia etc.? I have such that any Deeni motiva-
cling onto their legs), tight doing any other halaal menial spondence, then abandon it.
sourced many that are male- tion I may gain during the
breast-clinging shirts, and activity than to pursue secular Life is a very short sojourn.
only, including some in Paki- holidays, or even a long
maybe a Palestinian scarf education at a university. Of Rasulullah (sallallahu
stan. Many have a Jamaat Ka- weekend, I lose by just walk-
around their neck etc. These paramount importance is the alayhi wasallam) said:
hana or a proper Masjid on ing a few steps on campus.
girls dress more provocatively preservation of Imaan and "Verily, the dunya has been
campus. In addition, there are This has happened several
than even non-Muslims. Their Akhlaaq. When these western created for you, but you have
also medical colleges in the times. I feel such a lack of
Kaafir boyfriends are the secular brothels and dens of been created f or the
Middle East that do not make motivation that I go from per-
smoking, tattoo and earring vice eliminate even Imaan, Aakhirah." Once Rasulullah
use of cadavers. forming even Tahajjud,
type. Alhamdulillah, to actually how can it ever be permissible (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
This studying will not be for to set foot in these jahannams
On one sad occasion, I had missing Fardh Salaah without said to Hadhrat Aishah
Deeni knowledge. on earth? We can never advise
seen such a Muslim girl, a care. Astragfirullah. This is (radhiyallahu anha):
2. Is it permissible to study wearing a large hijaab, sitting any Muslim to seek admis- "O Aishah! If you want to
because of my absolute weak-
and thereafter practice home- on the lap of a Kaafir and pas- sion in any secular university link up with me (in Jannat),
opathy, whereby one would ness.
sionately kissing him, even in Muslim countries. then be contented with world-
obviously prescribe homeo- I would so much prefer study- Kufr, fisq and fujoor are the
"making out" is the terminolo- ly provisions which suffice
pathic medication? Homeo- ing from home or through cor- natural diseases of these insti-
gy. I was filled with such a for a horserider (on a jour-
pathic medication is prepared respondence. However, my tutions.
feeling that I had the urge to ney); beware of sitting in the
by the repeated dilution of a parents are completely averse
push their bench over, and You are an adult Muslim. company of the wealthy, and
substance in either alcohol or to it. I also feel I lack the mo-
down into the parking lot be- In addition to your parents never regard a garment old as
distilled water. tivation and discipline to do
low - a considerable depth. perhaps being hauled and long as you are able to patch
Hadhrat Maulana Saheb, the so. I do not know.
There exists the possible work flung upside down into Jahan- (and wear it)."
University environment is Was-salaam nam for compelling you into
of black magic, Satanism etc. This world is merely a
sickening here in South Afri- on our campus, UKZN OUR RESPONSE the brothel, you too will not
vehicle to transport us to the
ca. There is no shame Westville [Durban]. It had (1) It does not matter to which escape Divine Wrath. In the
Aakhirah. You are allowed to
amongst even Muslims. On a come in the newspaper some country you go, all secular circumstances, it is an act of
acquire from the dunya only
daily basis, one will see two time ago. Such that a Chris- universities are dens of vice ibaadat of high merit to diso-
what is essential for the on-
non-Muslims kissing passion- tian group comes weekly in and evil. Kufr, fisq and fujoor bey the evil instructions of
ward journey and for your
ately out in the open, whether order to 'exorcise' the campus are the salient features of sec- your parents. You are required
survival here. Any acquisition
it be on the side-walk or on a with their singing. I notice ular universities. It is ibaadat to res pectf ul l y ref us e
in conflict with the Shariah is
bench in the middle of cam- long locks of braided hair at of the highest merit in this age their haraam commands even
haraam and will lead you to
pus. Hadhrat Maulana, I am certain locations around the to remain ignorant of secular if they expel you from the
not exaggerating. Worse is the home. If they expel you from

dustry in defending its conten-

(Continued from page 1)
wasallam) will not exercise its cate to Allah Ta’ala for cure THE LIES, THE tion that exposure to free glu-
efficiency. and succour. But remember
haraam television, your Surah Falaq and Surah that the bottom line for cure is DISEASES tamic acid found in processed
food does not cause adverse
haraam viewing of cell phone
pornography, your haraaam
Naas were revealed to specif- abstention from all the haraam
in which you are indulging.
AND THE PIG reactions including hives,
ically neutralize the effects of
illicit chatting and relation- of sihr. Instead of calling a The medicine without observ- PRODUCTS asthma, seizures, and mi-
ship, etc., etc. the spiritual ing the prescribed diet will be “There are a number of graine headache; could not
snooping sangoma or a fraud- possibly cause brain damage,
re me d y p res cr i bed by ster ‘aamil’, recite these two rendered inefficient. straight forward bold faced
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi Surahs abundantly and suppli- lies used by the glutamate in- (Continued on page 8)
Vol. 22 no. 10 The Majlis Page 7

bility to the filth and poison

Muslims are consuming.
Just look at the formidable trim, etc., etc. Besides this inspiring names, and attrac- Human hair used in bread Muslims are not supposed to
lists of haraam poisons in the devilish formidable array of tively wrapped. The poison and other products is camou- fall into this kuffaar satanic
processed foods you con- unknown poisons and filth, and filth only have to be given flaged by the name, L- trap of processed foods which
sume! there is the list of e-numbers an alien, unpronounceable, Cysteine. destroy both physical and
Gluten, folic acid, niacin, which progresses into eterni- scientifically sounding name A Yahudi Rabbi refused to spiritual health. The Qur’aan
pantothenic acid, stabilizers, ty. for it to become acceptable by kosher-certify L-Cysteine be- and Hadith repeatedly exhort
emulsifiers, preservatives, These almost unpronounce- a stupid consumer public. cause the hair was obtained Muslims to consume only
potassium sorbate, sodium able names and designations The sources from which from a temple in India where what is halaal and tayyib.
benzoate, flavourants, col- and the ghostly e-numbers are these muck ingredients are hair is cut as a religious ritual. Everything besides this is
ourants, yellow carmoisine, all camouflages for the poi- derived are generally un- Tons of impure hair is ob- food for shaitaan. Haraam and
ascorbic acid, carboxymethyl sons and impurities which known. It is almost impossible tained from India and else- Mushtabah food is one of the
c e l l u l o s e , a n t i f o am i n g most of these substances in to obtain correct information where. most effective snares of Shai-
agents, acidity regulators, reality are. Of what benefit is from manufacturers. Pork in- This is merely the tip of the taan. Allah Ta’ala says in the
potassium chloride, phos- listing on wrappers of these gredients permeate the entire iceberg of the filth and Qur’aan Majeed:
phoric acid, sodium cit- hieroglyphics when 99% of food processing industry. So haraam Muslims are consum-
rate,asparatame, acesul- the consuming public is bliss- diversified are pork ingredi- ing. Is there any wonder for “O People! Eat from the earth
phame, phenylalanine, prote- fully ignorant of the meanings ents that most manufacturers the massive increase in physi- what is halaal and tayyib, and
oclyctic enzyme, ammonium of these names and numbers? themselves are unaware of the cal and spiritual diseases do not follow in the footsteps
bicarbonate, pyriphosphare, But stupid names are traps pork source of the ingredients. plaguing mankind in this era of shaitaan, for verily he is
sodium cyclamate, sodium meant for duping and ensnar- Numerous ingredients have of junk ‘food’ – food not fit your open enemy. He only
saccharine, pimaricin, sodi- ing a stupid public who will both plant and animal origins. for even dogs, and perhaps fit instructs you with immorality
um merabisulphate, tartra- consume even faeces if doc- For example, the labels never for devils and demons? and evil, and that you fabri-
zine, monosodium glutamate, tored a bit with colourants, reveal whether the stabilizers Compounding this evil is the cate about Allah what you
dextrose, caposcum extract, flavourants, stabilizer and the and emulsifiers are of plant or satanic ‘halaal’ certificate in- know not.”
acidirt regulator, maltrosex- other muck with awe- animal origin. dustry which accords accepta-

