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Mpilwenhle his love

I'm planning something nice for him today , I
go take a long soothing bath while sipping on
my red wine. When I'm done , I get dried up
and moisturize my skin. I look at the lingerie
on the bed , it will definitely turn him on.

I take the lingerie and put it on , it's lacy and

cups my boobs so nicely. I take my black
long trench coat and put it on , I add some
knee length pencil boots on and request for
an Uber.

As soon as it arrives , I hop in and put in my

coordinates on the gps we better make it
quick before Priscilla (my daughter) comes
back from creche. I have my own key to his
house so , I unlock and go upstairs. I hear
some moans and groans coming from his
room , who could that be?
I sway the door open and come to the sight
of my boyfriend Mike on top of this skinny
looking girl.

Me:what the fuck!

Mike goes off the girl and comes my way.

Mike:babe it's not what it looks like.

Me:how does it look like Mike?well it's over

between me and you , I'm so done with
toleratin your cheating ways have it lit guys ,
I'm out.

I charge out , I can't belive Mike did this to

me. I knew he was cheating but he could've
hid it away from me , I walk out of his
apartment and request. He comes out
wearing a robe .

Mike:baby plss don't do this.

I just wipe my tears ,oh here comes my ride. I

hop in , the driver looks at me confused.

Me:centurion flats plss.

He nods and looks away.

This is what I call my life , I'm Mpilwenhle
Kunene , 23 years of age and I live in
centurion with my baby girl Priscilla who is
four years old.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 1.
We have arrived.

Me:thanks bhuti.

I take out a fifty rand note.

Driver:well sis I don't know what makes you

think this is an uber.


Driver:I was just there to drop off my little

sister , you literally got into my car and
started crying.

Me:holy shit , plss forgive me bhuti.

Driver:call me Langa and there's no need to

pay nkosazana I'm glad I gad to see your
house so that I can know where to send my

Me:(chuckles)thank you and again sorry.

Langa:it's okay.

I nod and hop off , he drives away. Gosh how

didn't I notice that this car is not an uber how
can a audi r8 be a taxi?I'm so embarrassed
right now.

I drag my feet to my apartment , it's my day

off today I get into the house and go straight
to the bathroom and take a bath , while
crying I gave Mike all of me. Even my pride! I
was dumb , I didn't want to let him go bcs I
was afraid of not marrying my virgin breaker.
Silly right?but it was my dream to marry the
one person that will deflower me.

When I'm done bathing , I get dressed in my

uniform onesie and socks. I go to the kitchen
and take out a tub of ice-cream from the
fridge , a spoon and then went to sit on the
couch watching 'netflix' its not even helping
bcs I'm back to crying again.


I hear a hoot outside , that must be Priscilla's

transport. I rush out and go take her. I pick
her up and kiss her forehead.

Priscilla:mama big girls can walk for


I chuckle , this kid.

Me:okay princess Priscilla.

I put her down , her hair is so messy you

would swear I didn't tie it up nicely in the
morning. She gets into the house with me
following suit.

Priscilla:mom , I want food.

Me:you want food?


Me:you won't get it nana , you must practice

being nice saying you "want" stuff is kinda

She looks down.

Me:now say the magic word.


Ne:that's good , spit out the other magic


Priscilla:mom can I please have some food?

Me:let's go make it baby.

She leaves her bag on the couch and follows

me to the kitchen. I warm up some pizza for
her and pour a some apple juice in a plastic
cup for her. She thanks me and walks to the

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 2.
I get done cooking , my phone rings. I turn off
the stove and answer the call.


Katrina:"you can't tell me you're asleep girl!"

She's my friend.

Me:how can I be asleep while-...

I take a look at my baby , she's dosing off on

the couch .

Me:while Mike cheated on me again this time

around I saw it with ny own two eyes.

A tear sheds out.

Katrina:"friend you lie!"

Me:I truth!

Katrina:"that is why I'm so over boys

chom ,boys are overrated."

I laugh ,she's bisexual.

Me:love itself is overrated , korr if what we

had wasn't love then I don't know what is.

Katrina:"he doesn't deserve you mngani ,

infact you need some beverage!"

Me:tomorrow after work.

Katrina:"we're going partying you have to let
loose a little."

Me:what about Prisca?

Katrina:"we'll drop her at your mom's."

Me:okay then.

I hang up and dish up the spaghetti and

meatballs with tomato sauce. I go to the
lounge and lightly shake Priscilla.

Me:baby wake up , you have to eat.

Priscilla:I'm full.

Me:okay let me go bath you.

She nods rubbing her eyes and yawns , she's

so cute! I take her hand as we go to the
bathroom , I run a bath for her. She
undressed and gets in.

Priscilla:uphi ubabami?
-where's my father?

Me:(clears throat)at work.

Priscilla:I miss him.

I just shut up and get her clean , when I'm

done. I drain the water and dry her up. We
walk to her room , I get her lotioned and
make her wear her short summer pyjamas. I
kiss her forehead and leave her room. I walk
to the kitchen and start eating.

A message pops on my lock screen 'REF

money sent to account R15 000 from M.S'
another one follows "I'm sorry" this is one of
his old time tricks , sending money as form

of an apology (clicks my tongue) I reverse
the money and send ' ' mxm jackass.

Mpilwenhle his love✨.

pt 3.

My alarm rings waking me up from my nap , I

yawn as I make my bed. I go to Priscilla's
room , she's already up and about.

Me:baby you're awake?


Me:let's get you ready for the day then.

Priscilla:when I come back from school

uzobe akhona ubabami?
-will be my father be here?

Me:no nana.

She nods and looks down , Priscilla loves her

father and yes Mike is the biological father of
Priscilla, no tests needed bcs they look very
much alike. You'd swear she's not my
daughter bcs she looks nothing like me ,
either than the body structure you can tell
she's gonna be built like her mom.

After bathing her , I take her put and dry her

up. I make her wear her brown biker shorts ,
a white tee and Nike sandals. Mike provides
for his daughter and she drips like there's no
tomorrow. I apply cream on her curly afro
and let it loose. I make some cornflakes for
her and put on her favorite cartoons as I go
to bath.

When I'm done , I get dried up and lotion. I

take out my stonewash jeans , a lime green
blazer and a white top. I put on my nude
heels and a white tote bag. I'm a receptionist
so I dress to impress. I put on a matte
lipstick and let my braids loose.

I go out holding my baby's hand , her

transport is here. I kiss her goodbye and give
her , her bag. I'll get breakfast on the way. My
ride comes and I go to work. It drops me off ,
I go to maButhelezi who sells amagwinya
near my workplace.


MaB:aww mntanam , how may I


Me:ngicela amagwinya aw'3 , four palony

slices and r3 atchaar.

She nods.
"nam ngcela lokhu ak'thengayo ma."

Wait I know that voice.


Langa:aww nkosazana we meet again.

Me:seems like you're stalking me.

Langa:no I usually buy ugwayi la.

Me:you smoke?



I take my food and turn to leave.

Langa:is that a deal breaker?


Langa:ukuthi ngyabhema.

Me:yes it is.

Lunga:I can stop smoking if you allow me to

take you out.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 4.
I give him my numbers so that he can be able
to reach out to me. Did I describe Langa
though?anyways he's tall , light in
complexion, with black bushy eyebrows ,
small eyes and pink lips , he has a mustache
on his upper lip.

I go into the building and go to my station , I

take a sit and start munching onto my food.
Someone clears their throat , it's the boss. I
quickly stand up.


:is my personal assistant here?

Me:no sir she's late once again.

:as soon as she gets here plss send her

straight to my office and I need to see you
before the end to the day.


He nods and walks away , yeesh I'm scared if

that man. He is grumpy , it's rare to see him
smile nor laugh.

When Ntombi arrives she comes straight to

me so that she can fetch her keys.

Me:hey , Mr Zitha wants to see you asap in

his office.
Ntombi:oh boy , I already have three written
warnings what could be it.

Me:good luck.

Ntombi:I'll need it.

She takes her keys and walks away.

"can't even focus , I'd like to see your face

right now." a message pops in.

Me:who is this?

I text back.

"Ubaba weyngane zakho , duh."

- the father of your kids.

Me:quit playing around, who are you?

"It's Langa , I'm taking you out for lunch."


"No yesterday, ofc today I'll be there at 1pm."

How does he know my lunchtime?

Me:okay then.

"enjoy the rest of your day."

I react ' ' to his text and put my ohome
away , the landlines phone rings. I pick it up.
"Zitha & sons attorneys how may we lep you."

l u n c h t i m e:

It's one o'clock , I see a off white car park by

the gate. I check out , wear back my heels
bcs I took them off bcs I was tired. I take my
bag and walk out. He is leaning on his car
smoking , he takes the last puff and drops
the cigarette. He stomps on it and smiles.

Me:uthe uzoyeka.
-you said you'll stop.

Langa:ubufuna ngiyeke ngempela kanti?

-you want me to quit for real?


Langa:from today I'll try my best not to

smoke my lady.

I smile.


He opens the car and I get in.

He jogs to his side and also gets in. He takes

out some mint gums and starts chewing , he
takes out his cologne and puffs it.

Me:what are you doing?

Langa:making sure there is zero cigarette
smell near you.

Me:(melting)oh okay.

He smiles and starts driving.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 5.
We get to the mall , he parks his car and
opens the door for me. I thank him and hop
off. I hook my arm in his as we walk into this
cool restaurant. We take a sit.

Langa:how long is your lunchbreak?

Me:an hour.

Langa:okay we can make it work.

We place our orders.

Me:so can I ask?


Me:won't it be hard fir you to stop smoking?

Langa:it's not an addiction , I only smoke

when I'm stressed so there will be less
stress in my life with you in it , so I won't
smoke much.

Me:well I'm not really ready to jump into

another relationship so soon.

Langa:when did your relationship end?


Langa:why?if I may ask.

Me:no it's okay (sighs)he cheated.

Langa:don't feel bad it's not your fault that

he's not matured and man enough , actually
he's a fool bcs I've been looking at you for
like 5 months thinking it's a minor crush kanti
weeh , when you hopped in my car thinking
it's your ride I wasn't gonna turn you down I
mean who would?

I giggle.

Me:you have been eyeing me?

Langa:yeah , my little sister thinks that I'm


Me:well obsession is dangerous.

Langa:inkinga nawe usuke ube muhle

-just that you're so pretty.

I smile.

Our food comes oh yeah , sticky buffalo

wings , fries , burritos and drinks. I squeal in
joy immediately after seeing our food. Langa
chuckles , now I'm embarrassed.

Langa:don't be flushed , imama malidle nje

-a lady must eat with zero excuses.

Me:where were you all my life?

Langa:I wonder.

I giggle and pop one chip into my mouth.

Me:just that Mike didn't want me to eat

much ,he would always comment about how
much I'm gonna loose my figure so I only eat
junk once a month.

Langa:damn that niqqa's toxic , well baby

that's bullshit idla nje mkami futhi lemme
feed you.
-eat my wife and

He cuts the burritos and pierces it with the

fork. He brings it close to my mouth , I open
wide and let it in my mouth. I chew slowly ,
damn these are so good!

Langa:how is it?


Langa:glad you like it.

I smile and continue eating , no I'm not gonna

be into a relationship so soon. I feel like I'll
use the next person as a rebound bcs my
feelings fir Mike won't just fade away just like

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 6.
Lunch is over , we didn't finish our food so we
asked to takeaways. Were now in his car in
front of my workplace.

Me:I need to get going now.

Langa:okay , see you tomorrow.


I tend to hop off but then he pulls me closer

and plants a kiss on my forehead. He let's
me go , I hop off and get back to work. It was
a tiring day man , it's knock off time. Since
Mr zitha wanted to see me , I took the
escalator to his office. I get there and knock.

He shouts come in. I go in and find him

seated on his chair.

Mr Zitha:you may sit.

I nod and take a sit across him.

Mr Zitha:so , I have noticed how you're

determined in what you do my child and I
have never had any complains from our
clients, we get compliments instead so
you're getting a raise.


My face brightens up.

Mr Zitha:better believe it.

Me:oh thank you so much sir!

He nods.

Mr Zitha:I've added 5% extra to your current


Me:thank you , I'll work even harder.

Mr Zitha:it's okay kid , you may leave now.

I smile and walk out , after two longs years

with no raise. I'm so happy. I take a ride
home , I see Priscilla's transport as soon as I my ride so I wait for it. It arrives , I
greet the driver and helf her hop off.


She shouts as soon as she gets down.

Me:someone's in a good mood.

Priscilla:I got a star sticker today , Ms

Williams said I can count very well now .
Me:how far can you count?

Priscilla:thirty , backwards also.

Me:haa I don't believe you bala ngizwe.

-count I want to hear you.

Priscilla:one , two , three...

She goes on and on , I warm up yesterday's

food for her and reward her with some
marshmallows. I get her bathed and dressed
up in her onesie , I pack a dress ,sandals ,
sun hat and panties for her in her small
barbie bag. I fill it in with her face cloth and

Priscilla:I can't wait to see granny!

Me:is it?


I smile at her and let her play some games

on my phone while I get ready , we're going
clubbing tonight. I wear my short black
dress , heels and a varsity jacket. I take a
clutch bag and fill in my items. I hear a hoot
outside , that must be Katrina.

Me:let's go nana.

She grabs her bag as we walk to Katrina's

Mpilwenhle his love
pt 7.
We arrive at mom's, she's in her pyjamas
standing by the gate. Haibo girl is gaining , I
hope there's no man involved. I hop off.

Mom:where's my grandchild?

Priscilla:she's here , she's here!

She squeals out and I help her get off. She

runs to ma , she picks her up.

Me:ma ngcela ungsalela naye bandla.

-mom plss stay with her for me.

Mom:niyaphi Mpilo?I wasn't there when you

got pregnant.


Mom:okay then , but I hope you're on

contraceptives bcs angifune ngane!
I giggle , that's my mother for you.

Me:thank you ma!bye Prisca!

Priscilla:bye mom.

I giggle and walk back to the car , Katrina is

already talking to her people. She starts
driving. Her call comes to an end.

Me:you're gonna scare some men off with

that outfit of yours.

Katrina:I can't change my outfit for them


I scoff and look away , she's all boyish today.

Since she's bi , there are some days whereby
she gets boyish but some she prefers being
girly. She's complicated but I understand her
and I love my friend shame I'm ngl.

We arrive , it's packed here!the music is in full

blast. We get in .

Me:where's our table?

Katrina:over there.

I nod , we push through th cloud and get to

out reserved table. A waitress comes to us.

Me:okay I'll be on the meat and you'll be on

the drinks.


Me:sicela pork ya R50 , wors ye R150 and a

hot quarter of a chicken.

Katrina:24 of flying fish , bottle of sky vodka

and 6 pack of brutal fruit.

Waitress:that's it for now?

She nods and goes away , the night is still
young let me get waisted.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 8.
I'm drunk shame I'm ngl , I can't even stand
on my won. These heels are making the
situation worse than it is. I hear "dance for
you by Beyonce" playing , gosh that's on of
my favorites I stand up and get on top of the

Katrina:bitch wtf!

Me:ngiyeke mlungu.
-leave me alone white kid.

She gaps , I know she hates being called


It reaches the chorus already I'm a twerking

mess , I swirl and play with my waist. All of a
sudden I'm surrounded by a crowd , I see
Langa charging towards me. He sweeps off
my feet and I fall in his arms. He carries me
and starts to walk away.

Me:Langa put me down!


He keeps on walking , he opens the backseat

door and throws me in. He rushes to his side
and locks all the doors. He starts the car.

Me:plss go back , my friend is in there!

Langa:if you're not gonna talk like a sane

adult and lower your voice then we're having
no conversation.

I fold my hands and pout my lips , I sit back.

After a while the car stops , he unlocks the
car and goes off. He opens the backseat
door and moves away from the door. Now I
must walk on my own?mxm. I just sit back.

Langa:(chuckles)Mpilwenhle get out.


Langa:I'll pick you up then.

He pulls me closer and picks me up like a

sack of potatoes , he closes the door and
locks. I can see that he's now climbing the
stairs , I'm a little bit dizzy now. He puts me
down , I feel fudgy. I run to the bathroom and
vomit , I let it all out till my throat gets sore.

I get up and flush , I go to the basin and rinse

my mouth then go back to the room.

Langa:go take a shower.

Me:aren't you gonna drop me at my house?

Langa:while you're like this?

I fall in the ground.

Langa:you can't even stand on your own.

I pout my lips.

Me:okay then.

Langa:if you wanna come sleep with me you

can come but I think its best if you sleep in


Langa:I'll leave you to it.

He walks out , I return to the bathroom and

took a shower. Gosh it's so cold , is this soms
type of punishment bcs wow! I walk to the
bedroom and find a shirt , socks and three
pairs of panties. There's a note "since you
didn't wear any , I decided to get you these"
oh boy. He noticed that I didn't put on any

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 9.
I wear the panties , the shirt it's oversized so
it kinda looks like a dress I then put on the
socks. He knocks , who the hell knocks at
his/her house?

Me:come in
He walks in holding plates , he sits on the


Langa:sorry about dragging you out of that

place just that it's not safe down there
especially on Fridays and that pantyless
twerking stunt.

Me:I was just lost in the moment but I'm still

drunk , I'm a bit tipsy right now thanks to that
cold ass shower.

He laughs.

Langa:I don't like the fact that you were on

top of the table twerking for tons of men

Me:am I yours?

Langa:I can make you mine asap just that I

respect you.

I laugh.

Langa:I'm not joking , you can walk out of

here carrying my seed so girl sit down I
wanna feed you.

He says and brings th food closer , dude as if

you didn't just drop a bomb on me rn!
He takes the spoon and fills it with food.

Langa:open wide.

I do so , he shoves it in. I close my mouth and

chew , this is prolly the best beef stew I have
ever had but it's not better than my mom's.

Me:(moans)this is so nice!

Langa:weeh , I should've been a chef then.

I giggle.

Me:you cooked?

Langa:yeah .

Wow , just wow!

Me:bring the plate , I wanna eat on my own.

Langa:no can do , you're not sober yet dlana

uyeke ukukhuluma.
-eat and stop talking.

I gasp , I'm a chatterbox now?mxm he

carries on feeding me when I done. He gives
me pills so that the headache slows down in
the morning. He kisses my cheek and takes
the plates. I get undercovers and sleep.


I wake up to my ringing phone , I tpock it up

and look at the caller ID it's Katrina.


Katrina:is he the new guy?

Me:what are you blabbing about?

Katrina:the one who dragged you out?

Langa walks in , I sit up straight.

Me:no he's just a chancer.

Langa gasps.

