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Copyright © Thin Film Center Inc, 2006-7. All rights reserved.

Cauchy calculates the refractive index given by a three-term Cauchy formula:
n (λ ) = A + 2 + 4 (1)
λ λ
The user inputs the three Cauchy parameters and the wavelength range. The script enters the
calculated results into a fresh material document. Extinction coefficient is assumed to be zero.
The Cauchy parameters and the wavelengths may be in micron rather than nanometre.
Wavelengths will be converted to nanometre before entry in the material document.
Dialogs and Results
The opening dialog is shown in Figure 1, and parameters entry in Figure 2.

Figure 1. The opening dialog.

Figure 2. Entry of parameters.

Thin Film Center Inc

2745 East Via Rotonda, Tucson, Arizona 85716-5227
Telephone: (520) 322 6171 Fax: (520) 325 8721
Selecting wavelength units as Micron will convert the entries in the wavelength fields from
nanometre to micron and vice versa if Nanometre is selected. The parameter entries will not be
Clicking on OK launches the calculation and results in a new materials document with the
results inserted and notes that summarize the calculation, Figure 3.

Figure 3. The new material document. Notes summarize the calculation.

Figure 4. The default parameters in the script.

The default parameters can be altered by the user. They are listed at the start of the script. If
the default wavelength units are to be micron then IsMicrons should be set to True by
commenting out the False line and uncommenting the following True line.

30 September 2007 Thin Film Center Inc 2

Date 30 September 2007
Version: 2.00

Version History:
Version 1.00 - 2 April 2006
Version 2.00 – 26 September 2007. Input dialog added and help file created

30 September 2007 Thin Film Center Inc 3

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