said Brenda Wiles, who man- The safest for health – and to shun with abhorrence earth and do not follow in the
THE FILTH AND ages a lab in Fort Worth that physical health and spiritual whatever is contaminated, footsteps of shaitaan, for veri-
DISEASE IN is certified to test aircraft health – is to carry your own doubtful and haraam. The ly, he is your open enemy. He
drinking water." lunch and bottled water when Qur'aan Majeed in many plac- only instructs you with immo-
PLANES The tea and coffee which travelling by plane. Reliable es exhorts consumption of rality and evil, and that you
"NBC 5 Investigates ob- experts have frequently re- only Halaal and Tayyib. fabricate about Allah what
tained photos, taken by Food you relish in a plane may be a
blend of coffee/tea, filthy wa- ported on the disease and filth When you happen to be in a you know not."
and Drug Administration in- which planes carry and trans- plane and crave for coffee or
spectors at Texas airports. In ter and faeces. Even non- If, due to spiritual blind-
Muslims are increasingly ex- mit. A little self-denial tea, reflect a bit on the faeces ness you are unable to spiritu-
some photos you can see (mujaahadah) against the inor- you will be ingesting. That
slimy residue growing on the pressing abhorrence and ally visualize the spiritual poi-
sounding danger alarms re- dinate, gluttonous demands of should be adequate to elimi- son of the E.coli filth of the
nozzles that supply airplane the nafs should be instituted to nate the bestial desire. Filth
water. Dirty hoses can put garding the diseased foods plane, and the spiritual dam-
and beverages served in air- control and suppress such bes- and haraam 'food' are the ef- age flowing in its wake, then
bacteria in the tank, including tial desires which damage the fects of satanism. Warning us
planes. Yet Muslims bend at least 'meditate' on the phys-
coliform and E.coli. body and the soul. of this satanism, the Qur'aan
over backwards in order to ical faeces you will be de-
'There's faeces in the water discover and fabricate justifi- Muslims are supposed to Majeed states: vouring and ingesting when
if there's E.coli in the water, cation for consuming the dis- be magnetically drawn to only "O People! Eat from the you consume the faeces-filth
and that's not a good thing,' eased filth. what is Halaal and Tayyib, halaal and tayyib things of the of airplanes.

R A S U L U L L A H ( sal l al l ahu ment for yourself. My coming ing themselves, they sit in the Anyone who seeks a fatwa, Food should never be left
alayhi wasallam) said: "The to you, is for you a defect and mal-oon offices of the riba be he a banker or a ruler or a uncovered during the night
Ulama are the Warathah an ugliness." banks who pay them from riba government official or the time. According to the Had-
(Heirs) of the Ambiya." Add It always was the practice funds to churn out fatwas of president of the country, ith, Rasulullah (sallallahu
to this, Rasulullah's command: of the Ulama-e-Haqq to avoid permissibility for their riba should come to the Mufti's alayhi wasallam) instructed
"Beware of sitting in the com- going to the people of the products. humble quarters and present that all utensils containing
pany of the wealthy." Also, dunya. Whoever desired a fat- Then there are some of the his istifta' (question). It is im- food should be covered at
reflect on the Hadith: "Verily, wa, be he the Sultan/Ruler of Ulama who may not be seek- permissible and most demean- night times. Uncovered food-
the most hated of the Qur- the time, was constrained to ing monetary gain from the ing for a Mufti to bootlicking- stuff is contaminated by shai-
raa' (Qaaris and Ulama) by come to the humble cloister, banks. Nevertheless, they too ly answer the 'summons' of the taan. Recite Bismillah and
Allah, are those who frequent hut or home of the Ulama. bring disrepute and insult to banker. If the Mufti occupies close all utensils. Empty
the rulers." The lofty pedestal of Wa- the lofty Office of Nubuwwat his post for the Sake and Pleas- utensils, according to the
The following episode raathat-e-Ambiya did not per- – of being the Heirs of the Am- ure of Allah Ta'ala and for his Hadith should be turned up-
should constrain the scholars mit the Ulama-e-Haqq to re- biya – by visiting the offices of salvation in the Aakhirah, he side down, not left open.
for dollars to look into their spond to the requests of the the riba banks and by sitting in will remain with noble dignity Shaitaani contamination is
hearts for comprehending and wealthy and the rulers who their stupid board rooms where in his simple and humble envi- harmful both physically and
apprehending the thieves of desired their presence at their the Mufti Sahib makes a mock- ronment, guarding the Shariah spiritually.
hubb-e-jah (love of fame) and palaces/mansions for the pur- ery of himself sitting like a and strengthening the bond of
hubb-e-maal (love of wealth) pose of issuing Fatwas. clown and a serf in the midst Muslims with Allah Ta'ala
which have ruined them, and of the capitalist bankers whose with his naseehat and Amr Bil BHT –POISON
It was the practice of the Ma'roof. “BHT OR Butylated Hydrox-
which have converted them ulama-e-soo -- 'palace ulama', worldly 'superiority' over-
into Ulama-e-Soo' awes the Molvi Sahib. This It does not behove an Aalim ytoluene is used in rubber,
the scholars for dollars – who fuel and embalming liquid
The governor of Egypt sent would sully their knowledge type of bootlicking Mufti of the Haqq to be an employee
hankers after jah (cheap name of a riba bank. It is extremely and is linked to cancer, asth-
a messenger on foot to Hadhrat and rank by hovering around
and fame). Associating with insulting for the Ulama to sit ma and behavioral issues in
Yazeed Bin Abi Habeeb Misri kings and the wealthy. Fol-
world-famous capitalist bank- in conference in the board- children.”
(rahmatullah alayh) with the lowing in the footsteps of such
ers bloats the ego of the Mufti rooms of secular 'personalities'. BHT is used in some pro-
instruction: "I have a mas'alah ulama-e-soo' who considered it
Sahib. The moron feels 'great' According to the Hadith, the cessed foods. It is banned in
to ask, please come!" Hadhrat an honour to be in the compa-
in the company of the riba cap- ultimate abode of the scholars U.K. and in many other coun-
Habeeb told the messenger to ny of rulers and the wealthy,
italists whose haraam products for dollars –the ulama-e-soo – tries.
say to the governor: "You, are the scholars of the 'shariah'
yourself come and ask the boards of the riba banks. he promotes with his con- is the Valley in Jahannam
founded concoction of called Jubbul Huzn (The Pit of constrains Jahannam itself to
mas'alah. For you to come to Shamelessly and most dishon- seek "Allah's refuge from it
me is a virtue and an adorn- ourably insulting and demean- 'fatwas'. Grief). This terrible abode,
400 times daily".
Vol. 22 no. 10 The Majlis Page 8