Katrina:bitch you better hold on tight to this

one bcs damn he's flames.

I giggle , we talk for a few mins and cut the


Langa:a chancer?


I sit up and go open the curtains , I feel his

hands on my waist he gets closer to my

Langa:a chancer you say?

Me:ah , uh Langa.

Words fail to come out , the sudden effect he

has on me!

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 10.
I get off from his grip and walk away. I get
into the shower , I turn on the water after
stripping naked. When I'm done , I get dried
up and wrap the towel on my body. I get into
his room , he's sitting on the bed busy
tapping on his phone.

Me:I need to get going.

Langa:it was nice having you over.

He says drooling over my exposed thighs ,

the towel is just too short.

Langa:my mom and sister are coming over ,

they can be here any minute now.


Langa:we have to go to church so I can't drop

you off rn.

Me:which means you wanna bring me along

with you guys?


Me:kodwa Langa!

Langa:sorry let me look for one of my sister's


He says walking out , I drop the towel and

apply some lotion. He comes back after a
while holding a light blue dress. He gasps as
he sees my naked body , holy shit. I quickly
grab the towel and wrap it back on my body.

Langa:there was no ned to hide your body

from me bcs I'll be seeing more of it these
coming days.

Me:mxm , Langa bring it!

Langa:you like shouting , if I wasn't a chancer

I'd be having you sweaty , heavily breathing
under me right now.

Me:too bad then.

I grab the dress , I check the size. Oh it's

medium-sized , maybe I can fit in. I put it on ,
it suits me so perfectly my curves are barely
visible in this. He gives me a shawl and a
gold Chanel belt and pencil heels.

Me:I'm sure your sister is always visiting you

bcs wow!

Langa:we click , my brother is married so

he's never home having my sister around in
my house is amazing she's fun!

I nod and take the shawl , these people must

be rich. This is a statin shawl from Luis
Vuitton , I take my bag (the one I came here
with) and fill in my phone and all the

Langa:let me help you with these.

He crouches down and helps me strap the

heels , when he's done he comes back up
and takes my bag.

Langa:let me hold it for you.

We walk down the stairs , the bell rings oh

God! What have I gotten myself into?

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 11.
The door opens , a very light skinned ,thick
girl barhes in. She has short pink dyed hair ,
wearing a black tight dress , a hot pink silk
shirt and a gold belt. Her black wedge heels
make the outfit even brighter.

She throw herself in Langa's arms , then

comes to me. She holds my hands and

Her:the dress looks even better on you.

I smile looking down.

Her:bhuti you went for a thick one this time?

shy also?
I look at Langa.

Langa:eii uyaphapha Kayise.

Kayise:mxm , umuhle sis what's your name?

Me:I'm mpilwenhle.

Kayise:I'm Kayise Mngomezulu , the sister.

Oh?I didn't even know his surname.

"Asambeni bo!what's so unique about this

girl that makes you bow down to her so
-let's go.

Says his dark skinned mom peeping in.


Langas mom:ayy Prudence is waiting for you


I swallow a lump on my throat , Langa hooks

his hand on my waist as we walk to the car.
We get into his car , his mom and Kayise use
the car they came here with.

Langa:don't worry about her.

Me:it's not like we're dating chancer.

He gasps.
Langa:amadlozi oMngomezulu angangijikela
mase ngayeka intokazi enjengawe iphunyuke

Me:then they'll turn against you bcs andizi.

Langa:are you sure?

I keep quiet a bit.


I clench onto my bag and increase the

volume as "Ngathwala ngaye by Kelly
Khumalo & Mondli Ngcobo" blasts off. We
both start singing along , I text my mom and
tell her that I'll fetch my baby around 5 pm.
The car stops , oh this is the church.

He helps me get off.

Langa:are you okay?


He nods and takes my hand , we walk

towards the door. Kayise is already inside
helping where she can. Langas mom
approaches us , holding a very tall , slim and
light skinned girl . She looks pretty ngl. Is this
the Prudence?

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 12.
Langas mom:Langa here's Prudence , she's a
very nice girl you know?

Langa:no ma , into yami noPrudence yaphela

kdala futhi it'll never be there again.

Prudence:Langa please think about it.

Langa:there's nothing to think about Pru!

Prudence:so this is the new girl?

She scans me.from head to toe , like wtf

bitch I'm not scared of you.

Prudence:mxm what are you looking at?

Me:was I supposed to shrink when you tried

to make me feel ugly?then sis you met the
wrong one actually babe asambe.

I say dragging Langa's hand , I can feel his

stupid smirk. We find seats , we sit down.

Me:better remove that smirk before I wipe it

off with a hot slap.

Langa:I like the "I don't give a f*ck , savage"

side of you.


I pout my lips and the service begins.

We just got to his house and his mom is busy
going off about how disrespectful I am. I go
upstairs and take one of his Nike traveling
bags , I put in my clothes , the tee , socks and
panties he gave me also some slides. I'll
leave in this dress.

I walk downstairs.

Kayise:you're leaving already?


Kayise:we should set a date and go on a girls


Me:I'll think about that.

Langa's mom rolls her eyes.

Kayise:can I have your numbers.


She hands me over her phone , it's a white

IPhone eleven. I punch in ny numbers and
give it back.

Me:bye everyone and once again nice to

meet you all.

Langa's mom:wish I could say the same.

I fake a smile and walk towards the door.

Langa:can I atleast drop you off?

Me:no Langa , please don't call me.

I sway the door open and walk out. I walk

towards the gate , thank God my ride is here.
I feel him grabbing my wrist.


Langa:I'm sorry.

Me:what for?

Langa:I don't know baby but please forgive

me especially for my mom's behavior.


Langa:please don't do this.

I nod and look down , he strokes my chin and

smashes his lips onto mine.

Langa:I'll pop up at your house okay?


Langa:use your words.


Langa:good , travel safely I'll call you.

He kisses me one more time and runs into

his house. I get into my ride and greet the

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 13.
I get to my mom's house , I thank the driver
and hop off. I see Priscilla running my
direction , I have missed this soul. I pick her
up and kiss her all over her face.

Me:my angel?

Priscilla:I have missed you.

She sulks.

Me:mom's here now.

I walk towards the house , mom is eating her

normal Sunday lunch.

Me:trust my mom to cook a full seven

colours lunch whilst she lives alone.

Mom:who said I live alone?

I put Priscilla down , she runs to her sofa and

grabs her plate and continues eating.

Me:don't tell me you found a man!

She blushes and looks away.

Mom:ay leave me alone wena , I also need to
get laid!

I urk , I don't wanna hear about her sex life.

Mom is very cool , she's 45 so yeah.

Me:I don't wanna hear it mom.

She laughs and stands up.

Mom:let me go dish up for you so that you

can tell me about your time at a boy's house.

Me:mom please!

Mom:eii I want details.

I giggle and take out my phone , Mike sent

some money which is five thousand rands he
sends it every week for Priscilla's needs. His
call pops on my screen.


Priscilla looks at me , that's how much she

loves her dad.

Mike:"can I plss talk to my Buhle."

I roll my eyes , he's the only one who uses

Priscilla's second name.

Mike:"actually let me video call you , I aanna

see her face."

I disconnect the call and wait for him , he

video calls. His face pops on the screen , he
looks very handsome I can't deny that but his
eyes are red , even his beard has overgrown.

Me:you look bad bro , go get a haircut.

Mike:"I'm sorry Mpilwenhle plss come over."

Me:no Mike , I care about your well being and

I hate seeing you like this even Priscilla is
gonna get scared when she sees your face

Mike:(sighs)"I'll go to the barber later on."

I give the phone to Priscilla.


She says in so much joy and excitement , she

lays on her back and places her feet on the
head resting part of the couch , I chuckle.
She's literally laying upside down.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 14.
Mom comes in holding a tray , I take it and
place it on the coffee table. I take the plate.

Me:looks scrumptious thank you mommy.

Mom:you're welcome , ukhuluma nomkhulu
kabani lo?
-whose grandpa is this one talking yo?

She asks pointing at the giggling Priscilla.

-her father.

Mom:ouh?my bad , he looks so old.

Me:yeah right.

I start munching on my food.

Mom:so how was your weekend?

She asks wiggling her eyebrows l.

Me:kodwa ma!

Mom:eii tell me , thrust after thrust.

Me:fortunately there were no thrusts mama ,

okay I was at the club on Friday with Kay bcs
I'm my mom's daughter and I inherited her
wild girl tendencies I found myself on top of
the table twerking my ass off.

I cover my face with my palms as she


Me:ahh ma uyabonake?
-you see?
Priscilla kisses the screen and waves at her
dad , she gives me my phone back.

Priscilla:dad is taking me to the mall .

Me:when?why wasn't I included in that


Priscilla:he's coming now , sorry mom but I

need to get ready.

Me:(rolls my eyes)you're so much work for a

three year old you know that?

She giggles.

Mom:help her freshen up and come tell me

the rest of the story.

I laugh at her and pick my girl up , I'm not

gonna deny him the chances of spending
time with his daughter. She's his , we can do
the co-parenting nothing over that.

I run a bath for Priscilla , she gets undressed.

Me:which colour nana?

Priscilla:pink , pink oh I love pink!

She screams , I take a pink bath bomb and

throw it into the water. She gets into the tub ,
I start bathing her as she sings her loloby
songs. When I'm done , I pick her up and
place her on the mat. I pass the towel over to
her , she dries herself up. I decompose the
water and take out a lotion and start applying

When I'm done , I take a look at my wrist

watch. It's half past four , the weather is
about to get cold so I take out her brown
Fendi tracksuits , a white turtleneck top , a
brown body warmer and white Fila sneakers.
I help her dress up , my baby needs to get her
hair done. Hee braids look so old now. I lay
her edges and kiss her forehead.

We walk downstairs, Mike is having juice

with mom. Priscilla runs to her dad.


He places Priscilla down and looks at me.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 15.
Mike:baby (clears throat)I mean Mpilwenhle.

Me:drop her off at my place I'll leave here


Mike:noted , what can we get you at the


Me:nothing I'm fine.

Mike:oh okay , mama siyindlela thina manje.

Mom:okay , bye Priscilla!

She waves at us and shys away on her

father's shoulder. Mxm backstabber , they
walk out. I sit down and take my plate with
me to the kitchen. My food is cold now , I put
it in the microwave and warm it up for thirty
seconds. I take out my plate and went to sit
with mom.

Me:yeah ne?

Mom:I'm glad you're not denying him the

chance of seeing his daughter.

Me:I can't do that to him.

Mom:huh?plss don't think about going back

to Mike , he has done you like this for so
many times don't fall for his tricks.

Me:I hear you ma.

Mom:now back to the twerking story!

I giggle and narrate the whole thing to her ,

she now hates Langa's mom. They're both
dramatic so I rue the day they'll come head to


I just got at my house , I unlock the burglar

and then the door , I walk in and switch on
the lights. I go straight to the bathroom and
took a long bath , I'm tired hle. When I'm
done , I get dried up , moisturized my skin
and wore my black silk pyjamas.

My phone rings across the room , it's a video

call from Langa. I pick it up.



He groans.

Langa:"stop that."

I giggle.

Langa:"how are you?"

Me:how was I when you last saw me?

Langa:"you were in love with this handsome


I laugh.

Me:you wish.

Langa:"why are you in denial?I miss you."

Me:too bad your mom hates me.

"She's just sour maybe she needs to have it

laid."I'm sure that's Kayise.
Langa:"Kayise why didn't you knock phuma!"

Kayise:"hey skwiza , bhuti mom said she's

leaving I'm leaving with her."

Langa:"I'll miss you sis , will you need


Kayise:"money , duh!"

Langa:"I'll send it."

I hear the door getting closed , she left.

Langa:"now where were we?"

Me:I actually like seeing you talk to her.

Langa:"I'd love to be next to you right now

holding you close , telling you how much I
love you , caressing your body and warming
up my hands in your titties."

I breathe out warmly , he smirks and licks his

bottom lip. Oh lord take me now!

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 16.
Langa:"did I somehow made you

Langa:"okay then , do you forgive my


He laughed.

Langa:"I love you , plss give us a chance."

The door bell rings.

Me:look Langa , I gotta go.

He sighs , I disconnect the call good shot

there knocker!

I wear my sleepers and walk to the kitchen , I

open the door. It's Mike and Priscilla .

Me:you're back.


Mike:Buhle don't forget to give mommy her

gift okay?

She nods , Mike kisses her cheek and waves

leaving to his car. He has his hair cut , and
the beard trimmed.

Me:what gift?

Priscilla:daddy bought you a bag.

Me:let me see.
She gives me a plastic bag , I take the
handbag out. It's pretty , black in colour with
some gold details. I love it.

Me:I love it nana.

Priscilla:that's great.

Me:you look cute baby.

She makes a little twirl , her hair is braided

nicely into a straight up with some oink
beads at the bottom the heart details make it
even better.


Priscilla m:just like my mom.

Me:aww , are you hungry.

Priscilla:no can I plss have some ice cream.

Me:don't you feel cold?

Priscilla:mom please.

She makes puppy eyes , I can't say no to


Me:okay then.

I turn on the TV and give her the remote. I go

to the kitchen , open the fridge.
Me:which flavor?

I shout.

Priscilla:the pink one.

Gosh she's pink obsessed! Okay the oink

one , must be strawberry. I take it out , so the
thing is. I buy 12 cups of different flavours of
ice-cream, for moments like these. I take a
spoon and give it to her. She thanks me , I
kiss her cheek.

Me:doesn't your head hurt?

Priscilla:not on sis Zee's watch.

I giggle and sit next to her , Zee is the lady

she prefers to get her hair braided by. She
slowly dosed off after a while , I take the
empty ice-cream cup and went dispose it I
the bin. I take a cloth and wiped her mouth , I
switch off the TV activated the alarm and
walked to her room. I placed her on the bed
and undressed her and made her wear
pyjamas. I kissed her cheek and left to my

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 17.
My phone vibrated at the side of my bed. I
opened my eyes , gosh it's my alarm. I
switched it off and got up. I made my bed
and ran a bath as I went to wake Priscilla up.
She is now sleeping horizontally , my poor
baby. I lightly shake her.

Me:baby wake up.

Priscilla:I don't want to!

Me:heyake , uzovuka noma I'll let the

monster eat your brain.

She quickly gets up.

Me:good girl let me go bathe you.

I take her hand as we walk to her bathroom ,

the water is now fine. I get her clean and
make her wear her shorts , a white top and
puma sandals. I give her her bad while
brushing her hair.

Me:you look pretty.

Priscilla:thanks mom.

Me:now what would you like to have for



Me:okay mom is going to take a quick

shower , take your tablet and play some
games while at it okay?

She nods and leaves to the lounge. I go back

to my room and enter my ensuite , I strip
naked and step into the shower , I take it
warm. When I'm done , I get dry and lotion. I
open my closet , I'm feeling bright today uh
yeah this will do. I take out ny green tight
formal pants , a white tank top and a green
blazer. I take out my white six inch stilletos
and a white totebag.

I look so pretty right now , my braids look dull

so I spray them and tie a messy pony. I need
to make an appointment with Zee.

I walk to the lounge , I check up on my baby

she's still fine. I warm up some milk and
make some quick instant porridge for her. I
give it to her and have my muffin and coffee.
When I'm done , I rinse my cup and pack up
her lunchbox. A sandwich , can of cappy
juice , a fruit , rasins and a packet of
maynards , yes I feed my daughter shame.

We both walk out , we waited for a few mins

for her transport. It arrived , I kissed her
goodbye. Wait I see his car approaching , he
didn't say he'll show up mos. He stops and
lowers his window , a smile creeps up on his

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 18.

Langa:I'm here to drop you off at work ,

angiz'understand kahle leyndaba zama uber.
-i don't understand these uber things.

Me:I'd never say no to a free ride.

He smiles and walks out , he looks very neat

man. The grey checkered formal pants , a
white well ironed shirt which is rolled up all
the way to the sleeves , a gold chain and grey
and white loafers. He hugs me , I hug him
back. He perks my lips.

Me:Langa plss.

Langa:why are you playing hard to get

though?or am I forcing things?


He touches his chest pretending to be hurt. I

giggle and walk to the car.

Langa:wait , that's my duty.

He jogs to the door and opens for me , mhn

okay I'm blown away. I get in , he jogs to his

Langa:are you comfortable?


He nods and starts driving.

Langa:you look beautiful.

Me:thank you.

Langa:have you eaten?

Me:yeah but I'm still hungry.

He takes a turn , I see a McDonald's drive

thru. He orders and gives the paperbag to
me , then he takes his.

Me:you didn't have to , okay let me pay you

the money.

I say taking out my purse.

Langa:no , no ,no I don't want my ancestors

turning their backs on me for making my
woman pay.

Me:am I yours?

Langa:yeah and mine alone or uyala?I can

show you right now that you're mine mama.

Okay that's kinda seductive.

Me:show me.


Me:infact make me , make me yours Langa.

He smirks and bites his lower lip , he parks

the car on the side of the road. I'm getting
lage and idc lmao. He lowers all the windows
and grabs my waist , he makes me sit on top
of him. Why am I not stopping this though?I
asked for it anyways.

He looks at me and brings me closer , our

lips collide. His lips are so soft and minty but
then I can taste some whisky on then, he
drinks whisky in the morning? I feel his
hands on my shirt , my blazer was long
thrown aside. Cold hands meet my boobs , I
moan softly , he moves his mouth to my neck
and starts sucking on it softly. I'm so
drenched right now.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 19.


He asks moving his fingers slowly inside of


Me:I'm yours.

Langa:we don't even have Mngomezulu

inside as yet mos.

He uses his thumb to rub my clit and I'm

loosing it right now.

Me:no (moans)need.
He chuckles and starts kissing me , he pulls
his fingers out and licks them clean.

Langa:let me help you get dressed.

I nod and throw myself on the passenger

seat. He lightly drags my feet and makes me
wear my pants. When he's done , I fix my
shirt and button it up. I look for my blazer
and put it on.

Langa:you're already late my love , plss call in



Langa:don't be mad baby , call in sick we'll

just go to your house and spend the rest if
the day in.

Me:but I can make it in time , we still have

five minutes to get there.


He makes puppy eyes.

Me:okay then let me call Mr Zitha.

He nods , I take out my phone and lower the

seat. I lie down and pinch my nose.

Langa:and then?

Me:I need to sound sick hau.

He laughs.

Me:ngizoyeka Langa.
-I'll give up Langa.

Langa:iyaxolisa indoda mama.

-I'm sorry.

I click my tongue , I hear Mr Zitha clearing his


Me:sir (sniffs)

Mr Zitha:Mpilwenhle you don't sound fine my

child what is it?

