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Kingston Engineering College

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

SLaff SvenkaLesan

unlL 1

1. DeIine voltage regulation oI an alternator.
2. What are the conditions to be IulIilled Ior connecting two alternators in parallel?
3. What is synchronous reactance?
4. Sketch salient pole and non salient pole rotors.
5. DeIine capability curve.
6. Calculate the distribution Iactor Ior a 36 slots, 4 pole, single layer three phase winding.
7. DeIine short circuit ratio oI an alternator.
8. How to control (i) real power oI a synchronous machine exchanged with the bus-bar and (ii) power Iactor
oI a synchronous machine
9. What is d-axis and q-axis in salient pole synchronous generator?
10.What is inIinite bus bar?
11.Under what conditions does the voltage regulation oI a synchronous generator become negative?
12.Explain why SCC is linear.
13.Give methods available to calculate voltage regulation oI an alternator and mention the various tests are
required by each method.
14.Sketch the V and inverted V- curve oI a synchronous motor, clearly indicating the X and Y axes Ior each
15.Why is the Iield system oI an alternator made as a rotor?
16.What is the necessity oI damper winding?
17.What is armature reaction in synchronous generator?
18.DeIine pitch Iactor?
19.Find the synchronous impedance and reactance oI an alternator in which a given Iield current produces an
armature current oI 200 A on short circuit and a generated e.m.I oI 50 Von open circuit. Lhe phaso dlagam of synchonous moLo woklng wlLh lagglng powe facLo


1. Explain neatly with vector diagram Capability curve oI a synchronous generator
2. What is d-axis and q-axis in salient pole synchronous generator and how to determine Xd and X
using slip
3. Explain synchronous generator operation (i) at constant load with variable excitation (ii) at constant
excitation with variable load (power angle characteristics).
4. Explain parallel operation oI two Iinite size synchronous generators.
5. A 3.5 MVA star connected alternator rated at 4160 volts at 50 Hz has the open circuit characteristics given
by the Iollowing data

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
E.M.F (volts) 1620 3150 4160 4750 5130 5370 5550 5650 5750
A Iield current oI 200 A is Iound necessary to circulate Iull load current on short circuit oI the alternator.
Calculate Iull load voltage regulation at 0.8 pI lagging by ampere turn method.

6. A 100 KVA , 3000 V, 50 Hz, three phase star- connected alternator has eIIective armature resistance oI 0.2
ohm. The Iield current oI 40 A produces short circuit current oI 200 A and an open circuit emI oI 1040 V
(line value). Calculate the Iull load voltage regulation at 0.8 pI lagging and 0.8 pI leading. Draw
corresponding phasor diagrams.
7. Explain the steps to Iind voltage regulation using ZPF method
8. (i) Derive EMF equation oI an alternator.
(ii) A 3 phase 16 pole alternator has a star connected winding with 144 slots and 10 conductors per slot.
The Ilux per pole is 0.03 wb. Sinusoidally distributed and the speed is 375 r.p.m. Find the Irequency
r.p.m and the phase and line emI. Assume the coil is Iull pitched coil
9. A 3 phase 50 Hz star connected 2000 KVA, 2300V alternator gives a short circuit current oI 600 amps Ior
a certain Iield excitation. With the same excitation the open circuit voltage was 900 V. The resistance
between a pair oI terminal was 0.12 ohm Iind Iull load regulation at (i)UPF (ii) 0.8 pI leading.
10.Explain synchronizing power and torque in detail.

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