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Scenario 1: You are teaching a class using the Audio-Lingual Method, and one of your

students is struggling to mimic the correct intonation patterns in English. How would you
utilize the principles of drilling and repetition within the Audio-Lingual Method to help the
student improve their intonation and pronunciation skills?

Audio Lingual Method sees language learning as habit formation so the activities that are
primarily based on repetition and drill to teach students correct forms in the language they are
learning. So, I would read them a dialogue and then I would ask them to repeat in the exact
way that I read. If they make a mistake, I would correct them and want them to repeat the
dialogue. After they adapted the dialogue, I want them to change some words. The next step
would be some changings in the grammar structure by choosing key structures from the
dialogue. Then students can make writing and vocabulary activities based on the dialogue. At
the beginning level, writing is imitative and based on copying the sentences from the dialogue
that they have been practiced. As they improving, they can write sentences based on their
practices or write short compositions on given topic with the help of questions.

Scenario 2: Your students are preparing for a listening comprehension exercise where they
need to identify specific grammatical structures and patterns within a recorded dialogue. How
would you employ the techniques of pattern drills and transformation drills within the Audio-
Lingual Method to enhance their understanding of the language structures and foster accurate
comprehension skills?

I would give them a basic sentence like ‘I read every day’ and then ask them to repeat what I
say. Then I would change the pronoun, for example, with he or she, like ‘she reads every day’
and I would emphasize the verb so that they can understand the difference after I read the
sentence out loud, again I would ask them to repeat the sentence the way I pronounce. Then I
would change the grammar structure with other tenses and I would also change the subject
and some of the words to teach grammar. I would correct their mistakes so that they can learn
the correct pronunciation.

Scenario 3: Some students are finding it challenging to grasp irregular verb forms and
conjugations. How would you incorporate the use of substitution drills and transformation
drills within the Audio-Lingual Method to reinforce their understanding of verb patterns and
encourage accurate language production?

I would give them a sentence which includes irregular verbs and conjugations. After they
memorize the sentence by repeating, I would change some vocabulary items and ask them to
repeat the sentence by putting the word that I give to them. For example, if the sentence is I
went to school yesterday, I just say supermarket then they must say I went to supermarket
yesterday. After they adapted this, I would ask them to transform the sentence into a negative
or interrogation form. They either say I did not go to school or did I go to school.

Scenario 4: A group of students is expressing confusion about the differences between the
Oral Situational approach and the Audio-Lingual Method. How would you explain the
distinguishing features and techniques of the Audio-Lingual Method, emphasizing its focus
on habit formation and structural patterns, in contrast to the communicative and situational
emphasis of the Oral Situational approach?

The Audio Lingual Method and Situational Language Teaching differ from each other in
terms of techniques and procedures. SLT focuses on the situational presentation of new
sentence patterns; that is, teaching language through presentation in situations, whereas the
ALM based on the repetition and practice of language. In SLT, the instructor teaches
vocabulary and sentence patterns in situations by using materials such as books, pictures, and
videos. In ALM, the instructor teaches the grammar and vocabulary through repetition of the
sentence and its focus in on reading loud the dialogues and accurate pronunciation by

Scenario 5: Students are having difficulty using complex sentence structures in spoken
English. How would you apply the principles of the Audio-Lingual Method, such as chain
drills and meaningful drills, to help them construct and produce complex sentences fluently
and accurately in various communicative contexts?

I would give them a dialogue and then they memorize it by using mimicry. After they
memorized the dialogue, I would ask them to repeat after I read the dialogue or sentence.
Then I would choose one of them and want to ask and answer each other one by one like a
chain. I state a sentence from the dialogue and choose a word of a phrase as cue, when
students repeat the sentence they must be able to put the word into the correct place. Then I
would ask them to convert the sentence into a negative one or interrogative form. After that I
would make question and answer drill. I ask questions and want them to answer as fast as
possible. I would erase some words from the dialogue and want them to complete it by filling
the gaps.

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