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W'i'iKt. Y TiiST Nil S

O. What is the technology behind Canva
Score: 1.0

✓ GPT-3
1don't know

1. Which of the following is NOT a good

reason to use storytelling?
Score: 1.0

✓ To make business operations maximally

2. A Setting that a Zoom meeting Host
can easily change is
Score: 1.0

ldentify a participant's location

v Mute a participant
Limit participants to sign in only using Google.
Change a participant's background image
1. don't know

3. What is an industry trend?

Score: 1.0

A company's advertising campaign

A company's management structure
v A pattern of change in a particular industry
A company's dress code
1don't know
4. Which of the following is considered
poor video conferencing etiquette?
Score: 1.0

✓ Having side conversations with people in the

Seing in well-lit, quiet location
Muting your microphone when typing
Using your laptop instead of your mobile phone
1don't know

5. Which of the following is a good

professional etiquette to follow during a
video conference?
Score: 1.0

✓ Mute your mie when not speaking or when

6. What should you do when you are
about to speak in front of a crowd and
are nervous?
Score: 1.0

Speak quickly
✓ Take a breath, smile, and speak clearly.
Take a breath and speak fast
Take a breath, pause, and walk away.
1don't know

7. Which of these is NOT a part of the

writing process?
Score: 1.0

Understanding the Audience

Planning and Organizing
✓ Testing and Piloting
Proofreading and Editing
1don't know
8. What should you do to stay relevant
and competitive in the workplace?
Score: 1.0

Ignore industry trends and stick ta current skills

Rely solely on your employer for career
✓ Upskill and reskill to learn new skills
Only focus on your weaknesses
1don't know

9. Which of the below is nota commonly

used video conferencing platform?
Score: 1.0

Google Meet
✓ RunwayML
1don't know
1O. What happens when you overuse
graphies in a resume?
Score: 1.0

lt can attract recruiters because they usually like a

lot of graphies
lt can attract recruiters to read about your work
✓ lt can distract recruiters from what really
matters on your resume
lt can distract recruiters from your professional
1don't know

11. What isNOTexactly one thing you can

use your Linkedln profile as?
Score: 1.0

✓ Sharing Vacation Photos

12. What is the "magic slice"?
Score: 1.0

What you want to hear and what they want to say

✓ What you want to say and what they want to
What you want to say and what they want to
What you want to hear and what they want to
1don't know

13. What should you do to safeguard

your physical and mental health in
today's workplace?
Score: 1.0

✓ Take advantage of employee well-being

programs and benefits
14. What section of the resume can most
effectively prove that you are right for
the job?
Score: 1.0

✓ Work experience
Design layout
Resume summary
1don't know

15. What is the name of the text-to-video

model in Runway ML?
Score: 1.0

✓ Gen-2
1don't know
16. What is the percentage of visual
content that people remember three
days later?
Score: 1.0

✓ 65°/o
1don't know
17. "Specialising in real estate and
construction, l've amassed over 10 years'
experience in project management. l'm
passionate about translating project
visions and objectives into reality,
offering tangible results in line with client
My recent successes include:
• Executed and delivered the 40
million dollar 'Coastal Build' project,
involving the construction of 8
luxury apartment properties in LA
• Generated $400k in cost savings by
sourcing new construction materials
l'm adept with multiple project
management methodologies including
Waterfall and Agile. My expertise extends
to budget management, stakeholder

Having recently completed a six-mae

management and finance management.

assignment, 1am now actively purs

new contract raies in Los Angeles.
free to send me a message to learn more
about me.
Specialties: Project management,
construction, real estate project
management, budget management,
project delivery, stakeholder
management, Agile, Waterfall. 11
What is this section on Linkedln?
Score: 1.0

Work Experiénce
✓ Summary
18. What should the primary goal of your
resume be?
Score: 1.0

✓ To convince employers/clients that you are

worth interviewing.
To convince employers/clients to hire you.
To give employers/clients a full history of your
work and schooling.
To challenge employers/clients so that they
remember you.
1don't know

19. What element of the storytelling

rubric has to do with organizing a story
effectively to have maximum impact on
an audience?
Score: 1.0

✓ Structuring
20. Which of the following focuses on
sticking to one topic in the writing
Score: 1.0

Define the purpose of your writing to stay focused

and on track
Organize your thoughts and structure your writing
with an outline or mind map
Tailor·ing your writing to your audience's interests
and needs
✓ Stay focused on one topic to not confuse the
Eid UlFitr


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