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Letter of protest

My name is Firuta George currently onboard MSC NEW HAVEN since date of 10.08.2023 with
rank of 2nd Officer.

I want to draw your attention regarding some important issues on board MSC NEW HAVEN.

I was excited to join your company and joined ship with enthusiasm of a good start.

I am passionate about IT and electronics with Master degree in Cybersecurity and I was pleasantly
surprised to find your good vessel well equipped with modern equipment and devices.

With all the personal skills and knowledge I did my best to fix most of the system with issues on board
as follows :

-Local email exchange via local server,

-Clean all the computer from viruses,

-Install and configure new ship’s file server,

-Fix Main Engine Alarm Monitoring System and PCMS panels after general communication failure,

-Installed remote control and remote file sharing on most computers for easy workflow,

-Fixed Computer Based Training for crew..

And many many more IT and electronic related issues.

I got the appreciation of crew from all departments and especially the managerial department.

I am telling you all this to make you understand that I am man of rules and strict procedures.

My reason of protest is that since first week on board some of the deck ratings behaved “strange” in
my opinion.

The first issue was at the first abandon drill where I was introducing myself to the crew inside the
lifeboat and trying to make a personal connection with the crew and ask if anybody knows what is in
the inventory of the ship so I can explain to them, I got a strange reply from the Bosun and one of the
AB’s : “But do you know what is inside ??”

I just continued the joke and move on without issues.

After about a week, in the port, during the cargo operation I did ask the same AB from my watch to
check lashing securing for one of the freshly loaded bay and I got the following response : “Why ? you
don’t know how to do it ?”
Again.. I was speechless.. and I asked him politely again to check and report and he comply with half

Same port, same day, same AB left the cargo operation without any question.

On numerous occasions I received order from AB like this : “ Second, go to check the lashing” or “Lets
go to make housekeeping of the lashing bridge”

After the first few times I encountered these kind of attitude I tried kindly and calmly to explain the
duties, responsibilities and rank difference between the Officer and the Ratings without success.

The problem is by doing so, I got the attention of the other ratings starting to build hate around me
and becoming more and more aggressive in words and attitude.

I did reported to Chief Mate which is also Filipino Nationality all this with the promise that will have a
meeting with them. I was hopping that explanation coming from same nationality maybe is better
understood and eliminate the possibility of language confusion.

After second report to Chief Mate about the situation and begging for make them understand the
situation I did started to demand them to follow the Company and Safety procedures but with no

After the third report to the Chief Mate, I reported also to the Master which he offered to make a
written warning to the AB but I begged not needed to harm anybody, just to explain again maybe they
will understand the situation better.

This made angry the Chief Mate which he also started to find problems and reasons to damage my

Master made a meeting that I did not participated with the crew with good visible results but made
them more aggressive.

One example of such attitude from Chief Mate is during daytime navigation, during ocean passage a
short shower rain come over the ship and I got an angry call from Chief Mate starting to yell at me
why I did not inform him about the rain because he has hot work on deck.

I tried to explain that I had no idea of this work and also there is no hot work permit, paper note or
information during watch change over from the 3rd Officer.

The answer was this : “Why YOU ! didn’t ask if there is any hot work on deck ??”

I politely explained to Chief that this is not the usual routine or in the company checklist.

The problem is now that on the Appraisal Form I have some strange remarks.

As I understood the Master designated Chief Officer to make the reports.

I did ask Chief Mate why he put 6.5 on my Planning and Coordinating Skills and Ability to Supervise
The answer was that I do not know “how to be flexible with the guys”.

I did ask what that means and the answer was to “leave the guys alone because they do know what
they are doing.”

And that there is time to improve over this on the next Appraisal Report “DEPENDING ON HOW I

And he started to complain to me why I reported to the Master all this.

Another issue that I tried to get some explanation from the Chief Mate is why he put again 6.5 on
Implementation of Company Procedures.

The answer is : “The Personal Protective Equipment was not checked monthly”

I did asked why is this my job, I have no such job description in my Hand Over report, no inventory list
and no folder file or job description in the computer or paper.

The answers is : “ I just find out is your job now and I put you as remark”

I did ask : So.. who was doing this before me coming here ?

Response : “Me, but now is your job”

Please help me understand what I have done wrong.. I was totally surprised to find out how strong
the nationality majority and influence is onboard MSC New Haven and have no more legal tools to
fight back so I am asking your clarification and help.

I was even threatened verbally by the Chief Officer that the guys are looking and waiting for me to
make a mistake so they can make a collective report against me.

I just found out that the exact same AB got this remark in his Appraisal Report : “Good House keeping,
experienced and can be trusted on deck works, carry on jobs without hearing complains.” and “Has
potential for promotion”.

If this is how on MSC is done the management… I request to disembark at first port because I am
afraid for my safety and health.

I come here to work in safety, health and respected manner, not to fight everyday to overcome

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