Me:I'm sick sir so I need to call in sick today.

Mr Zitha:weeh okay miss I'll get someone to

stand in for you today infact you can also
take a day off tomorrow see you on

Me:I'd really appreciate that baba.

Mr Zitha:don't mention it ...

I thank him and hang up , I sounded so crazy


Langa:we can go now.

I nod and adjust the seat. I take the food I

was supposed to have at work and start
eating. The drive to my house is short , we
get there. He parks his car and then we walk
in. I unlock the burglar going to the door and
then we both walk in.

I take off my heels.

Me:I'm going to freshen up.

Langa:I'll go in with you , don't you have some

casual clothes that can fit me?

Me:bro I'm too thick you wouldn't even fit in

my pants.

He laughs.

Langa:asambe I'll look for something.

I nod as we walk to the bathroom & took a

innocent shower.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 20.
-After the shower , I went to my closet and
took out my black trackpants and a white
vest. I placed them on the bed so that he can
wear them.

Langa:using your lotions sucks man now I'll

smell like strawberries and vanilla ngathi I'm
a woman.

I laugh at him.
I also get lotioned and wear my blue denim
shorts , a white oversized tee , my white
socks and black slides. I tie my braids in a
neat updo and put on a bandana , I apply
some lipgloss on my lips. I walk back to the
room , he's dressed man he looks so fine.
The way that vest hugs his muscles , the
trackpants fit him nicely and show off his
firm thighs and the d print chile!

Langa:stop looking at him.

Me:at who?


Me:who's that?


He points at his groin.

I laugh.

Me:uyagula yazi.

Langa:Norman is asleep don't test him.

I stick my tongue out and make a silly face ,

he laughs as we walk to the lounge. I sit on
the two sitter couch and take the fleece and
put it on me.

Langa:let's watch wrestling.


He puts it on and comes to sit next tome , he

drags my feet and puts them on his sides I'm
literally straddled.

Langa:you look sexy mommy.

I giggle , having Priscilla really changed my

body man. I was slim before her but having a
baby left me with stretch marks , a c-section
scar and the boobs oh lord!

Langa:I'm for reals , I love this.

He moves his hands to my thighs and starts

rubbing them.

Langa:plss let me in Mpilwenhle , I won't do

you wrong like these lame niqqas did in the

Me:I think I'm falling for you.

Langa:I want to make you mine.

Me:but I am yours.

Langa:(bites his lower lip)yeah , yeah.

He pulls me closer and I sleep on his chest.

Langa:I love you.

Me:I love you too.


We have a tub of yogurt between us as we

watch a rom-com movie.

Me:they better smash otherwise I'm

switching this TV off!

Langa:you like seeing people bang babe.

Me:duh , who doesn't?

I giggle and shove a spoon of yogurt into my

mouth. I put it on the coffee table and make
him lay on his back and get on top of him. I
kiss him , he tastes so sweet prolly bcs of
the yogurt. I pull out , he has his hands on my

Langa:what was that?

Me:can't I kiss my man now?

Langa:uzovusa izinto maKunene.

Me:who Norman?

He laughs and pulls me in for another kiss.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 21.
He picks me up and walks to the bathroom,
he's slowly sucking and biting onto my neck.
He places me on the bed and pulls me t-shirt
over my head , I take a look at him his eyes
look even smaller than before. He licks his
lips and smiles at me.

I giggle and hide my face , he removes my

hands from my face and kisses my lips
taking off my bra. My boobs bounce off , he
takes one into his mouth and starts sucking
on it while rubbing the other areola. I softly
moan into his mouth , he unbuttons my
shorts and pulls them put. He parts my legs
and rubs my cooch from the panties.

Langa:damn you're wet baby.


He takes the panties off and gasps at the

sight of my nicely shaved nana. He goes
down and kisses it , he stops and looks at
me with a look on his face. It's like he wants
me to assure him to go on. I nod , I feel him
already doing his magic down there. Next
thing I'm shaking uncontrollably , a wave
washes me off I gasp as I fall on the side of
the bed. An orgasm can make one fall from
the bed? That's a first.

He chuckles and picks me up , I kneel down

and lower the trackpants. I'm met by his
Calvin Klein boxers , Norman is hard and
ready for action.

Langa:no baby , let's go in raw.

I nod and rub him a little and take his boxers

off , Norman springs out as the precum
slides down. I lay on the bed and open my
legs widely , he comes closer and rubs
himself on the entrance. He keeps on teasing
me , putting in the head and taking it out then
does it again.

Me:Langa (bites my lower lip)I want you now.

Langa:are you sure?

Me:a hundred percent.

He nods and shoves it in , I gasp as I adjust

to the size of Norman. I nod bcs I had a
feeling he was waiting for my get go. He
starts moving slow having his head deep
into my neck. He fastens his pace and goes
deeper , I'm literally screaming right now. I
dig my nails deeper into his back as my
second orgasm hits me , he fucks me
through it and then he pulls out.

I take a pillow and out it under me , he comes

back closer and puts my legs on his
shoulders. He goes in again and starts
fucking the living day lights out if me.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 22.
I wake up with him squeezing my boobs.


Langa:wake up , your daughter will be here

anytime soon.

Me:what time is it?

Langa:four pm.

Me:let's go bath then.

Langa:we have bathed two times today!

Me:Priscilla is a very curious kid she'll ask

about our odd smell.

Langa:her name is Priscilla?


He nods , we walk to the bathroom and I

open a warm shower. I feel his breath on my
neck and something poking my back.

Langa:I'm craving for you.

Me:(giggles)she'll be here anytime soon


Langa:I'll put it in once.

I nod , he pins me on the wall and enters

from the back.


He starts moving slowly while rubbing my clit

with his thumb. We have two more rounds in
the shower.

We get into the room and get dressed , I hear

a car hoot outside.

Me:she's here.

Langa:I'm scared , will she like me?

Me:let's find out.

We walk to the kitchen , he stands by the

door as I go take my baby. She hops off the
car , I'm glad she looks neat today.

Priscilla:I'm tired!

Me:haybo kid.

Priscilla:sorry , hey mom.

Me:how are you?

Priscilla:I'm fine thanks.

Me:I want you to meet someone.

Priscilla:ouh , who's that?

Me:let's go.

She nods and takes my hand as we walk

towards the house. I open the door , Langa is
in the kitchen. He sees us , Priscilla hides her
head on my neck.

Langa:hey there.

Priscilla waves back with her head still on my


Me:uh baby don't be shy this is mom's friend ,


Priscilla:hey uncle Langa.

She says with a cute small voice.

Langa:how are you?

Priscilla:I'm hungry.

We all laugh.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 23.
Langa: I was making hot chocolate come get

Me:you need to bath first princess.

I take her hand and wink at Langa before
going to the bathroom. I leave her to take off
her clothes as I prepare her bath. I help her
take a bath , lotion her and make her wear
her pyjamas. We walk back to the kitchen
and sit on the high chairs.

Langa:chocolate milk ala Langa.

We laugh at him and take our mugs.

Priscilla:can I have more marshmallows

uncle Langa?


He takes out the packet inside the cupboard

and adds them on the chocolate milk.

Me:it's hot!

Priscilla:tastes very nice.

Langa:I'm glad you like it.

She hops off & approaches the lounge , she

puts on her favorite cartoons.

Langa:she's cute , just like her mother.

Me:thank you.

Langa:I gotta go after this cup.

I nod and carry on taking sips , he makes me

go off the high chair and grabs my waist he
moves closer and smooches my lips. I
respond by putting the cup away and
wrapping my hands around his neck.

"oh mommy and uncle are kissing!"

I pull out and giggle.


Priscilla:I thought you were friends, huh?

She asks wiggling her eyebrows.

Langa:we are friends baby , friends do kiss.

Priscilla:is it?then I'll kiss Katlego from our


Me:who's Katlego now?

Priscilla:my friend who is a boy.

Me:you wouldn't dare!

She giggles and puts her cup in the sink.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 24.
I wake up early in the morning and go to
Priscilla's room. I wake her up and prepare
her for creche , she chooses to wear a dress
today so I let her be. A short floral dress with
slides , I brush and spray her hair. We go to
the kitchen , I toast some bread , fry some
eggs and sauté some tomatoes. I give it to
her with a glass of tropical 'cappy' juice.

I leave her to eat as I prepare her lunchbox , I

pop some pies into the oven , when it's done I
take it out and put it in her lunchbox with
some 'sprite' and 'lays' chips.

Me:that'll be all baby.

Priscilla:thank you mommy , bye.

She waves as she goes to her transport , I

just stand by the door making sure she's in
safely. I look at it as it drives off. I go back
into the house and wash my face and brush
my teeth , I eat the rest of the pie before it
gets cold with some juice. When I'm done , I
take my USB and put it on the speakers on
full blast.

A day off? Definitely gonna use it wisely. I

start cleaning the house , whn I say clean I
mean spring cleaning as in moving furniture ,
wiring off old dust kinda clean. When I'm
done it's already one pm , I sigh and go take a
shower a cold one. When I'm done , uh I have
to go on a shopping date with Katrina today
so I opt for a black and white silk jumpsuit ,
black flops , a white handbag and black

My phone rings as I puff on my good

smelling perfume , it's Mike arg what is it

Me:Mpilwenhle Kunene speaking hello?

Mike:"why you being formal?"

Me:what do you want?

Mike:"uh nothing , where's Priscilla?"

Me:at crèche.

Mike:"she needs winter clothes , I sent a few

thousands for you guy's winter clothes I saw
that her hoodie was undersized the other

Me:I don't need your money you know that

right Mike?

Mike:"yeah but I insist."

Me:okay then.

Mike:"I love ... (clears throat) I mean bye."


I drop the call 'sighs' I take my bad and walk

out , bitch my hair needs to be done as in like
yesterday. I see Katrina's car approaching.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 25.

She giggles and opens the door from the

inside. I hop in and shower her with loads of

Katrina:missed me?

Me:a lot.

I say with my British accent , she laughs her

ass off mxm this chick.

Me:so where to?

Katrina:shopping duh , we need to get our

hair and nails done then some grocery

Me:aight but I like your hair like this.

I say rubbing it , she gives me a death stare.

Me:I'm sorry , yeesh.

I love her ginger brown curly hair man , she

starts driving. We're jamming to 'H.E.R' you
can never go wrong with my girl yk. When we
get to the mall , I hop off , she also goes off.

Me:bitch you're gaining weight and it's cute.

Katrina:(giggles)ungiphethe kahle udarly!

Yhoo the way she says it sounds funny some

She takes her handbag as we walk into the

mall , we go straight to 'pick n pay' , I take a
grocery cart as we walk in. I go to the meat
side , chicken , pork , beef , lamb and wors.
Trust Katrina to go to the snacks side , I don't
blame her shame she doesn't have a kid so
knowing how to prioritize is at the back of
her head. I go to get the rest of the important
stuff then went to look for her in the snack
side , her cart is nearly full with snacks!

Me:you have a sweet tooth ne?

Katrina:this stuff is for both of us.

Oh yeah , we buy all of our stuff then divide it

at the end of the day.

Katrina:wait how can I forget some wine?

She goes to the shelf , there's only one bottle

left. It's taken before she can even take it.

Katrina:I have first dibs on it.

:I grabbed it first miss.

I turn my head , holy mother of Jesus Maria!

A man I tell you , a MAN I say! He's
beautifully handsome dang it , dark skin ,
tall , wavy hair , tall , well built with a piercing
on his left eyebrow but he's nothing close to
my Langa plss.

Katrina:oh shit!

She whispers.

:uh miss , you can take the bottle , as they

say 'ladies first'

Katrina:thank you , uh?

:I'm Mbuso.

Katrina:thank you Mbuso .

Mbuso:it's okay , gotta go bye yall.

He tends to leave then looks at me and

smiles. I give him a 'wtf' look , he chuckles
and leaves.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 26.
We are done with grocery shopping , we go to
'Ackermans' to get my baby the winter
clothes. They cost about two thousands , I
go to 'Sportscene' for both our sneakers and
tracksuits. I go wait for Katrina by the
benches bcs she was at 'Gucci' to buy the
slides she has been dying for , they cost a lot
so andizi.

I see her standing with that Mbuso guy ,

she's all smiles I hope she won't one night
stand this one also. They hug and part ways ,
she comes my way giggling heyake!

Katrina:don't start.

Me:cuff this one.

Katrina:okays!I got the shoes.

Me:can I see 'em?


She opens the box , they look so cool shame ,

I'm also tempted to buy them.

Me:they must be costy.

Katrina:something over 7 sgodo.


Me:for slides?


I chuckle , we take our carts with us to the

salon. I greet them and sit down , Zee comes
to me , Katrina is done by this gay. When
we're done we pat and leave, I take out my
phone and start taking pictures. Artificial
faux locks?boy I look so good . I send the
pictures to Langa and caption 'out and

Me:well mlungu the straight back looks good

on you.

She smiles.

Katrina:thank you .

We make our way to 'nandos' I go order and

went back to sit.

"Ladies."it's Mbuso , haybo is he stalking us?

Katrina:hey Mbuso.

Mbuso:can I have a word with you Katrina?


Sh stands up , Mbuso takes her hand.

Mbuso:you're looking all synonyms of pretty.

Katrina:thank you.

She giggles as they grab chairs away from

me. I shake my head , my phone pings. I pick
it up , it's Langa , a message.

"Who are you out with?"

"My man." I reply.

"Don't test me Mpilwenhle Kunene 😬"

I laugh.
Mpilwenhle his love
pt 27.
She drops me off at my apartment , I take my
stuff with me inside. I'm tired shame , I go to
my room , take off my clothes and wear a
comfortable grey tight , a black crop top and
fluffy slides.

I start by packing the groceries in the

designated places , I take the clothes to
Priscilla's room and pack them. I then take
mine and also get them packed , when I'm
done I go defrost some meat. I lock thedor
and go take a nap.


I'm woken up by a hoot , gosh I thought this

was a nap. I run outside after wearing my
slides , I take Priscilla she's all smiles. I
wonder what she has been up to.

Me:and then smiley?

Priscilla:life is good momma , I'm turning five


Me:who told you that , bcs I for sure knwo

you know nothing about months and


She smiles touching her cheek looking at a

blank space. I take her hand as we walk

Priscilla:(whispering)the kiss.

I choke on my saliva.

Me:what?a kiss you say?


Me:don't patronize me kid!

I take off my shoe.

Me:better start talking or ngizok'shaya!

Priscilla:no plss don't.

Me:awungaz kahle.

I charge towards her , she starts running


Me:hey wena!

I catch up with her , I grab her hand and

spank her little ass.

Priscilla:it was a kiss on the cheek.

She's crying.

Me:stay away from boys nana okay?

She nods wiping off her tears.

Me:mommy's sorry.

She sulks.

Me:okay let's go get you clean , I'm making

your favorite today.

She folds her arms and just stares at me ,

the attitude?definitely got it from me.
I take her hand and go to the bathroom with
her , I bathe her , make her wear her
pyjamas. She's still mad , I make her sit on
the high stools as I start cooking , she's
playing games on my phone. It rings , she
picks it up.

Priscilla:uncle Langa!

She's happy all of a sudden?uthanda

amadoda lo.
"I'm kidding aww , I'm with Kat but she's now
on a date can you imagine."

I send him a picture of my nails , I have his

initials printed so...

Our order comes , I go take it Katrina stands

up and comes my way. Mbuso is on a phone
Mpilwenhle his love
pt 28.
Priscilla:hey uncle Langa.

Langa:"you're looking cute angel."

Priscilla:thank ya.

Langa:"where's mommy?"

Priscilla:here she is.

She sulks.

Langa:"yini manje?"

Priscilla:she hit me.

Langa:"what?give her the phone."

I stop stirring , wipe my hands with the cloth

and took the phone.


Langa:"don't baby me , uyenzeni ingane


I blush for a second, did he just call Priscilla



Langa:"huh my foot Mpilwenhle don't hit her!"

Me:did you call her yours?

Langa:"She's mine baby."

I blush as we carry on talking. Sometime

later , I hang up and dish up the rice , the
lamb chops , salads and some wine for me
and rooibos tea for Priscilla.

Me:dinner is served.

Priscilla:thanks mom.

I smile and rub her cheek.

Priscilla:I'm sorry mom , I shouldn't have let

his kiss my cheek.

Me:it's okay baby , I also apologize for hitting


Priscilla:I'm still gonna tell granny for that


I giggle as we start eating.


Yeah lazing around time is over , I wake up

and go straight to the bathroom. I take a
bath , dry up , lotion and wear my magenta
knee length loose skirt , a black top and a
denim jacket. I look for some shoes , black
pencil heels. I lay my edges and go prepare
my baby for creche.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 29.
I wake her up and prepare her bath , when I'm
done bathing her I make her wear her purple
sweat shorts , a white Nike sweater , vans
kicks then I sprayed her hair. I take her bag
and go to the kitchen with it , muesli with
strawberry yogurt does the trick for the both
of us.

I pack her lunchbox , her transport arrives I

kiss her goodbye.

Me:don't forget , no kissing!

She giggles and nods.

Langas car approaches , I get into the

passenger seat.

Me:you're making this a norm.

Langa:you knownmy reasons.

Me:yeah yeah you don't like urbers.

Langa:give daddy a kiss.

I giggle and kiss him , he responds and pulls

me closer. As things get heated I pull out.

Me:save that for another day.

Langa:you look pretty.

Me:thank you.

Langa:you're even glowing , who's dick is it?

Me:my man's duh.

He chuckles and takes my hand.

Langa:these niggas gonna know you belong

to "L.M".

Me:I'm cuffed , they gotta know.

He smiles and kisses my knuckles , he starts

driving. We reach my workplace.

Langa:my whole family wants to see you this


Me:(chokes)don't you think it's too soon?

Langa:mom says you're not the one so trust

my big bro not to trust that.

Me:will it be an interview kinda thing?

Langa:not on my watch.

I smile and kiss him goodbye and take my

bag with me. My station looks so dull without
ne behind it , my day starts.
Mpilwenhle his love
pt 30.
It's lunch time, I see Ntombi charging
towards my station.



Ntombi:Mr Z wants to see you.

Me:what could be it though?

Ntombi:go find out.

She gives me a cold smile , this girl is just

pretentious. I can tell she doesn't like me , so
why force it?

I nod and pack up my stuff , my feet were

starting to hurt so I had to take off my heels.
I put them back on and walked to the
elevator. I press '6' indicating the truth floor ,
when the lift arrives , I go off and walk to his
office. I knock.

"Come in."that's him.

I walk in and plaster a smile on my face.

Me:sir you asked to see me?