Please comment on the fol- earlier endorses the above body may be treated as an ani- fined as muthlah. It is not be- The argument of muthlah in
lowing fatwa. Is it correct? stating as long as the rea- mal’s carcass. For the sake of ing asserted that dissecting/ this regard is peripheral.
A Mufti issued this fatwa in son for swallowing was not the haraam-acquired benefits, operating the human body is The moron whilst attempt-
response to the question the malignant e.g. To deprive all the rights and obligations haraam. In fact killing the hu- ing to employ qiyaas to justify
permissibility Vs impermis- the inheritors etc in which pertaining to the mayyit – man being, impaling his body his stupid ‘fatwa’ fails to un-
sibility of organ donor/ case it's obligatory to dis- ghusl, kafan, Janaazah Salaat and putting it up for public derstand that Shar’i Qiyaas is
transplant. The following is sect and remove the con- and dafan may be abandoned. display are all allowed for val- not unbridled, whimsical
his response: sumed coins. This in fact is happening to id Shar’i reasons. What is not opinion. Qiyaas is encum-
“………..Nevertheless to In light of the above and corpses for the sake of the allowed is making use of hu- bered with conditions
answer your question brief- given the contemporary hallucinated benefits. What man organs. The moron (shuroot). One such condition
ly; my fatwa and under- medical success of optimis- the Shariah does not permit, is ‘mufti maajin is either delib- is that the Qiyaas must not be
standing is that to give or ing donors and the over- hallucination. Thousands of erately attempting to confuse in conflict with the Shariah.
receive organ donors is arching welfare involved; Muslim medical students are organ transplantation with The moron seeks to justify
permissible based on the organ donors/transplant will indulging in multiple haraam valid operations which do not organ transplants on the basis
Maslaha Rajiha (overriding be permissible inshaAllah. acts of desecration of human involve organ use, to befool of circumcision, surgery,
welfare) which clearly su- As to the inept argument bodies because their kuffaar and befuddle the unwary and piercings, etc. by attempting
persedes any shubuhaat of mutilation (muthla), at medical bosses demand such the ignorant, or he is jusy to refute the peripheral muth-
(confounding variables). best it only serves to muti- sacrilege. And all of this plain stupid – dense in his lah factor which is cited as a
Furthermore we must re- late the discourse and haraam rubbish is effected in sensorial matter – to under- ground for prohibition. Cir-
member that historical cloud a clear horizon, since the name of ‘maslahah’. To stand the conspicuous differ- cumcision is not muthlah in
medical fatawa were issued it firmly sways with inten- hell with such ‘maslahah’ ence. terms of the Shariah whereas
based on 'Tahaqquq Vs tion & objective, for this which seeks to override the ‘Maslihah Rajihah’ may not the removal of a healthy func-
Tawahhum Wujud lMasa- there are many parallels clear-cut ahkaam of the Shari- be presented to abrogate Is- tioning organ is haraam muth-
lah lHaqiqiyya' (The poten- where alterations with the ah. lam. It is subservient to the lah.
tial realisation of actual & right objectives are permis- The Shariah clearly prohib- ahkaam. Nusoos may not be His stupid ‘qiyaas’ is abso-
concrete welfare Vs conjec- sible and rewardable at its use of human parts in any abrogated at random on the lutely faasid (corrupt) and
tural & abstract welfare) times in the Sharia; circum- way whatsoever. Even hairs basis of such principles. A fallacious. No human parts
Imam Shatibi speaks on cision, surgery, piercings and nails have to be compul- live infant within the womb are used for these acts. The
this field at great lengths in etc. Mufti #MALM” sorily buried. may not be murdered for the Shariah whilst allowing these
his Muwafaqat. (End of the moron’s ‘fatwa of sake of ‘saving’ the mother’s acts, prohibits utilization of
As to dissecting the jahl) Dissecting the mayyit to life on the basis of a stupid human organs. A Shar’i prohi-
corpse/cadaver in order to COMMENT remove a living unborn child interpretation of Maslahah bition may not be overriden
save the unborn child, The so-called ‘mufti’ has is- is not organ transplanting nor Rajihah. One person may not with a Shar’i permissibility.
Sahnun and Asbag have sued a moronic ‘fatwa’ which is it muthlah (mutilation) as be killed to save ten others. The Shariah decrees circumci-
declared it permissible from only displays his jahl-e- the moron ‘mufti’ infers. It is Such murder may not be justi- sion as permissible, in fact
the Malikiya, moreover muraqqab (compound igno- to save the life of a human fied by a lopsided understand- Waajib while at the same time
Khalil states: rance). being who is alive – the living ing of the principles of the it prohibits use of human or-
"Permissibility to dissect if unborn baby. Human organs Shariah and the presentation gans regardless of the purpose
Transplanting human organs are not being transplanted or
the deceased had swal- is haraam, and no ‘maslahah’ of spurious arguments of for which such organs are re-
lowed someone else's used to save the life. Further- baseless opinion. quired. The permissibility of
can override the Shar’i prohi- more, this act is allowed, in
money of considerable bition of utilizing human or- The ‘mufti’ maajin’s brains one act does not cancel the
amount" Although Khalil fact it is Waajib, according to have been subjected to muth- prohibition of another act to
gans. The logical conclusion the Hanafi Math-hab. The per-
doesn't specify the amount, of the moronic ‘maslahah’ lah (mutilation) by Iblees, render it permissible. The ap-
Shaykh Kharashi in his missibility is not restricted to hence his stupid ‘muthlah’ plication of the maslahah
argument of the moron ‘mufti’ the Maaliki Math-hab. Similar
commentary states "what is the permissibility of aban- argument. The simple basis principle in this regard is fal-
may be deemed significant is the case of valuables be- for the prohibition of organ lacious.
doning the entire stock of Ja- longing to others, which the
I.e. nisab" nazah Ahkaam. transplantation is that it is The entire stupid ‘fatwa’ of
And although Ibn Bashir mayyit has in his stomach. haraam to make use of any the moron ‘mufti’ is the prod-
does restrict it to the de- The stupid character parad- Such operations on the hu- part of Insaan (the human be- uct of his corrupt nafsaani
ceased leaving no equal ing himself as a ‘mufti’ in fact man body are allowed for val- ing). The human body and opinion. Human organ trans-
wealth yet Ibn Habib much implies that a dead human id reasons and cannot be de- every human part are sacred. planting is HARAAM.

