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1) He ……………………… to work every day. (drive)

2) I ………………….……… you're right. (not /think)

3) ……… we …………….. enough time? (have)

4) I …………………. cereal in the morning. (eat)

5) ……… they …..……. e-mails every day? (write)

6) Tom …………….. a lot of TV. (watch)

7) Sara ………………….. the newspaper. ( not / read)

8) ………… she often ……………? (dance)

10) What ………… you ………….. at the weekend? (do)

11) I …………………. much tea. (not / drink)

12) How ……………. he …………….. to work? (travel)

13) They …………………… vegetables. (not / like)

14) She …………………….. a cold every winter. (catch)

15) Carol …………………. Out at weekends. (not go out)

16) Dad often ……………….. the bus to work. (take)


1) She ……………………………………… home now. ( go)

2) I ………………………………………… a great book. (read)

3) she ………………………………… her hair. (not / wash)

4) ……………….. the cat ……………………. in the garden? (play)

5) …………………… she …………………………….. ? (cry)

6) He …………………………………… Latin. (not / study)

7) ……………… you ……………………. to London? (drive)

8) ………………….. they ……………………………. TV? (watch)

9) Where ……………….. she ………………………….. now? (go)

10) I …………………………………. Now. (not / leave)

11) Why ……………… he ………………………..?(leave)

12) It ……………………………………………. (not / rain)

13) When …………………. they ………………………………….?(arrive)

14) Where …………………. they ………………………………?(stay)


1) ………………. you ……………………………….tonight? (come)

2) ………………. he ………………………………….. rice every day? (eat)

3) I ……………………………………… the moment. (work)

4) ………………… he often ……………………………… to London? (come)

5) He ……………………………….. tennis now. (play)

6) …………………you …………………………….to the cinema later? (come)

7) They ………………………………………… to the party tomorrow. (not/come)

8) He ……………………………………….. golf now. (not/play)

9) (you/play) tennis this Sunday?

10) They ………………………………. to a restaurant every Saturday. (go)

11) She ………………………………….. to the cinema very often. (not/go)

12) My boyfriend usually …………………………………. late. (arrive)

13) He normally ………………………………….. dinner at home. (have)

14) …………………. you …………………………… every night? (study)

15) ………………… they …………………………… late usually? (work)

16) I ………………………………………. tonight. (not/work)

17) I ………………………………………….. coffee very often. (not/drink)

18) Julie …………………………………….. now. (sleep)


1) ……………… you late yesterday? (be)

2) She ……………………………… a teacher when she was young. (be)

3) I …………………………. in a bank for ten years. (work)

4) Where …………………. you …………………………. when you were young? (live)

5) She ……………………………….. French at university. She ……………………………… Spanish. (study)


6) He ………………………………. through the middle east last year. (travel)

7) ………………… the children naughty? (be)

8) ………………… they ………………………….. the Louvre in Paris? (visit)

9) She ………………………………………. TV yesterday. (not/watch)

10) We ………………………….. a new car last weekend. (buy)

11) Where ……………….. you ……………………… before you came here? (teach)

12) He ……………………………… that he was right. (not/think)

13) I ………………………. at the cinema last night (be)

14) I ……………………………… steak last night. (cook)

15) Where …………………….. you last night?(be)

16) I ……………………………. a computer when I was a child. (have

17) Where …………………… you ……………………… on holiday last year? (go)

18) I …………………………… ice cream when I was a child. (love)

19) They ……………………………… yesterday. (not/meet)

20) ……………….. she ……………………… in the sea in Greece? (swim)

21) We ……………………….. tennis yesterday because it was raining. (not/play)

22) He ………………………….. to lift the box but he couldn't.. (try)

23) What ……………… you ………………………. for lunch? (eat)


1) I ……………………………………..(sit) in a cafe when you ………………………………(call) .

2) When you ………………………………(arrive) at the party, who ………………………..(be) there?

3) Susie ……………………………….(watch) a film when she ……………………………(hear) the noise.

4) Yesterday I ……………………………(go) to the library, next I …………………………(have) a swim, later

I …………………………..(meet) Julie for coffee.

5) We ……………………………….(play) tennis when John ………………………………..(hurt) his ankle.

6) What …………………… they ……………………………. (do) at 10pm last night - it was really noisy?

7) He ………………………………(take) a shower when the telephone …………………………(ring).

8) He …………………………..(be) in the shower when the telephone …………………………(ring).

9) When I ……………………………..(walk) into the room, everyone …………………………………(work).

10) It ……………………..(be) a day last September. The sun …………………………..(shine) and the

birds …………………………..(sing) . I …………………………(walk) along the street when

I …………………………(meet) an old friend.

11) He ………………………….(live) in Russia when the Revolution ………………………………..(start).

12) When her train …………………………(get) to the station, we ……………………………(wait) on the platform.

13) I …………………………….(be) so annoyed! Because he ………………………………..(leave) his things


14) On holiday we …………………………….(visit) Rome, ……………………………..(see) the Vatican,

and …………………………….(spend) a few days at the beach.

15) Why ……………………………..(stand) on a chair when I ……………………………..(come) into the room?

16) They ……………………………….(live) in Germany when they ………………………..(be) young.

17) At 7pm yesterday, we …………………………….(listen) to music.

18) When I ………………………..(leave) the house, it ……………………………………..(snow).

19) He ……………………………….(work) in a bank when he ………………………………(meet) his wife.

20) What ……………….. you ………………………….(do) when I …………………………….(call) you last night?

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