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his is a game for 4 players

about 3 goblins, their Trench-

coat, and the trouble they
get into.

Daniel Rodriguez

William Coffing

Angela Craft

Jesus Rodriguez
David Donnelly
Angela Craft
William Coffing
Tep one: Choose a Goblin

Select one player to be the GM. Give that player a drink and let them
enjoy it while the other players choose which kind of goblin they would
like to play by picking one from each of the following lists, or rolling 2d6
to pick randomly:

1- (+1 )
2- (+1 )
3- ( ,
4- ( ,
5- (+1 )
6- ( )

1- ( ,
2- ( ,
, )
3- (+1 )
4- ( ’
5- ( ,
6- (+1 , -1 )
Tep two: Assign Stats

All goblins have 3 stats: Lying, Cheating, and Health. You start with a
score of 1 on both Lying and Cheating, and have 3 points to distribute
among them as you wish. All goblins start with 3 Health. Once you have
them, apply any modifiers from your Goblin type, such extra Health, Ly-
ing, or Cheating.
Tep Three: Choose your
There is only one Trenchcoat and it is shared by all three goblins. While
inside the trenchcoat, goblins are able to pass (mostly) undetected in hu-
man society and can cooperate to achieve their goals. Without the
trenchcoat, you are just 2’ tall goblins and will soon be killed by the local
guards. Choose as a group a single trenchcoat from the list below, or roll
1d6 to select randomly.

1- ( , +1 )

2- ( , +1

3- ( 1 6, 5-6

, +1 )

4- ’ (+1 .

5- ( - ,

6- ( .
’ . +1 ,
1, 1 6
6 )

The benefits of your trenchcoat only apply when all 3 goblins

are inside it.
Tep Four: Choose your
Goblin Goal
Choose one of the goals below for your goblin group, or roll 1d6 to choose one


Generally speaking, the goblin at the bottom will be the feet. And so,
while it is encouraged for the other goblins to give their input on where
to go, the bottom goblin makes the final call. The goblin in the middle of
the trenchcoat will be the one controlling the hands. And while other
goblins can reach out and snatch things when no one is looking, the mid-
dle goblin will control the coat’s arms. Finally, the goblin on the top will
do the talking. Of course other Goblins can speak but humans become
very suspicious when voices come from inside garments.
Onus Step Choose your
If any of the goblins can use Goblin Magic, have each of them select a
spell from the list below or roll 1d6 to assign randomly:

1- ( 1d6, 4-6, ,
( )

2- ( 1d6, 4-6

3- ( 1d6, 4-6
, , .)

4- ( 1d6, 4-6
, ,

5- ( 1d6, 4-6

6- ( 1d6, 4-6 .
. .)

Spells can be used as often as needed, but every failed spell-

casting roll causes a magical backlash and requires a Hold To-
gether roll.
Ow to play the Game
Goblins interact with the world through Lying and Cheating. To take an action,
describe it and decide whether it falls under Lying or Cheating. The GM is the fi-
nal arbiter of which stat is used. Then determine your Target, which is equal to
your rating in the stat you’re using. The GM may apply a -1 to -3 to the Target for
hard actions, or +1 to +3 for easy ones. Roll 1d6, if your result is equal to or lower
than the Target, your action succeeds.

During play, it is assumed that all three Goblins are inside the Trenchcoat, and
they should decide which position each of them is in: Head, Torso, or Legs. Your
position in the Trenchcoat gives the following bonuses:

Head: +1 to Lying Torso: +1 to Health Legs: +1 to Cheating

Whenever you take damage, or something happens that could harm the Trench-
coat, you need to make a Hold Together roll. Roll 1d6, and on a roll of 1-2, you
Fall Apart. If you Fall Apart, all goblins are assumed to be out of the Trenchcoat,
receive no bonuses from the Trenchcoat, and have only a few moments before the
guards are called and they are slaughtered.

Come Together: In order to come together again under the Trenchcoat after Fall-
ing Apart, all 3 goblins must be in the same location as the coat, and all three
must make a Cheating roll to gather together under the coat again. If all three
Goblins succeed in the roll, then they are able to return back to the trench coat in
the same positions as before..

If only 1 or 2 Goblins succeed on the roll, they Come Together messily and their
position in the trench coat shifts. Randomly determine their positions by having
each Goblin roll an additional d6. Highest roll becomes the Head, next highest be-
comes the Torso, and last becomes the Legs. If two Goblins roll the same number,
they can choose between them which unclaimed position to take.

If no Goblins succeed in the Come Together roll, then they are unable to gather
under the trench coat before chaos strikes, and all suffer 1 point of damage from
the mad scramble to the trench coat. They can attempt another Come Together
roll during their next action, or remain outside of the trench coat and lose all
trench coat benefits until they next succeed on a Come Together roll.
Ombat rules
Goblins, being quick and dirty little buggers, always act first in a fight. Gob-
lins, being weak and pathetic little buggers, can’t really do much damage
with direct attacks. Goblins should describe what they’re doing to damage
or harm their enemies, and then roll Cheating or Lying as appropriate. Suc-
cess on the roll inflicts 1 point of damage on the enemy. Failure inflicts 1
point of damage to a random goblin inside the Trenchcoat, and requires a
Hold Together roll. Winter and Sealskin Trenchcoats eliminate the damage,
but still require a Hold Together roll. When the enemy is reduced to 0
Health, a Goblin takes enough damage to reduce them to 0 Health, or they
fail a Hold Together roll, combat is over (unless the Goblins were smart
enough to flee before that).
M Section
Problems: Roll on the table below or choose one to determine which Prob-
lem is preventing the Goblins from completing their Goblin Goals:

1- . , , .

2- ! -

3- .
’ .

4- ! .

5- . ‘ ’, ‘ ’.

6- ! ’ .

Enemies: All enemies, regardless of their type, inflict the same damage on a
failed Combat roll: 1 Health to a random Goblin, and forcing a Hold Togeth-
er roll. However, you should describe their attacks as appropriate to the en-
emy type: Wizards will cast fireballs and lightning bolts, Guards will slash
with swords and spears, Dragons will stomp and breathe fire, etc.

Some enemies have more Health than others:

Random villagers or Goblins: 1 Health

Dogs: 2 Health
Guards: 3 Health
Wizards and Ogres: 5 Health
Dragons: 10 Health
Anything else: Figure it out based on examples above.
Daniel Rodriguez was born in the freezing heart of upstate
New York, raised in the searing heat of the Caribbean,
then mellowed for several years in a fine oak barrel until
he reached a perfect balance of snark and zen. Graduating
at the top of his class in high school, and accepted to an Ivy
League university, he instead chose to run away with the
circus, where he learned valuable life lessons and grew to
hate clowns. He then traveled the globe for years in search
of the six-fingered man, only to find the power was inside
him all along. Daniel is the resident tech-expert and is of-
ten referenced as having ‘all the screens.’ Games Daniel
runs include The God Machine Chronicles and Demon: The
Descent. Daniel can be followed on Twitter at @katsushiro

3 Goblins in a Trenchcoat © 2019 Daniel Rodriguez

Layout: William Coffing
Editor: Angela Craft
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