of the dunya – the slaves of

maal and jah.
girls find ways to communi- 'islamic' schools. In our arti- tive connivance of the ulama,
SCHOOLS OF cate even if the classrooms cle we had reproduced a letter the morals of entire new gen-
They have made the Qur'aan
–Allah's Kalaam – subservient
are totally separate etc. This
ZINA was going to happen sooner
of a concerned student who is
disgusted with the zina at the
erations of Muslims have been
ruined and their Imaan se-
to kufr education. The
Of the many letters we receive Qur'aan Majeed is treated like
or later and it is currently school. The answers to your verely tarnished. It was with a secular text book practically
on this topic, we reproduce happening on a large scale. queries are as follows: the blessing of the ulama that
here one such letter from a and intellectually. About these
My questions are (1) It is haraam to support the- these haraam schools came ulama who have subjected the
Concerned Brother: 1. Should Muslims continue into existence thereby dis-
se haraam schools. Far from Qur'aan to sacrilege and dis-
"In today's 'Islamic' schools supporting these schools placing the 14 century sacred
improving, these evil schools cardence, the Qur'aan Majeed
in South Africa, many as- in the hope that they will Maktab system. The 'ulama',
are incrementally degenerat- stating Rasulullah's lament on
pects of deen are neglected improve? that is, the ulama-e-soo', are
ing into flagrant zina, fisq, the Day of Qiyaamah, says:
or totally ignored. This is 2. Is it recommended that a fujoor and even kufr. responsible for digging up the "O my Rabb? Verily these my
public knowledge. Although person takes up employ- (2) It is not permissible to take foundations of Islam in this people have m ade the
many people have made e
ment at such a school? up employment at these country. The worst damage to Qur'aan an object of rebuff."
forts to safeguard deeni is- 3. Should Muslim boys be haraam schools. The Qur'aan the Deen has been and is be- (Al-Furqaan, Aayat 30)
sues at these schools, very sent to a normal (non Majeed forbids aiding and ing perpetrated by the ulama
little progress has been muslim) school in the day
made over the past 20 years abetting sin and transgression.
and maktab/ madrasah (3) Muslim children should (Continued from page 6) inson's disease, and Alzhei-
or so. It is my understanding i n the afternoon or learning disorders, or mer's disease. Central to
that the model of 'Islamic neither attend these so-called
should they be sent to 'islamic' schools nor non- endocrine disturbances; and their argument is the lie that
Schools' is one that is built could not possibly be relevant the processed free glutamic
Muslim schools?" (End of Muslim schools. Home
on compromise with the to diverse diseases of the cen- acid used in processed food is
letter) schooling should be arranged.
deen. Women interact un- tral nervous system such as identical to the glutamic acid
necessarily with ghair mah- OUR COMMENT Innumerable people, Muslims
and concerned non-Muslims, addiction, stroke, epilepsy, found in unprocessed, unadul-
ram men, We have recently published schizophrenia, anxiety, de- terated food and in the human
students joke with teachers an article highlighting the have res orted to home-
schooling. pression, and degenerative body.” MSG is also made
of opposite gender, boys & evils of these so-called disorders such as ALS, Park- from pig products.
With the blessings and ac-
Vol. 22 no. 10 The Majlis Page 9

