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2018 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct)

RealityMedia: An Experimental Digital Book in WebXR

Maria Engberg* Jay David Bolter* Blair MacIntyre*

Dept. of Computer Science and Media School of Literature, Communication, Emerging Technologies, Mozilla
Technology, Malmö University and Culture, Georgia Tech School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech

of publication and of the book reached a watershed. More and

more communication and publication moved to the new medium,
This paper presents an ongoing experiment using WebXR to but at first the printed book still seemed secure as the medium for
create something analogous to a non-fiction book in AR and VR; the consumption of various forms of extended writing, such as
an immersive, interactive experience that stands on its own, rather novels. In the first decade of the 2000s, however, ebooks emerged
than merely complementing a traditional book. The book as a serious rival to the printed book. At the same time “high-
introduces the reader/user to AR and VR both as technologies and concept” digital applications began to appear as tablet or
as media. The printed book is one of the more influential smartphone apps, e.g. Al Gore’s digital “book app” Our Choice or
communicative interfaces in history. AR and VR have the The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore (based on a
potential to remediate several genres of printed books, but
book by William Joyce). Such applications featured video and
somewhat different conventions may need to be developed for
audio along with graphics and text and suggested a new form of
different combinations of genre and modality. The lessons learned
the book that includes interactive elements for the reader to
through this experiment should contribute to the establishment of
guidelines for this new form of multimedia, in particular explore.
conventions that facilitate the reader/user’s transition from AR and VR also began to be used to remediate the printed
discursive to immersive modes and back. book. The most influential example was and is the “magic
book”—a hybrid that combines the traditional printed codex
Keywords: Augmented reality, virtual reality, world wide web, format with computer graphics that pop out of the pages. The
UX design. MagicBook was first developed by Billinghurst et al in the Hitlab
around 2000 [1]. It has subsequently become a genre. For
Index Terms: • Human-centered computing~Mixed / augmented example, Marvel has produced a series of AR enhanced comics
that feature various forms of augmentation. Another recent
reality • Human-centered computing~Virtual reality • Human-
example is the recent Charlie Fink’s Metaverse [2], where pop-up
centered computing~Interface design prototyping
characters at the end of the chapters offer explanations of key
concepts of the text. This genre of augmented book is a
remediation of the children’s pop-up book of the 19 and 20 th th

1 INTRODUCTION centuries.
AR and VR are emerging as new media of communication and 3 REALITYMEDIA: A DIGITAL BOOK
expression, analogous to other media such as printed books and
We report here on work-in-progress in the tradition of the digital
films. Conventions for these new media are still in the early stages
book: RealityMedia. In this experiment AR and VR constitute
of development. Some conventions may be generalized over all
both form and content. That is, RealityMedia uses VR and AR as
possible uses and users, just as clicking on links became general
display technologies and the subject matter of the book is VR and
for hypertext on the original web, but others may vary with
AR as technologies and as new media forms. The project spans
content and application. Genres of AR and VR will likely
both traditional and digital technology. It consists of both printed
develop, just as there are genres of conventional websites and
and digital versions. The printed version, whose work title is
other digital and non-digital media; the conventions in film (for
Reality Media, will be published by MIT Press at the end of 2019.
example) are different for documentaries, horror, fiction, drama
It will situate AR and VR in historical contexts as media and will
and so forth.
also explain the technology and aesthetics of AR and VR. The
Exploring applications that have the potential to become
digital version RealityMedia is not meant to be a mere companion
genres may aid in the development of such conventions. AR and
VR have the potential to refashion several genres of printed to or illustration of the printed version; rather, it will function as a
books: including fiction, nonfiction, travel books, etc., and stand-alone interactive experience of AR and VR. Our goal is to
appropriate conventions may need to be developed for each. Our join the two versions as closely as possible in material and
is to create an AR/VR version of a non-fiction book. It is work in conceptual terms—to test the feasibility of a new kind of book,
progress that we hope will ultimately suggest conventions for this realized simultaneously in print and in digital forms.
form of multimedia communication.
Understanding Comics
2 HISTORY OF THE DIGITAL BOOK Inspiration for this project comes from Scott McCloud, the comic
With the advent of the World Wide Web in the 1990s, the history book artist and author. In Understanding Comics [3] and
Reinventing Comics [4], McCloud offered an explanation of the
origin of comics, their nature today, and the future of this popular
*;; media form. However, he did not produce his argument as a
traditional essay. McCloud came up with the ingenious idea of

