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Atlantis Guild Necropolis Sect Elemental League Knight Immortals

Faction Name Black Powder Revolutionaries Draconum Heroes Mage Spawn Orc Khans Shyft Solonavi Apocalypse
(Atlantean Empire) (Dark Crusaders) (Elemental Freeholds) (Elven Lords)
Brave adventurers, champions, Beings of ancient power and
Ruling over most of the western A strange, hive-like race of The shadowy forces of the
Necromancers and Vampires Solitary, mysterious dragon Eco-terrorist warriors who Ancient High Elves who use their and legendary figures all, the Creatures summoned by sorcery, The Mongol hordes with green mysterious origins, offering
half of the Land through As all Revolutionaries, fighting empaths and assassins struggling Apocalypse across the Land,
Summary looking to corrupt and control warriors who constantly pursue believe that the best way to martial and magical mastery to Heroes of the Land work created by mutation, or twisted skin and a drive for plunder, superb military capabilities to
economic, political or military desperately for their freedom. to make their own place in the spreading their corruption and
everyone in the Land. personal evolution. protect the Land is to own it. police the Land. individually to gain gold, fame, by natural evolution. battle and conquest. anyone willing to meet their
force. Land. destruction wherever they go.
and prestige for themselves. price.
Elves, Trolls, Centaurs, Faerie
Racial Composition Humans. Primarily humans and Dwarves. Sect Elves, some humans Draconum High Elves. All races Everything under the sun Orcs, Goblins, Half-Trolls. Shyft Solonavi Secret servants of all races
Founded in 279 Tz at Roanne Culture dates back to before Age
Origin of Faction Founded by Tezla in 63 Tz. Erupted into being in 419 Tz. Founded in 279 Tz Unknown origin All of known history Ancient, unknowable origins Unknown. Unknown Unknown Arrival of the Four Horsemen
Valle of Mists.
Age of Faction 370 years. 15 years. Roughly 150 years Tradition dates back millennia Roughly 150 years 2,000 years or more. All of known history Thousands of years At least 1,000 years old. Seen off and on for centuries Unknown Unknown
A sizable portion of the western Khamsin, Northlander, Amazon The northeastern areas of the The fortresses of Roanne Valle Many modern rulers began their The northern grasslands and Ruins and catacombs throughout
Geographic Control Scattered across the Land Rivvenheim Mountains. Throughout the Land No known area. Unknown
half of the Land. territories. Land and Stone Keep careers as Heroes. Prieska. the Land
Reverence of Tezla, founder of A variety of gods and totem Worship of Dark Tezla, the Worship of Nature, reverence of Eagle gods, some totemistic
Religion Dragon Gods The seven Heiramman gods. Gold, fame, and prestige. Superstition and primal totemism They worship their Matriarch Unknown Carnage
Guild and Empire. deities. Blood Goddess. the Spirit of Tezla. deities.
Technomancy, Magestone and Steam and black powder Necromancy, spirit-binding, Healing, protection, the fury of Powerful magics, top-rank Ancient artifacts and magical Some have powers to rival the Very little; some shamanic Empathy, and a few other
Magical Affinity Unimaginable magical capability Unbelievable power Destruction
Golems. technology. vampirism nature wizards. weapons of all kinds. best wizards capability. magical powers
Tezla, Emperor Nujarek, and Dark Tezla, the Dark Prophet, To the High Elven Council, their To themselves; rarely ever to a To themselves, and their To themselves, their khan and
Political Loyalty Freedom and wise governance. To oneself, and to one's friends. The Spirit of Tezla, the Land. To their Matriarch, and their tribe To themselves War, Pestilence, Famine, Death
Empire. personal power. culture, and honor. Faction. stomachs their tribe.