thorities. We shall, elaborate he has compiled the Six Ku-

more in our detailed Re- tub."
arguments posited by the re- not just any Zaid, Bakr, Tom, sponse, Insha-Allah.
A spected Maulana Sahib. Dick and Harry.
Ibn Razeen's Tajreedus
Sixth argument Sihaah, and Ibn Atheer's
MAULANA'S First argument If all the Ulama of this age
f. The chain of this narra- Jaami'ul Usool in which this
a. The Hadith appears in are shoved into Imaam Raz- particular Hadith is recorded,
tion is yet to be located.
REFUTATION the "non primary" ki- een's kurtah pocket, there will
Inability of locating the
are extremely popular. These
taabs, Jami'ul Usool be ample space for several kutub are not obscure, lacking
AND OUR more such groups to be Chain of a Hadith cited and in status as the respected
and Jam'ul Fawaidh. accepted by an illustrious
squeezed in. Maulana Sahib has attempted
BRIEF The appearance of a Hadith Imaam of Hadith is not valid to convey. All of these kutub
in a non primary source is not Fourth argument ground for rejecting the Had- are reliable sources.
RESPONSE a principle for classifying a
Hadith to be a fabrication.
d. Senior latter-day Mu-
hadditheen stated that
ith as a 'fabrication'. Yes, if
In fact, our respected Maula-
some grave-worshipper or a
(OUR DETAILED RE- Numerous non primary Had- they were unable to lo- na Sahib, acknowledging the
man belonging to the Ahl-e-
SPONSE SHALL FOLLOW ith kutub are of the highest cate several narrations popularity of Imaam Razeen's
Bid'ah cites a narration for
IN BOOK FORM, INSHA- standard of authenticity and that Razeen had cited in Tajreedus Sihaah, says: "His
which there is no substantia-
ALLAH) reliability. Kutub other than book: 'Tajridus Sihah' is fa-
his book. tion in the Kutub of Hadith,
In refutation of a Hadith per- the Sihah Sittah (Bukhaari, then there will be justification mous." This should clinch the
The inability of latter-day 'popularity' argument.
taining to treatment for sick- Muslim, Abu Dawood, for dismissing the Hadith
Muhadditheen to locate some
nesses with rainwater and Tirmizi, Nasaai' and Muwatta without branding it a fabrica- The ninth argument
narrations cited by Imaam
Qur'aanic recitation, respect- Maalik, and according to tion. If the narration is in con-
Razeen, may not be used as i. There is a real chance
ed M aulana Muhammad some, Ibn Maajah) flict with the Shariah, it will
an argument to classify a of the Hadith being a
Abasoomar of Durban, in an only then be labelled a fabri-
The two kitaabs mentioned Hadith as being fabricated. It fabrication.
article captioned: A lengthy cation. But, if it pertains to the
by the respected Maulana Sa- is exceptionally grave to
unreliable Hadith on cure sphere of Fadhaa-il, it shall This is not a daleel. It is an
hib are laden with the Ahaa- brand a Hadith of Rasulullah arbitrary claim devoid of any
with rain water, presents the not necessarily be lambasted
dith of these Six kitaabs col- (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
following arguments for his unless it has been made a ba- basis. It is the baseless con-
lectively called Usool. 'Maudhoo' just because some
conclusion of the Hadith in sis for bid'ah. clusion of the respected Mau-
Second argument Muhadditheen who appeared lana Sahib. Not a single valid
question being a fabrication.
on the scene 6, 7, 8 and 9 cen- Imaam Razeen who is a
b. Both these sources do argument has been advanced
a. The Hadith appears in turies after Nabi-e-Kareem senior Authority of Hadith is
not mention the chain for this baseless contention. In
the "non primary" ki- (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), in fact the Sanad. In his own
for this narration. fact, even Allamah Zahbi has
taabs, Jami'ul Usool and had failed to corroborate with right, he is the Chain of Nar- not labelled the Rainwater
Jam'ul Fawaidh. Truncation (i.e. the Hadith other sources some of the ration establishing the authen- Hadith a fabrication. While he
b. Both these sources do minus its Isnaad) is never Ahaadith cited by Imaam ticity of the Hadith. There is claims that some narrations of
not mention the chain for grounds for classifying a Had- Razeen. The spuriousness of no need to dwell beyond this Imaam Razeen are
this narration. ith as Maudhoo' (fabricated). this flimsy argument should illustrious Imaam of Hadith in "unreliable", he does not say
Thousands of Ahaadith of the be quite obvious. search of a Chain. More in that this particular Hadith or
c. They reference the narra- our detailed Response, Insha-
Sihaah Sittach compiled by Fifth argument any other specific Hadith of
tion to 'Razeen' who does Allah.
Imaam Razeen and many oth- Imaam Razeen is Maudhoo'.
not "usually cite the e. Allamah Zahbi said:
er Muhadditheen in their ku- Seventh argument It is only the respected Maula-
chains for his narra- "In his (Razeen's) books
tub are all truncated. It is in- na Abasoomar who has mus-
tions". are some very unrelia- g. The Hadith has exag-
deed moronic to aver that a tered up the courage to brand
d. Senior latter-day Muhad- Hadith is Maudhoo' simply ble narrations." gerations which are
usually found in fabri- this Saheeh Hadith of
ditheen stated that they because the Isnaad is not Allamah Zahbi's criticism is Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi
were unable to locate mentioned. The practice of apodallic and eristic. Having cated Hadiths.
wasallam) 'fabricated'.
several narrations that the Fuqaha and the later Mu- failed to present even a single The respected Maulana Sa-
Razeen had cited in his hadditheen was to truncate rational argument for refuting hib has not enumerated the Should we briefly accept
book. Hadith narrations since they the Hadith narrations of "exaggerations" in this specif- that "some" narrations in
had no need for the Isnaad. Imaam Razeen, Zahbi conced- ic Hadith. If he presents these, Imaam Razeen's most popular
e. Allamah Zahbi said: "In (M a s h-hoor) Kitaab are
his (Razeen's) books are The issue of Chains had al- ed that Imaam Razeen was Al- we shall, Insha-Allah, tackle
ready been finalized by the Imaam Al-Muhaddith Ash- the issue. "unreliable", what is the ra-
some very unreliable tional argument for claiming
narrations." early Muhadditheen and the Shaheer.
Eighth argument that the Rainwater Hadith is
Aimmah-e-Mujtahideen. Furthermore, Zahbi did not
f. The chain of this narra- h. The popular reliable included among the "some
tion is yet to be located. Third argument claim that the 'Rainwater unreliable" narrations."?
Hadith sources have no
c. They reference the nar- Hadith' is a fabrication. He There is not even an iota of
g. The Hadith has exagger- mention of this Hadith.
ration to 'Razeen' who had not even made reference daleel to substantiate this spu-
ations which are usually to it. His statement refers to There is no principle which
found in fabricated Had- does not "usually cite rious claim.
"some" allegedly "very unreli- labels a Hadith Maudhoo'
iths. the chains for his nar- In his conclusion, the
able narrations". Nowhere merely because it does not •
rations". appear in the Sihaah Sittah. Maulana Sahib says: "In
h. The popular reliable does he say that the specific
Hadith sources have no The respected Maulana Sa- Hadith under discussion is a 90% or more of the Ahaadith such a situation, caution
mention of this Hadith. hib, due to the deficiency of fabrication. The only one who do not appear in the six popu- demands that we abstain
his research has grossly failed has classified it a 'fabrication', lar Hadith books. Besides the from spreading, sharing
i. There is a real chance of to understand the rank of Al- Six, there are many other pop- or publicizing this narra-
the Hadith being a fabri- is the respected Maulana Sa-
Imaam, Al-Muhaddith Al- hib. ular Hadith kutub among tion." Imaam Razeen and
cation. laamah Razeen Bin Muawi- which are Jaami'ul Usool, the illustrious Authors of
yah Al-Abdari. Imaam Raz- It is also necessary to say
Jam'ul Fawaid, Imaam Raz- Jaami'ul Usool, Jam'ul
een was among the prominent that Zahbi's notion of some of een's Tajreedus Sihaah, and Fawaaifh, Taysirul
Every one of the aforemen- Imaam Razeen's narrations
tioned arguments is spurious. Akaabir Mukharrijeen and many more. As far as popular- Wusool, etc. had a better
among the Aimmah Muhad- being "unreliable" is a subjec- understanding of the con-
The respected Maulana's re- ity is concerned, Imaam Raz-
ditheen. When an Authority tive conclusion. He advances cept of "caution" regard-
search on this issue is ex- een's Kitaab is extremely pop-
of this calibre cites a Hadith no rational argument for his ing Hadith narration. They
tremely defective. Due to this ular.
without deprecating and criti- contention. There is no reason were great Authorities of
deficiency he has committed why we should opt for the Acknowledging the popu-
the very serious error of cate- cizing it, it confirms the au- Hadith, and they had
taqleed of Zahbi when an il- larity of Imaam Razeen's Ki-
gorizing this Saheeh Hadith a thenticity of the Hadith. Insha deemed it appropriate and
lustrious Muhaddith of the taab, even the critique Zahbi
'fabrication (Maudhoo'). -Allah, our detailed Response says: "He stayed in Makkah valid to include this Had-
will adequately show the ex- calibre of Imaam Razeen who ith in their highly authen-
While our detailed response appeared more than two cen- for an age where he heard
tremely lofty pedestal which tic kutub. The conclusion
shall, Insha-Allah, be pub- turies before Zahbi, had ac- Bukhaari from Eesa Bin
Imaam Razeen occupies in the of the respected Maulana
lished in book form, we con- cepted the Hadith to be Sa- Tharr Al-Harawi, and Muslim
firmament of Hadith and from Al-Hasan At-Tabari. He Sahib is thus dismissed as
tent ourselves here with brief Fiqh. It is essential to under- heeh. Zahbi's criticism has utterly baseless.
answers to the list of spurious been dismissed by great Au- has a popular book in which
stand that Imaam Razeen was
Vol. 22 no. 10 The Majlis Page 10

a helpless infant, a growing

child, a teenager and even an
The objective of performing circumstances. could have acquired in their parents. Parents are left to adult. Rasulullah (sallallahu
Hajj is to gain the immense life time by frequent glancing fend for themselves in their alayhi wasallam) said:
It comes in the Hadith that
thawaab (reward) promised at their parents, are most un- old age – the same parents
a person who looks at his/her “Your father is (your) cen-
by Allah Ta’ala. For the sin- fortunate and deprived of all who had sacrificed their
parents with affection, re- tral portal to Jannat. Now, if
cere Mu’mineen there is no goodness. In fact, this is the nights, time, energy, health,
ceives the thawaab of one you wish to destroy it (with
other purpose for performing state of most children in this comfort and money to care for
Hajj. The Sahaabi asked about disobedience), then do so, and
Hajj. While performing the age of western evil, vice and their children from months
a person who casts many if you wish to guard it (with
physical Hajj by undertaking immorality which Muslims prior to their birth, and even
looks of affection at his par- obedience and keeping then
the journey to Makkah Muaz- have adopted as their culture. beyond adulthood.
ents. Rasulullah (sallallahu happy), then do so.”
zamah is compulsory only on
alayhi wasallam) responded Children should make it a Today when these same “Verily, among the best of
those who are by the financial
that he will receive the tha- special occupation to daily parents are infirm and help- good deeds is to kindly serve
means to accomplish this so-
waab of the number of Hajj visit their parents, if they are less, many westernized ani- the family of your father’s
journ, no one, not even the
equivelant to the number of living apart, just to make Sa- mals dump them in kuffaar- friends after his death.”
paupers and beggars, are de-
times he glanced at his par- laam and look at them. In- style old-age homes or in
prived of the wonderful re- “Three Duas are mus-
ents. stead of this easy, noble servants quarters to languish
wards of Hajj. Allah Ta’ala tajaabaat (readily accepted):
Ibaadat of such immense mer- in sadness and loneliness dur-
does not deprive His servants Children who leave this The Dua of the father; the
it, children have today be- ing their last days on earth.
of the thawaab of specific world without having taken Dua of the musaafir and the
come like western animals But they did not deal with you
acts of Ibaadat which they are with them the thawaab of Dua of the mazloom
who hardly recognize their in this manner when you were
unable to perform due to valid thousands of Hajj which they (oppressed)…..”