978-1-5386-7592-2/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 324

DOI 10.1109/ISMAR-Adjunct.2018.00096

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writing his history and theory of comics in the form of a comic version directly to relevant parts of the digital. This is in the
book. He drew himself as a talking character, who delivers— established tradition of the magic book, discussed above. Third,
balloon by balloon—a long and fascinating lecture on the subject the portal is an operative, visual metaphor in the digital version
to which he has devoted his life. itself for the relationship between AR and VR. In the digital
In a conventional book, the images serve as illustrations for version the reader/user can find and cross portals, computer
the text, but in comics images and text (e.g. speech balloons) are graphic thresholds that enable her to move between the worlds of
fully integrated. They depend on each other to achieve meaning. AR and VR.
In addition, comics make meaning by combining image and text
across many panels in sequence. So, when in Understanding 4 PRELIMINARY DESIGN SKETCH
Comics, McCloud defines how comics function as “sequential The current, preliminary design envisions a coherent website
art,” he can actually show the reader how panel sequences consisting of interlinked web pages on separate topics in AR and
construct narratives in a temporal flow. And he does so by VR. The reader can read the site on its own, but individual topics
drawing himself as a character into the argument he is making. will also be directly accessible from pages of the printed book
McCloud’s thoughtful and at the same time playful approach through the portal images mentioned above. Each page consists of
inspired us to try to explain a medium in and through the same explanatory text, which parallels text in the printed book
medium. What McCloud did for comics, we want to do for VR (although these texts are less extensive than the ones in the printed
and AR. However, there are important differences between our version). Embedded in each page will be one or more playable
project and his. One reason that McCloud was able to write a AR/VR vignettes. The balance between (and manner of
treatise on comics in the form of a comic is that both a traditional presentation) text and 3D content will depend on the device the
monograph and a comic exist in the same medium of ink on user is using to access the content, and kind of “XR progressive
paper. Both consist of text and illustrations, although in different refinement” demonstrated by experiments at Mozilla [7] and
forms and ratios. In our case, however, AR and VR are born Google [8] over the past year. This page design with embedded
digital media forms; they cannot function as reality media on the AR and VR is also beginning to appear on commercial websites.
printed page. It is difficult to illustrate AR and VR in the pages of The New York Times is already publishing articles that include
a printed book, and equally difficult to incorporate the same kind links to VR and AR demos—e.g. an article on an exhibition of
of discursive text into a conventional AR or VR application. David Bowie’s costumes [9]. Our design is an elaboration of this
So, while McCloud was able to express himself in a single model.
medium, we have to use two separate formats: print and digital. Each top-level web page constitutes an immersive experience,
These two formats enable us to present reality media from two which may be experienced in various ways depending on the
perspectives: from the “inside” as well as the “outside.” The device(s) the user has available. If the user has only a laptop or
purpose of the digital version is not merely to illustrate the desktop computer screen, then each vignette plays either
affordances of the new media for the reader, but to allow her to embedded in the page or in full-screen mode. The user uses the
enact or even to inhabit the media. The printed book provides a mouse to interact. If the user has a headset attached to their
perspective that is the opposite of an immersive experience of AR computer, then the immersive experience will open in the headset.
and VR: a critical explanation of these media in the contexts of If the user has a tablet or smartphone, the experience makes use of
media history and their design aesthetics. The printed version can the interaction modes available (moving the device and touching
also address the making of the digital version and reflect on the the screen). Finally, in a stand-alone AR or VR headset, the text-
future potential of the digital book. The printed book is based page will need to be presented in a manner appropriate for
independent of the digital, although the two are in dialogue. The the immersive context. Emerging AR/VR-first browsers allow
reader will be able to understand the printed book without using full WebXR pages to be viewed as 2D panes inside 3D. This is
the digital version, but her understanding will be enhanced if she one possible approach, but as we (and others) gain experience
experiences both forms. with these devices, one of the design challenges will be how to
There is another major difference between McCloud’s project balance expository text with interactive content in such a purely
and ours. In Understanding Comics McCloud was writing about a immersive experience.
mature medium; he had the long and richly varied tradition of Just as 2D web pages are connected through hyperlinks, the 3D
comics to draw on for evidence. In our case AR and VR are just parts of the WebXR pages will be connected through visible
beginning to constitute a medium, so we are speculating and portals, as will the vignettes within a single page. The user may
anticipating rather than describing a mature medium. VR and AR travel from vignette to vignette before returning to the 2D
are in the process of developing. In Gartner’s so-called Hype webpage to read text or find another 3D vignette. On a fully
Cycle of Emerging Technology [5], the two appear somewhere on immersive device, such as a head-mounted display, the user
the “Slope of Enlightenment.” So we have to be speculative about returns to a top-level 3D space, e.g. a room. Figure 1 shows the
the future possibilities of VR and AR. Our speculations are, integration of a 2D textual page with the 3D vignettes in a sample
however, based on the ways in which these technologies as new page in our current design.
media forms are remediating other existing media in the present.
This is always the way a new medium inserts itself into our
changing media culture. [6]

The portal as a conceptual metaphor

The portal is a key metaphor in our project, in three different
ways. First, the printed book is itself meant as a portal: an
introduction to the technologies and media experiences enabled by
AR and VR. Second, portals in the form of trackable images in the
printed book will allow the reader/user to move from the printed


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relatively straightforward manner (i.e., different pages leveraging
the same backend content and services).
Finally, the web is appropriate for our project because it is
already an environment for the exchange of “serious” information,
including text. One stated original purpose of the World Wide
Web was to permit scientists and others to exchange drafts of
papers as well as data prior to official publication in print journals.
Of course, the web has grown to meet all sorts of other needs from
advertising and sales to gaming, but it remains one of the most
important environments for reading.