Mr Zitha:yeah.
"Baba where are the towels?"asks a deep
voice from the bathroom , Mr Zitha's person

Mr Zitha:on the left side of the room!

He shouts back.

"Got them."says that voice again.


Mr Zitha:you're impatient miss (ears

throat)so my son has bought shares in this
company and will be joining us , so as a
youngster I trust I'd like for you to show him
around bcs I'm very busy.

He sits back on his chair and looks at me in

the eyes.

Me:yhoo uhm when is he starting sir?you

know I have a lot of work to do.

Mr Zitha:on Monday so you have a few days

to show him how things work , from the
building , time keeping and makining sure
everything is always in good state.

Me:but sir-...

Mr Zitha:I'll pay you R250 an hour.

Me:oh okay we have a deal.

He chuckles , a door opened on the far right
of the room. He comes out wearing casually ,
navy trackpants , white vest & black kicks
you won't belive who this is!

Me:thank you.

Langa:you're even glowing , who's dick is it?

Me:my man's duh.

He chuckles and takes my hand.

Langa:these niggas gonna know you belong

to "L.M".

Me:I'm cuffed , they gotta know.

He smiles and kisses my knuckles , he starts

driving. We reach my workplace.

Langa:my whole family wants to see you this


Me:(chokes)don't you think it's too soon?

Langa:mom says you're not the one so trust

my big bro not to trust that.

Me:will it be an interview kinda thing?

Langa:not on my watch.
I smile and kiss him goodbye and take my
bag with me. My station looks so dull without
me behind it , my day starts.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 31.
It's him!


Mbuso:in the flesh.

Mr Zitha:you know each other?

Me:not really...


We say at the exact time , I give him a look.

Mr Zitha:then this will be easier than I


Me:you mean harder?

It comes out as a whisper.

Mbuso:so when are we starting?

Me:we can start now , since it's lunchtime I'll

show you all the different places you can
visit to find different foods for different

Mbuso:this will be fun.


I roll my eyes, I don't know why I hate this

dude but there's something about him that
makes my blood boil. I hope we ain't
soulmates bcs I have heard people who are
always on each other's throats are likely to
be meant for each other.

Mr Zitha:you're dismissed.

I nod and walk out with him following me ,

can't this get any better?

Me:so we have a cafeteria inside the

building , uma by the gate who sells fat
cakes , a coffee shop just opposite the
building also a 'kfc' two kilometers away all
depends on your mood and what you would
like to have.

Mbuso:mhn I'm feeling cosy today , how

about amagwinya?

Me:sure , R2 each , 50 cents polony slice , R1

cheese slice you can also get atchaar or

Mbuso:why are we still here?let's go.

I sigh and take my handbag , we find ma I

greet her and buy mine. He buys his , I never
thought he would buy fat cakes. I mean
(clears throat)it's Mbuso Zitha we're talking
about , a billionaire I say.


Me:across the road.

We both walk to the coffee shop and get

some tea , we decide to have lunch there.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 32.
We're done eating , I stand up he also does
the same.

Mbuso:the food was nice shame yho!

I smile.

Me:I'm glad you like it sir.

He chuckles and pays for our coffee , we turn

to leave only to find this old lady looking at


Old lady:new love?

Old lady:you look great together no need to
be shy.

We both laugh a bit.

Ne:cha gogo , we're not...

Old lady:oh my bad , I must be seeing things

then but keep this in mind.

Me:keep what in mind?

Old lady:getting together.

Mbuso:this is ridiculous.

I slap his mouth.

Me:okay gogo , have a nice day.

She smiles and keeps on sipping on her

coffee. That was weird.

Me:you can't tell an old person they're


Mbuso:sorry kodwa naye!

I sigh.

Me:she's just old don't entertain her as long

as we know we're not a thing.

Mbuso:you're not my cup of tea anyways.

I gasps and touch my chest pretending to be

hurt , mxm idc what he thinks if I am or not
his type I'm not interested anyways.

Me:(laughs)you say?

I nod and go behind my desk.

Me:see you in tomorrow's session.

Mbuso:did I offend you?sorry I didn't mean


Me:no pshh we all have different preferences

so yeah.

Mbuso:okay then , bye.

He walks away , I raise my middle finger to

him as he walks off. Jerk!

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 33.
I'm done for the day , I pack up my stuff and
walk outs of the building. I see Katrina's car ,
I giggle and go to her. We air kiss.


Me:you came to fetch me?

Katrina:actually I'm here for Mbuso , his car

is on a service so he asked for a lift.

Me:ouch , I thought this was about me.

Katrina:it's always about you tsala , now it's

Mbuso's time.

She smiles , this one sbwl's Mbuso shame.

Me:are you falling?

Katrina:can you blame me?some boys are

just walking perfection buka nje.

She likes abusing Zulu shame , I see her

flattered I also look towards where she's
looking. It's Mbuso , walking towards us. The
walk?top tier!

Mbuso:ladies , Kat.

He smiles and hugs her.

Mbuso:thanks for coming.

Katrina:anything for you sir.

I gasp.

Me:can you atleast drop me off at my house?

Katrina:Mbuso do you mind?

Me:I need his approval before getting into

my besties car?

Mbuso:it'll be crippled don't you think?

Katrina:uh friend , another time?


Katrina:now we need to rush off to


Me:okay then , travel safely lovebirds.

I fake smile and leave them there , I can't

believe Kat how cam she do this to me? Well
you need to get yourself a car young lady ,
seems like you're being peoples baggage. I
take a taxi home.

When I arrive , I find ma and Priscilla sitting in

the lounge on the couches.

Me:you still have that extra key?

Mom:duh isn't that obvious?

Me:I guess , hy Prisca.

Priscilla:hey mom , we didn't kiss!



Me:eii ma , let her narrate it to you.

She laughs as Priscilla starts telling her

about the kiss story. I go pop in some beef
lasagnas into the oven since they were
freezed I go to the bathroom and take a
soothing bath.
Mpilwenhle his love
pt 34.
When I'm done , I get dry , lotion and wear my
pyjamas with my gown and sleepers. I walk
to the kitchen.

Mom:the lasagna is done.

Me:time to eat , I'm hungry yooh!

Priscilla:I'll bath after this?

Me:yes princess.

She nods , I take out the lasagna and plate it

up. I take out three glasses , rinse them out
and pour some cranberry juice. I give it to

Me:so ma , what do we owe the surprise?

Mom:I was passing by from a friend , so I

thought I should come visit you guys.

Me:(nods)that's good , I won't have to worry

about calling back the nanny.

Priscilla:plus I hate nannies!

We all laugh and carry on eating , when we're

done , I wash the dishes as mom and
Priscilla go to bath. My phone rings , I wipe
my hands with the cloth and oink it up.

Langa:"plss come outside."

Me:are you here?

Langa:"Mpilwenhle come."

Why is he like this today , he sounds so cold

rn. I take my phone and leave , I see his navy
'gti' , he's leaning on it. He drops something
and steps on it quickly. I walk to him and fold
my arms.

Me:ugwayi?I thought we were over this.

Langa:we were , until you decided to hang

out with my ene-... I mean another guy.

Me:me?who did I hang out with?

Langa:Mbuso Zitha.

He clenched his jaws , eh usho lowo kanti?

Me:he's my boss , something like that.

Langa:why are you doing this to me Mpilo?I

love you and you know that , I even left
smoking for you I'd even put my life on the
line for you , then why do this?

Me:it's not what it looks like!

Langa:it's the first time you shouting at me
and guess what the reason is?Mbuso , it has
always been about him.

He groans and walk to the door and opens it.

Langa:get in.

Me:where are we going?



Langa:nowhere just get in woman!

I flinch , he's mad!

I get in , he walks to his side and also gets in.

He locks the doors and put on some music ,
the heater is on bcs it's a bit cold now. He
holds my hand and kisses it.

Langa:I didn't mean to scare you.

Me:it's okay.

Langa:you won't cheat on me right?

Me:(swallows hard)yes baby , I wouldn't


He smiles and puts his head on my boobs.

Mpilwenhle his love ✨.

pt 35.

It's time to go, I'm sleepy now bit I'm scared

to tell him what if he gets mad again.



Me:I have to go , I have work tomorrow you

know that right?


He gets off my boobs and sits back. I look at

him , it's the first time I've seen him like this ,
he's literally pink rn.

Langa:the doors aren't locked , you can go


Me:I'm sorry , if you guys have a history I see

no reason why I should be included , his
father is my boss ubab'Zitha he asked me to
show him around but then sorry if I have to
put my job last bcs I wanna please you

He keeps quiet.

Langa:my family would like to see you on

Saturday at 11h30.

Me:you can be an ass sometimes.

Langa:woman did you just call me an ass?

Me:did I stutter?

Langa:you so gonna regret it.

He chuckles , I wonder what changed my

mood so quickly. Anyways I get off the car
and walk towards the house , I see his car
drive off. I sigh and get into the house, I go
straight to my room , I just sleep.


I wake up, I'm not feeling well shame. I just

frag myself to the bathroom , took a bath and
went back to my room with a towel wrapping
my body. I do my bed , my phone pings, it's a
text from Langa.

"good morning ,I'm sorry for yesterday I love


I'm still curious for my sudden mood

change , I sigh and get dressed into a black
pencil skirt , a green tank top and a blazer. I
go for flats today , I'm so not feeling heels , I
take my bag and go downstairs.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 36.
I have some all bran while watching TV,
when I'm done. I walk out , I see Katrina's car.
Mxm andizi , my ride is here parked across
the road so I just cross the road with her
screaming my name. I greet the driver and
pay for my ride. I sit back and play some
riddle games on my phone , I really hate
people who like acting as if they're doing me
a favour.

I'm here so I hop off and walk towards the

building , I see Mbuso getting off the
elevator. He smiles.

Mbuso:miss Kunene.

Me:good morning sir.

Mbuso:I passed by 'kfc' and got us some


Me:I have already ate.

I say picking up the phone , it's one of our

clients , I talk to her for a min or so.

Me:you're still here?

Mbuso:yini ngawe?

Me:yini ngami?mxm dude our sessions only

take place on lunch time so for now plss stay

He chuckles and nods.

Mbuso:bye then.
I click my tongue and carry on doing what I'm
getting paid for.


Mbuso comes with me to the cafeteria , we

get some pasta and drinks. We chill there
while eating , he starts going on about his life
and I tell him about mine. After that , I ask for
takeaways bcs I didn't finish my food we
walked away , he went to his office whilst I
walked to my station.

I saw Langa getting in the main door , did I

tell you how hot my man looks? I smile as I
see him walking in bearing gifts.


Langa:hey , still mad?

Me:I'm sorry.

I say fidgeting with my fingers.

Langa:worry not , you'll get your punishment.

I gasp.

Langa:I'm actually here to see your boss.


Langa:miss Kunens I have an appointment

with him now , do you mind?
I shake my head.

Langa:good bcs I have to talk to him about

some important matters , I bought this for

I smile and take the flowers , pink roses

they're not my favorite but I love them. He
gives me a box , I open it it's a silver necklace
with some hearty details.

Me:I love them , thank you.

He smiles.

Langa:I'm glad , now let me go.

He perks my lips and walks towards the

elevator. He bends over to tie his laces , wait
is that a gun I'm seeing?

Mpilwenhle his love.

pt 37.

I attempt to go after him but the phone rings ,

I'm stuck in the middle. He takes the lift , I
sigh and go to answer the phone.

Langa's pov :

I guess yall know me by now , I'm Langa

Mngomezulu 27 years of age abd I live in
Centurion. I really love Mpilwenhle , she's the
best thing that has everhappened to me but
for her to be taken away from me by Mbuso.

I hate him with every source and fibre in my

body. So this is what happened :

Growing up my dad was a taxi owner , we

were well known for being one of the richest
kids ngakithi. Dad then took his thing of
businesses to another level and started his
own oil company , it went internationaland
brought him so much money.

He became friends with Mr Zitha , he even

had shares in my father's company. Zitha
became jealous and asked his kid whom
was my friend at that time (Mbuso) to come
over my house , we were playing football as
always but then Mbuso had some poison
with him which he sprinkled in my father's

Three days later , it was my birthday dad died

in my hands we were at 'wimpy' celebrating
my day , mom was traumatized to the point
of being admitted at a mental asylum. That's
why she's so protective of us , she doesn't
want us to be 'snatched' away from her as
she puts it. So people this is why I hate the
Zitha's , i knock in Mr Zitha's office door.

"Come in!"hs shouts

I make sure my gun is well positioned and go

Mpilwenhle his love
pt 38.
Langa's pov:

I go in , he's sitter on his chair drinking

whisky. I close the door behind me and
charge towards him.

Zitha:Mngomezulu my man , how are you?

Me:I don't have time for chit chat.

I sat down while giving him cold looks.

Zitha:what then?

Me:Bopha inja yakho Zitha or I'll chop off his

wrinkly balls.

He chuckles.

Zitha:still has an attitude, I see.

Me:I'm not playing , tell him to back off from

my girl or I'll sort him out the Mngomezulu

He scoffs , I know that intimidated him but

he's tryna act cool.

Zitha:I'll fix this.

Me:you better bcs when I come across him

nc nc nc.
I take my gun and put it back.

Me:have a nice day.

I say taking his glass and gulped down the

last contents of the whisky. I clicked my
tongue and walked out. He's better I didn't
bump into him or else he'll be greeting his
forefathers right now. I pass by Mpilwenhle ,
kiss her cheek and leave to work.

Mpilwenhle's pov:

It's knock off time , I'm so exhausted shame.

I pack up my stuff and walk out , I see Mbuso
coming my way.

Mbuso:our deal is off.


Mbuso:I now know my way around so let it

be work stuff that collides us.

Wow that's great , I'm glad shame I'm ngl.

Me:okay if you say so.

He walks away , he's off man. Anyways my

ride arrives , I hop in. In less that 15 mins
we're here , I thank the driver and hop off. I
sway the door open , I find ma chopping
some veggies with Priscilla watching

Me:how is my baby doing?

Priscilla:good , I'm hungry though.

Mom:you're always hungry wena , you're

eating for the fifth time today.

Me:aww ma yeka ingane yam.

She laughs , Priscilla follows me to the

kitchen as I make some peanut butter
sandwich with banana for her , I give her a
can of 'cappy' juice and leave to the

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 39.
I take a blissful bath while drinking wine ,
when I'm done I get dried up and lotion. I put
on my pyjamas and walk to the kitchen ,
Priscilla is busy colouring her homework. I go
to mom who is busy cooking.

Me:what's for dinner?

Mom:dumplings , roasted chicken and some


Me:mhn sounds nice , smells nice too.

Mom:thank you.
Her face changed.



I sit on the bar stool and tap on my phone.

Mom:how would you feel if I got myself a


Me:uhm I'd respect that , i won't disrespect

him bcs he's not my dad actually I'd be glad
you're experiencing love after so many years.

Mom:(closes the pot)yeah man , just that it

has been ten years your father has left us
and I have been in quite some few dates with
this man.

Me:mhn tell me about him.

Mom:his name is Chris , three years older

than me he's a pharmacist with a fifteen year
old daughter , he's divorced.

Me:sounds nice , when am I meeting him?

Mom:I'll ask him , I have to go back to my

house tomorrow.

Me:(sulks)I was enjoying having you

Mom:I get it baby , but I have to go back my
time off is over , you know I gotta go back to

Me:ayy okay teacher Kunene.

Yeah mom is a teacher at one of the private

schools in Pretoria , she teaches life

My phone rings , ouh it's Langa I get off the

chair and look for a private space I gotta ask
him about the gun.


His voice is deep with so much authority , aii

bahlali this man is gonna be the death of me
I swear.

Me:how are you?

Langa:"ngikahle mina , how was your day?"

Me:it was fine never minding Mbuso.

Langa:"what did he do now?"

Me:nothing he just told me that our


Langa:"good shot."

Me:talking about shots , I saw a gun on you

Langa:"a gun?"

Me:yeah , it's silver in colour.

Langa:"I'll tell you about it on Saturday, after

lunch with my family."

Me:why not now?

Langa:"I don't like such talks over the phone."

Me:okay , I just hope it's licensed.

Langa:"it is , now go sleep I don't want you to

get your body stressed."

Me:it's not like I'm pregnant or something

plus I still gotta eat.

Langa:"you might be , unless you're on


Oh boy , I'm not!

Me:have you been hitting it raw Langa!

I cut the call before he could even answer ,

I'm not ready for baby number two. I'll go to
the clinic tomorrow , to get myself a
pregnancy test or some abortion pills who

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 40.
I wake up the next morning and run myself a
bath while I do my bed , when I'm done I go
take a quick bath. I put on a towel , sleepers
and go to Priscilla's room and yes her
birthday is nearing.

Me:baby wake up.

Priscilla:no I'll stay with granny just like


Me:granny's gotta go , vuka.

She sulks and gets up.

Me:get undressed.

She starts taking off her clothes while I go to

run her a bath , when it's ready I put in a bath
bomb and start bathing her. It's cold today so
I make her wear her black trackpants , a
white tee , black hoodie , socks and boots. I
make sure her edges are laid nicely.

I take her hand as we go to the kitchen , I give

her some left over food. I leave her to eat as I
go get dress , I put on black tight jeans , a
light blue silk shirt and converse sneakers. I
tie my locks into a messy bun. I take a white
totebag and pit in my stuff.

I find ma already up , I kiss her cheek.

Me:when are you leaving?

Mom:later , when you come back from work.

Me:okay , I have to leave now.

I take an apple for the go and walk towards

the door.

Me:mom , I was invited to my boyfriend's

house tomorrow care to share some tips?

Mom:uh call me , I'll even help you opt for the

perfect outfit.

Me:okay , isgaxa sothando for wena mamas.

Mom:(laughs)uyacava moss ngik'verstaan.a


I laugh on my way out , this woman is for


Mpilwenhle his love

pt 41.
I took a cab to work , only to find Katrina
waiting for me on the chairs. I click my
tongue and go straight behind my desk. She
stands up and comes to me.

Katrina:you look good in formal.

Me:i know.

I say starting to pack up my stuff.

Katrina:look babe , I'm sorry 🥺.
Me:go shove that 'sorry' into Mbuso's ass.

Katrina:(gasps)mara chomi , you know I

didn't mean to.

Me:is your sorry coming with excuses?

Katrina:no I wouldn't dare bcs I know how

much you hate suck sorries.


Katrina:lunch date to make up for it?

Me:I have somewhere to go to at lunch.

Katrina:I'll go with you ke?

Me:aight , you're forgiven.

Katrina:thank you , I missed you.

