Smart Goals

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Year 2024

Vision and Mission

● · Define the purpose and mission of our online church. It is important for us to have a clear
understanding of why we are starting an online church and what we hope to achieve. This
could include reaching people who may not be able to attend traditional church services,
providing a space for online community and fellowship, or expanding your church's reach.
And in a world dominated by online communication, it is important for us Christian to
optimize and maximize our online visibility in order to convey the good news efficiently.

Type of online Church

● Determine the type of online church you want to create: You should decide on the type of
online church you want to create. Example: live streaming service, pre-recorded videos, or a
combination of both.
● Business plan

● Market search

● Our online church will showcase some brief (Pre-recorded) videos of sermon, praise &

● The aim of all teaser types of video is to create loyalty amongst visitors, to convert new clicks
to loyal members hence building the online community.

● Call to action or links for short videos will be sent to visitors.

Choose a platform

● There are several platforms available for hosting online church services. Our options are
YouTube, Facebook, Zoom, or any other platform that allows for live streaming and video
hosting. The platform should fit the church's needs and budget.

Set up a website

● Set up a website for our online church. The website should include information about the
church, the services, and the schedule. The website could also be used to share recorded
videos of past services.

Develop a plan for online worship

● Once we have a platform, we must decide on the format and structure of our online worship
services. This could include music, prayer, scripture readings, sermons, and interactive
elements like chat rooms or Q&A sessions.

Year 2025
Purchasing equipment
● Invest in quality equipment and technology: To provide high-quality online services. This
includes high-quality audio and video equipment, cameras, microphones, and audio
● and reliable internet connection. Look for quotes from multiple service providers.
Investigate their liabilities, make sure to check reviews.

Choose a streaming service

● You will need to choose a streaming service to host your live stream. You can use services
like OBS or Streamlabs to stream your services to your chosen platform.
Staff training
● Recruit and train volunteers to manage the technical aspects of our online church. This
includes managing the audio and video equipment, troubleshooting technical issues, and
managing the chat.
● lead worship

● and pastoral care

Year 2026
Create a schedule
● Create a schedule for your online church services. This will enable our members to know
when to expect the services and plan their schedules accordingly.
Promote your online church
● Promote our online church on social media platforms and through email newsletters to
attract new members and keep existing members engaged.
Create interactive elements
● To keep our members engaged, we can create interactive elements like polls, surveys, and
discussion forums. This will enable our members to participate actively in the service and
feel connected to the church community.
Evaluate and make improvements

● After each service, we should evaluate the feedback from your members and make
Choose a time and schedule your services
● Decide on the timing of our online services and make sure to communicate this clearly with
our congregation.
● Create a schedule that works for both the church leadership and attendees.
Create a virtual community
● In addition to worship services, create a virtual community through social media and online
groups. This will help foster a sense of community and encourage attendees to engage with
each other outside of the worship services.
Provide pastoral care
● Online church attendees may have unique needs and challenges. We must make sure to
provide pastoral care through online counselling, prayer groups, and support networks.
Evaluate and adapt
● Finally, regularly evaluate the success of our online church and make changes as necessary.
This could include changes to the format of the services, or the technology used.

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