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In the city of Termina, a mass outbreak of insanity has overtaken the citizens.

doctor has been ble to diagnose the patients, but they seems to be zombified to
some degree. You and your party must venture into madness yourselves to find the
source of what some call the Plague of Madness.

In Termina, an ancient tree underground deep has bore fruit. Rats and vermin ate
the fruit, causing them to go on barbaric killing sprees. The origin of this deadly
flora is a long-dead mad scientist who attempted to live forever via a tincture
that would unknowingly drive the scientist mad, leading to an act of suicide.
Meanwhile, the vermin who had orignally consumed the fruit went on to spread the
virus, laying dormant in their systems. Via rodent bites, the Plague of Madness
would spread to infect anything it could, leading to a city-wide massacre. Now, the
streets lay covered in corpses, the plague waiting for it's next victim. Officials
from other cities fear that the plague could spread, unless someone puts a stop to
the virus altogether.

The Plague of Madness:

Anyone or anything infected by the virus via a bite or directly consuming the
molding, fermented fruit from the tree must make a DC12 Constitution saving throw.
On a failure, they take 2d6 poison damage and are immediately infected. Upon
infection, the victim's skin immediately begins to tingle and develops a moldy,
white rash with festering yellow sores. Their eyes will become yellow, with no
visible pupil. In severe cases, the skin and flesh decays rapidly Other symptoms
Excessive Salivation
Blurred Vision
Motor Function Imapairment
Severe Headaches
Muffled Hearing

If someone is infected, their Intelligence decreases by 4, and they have

disadvantage on Intelligence saving throws.
Their Wisdom increases by 2 and they have proficiency in Perception checks and
Perception checks made to see if someone is infected with the virus or some other
The infected immediately fails all Charisma checks except Intimidation.
The infected is resistant to psychic and poison damage, as well as immune to
The infected must make a DC12 Wisdom saving throw every time it sees an uninfected
creature, flying into a barbaric craze to kill on a failure. This can be remedied
by dealing half the infected's Wisdom score in damage of any type.


No cure or vaccine has been officially been found, but regularly healing the victim
can keep them semi-sane (Cure Disease has no effect). They will continue to suffer
the symptoms, but they'll be less severe. In short, any healing spell, ability or
potion can keep the victim in an optimal state.

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