The Empire pays Heroes very
Tear the Empire down, and rip Weak, pathetic and mindless. Powerful human mages and Unholy betrayers void of any well for treasures brought forth With a few key strikes the While their leaders refuse our
Short-lived and short-sighted A land ripe for plundering, with Slay their Emperor and knock
Atlantean Empire / out the festering corruption at its Crush them all and drain the resourceful warriors who are trace of reason or honor. Destroy from the ancient Dungeons, Metallic taste, somewhat bitter. Empire, like their mages, will be hospitality, we will strive to find
polluters and destroyers. treasures beyond counting. Atlantis from the sky.
mage-born heart. human upstarts dry. good to fight with or against. them without mercy. provided the mages don’t just kill rendered weak and useless. those that will serve our needs.
you and take your loot.

While the Dwarves of the

These humans provided us with
Their fiery passion and idealistic Worthy individuals of amusing Revolution have interest in
A rival faction that must be Our only ally in the war against While admirable warriors, they Tastes like gunpowder and mighty weapons. Our alliance is They are divided, and far too A greedy faction easily swayed Slaughter their leaders and crush
Black Powder Revolutionaries / views make them easy to temperament and righteous ancient devices, the Amazons,
destroyed at any cost. those that would taint the Land. are divided and easily dealt with. sweat. now ended and they are ripe for ready to fight one another. by baubles and trinkets. their armies.
manipulate. causes. Khamsins, and Galeshi have far
the plunder.
more interest in the gold we find.

The Necromancers pay well

Twisted Elven Necromancers Elves and humans who will do Bloodthirsty invaders without While these children have lost enough for weapons and artifacts They raise our dead and make us Greedy to climb the Hierarchy,
Treacherous foes that can never Often taste rotten or spoiled; They understand us best, and so Give them a real taste of pain and
Dark Crusaders who seek to conquer the Land anything to gain a few hundred / heart, soul or mercy. They their way, at least they have from the deepest Dungeons, but fight them; kill them first and tear they sell their own souls for the
be trusted. worse than eating a week-old kill. they must be the first to fall. death.
with their Dark Crusade. more years of life. deserve nothing but death. purpose, however repugnant. are twice as likely to betray you apart their corpses. chance at power.
as the Atlanteans

Always a threat, as Draconum

They’re pretty good to have in a Honorable warriors who For supposedly superior The Draconum to the north are Fearsome warriors with The minds of the older drakes are
Inhuman dragon-warriors with seem to revel in tearing apart Few of them dare to barter with Shred their wings and tear out
Draconum fight, provided they’re on your / sometimes have difficulty seeing warriors, they die quickly enough twisted and dangerous beyond Tough to chew, but succulent. determination like the greatest nearly impenetrable, but the
their own suspicious agendas. Crusade warriors more than us; we have other useful pawns. their fangs.
side. which side is the right one. when they’re alone. any we have encountered before. khans. young die easily enough.
anybody else.

Unless it involves a weapon that

Their quest to destroy our Tree-huggers who will never A doomed people destined to Zealots of the wild; nature’s Wayward cousins who have lost the Freeholds can use to preserve Their warriors are cowards who We will return their warriors to
Difficult to chase down, but the Pitiful Elves that refuse our gifts Burn the forests and salt the
Elemental Freeholds Magestone mines will be their understand that the end always serve us an army of the eternal alliance of Trolls, Faeries and / their way and their magic; we the Land, they think it’s best that fight and run away. Kill them their beloved soil, one chunk at a
juicy taste is worth the hunt. at a time of their greatest need. earth.
downfall. justifies the means. dead. Elves is a potent one. have no pity for them. Heroes don’t get to keep the before they kill you. time.
treasures they acquire.