Me:I missed you too , come gimme some


I got out of my station and hugged her , she

smells so nice , I have missed her shame I'm

Me:bye now , you gonna be later for work!

She giggles and walks out , I'm feeling dizzy

shame I sit down am I really pregnant?


I take my bag , I can see her parked across

the street. I go to her and hug her before
getting in.

Katrina:where to?

Me:the doctor , I have an appointment.

I get into the car.

Katrina:are you sick?

Me:nope , I think I'm pregnant.

Katrina:(lightens up)for reals?I'm happy for


Me:aii I'm gonna remove it.


Me:I'm not ready for baby number two

shame , I wanna enjoy life Priscilla made my
life stop a bit the last time so I've learnt my

Katrina:I get you , you know I git your back


She smiles , I out in my coordinates on the
gps she drives to the doctor. We arrive in less
than ten minutes. I sigh before opening the

Katrina:it's okay , it's just a check ul and I

doubt you really are pregnant.

Me:I'm scared shame.

Katrina:mxm girl I got you.

She says with a silly Nigerian accent , I love

this soul she really can make every situation
better. We walk out.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 42.
We get into the practice , I'm getting cold
feet. Katrina takes my hand as we go to the
receltion. We greet the lady there.

Me:hey ma'am I'm here to see doctor


Her:did you perhaps make an appointment?


She goes through her laptop for some


Her:first door on your left.

I nod and we walk to the passage , there's a
door written (Dr L.Marshal) we knock and
find her eating. She closes her lunchbox and
smiles at us.

Me:good day doc.

Marshal:you may take a sit ladies.

We nod and take sits , Katrina is still holding

my hand.

Marshal:what could be the problem miss


Mpilwenhle:I think , I might be pregnant.

Marshal:what makes you think so?

Me:I'm nueseas , the mood swings I even

sleep and get tired a lot!

Marshal:okay let's rin some test.

She goes to her drawer and takes out a small

plastic cup.

Marshal:I'll need you to pee in here then bring

the urine back to me.

I nod.

Katrina:will you be fine?

I nod and take the cup , she directs me to this

other room. I take off my clothes and pee
into that cup , shit is weird bcs that cup is
teeny tiny! When I'm done , I get dressed and
walk back to them , I give her the urine. She's
wearing gloves.

Marshal:this is a pregnancy tester okay?two

lines means positive , one line means

Me:okay doc.

We wait for it to run for some minutes , I see

Dr Marshal taking it and looking at it very
sharply. Oh God plss be with me. She turns
the test to us. One line , which means I'm not
pregnant yeesh that was close!


Marshal:yup , no baby for you.

I smile faintly.

We thank her and walk out , we get into the

car. We pass by 'chicken licken' and damn I'm
craving for some hot wings, I buy a bucket of
hot wings with 2 litre coke. Katrina gets
herself a burger with nuggets.

Katrina:I wish you really were pregnant


Me:yhoo andizi!
She giggles.

Katrina:look at the way you're eating , umithi


I laugh.

Me:wazini mlungu?

She gives me a deathstare , I chuckle as w

she focuses on the road. I carry on with my

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 43.
I just got to my house , I unlock the door and
get in. Priscilla follows me in , she throws her
bag on the couch , I sigh and go prepare our

Me:what can we eat nana?

Priscilla:uh fries and burgers?

Me:great idea.

She giggles , my phone rings it's mom. I pick

it up.


Mom:"I have arrived safely , Chris made sure

of it."
Me:mhn hala him.
Mom:"wil do , plss give Prisca the phone."



She runs in , I hand her the phone she walks

back to the lounge talking to mom. I get
started , I fry some potatoes , hake and make
quick beef burgers. When I'm done , I dish up
for us and pour some 'Fanta orange' cold
drink for us. We eat silently.


Oh no it's thee day!today I'll get to meet my in

laws whom I have bad experience with ,
mess nje le. I get up and do my bed , I get a
phone call from Langa just making sure I'm
okay and that I shouldn't panick. I cut the call
and go take a bath , I wrap a towel around my
body and walk back to my room. Lemme text
Katrina so that she can stay with Priscilla
while I'm away.

'Hey baby , I need your help.'I pressed send.

'I knew it!you never text me.'she replied.

'Can you plss stay with Priscilla for me?I

have to go to Langa's house for lunch with
his family.'

'Okay drop ger over then.'

'Thank you, you're one in a million.'

'duh! 🤪'
I switch off my phone and run my fingers
through the rails of my closet. What can I
wear , which clothing is proper for this lunch?
A call creeps on my screen , it's mom.

Mom:"Take out that royal blue dress of yours

that has some white on the bottom , those
baby blue sandals of your that have some
pearl details will do."

Me:hello to you too.

Mom:"eii I have grade 11's to attend for extra

classes , uyangizwa kodwa?"

Me:yeah , bag?

Mom:"the white one , don't put on

accessories you'll overdo it , your hair?just
put it on a simple pony."

Me:thank you mom.

Mom:"put on a smile , be yourself , don't lie to

whatever tthey may ask , make it clear you
have a child also don't disrespect nobody."


She hangs up , I go back to the closet and

take out the royal blue dress she was talking
about , it's long sleeved , far below my knees
and covers up my neck nicely. I out it on , I
put on my stud earrings and then the shoes ,
I tie my faux locks into a doughnut. I puff on
my perfume and went to prepare Priscilla.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 44.
His audi rs7 is parked on the gate , I walk
towards it and hug him. He smells so good.

Me:I'm so nervous.

Langa:don't be you look pretty , where's


She comes running out , she looks cute like

always. Black Nike biker shorts , a white top
and flops. She runs to Langa and throws
herself in his hands. He picks her up and
kisses her forehead.

Langa:how's my girl doing?

Priscilla:great she's turning five soon.

Me:yhoo saze safa!

We all laugh.

Langa:aii leave her alone aww , she's gonna

be a proper big girl now.

I smile , we get into the car , Priscilla on the

back. Langa hold my hands as he drives ,
he's not wearing casual but not formal either.
Just black stone wash jeans , a emerald
green 'lacoste' golf t-shirt and black 'new
balance' kicks. He kisses my knuckles.

We reach Katrina's house , Langa hoots she

comes out wearing a gown. I wonder what
she has been up to.

Me:a gown ngaleskhathi?

Katrina:you're forward shame , hey sbali.

Langa:hey Katrina.

Priscilla hops off and hugs Katrina's legs.

Me:bye nana.

Priscilla:bye mom.

She waves at me.

Katrina:if they mistreat her?they're God as

dead , mncwi strue.

Langa laughs.

Me:eii bye mlungu.

She gives me a middle finger , I giggle as we

drive away. We reach our destination , thus
house is cool must be his home. We hop off ,
I fix myself and puff on my perfume. I clench
onto my bag , 'sighs' this is it. He takes my
hand as we walk in , we get into the house
and we're met by two cute kids playing video
games in the lounge.

They run to Langa.

Kid:uncle you're back is this her?

Langa:yeah , this is my woman.

Kid2:she's so pretty!

I smile.

Langa:babe this is Katlego and Lerato , my

brothers kids.

Me:hey guys.

They smile and greet me back ,they hug me

and go back to playing. A dark skinned lady
comes out of the kitchen with an apron on ,
she's slim with a very expensive weave on.


Lady:hi there I'm Amo.

We shake hands and hug.

Me:I'm Mpilwenhle.
Mpilwenhle his love
pt 45.
She takes my hand as we go to the kitchen.

Amo:plss come help me set up the table.

I nod and take the salads as we put them on

the table on the patio.

Amo:I'm married to Zweli , the firstborn.

Me:okay , nice to meet you btw.

She smiles as we sit down , I see Langa

approaching with a bucket of beer in ice. He
puts it on the table , a guy that looks like him
but a little bit older with a bald head. A smile
creeps up on his face as he sees me.

Zweli:uye lo bafo?

Langa:maKunene in the flesh.

I stand up and extend my hand to him.

Zweli:we a family of hugers.

Me:I've noticed.

He pulls me in a friendly hug.

Zweli:nice to meet ya.

Me:same applies biggie.

He chuckles , the kid's run in.

Amo:stop running , Lerato you're older

reprimand your brother man.

Lerato:sorry mom , granny's here!

I swallow hard , we all stand up. I see them

approaching with Kayise wearing a black
dress with black sandals and shades , her
mom in a dusty pink umbrella skirt , white
blouse , black statement heels with a
matching bag.

They start hugging and greeting each other

and I'm still glued on the spot.

Langa:babe come greet ma.

I go towards them.

Me:sawbona ma.

Langas mom:yeah , move over where are my

grandkids?duh , I wouldn't see them with this
big thing blocking my view.

She pushes me and walks over to the kids.

Amo:she'll get better over time , she did the

same to me.

She rubs my shoulder , I shoot a lok at Langa

but he shrugs his shoulders. Kayise throws
herself in my arms , we hug I rub her back.

Kayise:you're glowing , you're pregnant?


Kayise:my brother must be laying it good


I giggle and punch her shoulder playfully. We

sit down , a long day this is gonna be!

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 46.
"So how long have you guys been together?"
that's Zweli.

Langa:a couple of months , prolly two.

Langa's mom:and you thought it was right to

introduce your two months old girlfriend to
us so early?

Langa:yeah mama , she's different.

Langa's mom:duh , she's fat ofcourse.

I chuckle.

Me:fat?I'm a size 32 mama , that's not fat.

I hear people gasp on the table , what?am I

boy supposed to put her on her place?I have
only gained weight now that I'm dating her

Langa's mom:I was not talking to you , you

see Langa?lento yakho has no manners ,
Prudence is the right one for you.

Amo:yeah right , as Nontando was right for

Zweli right?

Zweli shoots a stare at his wife ,must be the

alcohol they're having.

Langa's mom:I mean Prudence is a girl from

a very good family , she fears God , she's well
educated also she has no kids , awusho
ntombazane do you have kids?no way your
boobs would be that size whilst you haven't
breastfed any kid.

Yhoo lomama , luckily Katlego and Lerato are

back into the house.

Me:yeah , I got a four year old daughter.

Langa's mom:uyabonake?Prudence has zero


Langa:I don't give a fuck about Prudence, if

she's educated or not , I love Mpilwenhle and
that's it so plss stop with these unnecessary
questions or this will be the last time you see
me in your house.

Zweli:bafo calm down.

Langa:no bro umama has no right to judge
Mpilwenhle just bcs she's a receptionist
whilst Prudence is a chef and a
businesswoman , I love this lady right here
and her kid is no burden to our relationship
infact Priscilla is not her kid but our kid.

Langa's mom:yeah ne , usumbambe

ngedunga my Langa would never talk to me
like that , he's also recruited into loving
ivezandlebe lakho.

Langa:that's it , I'm done asambe sthandwa


He takes my hand , tears are so close to

falling down but I don't want this lady to see
me crying so I better suck it up. We walk out ,
he opens the door for me I get in , he goes to
his side.We see Kayise , Amo and Zweli
coming our way. Langa hops off and has
some talk to his brother while the girls come
to me. I lower the window.

Kayise:sis I'm so sorry that things ended up

like this .

Me:not your fault.

Amo:and you're the perfect girl for Langa

with no doubts.

Me:I appreciate this guys.

Kayise:girls day tomorrow?



Me:okay then.

Kayise:one o'clock you must be ready , the

theme is casual.

I smile as they walk away , Langa comes

back and starts driving away.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 47.
Langa:I'm sorry about her behavior.

Me:it's not your fault , I'm hungry.

He takes a left and drives towards 'steers'.

Langa:we just ate mos.

Me:one rib burger , hot wings and a

chocolate hazel nut milkshake , make sure
it's extra creamy.

Langa:(touches my tummy)hey boy , you're

making mommy eat a lot these days but I like

Me:(slaps the hand)eii there's no baby here.

Langa:I know he's in there .

He kisses my tummy , then my lips he walks
out. He comes back after a while with the
food , I grab it from him and start with the
wings , bro they just melted into my
tastebuds. I moan a little.

Langa:if food is gonna make my woman

moan like this , then no more eating for you.

I giggle and carry on eating.

We pass by at Katrina's , she walls out

carrying sleeping Priscilla. Langa gets off
and walks to her , they talk a little he takes
her and opens the backseat door and places
her in. She has some cake frosting on her
nose , Katrina is very capable of feeding my
poor baby till she gets tired smh. Langa
kisses her forehead and comes back , he
starts the car. We wave at Katrina.

Me:you love her ne?



Langa:I would take a bullet for her.

Me:she's not you're biological daughter you

know that right?

Me:I didn't mean it like that.

He clicks his tongue and drives faster , oh

boy he's mad.


He doesn't bother to look at me , he carries

on driving.

Mpilwenhle his love.

pt 48.

We arrive at my place , I hop off he does the

same and carries Priscilla. We walk into the
house , he places her on the couch and
throwsa fleece over her.

Me:I'm sorry.

Langa:you know how much I love Priscilla

but it seems like ngyadlala lana.

Me:it didn'tcoms out the way I expected it to ,

plss forgive me Mngomezulu omuhle.

Langa:(sits down)


Langa:sure mfeth.

I go to the fridge and take out a bottle of

'corona' , I open the cupboard and take out a
beer mug. I rinse it out and go give it to him
on a tray.

Langa:i forgive you.

Me:thank you.

He starts taking sips.

Me:can i have a taste?

Langa:no , you'll harm my baby.

Me:there's no baby , how many times must I

tell you kodwa?

He chuckles.

Langa:come let me check for myself.

I go to him and sit on his lap , he kisses my

neck while rubbing my boobs.

Me:not in front of Prisca.

We both giggle as we walk to the room , we

have five steamy rounds. Im loving sex these
days ngl. He collapse snext to me.

Langa:woman you're a freak!

Me:made by you.

He chuckles , i get up.

Me:you messed me up bro.

Langa:plss say it again , Priscilla is not mins?

I shake my head.

Langa:good then.

I was punished yall now my coochie hurts , i

walk to the bathroomwith my legs parted. I
hear him laughing , rhaa jerk! He comes in as
the water cascades on my body , I feel his
hard d on my lower back. Im already turned

He picks me up and pins me on the wall , he

enters slowly i gasp out.

Langa:can't get enough of this really.

I just enjoy the pleasure , not up for talks. He

carries on thrusting in , I can feel my body
tensing up. We both cum , my legs are
shaking. I hold onto the basin , one leg up he
enters from the back , we have it till we're

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 49.
When we're done ,I get dressed in khaki
sweatshirts, a black oversized tee with
slides , black socks and gold anklets. I peck
his cheek since he's on a phone call with his
brother. They say their goodbyes.
Langa:I gotta go.


Langa:I have important matters nobafo.

Me:okay then.

Langa:don't be sad , I'll call you.

I nod , he pulls me in for a kiss I really can't

get over his kisses. He pecks me for the last
time and walks out. Yhoo , I'm bored I go to
the kitchen and take out a packer of 'lays'
chips. I go back to the couch and out on a
movie 'little' as I eat my chips.

My phone vibrates , I pause the movie and

answer it.


Mom:"how did it go?"

Me:bad!and I mean BAD.

Mom:"what happened?"

I narrate the whole story to her , she's left in

stitches. Who the fuck laughs at her own kid
for being hated by the in laws.

Me:it's not funny yazi.

Mom:"it's clear she doesn't know me , there's

no woman who'll talk to my kid like that , I
also carried you for nine months I know how
labour's pains feel so she won't disrespect
you like that. Not on my watch."

Me:she'll later get used to me man.

Mom:"no , you're never going to that house or

I'll butcher this woman."

I laugh.

Me:aww mfazi ungathi 'butcher' ke.

Mom:"mxm I'm for reals"

We bid our goodbyes , I resume my movie

and watch it till the end. It's a good movie
shame , funny too. Priscilla walks in from her
room , she was resting.

Me:you wee still sleeping?

Priscilla:nope , I was now doing my


Me:I'm glad , are you hungry?

Priscilla:big time.

I laugh and go warm up some food for her , I

take out some 'ultramel' custard and have it
with the chips. Best combination.
Mpilwenhle his love
pt 50.
It's thee day , I wake up while rubbing my
eyes. My phone rings , I take it under my

Me:so early in the morning.

Langa:"I love you too."

I giggle.


Langa:"you look pretty."

Me:wee morning face.

Langa:"I like it , stop covering your face man."

Me:(removes my hand)

Langa:"smile for daddy."

Me:no man!

Langa:"I miss you."

Me:I was with you a few hours ago moss.

Langa:"ten hours?yhoo ha.a I miss you hau."

I giggle , oh God I aanna vomit. I drop my

phone on the bed and run to the bathroom , I
puke it all out. When I'm done , I flush the
toilet and quickly brush my teeth. Why not
take a shower ? I check the time it's eleven
the girls will be here in two hours.

I take a bath , when I'm done I get dried up

and lotion. I walk back to the room , my
phone pings so many missed calls from
Langa he must be thinking I'm not okay. I call
him while going through my closet. He picks


Me:yeah , was just nauseated.

Langa:"mhn I'm glad."


Langa:"I'll call you later ne , I love you."

Me:I love you too.

I hang up and take out white ripped jeans ,

an orange top with white sneakers. I out my
clothes on , wait a handbag. I take out a light
orange handbag and out in my necessities.
I'm ready to go.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 51.
I go to Priscilla's room , she's awake playing
some games on her phone. I kiss her


Priscilla:mom are you going somewhere?

Me:yeah , wanna go to your dad's?

Priscilla:yes plss.

I smile.

Me:now let's go get you clean.

She goes off the bed , I tidy it up ad we go to

her bathroom. I bathe her , when I'm done. I
wrap a towel around her tiny body , as I look
for some outfit for her. I take out a light
purple dress with some white sandals , a
pearl necklace with some butterfly detailing.

Me:you're good to go.

Priscilla:can we eat first?dad doesn't have

cereal at his place.

I laugh a little.

Me:sure princess.

We go to the kitchen , she sits on the bar

stool and sings out some 'a b c d's' just to
show me how much they're learning at
'school. I pour some muesli in both our
bowls , I take out strawberry yogurt and add
it into the bowls. Some berries? I take out a
pallet of fresh blackberries and rinse them
on the tap. I slice them in halves and add
them on top.

I give it to her , I take mine and sit on the bar

stool. We eat while discussing her birthday
party, apparently she wants Katlego at her
party. Eii this kid will be the death of me
shame. I dial Mike's numbers , yk I hate
getting in contact with him jodwa je we have
a kid together so...


Me:(clears throat)hi.

Mike:"ukahle?is my kid okay?"

Me:yeah uh , I have to go out with some

friends can you plss take her for the day.

Mike:"feel free , my doors will always be open

for you."

I chuckle.