SANHA, the premier Maitah the haraam halaalizing of the reached to rectify the breach moment they are posted on The aftermath of a certifi-
(Carrion) certifier in the carrion can ever be repaired. It or it was too huge for even the the board. The worst scenario cate withdrawal is a real di-
country has announced the is humanly impossible to cor- Carrion Halaalizer to stomach is on Jumuah. While for the lemma and should pose a
withdrawal of its haraam rect the damage and harm and had to be divulged before daily five Salaat, many of the nightmare for any carrion-
‘halaal’ carrion certificate caused to Imaan and Akhlaaq someone from the public dis- musallis stop and read notic- halaalizer who believes that
from Wynberg Chickens of thousands of Muslims who covers and exposes it. es, on Fridays, barely 5% of he is a Muslim. It is quite un-
Joburg, citing ‘breach of con- have been consuming the ha- Now after discovery of the the musallis stop to read no- derstandable that all of this is
tract’ as the reason for having laalized carrion, and who will breach, SANHA had a meet- tices. The vast majority simp- meaningless to a munaafiq. In
withdrawn the devil’s certifi- still be consuming it long after ing with its dumb members in ly rushes from the Musjid to fact, it will also be meaning-
cate. the withdrawal of the haraam the Carrion game. Meanwhile attend to their mundane activi- less for most of these humbug
Feeling snug in this miser- certificate. Muslims are consuming the ties. Furthermore, the carrion characters whose hearts have
able announcement buried in How long will it take for haraam carrion. Then it was notices do not appear in the become sealed, precluding the
its website, the Carrion Pur- SANHA’s perfunctory an- decided to insert the notice on majority of the Musaajid. entry of Imaani reasoning,
veyor believes that it has hon- nouncement to percolate the website. How many Mus- rational reasoning and con-
Experience testifies that in
ourably discharged its obliga- through the various strata of lim were alerted by the web- science.
the past, even months after
tion of informing the Muslim Muslim society who are de- site that even the Carrion Ha-
withdrawal of carrion certifi- This is the effect of de-
community to abstain from vouring the diseased, rotten laalizer had been constrained
cates, Muslims were still de- vouring carrion. The effect is
consuming what had always maitah chickens? to brand its own certified
vouring the rotten chickens worse when Muslims are
been haraam CARRION pro- It is just plain com- maitah as carrion? Even if
since they were unaware of knowingly fed carrion in the
claimed ‘halaal’. If it is briefly monsense that the breach had numerous were alerted, it is a
the withdrawal. But those who name of the Deen as SANHA,
assumed that the carrion existed prior to its discovery 100% certainty that 100% of
issue haraam certificates to MJC, NIHT and the gamut of
chickens were indeed ‘halaal’ by the carrion inspector. How the carrion devourers had not
halaalize carrion are totally other carrion-halaalizers are
during the subsistence of the long did the breach exist? No seen the notice on the web-
bereft of conscience. If they perpetrating at the peril of the
scrap of toilet paper termed one knows. Throughout the site. Numerous people have
are still Muslim, we do not destruction of their own
‘halaal certificate’, then too duration of the breach, Mus- no computers.
understand how they can sleep Imaan. But they should under-
by no stretch of intelligent lims were buying and devour- Even if notices are placed
peacefully knowing full well stand that the calcification of
imagination has this haraam ing the haraam rot. When fi- on some, and we emphasize
that most Muslims are contin- their brains and obliteration of
carrion-halaalizing body dis- nally the breach was discov- some, Musjid notice boards, it
uing to devour the carrion their conscience will be decal-
charged its obligation. In fact, ered, SANHA discussed with will take ages for all the
chickens despite withdrawal cified at the time of Maut. But
there is no way whatsoever Wynberg’s management. Ei- musallis to read it. Never do
of the certificate. then it will be too late.
that the damage wrought by ther no agreement could be all Musallis read notices the

Devilishly dubbed, ‘radio who masquerade as Muslim the Deen. ery directed to a teaching, ception for enticing the juha-
islam’, this evil, haraam ap- whilst their hearts brim with practice or belief of the Deen la. In like manner, the
While the modernist mu-
pendage of Iblees, Radio nifaaq, subject the Sunnah is kufr. It jettisons the vile mureed of shaitaan (the radio
naafiqeen had no subterfuge
Shaitaan, in its haraam, kufr Beard to mockery. It has person out of the fold of Is- molvi) attempts to camou-
for their kufr, these Radio
so-called ‘Beard Campaign’, hitherto been the style of the lam. Under cover of the flage his kufr by stupidly
Shaitaan ‘molvi’ mureeds of
inviting the participation of modernist munaafiqeen to ‘Islam’ designation, Radio adding the word ‘inspiring’
Iblees, present a ‘deeni’ ve-
morons, juhala, fussaaq, fu- ridicule this essential and Devil propagates fisq, fujoor after describing the beard to
neer with which they coat
jjaar and munaafiqeen, said: important Sunnah of and kufr. It is indeed surpris- be ‘amusing’. But this stupid
their kufr to confuse and de-
“Do you have an amusing or Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi ing and lamentable that Mus- attempt does not exculpate
ceive ignoramuses. The
inspiring beard anecdote to wasallam). However, in this lims still find it tolerable to the mureed of Iblees from the
aforementioned idea of
share? How long did it take age, munaafiqs who are pro- listen to the Satanism which kufr he has uttered. The so-
‘amusement’ predicated to
you to grow, maintain, and claimed ‘molvis’, such as the this haraam voice of Iblees called beard campaign is
the Sunnah Beard of
care for beards? Share your munaafiq juhhaal ‘molvis’ of excretes. KUFR. Participants in this
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi
Beard Bro story. Prizes up Radio Shaitaan, have as- vile programme should re-
wasallam) is Istikhfaaf and It is of the ways of Shai-
for grabs.” sumed upon themselves the new their Imaan and their
Istihza’ of a Hukm of the taan to blend his kufr and
satanic past-time of the mod- Nikah, if they happen to be
Usually such modernists Shariah. Such fun and mock- villainy with colour and de-
ernists – to ridicule tenets of married persons.