Immersion and critical distance

There is another reason we chose the web for this project, which
relates directly to the theme of the workshop: the issue of
immersion. The web became a multimedia platform with the
introduction of the <img> tag in the early 1990s. Audio and video
soon followed, although it took some time until increases in end-
user bandwidth permitted widespread use of these media. In some
of the most visited sites today, e.g. YouTube and Netflix,
photographs and video (and even 360° video) are the dominant
mode, whereas text is used for instructions, explanations, or users’
comments. In general, the web is both historically and today a
hybrid medium in which text and various forms of imagery and
Figure 1: The initial version of the “construct” vignette. audio are combined in various ratios.
This combination corresponds to the dual nature of
The text describes some of the basics of computer graphics. The RealityMedia. The text of our books (in both the print and digital
embedded VR vignette alludes to a scene in The Matrix: The forms) is discursive and analytical. It calls on the reader to reflect
avatar welcomes the user to the “construct,” which is an on the historical, theoretical or technical significance of each facet
evacuated space in which the avatar and then the user can of AR and VR that is being described. The textual passages are
construct and manipulate simple CG objects. This demo currently not intended to be immersive; they distance the reader from the
works on a desktop computer and a tablet, and we are in the experience or technology under consideration. But when the
process of extending it to other platforms. reader passes through the portal into either a VR and AR vignette,
the mode changes from discursive to immersive. WebXR allows
5 WHY THE WEB AND WEBXR? for the close integration of the interactive 3D content and the
Ebooks are generally bought and distributed through the web, but textual material, which makes it possible to move back and forth
they are more often consumed on readers (such as the Kindle), from the discursive/critical mode to an immersive mode.
tablets or even smartphones rather than desktop or laptop The alternation between the modes of immersion and critical
computers. RealityMedia too could have been developed as a distance is characteristic of genres of fiction as well as non-fiction
stand-alone app for the iOS and Android systems. But the advent and of other media, including print and film. Some kinds of
of WebXR technology has led us to choose the web as a platform novels and films try to engage the reader/viewer in an immersive
for a number of reasons. experience throughout, but other genres contain episodes in which
she is invited to reflect on the story in a critical way. Techniques
The advantages of the web of critical distancing have therefore been developed for prose
There are well-known advantages to using the web for delivering (author’s asides, shifts from first person to third person, etc.) and
any kind of information to a general audience. Now that WebXR for film (direct address to the camera, “avant-garde” camera
is developing rapidly and promises to be available in major techniques, etc.). This suggests that AR and VR as media can
browsers in the coming years, these advantages accrue to this develop analogous, though not necessarily identical, techniques
project as they would to almost any other web-based AR and VR for narrative and descriptive experiences.
application. The web is by far the most widely available platform
and hence can reach the largest audience. Browsers exist for 6 DESIGN ISSUES
virtually all computers, tablets, and smartphones, and should also In our prototype and sketches thus far, we are focusing on three
exist for the emerging stand-alone wearable AR/VR devices (e.g., design issues: 1. support for multiple devices; 2. facilitating the
the Oculus GO). The architecture of the web and the expectations transition between critical/textual and immersive/participatory
of its users mean that it is very easy to distribute updates (even modes; and 3. interactivity in the immersive mode.
easier than with apps tied to the major app stores).
The ability to update has always been promoted as one of the Multiple devices
advantages of a digital book over a printed book, but with web Because the goal is publication to the broadest possible audience,
publication this advantage becomes a reality. It will make it a key design issue is the support of multiple devices with a variety
possible for us to correct text errors and programming bugs, to of display formats. Our aim is to provide the best experience to
improve existing vignettes, to add new text and vignettes the reader/user no matter what kind of device she is using, but we
seamlessly, and to adapt to new devices as they become available. cannot offer the same experience in all cases. If the reader/user is
The structure of web applications will allow us to experiment with viewing on a desktop computer than we cannot provide a truly
completely different approaches to presenting this content in a immersive VR experience and AR elements (that require an