Me:okay , we're on our way ke.

Mike:"wait Mpilo."


Mike:"I miss you."

Me:well I don't.

Truly I do miss him but I have a great guy

and I know my worth so , it is what it is.

Mike:"ouch , how would you feel if I moved on



Mike:"okay then."

He hangs up.

Me:finish up princess.

She nods , a text pops on my screen from the

ladies group.

'we'll meet up a beauty bar near steers

ladies , one o'clock sharp.'-Amo.

I heart her text , we're done we rinse out our

bowls. I request an urber , it arrives in two
minutes. It takes us to Mike's.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 52.
I drop her off , I take another ride to the mall.
Okay our way from here , beauty bar? I walk
around I can see Steers , next to it I can see
Amo sitting in front of a beauty bar. I walk
towards her. She smiles as she sees me.
Amo:babe , you're already glowing in one

Me:eii it is what it is.

Amo:gimme tips.

I giggle as we share a hug.

Me:uh nothing , drink water and have loads

of sex chile!
We laugh and high five.

Amo:weeh when it comes to that , our sex

life is getting shaky shame.

Me:wanna tell me about it?

Amo:let's take a sit.

We both sit down.

Amo:you see with Zweli , sex was great

infact it git me asking for more which is how
Katlego and Lerato came into the picture , I
think the problem started now , he's always
busy when he does get time he does it for his
sake , do you feel me?my feelings aren't even

Me:yhuu that's big , I think you need to

remind him how it's supposed to be done ,
phela as you're saying that he's always busy
maybe he makes it quickly so that he can
quickly get to bed and get ready for the next
day , maybe try to have a weekend getaway
and have him all to yourself plus you can't
expect it to be the same you have kids now ,
you know it'll be bring them bad kick if they
hear yall tlof tlofing.

She giggle.

We see Kayise coming our way , she's all

smiles. People are jolling.



Kayise:eii lomfana bafethu.

Me:they'll show you flames!

Kayise:no you don't hear me kere mfanokhi!

We laugh.

Amo:I'll tell Zweli oho.

Kayise:ahh you see now?

We laugh.

Amo:okay today's treat is on me ladies ,

we're going to get massages , hair and nails

Kayise:I need to revive my cut!

We all walk into the bar , can't wait to get

these locks down! It's been four weeks .

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 53.
We get into the bar , I take a sit two white
ladies come our way.

Lady 1:hey guys , welcome to your spa

treatment we'll be on your service for today.

We nod.

Lady 2:can you plss follow me to the

changing rooms.

We all stand up , we go to the changing


Lady 2:I'm sure you can see robes , sleepers

and hair belts plss put those on.

I take off my clothes , a light blue gown with

matching sleepers and hair belt. I out them
on and walk out , we have towels
underneath. They direct us to the beds.

Lady 1:so before lying down ladies is nay of

you pregnant , we don't want any
complications with the baby...

Amo:not that I know off any baby.

Kayise:I'm clean.
I just look down.

Amo:and you?

Me:I'm not pregnant.

Lady 2:okay then , you may lay on your

tummies firstly take off your robes. We do so
and lay down , our treatment starts gosh this
feels so relieving , I even feel like sleeping.
When they're done ,they get started with our
pedicure which is our toe nails. I opt for a
nude colour , we're having champagne with
olives filled with cheese. They get on our
manicure , they remove the nails that I have.
They were gettinga bit old anyways , pink
long monkey nails.

When we're done , we get our hairstyles

undone. Mhn brown straight up braids , I go
for them. Amo settles on Knowles box
braids , Kayise gets her hair cut and a light
pink dye. After our treatment I must say , I
feel like a newborn baby . I look extra mooi ,
the only thing I didn't do was to have Ling
eyelashes. Aii not my style , Amo and Kayise
did their eyelashes.

We're now having some pizza with drinks ,

it's six pm. I call my man , oh am I drunk?
He's on his way to fetch me.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 54.
We're dome eating , a text comes through
Langa is on the parking lot.

Me:my man is here to get me , bye.

Amo:you're drunk.

Me:from champagne?mxm

Kayise:you just had two ciders.

Me:oh that too , bye bo chommie.

I air kiss them and walked out giggling, now

where is this man. I see him leaning on his
car , ouh my man is loads hot. I get to him
and peck his lips.

Langa:did you drink?


Langa:cha , I mean your shadows ofc you.

Me:a little, as you can see mister I'm tipsy

it's no biggie.


Me:let's go plss.


Langa:ufuna ngikshaye?
Me:(I shake my head)

Langa:so why are you tryna kill my baby?

Me:there's no baby in here.

I get into the passenger seat and lean back.

He follows me in and brings the car to life.
He starts driving , Jacaranda fm from reals?
His car so I have no say. He parks at his

Me:and then?

Langa:i wanna get some clothes ,I'll sleep at

your place.


He walks into the house , I take a nap. I wake

up to cold hands on my face.

Priscilla:wakey wakey , uncle L fetched me

from dad's.

Me:uh okay.

I get up , I'm on my bed. Damn I was dead

sleep. The door opens Langa gets in with a
plate in hand. He places it on top of me. It's
rice and mince , I take the spoon.

Me:have you eaten?

Priscilla:yes , ice cream too.

I throw a death stare at Langa.

Me:no ice cream at night.

Langa:I didn't know , sweetie your movie is

starting any minute now.

Priscilla quickly gets up and rushes out.

Langa:are you testing me?


Langa:are you intentionally trying to get


Me:(shakes my head)

Langa:(licks his lips)you'll see then.

He chuckles and feeds me.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 55.
Me:baby I'm full.

He shoves another spoon of food in my

mouth , I chew and swallow it. I'm full fr.

Langa:your plate still has food moss , cmon

feed my kid.
I press ny lips against each other.

Langa:Mpilwenhle ha.e man.

Me:I'm full njena!

Langa:okay drink your juice I'm coming with

a pregnancy test.

Me:bring some 'compral' pain killers my head

is banging!

He chuckles and walks out , I get up and fold

the fleece I was sleeping in nicely. I check the
time , it's half past eight Priscilla must be
asleep by this time. I take a quick shower
and wear my nightie. I go back to the room. I
find Langa sitting on the bed.

Me:is she asleep?

Langa:she was so looking forward to this

'moana' movie but then she fell asleep while
on it.

Me:don't stress she has watched it for five

time now.

We both laugh. I walk up to him and take the


Me:where are the pills?

Langa:no pills for you madam , I don't want

you to harm my baby some more.
I chuckle and take the test , goof bcs this one
is accurate so I'll have to prove to him that
I'm not pregnant. I take it with me to the
toilet , he follows me.

Me:and then.

Langa:Mpilwenhle plss.

Me:eh okay.

I pee in a small cup , then poured some on it.

It's still testing and it comes out , positive yho
six weeks pregnant? I feel my knees getting
weak I thought I wasn't pregnant moss , I
even drank alcohol on God my poor baby.
Langa takes the test from my hands and
smiles , he picks me up joyfully and kisses
me. It's too late for an abortion so I have to
live with it.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 56.
We get back to our room , I take my phone
and get into tik tok.

Langa:are you sad that you're pregnant.


Langa:but it seems like it.

Me:well yeah I'm sad Langa , why the fuck

didn't you use a condom?who said I'm ready
to have a baby?

He shut me up with a kiss , it got heated. He

picks me up and places me on top of him. He
grabs my ass and lays soft kisses on my



He takes of my pyjama top and tosses it

across the room. My titties bounce out , he
starts blowing hot air and sucking onto
them. He takes out the shorts , I have no
panties so it makes it easier for him. He wets
his fingers in his mouth then gently rubs my

Langa:you're wet already?

Me:no foreplay plss.

He chuckles and brings his briefs down , his

shaft springs out. He lays me on the bed as I
open wide for him , he teasee me by rubbing
it slowly on the entrance. I curse while bitting
my lower lip. He goes in slowly , I yelp. He
locks my hands in his then pins them against
my head. He starts going fast , his strokes
are deep and fast yall! He goes on faster , I
can feel my orgams he fucks me through it.
He goes back in and continues faster this
time , I have my second orgasm in less than
a minute.

He turns me around to doggy , he goes in

again with his strokes fucking me
senselessly. I'm left crying , not tears of pain
but you know what I mean. He goes to the
bathroom and comes back with a wet towel.
He gently wipes me with it.

Me:be careful my nana is still sensitive.

He nods and wipes me gently. He kisses my

forehead and goes to put the towel back.

Langa:let's sleep.

Me:I can't move.


Me:mxm don't act shocked , I really can't

move do I even have legs?

He laughs.


He picks me up and places me undercovers.

He gets in after putting on his boxers , we
cuddle to sleep.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 57.
I wake up the next day , Langa's not next to
me. I try sitting up but it's a struggle , so is
this the way to punish me? How the fuck am
I supposed to wear heels at work when I
walk like a penguin? He walks in.

Langa:I was getting Priscilla ready for

creche , morning my love.

Me:I can't walk , what the fuck did you do to


Langa:stop cursing you'll make me wanna

punish you again.

I sulk.

Langa:now where do you wanna go my lady?


Langa:I'll run you a bath.

I nod , he kisses my bare tummy and rubs it.

He walks to the bathroom , I only make my
way out of bed. He ripped me apart shame
ngl. He comes back and picks me up. He
places me down in the bathroom, he helps
me take off my clothes. When I'm stark
naked he adds salts into the tub.

Langa:well momma you look so hot!

I shoot him a death stare , he chuckles and

picks me up then puts me in the bath tub. He
then walks out , I sink in and let the salts
work their wonders.

When the water gets cold , I get out. It feels

better , I decompose the water and wrap a
towel around my body. I find him picking up
some clothes for me.

Me:mhn what's on the lost today.

Langa:a maxi dress , wedge heels and a


Me:wtf!a maxi dress , it's not like my bump is


Langa:or do you want everyone to see your

wobbly walk?

I look down.


The dress is black in colour , with nude

wedges and a black handbag. He helps me
to get dressed. We walk to the kitchen , I
greet Priscilla and sit on the couch next to
her. Langa gives me breakfast , I eat.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 58.
He takes me to work , he gives me lunch
money and kisses my cheek before driving
away. I get into the building , I see both Mr
Zitha's walking in.
Me:Goodmorning gentlemen.

Mr Zitha:hey my child how are you?

Me:I'm fine thanks , Mbuso?

Mbuso:ms Kunene?

Me:are you good?

Mbuso:yes thank you.

I nod and tell them to prepare for their

meeting , since their pa's haven't arrived. I
work my ass off till lunchtime , I gotta go to
eat. I leave my colleague on my station as I
go to have some food.

Langa's pov:

My phone rings , it's Zweli. I pick it up.

Zweli:"we're done."

Me:wasn't it hard?

Zweli:"it was but then whatever comes our

way we have to remove it even if it's the
Vilastro boys."

Me:I hate fighting with Italian men but then it

is what it is , make sure the stuff is here
safely bafo.

I hang up , my pa barges in.


Her:your mom is here to see you.

Me:(sighs)bring her in.

She walks in with Prudence , I stand up.

Me:and then?

Mom:hello son , Prudence made you lunch.

She places a lunchbox on the table.

Me:my girlfriend made me food , I'm not that

desperate thank you.

Prudence:we can still work things out baby.

Me:I don't wanna work anything with you

woman , get the fuck out of my office!

Mom:Langa calm down , that's no way to talk

to your fiance.

Me:fiance?mom you know I respect you ne ,

but now you're pushing me.

Mom:I'll leave you kids to it.

She walks out , Prudence starts unbuttoning

her shirt.

Prudence:I know you can't say no to this.

She reveals her round , perky caramel tips

with a light brown nipple. I clear my throat.


Prudence:come on Langa , you know you

want this.

She comes closer to me , I push her away.

Langa:that's it!

I grab her hand aggressively and charge

towards the door , I push her out she
stumbles back and falls on her butt. I lock
my door.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 59.
It's time to go back home , I pack my stuff
and walk out. I catch a cab , I arrive and walk
into the house. I hate Mondays I'm so tired. I
go to the bathroom and take a quick shower
then wear sweatpants , a long sleeved top ,
socks and slides. I go back and cook
uphuthu while playing my girl 'Tink'.

When I'm done , Priscilla walks in and runs to

Me:my baby.

Priscilla:I'm hungry.

Me:you really are your mothers daughter.

She giggles , I put her on the bar stool and

give her the uphuthu with maas. I take mins
and eat next to her.

Me:what colour do you want on your party?


Me:I knew it.

She giggles.

Priscilla:where's uncle?

Me:at his house.

Priscilla:he promised to make my birthday

the best.

Me:he will nana.

Yes on Saturday it's thee day , she's turning

five. When we're done eating , she helps me
wash the dishes then I go bathe her. When
I'm done I make her wear her pyjamas. We
walk back to the lounge.

Me:wanna watch a movie?


Me:you've watched it for several times nana.

Priscilla:channel 309 then.

I nod and put it on for her.


I wake up , yawning I rub my eyes and get up.

I make my bed and go to the bathroom , my
phone rings I put it near the tub on loud
speaker. I get into the water.

Langa:"what are you up to?"


Langa:"how's my daughter doing?"

Me:she's fine just excited about her birthday.

Langa:"I mean the one in your tummy."

Me:it's a boy.

Langa:"no it's a princess I can feel it."

Me:we'll see then.

We carry on talking , when I'm done I wrap a

towel around my body and bid goodbye. I
take out my lotion and apply it. A white tight
skirt , a maroon blazer with matching heels
and a bag with an off white shirt. I dress up
and tie my hairstyle into a cute doughnut.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 60.
I go to work , it's tiring if you ask me but then
a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do inorder
to survive. It's been sometime at work , I see
Katrina walking in. She's glowing , Mbuso
must be treating her good.


Katrina:I've missed you.

We hug.

Katrina:you even have a new hairstyle!

Me:(shrugs)it's been so long , what brings

you here?

Katrina:my man , duh.

I giggle , Mbuso walks out if the escalator. He

reaches us and kisses Katrina.

Mbuso:we're going on a date.

Me:that's cute.

Katrina:see you!

I smile waving at them , they walk out. Okay

gotta continue working. I work my ass off till
five o'clock imagine! I swear Priscilla's so
scared right now , I didn't even call her
transport driver to notify him about my late
arrival. I quickly take my stuff and rush out ,
my ride is here. I ask the driver to drive faster
since I'm gonna pay him an extra fifty rands.

We reach my house, she's outside crying. I

quickly pay the driver and walk to her. I pick
her up and kiss her.

Me:shh mom's here.

Priscilla:I'm scared mom.

Me:it's fine now , I'm sorry princess.

She nods wiping her tears.

Me:when did you arrive?

Priscilla:at five.

I check the time , it's only quarter past five.

Fifteen minutes?drama queen lo , unless
something happened to her. I take her hand
as we walk inside. I run her a bath , when it's
warm and ready I take her with me. I undress
her , she's a little jumpy. What gives kanti? I
reach her panties , they're ripped.

Me:baby what happened to your undies?

She looks down.

Me:plss talk to me.

She starts crying , oh God I hope she wasn't

raped bcs I'd never forgive myself.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 61.
I rub her back telling her it's okay making
sure she's calm.

Me:okay baby let's get you dressed up , so

that we can talk.

I don't wanna bathe her bcs that'll terminate

the proof if she was really raped or anything
of that such. I get her dressed and take my
phone , I dial Langa's number. I place her on
the bed . He picks up on the third ring.

Langa:"miss me?"

Me:bigger than that.

Langa:"ouh , I miss you too."

Me:Langa man , there's something important

I wanna talk to you about it's Priscilla.

Langa:"what about her?"

Me:I think it's best if you're here.

Langa:"I'll arrive in five minutes."

Me:okay , drive safely.

He sighs and hangs up , I look at my baby

taking a nap , lightly snoring. I sigh and walk
to the kitchen to fix up some quick thing to
eat , I take out her favorite chicken noodles I
prepare them and add some cheese and

The door sways open , he barges in and hugs

me. I start crying , yabonake pregnancy
hormones but then I have the right to cry
we're talking about my daughter here.

Langa:baby you're stressing me out , yini?

Me:I knocked off late today , I rush here only

to find Priscilla crying she has never done
that before she'll just go to our neighbors
and wait for me there but then today came
up different, she was crying I thought it was
bcs I was late only to find her panties torn
when I was trying to bathe her , kuningi nje.

He scoffs and pulls me in for a hug.

Langa:did she say something?

Me:no she just broke down.

Langa:where is she now?

Me:I thought it'll be good if she takes a nap ,

so she's in my room sleeping.

Langa:let's go.

He's so cold , I swear he wants to kill

someone immediately.

We walk to my room , I wake her up and give

her some food. She slowly eats with us
watching her , when she's done she gives me
the bowl.

Me:how are you feeling now?


Langa:baby you know we love you right?


Langa:plss tell us what happened.

Priscilla:it's malome John he did it.

-he's a security guard at our flats.

Me:he what?

Priscilla:when I came back from school , he

took me to his office and touched my nana.

Me:was it painful?

Langa is just stating into space.

Me:babe I think I should check her down

Langa:okay , should I excuse you?

Me:no you're her dad , it's fine.

I lay her down and take off her clothes , her

coochie is still intact just some rash.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 62.
Langa walks out furiously.

I sigh and take Priscilla's hand , we go to the

bathroom. I bathe her while doing some pep
talk with her. When we're done , I get her
dressed and walk to the kitchen. Langa's not
here , I leave Priscilla at the lounge I see him
at the patio walking up and down.


Langa:plss give me the permission to kill


Me:kill who?you kill people now Langa?

Langa:no , only the ones that molest my


Me:he did something big but can we atleast

call the police.
Langa:then what?so that he can be locked up
for two days , we have no evidence either
than our broken daughter , I've seen many
rapists and perverts like him get bail and
walk out freely as if the didn't do someone's
child badly so please Mpilwenhle!

He's got some point.

Me:okay then , but plss make sure this

doesn't get back to us.

Langa:I'll make sure baby , I love you.

He kisses my forehead and wipes my tears

with his thumb. He walks back into the
house , I see him crouching down next to
Priscilla he takes her hands into his , kisses
her knuckles and speaks to her. He kisses
her cheek and walk out.

I go make myself some coffee and sit next to

my kid.

Langa's pov :

I walk out , I have to handle this alone with

bafo out of it. I walk to the security station , I
find him seated eating doughnuts.

John:who are you barging into my office like


Me:do you love your daughter?

He swallow hard.

Me:I'm talking to you dammit!


Me:then why sexually assault mine?do you

even know who the fuck I am?

John:I didn't harass your kid bro.