“O Humaira! (This was Ha- Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi Allah, then before it reaches
dhrat Aisha’s name) What are wasallam): “What for?” Ha- the hands of the recipient, it
O NCE WHEN Rasulullah (radhiyallahu anha) washing you doing?” She responded: dhrat Aishah: “I have heard reaches the Hands of Allah
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) some dirhams (silver coins), “Labbaika! Ya Rasulallah! I you saying that when some- Ta’ala. Therefore, whenever I
saw Hadhrat Aishah he was surprised, and he said: am washing these dirhams.” thing is given in the Path of (Continued on page 12)
Vol. 22 no. 10 The Majlis Page 11

THE SENIORS OF and Ml. Rafiek, has descend- (Daama Barakatuhu) from utive fails in its obligation, low of the kufr Gulen
ed to an extremely low level the executive, and keep in Allah Ta'ala will then either movement presented as
THE EXECUTIVE of politics of the nafs. It is the executive the imposter replace them with better per- Islam. It is shocking and
MUST CLEAN UP very very sad to observe that Hanafi, the Salafi sonnel or destroy the Jamiat unbelievable that the Ja-
this clique has shamelessly Ml.Rafiek? KZN in a collision with the miat KZN has paired up
THE SALAFI AND and without showing even a We direct this appeal to Haqq – a collision which with a kufr movement
MODERNIST MESS little fear for the reckoning the senior, Deeni conscious shall be the final nail it the which is undermining
WITHIN THE EXEC- they will have to give to Al- officials of Jamiat KZN. Our Jamiat's coffin. Baatil will Islam and conspiring to
lah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, appeal is that Ml.Rafiek not succeed in the long run. substitute the Deen with
UTIVE COMMITTEE conspired to work out of of- should be expelled from the Some of the disturbing issues an American blend of
We, the Amr Bil Ma'roof- fice one of the Jamiat's sen- executive and Mufti Salejee which have to be tackled 'islam'.
Nahyi anil Munkar Depart- ior and pious officials, Mufti Sahib (Daama Barakatuhu) immediately are: 5. The Jamiat's unauthor-
ment of Jamiat KZN, shall Ebrahim Salejee Sahib of should be installed in a sen- 1. The silent and cunning ized participation n the
be failing in our sacred obli- Estcourt (Daama Barakatu- ior position to assist in the introduction of Salaf'ism litigation pertaining to
gation of stating the Haqq hu). The Mohamemdy- process of saving the floun- within the ranks of the the UUCSA name deba-
should we sweep under the Rafiek clique, by employing dering ship of Jamiat KZN Jamiat by Ml.Rafiek. cle.
carpet the irregularities and the politics of the nafs -the from sinking. This ship is 2. The presence of a female There are some others
malpractices which have de- cheap politics of kuffaar pol- currently listing badly and its 'counsellor' on the Ja- issues too, which have to be
flected the Jamiat from the iticians — has temporarily destruction is imminent if miat's office premises. probed and rectified. In
Path of Haqq. The Qur'aan achieved their evil goal of the current course of colli- This is an extremely sub- short, the Jamiat KZN needs
orders: keeping Hazrat Mufti sion with the Shariah is tle ploy of Iblees to in- to clean up the miserable
"O Believers, be establishers Salejee Sahib out of the ex- maintained. volve the office-workers mess in its office. It is our
of justice as witnesses for ecutive. The Jamiat is on a head- in zina and to increasing- sincere dua that the new
Allah even though it be Then they compounded long course of collision with ly steer the Jamiat into senior members and officials
against yourselves or your their shamelessness with the the Deen. It will soon be the traps of modernity. of the Jamiat will view our
parents or your close rela- shameless misdeed of keep- smashed to smithereens if 3. The huge waste of public naseehat seriously and initi-
tives." (5:135) ing a Salafi who is a Hanafi the anti-Shariah course set funds –Lillah and Zakat ate measures to do what is
Therefore, we are duti- imposter in the executive. by the Mohammedy-Rafiek – for totally unnecessary necessary in the endeavour
bound to proclaim the Haqq Ml.Rafiek has caused sub- clique is sustained. The Ja- building activity. There is to stablize the crazy and
and Justice, be it against our stantial damage to the Ja- miat has to change its course no need to extend and drunken drifting of the Ja-
own office-workers. We dare miat. He subtly propagates and return to the Sunnah add to the current prem- miat Ship which has been
not turn a blind eye at the Salafi'ism, is an anti-Sunnah which was the Path set for it ises of the Jamiat. It is left rudderless by the Mo-
recent undignified and un- liberal, has, without the Ja- by Hadhrat Moulana Omar- haraam to squander the hammedy-Rafiek clique who
Islamic politics of the nafs miat's authorization, com- jee Sahib and Hazrat Mou- public's Lillah funds for has sinister agendas being
which a small clique of our mitted the Jamiat to haraam lana Sema Sahib luxury building opera- pursued.
office-workers had plotted kuffaar court litigation per- (rahmatullah alayhimaa). tions to gratify the egos If Allah Subhanahu wa
at the recent election of the taining to the UUCSA name There are a range of evil of the Mohammedy- ta'ala wills, we shall deal
executive and office bearers. debacle, etc. What criterion issues which the new execu- Rafiek clique. with each irregularity in
The clique consisting has been employed to expel tive should investigate and 4. The Jamiat has been greater detail in future bulle-
mainly of Ml. Mohammedy Hazrat Mufti Salejee Sahib rectify. If even the new exec- made to become a bedfel- tins.

Q. Zaid, Bakr, Amr and members for appointing a The first step which is given him and his two sisters. superfluous. The curator (the
Khalid are four partners in person to be the curator. Waajib on the remaining part- Consensus of the heirs is son in this case) only has the
a Shirkat venture. Amr is The remaining partners ners is to assess the financial not a necessary Shar'i requi- right to demand from the re-
mentally incapacitated. He claim that they are still the state of the business and to site for the son to be appoint- maining partners payment of
is out of the business, and wakeels of their mentally calculate Amr's share. ed the curator. The son is in his father's share.
unable to make any deci- incapacitated brother, The second Waajib step is charge of his mentally inca- The son may, however,
sions. He has an adult son. hence it is their right to to hand over Amr's share to pacitated father and even of enter into a fresh partnership
Does the son take the place make the decisions on his whoever will be his Trustee his body after his (the fa- contract with the other part-
of his father to make deci- behalf. Are they right? to oversee his (Amr's) affairs. ther's) death. The son has a ners on behalf of his father if
sions on his behalf? What is A. The fact that Amr is no prior right over his uncles they are agreeable.
the Shariah's ruling in this longer regarded capable of His adult son being his
wali, will be the trustee. The (father's brothers). The remaining partners are
situation? Whilst the father decision-making by the other
was mentally stable he had partners confirms his mental son will be his mentally inca- Since Amr is no longer a no longer the wakeels of
given his son and two incapacity. Since he has ef- pacitated father's curator. His partner in the Shirkat com- Amr due to the termination of
daughters a general power fectively no say in the affairs curatorship in terms of the pany due to the termination of the partnership. The wikaalat
of attorney to act on his be- of the business due to his secular law of the land is fur- the partnership in respect to remains valid only as long as
half. The remaining part- mental state, the partnership ther enhanced and confirmed him, the question of making the Shirkat is valid. The wik-
ners say that there must be in respect to him has termi- by the General Power of At- decisions on his behalf re- aalat lapses with the termina-
consensus of the family nated. torney which his father had garding the Shirkat affairs is tion of the Shirkat.

the darkness. The frivolous fanfare.