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opaque or see-through display, perhaps with a camera looking at RealityMedia will not be a video game, and interaction modes
the world) become difficult or impossible. will have to be tailored accordingly.
Our current working solution is to design for a set of full-
experience platforms with diminished demonstrations for others, 7 CONCLUSION
following the common “progressive refinement” approach used RealityMedia is a work-in-progress. We are prototyping now and
on current websites to adapt to phones, tablets and laptop/desktop hope to achieve a fully working version by the end of 2019, which
displays. One target platform is a laptop or desktop computer is when the printed book will appear. Our design is just one
screen for reading the textual material paired with an available possible way to remediate the printed book for AR and VR. It is
headset device that is capable of both VR and AR (i.e., a VR one small part of the larger task of media convergence, as AR and
device that includes an outward-facing camera, or a see-through VR are absorbed into our larger media economy in the coming
AR device that can be made opaque). Another target platform will years.
be tablets or smartphone devices capable of AR and VR (e.g. iOS The ultimate goal is to develop design guidelines for this genre
devices supporting ARKit or Android devices supporting ARCore of book (long-form, non-fiction communication). Even at this
and Daydream), because these allow the easiest movement from early stage, however, it seems likely that major design issues will
textual to immersive mode. As stand-alone AR and VR displays center on the relationship between the discursive (textual) and
become more common (e.g., Hololens, Magic Leap, Oculus GO, immersive content.
HTC Vive, Lenovo Mirage, etc), we will explore the tradeoffs RealityMedia is also an experiment in pushing the boundaries
between presenting the expository text (or variations of it) of what it means to create web-based AR and VR experiences.
immersively, or coupling those displays with tablets and While experiences focused on specific devices or modalities (e.g.,
smartphones to create hybrid experiences. Time will tell what games, AR/VR education or training systems, etc) will likely
approach is most satisfying and what users expect. make up the bulk of initial uses of these technologies on the web,
As far as web page layout is concerned, responsive frameworks we hope to demonstrate a more complex project that successfully
like Bootstrap (or similar frameworks like React) make it adapts to any web browser the user might use, and uses the
relatively easy to accommodate any size and aspect ratio of the myriad of possible technologies to effectively engage the user.
screens of multiple devices. For the AR and VR immersive
experiences, the ability to adapt to multiple platforms is one of the
principal features of WebXR. REFERENCES
Transitions [1] Billinghurst, Mark, Hirokazu Kato, and Ivan Poupyrev.
“Magicbook: Transitioning between Reality and Virtuality.”
As noted, the portal is our metaphor for transition, which we use In CHI 2000, 25-26, 2001.
throughout the design. Portals provide transitions between the [2] Fink, Charlie. Charlie Fink’s Metaverse: An AR Enabled
printed book and the digital version and between the AR and VR Guide to VR and AR. Washington: Cool Blue Media, 2018.
in the digital version. A key design issue is how to manage the [3] McCloud, Scott. Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art.
transitions between the text on the web page and the immersive New York: HarperCollins, 1993.
experience. Again, the techniques will depend on the capabilities [4] McCloud, Scott. Reinventing Comics. New York:
of the user’s platform. On the laptop-headset hybrid platform, the HarperCollins, 2000.
user would have to put on the headset as she moves into the [5] Gartner, “Gartner Identifies Three Megatrends That Will
experience and take it off again at the end. On the tablet or Drive Digital Business into the Next Decade,” Press Release:
smartphone, the transition is facilitated by the fact that the August 15, 2017
WebXR is embedded in the web page, which would likely make
for a smoother reading experience (similar to the implementation [6] Bolter, Jay David, and Richard Grusin. Remediation:
in the NY Times mobile app). A fully immersive presentation in a Understanding New Media. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
stand-alone AR or VR headset may also yield a similarly smooth 1999.
experience. In this respect, the tablet and stand-alone displays [7] Mozilla Mixed Reality Blog, “Progressive WebXR”,
may come closest to the unified design of Scott McCloud’s
Understanding Comics, where, as we noted, McCloud achieved [8] Google, “Article”,
the perfect integration of text and comic graphics. Article/public/
Interactivity [9] Ryzik, Melena. “Augmented Reality: David Bowie in Three
Dimension.” New York TImes (2018). Published
One key advantage of a digital book over a printed book is that it electronically March 20.
can involve the reader’s active participation in new ways. In
RealityMedia, we can include interactive vignettes so that the bowie-costumes-ar-3d-ul.html
reader becomes a user and learns by doing simple, scaffolded
experiments in a virtual environment. But one of the most
important current problems in AR and VR is how to enable the
user to interact in the virtual or virtual-physical space. We have
decided to design only for the simplest interaction modes initially,
using pointing, clicking, dragging to select and move objects, to
ensure the content can be accessible on the most platforms.
Furthermore, the digital book is meant to be an application with a
very broad audience, all of whom may not have the same
interactive skills as gamers or other special audiences. A book like


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