Me:I've done too much talking , I'm not a man

with many words.

I take out my gun and bang his bead , I carry

him to my car. I toss him into the backseat , I
lock the door and walk to my side. I drive put,
luckily he's alone today otherwise there be
dead bodies around here.

I reach my warehouse , I undress him and tie

him up upside down. I call my IT guy , he
gives me some information about him.

Mpilwenhle his love .

pt 63.

⚠ this one is not for the faint hearted if you
know you're sensitive then pass on this one.

Langa's pov :

He's a father of two , a fifteen year old girl

and a four year old boy. Apparently the girl
has left the house , leaving in the streets
there's a rumor that he raped her , she then
flee from home after telling her mom who
failed to believe her man could do such.
Phela uJohn ufana nomsamariya olungileyo.

I take out my weapons , and some solution

which mustn't get in contact with nerves.
He's been sleeping for way too long , I take a
bucket full of cold water. I splash him with it
he gasps and screams.

Me:good you're awake.

John:it's you?sorry sir , I didn't rape your

daughter , I didn't even put a finger in.

Me:where the hell did you get the audacity to

touch her coochie?I know you rape yours but
you touched the wrong one my man.

He starts crying , praying to God to spare his

life. I cut the rope , he falls down. I bring the
chair closer and tie him up with a rope. He's
now stuck on the chair.

Me:so this is the dick you use to harass kids?

I'm not messing with yall his 4 5 is tiny winy.

He's still crying , mxm seems like he wants
me to do all the talking.

Me:I'll feed it to you ke mfanakithi , you mess

with them you mess with me jy verstaan?
John:plss don't kill me man , I swear I'll walk
far away from your daughter and girlfriend.

Me:then what?so that they can see your

traumatic face everyday?that's bullshit.

I take my knife and stab his thighs , two

holes one each thigh. He screams out in

John:I'm sorry!

I hear none of him , I pour the solution on the

holes. I made sure they meet some nerves ,
his tears gave already dried up. He's wailing
like a widow , mxm dickhead. I punch his
stomach a number of times till he coughs
out blood , I go plug the electrifying machine.
It's ready , I put the holders on his balls , I
turn it on. It electrifies him.

John:haaa!plss spare me oh God , you didn't

leave your disciples on the book of Matthew
so plss don't leave me!

Me:you know the big huh?

I electrify him some more on all parts of his


Me:idk know the verse but then an eye for an

eye right?

He shakes his head , I can see he's getting

powerless. I take off the holder's and switch
off the machine , I take out my big gun. My
old time machete knife , I make sure it's nice
and sharp I position his dick with him still
pleading. I chop it off in one go , his eyes
turn . His head hangs on the chair.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 64.
I call Mr Zitha to let him know that I won't be
able to come at work. It's rings , he picks it up
on the second ring.



Me:uh I won't be able to make it to work

tomorrow .

Zitha:"what could be your valid reason


Me:my daughter is not well sir , it's

confidential but trust me this is big I can't
leave her side.

Zitha:"I get you , but you know you can't be

taking numerous day off's just like that
Mpilwenhle , you're a good kid I don't wanna
fire you."

I sigh.
Me:I understand sir.

Zitha:"see you tomorrow."

I thank him and bid goodbye , I look at

sleeping Priscilla next to me. I kiss her
forehead and pick her up to her room , I ruck
her in and walk out. I find Langa seated on th
couch , he gets up and comes to me. He tries
to kiss me but I step back.


Langa:understandable, I got her this.

He gives me a brown paperbag , I thank him.

Langa:I'll tell you about it after my shower.

I nod , he walks to the bathroom. I open the

bag , it's some lotion for the rash. Damn I
love this man , he's so caring. I go to
Priscilla's room , I take off her pants and
apply it next to her coochie and on her
thighs. I make her wear her pants then leave.

I find Langa in the room , I kiss his cheek and

get into bed.

Me:did you kill him?


I sigh.
Me:can't get used to the word 'kill'

Langa:can't fault you on that but then this

man was cruel my love , he even raped his
own daughter who's now leaving in the

Me:what!who the fuck does that?

Langa:John , I guess.

I'm hurt, no kid infact no woman deserves

that kind of pain.

Me:can we atleast take her in?

Langa:that's a big step.

Tears drop from my eyes , she doesn't

deserve that!

Langa:I'll think about that.

Me:thank you.

We kiss and fall to sleep with me on top of


Mpilwenhle his love
pt 65 .
I wake up the next morning, Langa walks in
holding a tray. He oushes the door closed
with his foot.
Langa:my love.

I smile.

He perks my lips.

Me:breakfast in bed?


He places the tray on my lap , it's a fruit salad

with plain yogurt. Who can say no to that? I
start eating with him watching me.


Langa:I'm just glad I have you in my life .

Me:aww it's also a blessing to have you too.

I carry on eating , when I'm done he take my

plate to the kitchen while I make the bed. I
get undressed , he walks in and gasps.

Langa:oh is it that time again?

He spanks my ass , I giggle.

Me:no dumbie ,let's go shower.

Langa:I wouldn't mind miss , you own this so

you can have it anytime.

He says licking his lips.

Me:where did I get you mara mlungu?

Langa:ahh uyabonake?it's not my fault I'm


I giggle and walk to the bathroom , he follows

me in I turn on the shower to warms. I feel
his shaft poking my butt.


Langa:you caused it.

Me:& I'm not handling it.

He chuckles.

Langa:in and out nyana?

Me:fokol kau!

He laughs.

Langa:who taught you tsotsitaal?

Me:asi'splash.e mfethu.

He laughs.

Langa:well you've heard Norman ,you ain't

getting some.

I laugh and carry on bathing , when we're

done I get dried up and lotion. I take out black
cargo pants , a lime top and a black and
white varsity jacket , also some vans kicks.

Langa comes out after laying Norman to

rest , smh. He wears his black jeans , whie
tee and vans kicks we go wake our princess

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 66.
She's awake , we gotta get her ready to go to
the doctor. I bathe her , help her lotion then I
apply the cream for her rash. I get her
dressed into a black jumpsuit with pink
sandals. I spray and brush her hair , we walk
to the kitchen. She has breakfast while
Langa and I wash the dishes. When we're
done we get into the car , we arrive at the

We trust this once bcs she's one of the well

known pediatricians in Gauteng. Our turn
comes , we walk into her practice.

Her:good morning family.


Her:so I've heard what brings you here , is

this the little Priscilla?

Langa:yes ma'am.

She crouches in front of her.

Her:hey nana how are you feeling.


Her:okay I'm doctor Mashia I'll be helping you


Priscilla nods.

Her:okay let's see .

She takes off her clothes , she examines her

breathing , nose , the eyes then lastly her

Her:there's some rash down there I hope

you've noticed.


Her:it's just some irritation , she's nice and

sealed but something did try to enter her
maybe a finger or so.

Langa:that bastard!

Her:it's okay , she isn't hurting we just glad

she's okay.

I nod , we take all the ointments and pills she

gave us. I put back her clothes on , we leave.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 67.
A video call comes through , it's mom oh shit
I even forgot to tell her about this whole
thing. I leave Priscilla watching TV as I go to
my room to answer the phone.


Mom:"eii you're scarce my child how are


Me:I'm doing fine thanks.

Mom:"you don't sound fine though, yini is it

that woman if it really is her I'm coming to
Centurion I wanna strangle her to death."

Me:yhoo mama plss listen.

Mom:"you sound serious."

Me:it is.

Mom:"I'm listening"

Me:Priscilla was molested.

Mom:"what!by who?"

Me:John , a security guard at our flats.

Mom:"did you open charges against him?"


Mom:"why not?are you people mad ?"

Me:mama plss try to understand , Langa
dealt with him.

Mom:"is this John guy dead bcs if he's still

alive it'll show Langa didn't deal with him
good enough."

Me:yhoo lomfazi.

Mom:"for real , if someone tries to rape my

granddaughter they must go!"

Me:he said he's dead.

Mom:"that's one thing I like about the

Mngomezulu's they remove anything that
comes their way."

Me:mama how do you know about their

second life?

Mom:"I've done my research duh who doesn't

know that those people are gangsters?"

Me:and you're fine with that?

Mom:"no I'm not but bcs you love him , I

managed to get used to it."

Me:thank you mom , I love you.

Mom:"I love you too.(giggles)Chris stop

Me:yhoo heyake bye mfazi.

She carries on giggling , smh. Priscilla walks

in , I smile at her.


Priscilla:I'm sleepy.

Me:let's take a nap.

She nods and gets on the bed , we both take


Mpilwenhle his love

pt 68.
4 months later.
Langa's pov :

I'm at this jewellery shop with my brother and

Katrina . I wanna buy her engagement ring
plus we're planning to throw her a baby
shower my baby is growing , five months and
counting. Her baby bump is starting to
show , what I hate is the mood swings but
then I can handle her plus she's staring to
become a sex freak , but I ain't complaining.

Katrina:how about this one?

Zweli:I like it actually , it's not complicated

it's simple yet elegant.

Me:Mpilwenhle's style , how much is it.


Me:okay I'm getting it.

Zweli:bafo are you mad?25 sgodo for an

engagement ring?

Me:even if it was a million I'd still get it ,

anything for my woman.

They nod , I purchase the ring and walk out .

My mom is still in denial with this whole
situation but she better get used to it. We
enter at 'wimpy' and order.

Me:so how are the preparations going?

Katrina:everything is done , what's left is for

your lady to show up.

Zweli:and wena noZitha?

Katrina:we're fine man , I love that man.

Me:that's great.

Our food comes , we start eating , when

we're done we leave. Everyone uses their car
to get separate ways , I pass by McDonald's I
know she loves it now. I drive thru and get
two medium burgers , two large fries , Fanta
Orange and some mcflurries.

I drive to her flat , I pass by bab'Dhlomo the

new security guard. I greet him and drive
past him. I park my car in the garage , take
the paperbags and walk into the house. I find
her seated on the couch wearing a white
maxi dress and fluffy socks. I hug her and
kiss her cheek.

Me:how's my baby?

I rub her tummy.

Mpilwenhle:fine just hungry.

Me:good thing , I bought this.

I show her the paperbag , she snatches it

from me and starts digging in. I just watch
her and take short videos , I'm gonna remind
her someday.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 69.
Langa has been such a great dad , he even
made sure Priscilla's birthday celebration
was a success. Only to find out that thee
Katlego she has always been blabbing about
is Amo and Zweli's son. Yeah ne , now I just
got done eating.

Me:that was nice thank you babe.

Langa:anything for you my love , so how

about we go to church together tomorrow?

Me:so that we can see Prudence?

Langa:no I just want leave between you and
mom , it has been too long now.

Me:I don't wanna get humiliated so I think it's

better if we find our own church.

Langa:yeah ne?


Langa:let's look for it then.

I nod and go throw away the takeaways in

the rubbish bin.

Me:babe I'll be showering as you look for it!

Langa:okay baby.

I go to the bathroom and take a shower , it's

a Saturday evening & it's starting to get mad
cold so I wear my white sweater with
matching sweatpants , socks and yeezy
slides. My hair is so messy right now , so I
just comb it out and tie a cute bun. I apply
some lipgloss and go to the lounge.

Me:are you done?

Langa:yeah , I've found it it's only five

minutes away which comes out as an

Me:great then , plus it has been so long since

I went to church.

He smiles.

Langa:come to daddy.

I go to him , he kisses my forehead and we lie

on the two seater couch watching 'adulting'.
Priscilla is at Mike's so he's gonna bring him
any minute now. We bienge on the latest
episode , when it's over I change the channel
to football I know he loves it.

I go to the kitchen and cook some quick

macaroni with pilchards. A knock comes
through the door , I close the pot , wipe my
hands and go to attend it. It's Mike , he
places Priscilla down.


I see Langa standing up , he hates Mike. But

then who would love their girlfriend's clingy
baby daddy?

Mike:we're back.

Me:thank you , travel safely.

Mike:sure , Langa.

Langa:(just raises his eyebrow in form of


Mike:bye Buhle!
Priscilla:bye daddy.

I smile , he leaves.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 70.
I'm woken up by people jumping on the bed.

Me:Langa & Priscilla!


They continue jumping.

Me:mxm you're old for this yk that right?

Priscilla:this is fun baba.

Langa stops.

Langa:huh , what did you call me baby?


Langa:oh my word.

He picks her up and kisses her all over her

face. I just sit there giggling.

Langa:I'm so happy!

Priscilla:baba I'm hungry.

Langa:holy shit!let's go get you some food


They walk out , mxm after waking me up

from my beauty sleep. I get up and do my
bed. I open the curtains and strip naked , I
wrap a towel around my body and walk to the
ensuite bathroom. A shower will do , church
is staring in an hour.

I shower till I feel clean enough , I get dry and

lotion. I wear dress that is elegant green , it's
has straps that hug my boobs nicely yet
doesn't show my baby bump too much. I
apply some hair food on my hair and comb it
out , I tie and low sleek pony. I look for my
necklace , I put it on with matching earrings
and my green block heels. You gotta slay
through out pregnancy yk , don't be a typical
boring momma.

I apply a bit of make up with a red matte lip

stick. I hope those two , get ready fast I don't
wanna be late. With church , I always make
sure I'm punctual God hates it when we're
intentionally late when we go to his house.

I find them messy with flour and a messed

up egg on the counter.


Priscilla:we'll clean it up mom!

Langa:(wipes the egg)yk love , food that
comes from a messy kitchen is always the


I sit on the chair , they come with blueberry

pancakes , sliced peaches , maple syrup and
whipped cream now this is what I call

Me:ouh what's the occasion?

Priscilla/Langa:our very own mothers day!

Me:it's not mother's day mos.

Langa:that's why we said 'our very own'

Me:I'm loving it!

They laugh and go to freshen up while I dig


Mpilwenhle his love

pt 71.
They get done , Langa oicked their outfits
and they decided to match with me. Langa
opted for a green shirt , black formal pants
and black loafers , he topped it up with a gold
chain and a very expensive watch. Priscilla is
in a green dress that looks like mine and
black sandals.

Langa:how do we look?



We all laugh , I take my handbag as we walk

out. He opens the door for me while Priscilla
hops in the back. I play my mother's USB with
songs by 'Ntokozo Mbambo'. I start singing
along :

"mighty warrior , great in battles.

jehova is your name.''

We arrive at the church , we're welcomed by

two girls. They smile and greet us ,they show
us our way in. We take seats as the service


We take our stuff and walk out , we're met by

umam'fundisi in the parking lot.

Mam'fundisi:amen , how are you guys?

Me:we're fine thanks how are you ma?

Mam'fundisi:I'm good , welcome to The Ark

Christian Center.
Langa:syabonga ma.

Mam'fundisi:will you be here next week?

Me:we'll see.


We all laugh , we bid goodbye and get into

the car.

Me:baby I'm hungry.

Priscilla:me too baba.

Langa:how about a home cooked meal?

Me:yhuu ha.a I'm tired hle.

Langa:let's go to debonairs then.


He smiles and drives off , we reach

debonairs there's no drive thru so we gonna
dine in. I order two large creme decker
pizza's for myself with some 'sprite' , a small
triple decker meaty flavored pizza then
Langa gets himself a large Mexican flavored
pizza. Our food comes , we dig in.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 72.
We then drive home , we hop off the car and
walk towards the house. I open , we all walk

Priscilla:mom I'm sleepy.

Me:let's go get you to sleep baby.

She nods , we walk to her room. I quickly help

her take a bath and get into pyjamas. I tuck
her in and also get freshened up , I get into
my nightie with no panties , I put on some
socks and walk to the kitchen.

Langa:baby , I gotta dash.


Langa:I've been here for two days.

Me:I miss having you here hau.

Langa:I'll come fetch you in the morning.


Langa:I promise.

Me :how about a round?


I go to the couch and lay down , I open my

legs. He stares at my coochie and swallow
Langa:you're not being fair yk right?

I shrug.

Langa:okay then , just one.

With that said the rest is history bahlali , it

became three rounds not on the couch ofc ,
we took it to the room. He then went to his
house and I slept alone.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 73.
I wake up the next morning and make my
bed , I open the curtains and went to take a
bath. When I'm done , I wear my black pant
suit with a white blouse and white flats. I
take out my black handbag, I fill in my stuff
then I let my hair flow. I just comb it side by
side. I put on my earrings and go to Priscilla's
room. I wake her up and get her ready.

There's a knock at the door , the nanny

(Karabo) walks in. She's just on duty from
four o'clock till five thirty when I come back ,
also when I have places to go to on

I greet her , she hugs Priscilla they have a

very tight bond. I cook some oats for break
we all eat , including Karabo. When we're
done , I attempt to washed the dishes.

Karabo:no ill do them sis Mpilwenhle.

I nod.

Me:her transport will be here in five mins but

I gotta go.

Karabo:I'll take it from here.

I nod and walk out with my bad in hand. I find

Langa parked across the road. I get into the
car and kiss his cheek. He drives me to work.


Amo , Katrina and Kayise walk in. Oh God I

have missed them , I get out of my station
and hug them. Tears make their way out.

Me:I've missed yall so much.

Kayise:pregnancy varbs!

I giggle and wipe my tears.

Amo:we wanna have lunch with you rn.

Me:let's go!

I leave my colleague at my station , take my

bag and walk with them to the Cafe across
the road. I order three chocolate muffins with
a latte. Our food comes , I start munching on.
Tears cripple in my eyes.

Katrina:what now?
Me:this is just too good.


I continue crying.

Amo:come here.

She hugs me , wipes my tears as we carry on


Mpilwenhle his love

pt 74.
My day was great actually , I'm now in my
cab heading home. I arrive , I thank the driver
and pay him. I walk into the house, I find the
girls busy with some books.


Karabo:hey sis.

Priscilla:mom we're doing my homework.

Me:let me see.

I'm stunned when she gives me her book.

Me:Karabo why did you let her colour a cat


Karabo:she insisted moss.

Me:that's bull.

Priscilla:it's a pinky cat mom!

Me:I give up.

They laugh , I sit my ass down.

Me:have you guys eaten?

Karabo:no I just helped to bathe her then we

came to do her homework.

Me:thank you sis , you may go now.

She smiles and bids goodbye to Priscilla,

she walks away.

Me:I'm not hungry.

Priscilla:well I am so girl make a plan.

I laugh.

Me:where did you learn that?

Priscilla:my friend.

I just giggle.

Priscilla:mom when is the baby coming to

live with us?

Me:(shocked)why do you ask?

Priscilla:I can't wait to play with him/her.

Me:a few months baby.

Priscilla:how does it breathe in your



Priscilla:can I talk to it?