and most unbecoming man- The qaaris of today are mak-
A Brother writes: more drifting away from these Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi ner in which he acquitted him- ing a mockery of the Qur’aan
“Today after Maghrib, one ulama. I believe that they have wasallam) will complain to self in his announcement is Majeed for the acquisition of
of the Imams stood up and nothing to offer me. My Imaan Allah Ta’ala: “Verily these adequate for illustrating his monetary gain. The Aayaat of
made an announcement say- is suffering in the process of my people have made the stupidity and his lack of un- the Qur’aan are being bar-
ing that there is a Pakistani the drivel they speak from the Qur’aan an object of buffet- derstanding of the Deen. If tered away for the miserable
Qari who has graced us with Masjid’s platform. Is Qur’aan ing.”, i.e. kicking it like a this Imaam understands the coins of the dunya. It is for
his presence and will recite recitation some kind of a sport ball, hence the moron Imaam meaning of the Qur’aan and this reason that Rasulullah
after Maghrib, and give us a for it to ‘kick off’? Please of- likened Qiraa’t sessions to a its qiraa’t, he would not have (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
taste and when he is” ON fer some naseehat.” “kicking off sports event. likened the Qur’aan to a said:
TOUR he will kick off” from (End of the Brother’s com- The qaari’s presence is a kuffaar ball being kicked, and “The majority of the mu-
our Masjid. plaint.) blot of darkness, and the a kuffaar sports event naafiqeen (hypocrites) of my
Walaahi! I am more and On the Day of Qiyaamah, Imaam adds and compounds ‘kicking off’ with its haraam Ummah are its qaaris.”
Vol. 22 no. 10 The Majlis Page 12
P.O. BOX 3393

(Continued from page 5) his children. Q. Is oral sex permissible. Some A. In fact, most, if not all, of the
at one’s home or in Johannesburg or Q. One sheikh Fakhri Owaisi has scholars say that while it is not en- rulers in Muslim countries today are
in the plane. But the final point is severely criticized Hadhrat couraged, it is permissible. Please kaafir. The entire system of govern-
Jeddah. It has to be compulsory Muawiyah (radhiyallahu anhu). comment. ment is kufr. Criticizing these
donned in Jiddah. He claims that Hadhrat Muawiyah A. The some ‘scholars’ to whom kuffaar rulers masquerading as Mus-
Q. Can a wife give her Zakaat to was involved in the killing of Ha- you have referred are morons. Such lims does not render one a khaarji.
her poor husband? dhrat Uthmaan (radhiyallahu an- repositories of stupidity may not be The ‘madkhali’ salafis are morons
A. It is not permissible for a wife to hu). What is the status of a person termed ‘scholars’. This satanic prac- who bootlick the corrupt Saudi re-
give her Zakaat to her husband. The who reviles the Sahaabah? tice is filth and destructive to the gime.
same applies vice versa. A. The reviler of the Sahaabah is a body and soul. Medical experts have Q. Do women have to wear only
Q. How does a musalli fill a gap in pure kaafir. Hatred for a Sahaabi is confirmed that this act of Satanism white dresses in Ihraam? Can
front of him in the saff if he is in the effect of hatred for Rasulullah causes mouth and throat cancer. A they wear gloves and socks?
Salaat or about to join the Salaat? (sallallahu alayhi wasallam just as professor said: “Coupled with A. Women may wear any colour
If he is in Salaat and has to step love for a Sahaabi is the effect of changing sexual behaviours and dress during Ihram. Gloves and
forward to fill the gap, does he love for Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi where oral sex features prominently, socks are permissible.
move ahead with his hands folded? wasallam). Salaat behind this murtad these trends will most likely lead to Q. A man is survived by 3 sisters
A. When there is a gap in the front is not valid. increases in HPV oro-pharyngeal and a son of his deceased brother.
saff in front of you, then step into it Q. In the qabrustaan should we cancers ……” How should his estate be distrib-
with one or two steps with your lift our hands when making dua? Q. Is it permissible to fast on the uted?
hands held folded. While stepping to A. When making dua for the mayyit holy days (9th Zil Hajj and 10th A. If the heirs are only three sisters
the right-hand side to fill the gap, in the Qabrustaan, the hands should Muharram) with the intention of and a son of a deceased brother,
keep your hands folded. If there is a not be lifted. This was not the meth- Qadha of Ramadhaan? the mayyit's estate will be divided as
gap in a saff while you have not yet od of the Akaabireen nor is it Sunnat A. It is permissible to fast on the follows: The three sisters will jointly
joined the Salaat, then you may to raise the hands. auspicious days with the intention of inherit two thirds of the estate which
move even across the path of the Q. I am a prisoner in the United making Qadha of Ramadhaan’s fasts.
they should share equally. The re-
musallis to reach and fill the gap. States. Do prisoners also have to Q. Is it permissible to take a Sun- maining third goes to the nephew.
Q. On whom is Qur'baani Waajib pay Sadqah Fitr? nat ghusl during I’tikaaf?
Q. Is it correct to say that it is not
according to the Maaliki Math- A. Sadqah Fitr is Waajib on those A. It is not permissible to take even
necessary for a mujahid to wear
hab? who have the Zakaat Nisaab (about a Masnoon ghusl during the I’tikaaf.
his shalwaar above the ankles?
A. According to the Maaliki Math- $400) on the Day of Eid. If you have Q. The Madkhali Salafis say that
A. It is not permissible for even a
hab, Qur'baani is compulsory on the this amount, then you have to pay the those who criticize the Saudi gov-
mujahid to wear his shalwaar
head of the family. He has to make Sadqah Fitr which is the price of 2 ernment are Khaarjis. Please com-
Qur'baani for all those whose nafqah kilograms of flour. You may give it (trousers) below the ankles. The in-
(expense) is incumbent on him, e.g. to any poor Muslim in prison. formation given to you is incorrect.

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Aishah (radhiyallahu an- fine.
ha) is to give in the Path
of Allah Ta’ala happily
and cheerfully. Sadqah
should not be regarded a “Generally preservatives are eases from which humanity is are talking. I tell you that I
burden. Give from the (Continued from page 1) did not perform Hajj this
used to increase the shelf life, today suffering. There is no
wealth you love, and from preserve the natural character- conundrum regarding the caus- of his companions said: year.”
halaal tayyib wealth. istics, and/or preserve the ap- es of these diseases which are “Subhaanallaah! Did I not That night in a dream some-
Some people, feeling pearance of the food. Some a form of divine punishment leave my money with you (in one said to him: “O
Zakaat to be a ‘fine’, seek preservatives have induced for the self-inflicted abuses of Makkah), then I took it from Abdallaah! Verily, Allah
to absolve themselves of allergic reactions, while oth- consuming haraam, mushtabah you afterwards?” Another Ta’ala has accepted your
this ‘onerous burden’ with ers have been linked to cancer, and poisonous commercially Hajee said: “Did you not give Sadqah. Allah Ta’ala sent an
such goods which have asthma, and birth defects.” processed foods. And, the me water at a certain place Angel in your form to per-
become useless for them. worst of commercial junk (while performing Hajj)? A form Hajj on your behalf.”
This is not the way which For the preservation of your
which people devour is ha- third one said: “Did you not An Angel in the form of Ibn
devotees of Allah Ta’ala health, abstain from processed
laalized, diseased carrion purchase for me certain Mubaarak had accompanied
adopt for gaining His foods containing preservatives.
chickens – the worst offender things?” (i.e. while at Mak- the Hujjaaj, hence they be-
Pleasure. Examine your There is no surprise in the del-
in the crimes of self-inflicted kah). Hadhrat Ibn Mubaarak lieved that he had performed
niyyat and understand uge of cancer, heart problems,
disease. said: “I don’t know what you Hajj with them.
diabetes, and many other dis-

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