Blue blooded Elven knights that Very dangerous, and very old. Nearly the equal of the Dangerous meddlers unearthing Museum-keepers; the objects For beings of such power, they Their mountain cities hold many Their cursed Heirraman gods
One-time allies that now attack Smash their idols and murder
Elven Lords want bloody revenge against the We understand these ancient Draconum masters, but never the old mysteries - and monsters / they buy from us get squirreled Stringy and bland. breed weak-limbed children who secrets that our Matriarchs attempt to prevent us from
our borders with impunity. their nobles.
traitorous Atlanteans. masters better than they realize. their betters. - best left undisturbed. away in the Rivvenheims for later depend on magic to fight. jealously want to learn. practicing our trade.

High-born Elven bluebloods Torture them enough, and they'll The best and most willing
Useful pawns in the ongoing Brave warriors and wizards who These fools will do anything for a Worthy companions and potent The best and brightest champions Invaders plundering the depths of Break their will and take their
Heroes tasked by their gods to purify the / Best loot! Tastes great! show you the way to gold and candidates for our power and
battle for control over the Land. bravely confront the unknown. few coins. adversaries. the lower races have to offer. our ancient homes. treasures.
Land of all the so-called lesser riches! knowledge.

Useful as a distraction, but the The true way of the warrior lies
Mutated monsters from the Wild beasts that are best left in They are part of nature and They fill the Dungeons and They are predators, like They are our brothers and sisters,
most loyal servant a Creatures to be eliminated before in one’s own skill, not in the Hunger, pleasure, desire – these Slaughter these beasts and rot the
Mage Spawn Blasted Lands; abominations the wilderness where they should be treated with respect prevent us from gaining our well- / ourselves, that must sometimes awaiting their destiny at our
Necromancer can have is a dead they breed again. monsters you have fighting for are the things they know best. corpses.
from before Tezla’s time. belong. and reverence. deserved prizes. be fought in order to survive. command.
one. you.

An evil, green-skinned, brutal

A tribal people who take Very difficult to control or direct, Their chaotic strength is Green-skinned warriors who kill The seeds of chaos lie in these Treacherous, every last one of They are suspicious of anyone These creatures have keener
menace from the northlands who Enough meat to feed a pack for a Set their steppes aflame and kill
Orc Khans whatever they want from anyone but a worthy opponent in tempered by the might of their and burn without any moral brutal peoples. Extinguish them, them, and greedy for gold and / not of their own kind, and they instincts than many others; they
should be shot and burned on week. them as they flee.
not strong enough to stop them. combat. warlike Khan commanders. understanding of their actions. and peace will come. power. often take too long to die. fear our gifts, and rightly so.

The Shyft once lived in the

They take credit for our deeds A meddling child-race with sunken depths before they arose
Cowardly beast-tamers that are Tricky, manipulative lizard folk A curious race that has lived out They mutter like Goblins and Useless creatures with
and blame us for their atrocities. Too small to fight properly, and empathic powers that allow them to the surface; they keep the Nice enough once you get to Flay them alive and bury the
Shyft little better than the Mage Spawn who try to get their way at of sight for a long time; they strut like Elves. They are not / empathically-demanded loyalty to
Gut them all and leave them to too stupid to run. to twist the minds of innocent Mage Spawn like we keep pets, know them. twitching remains.
they keep. everyone else’s expense. require more study. welcome at our fires. their hive-mothers.
rot. Mage Spawn. and consider many of the
Dungeons to be their personal
They care little if we have
Neither good nor evil, these
Enigmatic conquerors that pose Their offers are tempting, but Manipulative spirit-beings with Shrouded in mystery and myth, weapons or power, and often
No price is higher than death, and spirit-beings pose a deadly threat. Why would anyone want to chew Our wish is their command. Or is Dangerous beings that should be Kill their pawns and topple their
Solonavi the largest threat the Empire has what is the true cost for dealing tempting offers, but are known to the deals these powerful beings guide Heroes to long forgotten /
of death we have little to fear. Hunt them down and destroy fire? their command our wish? destroyed at the first opportunity. Black Tower.
ever faced. with these beings? not be trustworthy. offer should be refused. temples and Dungeons—for a
their allies and spies.

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