Priscilla:hey its big sis Priscilla here, don't

worry we'll call the police on mom bcs she
ate you and now you're stuck in her tummy , I
can't wait to paint the world pink with you.

She kisses my tummy and sits back on the


Me:that was cute.

She giggles , I lock the door and go to the

bathroom to take a bath. When I was done I
wore my nightie . I go back and make some
food for Priscilla. She eats , I take a new
paper and redraw her cat.

Me:now let's start again cats can't be pink

baby , let's colour it ginger brown.


We start colouring.
Mpilwenhle his love
pt 75.
We get done with the homework now her cat
looks good , a call pops on my phone.

Me:pass mama her phone baby.

Priscilla grabs it from the coffee table and

gives it to me , it's a video call from Langa.


Langa:"how are my two beautiful girls


Priscilla:wait am I the other girl?


Priscilla:I'm doing fine baba how about you?

Langa:"I'm doing great have you eaten?"

Priscilla:mama made me eat cornflakes for


I give her a deathstare this kid is a


Langa:"haa , why sthandwa sam?"

Me:I'm tired Langa.

Langa:"you should've called me so that I can
order in for my baby."

Me:I'm sorry.

Langa:"no need , uthi you weren't hungry?"


Langa:"don't you dare starve my baby , listen

I'll order in for you guys ngifuna nidle as if
there's no tomorrow."

Priscilla:thanks baba.

Langa:"did the cornflakes make you full


Priscilla:a bit.

Langa:"ubaba has got it don't worry."

She's so happy , she sits on the one seater

couch and turns on her favorite cartoons.

Langa:"are you good?"

Me:yeah I just miss you.

Langa:"I miss you too."

Me:I hear you Mngomezulu.

Langa:"seems like Norman misses you

He says turning the camera to auto , he's
wearing grey trackpants so I can see norman
is pretty happy today.

Me:I miss him too.

Langa:"you had him yesterday moes."

Me:are you counting how much I have him?

Langa:"no absolutely not."

Me:are you having a problem mister?

Langa:"nit even a bit."


We talk for a while , I cut the call. There's a

knock on the door , I go check it's the delivery
guy from urber eats. I tank him and take the
food. I place the food on the table , Priscilla
comes to join me as we eat.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 76.
few days later :

It's a Saturday, a lazy one actually. Today I'm

just dragging my feet , I just got done
bathing. I decided to put on my blue ripped
shorts with an oversized graphic tee and
some sneakers. My phone rings , I check the
caller ID, it's Langa.

Langa:"please get ready I'm taking you out."


He hang up , yhoo okay. I just went through

my closet , is this a date or something?let me
wear something comfortable yet fits for a
date. I take out ny long tight magenta dress
with my white strap sandals , a white
handbag , I spray and comb my hair , I tie it
into a ponytail. I finish off my look with some
light make up.

I go to the lounge , I find Priscilla eating

popcorn. I kiss her cheek.

Me:let's go get you dressed princess.

She gets up , I take out her blue shorts , a

black vest with puma sandals. I comb her
little afro and apply some hair food on it. I
take a few pictures of her , then selfies for
both of us. We go out. I see Langa's car
approaching , okay he's wearing casual what
kind of a date is this?

He kisses me , then kisses Priscilla.

Langa:we can go now.

We get into the car , the drive is never silent

having Priscilla and Langa around. These
people can talk shame! We arrive at this
lodge , it looks so beautiful, the trees , the
flowers , the walls even the atmosphere is
just so light and lovely.

We hop off , Langa takes my hand then

whispers something to Priscilla. She runs
away from us and dissappear into the lodge.

Me:ans then?

Langa:worry not my love , come put this on.

He takes out a blind fold .

Me:it's gonna ruin my make up.

Langa:it won't.

I put the blindfold on , take his hand as we

walk in. We've been walking for a few
minutes now. He stops , and takes off my

'Surprise!' they all scream.

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 77.
Omg they're all here , mom , Langa's mom ,
Kayise , Amo , Katrina and some of my
cousins. I'm so happy , I can feel tears of joy
scattered on my cheeks. Langa hold my
hand tightly and whispers.
Langa:I'll leave the ladies to it , enjoy.

I smile , he picks my lips and leaves. It's

decorated nicely in white and gold , they
make me wear a sash written 'mom to be.' I
sit on a big comfy chair and a tiara is placed
on my head.

Katrina:so good day guys , I'm your girl Kat

let's get this party started!

They all cheer.

Katrina:my friend we have all gathered her to

throw you a baby shower celebrating yet
another life you're gonna bring to earth ,

I smile.

The program starts , we play some fun

games , quizzes all those kind of stiff. It's
time to eat , I stand up and make myself
comfortable. I get myself three slices of
pizza , two pieces of chicken , savory rice &
salads. I go sit down and start digging in , I
see mom coming my way with a chair in
hand she sits in front of me smiling.


Mom:I'm proud of you my baby.

Me:yet you hid all this away from me.

She giggles.

Mom:Langa asked to let it be a surprise.

Me:I'm glad.

Mom:is the baby a girl or a boy?

Me:it's a boy.

Mom:that's great.

I smile and carry on eating , when we're

done. Drinks are served , champagne for
them and apple juice for me mxm. It's now
time to cut the cake , the cake looks so cool
it's a baby bump with some titties. They tell
me where to cut , I take a knife and cut a
slice. I place it on my plate , what's this? A
transparent box is in the cake. I take it out ,
everybody starts taking videos.

I hear some male voices praising my clan

names. Langa is amongst them wearing
Zulu , now it comes in mind this is a ring box!

"Gege lagege ntombi nengena nkomo

iyayidla inyama , dudlu ntombazana nengena
basket iyangena e'market , madlebe kanyoko
angthuki wena kepha ngthuka uthando aww
ngithi mina nengena airtime iyay'thumela
i'sms , maKunene omuhle ngcela ungenze
indoda emadodeni ube umkami."says Langa
kneeling in front of me.
Mpilwenhle his love
pt 78.
I gasp , I really don't know what to say.
Should I agree or not?


Me:yes , I'll marry you!

He smiles and wipes the tear that was

dropping from his eye. He hugs me tightly
and kisses my lips. People are cheering ,
ululating and singing. He slides the ring into
my finger , it's looks so good yet expensive. I
peck his lips for the last time , I see baby
Priscilla clapping his hands sitting with
Katlego and Lerato across the room aww!

'umakoti ngewethu , siyavuma usengewethu

ngempela bo siyavuma , uzosiwashela
asiphekele.' they all sing along.

Langa:akuna mkami uzobowashela

abaphekele , they're just tripping.

He whispers in my ear and I burst out

laughing. This man is crazy.

It's now sunset and I'm sitting with Langa on

the balcony watching the sun set. People
come to us and wish us luck on our
marriage , they all start to leave the girls are
ready planning the world's best bacheloratte
party ofc. It's not like the wedding will take
place tomorrow but with Langa you may
never know.

I see Langa's mom coming our way , Langa

stands up.

Langa:ma not today plss.

Langa's mom:son ngize nge'peace.

Langa:peace wena?

Langa's mom:yes but firstly I wanna talk with


Langa:babe will you be fine alone with this


I gasp , Langa has lost all the respect for his

mom. I can't blame him though. This woman
hates his fiance so...

Me:yes my love.

He comes to me and perks my lips.

Langa:we're leaving in thirty minutes , the

lodge wants to close.

I nod , his mom sits on the couch in front of


Mpilwenhle his love

pt 79.
Langa's mom:uh I really don't knowwjere to
start but then let me start at the beginning.

I drink the last contents of my iced coffee ,

this is getting heated but I'm willing to hear
her out.

Langa's mom:after my husband's death , love

was never the same , I became depressed to
the point of getting admitted in a mental
hospital , since from that time I have a
phobia of not knowing how to let go I just
fear loosing my babies the way I lost their
dad , I don't want them to get married nor
have girlfriend's unless their chosen by me ,
I'm sorry for illtreating you my child but I can
see my son will be well taken care of with

Me:don't cry mama , I understand but you're

the one who's pushing your babies away
rather than bringing them closer.

Langa's mom:I know right?

She wails out , I stand up and hug her.

Me:it's all over now , the only thing you have

to do is apologize to Amo and Langa too ,
you've ruined them.

Langa's mom:you're so kind hearted.

Me:(smiles)my mother's teachings.

Langa's mom:thank you.

Me:it's okay , now no more tears let's get


She nods and stands up wiping her tears , we

hug for the last time.

Mpilwenhle his love ✨.

pt 80 s s n f i n a l e.

We get to my apartment , Priscilla is so tired

she's sleeping.

Langa:imma carry her in.

I nod and take our stuff , he carries Priscilla

into the house. When I open the door I find
mom , my cousins and Katrina seated on the

Me:you haven't left?

Mom:nope we're leaving tomorrow.

Me:okay then.

I go to the bathroom , took a shower till I fell

clean enough. I wear my pyjamas and a
gown on top. I walk out , only to find Langa
staring at me.

Langa:uh I'm leaving.

I peck his lips.

Me:I love you.

Langa:I love you more.

He turns to leave , I just go to sit with my girls

in the lounge.


It's two days before the wedding and today

I'm doing my final dress fitting with mom and
Langa's mom. I decided to bring these oldies
to dress fitting bcs they have to get along.
Mom still hates Langa's mom. We arrive at
the boutique , we are welcomed by a very
nice white lady. We find Langa's mom seated
on the couch.


She stands up and comes to hug me , she

then hugs my mom but as dramatic mom is ,
she doesn't return the hug so it's just a
one-sided hug.

Langa's mom:I saw the perfect dress for you.

Mom:angeke sizwe ngawe phela thina ,

come my baby.

She takes my hand as we go to sit down ,

Langa's mom is glued on the spot. This is a
White lady:so today guys we have our bride
who is seven months pregnant , we need to
get a dress that'll match the criteria.

Me:I agree.

Langa's mom:ball gowns are the perfect fit

for pregnant women.

Mom:you can just get a mermaid dress that'll

show your baby bump , it's gonna look cute.

They throw deathstares at each other.

This is gonna be a long day shame.

Mpilwenhle his love .✨

pt 81 s s n f i n a l e .

Me:uh ma'am can we plss look for both kind

of dresses.

The white lady nods and disappeared into

the rails.

Me:can you guys plss try to work together so

that this wedding can become a success.

They both keep quiet.

Me:yk what?let's just drop it , imma call my

girls to come ad help me since you guys
don't wanna put your differences aside.

Mom:okay then.
Langa's mom:I'll try.


The white lady comes out with three

dresses , she holds them mid-air.

Me:I'm coming.

I go to her and took the first dress , I out it on

and it looks good on me. It's a sleeveless
bob-tube dress that hugs my boobs nicely
then it's flowy on the bottom. I like it , I take
the second one it's not purely white it's off
white with some blingy details it's a mermaid
dress that is knee length. It's looks so cute
and damn the baby bump is out to play.

The third one is a cinderella dress , has some

lacy detailing and some pearls at the bottom
it's also cute.

Me:they all look good.

White lady:are you trying to say you're



We both giggle.

White lady:let's go show your mother's then.

I wear the first one mom says it's too

revealing , Langa's mom said it shows too
much of my boobs. The second one they
both loved it , I do too so it might be my
dream dress. The third one was also cute ,
so I took both the dresses. We paid for them
and walked out.

Me:thanks for coming bomama.

Mom:it's a pleasure baby.

Langa's mom:I'm just glad you're marrying

my son.


I roll my eyes , we went to eat at a restaurant

the food is nice shame ngl.

Mpilwenhle his love .
pt 82 s s n f i n a l e .
day before the wedding:

We're at Langa's house and it's buzzing ,

people going up and down. I'm so stressed ,
it's about to go down. We did the umembeso
yesterday and I'm still tired. The lobola was
paid weeks ago and I'm officially Mrs
Mngomezulu what's left is the white wedding
also the marriage certificate.

I'm stuck in this room with Langa's aunts.

They give me some food , I eat while tapping
on my phone. A text comes through from an
unknown number.
"If I can't have you no one would" it read.

I reply back "who's this?"

"That's for me to know and for you to never

find out."the number replied back.

I blocked it , I have to show Langa but then

I'm not allowed to see him until tomorrow.
This is bad.

Me:aunty can I plss talk to Langa?

Aunty:aybo ntombazane , you're not allowed

to see nor talk to him the day before the

Me:but it's urgent.

Aunty:no , tell me then I'll pass on the


Me:tell him someone is after me.

The aunty laughs.

Me:I'm serious.

Aunty:firstly you trap him with a baby making

it possible for him to marry you regardless ,
now you're playing tricks with him who'd
want to be after you ?

I keep quiet and sit back , maybe I'm

imagining things.


I'm up.from my nap , I go to the bathroom

took a bath and wore my long tight blue
dress with a white fluffy jacket and some
converse sneakers. My hair needs to be done
so ny hairstylist will be here any minute now.
Langa is so far shame , he's at his own
house and I'm at his home but let me stop
being dramatic as aunty said I'm imagining

I walk back to the room, I find Kayise and

Amo with the lady who'll be doing our hair.

Me:hi guys , where's Kat?

Amo:she's still having a quickie with Mbuso ,

mara she's coming.

We all laugh.

Me:that one is capable vele.

I sit on the chair , the lady greets me and

starts with my hair.

Mpilwenhle his love ✨.

pt 83 s s n f i n a l e.

When she's done with me , she gets started

with Amo and Kayise. The unknown number
texts again.
"Plss don't marry that jackass."

I blocked it mos , what's happening? I dial

Langas number , fuck tradition I won't risk
like this. He doesn't pick up , I check if he's
online on w/app nothing.

Me:uh guys I need to show you something?

Amo:what now?

I show them the messages.

Kayise:wtf!who's this?

Me:I don't know , that's the thing.

Kayise:let me call bhuti.

Me:his phone is off.

Kayise:let me try it.

Kayise calls him , he picks it up on the third

ring. Wow , just wow she oust him on loud


Langa:"hey are you with my wife?"

Kayise:yeah she has been trying to call you.

Langa:"my phone was charging and I was

away yk."


Langa:"holy shit , feels good hearing your


Me:mxm , listen there's someone texting me

telling me not to marry you and if they can't
have me then no one would.



Langa:"send me their numbers I'll deal with it


Me:okay baby , let me know how it goes.

Langa:"don't be scared I love you."

I sigh and hang up.

Amo:aww you guys!

I giggle and sit on the bed. Katrina walks in ,

sis is glowing and growing phulezz!

Me:haa!isgaxa sobuhle.

Katrina:yk the vibes , you also look cute.

Me:I thank you.

She sits on the bed.

Katrina:I brought you nice food , I heard

these people are giving you boiled meat with
salt only with no spices.

Me:eii I don't want my marriage to fall apart

before it even starts , keep.your food to

She giggles.

Mpilwenhle his love ✨.

pt 84 s s n f i n a l e.

It's thee day , I'm so happy. Mom came with

some church ladies last night and gave me
advices. Now we are getting ready , I wear
my dress then put a gown on the make up
artist arrives. I sit back as he works his
wonders on my face. My girls are so happy
and they look so cute in their outfits shame

Mom comes in and hugs me.

Me:hey mfazi.

Mom:you look pretty nana , are you ready?

Me:more than ready.

She smiles and walks over to the

bridesmaids. Priscilla runs to me.
Priscilla:mama I wanna whisper something
to you.

Me:okay baby.

I bend a little.

Priscilla:baba says there will be uncles on

your wedding.


Priscilla:yeah , he says you are safe.

I smile , now I get what she means. Langa is

tryna say there will be body guards on the
venue. I kiss her cheek , she runs to the other
flower girls.


She sits on the couch waiting for the guy.

Finally he arrives.

girl:our mission is still on?

guy:she's ignoring my texts but don't worry I

got you so it'll be easier to get in.

girl:you know the vibes.

guy:who does she think she is?she is mine


They sip onto their coffees and wait for the

right time to strike.

Mpilwenhle's pov :

My uncle comes in , it's time. I hook my hand

in his as we walk behind our bridesmaids. It's
so noisy , the cameras are flashing. We walk
out doing our step , people are ululating. We
get into our cars as we head to the venue.
We get there , and yes there are bodyguards
everywhere. I can see Langa and his
groomsmen standing inside. We all get out , I
sigh. This is it , the piano starts playing 'here
comes the bride.'

Mpilwenhle his love

pt 85 last insert.
We slowly walk in going with the tune.
Everyone is on their feet since I'm walking in.
Langa wipes his eyebrows and shoots his
killer smile. I look down , that's what the
church ladies told me I must stay humble.
We get to them , malume hands me over to
him. They shake hands and shoulder bump.

Mfundisi:yhuu yayinhle intando yenkosi

bakwethu , my kids you look very good
together don't let anything separate you
either than death.

I nod.

Mfundisi:let's get started, dearly beloved we

are all gathered her to celebrate the
reconciliation and unity of these two families
backwards Kunene and the Mngomezulu's
through their kids ofc , so I'll let you say
whatever that's in your heart my children.

Langa:I'll start , or do you want to start


Me:cha baba.

The crowd cheers and ululates.

Langa:eii niy'zwele nani (clears throat)

maKunene omuhle first things first , I love
you which is why we're here , I want to thank
you for agreeing to marry me also for raising
our Priscilla and the unborn baby , I'm more
than delighted to call myself indoda yakho
Mpilwenhle I love you so much that I don't
even know what to say but then yk I've been
showing you respect, tender , love and care
vaan die one so nothing will change , I love

He kisses my knuckles before sliding in my

marriage ring. I smile with tears in my eyes ,
he uses his thumb to wipe them.

Me:baba ka Priscilla (giggles)I love you

sthandwa sam , I love you more than life
itself , I remember the day you told me
uzongthanda noma angeke ungthande
ngoba , you really meant it my love bcs you
love and care about Priscilla like your own
and I'll forever thank you for that , yk I'm not
the type who likes promising to cook and
clean after you but ngizok'ncwanywa till
ethuneni ntwana yam.

The crowd cheers again , I slide his ring in ,

the pastor gives us the permission to kiss
and we did. We hear two gunshots , I look at
the door it's Mike , Mbuso abd Katrina
holding guns. The guards are shit down.

Mike:if I can't have you no on will

Katrina:if I can't have your life no one will.

Mbuso:I once loved you Mpilwenhle.

Mike pulled the trigger , Langa also took out

his gun. I felt a sharp pain on my chest , I've
been shot.

Langa:no Mpilwenhle!

I fall down.

Langa:don't do this to me baby, Zweli handle


I can hear the gunshots still being


Langa:Mpilwenhle you're my love don't die on


I close my eyes.

r i p Mpilwenhle Kunene

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