Cópia de Cosmetic-Products-Brand-Pitch-Deck

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My Favourite Brand

Trabalho realizado por: Beatriz Couto Form:11

Class: TAS
Name of the brand: Apple

Type of products: iPhones;

iPads; MacBooks; iMacs; Apple
Watches; AirPods

Slogan: Think different

History of the Brand

Apple was created in Cupertino,

California, in the United States of
America and was founded on April
1, 1976.
How did it start?
It started when Steve Jobs, Steve Wonzniak
and Ronald Wayne developed personal
computers (Apple I and Apple II) in Steve
Jobs' garage. And in 1984 they released the
first personal computer with a graphical
interface and a mouse (Macintosh) that
changed the way people interacted with
Is it an expensive brand?
The Apple brand is
expensive. However,
people paying in
installments can
purchase devices from 49€
the brand.
Who is the target?

The target is diverse, but

can generally be those
people who appreciate
innovation, design and
Why do you like this brand?
I like this brand because it is innovative, has excellent quality
and has several devices that connect to each other to make
connection easier.
for your attention!

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